Malaya Tribune, 16 December 1916

Total Pages: 18
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 31 1 The Malaya Tribune. IENLNG DAILY.] C< Yj AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. C EVENING DAILY. Vol. 3. «No. 29o SINGAPOBE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1916 Price 5 Cents. Che Iftalapa Cribune. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 315 1 IM— POWERFUL f>R jr "GAIETY" TO-NIGNT Janctka of AH** and Bencoolen Streets. IS TO* FIR>T SHOW A SniB«tional Chinese Drama CLluese Death Thorn vv i d« rfal R-els Pro I wed by the K*l a Co La Beating Hearts and Carpets Keystone W THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 P. M.
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    • 123 1 —BWM-— i "ONODA" Portland 1 CEMENT. s 1 I I Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. I I (INCOI PORATFD IN* JAPAN 1 3 I LET THE KIDDiES MEET J TOTLAND Opposite to Government House PURCHASE BEFORE BE VEIN WE DELI VKB BEFORE ELEVEN. Naval Toys, Military Tcys sid all sorts of
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  • 644 2 Accused Discharged. Th* preliminary enquiry into the alleged charge©! using as gennine a fwged doontnent, a cheque for $%.oot> imrpor insj to be signed by Mr .i. W Kennedy, of GulaKalnmpong Robber Bstftte, on 31s' October Irt^t. was concluded in the rbird Court, Pefiang. 0»1j ona witness
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 505 2 Straits Laundry Ory Cleaning Depot, UNDER EUROPEAN SUPERVISION. High Class Laundry Work of every Description at Moderate Charges. REGULAR WEEKLY COLLECTION \M> I»E LI VERT. DISTANCE NO OBJECT. Contracts Arranged. ComaMnicatioD* Invi'ed. Urgent Work Undertaken at Moderate Charges. Ladles' Dresses, Laoes, Silks, etc. and Cry Cleaning a Speciality, Nos. 15
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    • 48 2 LAMBERT 0 19 and phot r ,,,tr, W.>uld mi v i theme leairc portrait* tbeir hriatmwi <. fn s ti-at r bo < appoint asooAi fo» Rtrtingt Telephone No. 10* High Brails Portraiture, MMtary 6rou P S Pretty Pictures or Chiidreo. Bridal Parties, Commercial Pho'ojrapfc Only Addre** 3a ORCHARD ROAD
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  • 260 3 On the Ist inst. Mr. Gopal Singh. Hon. Secretary of the Khalsa Diwati Malaya, Ipoh, for war* led to His Xx ic-llency Major General Dudley Ri lout, Comtnanditg the Troops, 5.8., a cheque for It*. 895.15 A* raised by means of email subscriptions among the Sikhs
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  • 122 3 Some Quaint Letters Although somewhat old, the following letters in connection with the application! for separation allowance* recited recently by the Lord Mayor will bear repeating Dear Sir,—ln accordance wittinstructions on the ring paper I hare uiven birth to a daughter." »D-ar Sir,— You have changed my little
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  • 164 3 (Erclwnrc. to Malaya Tribune.) Latham and Co., tb> \rcade, advise the following quota* ions for to-day \lorGajah 13.90 *4 10 VyerKnnings 150 155 \yor 2.40 250 Iyer Panas 11 50 11.75 Bilgowtiie 470 5 0(1 Bnkit Jelotong 0.75 0.80 BuUit Katil 0 82| C^7< Change: tt Serdg....
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  • 108 3 The Committer of the Children's Aid Society gratefully acknowledge he followiug farther subscriptions:— Previously acknowledged $4,449 29 Collected by Mrs Listerman 35 Mrs Cor one! 10 Mrs Storeh 20 Mrs Julian Frankel 20 J A Elias 100 A Frankel 20 Dr A P Van Rijn 25 Mrs
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 964 3 gi,r- I The SPITE ij f i Alhambra is house of quality Alharabra p pictures lh€ SJP A 1 JiHm Iwl IB 1C IB M l If beach road JBhSmH Ca^ es -C^W: accommo- THE home: of feature attractions. n SB T •m atxumiiiu The Leading Theatre In Singapore 5
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  • 222 4 Oiders for the week en In g, F. iday, Drcemb r 22. To-Day. 2 30 p in Rang 3 Maxim Co. 3.30 pin S.V R. Holland and Buona Vista Rjads. To-morrow. 7.45 a m Johnston's P"er S.V. A. 7.50 am, 9 DO am au i 2.30 pm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1239 4 TO-NIGHT (Second Show 9.15) TO-NIGHT I Did you Not cc tfeir—Anot ler ENTIRE C atfga o P < srarnm? B- lliant Bluebird Photo-plays the World's Firest creen Prodi t Pj E ENP LouUe Lovely Tin P *tti**t Gi I in Til .do in Jn the v en?ationil Fire-act PtV to-d
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  • 78 5 Bowls. S C C Tournament. Monday's Ties. Donbles Handicap: McKean and [Jrqiibart t ihngmmd Smith. Tuesday's TiesSingles Handicap LyaU a \fcK«nzis H*y t Helton or Seoul*?. Doable* Handicap. Snclair and Chapman Lownd^aand R^bertso*.. Thursday's Ties. Single* Handicap: Mckean Lyal >r McK-'zi* Nome v Ha}, liar or Nelson. Dooblef
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  • 41 5 To-morrow launches will leave Jobns'onV mr, at 9,10 and 11 a.m., »30 and 330 p.m. and the Club ngalow at 9.30 and 10 30, 12.15, 3 and 5 30 p m. Tide 25i p.m. He ight Bft.
