Malaya Tribune, 17 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 396 1 I AND I SHIPPING GAZETTE. flu popular Newspaper of the Straits Settlements- PUBLISHED DAILY. Complete Reports of Local Events. Couieused News from F.M.S., Java, 2 Chin India, Cejlon and Japan. V iFull and Latest War News. I "GAIETY" CINEMA -WHERE EVERYBODY GOES TO bEE GOOD SHOWS Special Change of Programme
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    • 550 1 INSURANCE^ SOUTH BRITISHINSURANCE CO.. LTD. iNOOitPORvrKD IN NEW ZEALAWD HIE I astranoai effooto-i on Balldlnv-s, Real %ud Merchandise of evey description MAHKK Inkvances acc»pr>d to /11 p»r*a of the world at lowest rue WAI RISK accept.:d to all parts. V J. HENRY Manager. OfQdfc; 3, Finlay-oa 0resa. The Eastern United
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    • 26 1 Ross's Famous Bottlings TRADE MARK 1 Fresh Suppli*. 'hly. British and best. Insist nn Using served with ROSS'S N.A. Ross Brothers LIMITED. BOTTLERS London and Leith.
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    • 365 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNEj SHIPPING GAZETTE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I Payable in Advance. Per annum $14.00 i 2 Half-yearly 7.25 j Per quarter 365 3 Per mensem 1.25 f j Postage Extra 50 Cts. per mor>t:i. I Temporary 'Phone No. 171. jASAHI BEER Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN. .JISHTON The
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  • 1088 2 Delightful Recollections. I suppose, writes Mr. Hamilton Fyfe in a Heme paper, most people think that everyone who goes to the war has to rough it either in the trenches or in huts possibly, if they aro lucky, in a deserted cottage or farm. AH who think
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  • 202 2 The Tientsin Floods Shanghai, Sept. 26 :—The Tientsin flood continues to increase in height, aooording to telegraphic advioe from tbe northern town. Tbe situation went from bad to worse, yesterday, in spite of the making of an outlet for the floodwater by the destruction of the loop
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  • 153 2 Nanking. September 28.—Tbe administration building of tbe University of Nanking was practically totally destroyed by fire this morning, in a blaze that threafned for a time to spread with disastrous effect to the other structures of the institution The fire started in the third storey of
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  • 91 2 In a Canadian camp "somewhere" in England, a second George Waehington has been found. He. in company with several other*, had been granted fonr days' leave, and, as usual, wired for extension. Bnt no hackneyed excuse w»s his. In fact, it was so original that it has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 439 2 Paying Investment, The investment of a email urn of 60 06MtS i« palrYhase of a tin of the ATANK MIGRAH PILLS wilt bring you improved health and strength, bj which yon will be able to make the beat of yoar time. A Certified Boole. Tbe book that has been certified
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    • 196 2 G.C. LEE 158, Prinsep Street. PlAfclO TUNER AND REPAIRER. Qood tod well selected Mask Violin Piano, etc. Qood Strings for Stringed lastraments. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. TERMS MODERATE. j 3.11 'Raneegunge Drainpipes, I Channels, Bends Junctions INDU MALAY Co.. Lip. (Incorporated in Singapore.) Useful to Planters. OUR GROUND NUT CAKE, which is
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    • 441 2 AUCTION SALES. "OUR DAY" AUCTION. Under the auspices of the E Ho Hean and the Garden Clubs, an auction will be held at the Garden Club, Raffles Chambers, on November 6th, in aid of Our Day Fund at an hour t j be announced at a later date. The Public
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    • 408 2 Tbe Continental Stamp ci, D. High Street. Singapore. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A large ftitwigiimtiiil H. 7d. and Is bt«i] By mil tjjwi „v Inspection cordia Wholesale prices on Absolutely Free 40 years' experience. l a t e Government Medical Officer RAI SAHEB DB DASS Secrets of Happy Life ia being
