Malaya Tribune, 23 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 195 1 RJIUAUTBBDNEJ oejPJiplMG GAZETTE. th aPUBLISHED DAILY. f I I. tvpnta. .it i Japan. j Ful j an.J Latest War News. is»a««'«"**** ,r#Wr ,i .frOurDay-fr l&IETY" CINEMA TO-NIGHT Tuesday, 23r»A October, 1917. EITIBE NEW PROGRAMME p "NED HA" 5 bseu "WE ARE FRENCH rJ'uebird'a "Bugler of Algiers" In Five Parts. Cbariie
      195 words
    • 552 1 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Incorporated in New Zealand, .vc -'■V.'. FIIE larmranoea effected on Buildings, Rent *nd Merchandise ol ere-y description MARINE Insurances accepted to all part* of the world at lowest rate*. WAIRISK accepted to all parts. J. HENRY Manager. Offices: 2, Finlayson Green. The Eastern United
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    • 67 1 THE I Pot Stiflsl OF Great Britain! Have Been Taken Oyer by Government, NEVERTHELESS Buchanan's will be able to continue to supply their famous blends and to maintain 1 the quality as before, being in the unique position of having the largest bonded stores in the world. J The best
      67 words
    • 413 1 assa r THE MALAYA TRIBUNE I AST» SHIPPING GAZETTE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable In Advance. s) Per annum $14 00 Half-yearly 7.25 J Per quarter S 365 I Per mensem»-- 1.25 a Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month- Temporary Phone No. 171. «ne*nOTOT*wa*#e)«*OT**«e«e*r*»s>? > Estate Supplies I Acetic (99&981.) Acid Veneer
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  • 357 2 Mandai-Tekong (Singapore) Rubber. tiolders lv be -üb.nitted at tbo v nib itniiui. I gen.-ral tn-iltog on Tuesday Oct 30 stales Your Diro:ton bag to submit herewith a duly uuditud Sta'e. men!of Ac».>u its of the 0 ..up*n) for ths j car en led .tin duly, 1917. AccountsThe protu
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  • 172 2 Li-si fn-l ,a t i. i N: '<" <i Hi I- l|,,u.e l juxmout mat ii... i. ut md ted i Let ti..) baj nhiah had h.ih.-iio pic lutled iby mminion of IntllaM lo ••'■•uiuisaioue.l mwk in the Areas ihauld bs nsonit J, and thai «tej.n
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  • 837 2 German Activity. hsree regarded in the light of cuHob nr omauieuta. U has been bit, however, for the members of the tier man oo njn unit v nyjeflitwin the commercial p-lon iaHty of fenssges of th* Great TeeeaW, lHi»re «wedto be, and may be now for all wo
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 356 2 Paying Investment. The investment of a small sum of 60 C6IltS in the purchase of a tin of the ATANK NIC RAH PILLS will bring you improved health and strength, by which you will be able to mike the best uie of your time. J/L Certified Boole. The book that
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    • 157 2 Tbe Continental Stamp Co. D, High Street. SingaporeHAVE JUST RECEIVED A large consignment of 6d. 7d. and ts. Hovels By well-kn jwn aatbora. Inspection cordially invited. Wholesale prices on application. 8ALVITAE. The most powerful but harmless nervine 1 tonic, producing startling results, immediate and permanent, in all cases of airroua.
