Malaya Tribune, 18 December 1916

Total Pages: 18
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND^^ SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vol. 3. No. 297 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1916 Price 5 Cents. Che iftaiapa Cribune. MONDAY, DECEMBER 18
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 212 1 ANOTHER POWERFUL PROGRAMME at the GAIETY" n m] Junction of Albert and Beucoolen Street*. IN THE FIRST SHOW A Sensational Chinese Drama Chinese Death Thorn In Two Wonderful Reels Produced by the Kalem Co. Latest Beating Hearts and Carpets Keystone IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 P. M. SHARP Latest
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    • 126 1 "ONODA"! Portland CEMENT. Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN j tiTtniiiin'MTTim" M nTT aoaw j|iiiiniJiiLiiiiiiiimtmmmiirm'tm7ntmtctgr ii»imimmii»»»niiHiiiinm»jmt»»i iUU 1111 TTTTTTTTtI mmmmmtmmilll W M I LET THE KIDDIES MEET AT TOYLAND Opptsite to Government House PURCHASE BEFORE SEVEN WE DELIVER BEFORE ELEVEN. Naval Toys, Military Toys and all sorts of Toys
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  • 1020 2 Hovering H Ships vs. Submarine. Two )ears ag>> —in 1914 —the United StHtew Government rawed objectioai to tie M hovering <»f Bi .ush i hips near 0 uit*d States pm is although it admitted that we ban not infringed any neutrhl right, tajti Public Ouinion. On grounds ol
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 382 2 THE LARGEST STOCK OF Toys, Toys, Toys, IN THE EAST. Crackers, Xmas Stockings, and Xmas Trees. John Little Co. 9 Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) Prices that Plead JM, Quality that pleases. A Satisfaction to you. II A Pleasure to us. Ik Fra m roz Co. <X. -IrCL Xfc. I Hi
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    • 62 2 Tips Worth Noting. Advertising is more than tret essential, on the principle that the smaller the demand the greater the necessity to increase it.— The American Lead Pencil Co. Such advertising as we have done has shown that there is no reason why advertising is not doing as much for
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  • 47 3 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. London, Dec. 14, 3.55 p.m. A Blue book is published to-day showing that out of 1,800,000 Armenians in Turkey at the beginning of 1915, 600,000 have been massacred systematically and deliberately by orders of the Young Turks with the approval of Germany
    REUTER'S TELEGRAMS.  -  47 words
  • 69 3 London, Dec. 16, 12.5 a.m. Viscount Grey, in thanking the Czar for his kind wishes on his retirement, reciprocates the hope that there will be a continuous development of friendly relations between the two countries. In acknowledging the message, the Foreign Minister, M. Neratoff, sends a similar
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  • 39 3 London, Dec. 16, 11.15 p.m. Lisbon The Government has promptly stamped out a small rising in four places in the provinces without firing a shot. The ringleaders, Machado and Santos, were arrested. Lisbon is not disturbed.
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  • 76 3 London, Dec. H, p.m. Professor J. Aiton Tedd, of University College, Nottingham, read a paper at the Society of Arts on the cotton shortage. He said that India was the only country from which there was any hope of obtaining an early increase of a million bales
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  • 53 3 London Dec. 16, 6.5 a.m. Paris The Chambers, after an excited debate, by 308 votes to 167 referred to a specisl committee the National Defence Bill mentioned yesterday morning. (The Bill gives power to legislate by decree on such matters as agricultural and industrial output, recruiting, labour,
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  • 39 3 London, Dec. 17, 4.40 s.m. Threatened strikes on the Irish railways have been averted by the announcement of Mr. John Redmond that the Oovernment has decided to take over the Irish railways rimilarly to the British.
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  • 142 3 '{Exclusive to Malaya Tribune.) Messrs Latham ami Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-day: AlorGajah $3.90 $410 AyerKnnings 1.50 155 Ayer Molek 2.40 2.50 Ayer Panas 11.50 11.75 Balgownie 4.70 5.00 Bukit Jelotong 0.75 0,80 Bukit Katil 0.82 A 0.87£ Changkat Serdg.... 10.50" 10.75 Glenealy
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  • 201 3 People who are tired all the time and never feel rested, even after a long night in bed, who cannot regain weight and strength, whose step lacks elasticity and who feel no joy in living, are debilitated. An examination might show that every organ of the body
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 687 3 gii Alhambra is ,Me££ at the Tne J ThA«tKn mmXL mouse of quality Alharabr* It the Theatre rwr at^e^^ Ce ?l jj and the BEST Jgg BEACH ROAD »«HBljflM Cakes .Coffee, til accommo- THE HOME F FEATURE ATTRACTIONS MWlBi Tea etc. X f The Leading Theatre in Singapore. SnVi served
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  • 421 4 Pcpnlar F. M. S. Journalist. The Malay Mail announces with regret the death in action of Capt. H. N. Marriott, one of the proprietors of the paper and for nearly seven years an active worker on the staff. His name appeared in a casualty list published in
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  • 51 4 Drills for December. To-day. Parades at Pearl's Hill and Tanjong Pagar 5.15 p.m. Friday, Dec 22. Parades at Pearl's Hill and Tanjong Pagar 5.15 p.m. Monday, Dec 25. No Drill. Friday, Dec. 2t. Parades at Pearl's Hill and Tanjong Pagar 5.15 p.m. Andrew Agott, Officer Commanding, Civil
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 719 4 Train Services. Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily. Mai! Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 am. and 7 p.m. Other trains for Johoreai 9 a.m.. 10.29 a.m., noon, 1.30 p m., 2.55 p.m. and 4 40 pan. Mail arrives from nortn at 8.1b v a.m. and 7.14 p.m. TVfcina loavG from Johore
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 165 4 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for the week ending, Friday, December 22. To-Day. 5.15 p m Drill Hull S.V.A. do S.R.E. v. do Maxim Co. 5 p m Kampong Bahru, P.S., S V.R. N.CO's. 5.15 Fire Station, T.P., S.V.R. T P. Platoon. Drill Hall Veterans Co. 3.30 Bras Basah Rd. Malay
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  • 87 5 London, l>e. 14. sts. Momagu'n silver report ibntes th« strength of the market the fall of 218 lakhs in th*I r>] ling of the Indian Treasury in 3 one of silver currency on the approach of the Chir-eae n w year, preventing wales from China and making
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  • 61 5 His Kxcellencv the Governors2su Key N Courrenr ]00 Rupert Manasseh 100 X S Nathoii 100 S Uanas-Hh and Co 100 M 25 Mrs. Ho pert Manasseh acknowLges with grateful thanks the above Dora'iens may be sent to her at KaiTbs Hotel, or to the v inager,
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  • 384 5 Annual Meeting. A meeting of the Singapore Family Benefit Society was held in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Saturday sfterßOOßi There were about thirty persons prf-afnt, Including Mrssri T. W. *tnbbs (in the Chair) J F. 0010, Dr. Bandy, Son Swee Joe (Hon Treasr tnd C. P.