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  • 124 3 Messrs Paterson, Simans Co.'s Singapore, Oct. 11. Thfre were about 1,085 tons on ftt ?er at the auction thus week and it «18 found impossible to finish until t T e afternoon of the second day. TVinand throughout was erratic and th re was little competition for
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  • 128 3 're, October 17. ir9 Latii an 1 Gr>„ th.t i IriM th. following apota< 1 $1.40 $4 50 I 4 =i 50 99 3.05 p 12 00 12.25 060 6.75 Jelotong 72* 0.77* j o*s 0 92* rhanjkatSwlg..., 950 970 2.45 253 10 50 10.75 j, <-
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  • 69 3 DeMvered la London. following are the dates of ture from Singapore of the faitf an! theiff delivery IiST. Butrveaa d P. (i. July 24 Sept. 10 July 27 Sept. 10 1 Aug. 1 Sept. 10 Ang. 11 Sept. 19 Aug. 16 Sept. 1» Aug. 11 Sept. 24 E
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  • 778 3 him «noted it Iht Hubt this Mmiig Singapobe, October 17. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following liat of quotation»: Robber Shares. So». Value. luvert *r 1» je 2/- Anglo-Malay 12/- 16/Koning 40;- 60/ erf- ««M™ 70/ 8(1 58. f&: Jggr J' u" il
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  • 62 3 Singapore, October 17, Oj London— B*nk4m/s. 2/4| Demand 2/4* Prirate S m/ 8. 2/4 27/32 On India Bank T. T. 155 Oa HongkongBank d/d 14J% prem. On ShanghaiBank d/d. 60§ On Java— Bank T. T 129 On Japan— Bank d/d. 10* i Sorereigns—baying ratt $8.54 India Coll Bills Im*
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  • 249 3 These sentiments were expressed in Hunland in peace time The German people is always right because it is the German people, and numbers, 87 million souls —O.R. Tannenberg. The French, under Napolean, wanted to sacrifice the whole world I > their insatiable thirst for glory. nl the
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  • 235 3 Smuggler* Heavily Fined. A big haul ot opium by two revenue officers 1 at Jelntong on the 3rd inst., when no less than twentyfive ilaba, valued at, roughly, $2,000 were taken, led to fines of $2,000 each or in the alternative six months' rigorous imprisonment, on two Chinamen,
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  • 24 3 In the parlour there untitled three. She, the parlour-lamp, and he Two ie company, no doubt. So the little lamp went out —Yale Record.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 109 3 TO BE SHOT AT SUNRISE would Beam a welcome relief to many who suffer the red hot pain thrusts neuralgia. TbftM are the hopeless torturebracked beings who live in the of constant dread of the ag, twisting, unbearable sudden "d spasms of neuralgia. Little s Oriental Balm r icved and
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    • 535 3 T The Last and Final Chapters of "The Breat Secret n Serial me I atthi? Alhambra Alhambra Is is the only he ALHAMBRA pictures, the m m m m■ W \%mk\W maW W attached. Ice hfst Creams, Orchestra, The Hali for Music The P loll l, 1111(1 Premier House. Cakes,
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    • 454 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-FI AY f EMPIRE mlrtijotig Pagar R Trams Paaa the Door. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT SECOND SHOW 9.15 SHARP ia The Wonder-Serial by Flying "A" THE DIAMOND SKY 30 EPISODES— 68 PARTS. The moat tbrilliog, realistic and heart-gripping story ever Hashed on the wcreen. THE THIRD AND FOURTH EPISODES
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 258 3 Mails Close. To day Batu f'ahat Mena 2.30 pm MaU 1 H >ng Lian 2.30 pm Batu PuL it Sri Wongsee 2.30 pm Port Swr ttenham and Penang *Ipoh 2.30 pm M;i. 1. P"rt Swettenham and Teluk An-' a *Kair.par 2.30 pm Medan Medusa 2.30 pm Bangkok Kaho 2.30 pm
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  • 1048 4 The entire Russian Press expresses alarm at the surprise landing and practically the capture of Oesel Island by the Germans, and is indulging in mutual reoriminations as to who is to blame for the present deplorable state of affairs. The bourgeois cannot resist giving a sly dig
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  • 426 4 First Meeting. Yesterday afternoon, a meeting of the Rent Assessment Board waa held in th« boardroom of the Municipal Commissioners. The Hjn. Mr 0 J Saunders presided, and the other members present were Messrs S Tomlinson, A Ansralia, M Meyer, Co*)* K.nm, E Tessen■ohn, aud H Carpmaei.