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    • 60 2 Trak Service, Singapore (Tank-Road) Dally. The 10 25 a.m. iram from Johore Bahru to Gemas and the 6.45 a.m. train from Geman to Johore Bahru have commenced running from the 3ri May. The former train connects with the 9 a.m. train. Tank Road to Johore Bahru, and the latter with
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    • 547 2 AUCTION SALES. Mortgagee's Sale AVour Saleroom, No. 3 Raffles Place 8t widnnoay, Octobtr 24, it 2.30 p.m. Pour pieces of freehold building land iitaate at Lorong 29 cff Qaylong Road, area 9,600 square feet being Lots Nos 853, 856, 890 and 891 of Grant No. 5. Tru Commercial Rubber Co.,
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    • 658 2 AUCTION SALES. OUR DAY" AUCTWmT^^ Under the auspices of the R. Ho Hean and the ftarH n an auction will be held at the Garden Club Raffles Cb 1 November 6th, in aid of Our Day Fund at an announced at a later date. <r 1 > ai The Public
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  • 332 3 Oujkj io tbe Mjrei *s |P V AtfOaav «K-TOt»Ett i. tit,»* -a« •ud aaara «X-»-"*-. ~i,,wiu«tbt iq-vUtluai: g ISSBJI Kobber Shares. H-iy»»». -»<ler». i's Ii» I I lafIr r| 1 isn/- tstf/ Sass t am 4 9- J* i# 1 :J, ay- j j !S£ 1 .1;
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  • 74 3 Singapore, October t3. On Lou .;n i>ar k 4 a/*. 2/4| Eemand 2/4$ PriTit>3 m /B. 2/4 27/32 On Itidfa B rk T. T. 155 °n Ho k.:n g B»uk d/d 13|% prem. OnBh ,h»l_ i'ank d/d. 61i On.»,aB&nk T. I 130 °o J-p&n— Bank d/d. 1084. 8ov 3re
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  • 159 3 Singapore, October 23. Meaara Latham and Co., the Arcade adTiae the (olk»wto« l!t ls tions 1 AlorGajah $4.40 (4 50 AyerKunings 1.40 1471 *yer Molek 2.90 300 AyerPanae 12.00 12.25 Balgownie 6.60 675 Bnki: Jeloto-g 0.72* 0.774 nl k!t 5 at l l 85 0.92^ Obane-tat Serdg....
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  • 236 3 Singapore, October 23. fin, —See Local and General colunan. CI ura.- Buein< ss done. Tapioca. —Steady. Business dove. Saao Flour Business done. Gambier.— 'No Business. Pepper- —Steady. Business done. Other Prod f**.—Market Qui«t. Latest Lc Jsriti vhofittots. Kltmrp 110 per picul $40.00 Nutmegs 60 o. 45.00 Copra Bali
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 572 3 [I i Tbe Last and Final Chapters of The Great Secret" Serial I atihf Alhambra t Alhambra is J is the only S BRA sir 1 rfS Creams. I fi 7 The Hall for Music. The Pioneer and Premier House. Cakes, Coffee, Orchestra TiQO r and the BEST The House
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    • 617 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-FLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjong Pagar fcttat Trams Pass the Door. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT SECOND SHOW 9.15 SHARP The Diamond from the Sky 30 EPISODES—6O PARTS. The most thrilling, reali«tie and heart-gripping story ever flashed on the sere -n, FIFTB AMD SIXTH EPISODES. Red Baattlier Photo-Plays Present. "The Place
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 190 3 Mails Close. To-day. Batn Pahat Mena 2.30 pm Sa'g°n Mikage Maru 2.30 pm Port Dickson and Port Swettenham Calypso 2.30 pm Batu Pahat Sri Wongsee 2.30 pm Malacca and Mu&r *Lady Weld 3 pm KotaTinggi Ban Lie Guan 4 pm Kota Tinggi Tanjong Surat 4 pm To morrow. Pulau Batam
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  • 939 4 The week-end has not furnished ns with news to rejoice over. Two Gorman raiders suoeseded in sinking nine oat of twelve neutral merchant vessels proceeding in convoy. It would appear that the raiders, taking advantage of the long dark nights, succeeded in slipping through the British patrol,
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  • 130 4 Heroic Surgeon. London, Oct. 22, 7 25 a.m. It appears that the North Sea convoy was attacked at six in the morning sixty-five from the Scottish coast. The enemy came up astern as dawn was breaking, and quickly sank the Mary Roje and put out of action
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  • 39 4 London, Oct 22, 7.25 a.m. Stockholm: Two German cruisers and three torpedo-boats participate J in the destruction of the convoy. They ruthlessly fire«i on the crowded life-boats. Swe ',ish and Norwegian papers bitterly denounce the G-r-man savagery.