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  • 312 5 A petition signed by about a hundred residents of Port Swettenbam h;.s been presented to commander J. F. Mills bringing to his notice M the privation we are undergoing at the hands of the merchants in Port Swettenham at the exorbitant prices they have introduced on
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  • 327 5 POLICE COURTS. Motor Prosecutions. Ah Pow, 150 Selegie-rd., charged with rash driving of his motor cycl* S \M% at Battery-rd., by cutting between two rickshas and nearly running into Mr. Willet, was fined $10 and coats. Ali, the chauffeur to the manager of the Europe Hotel, was fined
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  • 302 5 Mrs. Anna Goldham. It is with regret tt we announce the death of > Anna Goldham, wife of the la ir Clarence Goldham, of Taipin*.. tho expired >n Saturday night (L«e 9) at 11.15 and was interred on Monday at the New Cemetery at 8 o'clock, the
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  • 19 5 It is notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed on Dee. 25 and 20 and on January 1.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 312 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. VICTORIA JTHEATRE THE A. D. C. PRESENT "HERE'S FUN" A Musical Play IN AID F THE OFFICERS' FAMILIES FUND December 19th, 21st and 23rd. I>! < king now open at MOUTRIES. 8-12 14 12 BANK HOLIDAYS. It is hereby notified that the Exchange will be closed on Monday,
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    • 127 5 ECONOMISE. DRINK STOCKED BY ALL High CI aas Liquor Dealers Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER ON SATURDAY RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Op<*n from a. m. to 12 p. daily. Raffles Bakery and Confectionery THK BEST IN TOWN. Upcoantry orders promptly executed. Broad a I private residences daily. RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE is Repaired,
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  • 841 6 The en i of the war is not yet in sight. The peace proposals of the enemy add iniult to injury. There is some truth in the boastful remarks of Dr Bethmann-llollweg, in what he s»ys as to the strength and the resources of Germany. The untruths, the
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  • 91 6 We learn with n-gret that Mr. H. P. Dudley, formerly of the local branch of the Hongkong and Shanghai B;t,k. who went Home 1 tjy after outbreak of war to enlist, has killed. The deceased first joined the 7th Royal Dublin Fusiliers, with whom he went throagh
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  • 13 6 London, Dee. 15, 10.50 p.m Mr. Lloyd George is improving.
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  • 29 6 London, D c. 15, 2.40 p.m. Princ Albert h-is been made a Knight Co npSni in of the Garter on the occasion of his twenty-first birthday.
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  • 102 6 Pages The Qrbat War Fighting Fronts 7 War on Shipping 8 The P- ice Plot S French Consular News > In East Afri a 8 Deported Belgians 8 American E;hics 2 Leeai Share Market Singapore Vnl-mteer Corps 4 Singapore Civil Guard 4 Kll of Honour 4 Family H<
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 114 6 Co. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel Se m-Diesel ngines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, ETC., ETC. KEROSENE FOR Kerosene Oil Engines. Large Stocks Always on Hand, j For Particulars a**d Prices apply to I THE ASIATIC PETROLEUM Co., LTD. I v lncorporated in England). ST. HELEN'S 20URT, SINGAPORE. ~WAR~OR PEACE Famine
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    • 102 6 Denis Mounie and Go. "Fins Old Liqueur" and "3 Star" Brandies. Prices on application to Galdbeck, Macgregor and Co. SOLE AGENTS. ladelphi HOTEL EVERY DAY j During Dinner OUR Filipino Band I I WILL PLAY. Saturday's EXTRA DINNER AND DANCE. DINNER $2. Commercial Rubber CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Singapore.) Rukber
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    • 25 6 9 mm ———i ——————————————ta fc I MILKMAID! 1 Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $11.15 2 Sterilised Natural Milk 9.50 Jj Ideal Unsweetened Milk $10.50
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  • 441 7 $85.6U —iO cts. up. i fair rbke Ss quote 1 at 4 i ;i ir merchantable is makthe London market. Iac» pepper 3 onR a $4 and pepper at 10?,, in London. a ro dour (Sarawak) is making th«-Aon ion moke*' itatiofltfor tin, on the London ,«t
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  • 136 7 Christmas Mails Lost- As brieflj announced in onr of Saturday last under ranch Consular News the M. J. liner Magellan has been sunk. The Wlice stites that all letters, papers <tc. for Europe ted in Singapore between 4 p.m, d the IOth ultimo, «nd 6 p.m.
