Malaya Tribune, 13 November 1916

Total Pages: 18
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vok 3. No. 267 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1916 Price 5 Cents. CIK fpalapa Crfbaine. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 486 1 WHERE ONLY THE VERY BEST ARE! l athe offers from to-night at the House of Serials Gaiety Cinema Juuction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets. Balboa's Newest and Greatest Production 14 EPISODES 28 It BE Li THE RED CIRCLE A Wonderful Detective Serial R .mance and Hnmanity which answers the Eternally
      486 words
    • 123 1 lĔsteteSupplies Acetic (99&981.) Acid Veneer Chests I E 0 Moml Chests Latex Cups ETC. Mitsui ZBussan Kaisfta, Jstd. (Incorporated in Japan) m ftftttlHHHHf yHHfM??** 1 titttttttttiifttttliiitiiittittiiiiiiitiiitanittm»i»niftitttttmtitttttt»t«ttn»tmnmt«»tttii»nttttttn«ttm>>»» TO THE WORKING MAN. I Why Pay Inflated War Prices j- r Your X'mas Requirements? mum Wmm m we sell cheaply T^Tli*pmmwmwM BECAUSE iff
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  • 309 2 Fraser Co.'s Circular. Singapore, Nov. 9. The advent of a 6 per cent. Loan by the Colonial Government has natuially accounted for some stag nation in Industrial Securities. The F.M.S Loan has been taken at 1 premium ex the first half year's interest, and some parcels are available
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 184 2 THE LAKE BREEZE MOTOR FAN Runs on Methylated Spirits. Keeps cool without Electricity. THfc Beautiful, Conafortable, Satisfying. Messrs. JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. (Incorporated in England.) Bole Agei-t» for S- S. and Malay I»e_nirasiil«,. JAPANESE Electro Plating Co. ELECTRO-PLATING IN Nickel, Gold, Silver Copper, Etc. No. 39
      184 words
    • 143 2 Straits Laundry 8 Dry Cleaning Depot. UNDER EUROPEAN SUPERVISION. High Class Laundry Work of every Description at Moderate Charges. REGULAR WEEKLY COLLECTION AND DELIVERY DISTANCE NO OBJECT. Contiacts Arranged. Communications Invited. Urgent Work Undertaken at Moderate Charges. Ladies 1 Dresses, Laces, Silks, etc. and Dry Cleaning a Speciality. Nos. 15
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  • 150 3 The U. S. A Preside!icy. How the War Waged. London, Nov. 9, 5.30 a.m. In connection with the fight for tbe Presidency the New York morning newspapers were unanimous in announcing victory for Judge Hughes, bnt special editions doubt on the resultThey describe the voting as so close,
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  • 193 3 London, Nov. 10, 1.35 a.m. exv York Republican Naannounces that a ■"|"-!Jit is probable in the States voting has been close, w (l '"'ins California, ftorth Dakota, nesota, New Mexico and New na iapshire. London, Nov. 10, 1.35 a.m. 1,1 New V >rk, at noon Mr. Wil--1 Ut
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  • 332 3 London, Nov. 10, 4.55 a.m. "The American riddle" is the name applied the presidential election by English newspapers which admit that they, like the rest of the world, were stampeded on Wednesday morning by the the admission of the leading New York Democratic organ that. Judge Hnghes
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  • 89 3 London, Nov. 9, 9 20 p.m. Paris: M. Ribot has announced that the loan subscriptions total 11,360, million francs. M. Ribot said that the French war Loan subscriptions were mostly for small amounts. Four-fifths was paid in fnll and nearly fifty-five per cent in cash as compared with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 392 3 GOOI> SHoTroTTrlo^A^^ TO-NIGHT I ROVT BE AFRA,D T TtRN LP m URQE NLMBERS I J; The j TO-NIGHT I! TO-NIGHT! 1 \lhamhra Is «W «U"JL,,» Alhambra I ftl V- HOUSE OB* QUALITY S j H|B THE JHK ,S the*rc J p JBk jff ahL^r .ictures, the m U < ffjfa
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  • 137 4 XBxclu** io Malay* Tribums.) Messrs Latha n and Co., the Arcade, advise tne following quotations for to-day: Alor Gajah 13.75 $3 85 AyerKunings J-g AyerMolek 2.55 2.b5 AyerPanas Balgownie 4.75 o.OU Bukit Jelotong 0.77[, 0.«W 2 Bukit Katil 0.85 0.90 Changkat Serdg.... 10.25 10.30 Glenseay 2.15 2.20
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  • 72 4 Singapore, November tS* On London— Bank 4 m/«. 2/4 19/32 Demand 2/4 7/32 Private 3 2/4 13/16 On India— Bank T. T. 174£ On Hongkong— Bank d/d |%dkk On Shanghai— Bank d/d. 68J On Java— Bank T. T. 135 On Japan— Bank d/d. 109£ Sovereigns—baying rate 8.54 India C
