Malaya Tribune, 13 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 254 1 I SSIPnNG GAZETTS J < 5..,,0. 5 the 1 j-r PUBLISHED DAILY. rt iatf< Reu< rts of L"c. E\<ntB CoI Iff* P 1 Jnva, I full and Latest War News. "GAIETY" CINEMA »WHERE EVERYBODY GOES TO EE GOOD SHOWS" To-nl^ht! IN Tm SECOND SHOW To-night MORE STARTLING EXPOSURES In the
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    • 557 1 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO. LTD. INOORPORAT3D IV NEW ZEALAND flit EaMnUMM ►iffeote-l on BaiHln-s, Rent »:iJ of ev**y deioriptiou MARINE lo«arances accepted Id all pfts jf ||m world at low reta *"AR BISK accepted to all parts. J. HENRY Manager'e*: 2, Fiula. Qre°n. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation.
      557 words
    • 43 1 Ross's Famous Bottlings j "TRADE MARK j Fresh Supplier hly. Pure Pilsener Guinness British and best. Insist on being served with ROSS'S 11 Ross Brothers LIMITED. BOTTLERS London and Leith. j I,■ t y *r 1 fM—i l' I'll 'l' 1' 1" '1
      43 words
    • 325 1 'THE MALAYA TRIBUNE I AND Z SHIPPING G\ZETTEL B SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Payable in Auvance. 8 Per annum $14.00 S j Half yearly S 7.25 1 Per quarter 365 5 Per mensem 1.25 5 Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month- 1 Temporary 'Phone No. 171. -■> IASAHI BEER! I Mitsui Bussan
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  • 944 2 A War Picture. Some thirty kilometre* from Verilun lies the «r»-»f f».re«t region of Arg >nne it off-rs the stoniest contrast with the open, smiling cou itry round Veidun, which is situated in the midst of gsjatl* i oiling si »je\wi h knolls crowned with tr«es, way*
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  • 421 2 Have Wf Any Among h- (mII, leaden records of diplomatic >cnm .rj-s on the war Mr. Gerard's chapters now appear ing in Ddly Telegraph, which courteously distribu ci quotations to the orh->r newspapers, shine out ,ke gjll and dio.n >n id, says tbe Evening X vvh. If
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 441 2 Paying Investment. Tks iarttt.e.t »f a «I gjQ MBtS Iks psrskase I •f lia ef tb» j ATANK MIGRAH PILLS will bring yoa improred health aad streuglh, by whi«k j 70a will be able lo make tbe beat me of yonr time. I A Certified Book. The book iLat bus
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    • 195 2 G.C. LEE 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TUNER REPAIRER. Qood and well selected Mnsic Violin Piano, etc. Qood Strugs tar Stringed Instruments. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. TERMS MODERATE. 3 11 j Raneegunge Drainpipes, Channels, Bends Junctions INDO MALAY Go., Ltd (Incorporated in Singapore.) m*mmmmmmmmmmt in i iiiißa-j-a—nwn Useful to Planters. OUR GROUND NUT
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    • 1040 2 FOR SALE FOR SALE. X 8 ruijan H*ir Vrl T C-lon J.ff,,,) r DIMENTS, C v c "i JIH Li-ue, .tc Kicfcl 1 and Bfiojals, r*te etc ohtli, The touts' Agsnsu Offiae 29 9 js |q FOR SALE Wax policed kaiwaood -ary Famitar. ia «e 11,i,t condition" FOR PHJVUE SALE.
