Malaya Tribune, 6 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
    28 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 279 1 'THE MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. The popular Newspaper of the Straits Settlements. V 3? PUBLISHED DAILY. pl< te Reports of Local Events. CoaJfnsed-News from F.M.8., Java" China, India,' Cc lon and Japan! Full and Latest War News. GREATEST OF ALL Great Programmes F»ULt Together At the "Gaiety" To-night! AT
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    • 552 1 JUBANCE^ BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Incorporated in New Zealand) FIRE Imaranoe-* effected on Balldlngs, Ren* and Merchandise of eveiy description MA BINE Issuances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest rate.. WAI USE accepted to all parts. J.HENRY Manager. Offices: 3, Finlayson Green. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation.
      552 words
    • 32 1 m mm m inn j Ross's Famous Bottlings Fresh Supplies (~cathf fy. British and test. Insist nn being served with ROSS'S U. Ross Brothers LIMITED. 3 BOTTLERS London and Leith. u mmmmmmmmmmmtmsmmmkWiWkWkMmW^
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    • 239 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE and SHIPPING GAZETTE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, i Payable in Advance. i Per annum $14.00 J Half yearly 7.25 j Per quarter 365 1 Per mensem 1.25 j Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month, j Temporary Phone No. 171. SULPHURIC I AND I Hydrochloric Acid. I Mitsui Bussan Kaisha,
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  • 295 2 M. P. A A. Proposals Tho following resolution, proposed by the Chairman, was passed at a meeting of the Malayan Planters Agricultural Association held at Parit Buntar on Sunday M That this Association views with considerable apprehension the con tiauanoe of the s)stein of calling for tenders for
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  • 806 2 Liquor Labels Forged. As tho ins* \f*ce of. Ifeainy Sturxe- j«i aud Co of Peuang, AkM nt« of llowrs. Qtsorge Younger M < Sons, Ail ia. a oase was hnnrd before Mr. Pryde in th** Taiping Court on Monday, when Inspector Miller charged three Chinese, Ong Ou<in, Oug
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 349 2 Paying Investment. The investment of a small sum of 60 Cents in the purobase of a tin of the ATANK MIGRAH PILLS will bring you improved health and strrngtb, by which you will be able to make the besl use of your time. A Certified Boots. The book that has
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    • 115 2 I'J'H'JillilM'Mll'l'Jil'H Mrs. M Pickad FtM. All cfcaifM M MEAD COVENTRY FLYERS am mmr\ warranted Firm s vsaps. MODELS 11 Imm.fl ttt o> «iy „.atlu: T>r»» tnd AccMroxt UMll«Ml>H'<t HHnUll Writ* «I once uu»r vMilam poMure tor now Mr «n/# Art o*taio««* «od TBI)/* tV»rofwmpl«m>'klM. AgtattwanttC v w a***"*MNie JAPANESE Massage.4
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    • 771 2 A QOOD PHOTOGRAPh nun Tour Very Likeness, Style and Mood. A PRODUCTION FROM Lee Brothers* Studio, Hill Street will produce these results. m%mm t— WM if— 11 liifii «WWMW OmWMW WS SALYITAE. The most powerful but harmless ':*r?iae tonic, producing sturthng litaUs, immediate and permanent, in lU cases of osrvous
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    • 498 2 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Krsbraujan H*ir Oil, Oejhm Te a Ceylon (Jaffna) Cigars. FmtSJ |~;|jj CONDIMENTS, Chmtneya, Lime, etc, Pickle*, Maaagce L m% and Brinjils, etc etc., obttir.x c at The Servants 1 Agency Office, No. 17 Dhoby GLant--29 9 2 s 10 FOR PRIVATE SALE. Freehold Godowns Nos. 65,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 205 2 Singapore Volinteer Corps. Orders for tb- w*v i .-n iui Friday. October 12 To Day. 2 30 pm. Johnston's Pier S.V. Section* 1 .v I U.R.F. i U L. SpectalisK To-morrow. 8.00 a.m. The Gap Maxim Co. S.V.C 7 Bras Basah Rd. for Karopong Bahra Malay Co. S.V.I. Monday. 4.30
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  • 1037 3 Vkws of Gen. Smuts. General Saints' speech on the war situation is one of the few that have bom wired ont by Reuter at great 1 fftb, am i this would indicate the porta*! with whioh it ia viewed. Renter has tent it in twenty-two auctions altogether. The
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  • 65 3 Delivered In London. The Lollowing are the dat*a of departure from Singapore of the Baropean Mails and th*.r delivery in London. mail. Lhft. DiLirauan. P. A O. July U Sop». 10 8.1. Jult 17 Hopt. 10 8.1. Auj. 1 Sept. 10 M M. Aig. 11 Sopt. It M.M.
