Malaya Tribune, 2 October 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 251 1 the mm mmm 1 AND I I SHIPPING GAZETTE. T/u' popular Newspaper of the I Straits Settlements. g SS- PUBLISHED DAILY. I J Complete Reports o! Local Events. Couden-cd Nim Iran F.M.8., Java, 2 5 Chic*, India, Cevl >n and Japan. 1 I Full and Latest War News. I CHANGE
      251 words
    • 580 1 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. INCORPORATED IN NEW ZEALAND I WSJBBVBJ fIRE tusaraacei effected on Balldlngs, Rmt *nd MecobandUe of emy description MAUIIE Insurances accepted to »11 parts of ihs world at lowest rate WAR RISK accepted to all parte. J. HENRY Manager. Offices: 2, Finlayson Green. The Eastern
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    • 80 1 mm miii inn iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii iiiiiiiiniiiim THE Pot Stills Great Britain Have Been I j I Taken Over by Government, I NEVERTHELESS j i Buchanan's I will be able to continue to supply their famous blends and to maintain the quality as before, being in the unique position of having the
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    • 333 1 I the mm tribune'! SKIPPJKG GA^ITE. I SUBSCRIPTION RATES, t Payable in Advance. f JL 1 1 Per annual n $14.00 it t Half yearly 7.25 j *Perqua ter 565 i Permen«em 1.25 k 2 Postage Extra 50 CtS. per month. I Temporary 'Phone No. 171. 1 9*W***+ ****94 4*999**
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  • 497 2 Example to the World." Canaan, Me., Aug. 4, I believe that God ia using Mrs. Dickey and myself as examples to the world, in having ns raise children that people may see what God intended every conple to do,"emphatically declared Charles L. Dickey of this village, father
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  • 214 2 The Times Dublin Correspondent telegraphed on August 8 Lord Dunsany announces to day the d< ath iv action of Francis Led. widge, tho peasant poet of Meatb. Ledwidge, who was only 26 years of age, was born in a peasant's cottnge in Slane, county Month, and begau
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  • 186 2 The Hague, Aug. 8 —Tho Berlin Zoitung am ISlittag, republishes a speech delivered by Horr Michaelis when be wa9 lecturor at tho German law school in FoklO at tho time of the German occupation of Kiaochau in 1897. Any German," he said, travel ling round the world,
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  • 322 2 Probationary System. We understand that, in accordance with a' scheme formulated at the beginning of this year, to strengthen the depleted staff of European Police Inspectors, four Malay youths of good family have been drafted into the Police Department from other Government Departments, for training, with the prospect
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  • 139 2 A patriotic Scotchman was present at a meeting of a certain society, at which an eminent Shakespearian scholar dwelt on the virtues of tho bard. At the close v,: the meeting the Scot approached the lecturer, tad the following dialogue eusutd "Ye think a tine lot
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  • 79 2 Paul Francis Schlick, nephew of General yon Hindenburg and Yale graduate, has just placed at the disposal of the United States Government a new device for fighting submarines. Young Schlick's mother is yon Hindenburg's sister. Bhe is the wife of Frank Schlick, a St. Panl, Minn business man. Schlick has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 321 2 A. Frankel Co. I Complete House Furnishers VICTORIA STREET (ESTABLISHED 1887) WE FURNISH Complete Estate Bungalows. QUALITY GUARANTEED. In solid teak throughout for $490. In Waxed Meranti throughout for $350. Call or Write for Detailed Price List. CHEE ENG JsTsoTx\ ESTABLISHED 1859. I 71. North Bridga Road. t CIVIL, NAVAL,
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    • 192 2 IG.C. LEE 158, Prinsep Street. fIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. Qood tad well selected Mask Violin Piano, etc. Qood Strings for Stringed Instruments. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. TERMS MODERATE. 3-1 jßaneegunge j Drainpipes, I Channels, lands Junotiens IND* MALAY 00., Ltd. (incorpciLtt i in oiugaj. ore.) Useful to Planters. OUR GROUND NUT CAKE,