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  • 208 7 “Here's Fun.” There was another crowded house on Saturday at the Victoria Theatre to witness the A. D. C.'s latest effu. sicn, and another success was scored. The audience was in a mood to be pleased, and cognisant of the fact, the company worked with a will and with
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  • 103 7 The Palladium. The matinee at the Orchard Road theatre on Saturday was well attend- evl, and hugely enjoyed by the youngsters. At the later show there was a full house, and the excellent items on the programme were much appreciated by everybody. 14 The Gilded Spider was the
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  • 87 7 The intense interest taken by all sections of the Singapore public in discovering the tk Laughing Mask resulted in another packed house on Saturday night, when more iiionev had to be turned away. The episodes of "The Iron Claw" that are now being screened are, if anything, even
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  • 62 7 At the North Bridge Road cinema on Saturday there was a large and enthusiastic gathering of patron?, and a most enjoyable series ol pictures were screened for their benefit, In addition to the »Universal Animated Gazette, there was a fine 5-reel comedydrama entitled "A Youth of Fortune,"
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  • 81 7 Henrietta Crossman, in the Tne Supreme Test/ drew a crowde.i house to the cinema by the sea on Saturday night and this picture was voted to be alone worth the France fee. It is a five-part com.dy drama with a plot ageing so well acted, of success
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  • 79 7 The Gaietr had Us usual crow 1 of p Jrons to view the excellent ac ectieu of films showa last W««y, nT-nrineseDeUhlh.rn; bavin. Droved a great attraction. The Mai k n Cain" a powerful film with a morala*d a laughable KaysUme Comedy were two of items in the
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  • 151 7 The Fighting Fronts. OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES. France's Reply to Germany, Victory at Verdun. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Dec. 16, 1.15 a in. Paris Thi communique states After several days' of artillery preparation, we attacked the enemy in the morning north of Djiiaumont. Between the the Woevre, on a front
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  151 words
  • 144 7 London, Dec. 16, 6.10 a.m. The success of the great new French offensive at Verdun is hailed most enthusiastically as the b reply to the German peace proposal. It is General Nivelie's first bloc since he was appointed Generally simo, surpassing his surprise victory at Verdun on
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  • 72 7 London, Dec. 10, 1.45 p.m. Paris The newspapers state that General Niveiie, organised, General Petain directed and General Tangin led yesterday's attack at Verdun. The result of the operations, on which half a dozen divisions parti cipated, was that the French regained the loftiest hills in the
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  • 402 7 London Dec. 17, 4 40 a.m. Renter's correspondent at Verdun who witnessed the battle on Dec 16 says: It was a clear winter's morning, bat the bat Hi tied wa3 soak-d by many weeks of rain and the ground was most exhausting for the infantry. In front
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  • 85 7 Ten Thousand Prisoners. London, Dec. 17, 1 a.m. A communique says Following up our success on the right of the Meuse, we progressed in Canrieres wood and captured the village of Besonraox. A violent German attack on Pepper BUI at the close of yesterday was decisively repulse-!. We
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  • 78 7 London, Dec. 17, 6.10 a.m Paris General Ki n lie, acei D psnied by Genial Petain, win;- w the victory crowning his command the Verdun army. In bidding farewell to his stalf in the evening, General Nirelle sai l, To-d*y'» experience il conclusive. Onr method ha* again
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  • 180 7 Londoi Dee. 17. 7.50 a.m. Paris: An eyewitn ess <tt eerdunl says that the ground won on October 24 was so broken that it hid to bed transformed into a workshop in order to construct twenty miles of, the next offiensive. The weather further delays
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  • 46 7 London. Dec. 17, 3 50 I>-OJ. A French co limuniijae elates an uu> n r cormaiwauce it Ch*Jipagne *a« scattered. There have been only patrol tu aeau!>rs on the right of the Mens®. An enemy attack on our trenches in the Siinihal sector failed.
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  • 31 7 London, De;. 14. 3.55 p.m. The Time's military correspondent statrs that General J off re's new position is apparently similar to that ot General Sir William Koaertaon in England.
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  • 83 7 Nearing th? Tigris. Lo« dor., Dec. 15, 10 10 p.m. An official message frr.n Mesopotamia state9 We assumed the offensive »n D-c. 13 and 14 by effectively bombarding positions <«t Sannaiya*. We seen re 1 lett lank of the Hai River between A tab and and crossed
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  • 86 7 London, D-c. It), C.10 a.m. The important British success on Uie Tigris is heartening. Railways have been laid down and river transport has accumulated since the fall of Kut, and it is hoped that General will be able to advance with more adequate communications than his pr* iecessors.
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  • 63 7 Raiders Ejected. London, De 0.16, 1.5 a.m. General Sir Donclas Haig reports; An enemy attack at Lea Boeufs was crushed. We raided tr nches southward of Armenti'Tes and eastward of Yierstraat A powerful enemy rai ling party endeavoure 1 to enter (MM line southward of St. Eloi, a few
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  • 36 7 London, D-c 16, 7.20 p.m. An official message from Salonika says that an isolated Bulgarian attack on our positions on the Struma was d. British warships have shelled hostile entrenchment! eastward of N« ehori.
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  • 27 7 London, D<c. 16, 7.. r > p.m. The Admiralty atatea that naval aeroplanes on Fn lay bombeJ effectively Baaiwret, eastwards of l-tip in Serbia.
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  • 49 7 London, Dec. 17, L2JO a m. G fteral Sir Douglas Haig reporter A auaaU enemj bombing party laat evening, nortbwarda of Hill Sixty, in the YpreS lalUnt, wad caught by our barrage. We bombarded the enemy trench a northward of Hullooh and eastward ef Ken re Chaptdle.
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  • 44 7 London, D c. M. 5J25 p A Boaeitu eownfeniqiM H ' Thar* were miiuj iu*wm lone on th« western Carpathian froute. lhe ill CbeOltus valiey was repulaexl. Eurasian nuiuhipe lioaiburded Port Baltchek with How to the dustine tiori of Bulgarian I »-»r
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  • 19 7 L-rodon, Dc 15, II p.m. ftWbian, olBeW Wi r« la li -■< t Sgbting norta <>t b i limireL
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  • 26 7 L Mi lon, D c. 16, 5.25 m. A cj'iiin'initjUM says: Toe Bnlgir»;iin, nftfcout niiliury Beeaeeity, are etpafdfng M>in-t r. killing ci i
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  • 20 7 in Feiestf. London, De. Is, 1*23 dob, A Bulgarian commanlqoo i ates that they have occupied Frteeti. i
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  • 66 7 Lobdoo. Dec. 16, 4 2<) AO«iriuHO even! of oUcial cominuni<jiie aa>H Strong Franon attack! raa: of lb" M na since th*toaanoon, gained advantagaa in thi Jirectkn of Loiivkinont and Hardauujui.t. Tue Igntiag eowtfnore Oar Debrudjj anavj b j-urgoi g London, Dec. iC, 7.35 a.m. the enemy
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  • 62 8 London, Dec. 17, 8.30 p.m. A Berlin communique states: Continuing their attack the French, after hard fighting, possessed themselves of Bezonvaux wood, to the wes:ward. Makensen crossed the Bozkrl .sector on a broad front and captured considerable rolling stock. We pursued the enemy in the Dobrudja to
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  • 21 8 Allies Ultimatum Accepted. London, Dec. 16, 6.50 p.m. Rome The Greek Government has accepted the Ententes' ultimatum in its entirety.
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  • 108 8 Athens The Government has accepted the Allies' demands and says that orders have already been given regarding the movements of the troops and war material, and they will be carried ont as rapidly as possible, and the transfer of material northwards will immediately cease. Regarding the events of
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  • 132 8 London, Dec. 15, 11.10 p.m. Piraeus The Allied ultimatum pointed out that events conclusively proved that neither the King nor the Government sufficiently control the army to prevent it becoming a menace to the peace and security of the Allied armies in Macedonia. The Allies were, therefore, obliged
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  • 78 8 London, D*c. 14, 5 30 p.m. Paris: It is itattd that in view of a certain danger the Allies have decided to act without delay at Athens. London, Dec. 15, 2.5 p.m. Athens: There ara indications that the Government will accept the the Allies' nlt J matum in
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  • 29 8 London, Dec. 17, 0.40 a m. Piraens The Greek evacuation of northern Greece has already begun. Allied officers are superviiine, the transport of troops and material.
