Malaya Tribune, 27 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 282 1 jjjf MALAYA TRIBuSfI WMJPP] i* GAZETTE!. j m i n spa per of the J PUBLISHED DAILY. 4 I c v E> i uts. j gJJ Ul S., J«va, I lon and Japan. lJ I fall nJ L<!tesi Var News. fjT Briiliant Collection of Star Pictures it the "Gaiety" To-night!
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    • 540 1 SOUTH BRITISHINSURANCE CO.. LTD. UTOOBPORATED IN NEW ZEALAND. F Mlnsmranoas effected on Baildings, it?ni and Merchandise of eve»y description MARINE Insarances accepted to »11 parti k »hd world at lowest r» 41 IIS! accepted to all parts. J. HENRY Manager. Oidcos: i, Finlayson Green. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation. Limited.
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    • 33 1 Ross's Famniib Bottlings TRAD!-: MARK Fresh Supplle m hiy. J j'- 1 IPure.Pilsener GuinnessJ! lGd British and best. Insist on being served with ROSS'S W.A. Ross Brothers LIMITED. j BOTTLERS London and Leith.
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    • 399 1 'THE MALAYA TRIBUNE! AN!) SHIPPING GAZETTE. I I SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 3 Payable in Advance. ■a Per annum $14.00 f I Half-yearly 7.25 g J Per quarter 365 I 3 Per mensem 1.25 I 5 Postage Extra 50 Cts. per month, i Temporary 'Phone No. 171. "ONODA" Portland i CEMENT. Mitsui
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  • 739 2 Malay .in Supplies. The war is ooming nearer home We have fixed a limit to thr» price of milk beyond which it is prohibited to sell we may noon have to fix mmi. mom prioes for rice aud other foodstuffs. Everything has gone up, only saUries have uot
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  • 118 2 Mr. Gerard in an instalment of his book on bis life In Berlin, say*. deaeribiof a visit to tbe Court: With each of us was a representative of the Kmperore household to introduce tLe people of the Curt, and an krmj officer to introduce the people
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  • 99 2 iQ the MeiktiUßh otin X c*se, which r™lte,i In I till of four oiher and the woendUaf ~f two j others, h 3B !,een leoteiios Ito death I by thn St bsions Court, Meiktila. The aecua*d in defence said ha bad left his belt and gnn in
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  • 578 2 An Ancient Church. Near Gaza, August L—ln Southern Palestine, Australians have brought to light what remains the ravages of time have left of a most beantifnl churoh, an<l a magnificent mosaic has been lifted to tell the people of the Commonwealth (if that prove to be
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  • 90 2 Britain s first supply of standard boots for civilians will be for winter wear and it is expected tbat th-y will be on sale in tbe shops in r. Specifications will b« raomitted aarlyaext month to the Qorernm 'it Committee in clnrg* of tho mvter. and prices will
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  • 59 2 Sure I'll fight the Kafser." was the answer Lee Kee, a hundryruan o: Roosvrelt, X J., made, when the •BMiptioa board chairman in the Fourth Dist; ict of Middlesex County askel him i. h» wanted to serve in j the National Army. Lee Kee was I orn in tke United
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 414 2 KASANTAK PILLS. As their n*me signifies, tbey are really the death to Bronchitis, Asthma and other diseases of the ungs and respiratory organs. Rumbling scund in tbe throat, hr-arsrneas of tho voice, and such other common complaints resulting from the sudden change of weather and catching of cold tie cured
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    • 86 2 G.C. LEE 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. Qood aad well selected Mask Violin Piano, etc. Qood Strings for Stringed Instruments. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. TERMS MODERATE. Oißil Co. Japanese Photographer ADDRESS: No. 40 BENCOOLEN STREET, SINGAPORE. Experienced Artist. Orders executed with care and promptitude. No Studio Work Undertaken. Letters or