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  • 66 5 Mr.W.R. Boyd, who has been A.D.0., Uiu tor the last twoyeaia. proceeds next w«-ek to Ramban to act an District Officer, while Mr W. D Barron, at present stationed at Krob. P-rak is 2<»irjy to Ktiala Kohn in his place. The D puty Control lor of Labour, Penan*?, telegraphs that
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  • 503 5 Messrs Paterson Simons and Co.'s Report. Singapre, 13. At the anctions eosamci *ed tr •ia\ about 6totOllt vnvre off. ted bin a little over 180 tool changed hands, and th« sale wa* concluded in ohm dby. The mark-t bad risen rapidly during the week and seller, confidently
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  • 103 5 November Returns. Messrs Paterson, Simons and Co, Ltd. Secretaries* Trafalgar Limited. 4,015 lb§. Total to date 25,900 U>rf. Trafalgar Limited, IS,000 Coconat«. Total to date 149,500 Cocouats Hevea (Johore,, 23,079 lbs. Total to date 108,732 lbs. Kuala Pergau, 22,500 lbs. Total to date 182,757 lbs. Bujong Estate, IS,115
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  • 31 5 Tili Tin Co., Ltd. Messrs futtey Batemao. Secretaries The output for No»eml»tr amounted to Pikols 318 22, made up ss follows Tribme Pikuls 2M.66 Crußhing 59 i|j 6.63 315.?2
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  • 158 5 To day. -Here's Fun," Victoria Th atre. 9 p.m. St. Anthony's School Sports, 2.30 p.m. Singapore Family Benefit Society meeting 3 30 p ra. S.V.C. Inspection High Water-2.43 a.m. 8 ft. 1 in 2.4 p.m. 8 ft. 5 ins. To morrow 3rd Sunday in Advent. High Water—3.2l am. 8
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  • 233 5 The folio wing striking paragraph appear! in an article in the November EiOpifi Review, by .Mr. F. A. W. Gisborne The dabt Great Britain owei to the Uie Lord Kitchener can hardly be over estimated. A!' (High the guardian Goddess of tl Parthenon slumbered while the lildi
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  • 63 5 Singapore. December 16. v Loudon Bank 4 a/a. 2/4 Demand 2/4 Private Sea/a. 2/4 29,32 i) India— Bank T. T. 173J On Hongkongtuna d/d 4i%prim in Sbangbai— Bank d/d. H\ >n Java— Bank T. T. <■ Japaa— Bank d/d. 109* gerereigna—baring rala A.54 India Ceil Billa latl iaaaa 1/4
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 253 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS VICTORIA THEATRE THE A. D. C. PRESENT "HERE'S FUN" A Musical Play Jtf All) F THE GFNCEIS 1 FAMILIES FUND TO-NIGHT December 19th, 21st and 23rd. 1) < king n »w open at MCUTRIES. 8U 14 12 The Bukit Timah Rubber Estates, Ltd. NOTICE IS HEKEIiY GIVEN that
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    • 131 5 There is no Better Ale Than BULLDOG ON SALE AT The Leading Hotels AND Principal Liqucr Dealers. [Raffles Hotel. SPECIAL DINNER TO-NIGHT RAFFLES REFRESHMENT ROOM Op D from R a. m. to 12 p m. daily. Raffles Bakery and Confectionery THE BEST IN TOWN. TJpcoantry orders promptly executed. Bread delivered
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    • 55 5 WANTED. G 'mptteni workman fur repairing cam -*< etc. Ptrui»n«nt pi 'nation for right man. Apply to Hm Manager, Kod-lt, Ltd., 3, Battery H »ad. 16-11 18 13 FOB SALE. P*ige fwerhaalfd, n -iaeleea engine, pain *rd rdtkle pia tuff parta are in excellent coi.di. Itaj Pnee $1,500. Apply T*u
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  • 1385 6 D'liinar the past few montr s the Government has increased taxea on opium and spirits and has introduce I only on tobacco. As everyone knows, the poor contribute the bulk of this tax. The new additions to Ux-s in the F. M. S. have also
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 103 6 Co. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR ]N^ow Open. LIQUID FUEL PO li Diesel Semi-Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, ETC.. ETC. KEROSENE FOR Kerosene Oil Engines. Large Stocks Always on Hand. For Particulars Prices apply to Tilt"; ASIATIC PETROLEUM Co., 3.5., LTD. v Incorporated in England). ST. HELEN'S 2OORT, SINGAPORE. WAR Of? PEACE j
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    • 88 6 hhubT PORT. Sol* Aden's: Caldb3ck, Macgregor Co. AOF I PHI HOTEL EVERY DAY During Dinner' OUR Filipino Band WILL PLAY. WHISHT EXTRA DINNER AND DANCE. DINNER $2. Commercial Rubber CO., LTD. (insorporated iri Siigipo Rubber Merchants, Auctioneers, House and Land Agents, Appraiser*, V aluersBrokers, Commission Agents and Surveyors. S LES