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  • 77 8 London, Dec. 15, 2 40 p.m. l he Times says that in riew of t ie recent great demand for drafts <»n Indii, in consequence of the heavy import! ind restricted exports tue restriction on the sales of drafts will be felt most severely. It i« feared that
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  • 26 8 i.onuon, Dec. 15, 7.25 p.m The Hague: The Chamber ha* Zu "in to T°f a 4 r m Ulion Z'Z the of 125
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  • 73 8 The Poona Damaged. London. Dec. 14, 3.55 p.m. At the annual meeting of the P. and 0. S. N. Co., Lord Inchcape announced that the company had ordered a large high-powered mail steamer. The Poena, bound for India, had been badly damaged by an enemy mine or
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  • 81 8 London, Dec. 15, 2.40 p.m. Many representations are being made to Government urging measures to prevent Captain Blaikie from sharing the fate of Captain Fryatt. Sir Edward Carson telegraphed I to the Navy League his entire sympathy with their views, and said that the question must be faced
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  • 50 8 German Attacks Repulsed. London, Dec. 15, 10.50 p.m. An official message from East Africa states Since Dec. sth, a considerable German force has re peatedly attacked our troops holding Port Kibata, southward of the Rufiji delta. The attacks were repulsed. There are heavy rains in all zones.
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  • 86 8 London, Drc. 17. 9.25 p.m. The following have been raised to the peerage Rt. Hon. Charles Beilby StuartWortley, ML p. (Sheffield, Hallam div.) (Unionist), one of the "temporary Chairmen in Committee of the whole House since 1895, born 1851, and Sir William Maxwell Aitken, M; P.(Ashton under-Lyne)(Unionist), a
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  • 89 8 London, Dec. 15, 11 p.m. Mr. John Hodge the new Minister for Labour in a letter to the Trade Unions; earnestly and confidently appeals to the workmen's leaders, equally with employers, to consult him before any industrial crisis is reached. He points out that it is almost
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  • 176 8 HOW TOMMY TOOK IT. The Governing Factor. London, Dt-c 16, 1.40 a.m. Describing the reception of Bethmann Hollweg'a peace statement at the front. Router's correspondent at j head-quarters says that in many cases the earliest intimation in the first line trenches came from the j German side
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  • 130 8 London, Dec. lb\ 12.5 a.m. Petrograd The Duma has un animousiy resolved against entering iato any peace negotiations what ever for the present. London, Dec. 15, 12.50 a.m. The Duma's resolution against pease says it believes that th j proposals are a new proof of enemy weakening and
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  • 140 8 London, Dec 16, 3.30 a.m. Petrograd In the Duma, the Foreign Minister, M. Pokrowsbky, said that Geauianv's offering had not surprised the Allien. More than once during the war, Germany had put (ut feelers for a separate peace. Now, recognising her powerlessness to break the unshak able alliance,
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  • 44 8 London, D*c. 16, 3.30 a.m. Washington The Cabinet for three hours considered Germany's peace overtures. It is officially announced that the proposals will be transmitted to the Entente Powers unaccompanied by any expression of opinion of the United States Government,
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  • 34 8 London, Dec. 14, 5.30 p.m. Amsterdam The latest German newspapers are surprised at the Allies' coolness in the matter of the peace proposals; they are blaming Britain and adopting a menacing tone.
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  • 48 8 London, Dec. 14, 5.30 pm. Tokio The proposals were received with surprise. They caused a panic on the Stock Exchange. Shipping shares tumbled down, and others followed. The Stock Exchange closed until the H>th. Influential quarters do not believe that the Allies will consider the proposal.
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  • 112 8 London, Dec. 15, 2.40 p.m. New york Count Bernstorff, interviewed, iwdicated that Germany hoped that President Wilson would arrange a Peace Conference at the Hague. He sai l that the peace terms would remain in abeyance until the plenipotentiaries assembled. The Daily News correspondent at Washington states that
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  • 88 8 London, Dsc. 15, 7.25 p.m. Replying to a message from Mr. Lloyd Georg-, notifying the new Cabinet, the Premier of Japan telegraphed to say that he was confident that the new Government won hi prosecute the war with a constant determination to secure complete ami lasting victory. He
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  • 32 8 London, Dec. 17, 4.40 a.m. Washington: The Austrian, German and Turkish peace notes have bwen despatched to the Entente capitals unaccompanied by any United States of opinion.
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  • 20 8 The Hon. Mr. Neil Primrose has been appointed joint Chief Whip in the new Governmert with Lord Edmund Robot— JUutĕr.
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  • 139 8 Britain s Reply. Londou, Dec. 15, 7.40 p.m The British rejoinder to the ft*, man reply with reference to Be deportation! recalls the f act Germany rejected the scheme ot th American relit-f commission t import raw materials into Belgi 0 J! and export mannfaotnred a r for
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  • 97 8 London, Dec. 14, 9.45 p.m. In the House of Commons h reply to Mr. L. Ginnell. Mr. Chamberlain state*l that as a traveller as an Indian Public Services Commit sioner, as a student of Indian affairs and as a Member of Parliament Lord Ronaldshay had shown that
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  • 358 8 (By courtesy ej the French Consulate.) Paris, Dec. 15, 6.25 p.m. The Government has created v Under-Secreiaiits of State Mm Cachur, Dilnnier, Ifetfb, Godart, Naii, Claveiiie, lloden, Bn-n Louchcur. The Allies delivered on the 15:b December an oltiuiatun to Greece requesting beginning of the I withdrawal oi
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  • 47 8 The Kuala Lumpor Christmas Tree and Entertainment f or children up to ~f twelve years will be hsld at to. Town Hail on Thuri day and Prid Dec. 28 tnd 29, Mr. Benjamin lt ,\y has under taken the duriee of hon. secretary as m pMTioui year*,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 73 8 Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed filwalftd Milk THE BEST INFANT FOOD. I Awarded Grand Pr/« Panama Pacific International' Exposition J Borden's Sterilized Natural Milk. |^^^S|^jJ Prep.r.d from p«r. foil cre.t, cow i "PP roTed »"it«y condition. D d nnder NIJ W^^M/I^' .xpert i«pem.i... P rfec y d pt#d for all p,