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    • 885 2 Our blood is composed of Ted f and white corpuscles—the red 1 to nourish the body, the white m to fight disease. In Anaemia —or bloodhessness—the red I corpuscles are more or less deficient. Thus the blood cannot provide sufficient nourishment for the body. Therefore the face becomes white and
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  • 122 3 q i oj 'he French l! i nutate.) I >_•:. 25, 6.30 p.m. loan is liiniLe.-l to ten ig 0 franca at tue rate of 01 of perpetual annuity, a oaptarcd 70gnn8 M»hine goo*. We reached the f of X D»z, capturing there 500 n^r; Wo I'rought
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  • 640 3 Prices Quota in tbe Market this If .roing SINGAPORE, OCTOBKR 27 Robber Shares. Sow. Value, o- t SPSS s 1 BatuTuja 70, •at" 8 Cicely Pref. {Jf gilt- Oooaol. M»itT ?o. i|v W- Her 8 f I > -.-.pax Far, kST 1 yp'ti?,;:. Hp 2/ X unbok
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  • 140 3 There were several first prize blunden in August. There was the lunder of the National Service clerk !.o sent a notification to the Speaker the House tbat he was wanted as labourer in a Wolverhampton .ctoi y. There was the blunder of the clerk ho sent Lord
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  • 216 3 Says f he Bangkok Timet of Oct. 16. Among the number of carious objects whicii are to be en in the precincts of the eflaes of the Custodian of Euemy Property at I c present time, Is a large electric tignailing lamp. It appears that certain Germans,
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  • 119 3 A i'rocUniation was issued by tho Bia BOM Minister for War in which li" states that he has been COtn minded by His Majesty to express the King's thanks t<> those who have volanteered for Siam's Bxpedi lotsary Forc°, and also to othert who would have offered
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  • 69 3 Singapore, October 27. D f. >rd,»rj~ Pr.rklm/s. 2/4$ Demand 2/4$ Private 3 m/s. 2/4 27/32 f. Tndls— Bank T. T. 155 a H kkong Bank d/d 24% prem. Sh%o| list— r*ui i 57j Bark T. T 130 >v T »j •n— Hack d/d. 10*1 Sovereigns—baying r»if $3.54 'ndia C'oii
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  • 151 3 Singapore, October 27. Messrs' Latham and Co., thAi'cade, advi*> the following quota tions l AiorGajah $4.40 $4 50 A.f.Ku.K!,. 1.40 1.45 AyerMolek 295 3.05 AyerPanas 11.75 ?2 00 Balgownie 6.60 6.75 Bnkit Jelotooß 0.72$ 0.77$ Bpkit.KV-1 0.90 095 Changkato. rUg 10 00 10 25 Glenealy 2.45 255*
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  • 137 3 3lBih Auction, 24th 25th October. Offered for Sale Pcla. 10,463.52 or 1,717,13« lb«. (Tona 1,117.47). Prices Realise*. Sheet smoked fine ribbed %lt€ to $130 fi good ribbed 10« ta 114 fine plain »0$ good plain yft 104 Ununeked fine ribbed ng good ribbad IfO n
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 690 3 Church Services. s tXDVWfl CATHEDRAL, Singapore. g g SIHOS >'* J 0 BE, AC. fjgf Si S I'AV AKTF.K TRINITY. H a Or: 1;>17. •".»•"> a.m. Holy I :i a.m. Matins Sunday I chool and Bible i. Kve:i-oug and Sermon. s. ma. Sam Lurm m a.m. H f p.m. Evensong
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    • 153 3 I SAY EMPHATICALLY That Sciatica, that most excruciating? of maladies, can be cured Little's Oriental Balm owed m< after five of misery. "It will cu r e you.' That voices the sentimeir of one grateful patient. Thousands of others are ready to join in the chorus of praising this remarkable
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    • 575 3 I" THE BRAND OF EXCELLENCE The Thos. H. Ince's Film of Action and Thrills. Alhambra to th 1 Stupendous in its scope and sensational. 18 me ons theatre wuere you AT THE with an get the BEST J/k E $y 1 3D A exquisite tea Pictures, the jj% U| l
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    • 584 3 Train Service. Singapore (Tank-Road) Dally. The 10.25 a.m. train from JohorBahru to Gemas and the 6.45 a.rr train from Gemas to Johore Bahru have commenced running from the 3rd May. The former train connects with ihe 9 a.m. train. Tank Road to Johore Pahrn, and the latter with the 3
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  • 30 4 DE YTH. Ahhams.—At 214 Orchard Road, on October JSth, Alice Abrams, relict of the lats Alfred A brains, aged 62. Intarmtnt at Bidadari Cemetery at 6 p.m. to-day.
