Malaya Tribune, 4 May 1917

Total Pages: 8
1 1 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] and SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. Vol. IV. No. 104 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1917 PRICE 5 CENTS. CN c Iftalara tribune. FRIDAY, MAT 4
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 504 1 1 THE MIL AT A TRIBUNE! 1 SHI *PING GAZETTE. I The p'pdir Newspaper of the Straits Settlements. 1 l&r PUBLISHED DAILY. 3 Couiph Reports of L eal Kvents. 2 N«w* from F.M.8., Jsva, 2 J China, India, Ce\lon and Japan! C Z Full and Latest War News. "GAIETY" IN
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    • 542 1 SOUTH BRlflSlT INSURANCE CO. LTD. INCORPORATED IN NEW ZEALAND, FIRE lii3nran je* effected on Building* Kent and Merchandise of ever description MARINE Insn *ance.; ace 'pted re a pares of the world at lowest rate. WAR RISK accepted to all parts. J. HENRI Kaaagar, OoicOb: i, Finlayson Green. The Eastern
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    • 84 1 11 —'"T'Mtninnr r ,r mnllmum' f; THE J Pot Stills I OF Great Britain Have Been Taken Oyer by Government, I il Buchanan's j ii will be able to continue 1 I to supply their famous Mends and to maintain I the quality as before, j being in the unique
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    • 261 1 y>iiiiiitiiMttiiti|iiiaii>iiii> |THE MALAYA TRIBIWEI 1 'A 1 1 shipping gazette;: r I SUBSCRIPTION RATES. J Payable in Advance. Per annum $14.00 t J Half yearly 7.25 I 1 Per quarter 3 65 Per mensem 1.25 t Postage Fxtra 50 Cts. per month. Temporary 'Phone No. 171. lEstate Supplies Acetic (99&981)
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  • 624 2 Demented Man's Feat. Council Bluffd. la M (U.S.A.) Feb. 24.—Walking in a circlo never more than ten feet in diameter, Hugh White, an aged inmate of the Johnson Connty Poor Farm, who dud in that institution recently, hai travelled, according to the officials 102,000 miles in
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  • 24 2 The wedding has taken place in Glasgow,of John Mutrio Armstrong, of Malacca, to Isabel, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilkie, Craighton, Glasgow.
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  • 882 2 Rats and Flies as Disease Carriers. 1 1 Tti r people of old times often possessed more than a dim notion of tbe the discoveries of modern times. Mr. Joseph Oil ord in Science Progress points oat tbat tbe remarkable pro. gresa achieved in recent ye«rs
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  • 197 2 How a soldier sacrificed his leave for another man, and subsequently his life, was related by the Bishop of Chelmsford, at St Edmund's Church I.imbard street. The Bishop's story concerned a Bethnal Green lad, who after being 14 or 15 months at the front,
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  • 128 2 Thtre can bo no mistake about this great and comprehensive retreat. Wherever the enemy may be going, the fact remains that just now their faces are turned in the direction of the Rhine, and tbo Allies are converting th»ir strategic movement into an undignified and expensive scuttle. When
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 558 2 flajHUfißrfl Agents KIM HIN Co., 13 Kllnl Street. Singapore. AUCTION SALES NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES FROM PAWNSHOPS. On Monday. 7th May, 1917 At Xo. 23 River Shin at 10 a.m. ChojK Th ye Chon; Foug and Bai Hunsj. Tbe pledget will be on riei on 4th and "nh
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    • 270 2 F. M. S. Tin Exports. Statement of block tin aud tin-ore exported, approximate value (in <ii ß( B<l i j (tenod of tbe previous year. Block Tin. J 1 01 6 T-.talTia Increase or (.J of gross weight). total lia. Decrease: 1917 1916 1917 191 C 1917 19J6 or— Pkls
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    • 657 2 I The True Safeguard I 1 of Baby's Health j r I IHE milk of a healthy mother confers a de- I JL gree of immunity to infection to the young infant. Many mothers, however, (bough willing, cannot nurse their babies for various W reasons. In such cases the greatest
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  • 425 3 Link with 0 d Singapore. Mrs Tseng Ul Sun. Ther* h*" i Shanghai, ri r»s a corte-p a venerable lady at the aga of ninetyhvo who was greatly honoured and Uch respected. Mrs Tseng Lii Sun L born in Java, in 1825. She came e i,l under tho infli«nce
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  • 33 3 Allahabad, April 12. —Intimation baa been rtceived of the death bt Home on the 6th instant cf ?ir Robert Aikman, late Judge of the High Court of Allahabad.