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  • 656 3 in the IUrl« this Marniig i itt, Exchange and Shara Kfc»r> v "f v oW inK list of qnoutioaa «aboer Shares. ii -t. Baßaaji So*-3 2 s H £S, l«- 16,'- 40/- 60'I A,rr m i\ Mi 8,3 i- *t| aof- «so/-Dora I 7C, 80/--1 8/6 4/6
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  • 47 3 oin'j-ifKjre, Octobtr lilt U I tni*. 2/4| Rl I 2/4* S at* 2/4 27/31 i r. 155 dfd 14|% prem. Ou Mm ibal--d/d. 5H T. 3 131 l/d. 1084, 8c w syhii r* $8.54 iV bet 1,4 29/32 1/5 w «M 5% Br ,lhr.r n 444,
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  • 106 3 Octuber 13. Mesjra Mad Co., I n le, a I viae the icJlowing qnota- ti -us ajotO N. 30 $4 50 1*45 A rMolftl 295 3.05 Av*r i»a-wf 12 00 12 25 p. i >wnie 6.60 6.75 BnC it JeW 0 72i 0.174 r 0.85 0.92J ?70
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  • 550 3 Possibility of Looting. Cairo, Igypt, August 25,—The »itnation in Palestine this aummer it the most aerioua since the war A scheme for the looting of rußalemia already being executed, jad throughout the countryside, the raft has embarked on a calculated I olicy of plundering and killing
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  • 14 3 Veeeels in communication at noor with the looal Commercial Wireleet Station: —None.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 757 3 Church Services. S Andrew's Cathkdbal, Si SWAPORE. 19TU Sunday AFTER Tbcsitt. 11tb October, 1917. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7-4"> a.m. Holy Communion i Choral 9-15 a.m. Matins xnd Litany. 4 pm. Sunday School and Bible QbttM, 6.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. S. MATTHEW'S SEPOT LINBS.—9-15 am Holy Coma-union. 6.80 p.m.
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    • 554 3 The World's Best Known and Most Talented Screen artistes jatt» 8 The AT THE U^hToSf the Theatre £x 1 KJ A|k M wmT^ 1 where you aSLSV 3 BB fli BSm OaBBSaV ex< ,lslte ,c I Set the BEST &BQ 1 I MW I \\%%W I attached Ice I pictures,
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    • 448 3 ■■■»■l^ MtaMM "mmmm WkmmmW» mmmM j AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOU-E EMPIRE! Tanjoog Pagar Road. Trams Pass the Doc. I TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! SECOND SHOW 9.15 SHARP The Last Two Episodes of THE IRON CLAW 30 Episodes—4o Parts. 101 Bison Drama PARI. CONSPIRACY PARTS FIRST SHOW T.SO SHAW 5 The Unattainable
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  • 986 4 The submarine- menace ia rapidly diminishing, but a fresh difficulty appears to have arisen in a general stringency the world over in foo 1 supplies. As regards wheat it is not unexpected. So intensified and scientific has been its culture that a normal fertile piece of land in
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  • 100 4 Toe Cinemas. The Pallad mm announces the screening to-night of the great outstanding picture of the year, entitled "Maand ML* P.I. It is based on the story of a noted auth->»\ It is an all-British play, produced in London. The balance of the programme is as good as ever.
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  • 81 4 The Hong Wan We 1-arn that the M Hong Wan," (which we repotted yerterday as having foeWered on the 11th instant at abont 5 a m.) capsiz d about 3 miles s ;nth-east of Pulau Undan in the Straits of Malacca, in 14 fathoms of water. There has been some
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  • 173 4 A gang robbery is reported to have been committed early on Thursday morning in Chulia Street, Penang, the viciim being a Chinese photographer. It appears that at about half-past four, seven Cantonese with their fac s covered with white handkerchiefa removed an iron bar of a window
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  • 153 4 iiar-OetMraJ A B Hnbback. 0 M g, who is reported wounded waa born in 1871 in Liverpool, and ia the son of an ex-Mayor of that city, Alderman Joseph Hubback. An architect by profession, Brigad-ier-General Hubback lerved his articles in the Surveyor's Department of the Liverpool Corporation
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  • 30 4 Today. "Our Day" Fete, TyeraalL To-morrow. 19th lunday after Trinity. Monday. Chamber of Commerce meeting 2.15 p.m. Tuesday. New Moon. Races First Day Bent Assessment Board, 2.15 p.m.