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  • 67 4 London, Ojt. 2i, 6.50 p.m. In the House of Commons Lt. Commander Billairs demanded an enquiry independently of the Admiralty into the loss of the neutral convoy in the North He declared that the escort was obviously inadequate. Mr. T. J. Masnamira replied that thn Government was not
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  • 263 4 Tea and Cocoa. London, Oct 19, 2 30 p.m. It is officially stated that 36,416 pounds of tea were bounded in the United Kingdom on Sept. 30, as compared with 118,663 on 30 last year. London, Oct. 19, 8.5 p.m. In the House of Commons, Mr. Parker atated
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  • 59 4 Great Loss ol Lite London, Oct. 22, LU p.m. Zurich An interpellation in the Austrian R dohsrat revealed a great explosion in August in munition wornd at Sr. :ufeld, owing to spontaneous combos don of captured enemy ammunition. There was immense dam&ge. Tvvmty soldiers were kill I
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  • 26 4 To dat Moon Fir»' y.imt".. It'fit Aa» «meat Board, 2.1* Lodge St. George K»g»l»r. 9 p.m. Gaiety Entertainutent. To-morrow. Philharmonic Choral Cunoerf, 9.lft p.m.
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  • 616 4 fill here is at $11.'5.5n down) 100 tons sold. Acc-n-a is »)eirg fornTed -fet a capital of towork a ni-~ of land in Kaaauicg, plect Lady Brockman's fln\\7r ah and children* play at Ci; CO sa Saturday prove 1 a gr»at necca. Capt. Sidney Smith left 1W»
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  • 54 4 The Cinemas. At the Harima Hail to-night special feature to be ion be 44 The Living Death q iaode of The Voice on the Wire.'' Another good picture is 44 The X Bride." As will be seen from an advertisement. the Empire will be showing an extra-special a I
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  • 92 4 In Rerypt an appeal bat made for 10,000 peisors —women or war ineligible met 1 —to rake np work now brin,; done by men tit for ac'ive i- rvice. A department known al "Cisilihii Boaptoymeat BeureeMtor the Egyptian Expeditionary Force h*e been foimed aadf the a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 162 4 ENGLISH MADE Lisle Thread Singlet's (LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES). TRADE MARK. Made from the Strongest Pure Lisle Thread, a Dependable Garment in Every Way. SIZES STOCKED 28, 30, 32, 34, 3«, tl, 40 ani 42 in*. Sole Agents ROBINSON Co. LUBRICATING I .—OILS FOR ALL PURPOSES STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND
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    • 448 4 To-night To-night I! AT TH': CINEMA CASINO Off Beach Road An up-to-date Programme. A SURE WINNER Equitable Motion Pictures Corporation Presents The Beloved Actor THOMAS A. WISE Ef Paul Armstrong's Romanoe of the Race Track Blue Grass THE HIT OF THE SEASON A real treat for all race goers, A
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    • 215 4 Just Arrived A SHIPMENT OF Youngers EDINBURGH Ale IN BARRELS. Prices oa application to Caldbeck, Macgregor AND Co. I ADELPHI HOTEL "OUR DAY" A Grand Masquerade Ball WILL BE HELD IN AID OF THE British Red Cross Society 01 SATURDAY, NOVEMBIR 3, 1817 The VTHOLE of the proceeds from entrance
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  • 45 5 The Fighting Fronts. SMftgrthjj Raid. LtyjCJli COHMINIQUES. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. flai -'i, UJQ pm. ■Jt» Dungise ITftltf r H id" a sae.'.es». f < >; is of Orel .1 f.i* and r»T,, Li lauUties. Uur i twejef yu r i|yg >n wood el 'irilllury i
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  45 words
  • 90 5 I m sit. 1130 pm. i■•?« at BrUfea I ad nlrfht h: nj "lie terrihle iii ft* |l I. i'Ui i. I I liH OWII I \~\U\<a>n, won have been i io»a Al 'he b.(t r i In foar I ij( r II i.'.HiljllO, "*J 9'Hf.Uv itry
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  • 106 5 unho EXeig. t i l al I ••.-this «on neii ten :»cfcec o«la wvre sasnoo l railway WiUii. ibis n)..ij occnrl aJtaetod the i 1 four were to™ entpbl were "**n aui r.-fitrned lay ESS bombs I I "..Jrornea at i 4n-l also on farieoa billets aerodrnine at
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  • 10 5 1.-'.^n. I «it local h I ett oar
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  • 70 5 ArtiiJerv Wnrk ""VI J ?T UI IV. London, Oct 22, 1140 a.m. linw >miulini q n e there ia a point/T l r v haggle at various on tae Aiane front, especially region of Ailleg and Cerny org neruy aUaok tQ tL(< north «for r; z nVHUX driven off
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  • 78 5 Lon-ion, Oct 22, 4.10 p.m. Mthil W< attack, left of lr ln on the a kilonL^' ltw k Miny, on a front e ca PtareJ all and a PPreoinbly pro. trated th„ r acoat# l> e neAig n a e WIla y positions on the of St n