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    • 393 2 JAPANESE ELECTRO-PLATING Co. NICKEL, COPPER, SILVER, Etc. Motor Car and Cycle Repair Works. No. 39-40, Bras Baaah Road, SINGAPORE. 10-1 n The Victoria Confectionery Store 386, VICTORIA STREET, SINOAPORE. The place where you can always get Fresh Cakes, Ices, Cold and Hot Drinks from 7 a.m. to 12 midnight. CURRY
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    • 501 2 FOR SALE_ FOR SALE. Keshranjan Hair Oil, Ceylon Tea, Ceylon (jaffua) Cigars, FRESH INDIAN CONDiMEKTS, Chutnejs, Mangoe aud Lime, etc, Pickle?, Mangce, Lime and Brirj«ls, etc etc., obtainable at The Servants' Agency Office, No. 17 Dhoby Ghaut. 29 9 28 10 FOR PRIVATE SALE. Freehold Oodowns Nos. 65, 66, 67
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 133 2 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Order» for the week ending, Friday. October 5 To-Day. 5.15 Drill Hall S.V.A. do S.R.E. v. N.C.Os. 5.10 do Chinese Co. 3. V.I. 5.15 Bras Basah Rd. Malay Co. S.V.I. 5 p.m. Drill Hall 8.F.A. Co. 4.30 Govt. Honse S.V.C. Band. To-morrow. 5.1"» Diill Hall S.V.A. do
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  • 731 3 Prices footed to ihe Market this M.raieg. SlN'i; A POi»£. OCTOBER 2. |jm Lyal' aud Kvatfc, Exchange aad Snare Broken, i.-«ue the following liat of quotations Hrbber Shares Horn. VYue. Burert. tvilera. 2/. v. *'3 2/9 I Angk.J»r» 7'---I,- /nolo-Malay 16 j /yTrKnniuti 40/- V% ,1- Ifimj
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  • 63 3 Singapore. October 0. Lasiaa Baak4m/«. 2/4 j D-m*iid 2/4* 2/4 27/32 Oa It i'a— Hank T. T. 153 OnR s r,v 0 nfi--nk d/d 25*% prem Bank d/d. 55* Ln Java— Bank T. T 132 f Oa I poc— Bank d/d. 109 i fcwstslgaa lwjhßj $8.54 la* Boil I*st
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  • 271 3 \Wa do not necttaarily tmitrw Ml *pittion$ expre*»*4 hy rorrespondmU.] Military Service BUI. To the Editor of thĕ Malaya Tribvm. Sir, —One eithers from the speeches of the unofficial members of the Legislative Council that th- y would allow men to go to the front' to fight if a
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  • 57 3 To the Editor of the HJaya Ttibtmm. Sir, —It is remembered that soon after war broke out a large number of men of the Eurasian community petitioned the Authorities for a Eurasian Volunteer Corps. Matters resulted in a hitch but is this not the time to revive that
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  • 241 3 Singapore, October, 2. Tin*—See Local and General column. Copra.—Business done. Taj/ioca.—Steady, Business done. Sago Flour. No Business. Oambier. —No. Business b'*j.>per- —Steady. No Business. Other Products. —Market Quiet. Latest Leal Market 3«<>!ftti«ti. Nutmegs 110 S. per picul $40.00 Nutmegs 80 S. 45.00 Oonn Bull 5.80 Oopra 00-ong Tkk
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  • 57 3 Singapore (Tank-Road) Dally The 10.2!5 a.m. train from Johore Bahru to Gemas and the 6.45 a no. train from Getna* to Johore Bahrn have commenced running from the 3ri The former train connects with ihe 9 a.m. train. Road to Johore Bahrn, and the latter with the 3.2
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  • 145 3 Singapore, October 2. Mesare Latham and Co., the 4 «ade, advise the following quota- :is AlorGajah $4.30 $4.40 AyarKunings 1.50 160 A 7er Molek 2.85 2.95 AyerPanaa 12.00 12 25 Pnlgownie 6.40 6.60 Fakit Jelotong 0.724. 0.77^ P-ukit Katil 0.90 0.97* ChangkatSerdg.... 9.50 9.70 Glenealy 2.45 2.55
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  • 53 3 Friend—Why did yon bring back that regiment of box°rs that you look abroad Weren't they brave enongh to fight? Captain—They were brave enough all right, but th r >y wanted to name their own referee, havo the Germans put up aside bet of $10.000,000 and stage the fight in New
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  • 80 3 Delivered In London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the European Maibj aad their delirery in London. mml, Larr. DsLivramn. 81. Jan* 19 A .j. 10 8.1. July II Aug ir P. O. July 14 Aug. tt P. A O. July 24 Sept. 10 8.1. July
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  • 15 3 Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station :—None. I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 518 3 f Sk 3 J A ML Alhambra I w?lere y° u exquisite tea get tbe BEST The Pioneer and Premier House—The House of Quality, garden Pictures, the BEACH ROAD. ""cre^* X BEST i Cakes Coffee, ff Orchestral t m «tr I and the BEST In tlMfc sI4OW °ls m —mm*