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  • 1005 4 Mr. Lloyd George's speech at the Albert Hall meeting haa done much towards giving the people a dear and definite understanding as to the aims and scope of the forthcoming Inter-Allied oonferenoe in Paris. It was a conference that waa viewed with disquietude, as there were
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  • 397 4 POLICE COURTS. Death of Japanese Sailor Daath through a rash an J negligent act was the verdict of the coroner, Dr. Murray Robertson, in the enquiry held yesterday into th# death of Hisakichi Kubota, a Japanese sailor,who met his death through fracture of the base of his skull,
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  • 108 4 To day. I "Oar Day," 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sale of Badges Afternoon, Gymkhana Jimah Rubber meeting, noon. Dinner and Fancy Dress Bail at i Sea View. To-morrow. 21st Sunday after Trinity. St. Simon A St. Jade. Monday. Harima Hall Our Day." Taeidaf. Fnli Mo ml Maar
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  • 408 4 Tin here ia steady at llli sellers. v no Rubber ie quoted at 2 i and 2/7 for sheet. r cre i* The next Bingapoj be held on Nov 5. The Hon. Mr. F If giu been appointe<i a OMber 2 ?l M Committee of ICaoageojei 2
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  • 105 4 To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Dear Sir, —It will interest yon to know that EL E. the Governor hag opened the subscription list of ths above charity with a chvqae for $1,000 from the Lily Evelyn Young and hi uselr. $300 of which is for
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  • 93 4 French Consular Ntwg 3 The Fighting Front* Russia Italian Cabinet I Brazil at War 'o 6IVIIU.L Rising Prions Find in Holy Land 2 B"st Angnst Blunder Hun Signal 1 amp A Siam's Expeditionary Force J Stocks and Bharts Local Share Market 3 Church Services I Looal and General
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 167 4 ENGLISH MADE Lisle Thread Singlet's (LOiNO AND SHORT bLEEVES). TRADE MARK. Made from the Strongest Pure Lisle Thread, a Dependable Garment in Every Way. SIZES STOCKED 28, 30, 32, 34, 3«, 38, 40 and 4S ins. Sole Agents ROBINSON Co. 'ik'TBP ?7MItMWIMtMMBIMBI>i|MBPjp^p^i^iMi LUBRICATING I ~^OILS FOR ALL PURPOSES I STOCKS
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    • 407 4 CINEMA CASINO TO-NIGHT An Extraordinary fcga A Grand variety Programme The Kimura Acrobats Japan's Foremost Acrobats. The World's Best Equilibrists. THE FIRST TIME OUT HERE IN The Most Daring Feats The See-Saw Trapeze The Wire Rope Monocycle Track Tke World's Greatest Balancing Feats Tbe Collapsing Ladder, Tn- Flyißg Umbr la
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    • 151 4 Just Arrived A SHIPMENT OF Yoiinger's EDINBURGH Ale IN BARRELS. Prices on application to Caldbeck, Maojregor j AND Co. ADELPHI HOTEL 1 "OUR DAY A Grand Masquerade Ball WILL BE HELD IN AID OF THE British Red Cross Society OR SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1917 The WHOLK of the proceeds from
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  • 101 5 COMBINED ATTACK. Hasty Enemy Retreat. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Oct. 2f>. 12 10 a.m. fieM Marshal Sir Donglag Haig jayg The enetay'B attempted raid last night east of Loos was met by r ;g an! m:ichin9-gnn Qro and failed to re ich onr w iro. Two raiding pa:
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  101 words
  • 184 5 London, Oct 26, 1 0 a.m. Sir IViglas Haig states with re. g 3 r 1 to aviation Oar aeroplane .jaadrons yeJterday night attacked railways and commanicatrnsintb* vicinity of Saarbract«n *vitb "xc.dlent re-sults. Naval iracbires dropped over tons of explosiv-s on Barbach works, w-^st-ward of Saarbrncken. The
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  • 49 5 Lon'on, Oct. 2C, 1.15 p.m. Sir D mgiaa Hdig states The Anjjto- F p;icb forces lannched attacks at 5.45 this morning eastward, rorth-eaetwar 1, and northward of Ypr*0. ar* making gatisfaotory proP«s. It rained heavily during the latter part of the night; and it is etiil •ominning.
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  • 371 5 I Hons Badly Hustled. Lon Ion, Oct. 26, 4.30 p m. R-uter'a correspondent at British Headquarters says The British in conjunction wih the French on ap ir left attacked this morning the German o-iaotis along the network of which is steadily and inexorably b»-ing chared of the nerny.