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    • 221 6 *»***#*******»*********»****»•*>»•» tm r. j MlLllJflAlil Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $11.15 Sterilised Natural Milk 9 ou Ideal Unsweetened Milk $10.60 OSCHAROIKC IN ASMANIA SADLEIR KNIGHT Oraaartl Ajrants and Attorneys LAUNCESTON. TASMANIA. We plant and trr-tna c owH ard* fot Absentee Clients, with graduated payn nts. and nnd r vernment Expert
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  • 475 7 Tin if »1 I'M >o—B ct*. down. ni- 411 »unl at 2/11 tor both ereu and et. r Li eat. G. l)ty ban been appointed t in cap'.ain, Singapore Vohm—l BJ H. 1 -i.U) a Gazette contain-) rolfrS the Governor in Council di Iwives Ordinance. A Bill
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  • 69 7 The A.D.C. All CLiatse Piff jrnnnce In referring to i U e special per-f-rmance by the ADC of Hen* Pon" on Friday next w tb« Victoria heatre, under the aospicei of the >tr*ita Chinee British AasocU. "on, we are asked to state that foi thia particular performance tick, t«
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  • 174 7 The 8^D8i(iMi, 4 til qn, "Th*Iron Claw"drew a crow i lo tba Aihaiubia iJ*st all oiaeover thidentity of th« Lioghing Maak Honaj bad to be turned awu> from certain aecti-..,s. At the Palladium 10 night will be screened a moving picture version of Ida Paik'a novel. Toys of
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  • 154 7 Question ot Assessment. There was a meeiing of Municipal Commisdoners in the board room yesterday afternoon, to consider appeals against assessments, at which were present Messrs. F. J. H alii tax (President), R. St. J. Braided, E Teasensohn, J. A E!ias, See Teong Wah, M.A. Namazie, Dr. Vnetaaamy,
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  • 201 7 The nnhappy of the greater part of Belgium being io eneuiy Lands, while i s gallant army is holding the line to the extreme north, and undergoing tbe atrefts of war in common with its AHi s, renders it impossible to collect; tunecessary funds for dealing with
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  • 97 7 The Fighting Fronts. OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUES. British Busy. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, D c. 15, 12.10 a.m. General Sir Douglas Batg report! We entered trench** In the neighbourhood of .M<mchv an B .is, southward of Arras, and bombed dug-outs full of troops. Tbe enemv'a attempt at a raid in
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  97 words
  • 129 7 Artillery Ac ions. London, Dec. 15, 12.45 a.m. Paris: The communique say* that there were fairly brisk artillery fictions south of the Soiam-*, on both banks of the heights, and south of Bonhotnme. Activity in Macedonia. London, Dec. 15, 3.40 p.m. A French communique states: Ther« has been
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  • 67 7 Forced Btck Slightly. London, D >c. 15, 4.45 p.m. A wireless ft issian official message says Our artillery stopped an attempted advance southwird of Kiselin. Our artillery held up an offensive from Grabkovae on both aides of the TarnopolZ dotchev railway. Toe Russians and Rumanians are falling brck on
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  • 63 7 Ultimatum Printed. London, D o. 15, 550 p.m. Athens A twanty four horn ultimatum, hmde i in at thr* o'clock in the afternoon of D-c. 14. lemanda the withdrawal of thn entire force from Thessdj, and th** transfer of a specified proportion from Pcdoponeans, with arms and ammunition. Dam%n<ie
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  • 118 7 Buzeu Captu cd. London, Dec. 15, C.lO p m. A Oe-nian official rn-ssag*« says W- have captured Bueeo. W* reimUtod a tripia *ua«k soutli of Malanconrt while aft»*r Strong ptOparlKOff fir*, *Xt»-n li": ar and near, the French attacked wv»i at tbe Cote de Poivr*. be faiM. Ltia/.*",
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  • 745 7 Russian L-union. D c. 14, 10.43 p m. Petro tf rail A ttiaj il not* scorntully citicis s the peace proposals and declare! then .ill the innumerable saeriftc** of the Allies would h*- nullified by a premotejre p-ac- with an enemy exhaoated but not yet brought down.
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  • 220 7 Statement In the House. Vote of Fiur Hunlred Millions- London, Dec. 14, 4 10 p.m. In the H'»nse of Commons, Mr, Bonar Law moved a credit vote of four hundred millions, which would suffice until Peb. 24. The daily average expenditure had risen to £5 710,000. Tbe total
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  • 34 7 London, Dec. 15, 6 40 a. n. The Stii'Snla, Hirlyn. Ilailinebm and Barnhop*, (B :tiib) »h* Bi>»r, (Norwegian) an I th** Kuiina l/ior**ni a fonr maetnJ barqno, (IVeneli) have beon e-mk.