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  • 245 3 Singapore, October, 6. Tin. —See Local and General column. CnorU' —Business done. Tapioca.—Steady. Business done. Saqo Flour• No Business. Q imbier. —Business done. Pepper .—Steady. Busineaa done. Other Product.3. —Market Quiet. Ut«t Local Market Qvotitiou. Nutmegs 110 S. per pioul $40.00 Nutmegs 80 8. 45.00 Copra Bali 5.60
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  • 441 3 The theft of bicycles is becoming so audacious and frequent that tbe uthoritiea ought to bestir themselves r yarding ways and means for ending this vexatious sort of petty theft. It il easy to fiod fault with tbe authorities for increase of crime but it must he remembered
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  • 29 3 What are thrse?" "Just some cakes I have been making—a few trifles." I wouldn't sill them trifles, my i we. Trifles are said to be as light ii air."
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  • 67 3 Singapore. October 5. f )n LoridoL— Bank* in/a, 2/4| Demand 2/4 1 Prtvn* 3 m/a. 2/4 27/32 111 IndiaBank T. T. 153 On Hongkong— Bank d/d 23f preru. OU ShanghaiBank dd. 55^ Jn Java— Bank T. T 132^ On Japan— Bank d/d. 109 Sovereigns—baying rate $3.54 India O'oi) Bills
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 655 3 A GENUINE TREAT Alhambra Is is the only I the Theatre ore l nterest "Compel ling Instalments and an Absolutely and theatre 1 where you Screamingly Funny Triangle Keystone Comedy with an tf.tth.BEST "A™ M tM pictures, the I aerved datlon The House for Music. The Pioneer and Premier House—
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    • 493 3 i AT THE POPULAR FHOIO-FLAY HOU?E EMPIRE Ifctjoeg PK irR, A (I. Trams Paae th° Door. TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT SECOND SHOW ».15 SHARP Two New Episodes of THE IRON CLAW 20 Episode 40 Parta. Episode 17. -The Vanishing Faker" J Parts Episode 18. "She Green-Eyed God 2 P-trts 3 WON BY
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 263 3 Mails Close, To-day Mersinir. Blair Harbur and Kemaman Mersing J pm u n Ciroe 2.30 pm Malacon. Port Swettenham ami IWng *Klang 2.S0 pm TOonbn Bombay 2.3 pm ™ngjr.,k Foo Lee 2.80 pm Brisbane 2.30 pm Sourabaya, Bandjer-ma-sin. Stagen, K. Baroe. B. Papan, Samarinda, et Reynierss 1.80 pm Bangho* Mata
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  • 820 4 It has been a busy fortnight. There have been two great battles, the one a complete victory and tbe other approaching tbe same goal. There have been two great speeches, the one by that man who was deprived of bis opportunity and yet has made good—Winston Churchill —and
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  • 738 4 A Local Interrlew. Interviewed byoori r representative yesterday, Mr. Lim Tye K->)ig, who has just returned to th Colony after eight months somewhere" in Mesopotamia, where he was attached to a Chinese Porter Corps, very kindly consented to give us some particulars which we think would be of interest
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  • 42 4 To-morrow launches will leave Johnston's Pier, at 9,10 and 11 a.m 2.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. and the Club Bungalow at 9.30 and 10.30 a.m., 12 15, 3 and 5.30 p.m. High tide 1.54 p.m. Height 8 ft. Bin
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  • 54 4 Mr. Justice L. P. Ebden who •ones from tha Northern Settlement, asm mod duties yesterday as Puisnw Judge in place of Justice P. J. Sproule, who has gone on long leave. His Honour was kept busy with accumulated chamber work the whole of yesterday morning and stt in the Bankruptcy
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  • 533 4 Tin h«re is at 112.25 ($1 ai3 tone Bold. Rubber is quoted at 2/84 tor and 26* for sheet. 1 rcre f* London, Oct. 3 The wlVt r keiia quiet. Renter. To-day's latest advertisements km. pear on pageH 4 and 5. The feature at tL* Casino t*.