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  • 16 3 8 in conin i n r'ic3tion at noon j J the local Commercinl Wireless
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  • 238 3 Singapore, May 4. Tiru —See Local and General column. Copra.— Steady. Business done. Tbptbca.— Strong. Busineea done Sago Flour- Do. No Baaineer. Oambier. Businesa done. Pepper-—Steady. No Business. Other Products.— tiarktt Gui*t. Utttt Local Market feotaltav Nutmegs 110 8. per pioul »42 00 Nntmegs 80 S. M< 52.00
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  • 47 3 Copra Singapore, Mf-Jr 3. 1 Sine* our iistieport the marktt j his b »en steady and prices show a I slight advance. To day's quotations may be givon as JM.20 for fine snr. dri d and $7.70 to $7 90 for fair :o good.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 116 3 Neuralgia Soothed Away by Little's Oriental Balm. To all who suffer the desperate tvisting agonies and spasms of Neuralgia: To ail who are acquamtyd with any of the sufferers To all who have never suffered yet, who wish to be on the safe side here's tews. UTILES OMENTAL BALM RELIEVES
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    • 957 3 Z" "i to-night quality counts tonight 1116 a AJiiambra is 1 is the only the Theatre I AT m theatre pictures, the! MJs* >f Ihb! |T%4rl attached o lce Orchestra, m Cakes, Coffee. Taa Ate md tho3?]ST the pioneer and house of quality accoaimo. BEACH ROAD. JJJJ (latlon. Pathe
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    • 610 3 CHANGE OF PROGRAMME At tbe Popular Photo-Piny House EMPIRE Tanjoaa Pagar Road. Trams Pass the Door. THE COOLEST THEATRE TOWN. Second Show, 9.15 p.m. Sharp Universal Serial Glorious 4 LIBERTY 4 New Parts. New Parts. 7th Episode Liberty's Sacrifice 2 Parts. B'h Clipped Wings I Part*. SAFE IN A~
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 376 3 Mails Close. To day P :l S«etteuh;im r Ptn»ng* aii«' Durha "J pm Bangkok Hciuu -'l f > pm MtiUn Van Diemen 2..'!" pm I'irt Sw..-rt*T»U*tB and Telak An* >n Kinta 2. JO pm Mcr>iug, B'aii Huibour »ndTrengganu Amher-t ...0 pm WP jrt Swntenhiir,, Penaiiy,* taking muil.s for Europe, etc.