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  • 52 5 Survivor»' Tales. London, Oct 22. 2.20 a.m. itie crews of two lnUle 2 at P art > c 'P»ting ai °°sel h»ve arrived. They declare the fighting Wed ly nninter rnpted from the twelfth to the seventeenth, on« dreadnought and one orniser being an °ther wrecked, fonr torpedo boats
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  • 181 5 London, Oct. 22, 3 35 a.m A Russian naval communique u eneral situation in the UaLio isl-s on the nineteenth was as follows: The islands of Oasel and bmZ W Th «"«my Dan-is. Ihe operations of Dago n-ere hampered by the marshf-s and also because the small garrison
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  • 71 5 Lond;u, Ojt 22, 5 25 p.m. Wireless Russian official: The after a b >m >arduient by itatroyers, lan led oa the Werder Peninsul on Sunday and pressed bick onr advanced posts, and occupied the western part of the peninsula. A British submarine in the Riga Gulf launohed two
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  • 20 5 Capture of Dago Island. London, Oct. 21, 11.30 p.m. Wireless German official Dago island ia in oar hands.
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  • 52 5 London, Oct. 22, 4.20 p.m. Wireless German official. There waa moat intensa artillery firing all night long between Southoulat Wood and the Comines-Ypres canal. It increased to drumfire thia morning, when the French and British attacked b-itween Draaibank and Poelcappelle. We took prisoner on Dago island twelve
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  • 71 5 Lmdon, Oct. 22, I;! 25 p.m. The Admiralty states: Naval aircraft yestorday at noon bombed Vliaseghem and Houttave aero, dromes. Bombs appeared to burst accurately. Enemy aircraft attacked our bombers and we shot down two. All ours returned. Five of our scouts during the offensive male a
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  • 70 5 London Oot. 22, 6 50 p.m. In th* House of Commons the Rt Hon Mr A J Balfour stated that there seemed no reason at present to add anything to the B-dtish acknowledgment of the Pope's peace proposals. Mr J King asked "Is not that a change
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  • 34 5 London, Oct 22, 12.30 p.m. Melbourne The naval authorities announce the rescue of forty-eight men of the crews of vessels sunk by the See Adler and marooned on Mopihaa Island.
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  • 31 5 London, Oct. 22, 12.30 p.m. Madrid The newspaper Imparcial states on good authority that the Kaiser ordered the commander of submarine U293 to retnrn to Cadiz when he escaped.
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  • 38 5 London, Oot. 21, 7.55 p.m. Chloago Jacobin, who wag on Oct. 19 indicted for fomenting sedition and a riling in India, and hie three co-defendants, were fonnd gnilty of conspiring to foment a rebellion in India.
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  • 307 5 A Complete Root. London, Oct 22, 4.15 a.m. Paris Apparently five Zsppnline rr?^ Qr ed r de8tr °yed in France, i 1 J rS of eleven invaders of England. They were lost in the fog th«re and drifted to Pranoe. r «e seem to have es:aped. The
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  • 163 5 Lon Ion, Oct. 21, 7.5 a.m. The roat of the Zeppelins in France is welcomed most enthusiastically as ths final failure of Zeppelins Bnt there is an intensified outcry in some papers re the silence in London of the gnns on Friday. Other papers, however, while echoing the
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  • 146 5 London, Got, 22, 2.30 p.on. Paris i A metallurgical worker, who was oat shooting when thu L •49 descended intact at Boarbonns, graphically deecrib<« how h* tapis 1 tbe airship surrounded by a ulaster of French aeroplanes, which were pelting her with macbiuH-gau tire. The Zeppelin was Hying
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  • 75 5 Lon Ion, Ost. 22, 5.5t> p m. German official Oar naval airship squadron on Friday night made a specially successful attack on London, Manchester, Birmingham, Nottingham, Darby, Lowestoft, Hall, Grimsby, Norwioh, and Mapleton; returning owing to an adverse wind and dense mist. Four airships croased the French battleEone
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  • 215 5 London, Oct. 22, 6.0 p.m. In the Honse of Commons Sir George Cave stated that th« air raid of Oct. 19 was apparently cirried ont by ten or more Zsppelir.s, of which five failed entirely to reaoh their objectives, leaving the country without causing any material damage.