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  • 202 4 Question of Exchange Military Headquarters. Fort Canning, Singipore, S. S, 4th October, 1917. With reference to the urgent call for "A" Class men for Military Service, the General Otficer Commanding notifies for public inform mation that the War Office has recently released a "B" Class man from Military
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 164 4 ENGLISH MADE Lisle Thread Singlet's (long and Short sleeves). i V s TRADE MARK. Made from the Strongest Pure Lisle Thread, a Dependable Garment in Every Way. SIZES STOCKED 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42 iv«. Sole Agents ROBINSON Co. LUBRICATING —OILS FOR ALL PURPOSES STOCKS ALWAYS
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    • 583 4 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Cff Beach Road AT THE Off Eeach Road CINEMA CASINO AN OPPORTUNE PROGRAMME. At 9 p m. At 9 p.m. Thomir H. Ince's World Renowned Production Civilization The moit daring and Stupendous cinema production of Modem Times. Someone had coined tho Paradox that "we must have War In
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    • 213 4 ICLIRET In Bilk AND in Bottle Prices on application to Caldbeck, Macgregor AND Co. ADELPHI HO I EL "OUR DAY" A Grand Masquerade Ball WILL BE HELD IN A.ID OF THE British Red Cross Society 01 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1917 The WBOLH of the proceeds from entrance tickets will be
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  • 205 5 The Fighting Fronts. OFFICI L COMMUNIQUES. New British Offensive. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. I,}. Oct, 4, 630 p.m. Renter's correspondent it Headra S vys that the new and iog 'blow in Flanders was uaacta i t bifl morning in unsettled weather, which, however favoured uB ainl handicapped the enemy.
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  205 words
  • 137 5 London, Oct, 4. 7.40 p.m. Renter's correspondent at Headquarters says the battle opened this morning with a fierce whirlwind artillery barrago which crept on ahead of our men, the first waves of whom advanced in light order so as to cover the ground rapidly; a wounded soldier
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  • 405 5 L Ion, Oct. 4, 10.30 p.m. Renter's special correspondent at Headquarters wires that to-day is already being proclaimed one of our greatest victories since the Main-, and i: really seems that the battle which rolled onward across theMenin Ridges has gone brilliantly. The Uwrmana are scattered and
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  • 551 5 London, Oct. 5, 1.5 a.m. Sir Douglas Haig says: The attackwas over an eight miles front, southward of Tower Hamlots to YpresStaden railway, northward of Langemarck. We were completely success* ful, all objectives being gained and positions of importance won. Overthrew thousand prisoners have already been counted.
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  • 288 5 London, Oct 5, 3.55 p.m. Renter's corresponent at Headquarters says The fruits of yesterday's victory have been held. There have been no Infantry counterattacks at night time, demonstrating the German exhaustion due to the manner in which their big offensive has been devested yesterday morning, and also
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  • 337 5 London, Oct. 5, 7.0 a.m. Coming on the top of General Smuts' speech, Sir Douglas Haig's victory in the battle of Broodseinde, as this third aod probably most decisive phase of the third battle of Tpres will be known, has kindled enthusiasm which the country has for
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  • 49 5 London, Oct. 5, 12.15 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig states The enemy heavily shelled onr new posi tiuns eastward of Tpres, which onr troops are engaged in organising. We drove off raiders northward of Oouzeaucourt with enemy loss, and repulsed three raids in the neighbourhood of Lens.