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  • 46 7 London, Dec. 15, 4.50 a.m. Pare The Government has In tradaeed a bill authorising the Ooeernment to take by <i*cree ~<nM nr-Cfseafy in th-- national def*»nc«\ e«peoial.y regarding theagricultural and industrial outsat. '»ciuiting, laboor, the sale and .iieribntion and consum lion of couiiuo litiea-
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  • 33 7 Lon- nn, Dec. 15, 2.4«i|». A BfllSil mvi co im oi q c ««ye Out edfenced de b ante have reached the Bakhaieet-FeUfUi rail- X ie tan wauhi bombarded fcfcltefaili
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  • 36 7 Lon n. Di. 15. 7.'4 t-m. Copenhagen Ii Ii i» c or* 'be que«'ion uf 11- the Dan lan W»-s* Tnti m in .'OJ,b94 tv4«l m Mil 1 ,'t 59i tjr«iu»t
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  • 494 8 Austrian t ioition. London, Dee. 15, 1 5 a.m. Amsterdam! Count Koerber's resignation is the sensation of Tieuna, where the Emperor's move ia regarded as revolutionary and indicating his intention to restore the absolutist regime. The Emueror personally requested K.oe/ber to resign. No explanation was forthcoming, but
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  • 101 8 The draft of a Bill to amend the IVnal Code and Criminal Procednra <?ode appears in yesterday's Gazette. changes include making abetlaent in tha Colony of offences outside the Colony an offence; making death the punishment for compassing tha death of the King power is given to the Supreme </onrt
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  • 137 8 V. C. Awarded. London, Dec. 15, 8.0 p.m. Tbe Victoria Cross has been awarded to Lieut-Colonel Bernard Freyberg, of tbe West Surreys, for bis brilliant leadership and ntte* contempt of danger. He carried the •-nervy front trenches, rallied and <e-formed his men, and successfully attacked tbe second objective,
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  • 143 8 P. O. Meeting. Increase in Rates London, Dec. 13, 7.30 p.m. Presiding at the P and O meeting, Lord Inchcape foreshadowed an increase in passenger rates iuxt year. He paid a tribute to the captain tnd crew of the Arabia in safely trans ferring 720 persons to the boats in
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  • 133 8 Mr. untitled Beng Kee has been reappointed and M Chee Wor Lok appointed Municipal Commissioners of George Town, Penang. Mr. J. Lomie has been appointed a member of tbe board of examiners for Singapore, and of the Muhammedan Advisory Board. The Goz Ite contains a telegram from Mr. Walter Long
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  • 12 8 \We do not necessarily c cndene the opinion* expressed by correspondents.]
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  • 176 8 To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Sir,—l notice in tbe local pap r* that tenders are called for by tb< Singapore Harbour Board for the rental of a money-changer a stall on Johnston's Pier, from January Ist 1917. One might venture to enquin (and would certainly lik«
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  • 193 8 (By courtesy &f the French Connulate-) Paris Dc U, 625 p.m. The French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 61 10 th 5 per cent, at 88 10 and tbe new 5 per cent, at francs B<\Bs. Yesterday, we made a successful coup de mam in
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  • 22 8 The State Eagineer, Pabang. telegraphing front Raub on Fhursdav said that thn Ben'a Kuantan roa I was blocked 15 milea from Kuantan.
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  • 655 8 POLICE COURTS. Theft of Gf Id. Song Foot, who was charged with criminal breach of trust, by dispos in* of gold valued at $188, entrusted hi n by his employer, a goldsmitl' named Lim Ah Pui, was remanded for a week. Petty Thefts. Mohimed t in Tamby who
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  • 184 8 The Viceroy has decided not to attend the Calcntia Race Meetiagi this y« ar. The X ing Eni| *ror*s Cop and Viceroy's Cup are bring given as usual. Mesjsjrf Ontario a? i I n inform us that they ;*-e in ree>int of a cable to the fffect that \b** D-rcctorp
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  • 132 8 Page* THB Mft SAT War Fighting Fronts 7 War on Shipping 7 The p-acH Plot 7 Britain's Bit 7 French Consular Naws Heroic Colonel 1 Ipoh Bank Fraud 1. Local Share Vlaiket a* Faithful to tb>ir Salt 3 Separation Allowance S Child en'a Aid etj 3 Sinfapora Volunteer
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 ft" 1 1 mmmmmmkmmmmm —i «■■■■■"«■t>t»>. r HtfitrfnTt i fi'ti t Tiittrr i mn s Borden's Eagle Brand Condensed Malted Milk THE BEST INFANT FOOD. Awarded Grand Prize Panama Pacific International Exposition I frtim* Natural Milk. |^|f3||^| j Prepared from pure full cream cow'a j| mUk pr daCed in tke
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 95 9 i si THE J IPot Stills 3 2 < 3 3 '< i OF I a t: Great Britain] Have Been Taken Over by Government, I NEVERTHELESS I i I!! Buchanan's 1 will be able to continue j j to supply their famous blends and to maintain j I the
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    • 759 9 Church Services. Amjki.* CATIlkDltAL, 3nf> m v;,w j V ItnrtXT. ITTH I»e< 'KMftRR. 1916. a.m. Litarrv 7 I m if ,i. <-* fCh tali ,11- v f '•> "■n-mnion 1 V *-»«»iaoug ani S«rUoly .v :v v tf (iay VH| a ml v2 a! "v H "'> Matin.. 7Jt am
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    • 461 9 IT M E ORIENTAL GoV£RNMIVNT SECURITY J Life Assurance Co., Ltd. SffMUWft, 1-74. I laaUq II nr MirthiM ir »23.030,000 ire vmM 1« j ars wooed progrw and inn i—Mtblliij. 10* MB tor IMMH Enliinsnt »ssuran:>» M Prints death by a half off 5 S 9.S 0. I
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    • 24 9 MALAYA TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Per aoonm ...$14.00 Half-yearlf 7.25 Pfr quarter 3.55 Per mensem 1.25 Ex r> 50 CtS per month Telephone No. 171.