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    • 167 3 Singapore Volunteer Corjis. Oaders for wet-k ending Friday, May 11 To-day. 5.15 pm Drill H*U H^crnitg. do S R E. v. do ST.R. 7.30 <lo Cliinege Co. 9.00 p.m. Braa Bapah Kd. Malay Co. 5.15 pm Inslitniion S.V.C. Band. To-morrow. 2.30 p.m. Johnston's Pier S T.A., Sections 1 <fe 2
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  • 149 4 (Under Co-operative Control). 411 Clients mmj become Shsrchelders. Mr. H. MmwMM arnac, Representative in the Ea»t for Mem > tIJWr m-1 K'i'.ght. Orchard Agents and Managing Attorneys, Lannceston, Tasmania, will arrive in the Malay States about end of Pebrnary and will be staying for a few days
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  • 877 4 It has long been a nlogan with the possessor of a proprietary article to advocate "Beware of Substitutes," or words to that effect. Germany wss possibly one •>{ the greatest emphasisers in this direction bnt now xb- has to find "something j tat be good". In this
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  • 263 4 Mjetitig. A parochial rue- ting io connection with the locd National Mi<sb.i campaign waa held last night iv ttt* 8. Andrew's School hall. Archdeacon Swindell, who presided, read a letter from the Bishop of Singapore explaining his absence from tbe meeting, in order to ailow of a
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  • 78 4 Blascheck Concert. It was a thousand pities tbat there was not a larger audience v. the V.M.C A. lull k'St rdght to listen to the criticisms of the well-known humorist, Mr. Joseph. Ulaechtck.and thecleverwor k of Miss Alyce Austin, an Australian pianist and vocalist, with an individuality. Their programme
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  • 51 4 This popular Tamii Dramatic Co. played Indra Sibha list night to a good house. Miss A. C Balamoni, the prima donna, was presented with a gold medal by Mr. N. S. Rowther To-night Manimalika will be staged and, by sp» cial request. Harischandra (Mayanakandarc) will be presented
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  • 101 4 At the Alhambra to-night tbe chief item in an excellent programme will be A Wife's ForgivenetV a grand Pathe film in three ac "The Blessed Miracle and By might of bis Right" are other good films to be screened. The Gaiety presents a special War Gazette to-night showing
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  • 37 4 Chili In. Loadont, Way 3, 11.0 p.m. Amsterdam A message from Berlin says tbat the Chilian Minister Las announced the rupture ol relations between Chili and Germany and has requoated to be given his passports.
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  • 548 4 Rubber is q.KHn.j vi. crepe md sheet 1 0r Tin here c i t ;i tj $105.75; no eeller*. The late value £U7,6. 1( 5.- r?e///p lrft^ The G. P 0 MtftfVlktT from Europe is expeotH Vr*/**' 1 to-morrow S+LS* morning {mtm H Palereon, Sim 8 k
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  • 118 4 Fag* The Great War The Fighting Fronts j America and War The Food Question The Budget War on Shipping Events in Germany Imperial War Conference j Affairs in Parliament The War Situation j French Consular News General: Walk of 162,000 Miles j What the Ancients Knew For the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 296 4 t,W&&* HUBERT mllUk /> 1 EISDELL s "His Master's s RECORDS Double-aided IWW Doable-aided I 1.25 [Plum Label Series| 2.00 IS there any voice more exquisite than a tenor? There are few people who would answer thia in the affirmative Li after hearing HUBERT EISDELL on "His U H Master's
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    • 389 4 TO-NIGHT! At tbe Ideal Picture Tbeatre TO-NIGHT CASINO By-tbe-sea, Off Beach Road, SECOND SHOW, 9.15 P.M. Universal Film Co. present the Matchless '"oraedian, CARTER DS HAWA', in the Great Comedy Series TIMOTHY DOBBS THAT'S ME" 10 Kpis d»*>« io Episode S -HE BECOMES I COP 2 Parts. EBistis 4 "FI9M
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    • 74 4 JAMES Watson Co. "Id. II" Scotch Whisky. 30LE AGENTS faldbxli. Micgregor AND Co., Wine and Spirit Merchants. ADELPHI HOTEL MONTHLY RATES FOR Tiffin S2O. MONTHLY RATES FOR Dinner S2O. MONTHLY RATES FOR Breakfast, Tiffin and Dinner $50. Every Evening Dinner Concert by our Filipino Band. SATURDAYS Special Dinner Big Stock
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    • 54 4 Notice to Mariners. kuanun Channel. Information has been received that the dredging in the Knantan Channel has been stopped. Masters of vessels are warned that owing to the silting of the channel, the leading lights cannot be relied on as previously. (Sd.) W. G. Bennett, U, R.N.R for M.A., S.S.