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  • 156 5 Kerimky's tppetl. London, Oct. 21, 10,35 p.m. In his speech at the first sitting of the preliminary M. Karensky referred to the n«ed for unity of the nation and a return of the combative g,»ir:t in army. He farther declared, in the name of democracy, that although longing for
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  • 93 5 London, Oot. 32, 2.20 a m, Petrograd The following are among the Russian peaoo demands which the delegate Skobeleff, representing the Conncil of Workmen and Soldiers, will press when attending the int«r-Allied conference at Paris: A free and uninfluenced plebiscite as regards the fnture of Alsace-Lorraine Italia Irredenta
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  • 61 5 London, Oct. 22, 7.25 a m. Petrograd: The papers, with the exception of Maxirn Gorky's organ, ridicule Skobeleii'tj peace demands #8 childish prattle, that might hav: been drawn up in Germany. Keports from the Dvina front state that German prisoners admit a mucinous movement in the army on
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  • 192 5 Extensive Campaign. Lon Jon, Oct. 22, 5 45 p.m. The Premier an I Mr Bmar Lew thi« afternoon launched a great autumn campaign for national economy, by addressing a representative gathering at the Albert Hall. The audience included the Primate, the Lord Chancel* lor, General Smuts and various
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  • 22 5 London, Oot 21, 11 30 p.m. Amsterdam Herr Kuehlmann is in conference with Anatro-linn-garian statesmen at Budapest and Vienna.
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  • 23 5 London, Oot. 22, 3.20 p.m. New York: The death id annonnced of Bob Fitziimmona, the former heavy-weight champion, from pneumonia.
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  • 28 5 London, Oct. 22, 11.5 p.m. Athens The Greek Chamber has voted in favour of prosecution of members of the Sko ulodis Cabinet including the ex-Premior Gounaris.
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  • 740 5 E.LA. Variety Entertainment. inatidlug the Troops (Maj.r General Dudby H. Itidoot, C.n.C), wae *«ry well attended ami tbe programme presented was well enjoyed by ell present, especially the eoojuring and hypootiam turns by Mr W M Pagler. who proved gait* c profeseor," and the sag, g>n which
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  • 3510 5 Tribute to Mr. Tan Jhk Kirn. I At an or Unary meeting of th* LegieliiJv* Conned h*l I i sftemnon, tb« following were present: HE the Governor (Bit Arthur Young G.CMG., U.K. the Ueneral Officer Cotnmendlrig tinTroops (Major- General D. H. ftidoat C.M.G.,) The Hon. tbe 001. fika
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  • 10 5 (T* Hot mmmmhIi tnĕnm f*i opinions Mprm*d bp -rryrii <—<>.]
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  • 136 5 To thĕ Editor of ths Malaya 7 rH>unt. ,r —In order that any rumours with regard to the Johore Poor Man's Lottery may be dispelled, I enclose herewith in official notioe regarding same. The Lottery will fill, bat It is possible that the date of closing may be
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  • 34 5 The land adjoining the Methodist Bays Sehoolet Kuala Luci i ro c*nly ~y Towkav tH. Ny iokethoy. wrII probably hat R 80l i.towurds Abicb i>>at.-i w-i* eqvlv by na»ja« wk v L ke Yew,—M.M.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 228 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS •ore Actors and Actresses have arrived will take p»irt To-Nl4tht I To Nitfnt 11 AT THE FUfOCe STAB OPERA *Si the Theatre Royni N~>rtb fttflaV (load In Be ulifu/ P»iry PU LA POHTHA PRINCESS MOMIRaH. LPOoae lion tor seats K. H. Cfaeong, Proprietor. V. L. Tan, Uauaajer. SALESMAN
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  • 228 6 Het Volkgives details of an extraor li nary state of affairs at Eindhoven, on the German frontier. All the canals and streams around the to*n have overflown their banks, With disastrous results to the fields which are under water. The cause is the rise of the