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    • 352 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO-FLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjoug Pagar Rwd. Trams Pmn Door, TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT I! SECOND SHOW 9.15 SHARP Bluebird Pboto-Plav Ptesent 5 GOD'S CRUCIBLE 5 Parts Parts Photographed in the<N»ture-Wonders of Arizona's Grand Canyon. THE IRON CLAW 20 Episodes— 40 parts. Episode 15. "The Double insurrection" 2 Pa.-ts Episode
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 127 3 Mails Close. Tc-d«y. Batu P.iiiat Mena 2.30 pm Port Dickson and Port .Swetti-nham 'Calypso 2.80 pm Mala* and Mnar 'Lady Weld 8 pm K< >ta Tinggi Merauti 4 pm Calcutta 4 pm Bxtavia, Sam i rang Sourabaya 4pm CF"Mauritius, Egypt, Europe, etc., pm Port iJarwiu. Thursday li-land and Au$(ralana (except
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    • 66 3 Late Letters, etc., intended for despatch by ;he homeward packet should reach- the General Pout Office before 7 p.m. to-day. Ittxf fee at fieneral Post Office 6 cents up t« 1.45 p.m., after tbat hour 10 cents. Late fe« Cor registered letters, up to 6.30 p.m. 10 cants( up to
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  • 937 4 It waa left for Herr Kenhlmann. the yonng and ambitious Secretary for Foreign Affairs, to farnieh the counterfoil to Michaelis' apeech. The latter wad cautioua he left many a loop.hole through whioh he could wriggle out of any difficulties that may present themselves in the
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  • 134 4 Dr. Sun's Arrest Ordered. London, Oct. 1, 2.5 p.m. Peking The Government has ordered the arrest of Dr. Snn Tat Sen, leader of the Republican Extremists, and his associate, who recently established a so called military Government at Canton. Hitherto there have been no developments. The revolt at
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  • 173 4 Ritchecer Telegram for Sale. A draft telegram written and signed by the late Lord Kitchener is for sale on behalf of the Penang Red Cross Fnnd. Offers will be received by Mr. A. Cavendish, c/o the Land Office, Penang, up to noon on Wednesday October 10. The
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  • 98 4 Tin is quoted at £242.5.0 in London. Sago flonr (Sarawak) is quoted at 39/- in London. Black pepper is qnoted at 1/0} and white pepper at in London. Tapioca fair flake is done at 5| (norn) on the London market. On the Liverpool market cotton, Miitig American,
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  • 86 4 New York The British war mission, headed by Lord Northcliffoand Lord Reading are proceeding to Ottawa to disease various aspects of British, Canadian and American finance, food, and munition supplies. The New York Times publishes a report of negotiations betwean the Dutch agricultural dau and a German organisation,
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  • 70 4 London, Oct. 1,3.15 p.m. New York Baton lahii affirmed that the closed door to China had never been and woald never be the polioy of the Japanese Government, which welcomed all cooperation and competition tending towards the betterment of an equal opportunity. Sydney The southern, w*>st< m and
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  • 456 4 Tin here id at $111.25 (75 cts. down); 125 tons sold. Rubber is quoted at 2/8| for crepe and 2 6| for sheet. The Victoria Institution annual athletic sports, which took place at Kuala Lumpur last Saturday, were a great success. Mr. Francois Andre Gostave Abel Danjou
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  • 89 4 There was a fair attendance of visitors at the Race Course this morning, when much useful work was got through, the horses starting quite early. Pressure on our spacj unfortunately dors not allow tl a detailed account of the exercise, but suffice it to say that practically all
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  • 111 4 PAGK3 Ihe Gkkat \\ah The Fighting Fronts 5 Russia 5 The Air Raids 5 French Consular News 5 GENEiiAL Parents of 23 2 F. M. S Police 2 Peasant Poet Hero 2 Michaelis Envies Britain 2 The Usages of Royalty 2 Singapore Volunteer Corps 2 Correspondence 3 Stocks