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  • 87 4 To-morrow. St. Lake. MohamineJan New Year comniences. Rices Second Day. Photo. Exhib. in YM JA, noon to 7 p m. Raffles Hotel Dinner and Auction Bridge Lodge Eastern Gate, S 30 p.m. Friday. Photo Exhib. in V M C A, 9 am to I pm. Saturday. Races Third
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  • 565 4 lin here is steady at Ilia., sellers. ,li ->no to the G.Pn a from Europe will arrive' Penang to mo-r v. troi E of the Negri Sembilan pHO* Association will be held at BeSS on Saturday, Oat 27. ertQlb an Mr. Kirn T?ne Boon IT. M Hoo
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  • 127 4 Pages TdK Qbbat War The Fighting Front? 5 Russia 5 The Gravel Affair 5 Shipping Items 5 Outspoken Germans 5 American Finance 5 Big Libel Action 5 General: Contrasts of war I N. China News I New George Washington The Rubber Trade 3 The Noble Germans 3 Opium
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 ENGLISH MADE Lisle Thread Singlet's (LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES). TRADE MARK. Made from tbe (Strongest Pure Lisle Thread, a Dependable Garment in Every Way. SIZES STOCKED 28, 30, 32, 34, 3«, 11, 40 and 42^1*. Sole Agents ROBINSON Co. I LUBRICATING I OILS I FOR ALL PURPOSES I STOCKS ALWAYS
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    • 363 4 CINEMA CASINO By-the-Seia, off Beach Road TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT IN THE FIRST SHOW Parts The Adventures of Wailingford P *J ?L THE BIRTH OF PATRIOTISM P f rt9 IN THE SECOND SHOW NEW YEAH S DAY IN JAPAN. THE CIRCUS HEROINE Devil's A DetejtivH Dranaa Ff-a'uring THE FAMOUS MTICK WINTER. Coming
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    • 216 4 Just Arrived A SHIPMENT OF Younger's EDINBURGH Ale IN BARREL*. Prices on application to Caldbeck, Macgregor I AND Co. ADELPHI HOIEL "OUR DAY A Grand Masquerade Ball WILL BE HELD 15 A.ID OF THE British Red Cross Society OR SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 3. .817 The WHOLE of the proceeds from entrance
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  • 50 5 The Fighting Fronts OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES. Minor Activities. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Oct. 16, 12.0 p.m. DoagfaM Haig states: The Irish troops successfully raided north-v it arl of Bullecourt. The. WM considerable hostile artillery tiring at n%kt time in the neighb f arb lod of the Ypres Staden railway.
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  50 words
  • 67 5 Bombs on Dunkirk. London, Oct. 16, 4.20 p.m. French communique On the Aisnefr ciprocal artillery firing is less intans on the left of the Meats. We repulsed on attack nor th of Hill 304 on the right of the Meuse. The artillery dnel is particularly Hvelv north of Bois
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  • 130 5 In Riga Gulf. London, Oct. 16, 5.50 p.m. Wireless Itussian official A German dreadnought shelled our patrol g.jnadron ott' Soelasund, severely damaging the torpedoboat Grom. Subsequently twelve German torpedoboats of the newest type penetrated Soelasund and engaged our patrol squadron, patting oat of action the Grom's guns. They set
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  • 79 5 The Russian Defeat. London, Oct. 16, 6.10 p.m. Wireless German official We took possession of th i main portion of Or-Bfl Island, ihe are isolated on Sworbe Peninsula. They are still desperately resisting. Only portions of tho enemy on the eastcoast escaped in the direction of Moon. We
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  • 149 5 Mr. Wilson*- Appeal. London, Oot. 16, 4.15 p.m. mm York: President Wilson has issued an. appeal to all eligible state banks and trnst companies which are not yet members of the Federal Reserve Board to join the Board, »nd thus contribute their share to the country's consolidated gold
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  • 78 5 ion, Oct. 16, 8.30 p.m h the House of Commons Mr. J ohn Redmond gave notice of a notion that: "This 'louse deNorai the policy which has been th r T ar l ia bein 8 pnrsned by Jho Irish xecutive Government and ln 81 military authorities at
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  • 43 5 London, Oct. 16, 2.40 p.m. f A!n Mr. Schroeder, editor &a Telegraaf, has been finally Jetted, after six trials, in which J iy convicted once of faring Dutch neutrality by lengths Central Empire* as Rfoap conscienceless scounrelB caused the war."