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  • 134 9 To day. Moon Lut Quarter High water—4 3 a.m. 8 ft. 4.4 p.m. 7 ft. 5 ins. To-morrow "Here's Fun," Victoria Theatre, 9 p.m. Emulation Lodge, 8.30 p.m. Licensing Justices meetingr, 2.15 pm. High Water—4.49a.m. Ml 5.1$ p m. 7 ft. 3 ins. Wednesday. Hanuca (Jewish Holiday.) High Water—s
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  • 67 9 Bngapore, December /V. in London rifcnk4m/s. 2/4 Demand 2/4^ Private 3 m/s. 2/4 29/32 On IndiaBank T. T. 173 nom. Oa Hongkong— Bank d/d 4} s^preev On Shanghai— Bank d/d. 64.^ On Java— Bank T. T 135} Un Japan— Bank d/d. ±09J Sovereign!—baying rate 8.54 India Ceil Bills last
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 112 9 M ""»*MMUIJUUUItfI!II!j|I^^ Sanitasj I Disinfectant j "Pine-Tree" I s 1 Brand. If you want the the smallest I T ■fvLiin expenditure. o.J'jh/ I 1 I||N I I This disinfectant freely emulsifies I with water, producing a 1 I milk-white, strong disinfectant 3 I and deodoriser. 1 j SANITAS I I
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    • 266 9 KNIFE-LIKE PAINS. The sharp, shooting paint, the intense agony of Sciatica, often make death preferable to life. The fiery darts that run from hip to heel, the sleepless nights, the cheerless days—why not STOP all this and get back to health and comfort again Little's Oriental Balm is the best
      266 words
    • 514 9 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. EaTABLISnfcO 1874. I NCOHP* 'SATED IN INDIA. 80 per cent, of tto Funis, er 523.000.000 art invested in Cflvtrnmtßt Seturltiis 42 veara' record 1 increasing stability. LOW BITES for non-furteitaßle Endowment Assurances BM Profits. A man .'JO can secure $5,000 nith pre
      514 words

  • 806 10 St. Anthony's Boys' School. Athletic Sports Attended by favourable weather, the St. Anthony's Boys' School athletic sports, which were under the patronage of the Rev. Fr. Cardoso, proved a great success. The following were the officials President: Rev. Fr, Braganca VicePresident Mr W 0 Gray Judges: Messrs C
    806 words
  • 196 10 S R. C v. The Garrison This match was played on Saturday on the S. R. C. Ground and resulted in a win for the home team by 48 runs. Scores: Singapore Recreation Club. T Leijssius, c. Barret b. Freeman 0 S H Mclntyre, b. Blackman 2 E E
    196 words
  • 168 10 Singapore G. C. v Garrison G. C Th«se teama met yesterday over the S. <1. C ]i n k s :18 holes match play; one point being scored for a win, and a quarter point for the bye. Scores Hutcheson and Gordon 1 v. Peterkin and Mac Mil Jan
    168 words
  • 50 10 The December monthly medal was played for during the week end and was won by Mr. H. T. White. Chief returns H. T. White 77—2=75 CD. McLachian «6—10—76 0. L. Bomemann 83—4 -79 Nineteen cards were taken out. The Ladies' December spoon will be played for this afternoon.
    50 words
  • 55 10 I hear that Lanra's engagement to the young minister is off." Why, yes, she told me. He was horribly jealous and so unfair." v In what way was he unfair v Every time she would make an engagement to go motoring with gome other man he would
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 111 10 Yamamoto Co. j JAPANESE Shoemakers HAVE REMOVED FROM j No. 3 Short Street to No" 27 Coleman Street, SINGAPORE THE IMPROVED All-Steel Cupboard. RUST, VERMIN AND FIRE-PROOF. Fitted with 5 steel adjuatabl«]sh«lvea. Height. Width. Depth. 60 m. 30 in. 1S in n 5" 76. U: If: A. Frankel 6 s
      111 words
    • 56 10 Insanity Cure. Dr. W.C. Roy', specific for Insanity is the only remedy tor the disease. Of avsr Li I years standing, spaken of hiffcly by the leading Physicians of the day, found to cure all forms of Insanity, Neurasthenia. Hysteria, Epilepsy, otc. Price Rs. 6 per bottle:—4pply for literature to
      56 words

  • 952 11 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE EMPIRE. MADRAS. Damage to the Harbour Farther Detain The fo'luwing aocouut of the dam «ge in th»* harbour it furnished v by Sir Francis Spring, (Jhairmab Port Tru->t A g r fat d64l of damage was don in the harb
    952 words
  • 491 11 Darlnf Dacolty- Lahore, November 27.— A. daring liooity took place on the 3lit ioet. t 10 p.m. at the Tillage of Jaoaro Joiauika near J&tta. Upper Jbeam Canal bridge on the oonkirti of h« BritUh territory in the Maharaja >f Kashmir's domiuijns. Tbe raiden were Patbans, wbo bad been
    491 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 356 11 juft Arrived Ju B t Arrived NEW NOVELS (Pybll«hedn9l6.) I From Various Authors. ALSO An Assortment Modern War Story Books. PtsisM wnct the WtiiMai of the w»r by hmm tatam. Inspection Solicited OR PBONI No. etft. K7M <& Co. 6B Battery Road. z Wj RUBBER Cared im a JACKSON PATENT
      356 words
    • 128 11 HAM TIGERS HEAD BRAND Sugahara Co* No. 334 North Bridgf Ri> SINGAPORE. TEL. 1333. 14-6 rj The Continental Stamp Co. D. High Street. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF TUCK'S XMAS AND HEW till CARDS in the Latest Artistic Designs, Including Perfumed and Patriotic Cards, Cards with Local scenes. Artistic Calendars for 1917.
      128 words

  • 92 12 Train Thieves Detected Calcutta November 24.—A clever detection of a gang of suppos* d running train thieves ma ie last oight at Howrah station shorth before the up Punjab mail started. In a reserved intermediate female compartment of the Purjj>'<> mail were seated six Mahoinedana covered from head to
    92 words
  • 295 12 Sir K. G. Gupta. Bombay, November '27 1 Sir Krishna Gupta who was itaying at the Government House, Bombaj, since his arrival on Thursday last' leave* (or Calcutta to-night. Sir Krishna met the members of the Lorn bay Presidency Association on Saturday evening and had an informal disco*, won
    295 words
  • 257 12 Allaftiahad High Court November 23. H F e Viceroy will open the new Hifh on the 27th J d S' hi 4 y pecial tr from [.j h t morning. The Viceroy «d the r" 1 'M d< Hnn J»"»' ft will w Anne The,i r "id will
    257 words
  • 114 12 District Durbars. Nagpur, Novnjiber —[q connrc. ?ion with the re-olutio: s reg r« District Durbars which was moved bi ?he Honole Mr. Keikar and which h< Government hps accepted, orders have been issued to have such Durbar* by way of experiment in six district-, viz, R.iipur, Warjha, Balaghat,
    114 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 297 12 I SALYITAE. The ruo*t powerful but harmleM nervine tonic, producing startling result*, immediate and permanent, in all cases of nervous exhaustion, in both young or old, married or unmarried. Price li€ 1 per pbiaL Asthnie Tablets. The best remedy for cough, difficult breathing, fits and the worst forms of Asthma.