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 160 4 ENGLISH MADE Lisle Thread Singlet's (LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES). 1 I V 8 TRADE MARK. Made from the Strongest Pure Lisle Thread, a Dependable Garment in Every Way. SIZES STOCKED: 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42 ins. Sole Agents ROBINSON Co. LUBRICATING —^OILS FOR ALL PURPOSES STOCKS
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    • 669 4 Cinema Casino THE SHOW OFF BEACH ROAD To-Miqhl's The Might A GRAND GAL A NIGHT IN An Entirely New and Smashing Programme. IN THE 2nd SHOW Butterfly Pictures Present JACK MULHALL and ANN KRONAN in THE FIRE OF YOUTH A dramatic story of a CHIP of tbe OLD BLOCK—fail of
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    • 169 4 ICLIRET la Balk AND in Bottle Pric 8 en application to Caldbeck. Macgregor AND Co. ADELPHI HOTEL "OUR DAY" A Grand Masquerade Ball WILL BE HELD IN AID OF THE British Red Cross Society 01 SATUBBAf, NOYEJJBEB 3, 1917 The WHOLH of the proceeds from entrance tickets will be given
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  • 565 5 The Fighting Fronts. OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES. Hun tttacks Smished. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Sept. 30,11.45 p.n. Fi*ld-Marshal Sir Donglaa Haig states Etrly thid morning tlay) three attacks on positions betaasn Towns H i nlets and Polygon wood were r-palsod with loss. Thej firs', southward of Rentelbeek, was I beaten
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  565 words
  • 206 5 Bombs on Dunkirk. London, Oct. 1, 3.40 a.m p *ns: A communique save that s"* Wu three German attacks at p aa-Bac repulsed. Dntlrii? 1 a<,ro P la n<'B bombarded of tw v French on the night Coin boaib ed the station of and enemy establishments •sntai, tJZZT** dropping
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  • 132 5 Further Gains. London, Sept. 30, 11.40 p.m. Italian official sudden bold ittack improved our position on the southeastern edge of Biinsizz* plateau, capturing the ground southward of Podiaka and southeast of Madoni. We took prisoner forty nine officers and 1,360 men and maintained the positions against violent counter-attacks. The
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  • 34 5 Enemy Pushed Back. Loti'lop, Ojt. 1, 3.10 pm. A wireless Rssdieiu Official message states Wtj the enemy back from poata in the Spitali Farm sector in the Rigi region, advancing i thonsand yarda.
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  • 54 5 More Cooked Tales. London, Oct. 1, 5.20 p.m. Wireless German official There is intense artillery firing from the coast to th« Ypres bond. Ancrlo French airmen wrought considerable damage in Belgium, tnd there namerous civilian victims. Oar airmpn bombed military bnildings and warehouses of inner London, also Margate
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  • 68 5 Outspoken Views. London, Oct. 1, 7.0 a.m. Petrograd The democratic con-fe»-cnce was marked by outspokm speeches. If, Kntchin, a delegate I representing the all-military committees at the front, declared that the country could not be saved unless the fighting capacity of the army was re-established and the soldiers' distrust
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  • 102 5 A British Tribute London,Oct 1, 6.5 p.m. Paris: Lieutenant General Sir John S. Cowans, QuartermasterGeneral, presenting, in the name of King George, a British flag to the town of Verdun, declared that the free nations of the British Empire were never more closely united, because the bonds
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  • 80 5 London, Oct. 1, 12.5 p.m. The Admiralty states Naval aircraft on Saturday night dropped several tons of bombs with good results on the lock gates at Zeebrugge, St Denis Westrem aerodrome, Thorout aerodrome, Brugeoine works and trains; and caused a large fire at St Denis Westrem. There
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  • 434 5 Farther Pews. London, Sept. 30, 11 45 p m. A British officM mwnage srates that two groups of aeroplanes, the others flyinj? singly, crossed the Kent and Essex coast between 6.40 and eight o'clock in the evening and approached London. Ten penetrated the outer drfeuc a only.