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  • 161 5 Serious Loss. London, Oct 16, 6.55 a.m. »»lf*l rm n d rcleS in Petrogradrefhln£2 °f^ andD »go islands and he Gulf of Riga as i oBt Neverthe--25 c valQe of Ri 8 a to the enemy will small until the western fairway of the Gulf is cleared, which is
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  • 100 5 London, Oct 16, 1.25 p.m. Petrograd: The excutive central committee of the Council of Soldiers and Workmen appeals to the forces vigorously to resist the invaders, and promises to see that the necessary sacrifices are also made in the rear, and to d i its best to
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  • 86 5 American Action. Loudon, Oct. 16, 3 25 p.m. Washington In continuance of a strict policy of cutting off supplies likely to reach Germany, the War Trade Board publishes an agreement with shippers that they must sign before exporting goods to branches abroad. The shippers must guarantee that
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  • 64 5 London, Oct. 16, 1.25 p.m. The Admiralty states Naval aircraft carried out a considerable number of patrols yesterday, and encountered several enemy formations. They drove down two of the enemy. One of our machines is missing. We carried out bombing raids on Bruges docks, and Varssenaere and
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  • 53 5 London, Oot. 15, 8.15 p. m. Paris Marguerite Golle has been executed. [Marguerite Golle (or Zell*) was the dahoer known as Mata Hari". She was born in the Dutch East Indies; and was the divorced wife of an army officer. She was sentenced to death last July
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  • 32 5 London, Oct. 16, 12.15 a.m. Washington Mr Lansing has declared that ho is considering the question of the representation of the United States at the forthcoming Allied Conference in Paris.
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  • 24 5 London, Oct 16, 12.15 a.m. Monte Video A presidential decree announces that the rules of neutrality wilFnot be applied against the Allies.
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  • 34 5 London, Oct. 16, 7.55 a.m. Stockholm: E len is likely to succeed in forming a Coalition Cabinet of Liberals and Social Democrats, with a Liberal casting vote. Branting will probably be included.
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  • 30 5 London, Oct. 16, 7.30 p.m. Amsterdam The Kaiser has arrived at Constantinople. He was welcomed at the station by the Sultan, Princes, ex Khedive, and other notables.
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  • 215 5 Dutch Admissions. London, Oot 16, 12.15 a.m. In connection with the grave] affair and Holland, Renter authoritatively learns that the Netherlands Government has admitted that if sand and gravel are used militarily, its passage through Holland from Germany to Belgiam is unneutral and indefensible. Hence the following
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  • 172 5 Socialist Utterances. London, Oct 16, 12.10 p.m. Amsterdam I Herr Ebert, president of the Socialist party in the Reichstag, presiding at a Socialist meeting at Wuerzburg, said that the speedy conclusion of peace was a "vital necessity to workmen in all countries. The policy of the mailed fist
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  • 62 5 London, Oct 16, 11.15 a.m. Buenos Aires: Th»re is a recrudescence ot the strike troubles. The railway strikers derailed a train driven by sailors. The strikers killed were three, and wounded thirty. Four of the sailors were seriously injured. The Workers' Federation threatens to call a general strike
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  • 85 5 New York A man giving the name of Dunbar, but not believed to be his real name, has been arrested on a charge of attempting to obtain military or naval information. He is an ex-member of the crew of a United States submarine chaser, and has been
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  • 55 5 London, Oct 1 fi, 6.10 p.m. In the House of Commons, replying to a question, Lord R >bert Cecil stated that the Government was not responsible for the proposals regarding tho Colonies containod in the Labour party memorandum cabled on August 10. The proposals did not represent
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  • 45 5 London, Oct. 16, 4 50 p m. Kansas City Over half the city and the stockyards, the second largest in the country, have been destroyed by fire. Several thousand heads of cattle perished. Thr origin of the conflagration has not been determined.
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  • 39 5 London, Oct 16, 4.50 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar Law announced a scheme of constituting an Air Ministry, shortly to be introduced Moanwhile General Smuts would continue id super, vise the arr service.