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  • 74 5 The Fighting Fronts. OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES. British Repulse Raid REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, May 2, 11.35 a.m. jVlJ.Marshal Sir Douglas Hdg rs .We drove off a raid north of Arleox <-n Gohelle. There was reciprocal artillery fighting, and activity north <>f tlie S.jarpe and in the oe ighbon-ood of
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  74 words
  • 152 5 London, May 3, 6 25 a.m. Though the infantry are comparatively inactive on the western (rout this does not mean any insperron of the task of killing Germans. On the contrary the British artillery is thundering ceaselessly. day and night, over the Donai plain, giving the enemy no
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  • 211 5 London. May 3, 3 55 p.m. Restore correspondent at Headqoarters wiring on May 3 says: The new British thrust was made jnst before dawn. It is not permissible to discuss the scheme of attack. Suffice it to say that the objectives were several important points the capture of
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  • 47 5 Loudon. May 3, 2.05 p.m. Sir Donclns Haig states Heavy *shting is taking plaee on the whole front from the Hindenburg line, southwards of the Sensee river, to 'fas AcheviUe-Vimy road. We are progressing, and have already captured a number of strong Positions.
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  • 30 5 London, May 2, 8.20 p.m. Egypt official: Our artillery in the neighbourhood of Gaza has working parties, put out n action two guns, and blown up ammunition dump.
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  • 84 5 Tnrks Ag-in Beaten London, May 2, 9.0 p.m. Mesopotamia Official General Maude reports: On Monday we atacked the 13th Turkish army corps *bich was strongly entrenched on wth banks of the Shatt el Adhaim. took the enemy by surprise, his ®rat two lines, including a ortifiej village, were
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  • 174 5 Active Artillery. Lot lon, May 3, 1.20 a.m. v ¥r «ch official The artillery on ittei la aotive, particularly north-west of Rheims and in Cham pagne. a well-cmdncte 1 local operation gained us ground west of Mount Cornillet. The day was quiet everywhere else. Asa repriail for enemy bombirg
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  • 51 5 Various Successes. London, May 3, 4.35 p.m. Wireless Russian official We repulsed attacks on a height termites sooth-west of Ocre, and defeated Turkish attempts to advance sooth-westward of Gnmishghane. We occupied an island in the Diala River, north wank of Kbanykin. Russian hydroplane sqnadroßa destructively bombed Mahmudir on tbe
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  • 149 5 German Tales. London, May 2, 6.20 p.m. Wireless German official: English advances west of Lens in the rear Moneby Bontaine failed. We repulsed the French on the Cerny-Aisne front. Ther* was artillery intensity on the whole front. We repulsed French thrusts on Chemin dee Dames ridge. During the
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  • 143 5 Lord Cujzon's Views. London, May 3, 8.0 p.m. Lord Curzon, addressing the Primrose League at Caxton Hall, said he did not think subma-inism would so diminish our shipping as to affect tbe ultimate of tbe war. The Cabinet's calcnlation allowed for a wastage of sbipplr greater than
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  • 117 5 AmHct's Help. London, May 2, 2.20 p.m. In introducing the Badger, Mr. Bonar Law said that the estimated expenditure for the current year li £2,290,381,000 The entry cf America altered the financial situ tion America would help us t > the extent of her abilities with the financial
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  • 1093 5 IMPERIAL DE! I ERATIONS. Report of Its Work. London, May 3, 12.50 a.m. The Coloniat Secretary, Mr Wa'ter Long, has issued a statement respecting the work of the Imperial War Conference now approaching the end of its labours, together with some of the resolutions. Ho states that some
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  • 153 5 London, May .'I, 1 25 p.m. The members of tbe Imperial War Conference have pr* sented an address to H. M. the King a: Windsor. After expressing their loyalty toth"> throne and the KiugV person, the address says it has beam the members' privilege to share