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  • 320 5 fßy courtesy of the French Consulate-) Paris, Sept 29 6.15 p.m. Following the reception of im portant information from the United States concerning tho origin of considerable funds detained by one 8010 Pacha, this person was arrested in the morning. The artillery was intense on the right
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  • 1214 5 Mohammedan Meeting. At the Victoria Memorial Hall last evening, a meeting of the Mo ha'nmedan commurdty corrpriiing Arabs, Baujaries, Bengalis, natives of Bombay, B-.j gr Me, Bu«is, Ceylon Mohammedans, Javanese, Malays, Paujabi and Hazara Mohammedans, and Southern IndiaiiH, was presided ov by tho Colonial S cretary, the
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  • 303 5 THE ASSIZES. Gang Robbery. Before the Chief Justice (Sir John Bneknili) and a cornmou jury the hearing was commenced, this morning, of a case in which Tham Lot, a Cantonese is charged with voluntarily causing hurt in committing robbery. The accused was one of a party of 4
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  • 119 5 H.E. the High Commissioner has been pleased to appoint Lieut. W. T. Chapman to be Officer Com-* manding the Perak Platoons of the Malayan Volunteer Infantry. A Malay servant to Mr. J A Brown some time ago left his servioe without giving the usual notice.. On Friday before Mr Just,
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  • 899 5 Estimates and Expeodltore. A meeting of the Legislative Council was held yesterday afternoon at which the following war* present H. E. the Governor (Sir Arthur Young a.c.M o, H. E. the General Officer Commanding, (Major General Dudley Ridont, CM <j.) the Hon. Mr. F. S. James, o.Mo. (Colonial
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  • 480 5 Singapore Resident Fired On. I Mr. J. P. Beal, of 33-2 Cavanagb Road, Singapore, had a most exciting xp. jpnce when he was lucky to escape with his life on the Bentong Road on Friday morning last Mr. B*al left Bentong at 630 on Friday morning in
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  • 80 5 The untitled Rubber Company beg to remind their patrons that the following prop rtif-s will be sold by auction at their eale-room at 2 30p.m to morrow A valuable rubber plantation situate off Tampenis Road area 21 acres 3 roods and 34 poles; freehold vacant land situate off the I»
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  • 105 5 The Cinemas. AttrV- Palladium to-night there will be a grand change of programme, when, in addition to new cartoons and comeeties, a Lroadway Theatre success entitled ''Polly Redhead" will be screened. This film features Ella Hall in a remarkable dual role. New episodes of Th• Voice on the Wire,"
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  • 55 5 The Chinese fireman who was working in the engine room of the Bine Pnnnel steamer which was taking oil at Palau Bakom, when a fire broke out in tbe ensine room, died from barns on Saturday at the General Hospital. It will be remembered thit the second engineer, Arthur Black,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 354 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE 1817. IN THI 6UFREMI CDURT OF THE STRUTS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Summary Case. In Bankruptcy. No. 9 of 1916. Re Henry Theodore Bodestyne. NOTICt- IS HEREBY GIVEN that a first Dividend is intended to be declared in the above matter. All creditors must prove
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  • 4680 6 H.E. The Governor's Review. At vrsterday's meeting of the Legislative Council, H.E. the Governor Sir Arthur Young, GCM.G, delivered the following ad irt»a Honourable Members of the I Council," he said, Ad|dr°ssiug jou once more dm ing the continuance of war, I am foriuuantelv again able to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 257 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG] ALE ON S-VLE AT The Leading Hotels AND Principal Liquor Dealers. TOR SALE One large 4-cylinder NAPIER CAR recently overhauled, repaired and painted and in good running order. One twin cylinder ZENITH MOTOR CYCLE and side car, 6 HP. N« and in perfect
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    • 131 6 SHAKE OFF THE CLUTCH of rheumatism, the greatest enemy to the peace of man. You can do It As evidence of this you h ive but to consider any one of the thousands of cures that hav been effected by the use of Lktle s Orienul B»lm. Many of thee
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    • 95 6 MORTGAGEE S SAKE A.t Oar Sale-room, No. 3 lMHe* On Weanetuay, Octtlier 3. at 2.30 ft* 1 Valuable freehold lai Off 134 milestone Otstagi Roe the sea iv the District of Change Singapore, area 6 acres aud Statutory Laud Grant X* quit rent $15. „Uated 3 Valuable freehold mad pl*?i«
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  • 810 7 Naval Suggestions. "Wur is a matter of hazards, or gambles we em risk mnny thin:;*, but we cannot risk tbe Grand Fleet in the forlorn hope that, a miracle will happen contrary to all the teachings of history." So writes Mr. Archibald Hurd in the Daily Telegraph dis
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  • 73 7 Three hundred visitors, among thorn Mine. Sarah Bernhardt, who are summering at the Hotel Nassau, Long Beach, Nassau Country, L 1., had a narrow escape from death, whan an extremely violent fire broke out in the hotel at 8 am. The flames, fanned by a high wind from tho sea,
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  • 1584 7 Committee's Report. The Committee appointed on February 15, 1917, by the Secretary of Sti t' for the Colonies to iuquire into the measures to be taken for settling within the Empire. ex soldie s who may dtsire to emigrate utter tho war, have now issued their reoort [C'i.
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  • 30 7 French correspondents speak of the German divisions as melting aw yatLeng The Canalians are every day justifying the nickname given to them by the enemy of "Butchers of G rmans."