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  • 1062 6 S C.8.4. Variety Entertainment. At the Victoria Theatre on Saturday night a variety entertainment by the Straits Chinese British Asso~ ciation in aid of the Red Cross Pond which was attended by a large gathering of Straits-born Chineee ladies and gentlemen wi'h a sprinkling of Europeans, inoldding
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  • 237 6 Previously acknowledged $122,032.22 Hugh fa Biker 200 Per Guthrie and Co. A E B 250 J H 250 H F 250 A W H 250 T H C 250 J 100 C B T 100 A 8 X M 100 JH, A R H, ACS, JC
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  • 438 6 The hon treasurer begs to acknowledge with thanks receipt of the following;— Fifth List Already acknowledged $4,470.75 Miss M Gifkins 20 Staff-of Malacca Electric Lighting Co. 39 Collected by the Malacca Japanese Society: Mr C Ishii $10 Mr N Tsotsai 10 Messrs M Hirosaka, X
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  • 62 6 Delivered ia London. The following ar- th- JateJOt de arture irom ciusapore of th e European Mails and their delivery ia London. Mail DtiivtWO 1 8.1. Aug. l fts>2 M.M. Aug. II SW*J M.M. Aug. 10 8.1. Aug. 11 Bvf J p. a o. Aug. it 4 BX
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  • 13 6 Vessels in communication at with tho local Commercial Wmm* Station —None.j
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 262 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE ON SALE AT The Leading Hotels AND Principal Liquor Dealers. JUST LANDED; A few famous American GRANT 6-cylinder Touring Cars, Models "X 1917, fitted with Magneto, Speedometer, Electric Light, Demountable Spare Rim and all Accessories, Colour Brewster Green. ON VIEW AT OUR
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    • 130 6 TH£ BEST ADVICE To give to a person suffering from Headache or Neuralgia is to n B e a remedy that will give instant relief. Like a touch of the wizard's wand Littles Oriental Balm acts on these painful disorders. The effects are simply marvellous One application and the pain
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    • 38 6 Tbe Miners Builders Stores Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, F. m. S. Hardware Merchants, General Importer AND AGENTS. AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED 79 Hit
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  • 1106 7 New Italian Ambassador. Tokyo, Sopt. 18 :—Merqui* Cue«ml Oinfonooere, the iu-w ItAii.ii Ambassador *s Tokyo f*l rMlll»l J inuudieuco by U. I. M »b" BotPOrnr to whom the Marquis pn MHMW blr Jetttir of orvdi>noe yeeterday morning and ai«o b*nHod one of tin bijfbui luliaa Ordera to be
    1,106 words
  • 119 7 Ceremony at Ipoh An interesting function tool-: plac» j 00 Wsdnes day evening on the P_dar_, in front of Ipoh Clnl>, the nnfui lin_ for the first time of th*-Chim-se Etep-bUeati Flag, with the rest of the Allies' Flap. Mrs Biash, wife of the President of the
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  • 126 7 Tho latest gossip in regard to war lottories ia that tho Penang one has been abandoned for lack of support that the Sungei Patani venture has been suppressed and that what is called a poor man's lottery," tickets two dollars each, has baen inaugurated in Johore, We are
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  • 373 7 (By courtesy of the French Consulate-) Paris, Oct 19 6 20 p.m. The French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 63 25 and the 6 per cent at 88.85. The French Chamber has adopted a resolution inviting the Govern men t to place in the Pantheon
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  • 23 7 "You say, that you can save money at a seaside resort How?'' "I'm iv swimming all day and don't have to wear shoes."
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 513 7 1 NOTICES poll HfOTICE. MISSING. Black silk onibreila, straight handle ith carved ivory monkeys This was left at the Corio Stall at Tyersall on Saturday, the 13th October 1917. Information concerning the above will oe welcomed by the Chief Police Officer. C. Hannigan Thief Police Officer, Singapore. °£L»of«, IMb Oelobar.