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  • 172 5 Further Advaice. London, o.!t. 25,10.15 p.m. Ranter's correspondent at French Head terB BajB :Fol(owin e^ J n a 8, a 8 V cior y onr troops con tinned to a Ivance towards the oLT A a.ecnalfrom the west and south At Pmon over 600 were taken nrima n nle;
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  • 129 5 Lon.loa, Oot 26, 12.30 a.m. Renter's correspondent at Fr nob. Headquarters, wiring on Oc 25 in the afternoon, says that 'on the right onr victory was completed by the captnre of the villages of Paigny and Filain. Thereabouts and in the forest of Pinon, the ci emy was
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  • 148 5 London, Oot. 26, 1 0 ».ua. French communique: There was a general advance thia morning beyond the poaitiona reached yeatt-rday evening bordering the Oise-Aisne canal, and the village and forest of Pinon, also the village of Pa--gny and Filain are in our hands. South of Filain, which our
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  • 122 5 London, Oct 26, 7.0 a m. Correspondents at Frenoh Headquarters emphasise th* hurri 1 retreat of the enemy, who are trying to evacuate the district north-east of Pinon, including the forest. His difficulties are wry great, as he had to cross a road and marsh to the
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  • 151 5 London, Oot. 26, 4.10 French communique We attacked at 3ix in the morning be* ween Driegrachten and Drailbank in Belgium, crossed the Saint Jans beck and Cover beck shoulder-deep In water, and made important progress despite the difficulties of the ground. We captured th* village of Draibank,
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  • 150 5 Situ .tbn Obscure. Ion Jon, Oot. 26,12.30 p.m. The situation on the I a li, n fronf 18 at present obgcti-e. W 4 r Miniater to-day bUcuifieU thbl.ali dn Chamber by a strong speech, reassuring them that the Italians are folly t P r?» P f t! v Dd
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  • 48 5 London, Oot. 26, 4.0 p.m. Italian official Powerful enemy foroes continued the offensive on oar left wing on the Julian front. e have withdrawn on oar boun* 'iary line between Mount Maggiore and weatward of Auzza, and have provided for the evaouation of the Bainsizsan Plateau.
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  • 146 5 "According to Plan." London, Oot 26, 5.25 p.m. WirelesB German offioial There as most riolent artillery firing at aoathalst Wood as far aa Hollebeke, which inorease<l to drumfire in the morning. The Anglo-French noctnrnal attacks failed. The enemy has attacked at several points sinoe iawn. The French yesterday
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  • 90 5 Another Congress. London, Oot 26, 2.10 p m A oongress of politicians, chicly of the bourgeois elements, num. Bering a thousand, has opened at Moscow. This is interesting, as showing a tendency of the more stable forces to unite in view of the failure of the Council of Soldiers
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  • 96 5 Critical Situat'on. London, Ocl. 26, 7.0 a.m. R">me: The Chamber by 314 to 96 rejected a vote of confidence in the Government. London, Oct. 26, 12.10 p.m. The fall of the Italian Cabinet has bnen anticipated for some time. The Premier, Boselli, who is upwards of eighty, has
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  • 103 5 London Oct. 25, 11.50 p.m. In the Hense of Commons the Government proposals as r- garde royalties to landowners where petroleum might be found were d< feate Iby 44 to 35. Xo importance is attached thereto. In the discntsion various members voting with the majority explained their
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  • 22 5 London, Oct. 25, 11.50 p.m. The President of the Board of Trade has annoauced there will be winter racing.
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  • 93 5 Inevitable Step. Lon lon, Oot. 26, 3.5 a m Rio de Janeiro The President |v a meaaigrt to Congr. as siys Ir ia impossible to avoid r- c tg the state of wa. i upoa id on by Germany." Brazil propoees to •t seths German warship
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  • 116 5 Vols of Confidence. London. Oct. 26, 7.0 a.m. Paris In the French Chamber M. Barthon made a statement on foreign policy and re affirmed the French solidarity as regards Rnssia and confi lence in the Russian army. The enemy's military offensive was broken and he was now pui
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  • 85 5 London, Oct 26, 7.0 a.m. A Sinn Fein aooventl >n Lns opt i > at Dublin with the purp m of formulating an Irish Constitution. A provisional constitution declares that the Sinn Fein aims at aecuring international recognition of an independent republic of Ireland. This will be
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  • 66 5 London, Oct. 25, 7 0 p.m. In the Honse of Commons, Mr Parker, repressing the food controller, stated that the purchase of tea in India and Ceylon on Government acconnt was being arranged. The bulk of the shipments could not reach the United Kingdom before January, but it
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  • 29 5 London, Oct. 26, 2.10 p.m. Christiania: Tbe famms \rctic ex.>birer Hverlrup ass followed mendeoti'a example and is handing back bis German decorations, for the same reason.