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  • 621 4 Tin h«-eiB at $111.50 (50 c t s no sellers. D 1 The number of Chinese \mtagranis wuo arrive I i a $i: j£rar 1 during the pa* on n?R? London, Oct. 11 t Htirm is 441, with rather offerJT Taa au feet is leli.—i2g t( Rub
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  • 100 4 Paoßb This Of.ijAT Tva'i Th* Fighung Fronts 5 Russia S Hun Politics .!i 3 War Aims American Items 5 GENERAL: In the Argonne 2 New Type Politician Local share Matket Stocks and Shares Chnrch Services 3 Turks aud Holy Land o' Food Supplies 4 Local and General 4
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 167 4 ENGLISH MADE Lisle Thread Singlet's (LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES). 1 I TRADE MARK. j Made from the Strongest Pure Lisle Thread, a Dependable j Garment in Every Way. SIZR* STOCKED 28, 30, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40 ami 42 fan. Sole Agents ROBINSON Co. LUBRICATING j I FOR ALL PURPOSES
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    • 439 4 To-night To night OFF BEACH KOAD At the House of Merit CINEMA CASINO A (irand Complete Change of Programme. IN THE 2nd iHDW Universal Preparedness Productions Present THE DR\MA OF THE HOUR Tbe Birth of Patriotism A SENSATIONAL DRAMA with a THRILLING APPEAL that will FIRE the BLOOD of every
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    • 218 4 Just Arrived A SHIPMENT OF [Yoiingers EDINBURGH Ale IN BARRELS. Priecs on application to Caldbeck, Macgregor AND CO. ADELPHI HO I EL "OUR DAY" A Grand Masquerade Ball WILL BE HELD IN AID OF THE British Red Cross Society ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1917 The WHOLE ol the proceeds from
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  • 112 5 The Fighting Fronts OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES. Weather improving. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Oct. 12, 12,25 a. LQ. FVM Marshal Sir Douglas Haij X f, iinprov-tl weather and «ooc visibility hare hfoorad the work oi tfc- ar> "J. Thereh*« been mncb o-iunter lattery aciivity ai th- ba tie f:nn Mta
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  112 words
  • 526 5 London, Oct. If, 4.10 p.m. Router's correspondent at Bri- »li Headquarters states Tiie Britii'i snd A'.zaca to day resumed the proe.-J* °f pushing th Germans off what regains of thnir foothold upon thn great ridge system east of Ypres. The French on the left did not in* ve
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  • 70 5 Aitillery Work. Gordon, Oct 12, 4.40 p.m. r i!cb e mmnniy Th-t night l0 ia,k *l by ijreat mninala»-till*rj lKlt T and a serits of Germar ,**>■« at riong parti <>f oni *v®*» inclo ling w«| of Cpiny, WM th* n Champagne, and ir '-i s of Soaain and
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  • 58 5 I'ack and Fcrtb. Unuon, Oct. la. 4.45 p.m. lrele88 Kaisian official W coun£er-attr:cked and restored the position southward of Pskov highroad. The enemy's artillery forced back onr advanced posts northward of the road. The enemy took several trenches in th« Buczacz region. A counterattack recaptured them. We drove out
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  • 60 5 British Attacks. Loudon, Oct. 12,4.10 p.m. Wireless German official Between Lys and the Ypres-Menin Road firing iuoreased suddenly to drumfire this morning. New enemy attacks then commenced on wide sectors. There is most intense artillery firing north-eastward of Soissions and eastward of the Mouse. There is intense artillery
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  • 35 5 Another Retirement. London, Oct, 12, 1.50 a.m. Amsterdam The inspire,} Herlin correspondent of tha Cologne v olkazeilang expecis an earlr retirement ot Kerr either Kaehlmmn or von B a l ow succeeding him.
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  • 137 5 Londun, Oet, 12, 7 10 a.m. Amsterdam The Reichsta* adjourned to Dee. 5 The President m his concluding speech exhorted thfl people not to lose their nerve. General Hindenburg roplvinc to the German national chamber of commerce said England's envy has closed the door of international commerce. She
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  • 87 5 Curiosity of Crowds. London, Oct. 12, 7.10 a m. Patrograd: The ex-Tzar and family have been tranaferred to a monastery in the vicinity of Tobolsk, aa the (ix-Tzar complained of the cariosity of the crowds div and night surrounding his house at Tobolak which was without a g»rden. Cissack
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  • 143 5 A Firm Attitude. London, Oct. 12, 7.5 p.m. D i'ch newdoapts appear to accept fairly philosophically the stop|S of c >m:u 'rciai telegrami which is a'inw form of preesora exercised by the Allies. The Stoppage applies to all commercial cables between Allied conntries and Holland. Dutch business
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  • 51 5 London, Oct, 12. 7. 10 a.m. Boenos Aires Count Lnxburg. who i 3 awaiting an opportunity to depart, evaded surveillance and attempted to tl 8 to the interior. He wyn arretted and his luggage s»iz d. Lexbarg protested and insulted the authorities and was taken back to Buenos
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  • 313 5 Speech by Mr. Asqaith. Undon, Oot. 11, 11.10 p m. Mr. Asquiih, on war aims a a inei ting held in Liverpool, re-emphasis I that we are fighting for durable s.f-guards against a further world war. Although it was hailed in th home quarters «<* an onve branch
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  • 263 5 This act of crude shortsighted spoliation was the root source of the present war. German diplomacy waa not celebrated for deftness, but annals do not contain a clumsier or more transparent manoeuvre than the maladroit attempt to sow ditcord between ourselves and the French as regards
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  • 45 5 London, Oct. 12, 12.10 p.m. The Press Bureau states th it Dr. Addison has appointed a committee to report on questions connected with securing and distributing raw material required for British industries, for the purpose of restoring and developing trade after the war.