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 273 7 NOTICES NOTICE. A reward of $50 will be awarded to the person or persons giving information of the whereabouts of bill collector, A. K. Kasimbeg, formerly residing at 8 Orchard Road, to Box No. 310, c o Malaya Tribune. 1 10 v WANTEP WANTED IMMEDIATELY Experienced Chinese Shipping Clerk Must
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    • 611 7 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INUOHPORATKD IN ENGLAND BY HOYAL GHAItTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 ea-ia £1,200,000 Fursi £1,900.000 ,'*:.ditf Proprietors XI^OO.OOO The Bank of England, Th* London ity »nd Midland BMtkj Ltd., Th* County and Westminster "ark, Ltd., Ths N3. ionairrovir.ciaJ P»ok
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    • 225 7 Many a woman who had a good colour at Home grows pale and sallow when living in the Tropics. When tbe fading colour in cheeks and lips is accompanied by a lots of brightness in the eyes and an increasing heaviness iv the step, tbe cause is to be sought
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    • 281 7 "OUR DAY" CMldrEi's Fete ARRANGED Under the Auspices of The Straits Chinese British Association. Patronsi H.E. The Governor Sir Arthur Young, c.c.M.c. AND The Lady Evelyn Young. Saturday, October 6.1917 3 to G p.m. AND 7.30 to 11.30 p.m. ON RAFFLES RECLAMATION GROUND. By kind permission of H.E. Major General
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    • 284 7 For Japanese Curios General Goods t GO TO No. 10, Hifh Street, Sfagapore. WHOLESALE RETAIL IMPORTERS. EteUHM BTOGRB ALWAYS ON HAND ASIATIC EHHINE WORKS (Japanese) No. 10 Rochore Canal Road, Singapore. COMMISSION AGENTS FOR Machinery of all kinds. 31 8 M— n fr.. Battery Read. til kinds of vegetable and
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  • The Malaya Tribune.
    • 25 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THERMAL AY A TRIBUNE. Issued Daily.] Vol. IV. No. 232 SINGAPOEE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS.
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    • 1252 1 New Suggestion. Hudson Maxim asserts that hu can make a ship torpedo-proof by protective walls, not of heavy armour bnt of a combination of metallic rode and cylinders filled with water. The rods are to impede and alow down the velocity of the high pressure gases from the
      1,252 words
    • 41 1 September 30. Soon Ann, British Calypso, British Senang, Dutch Providence, Norwegian October I. Ban Hin Guan, British Omapere, British Medusa, British Ipoh, British Lady Weld, British Kampar, British Hong Wan, British Reael, Dutch Singkel, Dutch P. Hordjick, Dutch Barentsz, Dutch
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    • 32 1 September 29Klang, British Hong Wan, British Hye Leong, British Circe, British Emile, Dutch September 30. Abbotsford, British Meran, British Buyskes, Dutch Mahidol, Siamese Providence, Norwegian October, 1. Esmeralda, British Koeraai, Dutoh
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    • 30 1 Tuesday, Oct. 2. High water 10.58 am 9 ft. 5 ins.; 1133 pm 10 ft. 1 in. Wednesday, Oct. 3. High water 11.29 ami) ft. 8 ins-
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 496 1 THERE IS £0 Finer Medium for Shippers' Advertisements THAN THE Shipping Gazette. Write for terms, 20c Collyer Quay, Singapore. P.*o. British India 4ND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AND PASSENCER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Co. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) The Company's MAIL SERVICES EAST
        496 words
      • 288 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappu "Nederland" AND Rotterdam Lloyd I (Incorporated in Holland) I Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVIOE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai,: Yokohama, Nagasaki and San Francisco and vice versa. For freight, passage and further particulars Apply to Internationale Crediet and Handelsvereeniging Rotterdam (Incorporated in Holland) 1 D'Almeida Street
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      • 260 1 Direct Passage to Seattle by fast earner under American Flag carrying about 100 first class passengers at moderate rates. For further particulars apply to Messrs Paler son, Simons ft Co., Ltd. Agents. 11 9 10 10 Save your Money, TIME AND LABOUR BY USING. The Canvas Bags FOR PACKING RUBBER
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      • 516 1 (To Advertisers: OUR (Shipping Gazette Circu.abs in every port throughout the MALAY PENINSULA. Terms on Application. N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN J4PAN) JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co. EUROPEAN LINE. A Mrviae li maintained betweea Yokohama via porta to Marseille* and London, und« mall contract with the Imperial Japanese
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