      297 words
    • 218 12 TO LET RAFFLES CHAMBER Commodious, well lighted and airy o ffir P second floor, front portion of first floor and floor Will be divided to suit intending t fS Slectnc lifts, lights and fans throughout the bn,n Appl} to J 'f GHING KENG LEE GO. Auctioneers Estate Agtntg 1-0* I
      218 words

  • 273 13 What a Place to Bomb! It seems surprising that no air attacks have been made on Wilhelma haven, writes Mr. J. M. de Beaufort in an informing article in the Quarterly Review on Wilhems. haven, and the Kiel Oanal. Referring to the Zeppelin sheds at Wilhelmshaven, he says:— North-west
    273 words
  • 109 13 A Swedish farmer, who lived on his wheat farm in Minnesota, was taken ill and his wife telephone i the doctor. If you have a thermometer," answered the physician, 44 take his temperature. I will be out aud see him presently." An hour or so later when
    109 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 208 13 other toapt iHclude C m >>* S "Monogram," A "all-round" soap I -good alike for the skin, for washing clothes, and for general household purposes! I Dandle» Soap is absolutely pure, and 1 for that reason cleanses both rapidly f and economically. It is the ideal soap jwJa 21 and,
      208 words
    • 28 13 G.C LEE 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. Good and well selected Music Violin, Piano, etc. Good Strings for Stringed Instruments. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. TERMS MODERATE. 3-11 n
      28 words
    • 737 13 THE NEED OF THE DAY. I An Idea! Reconstructive Nerve Food. Superior to the German-owned product. SIR WILLIAM TAYLOR, X.C.8., M.D.. formerly Surgeon-General of H.M. Forces, is chairman of the ompany «rhich produces the new and superior reparative of nerves an 1 tissues, Sanaphos," which already has completely displaced the
      737 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 530 14 NOTICES^ NOTICE. Our Bdl Collector N. Subrailoo having disnpp'eaied from Singapore with a number of our bills, our clients are warned not to pay either to bim or to anybody not authorized by us, any moniefdue to us. St. Mary s Dispensary. 15-12 21-12 The Bukit Timah Rubber Estates, Ltd.
      530 words
    • 331 14 NOTICES The HuEcott Belting Company, Limited. (INCOBPORA.TED IN ENGLAND.) Best Multiplar Hair Belting Ordinary and Extra Stout From 2 in. to 8 in. stock This belt bat pained its reputation throughout Saigon, Rangoon, Sumatra, Bangkok, F.M.S. and the Straits, for its Strength, Durability and Reliability. (Quotations from Sole Agfnts KIAM
      331 words
    • 365 14 WANTED WANTED. An efficient and intelligent Proof Reader !< r a newspaper office. Apply with eopi I of recent testimonials to Box. 2" J c/o M Malaja Tribune 11-11 v WANTED. Competent yrorkman for repairing cameraw etc. Permanent situation Apply to the Manager, Kodak, Ltd., 3, Batten Road. 16-12 18-12
      365 words
    • 470 14 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid ud Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,00(1 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., Tat London County and Westminster Bank,
      470 words
    • 303 14 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH^ INSURANCE CO.. LTD. Incorporated in Kew Zeala*b FIFE Insnratces effected en Baild*., Rent end Merchandise of description MARINE Insurances accepted to parts of the world at lowest 7 WAR WSK accepted to all part". J. HEIfRY Local ManageOffic a: 2, Finlaysou Green. HEUNG ON INSURANCE CO.. LTD.
      303 words

    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Daily.] No. 297 SINOAPORE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 383 1 P.&0.-Britishlndia AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England.) MAIL AHD PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Orienta 5 Sailings. (Under Contract with Hi* Majesty', •everament.) For I China, JafftSj, Peaia*. Ceyb Australia, laiia, Aden Emt Mediterrar.ean Ports and London. Skeamert will Singapere en erfabeat MAIL LINES. Homeward (For Europe) Connecting at Colombo
        383 words
      • 278 1 STOOMVAAPT-MAATSCKAPPIJ f Steamship Company j 11 NEQEBLAND (Incorporate*! in Holland.) Wail Service between Java and Amsterdam, via Singapore, Belawan Deli, Sabang, Suez, Colombo, Gibraltar and vice versa. Steamera are doe to arrive on th*indermentinned <late§ OUTWARD, j vu P. Juliana Dee. 26* Cape. 1917 I Kern brand 1 Jan. 31
        278 words
      • 431 1 N.Y.K NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN Mi AH) j i (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.) EUROPEAN LINE. A service w aaaintaiaed between Yekehsnaa vie port* to Marseille* mi l>«»*««i —<g mail contract with lb* In penal Japanese Geverament. The New Twia-eerew BIWMB maintaining this service have keen tpecielly designed and eonstrncted,
        431 words
    • 447 2 Europe. For Is mdnn: •yclops December 18 Nankin December 21 Keemnn December 30 Atreus December 30 Kamo Mara, January 3 (via The Cape) Novara Jannary 4 Kaghima Marn Jan. 10 (via the Cape) For Liverpool: Oanfa December 25 Ninchnw December January 2 Athos Jannary 13 For Marseilles
      447 words
    • 67 2 December 16. Ranee (Rritish.) Mer*n (British.) Hai Nam (British.) Klang (British.) Krian (British.) Circe British.) Vat Shing (British Edendale (British.) Fuku Maru (Japan t'ler.) Tairyo Maru (Jipan.) Fumi Maru (Japan.) Wan Li (Chinese.) December 17. Yang Shin (British.) Ban Hong: Liong (British,) Katong (British.) Abbotsford (British.) Janus (British.) Kampot
      67 words
    • 83 2 Decern bar If. Sh*n Ohong (British.) Taisho Maro (Japan.) December 17. Amherst (British.) Lady Weld (British.) Will o'the Wisp (British Tara (British.) Hock Lee (British.) Penang (British.) Glenogle (British..) Hye Leong (British Calypso (British Mata Hari (British.) Pin Seng (British.) Ban Whatt Hi n (British.) Hnchnssen (Dntch.) Ban Fo
      83 words
    • 323 2 Vessels in Port British .->IKAMER. BER. DATE Glenartney K. Harbour 22-8 GiangAnn Dock 29-11 Hang Sang Outer R<le» 18 11 Batavier Inner Bo's 2-12 Fnh Wo Keppel Harbour 512 Glenogle No. 7 Wharf do Patrol do do Charon Wharf 14 12 Palitana No. 4 Wharf 15-12 Fonk **ang
      323 words
    • 27 2 Letters are ]ying at the General rost Office, Singapore for the following vessels: ss Brodliffe s.s. Helmns s.s. Renell ss. Taisho Maru 8.8. Gishun Maru ss. Lanao
      27 words