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  • 37 5 London, Oct 12, 1.0 p m. Router announces that regarding the requisitioning of ships partly or wholly British owned, it is believed that forty Swedish vessels alone are affected. Four have already been taken over.
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  • 40 5 London, Oct. 12. 9.45 p.m. The War Office announces that Major General Sir William Salmond, X.C B, has been appointed Director General of military aeronautics in snccas-don to the Rr. Hon. J. Henderson, who is undertaking soecial work.
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  • 26 5 London, Oct. 12, 7.10 a.m. Parie: Six persons have been sentenced to periods of four months to two years' imprisonment for distribnting pacificist pamphlets.
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  • 46 5 Swedes Again. London, Oot 12, 7.10 a m. New York A plot to import tungsten on board a Scandinavian liner has been frustrated by the arrest of the steward and two local Swedes. Two hundred pounds of tungsten were found concealed in tho liner.
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  • 42 5 Charlestown, South Carolina Three of the crew of the German steamer Liebenfels which was sunk at h«r anchorage in January have been sentenced to two years' imprisonment and a fine of a thousand dollars for aohspiraoy to sink the ship.
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  • 33 5 New York: A taunt rs' sl'iance has been formed at the suggestion of Government to control the export of hides and skins in order to prevent them reaching enemy desti nations.
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  • 39 5 London, Oot 12, 5.20 p.m. Washington t Mr. Baker stated that the number of men of the new national array actually in training or under orders aggregates 431,1*0. Their clothing etcetera will be ready as required.
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  • 86 5 Premiers Declaration Londou, Oct. 11, 11.55 p.m. Mr Lloyd George addressing an Insurance Friendly Societies'deputation, said that no statement was more ciloulated to prolong thia terrible war than Kuehlmann'a utterancMn the Reichstag at regrada no cone ssion of Alsaoe-Lorraine. However long the war lasts, we intend to stand by
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  • 34 5 Londor, Oct. 12. 5 20 p.m. Ottawa: Sir H. Bord<m an'horis's the statement that the formation of a coalition Government is assured It ia expected to conaist of Liberals and Conaervatlvea equally.
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  • 27 5 London Oct. 12, 1.15 p.m. The Admiraliy states D-apite the weather Saval aircraft dropped many bomba on SparappMhoe* aerodrome yesterday. All our machines returned.
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  • 25 5 Lmdon, Oc:i. 12, 1.50 a.m. Copenhagnn The Foreign Minister announced an agreement whereby very considerable quantities of potatoes a.-o being imported from Germany.
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  • 36 5 Lon lon, Oot 12, 1.50 a.m. Mr. Arthur Clavell Baiter, M P, Recorder at Poole, and Mr. Alexander A Roche XC have boen appointed justicea of the King'a Bmeh. Mr. Juatice Ridley haa resigned.
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  • 159 5 A party of twenty odd Japanese sailors strolled into the Victoria and Albert Museum. After wandering aimlessly round the European sections one of their number espied the flesh of Japanese sword blades under their glass cas«s. The little Japanese sailors hurried across to the spot, and soon
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  • 40 5 To-morrow launches will leave Johnston's Pier at 9,10 and 11 a.m 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. and the Clnb Bungalow at 9.30 and 10.30 a.m., 12.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. High tide 9.30 a.m. Height 8 ft. 4in.