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  • 576 5 London, May 3, 5.35 p.m. The Press Bureau announces that the King, replying to the War Con ference's address of loyalty at Windsor, said "Your deliberations will be of lasting advantage not only in bringing th- war to a vicarious conclusion, but will ensure that we will
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  • 81 5 British and It lian Returns. Lmdon, M ,3 2, 11.35 p.m. The Admiralty announces that he arrival! during the week were 2,710, the raiili g- 1690, Tbirty•ight weasel! orer 1,60v> tons were sunk. Tw.-nty four ships were unsuccessfully attacked. Eight fishing yes*. Is were sunk. Au Italian
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  • 163 5 London, May 3, 12.50 a.m. Tho Admiralty states tbat the Britihh steamship Gena was sunk on Tuesday by a torpedo dhchatged from a German seaplane off Aldeburgh. All were saved. The GenaV gun-fire brought down another seaplane associated in the attack and the occupants were taken
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  • 60 5 London, May 3, 2.55 p.m. Washington A Government Bill has been introduced in Congress under which the United States will again insure cargoes of Allied ships while the Allies re-insure cargoes in American ships. An appropna tion af five millions sterling will be asked for, including tbe insurance
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  • 98 5 London, May 3, 8.0 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Bonar Law announced that the secret session would eit on May 10, and the vote of credit be moved on Vlay 9. He could not say when the statement on Ireland could be made. Sir Leo
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  • 76 5 London, May 2, 11.35 p.m. The Press Bureau states that Lord Devouport restricts the use of maize, barley and oats to seed or human or animal food and tapioca, sago, manioc and arrowroot to human food. L m lon. May 3, 6 40 p.m. Further evidence of the
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  • 16 5 The Hou. Frederick Guest. Parliamentary secretary to th Treasury, is being replace! by Lo.d Priaaroce.— Router
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  • 42 5 Socialists Arrested Loodou, May 3, 3 25 p.m. Zurich: It is reported many Socialists were arrested in southern Germany in the last few days. The Socialist organ Volksrecht publiBhes extracts from seditious Ger. man manifestoes urging a general strike.
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  • 48 5 London, May 3, 3 25 p.m. Amsterdam The Reiohstag ha* reopened. The President referring to the intervention of th< United Sates said President Wilson's profession of friendship to the German people does not impres« 'hn latter, who will fight for Kaiser dom with their heart's blood.
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  • 79 5 Events in brazil. London, May 3, 6.40 p.m. Rio de Janeiro: The Foreign Minister, Mueller, has resigned. The Government has ordered the detention of the ex-German Minis'er Pauli, owing to information that the Brazilian Minister to Germany is detained. Huns C iznb Down. Buenos Aires Germany has
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  • 53 5 London, May 3, 6.25 a m. committee of the House of Lords and House of Commons has arranged a banquet in honour of General Smut* in the Royal Gallery of tbe Honse of Lo ds on May 15. Viscount French will oresid* Every member of the two Houses
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  • 218 5 (By tourtmvni of the French Consulate) Paris, May 2, 5.55 p.m. The French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 61.50 and the 5 per cent at 87.50. Robber is qooted 3 sh. 3/4 d per poond. We made appreciable progress on the east of Rheims. Exasperated
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  • 105 5 New Regulations* With refi'r nee t > the proclamation prohibiting the export of rubber and tin to a>l C' Un'riea txcept the Uui ed King iom and the F. M.S., it is notifieo in a Government Gazette extraordinary issued on Mouday tbat permits to export rubber
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  • 88 5 Football. Singapore League- SRC v. Wireless Theee teams met en tbe Recreation ground last evening and i moderate game ended in favour ef the S.R C. by two goals to none. The league table up to date is as follows P W D L O'is P For Ac' 80C
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  • 169 5 Lades' L.T C T anient The following are tho results I >tslerday's play Singles Handicap.—Mrs. Brad, dell rec 30 w.o. Mrs Blair rec 15 scratched. Ladies'Doubles.—Miss Polglase and Miss D. Polgase rec 15.3 beat Mrs. Marsh and Miss Naoghton rec 4 (6—4, 9—7.) Mixed Doubles Class A Mrs.