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  • 108 5 The Singapore Chines i Amnteur Dramatic Party staged, at the Royalty Hall, Malacca.Chinrse plays for three successive nights, commencing on the 15th October. The Chinese s ction of tho Malacca public fully availed themselves of the opportunity to witness the performances, the proceeds resulting from which are
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  • 125 5 The familiar method of urging a tired bullock to further effort, is a twist of the tail, but a correapondenof the "Pioneer" is impressed by the "oharm" of what he calls the Elect, trie Prod. This appar- ntly is an instrument for administering a gentle poke in
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  • 41 5 A Chinese mine owner was held up a few days ago by gang robbers on his way to bis mine and relieved of all he had—fortunately not much, as only on the previous day he had ken out his coolies' pay.—T.O.M.
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  • 977 5 Tramway Dangers. A meeting of the Municipal ComBiaatoncai waa held yesterday afternoon in their boardroom, when 'here were present Mr F J Hallifax (President), Dr N Veerasany and RSt J Bra Hell, J A Eiias, w A Sims, E Tegaensohn, Tan Kheam Hock, See Teong Wah, M A
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  • 351 5 The Lidses' Victory. The badge gelling campaign opened this morning shortly before nine o'clock. Advanoe guards of ladk-e were directed to the chief lines of commnnioation, and soon after the main body had come into action all the ol j ctives had been gained, and a number of
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  • 286 5 The Ceylon Tamils Asiociation Onr Day variety entertainment whioh waa held on Thursday night proved successful. The Association Hall at Dhoby Ghaut, where the entertainment was held, was filled. An English cubical sketch and Tamil scenes from Mahabiratha, acted by the members of the Association who are
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  • 497 5 From Our Own Correspondent.) Sport. Malacca, Oct. 2i. The Vinolia Association at length broke their long spell of inactivity as far aa participation in football girnep is concerned when they opposed a Malaoca Chinese Football Clab eleven at the Depot ground last Saturday in an encounter at soccer.
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  • 226 5 A concert will be held on the I 27ih In at the Stadt Hn aa and the I P™oeedB from the entertainment are to be devoted towards the Red Crosa Funds. Saturday, the 27th instant, might wMI b* called Malacca's "Onr Day," for it is to be
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  • 81 5 News hae come from the fighting front in Flanders of Mr. B. Cutbill, who was one of those who eagerly volunteered for active ■ervice, intimating that he hag been wounded in action. He is at pr?s«nt an inmate of a hospital somewhere in France." The marriage took place in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 211 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED An experienced and et.ergetic Matron to Io«k after cleanliness of r«om 8 only. Good salary and free board. Apply in person between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to Manager Raffles Hotel. 27 10 NOTICE. The Great Kalem Serial. THE GIRL FROM FRISCO. I have purchased and control
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  • 295 6 The committee acknowledge with thankfi the following subscriptions to the abo\e fond Previously acknowledged $130,488.09 Collected by Wee Swee Teow 8 L 50 S J Chan, W S T $25 each 50 800 Bong Sea 10 W A C, Khoo Swee Yeow, Chop Yong Ban Long,
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  • 74 6 Dtilvctw'.' ia i...(iilofi. Th following ir the dn* m q departure from b*a«ja|igro oi ;h ft|JV*»n Ma:U j their dative*) •l Xon lon. Mail. U**t. luvaaj i 81. Aug. 1 S<pt. 10 ■LM. Aug. II Sept. N Aug. 16 19 aX Aug. II Sept. 24 P. AO. Ang.