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  • 105 5 Lively Encounters. London, Oct. 4, 10 20 p.m. A French communique says i Hand grenade and artillery actions took place on the plateaux south of Ailles. An enemy coop de main was repulsed west of Pompelle There was an all day very violent artillery struggle on the right bank
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  • 35 5 Raid on Cattaro. London, Oot. 5, 6.35 p.m Wireless Italian official i We repulsed repeated attacks on San Gabriele. Our air squadron attacked a naval base at Cattaro and hit torpedo boats and submarines.
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  • 37 5 Successful Encounters London, Oct. 5, 3.30 p.m. Wireless Russian official Onr artillery stopped an enemy attack in dense waves sonthward of Radautz. Bulgarians occupied several trenches in the Buzco region. We counter-attacked and restored the position.
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  • 133 5 The British Attack. London, Oct. 4, 10.20 p.m. Wireless German official Today's great English attack penetrated only a kilometre deep be tween Poelcapell" and Gheluvelt. Bitter fighting continues eastward of Z mnebeke and westwatd of Becelare. London, Oct. 5, 5.50 p.m. Wireless German official: The hottest points of
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  • 278 5 Geo. Maurice's Review. London, Oct. 4, 6.30 p.m General Maurice in the weekly review of the situation this afternoon, informed Renter that h A had just heard by telephone that Field Marshal Haig had gained the whole of to-daj's objective, including a very important part of the Menin
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  • 166 5 Against Great Odds. London, Oct. 5, 3.30 p.m. A special correspondent sends the following report of a SquadronCommander of the Naval Air Bervice, which reveals that the odds were cheerfully accepted by the British pilots during the air raids on London. Flying at eleven thousand feet, I
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  • 77 5 Huns Tremble. London, Oct. 4, 10.3.' p.m. Amsterdam According to German accounts on the night of Oct. 2 a dozen airmen dropped a considerable number of bombs on Frankfurt, Stuttgart and other towns. Five were injured and one killed, the damage generally being slight. An official telegram says that
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  • 100 5 Torpedoed Off Ireland. London, Oct. 4. 10.20 p.m. Tbe Admiralty state the warship Drake, Captain Radcliffe, was torpedoed on Tuesday off the north coast of Ireland. She reached harbour and then sank in shallow water. The explosion killed one officer and eighteen men. The remainder were saved.
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  • 111 5 Peace Activity. London, Oct. 5, 4.55 am. Petrograd The democratic conference by *3S votes to 106 has resolved on instructing the executive to constitute a strong revolutionary authority, whioh shall actively work for general peace. M. Kerensky, in a speech to the oommittee prior to the conference's rejection of
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  • 75 5 London Oct. 5, 6.15 p.m. Petrograd The diipnte between the seamen of the Baltic Fleet and the Ministry of Marine, cabled on Oct. 3, has been settled by the intervention of the Petrograd soviet. Admiral Verdereveky telegraphed to the orews requesting them to be calm as the Germans
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  • 118 5 London, Oct. 5, 6.15 p.m. The appointment of the Prinoe of Wales as Grand Master of St. Michael and St. George is hailed with satisfaction in the quarters in London connected with the Dominions and oversea possessions in view of the special association of the Order
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  • 44 5 20,000 Aeroplanes London, Oct. 5, 5.0 p.m. Washington The Minister for War announces that twenty thousand aeroplanes of every type recentIv authorised are actually being constructed. Trained aviators will complete the equipment and will be ready as soon as the aeroplanes are.