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  • 118 5 SUPREME COURT. Workman Compensated. A Chinese named Teh Ah Eob, who sued in forma pauperis and was represented by Mr. J. G. Campbell, was successful in a claim h* brought against Chop Tiong San printers, of Cross Street. The case came ou for hearing in the Supreme Court
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  • 83 5 Alleged Rash Driving. Before Mr. Mudie, yesterday .iftnrnoon, further cvi lenoe wa6 taken in the case in which R*we» oin Embang, a Koyanese motor-en driver, is charged with driving c<*> S 104 in a rash and negiigei'manner in New Bridge Road o« February 21 last, colliding with ricksha
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  • 113 5 With reference to Notificatiot No. 545, puoliBhed in the Extraordinary of May 12, 1516, ii is no iti-d that the following codes are now authorized for use in telegrams to and from the Philippine Islauds :—L A. B.C. fifth edition. 2. Scott*, tenth cdi ion. 3
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 393 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. To night To-night 1 RAMNAD MURUGANANTHA SABHA The popular hi h (las* Dramatic Co. Under the -tag. management cf Nr. M R. s. Sreenivasa Ayer, Professor of Histrionics, wdl *tage To-Night at 8 p ra. \T THE ALEXANDRA HALL, North BtiJge Ro*d. iumuhl To-monnu Night IJARISCHASOiW. (aaak v.d
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  • 753 6 Piias Qaotca in ths Mailt ttii ITrsiift. HixMu>fo*&. Mai 4. Hwwrr Ly*i aad* Kvatt, F.iohang/i and Share Brokers, ii»ne the foilowiag lint of quotation* Knbber Shares. Boa. Valne. Bavara. SeUer. J/- AlUgaj 3/6 2/10 4 S Anglo Ja 4,6 6,.. tl- Anglo-Mala) 10/- 18/ i Ayer Knrucg
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  • 109 6 Orders for May, To-day. May 4. 515 a ax. Parade* at Pearls Hfll and Tanjone Pagar. Monday, May 7. 5.15 p.m. Parana at Pearls Hill and Tanjong Pagar. Friday, May It. 515 p.m Entire Company parado at Boastead In*ti»nte. Monday. May 14. 5.15 p.m. Parade* at Pearls
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  • 165 6 (Jixelutivc to Molana Tributui.) Binppnr*, May 4 M«)tf»rf Ltharo ami Co., th< Arcade. afiylai th« following Mot* total! AtorOajah #4 05 $4 IS YyerKniih.Kß 1.35 145 \<or Mol-k 2.55 2.65 Ayer Pansa 12 20 12 .10 BaJfOWßte 5.75 6.0 i '.ukit JeMurai 0.72$ 0.77* Knkit Kaiil 0.90
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  • 73 6 >n I .on don— Buak 4 aJJk 2'4g Deuiaud 2/4 i, Private 5 a*/*. 2/4 29/32 n India Rank f. I _jl Hongkong Bank atyd 2J% prem. 1 »i» Shanghai Bank j/d. fj f, n Java— Liank T. T 13, V, bi .1 ip*r— l aak j/J. 109 -We>-««gn*—baying
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  • 42 6 Delivered la London. Th* following aro the dat*a ol Itfpartnr* from Singapore of th Lniopean Mails an delivery in London. X E* N Mar. M FA O t& X KW. 8! 5f E*" *<? April 7 ■X Mar. '/3 A pri!