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  • 346 10 Lieut Leonard Reid. A military wedding took place at Bt. Mark's Church, Sereniban, on Wednesday, when the marriage was solemnised of Lient. William Letbbridge Leonard, M. BV.iL, second son of Mr. William Leonard, of Coventry, to Jessie Btuart, elder daughter of Mr. James Ried, also of Coventry. Tbe
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  • 58 10 Dr lis for December, Monday, Dec. 18. Paiadesat Pearl's Hid and Tanjoiig l agar 5.15 p.m. Friday, Dec 22. Parades at Pearl's Hill and Tanjoi g Fa gar 5 15 p.m. Monday, Dec 25. No Drill. Friday, Dec. 29. Tarades at Pearfg Hill and Tanjorg Papar 5.15
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  • 202 10 Tbe tragic death of Mr. Sydney Hmitb, formerly chief reporter to the Calcutta Corporation/ who ia reported to have fallen ©Terboard at the mouth of the Thames a few hours before his homeward Toyage was completed, says a writer in m Commerce," strengthens the contention recently made in
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  • 496 10 Fraser Co's bbare Circular. Singapore, Deo. 13. Business throughout the week ha? been on a small scal-», the stiffening of the price of Robber has enable lome Companies to make bighh rem oner at ii c Fur ward Contracts bnt in only a few instan ;es has then
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  • 82 10 Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Other train* leave for Johore at 9 a.m., 10.29 a.m M noon, 1.30 p.m., 2.55 p.m. and 4.40 p.m. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a.m. and 7.14 p.m. Trams leave from Johore
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 33 10 NO LAXATIVES are so gentle and effective as that's why children can safely take them. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, cr poet free from the Dr. Williams' Madicine Co.. Dept. tc, Singapore.
      33 words
    • 253 10 These high-class cigarettes are something entirely distinctive-something absolutely unique, at the moderate price charged for CIGARETTES. No. 555 VI L R IA per tin of 50.60 cts. No. 444 TU S H per tin of cts. Packed in patent vacuum tins, ensuring perfect condition in all climates. Sole Manufactures: ARDATH
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    • 61 10 H. AHMAD. Civil and Structural Engine*,, Surveyor and Building Contractor. Estate Commission Agent. Office: 111, Market Street, Singapore AND Jalan Rahmal, Batu Pahat M a' SINE DARBY 6 CO., LTD. We have acquired the interests of Messrs. Sellar Muray Co., of Penang, as from January I, 1917, and from that
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    • 225 10 Special Koiics to Gen! Surgeons and Ce:itists. Mr. V TAN ha* pioved bj aaq tirt n f< ari'i can c«rfiden iy rec mend tbe tse of bis 'JONGKEENA' in (!»ntittry cafe, A little of I mixture on cotton-wool placed id 'J nfiY-e ft» r extraction will reitf' Ii c pHin
      225 words

  • 745 11 Disaffection Caused bySca c ty Germany has a ,ne*r mot I thete hard times, Ausbalten. haus Iton, maulhalten," meaning (t< ranglat-* as as possible at*«I 'etain the por), H„|,i onlf j (1 on (to economy in matter*) told yo ir juv." D'earns of victory, "•ays a well
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 372 11 just Arrived t J U »t Arrived NEW NOVELS (Published 1916.) From Various Authors. ALSO An Assortment Modern War Story Books. Psbliiheo since tie bejmin| 0 f fbe W4f ky Mthm Inspection Solicited. OR PHONE No. 6SS. KIM Co, 6B Battery Road. EE RUBBER Cured la a JACKSON PATENT CABINET
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    • 129 11 Insanity Cure. Dr. W.C. Roys sp-ci'ic for Insanity is the only remedy lor tue disease. Of over 6U years standing, t-poken of highly by the leading Phjsieiaua of the day, found to cure all forms of Insanity, Neurasthenia, Hysteria, Epilepsy, etc. Price Hs. 6 per bottle: —Apply t »r literature
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    • 128 11 HAM THiERs HEAD BRAKD Sug-ahara Co., No. 334 North Brtd«f SINGAPORE TEL 1333, The Continental Stamp Co. D. High Strut. BPICtAL DISPLAY OF rocKs im m iei thi C\RDS in the Latent Artistio Dssigas, Including Perfumed and Patriotic Card?, Cards with Local toanta. Artistic Calendars for 191 T. Par us