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  • 204 5 Rise in Shares. London, Oct, 15, 8.15 p.m. 1 A feature of the stock exchange is the spnrt of Indo-China Navigas tion deferreds to twenty-tive, on f rumours of working arrangement* with the P. and O. i French Vessel Sunk. London, Oct. 16, 2.40 a.m. Paris: The steamer
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  • 206 5 Premier Vindicated. London, Oct. 10, 7.30 p.m. The High Court libel action by Mr. Lloyd George against the Exchange Telegraph Company, the Westminster Gazette, and the Star, has been settled by the defendants apologising an-i paying the cos's. The case arose through the publication of a paragraph
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  • 68 5 London, Oct, 16, 7.30 p.m. The House of Commons has adopted the second reading of a Bill assuring the Government control of all supplies of petroleum discovered in the United Kingdom. Mr. Prettyman, representing the Board of Trade, Slid that certain eminent geologists, both here and from
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  • 33 5 Amsterdam The Central Powers have appointed the Arohbishop of Warsaw, the Mayor of Warsaw, and the landed proprietor Yon Ostrowski, as a Regency Council for Poland. London, Oct. 16, 1.25 p.m.
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  • 19 5 London, Oct- 16, 7.55 a.m. Applications for National War Bonds amounted in eleven days to £38,000,000.
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  • 24 5 London Oct. 16, 7.55 a m. Amsterdam The pan-Germans sre cauip doming in favonr of the return of Tirpitz to the Admiralty.
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  • 21 5 London, Oct. 15, 7.15 p.m. Silver ia at 1.5, I. Tlie supply exceeds the demand and the market is dull.
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  • 749 5 The Day. Although the weather was rather threatening in the morning, no rain fell and the races yesterday were favoured with'fcSeal weather, which resulted in some very keen raoing and good runaway performances by many of the favourites It might ba stated, however, that.owing to the
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  • 426 5 SUPREME COURT. A Trust Case. The Chief Jastice (Sir John Backnill k. c.) delivered judgment yesterday in the matter of the Trustees of the will of the late Henry Abrams and in the matter of the estate of Mrs. Mary Ann Abrams deceased. Counsel in the case were
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  • 53 5 Prohibited Expjrt. In the District Court this morning Mr. Bartley brought a charge of attempting to export 5 bags of wheat flour to Djambi against Tan Seng Moh and Keng Suah Chek, proprietor and clerk respectively of Chop Seng Moh Mr Parsons ap peared for the defence. The
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  • 155 5 Breach of Trust. Kwang Gee Liap of 46 TT;»per Weld Road, was charged bef jie tbe Third Magistrate this morning with having committed on or about the 4th inat criminal breach of trustasa public servant in respect of a regis tered article insured for $3,800, an<l consigned to
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  • 150 5 It is reported that two Hengwas and two Hylauis assaulted one Lim Chee Ton of 25 Jalan Besar, while the latter was walking along Syed Alwi Road at about 7.30 p.m. on Monday last. The complainant sustained a stab in his neck as a result of the
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  • 299 5 Some Items. The Palladium is arranging a grand v cal and instrumental concert fui Oct. 30, in aid of Oar Day Fnnd. The clerk of the weather did his best to spoil the Our Day Rag Gymkhana at Ipoh on Saturday, and that he did not succeed
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  • 88 5 September Crop Returns. Messrs Paterson, Simons Co Agents Kuala Pergau 34,920 lbs. Total to date 229,212 lbs. Hevea (Johore} 23,095 lbs. Total to date 67,048 lbs. Bujong 13,000 lbs. Total to date 149,463 lbs. Benar 7,400 lbs. Total to date 97,983 lbs. Lenggeng 15,470 lbs. Total to date
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  • 70 5 On Friday the 12th instant at the Moslem Institute there was a debate on the subject "That Wealth is better 'ban Education." It was propose 1 oy Mr. Janis bin Ali and opposed by Mr. Musa bin Mohamed Eusoff By a large majority it was decided 'hat Educatiou
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  • 196 5 The report of the superintendent, arcl ie survey, Burma, for the year ending March 31, 1917. contains the following Mr C E ltushton, superintending engineer, Maritime Circle, asked to Le supplied with a copy of tbe specif cation of Burmese water-proof lime mortar used on tho better
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  • 65 5 The Cinemas. The Alhambra will be screening three new thrilling chapter* fin 6 reels) of "The Great S ere'," tonight, along with the latest Pathe War Gazette and other fine pictures The Casino announces several new features for to-night of which the chief are "New Y. ar's Day in