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  • 385 6 Sikh Girl Kidnapped. Mr. H. A. Forrer, Htcoad Magsls trate, Ipob, ha* conducted prelim; nary enquiry into en interesting case, in nbieb Inspector A. Neave prose cute'), when a Sikb, Chaoda Singb, bis wire, Raj Koor. and another man named Bishin Singb were charged with kidnapping a
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  • 213 6 A« a resait of certtin iu<-o»iigH. tioDH the account booksat the Ceu ral Police Station, Ipoh, following the transfer of tha chief clerk, Bot-y Ah Wee, from Ipoh to Teluk Ausou, the chief clerk in question waa arte sted in Teluk Auso.-i, on a warrant issued by the
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  • 150 6 for some little time past it has tiecn known iv pUntiug circles iv Perak t' at Mr. Maurico Maudo. late of Cicely Estate, with s'lna frienda, was interested in a certain method of coaguliting latex withoat acetic acid and tbat the new method had been adopted on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 398 6 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ALE Ti»y I* I OX SALE AT The Leading Hotels Principal Liquor Headers. Raffles Bakery A. NO Confectionery TRY OUR Who!em (Brown) Bread As recommended by I be Food Reform Society. It is guaranteed to contain 50% of Whole Wheat, and thus contains
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    • 39 6 ihe Singapore Jelotong Refine Co. Oftlce and works, 37 Kerftau Lane. Contract to supply Refine I Jfofotong and also undertake 'to u-rine them at Customers' wish. j Samples and quotations on application to the above frldress I 25-4 &.5
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    • 415 6 mSm I Run-down i I Whrn your system is under- X f mined by worry or over-work I; y —whenyour vitality islowered m kg —when you feel any-how g —when your nerves are "on B M edge"—when tbe least exer- I* H tion tires you—you are M a f; H
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    • 666 6 Useful to Planters, OUR GROUND NUT CAKE, which is only once pressed, is of tfte quality, and we have no will prove very teneficial for trees and plants in bringing them tc i very healthy and fruitful state Prices very modorate. Free s&mpk supplied inland or abroad on i ppii
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  • 1400 7 The Western Front. The following fcinnuaary of tbf we waning is iaaue i by ifif British Legation of Bangkok, I ut iru t not be considered official. London, A pril 20. Operations on Britith front etc. to 19th April inclu-ive On both the Britisli and French fronts brilliant
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  • 49 7 Mr. Wallace Jones, of the Char, tered Bank, who was well known in Penang ten or twelve years ago as a daring rider, bas come back to the Eist and goes to tbe Hank's branch at Medan. He has spent most of the intervening years in New York.-8 E,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 650 7 NOTICES NOTICE t the under- igned beg to notify .ul mihlie that I am sole pro »1 5$ Chop Poh Kong Cbye Kuan Kee carrying on business R£fl South Bridge Road as rwtro Gilder and Jeweller and that nrm has no connection nterest in any other firm °!rrving on a
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    • 549 7 NOTICES Lunas Bobber Estates, Limited. (Incorporated in tbe Straits Settlements.) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Directors have declared an Interim Dividend of 7 per cent, free oC War Tax, oneccount of the* year ending 31st October 1917, payable to shareholders on the Register on the 15th May 1917. AND
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    • 597 7 BANKS CHAHT€R£Q BANK OF INiHA, AUSTRALIA AHO CHINA I»OORPOKAT«D IN ORUJjni BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares ot £20 each £1 ,200.00Reserve Fund :>v Keecrve liability of Propri <t r* RANKERS The Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster
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    • 122 7 e*4.-***.««.• Hit' I A Woman in the Tropics 1 J Know* from experience \kf debxlxUitiw) effect E S ////>■ CliwuUm has )ipOM her health, ami the <lijfi- I 2 rw//// in keepimg her health "/> fo par. 2 3 //f/' blood btXOMft thin ami poor, which makes 2 for weak,
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    • 397 7 WANTED WANTED AN OFFER. For 20 or more assortments of second-hand heading types (to be sold with or without type case.) For particulars Apply to Box 291, care of Malaya Tribune. 2-5 WANTED Smart Book-keeper and Typiat. Work light. Apply with full particulars to A. M„ Box 290, Malaya Tribune.