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  • 59 6 A man with his heart on his right side has b—a dfcaoosaMd at Son .h Bend, In 1 d'iririg th* physici! examination of roHn for lh<i I dec tive draft. Be is Fred IfanoMj, of Park. I), spite tbe abnormal position ol the organ it was pronounced normal by the
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  • 640 6 Half Yearly Report The Singapore Harbour Board have the honour to submit for the information of His Excellency the Governor their Heport and Accounts for the half-year ending 30th Jun*\ 1917. The Credit Balance of Income and Expenditure Account for tho halfyear under review is $1.753,415 32. Of
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  • 266 6 Singapore, October 27. Tin.— See Local and O neral column. Cbjaraw~BmftO)eoi Taxnoca. —Stea«ly. Pusiuea* lon-. Sago Flour —Budiue%s done. 3 imVcr.—Business done. Pcjj; —Bteody. Bnsinees don*. vftor i nametth »rktt Qr.iei. LaUst Leal Markst Qaotitioa*. per pbnl $4 I 3 S v- pi SO 4VOO rjopra Ball 5.80
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 385 6 tmt i T.I i M ——I 1 H ■Hint i ii Urn .OMWiaBMMMHHMaMBVB There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG TLP r»yr J 0 SALE AT The Leading Hoteis AND Principal Liquor Dealers. JUST LANDED A few famous American v GRANT (i-cylinder Touring Cars, Models "X" 1917, fitted with Magneto,
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    • 333 6 CIGARETTES. i The particular man demands a particular cigarebfec "State Express" are made for just such of discrimination who rtquira the best. No. 555 I,l tin of 50=80 cents (INCLUDING DUTY.) J A Packed lv rmr n 1 viwm (in*. 'Z So V rers: fXW' mm+ ARDATH TOBACCO CO.. LTD.,
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    • 65 6 The Miners 6 Builders Stores I Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, F. M. 8. I Hardware Merchants, General \m^i AND AGENTS. S AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandi.-v in FEDERATED MALAY STATES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 27 9 JAPANESE ELECTRO-PLATING Co.' NICKEL, COPPER, SILVER, Etc. Motor Car
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 133 6 Mails Close. To-day Malacca, Port Swettenharn and Penang 'Klang J.30 pm Medan Circa pm Bangkok Katong 3.80 pm 'd )U Tinggi Dan Lie Guan 4 pm Kota Tinggi Tanjong tvarat 4 pm Pu'au Hatain Si PuUu Itnlang H"ck Keng 4 pm Cucub ilock < ian 4 pm Cu«ob Ediua 4
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  • 1150 7 I a Peace ard War. Bright aud possessed of a ramarkablo finesse ti manner and sp-h, the Italian woman is talented firs and foremost as a womvi T;i I laafl fpw yearn «ha h<*s increased her intell ctual caltnre, but by no means lost delicate an
    1,150 words
  • 291 7 Tribute to British rluminiry. Dr. Max Kindler, recently acquitted at the Mixed Conrt Shanghai on a charge of conspiracy, has asked the N C Daily News to make statement in the paper on his behalf, expunging his sincere admiration for and thanks to th* British authorities for
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  • 81 7 The war has reproduced the tragedy of Enoch Arden in not a few cas-s. Recently, the wife of a young effleor—whose death had been presumed by the War Officemarried a clergyman. Now she has received a letter from her husband, written from a prisoners' camp. It should be a warning
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 577 7 Government Notice. I nee is hereby given that for the Straits Set sU Loan will not be tle i ifter Wednesday, the ffKoVernber, 1917. (Sd.) B. Marriott Dg Treasurer, S SOctober, 1917. 25 10 1* government of Johore. dosing of Application Books. \OTK'K w berebt si p o that from
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    • 561 7 IJSSL. MUNICIPAL NOTICE^ owu7* P t 0 o blic It ar^7b y notified that Water M„,- r iJnB to tb Town Town iTu th 6 Pre?Buro throughout next the 27th instant, after 4 n J r°" Wt the south side of Town By Order, J- Polglase Municipal Secretary Mv ucipal
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    • 641 7 BANKS_ l HARTPREQ BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. UiUOttFOBATMO IN ENGLAND BY BOYAii CHABTKK, 1 ma UP C *P ifctl 60.010 Shares of .UOeach £1,200,000 r saerva Fund £j qoa 000 I werve U ability of Proprietor* £1,200,00i9 Bankers. 1 M Bank of England. The London ty and Midland
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    • 181 7 Be Prepared to Fight. Nature ii always fighting to keep us well. Under normal conditions the forces of health within onr bodice keep the disease germs in subjection. They are not expelled entirely but they are kopt harmless. Some indiscretion in diet and the digestion is ups-t overwork or worry
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    • 225 7 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Keshranjan Hair Oil, Ce>lon Tea, Ceylon (Jaffna) Cigars, F3ESH INDIAN CONDIMENTS, Chutnejs, Mangoe and Lime, etc, Pickle', Mangce, L'm and Brinjds, etc etc., obtaiuable ai The Servants' Agencu Office, No. 17 Duobv Qltaat 29 9 "28 10 FOR SALE Wax polished hardwood Dispensary Furniture in excellent
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    • 303 7 THE ORIENTAL" Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated is India. FUNDS exceed $30,500,000.00 Absolute Security Income In 191S -$4,309,517.50 Total Out go In 1916 $2,410 411 50 insurance effected In 1916 $4,230,542.85 Increase in funds 1,819,091.00 Total Policies in force 65,842 assuring, with Bonus addition*, inn a
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 228 7 Singapore Volu teer Corps. Orders for the week ending Friday, November 26 To-Day. No Drill. To-morrow. 8.00 am The Gap Maxim Co. SVC 6 30 am Balestier Range Malay Co. SVI Recruits Casuals Monday. 4.30 pm Balestier Range SVA 5.15 Drill Hall SVA Recruits 5 Jardine's Steps DRF GL Specialists
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  • The Malaya Tribune.