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  • 59 5 Loudon, Oct. 4, 8.10 p.m. Washington The construction of an immense flotilla of dee'royera is progressing remarkably. Naval authorities expect th6m to be ready for doty in European waters early in 19lb. The destroy rs are of a new design. The trials of the first few completed
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  • 52 5 London, Oot. 4, 8 0 p.m. A High Admiralty official informed Router that there were more sub. marines destroyed in the last ejuarter than in any previons qnarter, while the Allied shipping losses during the same period were fewer than in any previous quarter, since the intensified
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  • 218 5 London, Oct. 5, 10.10 p.m. The King has telegraphed to Sir Douglas Haig: The continued success of onr gallant troops in Flanden gives me the highest satis, faction and reflects great credit on yoor leadership, and th« efficiency, conrage and endurance of all ranksLondon, Oct. 5, 9.50 p.m.
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  • 298 5 Lawn Tennis. S- R. C. Championship The final in the Singapore Recreation Club Tennis Tournament was played off last evening before a fair gathering of spectators including several lady friends of the members of the Club. The contestants were E. E. de Souza, the champion of the last Tournament,
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  • 166 5 New Notes Ready. A Government 3azette extraordinary issued yesterday afternoon ■tatei Notice is hereby given that in view of the present shortage of subsidiary silver and copper coins which is doe to the fact that persons have not only been illegally taking these coins from the Colony, bat
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  • 395 5 Advertisement Regulations. k special meeting of the Mnnici pal Commission to consider tho propoeal ot ije laws for the control of advertisements was held yesterday afternoon in the council board-room. The following were present :—Mr F J Hallifax (President), J Pol«lase (Srore'ary), B Ball (Engineer), Dr N Veerasamy
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  • 93 5 The Fete organised under the auspices of the Straits Chinese British Association has two sections today, 3to 6 pm and 730 to 11 pm. Large and influential committees of both Chmese and Europeans have framed excellent programmes for each part, including a number of 6ide shows, and "all the fnn
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  • 336 5 THE ASSIZES. Charge Reduced. Before the Chief Justioe (Bir John Buck;.ill, XC yesterday afternoon, the case was concluded in which a Cantonese named Leong Ah Cheng was indicted with the attempted murder of a Chinese detective named Yap Boon Xi t by shooting at him with a revolver
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  • 160 5 In the Third Conrt yee'erday afternoon another chap-ji-ki lottery "hanl'' resulted in the imposition of a fine of $500, or 2 months' rigorous imprisonment, on Ahmat bin Mohamed Amin, and of $250, or 1 month rigorons imprisonment, on Ahmat bin Sasmalai, for jointly assisting to carry on a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 159 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "OUR DAY" Children's Fete ARRANGED Under tbe Auspices of The Straits Chinese British Association. Patronsi he The Governor Sir Arthur Young, 8 C.M.6. AND The Lady Evelyn Young. To-day, October 6, 1917 3 to 6 p.m. AND 7.30 to 11.30 p.m. ON RAFFLES RECLAMATION GROUND. By kind permission
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    • 153 5 -OUR DAY" AUCTION. Under the auspices of the E- Ho Hean and the Garden Clubs, an auction will be hold at the Garden Club, Raffles Chambers, on November 6th, in aid of Our Day Fund at an hour to be announced at a later dateThe Public are invited to send
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  • 143 6 Singapore, October 6 MeBirB LathsTi an i Co., tb. Arcade, adviae the following qnot: 'ions i— AlorGajah $4.40 $4.60 AyerKoninga 1.45 155 Ayer Molek 2.87± 3.00 AyerPanat 12.00 12.25 Balgownie 6.60 6.75 Bakit Jelotong 0.75 0.10 Bakit Katil 090 097$ OhangkatSeidg.... 950 9 7<) Glenealy 2.45 2.55
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  • 1969 6 Governor's Despatch Tbe following despatch sent by tbe Governor of Ceylon, Sir John Anderson, v C M > X.C.8., to the Right Honourable Walter H. Long, MP, Seoretary of State for the Colonies, concerning th«» shooting of citizens during the riots in Ceylon in the year
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  • 808 6 Prices Quoted j B the Market this Mming. HINGAPOBH, OCTOBBB 6. M— Lyail and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broksra, iaane the following liat of quotationa Rubber Shares. Horn. Fains. B'.v h. B Hat*. J/- Aliagar 3 4 S Anglo Java 6 7.--t- Ang!o-Ma:".f <->j- 16/--1 Ayer Kuri'?ig
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  • 18 6 Vesfwli in oo n Jianiori m r.t aooa with the Icoal Ooji_ae-oia 4 iWi cliii Station:—Norn.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 264 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE O v SALE AT Tfie Leading Hotels AND Principal Liquor Dealers. FOR SALE One large 4-cylinder NAPIER CAR recently overhauled, repaired and painted and in good running order. One twin cylinder ZENITH MOTOR CYCLE and side car, 5 H.P. New and in
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    • 188 6 CIGARETTES. The particular man demands a particular cigarette "State Express" are made for just such men—men of discrimination who require the best. No. 555 per tin of 50=80 cents (INCLUDINB DUTY.) tirN Packed lfl paf:nt kuum rin TJ(O^' S*~lJL*mm, mU Sol* Manufacturers: 0A R OATH TOB ACCO CO.. LTD., LONDON.