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    • 471 7 The Mandai-Tekong (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Ltd. Hotiw of Closing of Transfer Register. tJ T ?h TI S E 2 HEREBY GIVEIN tbat the Transfer Books of the Com--15 7q 7 b f c jr d from 26th- 1917 to October 30th 1917 both day a inclusive, for the prepay tion
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    • 629 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. nmroßAno in England BY ROYAL CHARTER, Pa i^ Up °»P itBj in 60,000 Bhares of i.*oe*ch £1,200,000 tvaaerve Fund £1,900,000 Kestrvs Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, The London Uity and Midland Bank, Ltd., Tke London County and Westminster
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    • 172 7 It's Good to feel tired I after healthy exercise, Lut if that tired f-eling does not disappear j after a night's sleep it's abnormal. It me ins that \ou are amende j or debilitated, that yon n ed a tonic to build up your thin blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
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    • 319 7 For Japanese Curios General Goods GO TO 2___&aruni *&*z> Co* No. 10, High Street, Singapore. WHOLESALE A RETAIL IMPORTERS. LAR OB BTOCKB ALWAYS ON HAND m m The Victoria Confectionery 6 Store 38», VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. The place where you can always get Fresh Cakes, Ices, Cold and Hot Drinks
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 183 7 Singapore Voluateer Corps. Orders for the week ending, Friday, Ootober 26 To-Day. 5.15 pm Drill Hall SVA do SRE v N C Os n «I do Maxim Co SVC 5 do Chinese Co SVI 5.15 Bras Basah Rd. Malay Co 8VI 5 Drill Hall S F A Co To-morrow. 5.15
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. Issued Dally.] VOL IV. No. 250 SINGAPOBE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 430 1 Courage Endurance. Tale of a Shipwreck. Sajs the Japan Times of Sept. 21 The boat containing Captain Shibuya and 16 of the crew of the ill fated Japanese steamer Kotohira Maru, which stranded and foundered off the Aleutian group some time ago, arrived safely, as reported a few days ago,
      430 words
    • 60 1 October 20. Uiuug Ann, British Sri Patana, British Van Hogendorp, Dutch Uajah of Sarawak, Sarawak October 21. Lady Weld, British Calypso, British HoLg Ho, British Pin Sent?, I'ritish R. 8. Kara, Dutch Rocbussen, Dutch V»n Hoorn, Du»ch De Haan, Dutch Singaradja, Dutch Pr.chatipok, Siamese Gladys, Sarawak October 22. Kampar,
      60 words
    • 33 1 October 20 Klsug, British Ban Pob Ourd, British Abbotsford, British Edeiidale, British Circe, British Einile, Dutch Kwang Lee, Chinose October 21. Kuala, Britith Scott Harley, British Schouten, Dutch October 22. Singkep, Dutch
      33 words
    • 101 1 Signal Mast, East Wharf. The berthing numbers for vessels entering Keppel Harbour from the East will be hoisted on the South end of the upper yard, and for vessels entering from the West on the North end. For vessels of the Straits Steamship Company and local vessels of
      101 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 434 1 IHIRI 18 no Finer Medium for Shippers* Advertisements THAN THE Shipping Gazette. Write for terna, 20c Collyer Quay, Singapore. P.*o. British India AID APCAR LINE (Companies Inoorpcrai hid in England.) MAIL AND P/ISSENCER SERVICES. Peninsular and Orionta s S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) Tke Company's MAIL
        434 words
      • 277 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappij "Nederland" AND Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Crediet and Handelsvereenigino Rotterdam" (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D Almeida Street 'PHONE,
        277 words
      • 366 1 SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Entrances—Tanjong Pagar. Wharves Section cSSwi Gate Entrances Bonded Warehouses, Trafalgar St East Reclamation. East 1.. o 8t 2 and 1 J T Pagar. P S East Sheen f 20/22 Storage B 1 WhTf Road. (Dry Docks)' 3 Dock Store, H«ad 1 C Tower^ Office, Police and Main
        366 words
      • 308 1 I To Advertisers: 1 OUR I Shipping Gazette B Cireula|t| in eTery pmtk ihr a| I MALAY PENINSULA. L-~ J N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INOORPOKATKD IN JAP; JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINE. *^tissi^tr m sfsi.tss r.. and Drying room B A fully qualified eu- experienced stewards and
        308 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 176 1 Singapore Tide Tables. Tuesday, 0«t. 23—Moon Firsl Quarter 9h 33m. a. High water —3.12 am 7 ft. 2 ins. 2.4 die H ft. 3 ins F Wednesday, Oct. 24. High water 4.31 am 6 ft. 8 ins. 3.22 pm 3 ft 8 ina. Thursday, Oct. 25. High water 6 4
        176 words