    • 354 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wirel«e> Station:—Nil. For Rangoon direct will sail the 6. I. Palitana at 4 p.m. to day. The outward bound P. and O. liner Somali will not sail from bere until December 24. Two sailing vessel*
      354 words
    • 227 2 Per P and 0- Liners. Per P <fe O Kashgar London, Nov. 10 (connecting with Somali), To Singapore Mrs Grigg, Mr and Mr» Maxwell, Rev H J Hillyard, Mr. Robing, Mr Bank». To Peoang Mr Peaa. Per P. k O. Karmala. London, Not 24 (connecting with Nyanza) To
      227 words
    • 721 2 Fifty Years ago and To-day, The progress and develops the British Mercantile Hari] been more rapid and imdorga-, greater series of changes daring J last 50 years than at any ot period of onr national hist/* Steam-propelled hay* quished the time-hono ai v pern." First we
      721 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 41 2 SINGAPORE SHIPCHANDLERYCo. SHI PC HANDLERS S PROYIDORING CONTRACTORS, The Company* Launch meet* incoming ships. Offic. is Battery Road. TAXI LIFT TO TOP FLOOR Telephone No. Ml. Orders promptly atterded to from January Ut 1916 M. W. H. STEVENS, M anager. I
        41 words
    • 63 3 London, Dec. 17, 8.30 p.m. A Berlin communique states: Continning their attack the French, after hard fighting, possessed themselves of Bezonvaux wood, to the wee: ward. Makensen crossed the Bozkrl aector on a broad front and captured considerable rolling stock. We pursued the enemy in the Dobrudja
      63 words
    • 21 3 Allies Ultimatum Accepted. London, Dec. 16, 6.50 p.m. Rom* The Greek Government has accepted the Ententes' ultimatum in its entirety.
      21 words
    • 108 3 Athens The Government has accepted the Allies' demands and says that orders have already been given regarding the movements of the troops and war material, and they will be carried ont as rapidly as possible, and the transfer of material northwards will immediately cease. Regarding the events of
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    • 132 3 London, Dec. 15, 11.10 p.m. Piraeus The Allied ultimatum pointed ont that events conclusively proved that neither the King nor the Government sufficiently control the army to prevent it becoming a menace to the peace and security of the Allied armies in Macedonia. The Allies were, therefore, obliged
      132 words
    • 78 3 London, Dec. 14, 5 30 p.m. Paris: It is stated that in view or a certain danger the Allies have decided to act without delay at Athens. London, Dec. 15, 2.5 p.m. Athens: There ara indications that the Government will accept the the Allies' ult J matum in
      78 words
    • 29 3 London, Dec. 17, 0.40 a m. Piraens The Greek evacuation of northern Greece has already begun. Allied officers are supervising the transport of troops and material.
      29 words
    • 77 3 London, Dsc. 15, 2 40 p.m. The Times says that in view of the recent great demand for drafts <m India, in consequence of the heavy imports and restricted exports the restriction on the sales of drafts will be felt most severely. It i 9 feared that buyers
      77 words
    • 17 3 London, Dec. 15, 7.25 p.m The Hagne: The Chamber haa tfllfon iorins, f 125
      17 words
    • 73 3 The Poona Damaged. London. Dec. 14, 3.55 p.m. At the annual meeting of the P. and 0. S. N. Co., Lord Inchcape announced that the company had ordered a large high-powered mail steamer. The Poena, bound for India, had been badly damaged by an enemy mine or
      73 words
    • 81 3 London, Dec. 15, 2.40 p.m. Many representations are being made to Government urging measures to prevent Captain Blaikie from sharing the fate of Captain Fryatt. Sir Edward Carson telegraphed I to the Navy League his entire sympathy with their views, and said that the question must be faced
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    • 50 3 German Attacks Repulsed. London, Dec. 15, 10.50 p.m. An official message from East Africa states Since Dec. sth, a considerable German force has re peatedly attacked our troops holding Port Kibata, southward of the Rufiji delta. The attacks were repnlsed. There are heavy rains in all zones.
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    • 86 3 London, Dec. 17. 9.25 p.m. The following have been raised to the peerage Rt. Hon. Charles Beilby StuartWortley, M. P. (Sheffield, Hallam div.) (Unionist), one of the "temporary Chairmen in Committee of the whole House since 1895, born 1851, and Sir William Maxwell Aitken, M; P.(Ashton under-Lyne)(Unionist), a
      86 words
    • 90 3 London, Dec. 15, 11 p.m. Mr. John Hodge the new Minister for Labour in a letter to the Trade I nions, earnestly and confidently appeals to the workmen's leaders, equally with employers, to consult him before any industrial crisis is reached. He points out that it is
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    • 172 3 HOW TOMMY TOOK IT. The Governing Factor. London, 16« 1.40 a.m. Describing the reception of Bethmann Hollweg's peace statement at the front. Re titer's correspondent at headquarters says that in many cases tLw earliest intimation in the first line trenches came from the German side v«here werfc
      172 words
    • 129 3 London, Dec. lb\ 12.5 a.m. Petrograd The Duma has un animousiy resolved against entering iato any peace negotiations whatever for the present. London, Dec. 15, 12.50 a.m. The Duma's resolution against pease says it believes that th j proposals are a new proof of enemy weakening and that
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    • 140 3 London, Dec 16, 3.30 a.m. Petrograd In the Duma, the Foreign Minister, M. Pokrowsbky, said that Geamany's offering had not surprised the Allies. More than once during the war, Germany had put <ut feelers for a separate peace. Now, recognising her powerlessness to break the unshak able alliance,
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    • 44 3 London, Dec. 16, 3.30 a.m. Washington The Cabinet for three hours considered Germany's peace evertures. It is officially announced that the proposals will be transmitted to the Entente Powers unaccompanied by any expression of opinion of the United States Government,
      44 words
    • 35 3 London, Dec. 14, 5.30 p.m. Amsterdam The latest German newspapers are surprised at the Allies' coolness in the matter oi the peace proposals; they are blam ing Britain and adopting a menacing tone.