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  • 63 5 Keppel Golf Club. The Men's Monthly Medal (Stroke) will be played on Saturday and Sunday, 20th and 21st OctoW, aud the La Jies Spoon on Monday, 22nd. The Gold Medal Competition for 1916—1917 will be played in conjunction with the October Medal. The following members have qualified :—Cullen, Barrett,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 316 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Under the distinguished patronage of H.E. THE GOVERNOR. IN AID OF "Our Day" 1917 Fund A VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT will be presented Under the auspices of the S. C. B. A. AT VICTORIA THEATRE On Saturday, October 20, 1917 Commencing at 9 p.m. sharp. Tickets are on sale by
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  • 1303 6 Yesterday's Results. (Continued }r*m page 5.) Polar Star and Dara led the held and soon got well ahead of the ethers, the leader of whom was Farisha. Rounding the lo'.jin bend, the distance was considerably increased, and they ran well into the back stretch when Polar Star
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  • 495 6 A Remedy. The so-called hot spot in the petrol engine is exactly where one would expect to find it. says a writer in the Westminster Gazette, and it has never changed its place, nor ia it ever likely to. Nor will tbe increasing use o£ lower-grade fuels help
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  • 222 6 Previously acknowledged $113,096.82 O R S Bateman 100 Collected by Madame de Courtois Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus 260 V Gottlieb 25 Arya Sangam 13.75 Collected by Ladies Committee for Shipping Captain, Officers and Friends Glenartney $251 Captain, Officers and passengers Ranee 58 Medusa 54.05
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  • 196 6 The following are entertainments already arranged in connection with the above Fund Thursday, Oct. 18 —Raflles Hotel Dinner and Auction Bridge. Thursday, Oct. 18.—Photographic Exhibition at V M C A, noon to 7 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19.—Photographic Exhibition at V M C A, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
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  • 189 6 The United States Government has learned that the German airplanes is largely attributable to what is known as Kaiser Zinn metal, which is used for the motors. A piece of the metal was picked up by a British soldier who brought do wn a Garmau Taube. It
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  • 254 6 Singapore, October 17. Tin. —See Local and General column. Copra. —Business done. Tapioca. —Steady. Business dope. Sago Flour- —Business done. Gambier. —No Business. Pepper. —Steady. Business done. Other Products.—Market Quiet. Latest Leal Market QuoUtioa j Nutmegs 110 S. per pioul $40.00 Nutmegs 80 8. 45.00 Copra Bali 5.60
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  • 250 6 Use of Soup Bone. A Soup-Bone," taken form the soupkettle, is what Dr. W. Wayne Babcock, of Samaritan Hospital and Garretsnn Hospital, Philadelphia, uses for filling in a large cavity in the skull. The Journal of the American Medical Associated reports what he told the association at its
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 214 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE Try X* S ON SALE AT The Leading Hotels AND Principal Liquor Dealers. RAFFLES HOTEL. FOR "OUR DAY" FUND AUCTION BRIDGE DRIVE AND SPEGIAL DINNER THURSDAY. 18th October. 1917. Ticket—BßlDGE DRIVE AND DINNER $3.50 I Ticket—BßlDGE DRIVE ONLY $2. For every Dinner
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    • 383 6 Tbe Miners Builders stores j Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, F. M. s. Hardware Merchants, General lipoid AND AGENTS. AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. I 27 9 YAMATO&Ca Phone 432. 41, high Ureet Our Great Cash Clearance
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  • 1255 7 Lecture in Ipoh. An interesting lecture, siys the Times of Vfalsya, was dolivered on Sunday, Sept. 30'h by Mr O. E Coombs, Economic Botanist of the F. M. 8. Agricultural Department, at the Central Perak Planters' Association Koomi in Ipoh, and the views expressed should form a mot-t
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  • 15 7 Veasels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wirelees Station i —None.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 618 7 NOTICES BANK HOLIMR It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed at noon on Thursday. 18th inst. Race Days. 1010 1810 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all Roaii* within Government House Domain will be closed to tbe Public from 1 P 1Q t0 P' m on