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  • 878 12 Ancfiot form »f Reward. Tbe custom of awarding medal for military service is iappoacd to have originated with the Chinese, It ia nothing new for the curious in i uch matters to trace the ge: mi r f whal are at least counterparts of We Ideas to the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 289 12 THE DEST tiViCE j To give a pmpoa tuff rh.g fron. ri-al Che or Nauralni* ii to use t I re D«dj that WilJ i' stant relief Li e a touch <f tin wizard's wand Lift] 's 0 ie t I BJn e its on lb** inf 1 dis»rifrs. The
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    • 233 12 j TO LET RAFFLES CHAMBERS, Commodious, well lighted and airy offices second floor, front portion of first floor and groun! floor. Will be divided to Miit intending tenant! Electric lifts, lights and fans throughout the builHm. Appl 3 to iQln CHING KENG LEE GO. Auctioneers Estate Agvnti 1-6 i E«iW??™"
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  • 419 13 New Law Introduced. Since the death of Gen. Huang Flsing and Gen. Tsat Ao, it h*s he come fashionable amorwst officials m.d politicians to advocate th»* desirability of according the honour of a Scale bunal, as a suit able recognition of their greet ser vices. Therefore, both
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  • 96 13 A travelling man one night found himself obliged to rem tin in a miali tovf 11 on ace 'Unfc of a washout 011 th*' railriad caused by the heavy raiD, which Wif s* ill coming d >wn in to r» nt°. Tie travelling in in turned to
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 347 13 The Victoria Confectionery store! (THE PREMIER STORE OF ITS KIND) 386, Victoria Street, Singapore TELEPHONE NO. 1583. Fresh Cakes, Cold Hot Drinks Can alw«y« be l»»d at the above presfan from 7 ».m. to 12 midni./ht. Wedding. Birthday or Christening cakes, Vanilla, Walnut, Chocolate or Maraschino Cream Tart?, Jam and
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    • 631 13 Y OUR nerves may be strong as you think they are. But that does not justify you in neglecting them. They govern all the M work of living n that on in your body. They influence directly your health, your mental activities. All your usefulness and energies in fact, depend
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 667 14 NOTICES NOTICE. Thf Sinfftjxwe Aotoaiobile C üb. with v;hw to the HVnirtflDce <>' accidents, nesiie-* to dinw the Httention of tbe pub ie wl *n tiding in rtck«havs to the ili'v nf In* indicating in adequate time ilm iareatiun to turn b *?xtei (hug tlie arm towards that side to
      667 words
    • 407 14 NOTICES_ The Mulcott Belting Company, Limited. (Incor porated in Enoland.) Best Multipinr Hf*it Belting Ordinary and Extra Srout From 2 in. to 8 in. stock This l>Hr ha« gained it* reputation throng br at b iKoi» t Rargoon, Sumatra, Bj n: kok, F.M.S. *nd th»Straitf, for it* Strength, Durability ■ad
      407 words
    • 388 14 WANTED WANTED. An effi ien* ai.<i i. telltgeai Pro 1 Reader ?< r a new«pnp< r office, App\ with cnpus <•( recent te-ti. uiomhls ti Box. 2.VJ c/o Mala) a Tibune 11-11 v WANTED. An pi crienced Book keepei (Doublo Entn) capabloof c rr* spondtnce. Apply listing salary n <juir*
      388 words
    • 495 14 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. 01 CORP< RATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60 f OOO Snares of £20 each £1,200,00« Reserve Fund £1,800,00< Reserve Liability of Proprietors £l,200 t 00( BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th* Londor 'ity and Midland Bank, Ltd.,
      495 words
    • 310 14 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISHi INSMRaNCF CO.. no, INCORPORATED Nfi* FIH Ir turaicesefcctrr cr r Rent scr! Mereha&diafl f deeoriptioj aUßiifc Ineaxanee* c pted |Q parts- of lln per Id wpw ri^ M WAR RISK accepted to all J. HENRY Oflic 2, rmkyeoe Or%eii. INSURA* E CO., to, (Incorporated -in H-.i^kon,.) Capital
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    • 20 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. issued Dai! v.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Daily.] No. 296 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 433 1 P. O. British India AND APCAR LINE (C OM MANTES INCORPORATED llf EjfOLAJTD MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Orient* 1 Sailings. < Under Contract with His Majesty* QeTeanment.) FonChina. Jipin, Pmn*. Ceylt*, avstralta, laiia, Adan Egypt Mediterranean Ports ani Londoa. Steamer* will Iht« Singapore en eifabeai MAIL LINES. Homeward