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  • 62 5 The 6 at development of the Cooperative Bank system in Rangoon area is to take place shortly in the opening of a Bank nnder the anspicra of the Co-operative Department to be ran on the lines of District Banks at Pokokkn and a few other places. The management will be
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  • 107 5 Our Day Fund. Sir D. ttaig's Tribute. Reuter. London, Oct 12, 3 20 p.m. Sir Dmglas Haig has written to the chairman of the Red Cross aud St John's Ambulance Societies in connection with Oar D<y appeal on Oct. 18 expressing gratitude for their admirable work with the expeditionary force,
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 503 5 S.CF A. Defeat S CC On the S.O.C. groajjad yesterday evening, another football oaa'ch ia aid of the Oar Day Fund, was played, between the S.C.C. and the 3.C.FA. There waa a ahower of rain jnat before the match, but it aoon cleared, only drizzling a little during
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  • 179 5 The following are entertainments already arrauged in connection with the above Fond Saturday, Oct. 13.—Children's Ftite, Tyeraall. Hace Week. —Two Hotel Europe Sapper Dances (Oct. 16 and 20.) Thursday, Oct. 18. —Riffl j a Hotel Dinner and Auction Bridge. ©ct. 18.—Photographic Exhibition in T MCA, noon to 7 p.m.
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  • 87 5 SUPREME COURT. The petition of Mrs Maria Teresa Jackson against her husband Jos pb Stanley Jackson which came on for hearing on the 11th inst. is for judicial separation and not for divoroe, as we had previously stated. The petitioner alleges cruelty on the part of her huaband.
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  • 253 5 Audacious Robbery. B-fore Mr Lang ham Carter, in the Diatrict Court yesterday afternoon, three Chines See Tee, Lee Ho, and Ng Jeong, were convicted of a rather daring robbery from Keppel Harbour Wharf, on the 7th inst, of 6 rolla of brass steam pip*, 1 long brass pipe
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  • 265 5 Chap Ji Xi informers are sometimes mischievously busy. One such case came on for hearing be. fore tbe Third Magistrate this morning. Lian Ho. who acted as informer took Inspector Tnckwood to River Valley Road on the 26th of last month. Th.; arrangement was that Lian Ho
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  • 254 5 We do not «.ay that tho problem of trartie regulation in Penang cannot be solved, but it is not an easy one to solve, because of the diversity of classes of vehicles that perambulate the streets and the extreme narrowness of many of the streets themselves.
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  • 388 5 To luvade Heart of Germany. Writing under the above title in the of Land and Water," for Jaly 26, Mr, E. Percy Noel ways: The aeroplane of tbe type moat suitable for the purpose of carrying the war into the heart of Germany is ready. To
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  • 206 5 Proposed Legislation In the F.M.S. Gazette appears the draft of an enactment entitled The Town Improvement Enactment." The objects and reasons appendt-d state The question of the adoption of town-planning legislation in these States has been for some time nnder consideration. Schemes for improvement of town-areas, otherwise than
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  • 144 5 The marks of the graves staud np all the way to the enemy, almost hkethe men writes Mr. John Masefie d in the Nation, of a certain part of th*- ol 1 baHefidd of the Somme. S huh are ma with crossep, Oth< -fl wi h
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  • 21 5 At a meeting of the Bombay Corporation recently a cordial addreea of welcome to Mr. Montagu on hia arrival waa voted.
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  • 45 5 Mrs. Bseant with Messia Arundale and Wadia waa expected in Bombay on Sunday the 30th Sept. On the following day which ia her birthday abe waa to l>e presented with a purse of X* 7 lakhs for establishment of a National College in the presidency.
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  • 203 5 Air Raids and Subm irlaes. Mr. A E. Panlet, of the F. M. 8. Railway Central Workshops staff, arrived back at Knala Lumpur on Monday last, after fifteen months' leave, cays the Malay HaiL Mr. Panlet left London on the morning of July 20tb, and had been
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  • 250 5 Palm Oil." There was no coarse open to the magistrate but to throw out the case, reported in our issue yesterday, in which a Chinese police constable was charged with receiving an illegal gratification of six cen's from a ricsha coolie at Weld Qaaj, tays Weinesday'i Straits Echo. The man
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  • 161 5 Ia these strange tinics said Mr, Justice Uorridge in the Probate Conrt it was not tafe to p-esuoie a man to be dead whoe.- &!.;,> waa tor pedoed only 15 areejuj go. Tho observation was made mhm leave was asked to praaam the death of Sir Marc
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  • 81 5 The Geverment of Bombay have just issntda P,ofs Hot- annonncing tbe appiontm. fit of a committee to consulr the question of local allowat.c-, partiealarly in the case of Government tervanta <lrawing than Ks. 10 per month and of house reat allowances for meuial employe, s duiing the period of war.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 64 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Gain Performance AT THE FAMOUS STAB OPERA At the TJ/»<»«.r i>e Royal North idge 11 >&d To-Night! To-Night 11 Iv which Thte *lw A;iara and Actresses, juit arrived ho m Java, will take p<: t. THE PLAY LNTITLID Princess Rembangan thaya To-morrow, Sunday, Princess Gembala Ajalb VERSUS Suka
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  • 398 6 Tho Committee acknowledge with thanks the following subscriptions to the above Fund Previously acknowledged $98,736,82 Collected by Madame J de Courtois L F Randall $10 Madame de Mello 10 M Kader Sultan 50 Banqne de l'lndo Chine 200 270 "X X" 200 Tub Chonglee Canton Merchants
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  • 19 6 Next Sunday there will be a celebration of Holy Communion at 9.15 a.m. at S. Matthew* Church, Sepoy Line*.