    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. issued Daily.] Vol. IV. No, 254 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 966 1 t fiselusive to Mal&fm Tribune.) Messrs. Wheel ick and Co., the leading ship and freight brokers at Shanghai, favour us with tho following advice under dite Oat. 11. There is no change to report in our Homeward Freight markets, either to Europe or Am-»ric», as it is
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    • 18 1 October 25. Abbotsford, British Rumpbius, Dutch Singkep, Dutch Yushun, Chinese October 26R. S. Baru, Dutch Produce, Norwegian
      18 words
    • 30 1 October 25. Sri Muar, British Hock Lee, Cbinese Htbe, British Meran, British Kaka, Biitish Singaradja, Dutch Euiile, Dutch Norwegian Hsin Lea, Chinese October 26 lndragiri, Dutch II -lias. Norwegian
      30 words
    • 104 1 Signal Mist, Esst Whirf. Th« berthing numbers for vessels entering Keppel tlarbonr from the East will be hoisted on the South end of the upper yard, and for vessels entering from the West on the North end. For vessels of the Str .its Steamship Company and local vessels
      104 words
    • 59 1 It has been decided in Siam to h:ih i over the Samsen, Deli, and the steam iish»er Chantaboon. conlomrjed I j>! Ism by th Prize Court, to the new BltnafOS Shipping Co which applied for i<vistrttion on Oot 15, i' d with regard to li tt rmß Oa* th* chatter,
      59 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 526 1 ■aVHaWeuuVaVaVaVMBaWMeVaV THERE IS NO Finer Medium for Shippers' Advertisements THAN THE Shipping Gazette. Write for terms, 20c Coilyer Quay, Singapore. P.«O.British India APCaR LINE I oarajm awoowo**WH> in Bwotibr) MAIL m PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Orknia* S. N. Go. (Under Coatrac v.ith Hk Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF
        526 words
      • 284 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappij "NederlanU" AND Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Crediet and Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam" (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D Almeida Street PHONE,
        284 words
      • 215 1 Save your Money, TIME AND LABOUR BY USING The Canvas Bags FOR PACKING RUBBER PATENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT. J9L ta> JHL JLC JHaL Telephone, 1464. No. 496, North Bridge Road. 12-4 Komnßlijfte Pafcetv?aart Maafscbappij Pocftcf Nacigation Co.. of Batavia (INCORPORATED IN HOLLAND.) 2—3, COLLYKR QUAY. L'-uler Contract with the Netherlands
        215 words
      • 517 1 To Advertisers: OUR Shipping Gazette t, Circulate* in every port throughout thr lALAY PENINSULA. N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEK KAISH* (IN OBFOBATBD IN JAPAN) JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINE. A service li maintained between Yokohama via porta to Marseille* and Lond >n a-d--mall contract with tbe Imperial Japanese Governmen*.
        517 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 85 1 Singapore lide Tables. Saturday, Oct. 27—Moon in Kqnator 8b M. High water :—7 5S am 7 ft 9 ins 8 3 pm 8 ft. 4 ins. Sunday, Oct. 28.— Moon in Perigee 6h M. High water :—8.38 am 8 ft. 3ins.; 9.8 pm 9 ft. Monday, Oct. 29. High water
        85 words