        433 words
      • 277 1 STtOMYAART-MMTSCHAPPIJ Steamship Company/ NEOE3LAND (Incorporated in Holland.) Mail Service between Java and Amsterdam, via Singapore, Belawan Deli, Saban?, Suez, Colombo, Gibraltar and vice versa. Steamers are dae to arrive, on the nndermentioned datas OUTWABD.j vu h P. Jaliana Dte. 26 3 Cape 1917 Rembrandt Jan. 21 Oranje Fek>. 13 Vondel
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      • 555 1 N. Y.K NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAI AN) (JAPAN MAIL j STEAMSHIP CO.) EUROPEAN LINE. •i A between Yokohama via porta to Mareeille* aad London, tndtii mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin acrew Btee,ro«ce maintaining thia service have teen specially designed and extracted, and are
        555 words
    • 466 2 Europe. For tjondon Atrens 17 Cyclops December 18 Nankin December 21 Eeeoiun December 30 Karao Mirq, Janaary 3 (via The Cap-) Nevara January 4 Kashirna Maru Jan. 10 (via the Cape) For Lit srpdol Oanfa December 25 Ninchow December January 2 For Marseilles Nankin D<ruber 21 aVmasone
      466 words
    • 198 2 Vessels Expected. Thongwa (B.I.) 16th December, from Singapore for Penang, Madras and Negapatam. Agents. Messrs. Bonstead, Hampshire and Co.. Ltd. Atreus (Holt) 17th December, from Singapore for Colombo and London. Agents, Messrs Bonstead, Hampshire and Co Ltd. Tara (B.I.) 20th December, from Singapore, f or Penang, Madras and
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    • 342 2 Vessels in Port. British. ITftAJUHk BERTH DATE Glenartney K. Uarhour 22-8 Hang Sarjg Outer Rds 18-11 Batavier Inner Rds 2-12 Fuh Wo Keppel Harbour 512 Abbotsford Dock 7-12 jrlwnogJe No. 7 Wharf do Sandakan do 11-12 Kiang Ann Dock 12 12 Qoorra loner Ris do Katong do 13-12
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    • 91 2 Per P and 0. Liners. Per P 61 O *tr Kashgar.—Mm Grist', Mr and-Mrs Maxwell, Rev H J Hillyard, Mr. Kobios. Mr. Hanks. Per fP. <fcj O. atr. Knrmaia.—Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Derrick, Mr. Ridley, Mr. Mrs. Beird, Mr Anderson, Mr Hogg. Per U X, Liners. Pei NYK st-
      91 words
    • 32 2 Firing takes place from Serapong on Dec 2Ut, 22nd, 28th and 29th with 23rd an SOth as spare days' A red flag will be hoisted on Sera-' pong. Teasels are warned accord-
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    • 325 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station:—s.s Polynesian,s.s.Tjikini, s.s. Melchior Treub, For Rangoon direct will sail the B. I. Palitana at 4 p.m. on Monday next. Th*- outward bound P. and O. liner Somali will not sail from here until
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    • 77 2 News has been received by the Eastern Shipping Company, Limited to the eff-ct that the company's steamer Leong Ho sank on Wednesday night in Kuala Perlis. All ban Is were saved The L<~on<r Ho I left Penang on Monday last bound for Pnlau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul
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    • 150 2 A Rise in Rates. Router cables that Lord Inchcape presiding at th< annua! meeting of the Peninsular an 1 Oriental Co foreshadowed an increase i n passenger rates next year. He paid a tribute to the captain and of the Arabia in safely transferring 720 persons
      150 words
    • 367 2 Amended Notices. The rjonakoog Gasette tbe following ■loaded notice with reference ro the Public Traffic Ban Jationsfor the port of Hoagkoa* Examination Service. If the examination ve«?s e K ape withdrawn on account of bad weather fiver fct nmers arriving at th* Yy*,/ sra Kut-ance aiahtii* tt.
      367 words
    • 67 2 December 15 Kinta (British.) Qoorra (British.) Tydeus (Britibh.) Thongwa (British.) Lady Weld (British.) Melohior lYeob (Dutch.) Baud (Dutch.) Kiyo Maru (Japan.) Katori Maru (Japan.) N. BelozwetolT (H'issian.) December 16. Scoti ilarley (British.) Sandakan (British.) Kuin Sang (British..) Buyskes (Durch.) Van der Hagen (Dutch.) Calcutta (Dutch.) Emile (Dutch.) Singkep (Dutch.)
      67 words
    • 42 2 December 15. Bin Hong Lion- (British., Lhnsan (British.) Tor- (Japan.) Fnttia \T A j Konn Ham (Japan.) Fu/iji Mam Van Uogandorp (Dutch.; Jong Le~ (Chinese.) Baikal (Russian.) December 16. Kaka (British Chang ('how British.) (British.) Broadvale (British.) Kiger (Norwegian!) Prometheui (Norwegian.)