      35 words
    • 49 3 London, Dec. 14, 5.30 p m. Tokio The proposals were received with surprise. They caused a panic on the Stock Exchange. Shipping shares tumbled down, and others followed. The Stock Exchange closed until the lr>th. Influential quarters do not believe that the Allies will consider the proposal.
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    • 111 3 London, Dec. 15, 2.40 p.m. New york Count Bernstorff, interviewed, indicated that Germany hoped that President Wilson would arrange a Peace Conference at the Hague. He laid that the peace terms would remain in abeyance until the plenipotentiaries assembled. The Daily News correspondent at Washington states that the
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    • 58 3 Japan 's Determination. London, Dac. 15, 7.25 p.m. Replying to a message from Mr. Lloyd George, notifying the new C-ibinet, the Premier of Japan telegraphed to say that he was confident that the new Government would prosecute the war with a constant determination to secure complete and lasting rictorv. He
      58 words
    • 29 3 New York The World says that the great obstacle to peace is the deep conviction of the belligerents and neutrals alike that Germany cannot be trusted.
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    • 33 3 London, Dec. 17, 4.40 a.m. Washington: The Austrian, German and Turkish peace notes have been despatched to the Entente capitals unaccompanied by any United States expression of opinion.
      33 words
    • 20 3 Reuter. The Hon. Mr, Neil Primrose has been appointed joint Chief Whip in the new Governmert with Lord Edmund Talbot.—Renter.
      Reuter.  -  20 words
    • 134 3 Britain's Reply. Londou, Dsc. 15, 7.40 p.m The British rejoinder to the ft*, man reply with reference to Be deportation! recalls the fact Germany rejected the scheme oi th American relief commieaion t import raw materials into Beltjna and export mannfaetnred a r for the purpose of keeping
      134 words
    • 101 3 London, Dec. 14. 9.45 p.m. In the House of Commons j r reply to Mr. L. Giunell. Mr. Cham berlain state* t that as a traveller m an Indian Public Services Commit Bioner,asa student of Indian sifairi and as a Member of Parliament Lord Ronaldshay had shown
      101 words
    • 351 3 (By courtesy ej the French Consulate.) Paris, Dec. 15, 6.25 p.m. The Government has created a Cnder-Stcre.;aii<s oi State Mm Cachur, Dihujier, Metfn, Godart Naii, Claveiiis, Rodeo, Breton Louchour. The Allies delivered on the 15:b December an ultiuiaiun to Greece requiting beguiling of ths withdrawal oi the
      351 words
    • 46 3 The Kuala Lumpor Christmas Tree and Kntertainmenl for children up to thHaf: of twelve years will b» held at to- Town Hail on Thurs day and Prid Dec. 28 and 29, Mr. Benjamin Pardy has undertaken the duties of hon. secretary as m prnviooi i ears.
      46 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 73 3 Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed Malted Milk THE BEST INFANT FOOD. I Awarded Grand Prf*e Panama P acific International' Exposition j Borden's Sterilized Natural Milk. ij^H^^N P^* 0 p r fß cre cow i^^^ I rowi condition. ,nd nnder M J '(i 4 I OBTAINABLE AT ALL SINGAPORE STORES. j i
        73 words
    • 1157 4 u ntitled be as extinct as the New untitled11 mom for hid occupation is almost gone steam winches, patent I asses, and improved rnechani. tpphaness have all but driven him ant of the market. The "sailor" irhose pride was in the handicraft 0 f his trade, who understood fv-ry knot,
      1,157 words
    • 124 4 Vessels Expected. Tara (B.I.) 20th December, from Singapore, for Penang, Madras and Negapatam. Agents, Messrs. Boustead, Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Teenkai (Holt) 21st December, from Europe for Singapore, China and Japan. Agents, Messrs. Boustead, Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Teesta (B.I.) 22nd December, from India for Singapore. Agents Messrs.
      124 words
    • 94 4 Christinas Mails Lost As annonnced in our French Consular News on Saturday, the M M. Magellan has been sunk in the Mediterranean. There were 21 bags of mails for Kuropo from Singapore on board, posted between 4 pm. on Nov. 10 and 6 p.m. on Nov. 16.
      94 words
    • 232 4 Voyage of the "Vigilant." An adventurous voyage has be*m OOmpleted »>y th* Vigilant, a hun rretiton American tug, which retailed She left St. J tort's, Newfoundland, bound f..r Oardiff. and, running into terrific '.hnr after she was five days out, •ant <>nt the S.O.S. distress
      232 words
    • 242 4 Singapore, December 18. Vm.— sBB.6o 125 tons sold. t 'opra. Weak. Business done. Tapioca. —Weak. Business done. 8 iqo Flour- Weak. Business done la mirier. —No Business. Pepper- —Steady. No Business. Other Pro iucts. *ark< t Quiet, latest Local Market «)oot»tion«;. Nutmegs 110 8. per picul $36.00 Nutmegs
      242 words
    • 66 4 Delivered in London. Tbe following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the Buropean Mails and their delivery in London. Mail. Lnn. Dblivbjuw. B. L J Dm. l M.M. lav. 4 Dm 1 pas Bar. it Dm. U WW 1» K. I. >7 par Rev. M.M. N«»
      66 words
    • 865 4 Prices Quote* it the thrift tfcis Moraitf MSOArO&ft. December 1«. L-y»il jid K»att, i:xcb»nge w i hh*r rtr .k»r- tb* f Howir? 'i«t'»/on Knbbcr Shares. Som. Value. Bat'r Seller* 1/- Allagar 2/0 2 10 2 Anglo Javb 4 6 II- Anglo-Malay 10/- 12/ 1 Ayer SO/-
      865 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 138 4 M.M. MESSACER'FS M'RITIMES. Mall Line. For Chin*, Jap&r., Ceylon, Marseilles. HOME WA RD j OUT WAR* l»l« 1916 Amaaone Dee. 28 Pertho* Bee M 1117 Athee Ju. I Fot all particular* apply U J. dk CorjßT )r.H, A»«»t. PACIFIC SERVICES For Vancouver and Seattle. Taking carfjo on throti'/h Bills «>f
        138 words
    • Page 4 Miscellaneous
      • 342 4 Mails Ciose. To day. Rangoon Palitana t*U mm j'enan*,'Sabangete Rochni*#>n I 30 m Port a .d T«lak An*. n "Perak IJSO pa t*elat Pandjang, Beng kali. and tta/an Pontianak U0 pm Mu*r and Ma.anea Kak* p« oi ek ng Sw.viw s'Jao.b lio pa Bangkok Chuaan 4 P-. To-morrow. Sarawak
        342 words