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  • 250 6 Singapore, October 13. Tin- Bee Local and General oolnmn. Copra- -Business done. TajAocn. —Steady. Business done. Sago Flour —Buainess done. Oambier. —No Business. Pepper- —Steady. Business done. OrArr Products. Market Quiet. Lattit Local Markit Qaerttieas. Nutmegs 110 S. per pienl 140.00 Nutmegs 80 8. 45.00 Copra Bali 5.60
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  • 97 6 We regret to find in casualty lists dated Sept, 10th and Uth nnder '•Killed H the following names Baker, A,P 2nd Lieut., Highland L.I. Bourdillon, T.L., Mjr King's R. Rifhs. D.H., 2nd Lieut., Highland L.I. Mr. A. P. Baker was antfflcient N.C.O. of the M.B. V.R. He
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  • 65 6 Order* for the week ending, Friday. October 19 i— To-Day. No Drill. To-morrow. 7.30 am <fc 2.30 pm Balestier Range Veteran* Co. SVCMonday. No Drill. Tuesday. No Drill Wednesday. No Drill Thursday. 2.30 pm Drill Hall SF A Co. Friday. 6.30 am Balestier Range Malay Co, S
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  • 285 6 Messrs. Fraser Cos. Circular. Singapore, Oct. 10. There waa a decided lull in operations noticeable this week and noteworthy changes are lacking. Rubber shares keep steady and for once in the matter of transactions are second best to industrials. Mining Bhares from a brokers' point of view are
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  • 54 6 Delivered In London. The following are the date* of departure from Singapore of the Eurv>pean Mail* and their delivery In London, fft L f *r T Dblivbbbd. Sf J u 'y 27 s»pt. 10 AU 1 Sept. 10 M M. Augt gJJ 9 J?'. Au "> Sept. 19
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 478 6 State Express become the all- r^~~^tr^M\ time friend of every man who /mS^^m^rmm^. smokes them and recognises their refinement, exquisite aroma and delicate flavour. They are the standard of g* cigarette quality. Nr %*m*i&. No. 555 virgins per tin of 50-80 Cts. (iartuding duty.) Packed in Patent Vacuum Tins. Sole
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    • 522 6 The Miners S Builders stores Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, F. M. S. Hardware Merchants, General lipor^s AND AGENTS. AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 27 9 2<) 12 In youth—middle &gs—and »ld rarnia' gives new health to
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 194 6 Mails Close. Today thnn Choug pm Merging kemauian Mereing J :io P m Medan Cirrm oa.» Malacca, Port Swetten- Va> ham and Penang *Klang ».*i pm Bangkok Katong 3.80 pm KoUTmgg, Ban Lie (Juan 4 pm Kota Tinggi Tanjong Snrat 4 pm G*n 4 pm uoob Kdina 4 nm
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  • 2142 7 Visit to tbe Grand Fl et. In Northern Mistn' Angnst, 1917: When the grim, gr»>y forms of the King's Grand Fleet loom up Deferens in these Northern btitnoYs, they convey to us a sense of p »wer thai no on« can dispute, says a speoial correspond nit of
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  • 242 7 In an article in the New York monthly, The Metropolitan," Colonel Roosevelt summarises, aa follows, the conditions of the Peace of Victory for which we strive 1 Belgium must bo restored and amply indemnified. 2 Luxembourg should be joined to France or Belginm. 3 France must have
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  • 38 7 The United States now leads the world ir- silver production. Of tho 173,384,000 ounoes prolneed in the world in 1916, 72,184.000 ounces came from this country. Our nearest rivals were Mexico wfth 35,000.000 ounces and Canada with 25,500,000.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 584 7 NQTIBES «BOTAR." NOTICE given that tbf j, the trmd* mark ol The,)l-uui Cump'.nv, Limited. fiSlt'- C urt, Great St. Helen». EC and h used by j Q Cl nn ,otion witß rnaiiufac- f rom miuerpls aud other subtT— for building and decorating Including protective and anti-corro. ye paints but
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    • 423 7 BANK HOLIDAYS It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed at noon on Tuesday, 16th Inst. Thursday, 18th Insi. Race Days. 10 ii 1810 NOTICE. Applies; ions, accompanied by copies of testimonials, will be receded at the Master Attendant's ffiieu P *> the 15th instant for the