      42 words
    • 1141 3 ■BVar-finie Changes. ■H return of U 53 to reported arrival in America Deutc&bland and of her mm crip across the Atlantic, ur* of ioterest, bot of no in enemy'* op-rations. Both wnr* and both were rather says a Naval correspon|Vof The Tim-*. will be noticed that Comrnaritook
      1,141 words
    • 153 3 Steamers Chartered at Bangkok. Messrs. Hap Sens; have chartered the following steamers The Jap s.B. Kumakata Maru, 1,345 tons for one year a* $20,000. The Chinese Yushun, 1,079 tons for its months at $23,000. Messrs. KOOll Sens; have chartered the Chinese s.s. Foo L- c, 850 for
      153 words
    • 752 3 'rice* guotad v iht Market Uis Morsi^t »DX kf OECEMBBii 16. i Kubber Shares. s m ss > 4 Si V'^i--Mala; 10/- m r K,ln n SO/- 876 I 'if* 70, soyaak >. M-rtaum d!'J SS tiukit iUjab 100/- M Buk:t 19 Bakit *-mlnvr«i. 2 10 3
      752 words
    • 241 3 D**cetnb— 16. 125 tons sold 'V./.rv/.- Weak. Business daaja, Tapi<*u. —W<Mk. 1 ui-. Xw. Fh. W ;ik. BusinesH (lnne. Gamfti' r. —No Bsaĕneai Pepi <r- Xo Bastoess. Other Pnxi,:,;**. *.*iioel Qoi-t. Latest Loc»l tfarkei JnttkUi Natmess 1108. per MMLOQ Xutuie<L'S S. 42 Copra Ball s «4i» ><>p;a Boroi
      241 words
    • 50 3 ■•*<•• super»cri»>eil Ifttert onl> Ships in communication with Ua»Oomnifeisl Station: —sj. Tjikin:, h.h. Melchior Tr^nb. The outward P. L O. packet Somali U expected V> le+r* C*>lomb > oa Monday, th* IStli instant, and may be to srriTe M S.turd«y, trio 2;ird in-taut Th-.•e»-e! should anne <>n Su .d*y. the
      50 words
    • 178 3 Delivered io London. The followirjj are the of leparture ffOOJ Miikrap<>ie of tie Kmopean Mai!-; end their dell vary in London. Mail. Last. Ijhlivmubd B. I. Mow I*q 1 hi M Not 4 I >'o 1 p4 o s >• r>M. ii SLSL Sot 1« 11. I. How.
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 43 3 I SINGAPORE I SHIPCHAIIDLERYOo. SHIP" IANDLKRS 8 PROYIOOKIN j CONTRACTORS. 1 ne eu incoming ahip^ i omem —16 Battery Road. takb urn: to top floor Telephona No. 141. Orders promptly atterded to frouj January Ist 1916 H. W. H. STEVENS, Manager. 5-1 4
        43 words
      • 340 3 M. M. ■RSM6EIIES MARITIMEB. Mall Line. For China, Japa», Ccykoa. Marseilles. BOM KW ARD < QT PfAW ISM Amaz .ne Dec. 2S Porthos D««. >t 1917 Athos Jan. 3 I »r a. I part icn fears apply to I. UK i! MJRT o 4, BIiNSN INDIA S. N. CO., LTI.
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 219 3 Mail's Close. To day Malacca *itong Lian 2.30 pm Singkawang, Pamangkat, Sambas it Ser bian Singkawang 2 30 pm Medan Circe 2 30 pm Medan Va»i 2.."S0 pm Ba*i> Pah;»t Aing 2.i,0 pm Malacc:i. Port Swettenham and 1'enang *Klang 2.30 pm Saigon Yung Shin 3 pm Fremantle, Adelaide, Mellxiurne and
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 556 4 toy r XMSHA The New Route via axngkon?, Shanghai, .ajasaki, The tnland ej. Kobe. Zokohama, tlonolulu and Jan Francisoo to all points in the United c tates, Canada, Mexico and Europe. iiir.g from Hongkong, moi t Ton* Ipaed L-*r*. Hone- d| ISNYC MARU -000 2! Pec 19 NIPPON MAKU 11,000
        556 words
      • 387 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (I NO »H PO RATED IN JAPAN) {Contractor* tcTjhe imperial Japanese Army and Navy and to Foreign Govern merits J KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and Locomotive Makers AM sizes and descriptions of Boilers, Marine and Laud Engines New Graving: Docks and Patent Slips. No. 1 Graying
        387 words
      • 418 4 Ocean Ste cjj Company, China Mutual cam Nay Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Knelan Tl f 1 > t t; S raits, China and 0 r week and from Janan i ?er r i "•pwi noi Uma n, Amsterdam vor-y tortni-()• for Goi ka aad Liverpool uid r' r v fla\re
        418 words