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    • 891 6 The liners Builders stores Kuan Lumpur, Selangor, F. M. S. Hardware Merchants, General Impoi^ 1 AND AGENTS. AGENCIES Wanted for business or for the sale of all kinds of merchandise in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. 27 9 f) 12 Church Services. S ANDREWS OttUMAI SINGAPORE. lfeXU Si. *DAY
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  • 972 7 Will It Come Out? An American naval expert on returning to the United States from England expressed the opinion that a great naval battle ia to be expected. A naval correspondent, writing in a home paper recently, says those with an inside knowledge of how things are
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  • 138 7 At Westminster on August 3rd, the B. F. Goodrich Co., Ltd., Golden Lane, London E.C., were summoned for making a false statement with regard to Roods for which an export licence was desired. The company applied to export 9,000 lb. of a substance known as superheat packing to
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  • 116 7 Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association. 315 th auction, 3rd 4th October. Offered for Sal, Pah. M II a»M»MfIHa (Ton* 1,(11.0)). Prices Realised. Sh,«t*m >ked tine nbbed IJW J" I"» p, Cribbed »06 to 11. tine vlain K'»>d plain Unsmoked line ribbed n pxd ribl>ed i tine plain
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  • 355 7 Messrs. Barlow Co's Report. Singapore, Oct. 4. The qnantity catalogued for the Auction this week, which commenced yesterday and finished this afternoon, amounting to some 1,264 tons create'! a new record. The tone of the market was weak with only a few Buyers operating, and demand was poor. Prices all
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  • 262 7 Messrs. Guthrie Co's Report. Singapore, Oct. 4. Tbe Weekly Robber Auction opened yesterday with a very poor demand, the earlier sellers being able to dispose of but a very small proportion of their offerings. Althongh gome demand sprang up latter, price were appreciably below these of last week. The top
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  • 226 7 To tbo Editor. Dear Sir, —I b g leave to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of tbe 12th July, inclosing draft £20J, the amount received in response to an appeal mide by th a li«v. JAB Cook on behalf of thn Institution, by means of
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  • 103 7 A Long Swim Sixteen members of the Osaka Swimming School took part in a race from Kobe to Osaka recently, the first men covering the distance of 20 miles in about seven hours. The competitors left Kobe at 7.20 in the morning, accompanied by a boat in
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  • 36 7 Aviation Instructor —You have never made a flight Mr. Henpeck (enlisting in the aviation corps)— No. Aviation Instructor—How long do you think you could stay up? Mr. Henpeck—Ten o'clock i* I what my wife allows mo.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 586 7 'NOTICES^ NOTICE the undersigned. Tan Keng busband) nd Chew Kirn Neo X)do bewbf B*e notice ih EJ'this nay agreed to separate and ha ?r endently of each other. >ye also agreed that all rights c marriage shall, as from this SLkht bub and d > that eith^ r JJJ J
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    • 416 7 WANTED WASTED Junior Shorthand Typist- Immediate engagement. Previous experience not essential Apply Box 312, c/o Malaya Tribune. 4 10 8 10 WANTED Junior Clerk. (Chiaese\ Must be an efficient typist and good at figuresApply personally to GTJTHKIi: ft Co., Ltd. Estate Department. 4 10 v WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A qualified book-keeper,
      416 words
    • 612 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA AUSTRALIA AND CHINA INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,900,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS, rhe Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