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    • 239 7 TO LET RAFFLES 6H AMBERS. The following sections only available Ground Floor Sections Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 13. First Floor 2 and 5. Second Floor 8, 9, 10, 11 12. Eleetrio Lifts to each floor. Apply to CHING KENG LEE CQ. Estate Agents Auctioneers. 16 THE JACKSON PATENT
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    • 24 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] SUPPLEMENT TO THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. issued Dally.] Vol. IV. No. 104 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1917 PRICE S CENTS.
      24 words
    • 550 1 Blue Funnel Vessel Launched. Hongkong ahipbudding haa jumpe< into prominence for the Taikoo yard bas recently lxunched the largeit ship over built in the British Oversea Dominions. This vestiel, the Autolycus, has bee.) built for the famou Blue Funnel line, and there was v large aud distinguished gathering
      550 words
    • 37 1 Ma> 2 Kinta, British Batavia, British Bid Whatt Hin, British Sri Patana, British Hsiu Lee. Chinese May 3. Meriu&i, British Lady Weld, Biitish Kanee, British S. nihil a ii, Dutch Kuohussen, Dutch Koeinai, Dutch Singkawang, Dutch
      37 words
    • 41 1 May 2. (Jung Seng, BrHUh Auj) v, Hritaafa Hock Lee, Cnhiii Ipoh, British Kampar, Pajtiail Mernn. Hritisii Hone Wait, riritiali Hai HftaVj Oiroe, Bri'ik]i Maetsuyck»r, l)utoh Emile, Dutch Drer.te, Du'cb Boriba', Sarawak May 3. Scott Harley, British Re Jang, Siameae
      41 words
    • 215 1 l pwards of Th .usand Lives Lost. Stirring narratives have been related with regard to tho linking of the Messageries Mari times liner Athos in tho Mediterranean on February 17. the torpedo 9trnck the AthDs tho Captain gave her t-n minutes to Jivf. The Chief Engineer
      215 words
    • 52 1 May 4. High water —8.39 a.m. 7 ft. 2 ins. 8.57 p.m. 7 ft. 9 in*. Haj 5. High water :—9.23 a.m. 7 ft. 6 ins. 9 27 p.m ;8 ft. 3jns. May 6. High water :—lO 4 a.m. 7 ft. 9 ins.; 9.56 p.m. 8 ft.
      52 words
    • 29 1 Letters are lying at the General Post Office, Singapore, for the s. s. Damebian and tbe ss Hellenic, and at the Poet Office. Penang, for the s.s. Hong Mob.
      29 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 522 1 To Let. P.«0.-British India AND APCAR LINE eMPASICft INOOBPOBATED IS ES-SLAND.) MAIL MID PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Todst Qgatfaet mth Bis Msjsslj Government.) f«»r Chin*. Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. MAIL LINES. Ronward (cor Europe) Outward (For China.) INTERMEDIATE NkfCl SERVICE AT
        522 words
      • 302 1 Stoomvaart Maatschappy "Nederland" AND Rotterdam Lloyd" (Incorporated in Holland) (Royal Dutch Mail Companies). REGULAR MAIL SERVICE Between Java, Singapore, Hongkong Yokohama and San Francisco and vice verse For freight, passage And further particulars Apply to Internationale Crediet and HandalSYsresniging tft Rotterdam (Incorporated in Holland.) 7 3 v SINGAPORE SHIPCHANDLERY Co.
        302 words
      • 382 1 Royal Packet Navigation Co. TO HONGKONG AMOY Accommodation for 44 First Class Pahseuserg. For particulars apply to the Agent. 16 4 v COTTON AND FLAX Canvas PARTICULARS ON APPLICATION Telephone No. 1464 No. 496. North Bridge Road, Singapore. ROYAL PACKET Navigation Company of Batavia (KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPY) Sjecial 5,000 tons.
        382 words
      • 454 1 |to Let" N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED TN J A1 AN) JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP Co EUROPEAN LINK. A wfTicc iA maintain***! VH*twern Yokohama via port.- i'» M mail oontract with the Imperial Jap-jnese Government /%•> v«.. r mainUminR this service have been specially deigned anu "IT™ V n,pr
        454 words