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    • 627 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA* AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN EN .LAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. p aid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 J*erveFund £1900,000 Liability of P.—.prietors £1.200.000 BANKERS, ihe Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Jiank,
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    • 172 7 It's Good to feel tired after healthy exercise, but if that tire i fueling does not disappear after a night's sleep it's abnormal. It means that yon are anaimio or debilitated, that yoa need a tonic to build up your thin blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People supply
      172 words
    • 60 7 Train Service. Singapore (Tank Road) Dally. The 10.25 a.m. train from Johore Buhru to Gemas and the 6.45 a.m. train from Gemas to Johore Bahrn have commenced running from the 3rd May. The former train connects with the 9 a.m. train. Tank Road to Johore Bahrn, and the latter with
      60 words
    • 466 7 THE ORIENT T A L Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1874 fNCUBPUBATED U INDIA. FUNDS exceea $30,500,000.00 Absolute BBOUBITT Income In 1916 $4,309,51 7.50 I Total Out pj In 1916 $2,490,418.50 Assurance srrasted In lti I $4,230,542.35 I ln k ,ea<e !n Funds $1,819,099 no Total r/olicies in
      466 words

  • The Malaya Tribune.
    • 25 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issue* Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAY A TRIBUNE. Issued Dally.} Vol. IV. No. 242 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS.
      25 words
    • 589 1 Question of Salvage. Souie hundreds of merchant ships torpedoed by German submarines during the three year* of war, are now lying with tbeir various eargoea at the bottom of tbe sea. Mast they lie there for ever, or can they be re. floated, aa Germany is reported to
      589 words
    • 11 1 October II Rumpbius, Dutch Emilo, Dutch October 12. Baaaagor, BritiHh
      11 words
    • 28 1 October 11. Sri Muar, British AbboUtford, Brui*b Hai Nam, Hebo, British Scots Barley, British Kaka, British Singaradja, Dutch B. 8. Ram, Dutch October 12. Sembilan, Dutch
      28 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 511 1 THERE IS N0 Finer Medium for Shippers' Advertisement! THAU THE Shipping Gazette. Write for terms, »Gc Collyer Quay, Singapore. P.*o.BrsT!sh India apcar line (Companies Incorporated in Enoland.) MAIL AND mitm* SERVICE?. Peninsular and Orianta? S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) C The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST OF
        511 words
      • 283 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappij "Nederland" AND "Rotterdam Lloyd 14 (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and farther particulars Apply to Internationale Credlet and Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam" (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D' Almeida Street
        283 words
      • 445 1 SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. Entrances—Taajeng Pagar. WfMKTaW SKCTIuS GODOWNS GaTK ENTRANCES Bonded Warehouse*, Trafalgar St. Ravi ".^clamation. hu.ragr 2 and 1 /T. Paghr. P S East Eaat 1 nnd 20/22 Storage B 1 Wharf Road. Sheora 3 19 1 do (Dry Dock*) 3 Dock Store, Head C Tower Office, Police and
        445 words
      • 452 1 I Shlpl GciZetUs j I SUA. i Tern > i i N. Y. K. NIPPON VUSEN KAISHA (INtOftPOBJLTBD IN JAVA JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINE. A Krnte It, maintained between Yokohama t mall contract with the Imperial Japanese Qovernn U— maintaining this service hare been specially iriMiainl rew c
        452 words
    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 59 1 Singapore Tide Tables. Saturday, Oct. !3.—Mor>n in Equator 4b. A. High water :—9 4 am 8 ft. 9 0 pai 8 ft. 2 ina. Sunday, Oct. 14. High water 9 30 am 8 ft. 4 ins.; 9 4J p.n 8 ft 5 ins. Monday, Oot. 15. High water 9.55 am
        59 words