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    • 164 7 Is Your Cfcild Pale? When a child formerly bright ud active loses coLur, suffers from headache, bleeding at tbe nose, finds play an effort and prefers to sit still and mope, there is every MWfl to suspect that the blood is getting thin—that the child is aiirv It is a
      164 words
    • 388 7 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. Established 1874. Incorporated in India. FUNDS exceed $30,500,000.00 Absolute Security. Income In 1916 $4,309,517.50 Total Out go In 1916 *?.490.418.50 Assurance effected In 1916 $4,230,542.85 Increase In Funds $1,819,099 00 Total Policies in force 65,842 with Bonus addition*, $72,522,348 14. LOW Apply
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    • 25 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. issued Daily.] Vol. IV. No. 236 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER g, i§i 7 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 650 1 Dip Into the Past. Ihe American Ambassador !>as just visited Buckland Abbey, wtere Drake's Drum and other relics of the Elizabethan age are treasured, aud the Times vividly telle the story whioh the drum once rolled out Three hundred and two score years *go, at Callao de
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    • 27 1 October 4. Lady Weld, British Qaorrs, British Emile, Dutch Kucbing, Sarawak Oc.'ober 5. Mata Hari, British Giang Ann, Britiib Khoen Foeng, Dutch Barentaz, Dutch Jajasscns, Dutch
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    • 24 1 October 4. Sri Muar, British Kaka, British Siugkei, Dutch Senang, Dutch B. S. B*ru, Dutch Dot™ Norwegian Kaho, Chinese October I. Sembilan, Dutch
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    • 102 1 WHARVH8 aw, eODOW OAT. E.TRA^B i^p W f reh0a8e Trafalgar St. iuist Reclamation, Ea8t 1 and 8k 2522 8 nd 1 n /T. Pagar. P S East Sheers J »0/22 Storage B 1 Wharf Road. 3 Dock sL. Head' 0 Tower' 0 Office, Police and Main Main
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 397 1 THERE IS HP Finer Medium for Shippers' Advertisements THAN THE Shipping Gazette. Write for terms, 20c Collyer Quay, Singapore. P. O, British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated is England.) MAIL AND PASSENCER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. {Under Contract with His Majesty's GoTtrnment.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES
        397 words
      • 268 1 Stoomvaart Maatschapplj "Hederland" AND Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland.) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE j Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Crediet and Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam" (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D'Almeida Street PHONE,
        268 words
      • 297 1 Direct Passage to Seattle by fast s f earner under American Flag carrying about 100 first class passengers at moderate rates. For further particulars apply to Messrs Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd. Agents. 10 10 j COTTON AND FLAX I Canvas PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION Telephone No. 1484 No. 496, North Bridge
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      • 284 1 To Advertisers: OUR Shipping Gazette Circulates in every port throughout the MALAY PENINSULA. Terrxift on Application. N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINE. All Steamer, for Europe are fitted with Wirelett Mkp for Hongkong, SkugW, Kohe, and Yokohn.a. eve ry fortni.h, S.iuag.
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    • Page 1 Miscellaneous
      • 101 1 Singapore Tide Tables. Saturday, Oct. 6.—Moon Max Dec N 5h M. High water t—lM am 8 ft. 5 ins. i 1.12 pm 9 ft. 3 ins. Sunday, Oct. 7. High water:—2 3« am 7 ft. 8 ina. 1.54 pm 8 ft 8 ins. Monday, Oct. 8. Moon Last Quarter 7,;V™-
        101 words