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    • 471 7 _iwncEs_ The Mandal-Tekong (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Ltd. Notice of Closing of Transfer Register. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Transfer Books of the Com!£f* cloBed frOQl October, ibth 1917 to October 30th 1917 both days inclusive, for the preparation of Dividend Warrants. By Order of the Board CHAN SZE ONN
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    • 628 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATBD IN BNGLAND BY ROYAL CBARTBR, r Paid up Capital in 60,00 ft Bh*ree of £20 each £1,200,000 Bwn Fund fI.SOO.'VX) iteeerve Liability of Proprietors £1.200,000 BANKERS, □Ie Bank of England, The London CJity and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and
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    • 150 7 IJT the dainty little L 111 JVJU 1 1 JLj O laxative granules put an end to all constipation troubles. They arc smooth and gentle in action, do not gripe or purge, contain no harmful or habit forming drugs and are an ideal laxative for use in the Tropics. Sold
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    • 240 7 TO LET -f TO LET Offices at Winch"star Honse Nos. 30, 23, 24, 35 and 36, and 6a, Raffles Quay. Apply CHOP HBNO LOONG 40 Robinson Road, Singapore. 8-5 Baffles Offices. TO LET. Large front office No, 32-3 Raffles Place, floor space, 2,400 square feet. LIM KIM KIAT 5 Telok
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    • 458 7 THE O R IĔ N TAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India. FUNDS exceed $30,500,000.00 Absolute Security Income In 1111 -$4,101,117.50 I Total Out go In 1918 $2,410 418 50 Assurance effected In 1810 $4,280,542.85 I Increase In Funds $1,819,089 00 Total Policies in force
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 47 7 Singapore Volonteer Corps. Orders for the week ending, Friday, October 19 To-Day. No Drill To-morrow. 2.30 pm Drill Hall S F A Co. Friday. 6.30 am Balestier Range Malay Co, 8 VI 5 pm Drill Hall S F A Co. G. G. Wacr Captain, a/ Adjntant, S.V.O.
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Oaily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. Issued Dally.] Vol. IV. No. 245 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 321 1 The Koninklijke PaketvaatMaa's chappij whioh maintains the internal and Far Eastern shipping services of the Netherlands East Indies, reports a net profit of flll,--706,021, or more than double th* figure for 1915, viz., f15,429,963 After various Mr writings off, there fa a divisible balance of f13,212,726 (as against
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    • 23 1 October 15 Meran, British Indragiri, Dutch Boribat, Siameso October 16. Pin Seng, British Hebe, British Singkara, Dutch Produce, Norwegian Foo Lee, Chinese
      23 words
    • 38 1 October 15. Esmeralda, British Sri Muar, British Krian, British Porak, British Kaka, British Giang Seng. British Abbotsford, British Hotg Ho, British Melobior Treab, Dutch Emile, Dutch R. 8. Baru, Dutch Dovre f Norwegian Varg, Norwegian Mahidol, Siamese
      38 words
    • 102 1 AdvioeB from Japan state that the development by the Osaka Shosen Kaisha of a freight line between Japan and Australia has precipitated a bitter war between the Osaka Shosen Kaisha and the Nippon Yusen Kaisha. The latter concern has worked hard for many years to build up
      102 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 450 1 THERE IS YD Finer Medium far Shippers' AdTertisemanka THAN THE Shipping Gazette. Write for terms, Me Coiiyer Quay, Singapore. P.*o. British India APCAR LINE IOMTANIKS INCGRTORATED IN ENGLAND.) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. (Under Contract with Hi* Majesty's Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF
        450 words
      • 277 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappij "Hederland" AND Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVIOE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Credlet and Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam" (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D'Almeida Street 'PHONE, 931.
        277 words
      • 498 1 SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Entrances-Tan j ong Pagar. Wharves Section Oo downs Gate Entrances Bonded Warehouses, Trafalgar St. Emt Reclamation, btorage 2 and 1 /T. Pagar. P S East East 1 ?n d 2. 20/22 Storage B 1 Wharf Road. Sheers 3 19 1 do (Dry Dooks) 3 Dock Store, Head
        498 words
      • 295 1 I To Advertisers: R Shipping Gazette I- Circulates in every port throughout the i MALAY PENINSULA. N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA t (INCORPORATED IN SAPAR] JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINE. 'Jjj h*ve been socially designed and cn*:*A™?l™J^ eectndtv, the cabin, amidships are eipecU;! y Wge electncfans and ail
        295 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 106 1 Singapore Tide Tables. Wednesday, Oct. 17. High water 10.43 am 9 ft. 3 ins. 11.21 pm 8 ft 9 ins. Thursday, Oct. 18. High water 11.8 am 9 ft. 4 ina 11 56 pm 8 ft. 8 ins. Friday, Oct. 19. High water 11.55 am 9 ft. 4 ins. Saturday,
        106 words