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 537 4 FRAMROZ'S High fl Class AERATED WATERS. nm Last Night of this Comedy Programme—Saturday Night s Crowd Enjoyed it Immensely. "The Supreme Test" An Unnsual Comady-Drama Featuring the Eminent Actress HENRIETTA GROSSMAN Adapted from L. V. Jefle-son's Delightful Novel M Slums and Society" CARTOONS l t a hTm s il b
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    • 58 4 Silks! Silks! Silks! WE HAVE ALL SORTB OF Sarees, Dupatta, Ravikai, Shawls, etc., Our Famous Brass Toys containing 32 articles. Big Set Rs. 3— 6-0 Medium Set Rs. 1 14—0 Small Set Rs. J— 6—o Catalogues in Tamil, English, Telagi> f and Bengali Free. Address S ARM A Co. Silk
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  • 176 5 jo Ensure British Control. London, Nov. 10, 11.50 p.m. Th, following authorised states >» was issued to-night An ofl>. the undertaking or n L" d Telegram Company ha* ,h Hon Mark v" thiirman of th« c rnpanr. whom are associated Lord .Conner, chairman of the Uni
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  • 172 5 Lord Montaau's Praise. London, Nov. 9, 12.25 p.m. Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, writing to the Times in reference to the tendency indiscriminately to blame tlie Indian Government for alleged shortcomings, says that sometimes it is forgotten how much India has contributed towards the war and how she is
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  • 59 5 London, Nov. 9, 7.30 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Austen Chamberlian stated that the ;r*Tancore Minerals Company it■elf had purchased the German suaras therein. The company had undertaken to sell monazite sand lrect at a fair price to anj bona fide ntiah firm desiring to
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  • 134 5 London, Nov. 1L, 9.15 p.m. A grtat procession wrecked a Mint cnf.rence at Cardiff. Mr. ♦arnsaj i tc ioiidld and oiher apeakscaped by a aide door. Lotion, Nof. 12, 5.35 a.m. tlTJ 6 Mr. Tamper, head-an:>-p«acM demonstratori at 1 alucke I the doors of or».-" 1
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  • 33 5 U*don, Nov. 12, 5.25 a.m. Weekly Dispatch state! that ot the Times will bo 10 three halfpenoe on 20, and that otner load u »ihes will probably follow luit
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  • 143 5 Who is President Still in Doubt. London, Not. 11,335 am. New York Judge Hughes' na M a *wV tUI refase to conUe to Mr. Wilson's re-election, insisting on possible mistakes labolahn* 'nay change th* rmnl-s i n thStates, where the voting i 8 close -h.n officially rsTtoed. J nc Hughes
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  • 59 5 London, Nov. 11, 6.5 a.m. New York Mr. Wilson appar ently wins by California's thirteen votes. The final unofficial figures are Wilson 272, Hughes 259. It is regarded as impossible that the republicans will contest the validity of the election despite their threats. Democratic and Republican organs proclaim
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  • 78 5 Advance in the Carso. London, Uov. 10, 7.15 p.m. An Italian communique says We advanced and straightened out our line in the northern sector of the Carso and took 30 prisoners. London, Nov. 11, 6.5 p.m. An Italian official communique says Snowfalls and torrential rains are hindering our
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  • 161 5 London, Nov. 12, 5 p.m. A Rumanian communique states In the Trotus Valley we attacked and occupied Mounts Alnmis and Preotesele. In the Uzui Valley we repulsed eight attacks in the direc tion of Cernica summit, and thereafter took the offensive on the whole front from
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  • 56 5 London, Nov. 11, 2.35 p.m. The contract system of regimental canteen! in the United Kingdom, Egypt, Malta, Gibraltar, Bermuda and other atation! abroad it to be abolished and will be replaced by an official organisation of regimental institutes. It is proposed to acquire the plant and stock
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  • 91 5 Meetings for prayer will be held at the Young Women's Christian Association Fort Canning Road, at 5-15 ©very diy this week, exoept Thursday, when there will bo a United Meeting at tho V.M.C.A. at 8-45 pm. Tho topic for tho week is 44 Victory Miss Tolley will lead on Tuesday,
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  • 116 5 High Court Judgment. Lmdon, N >*, 10 6.15 p.m. The Lord Chief Justice giving judgment in the case of Dr Miran Waruddin said that a declaration or bill of dirorcem-nt could not dis n<dve a marriage contracted in England. It was therefore a lawful impediment to
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  • 320 5 (By courtesy oj the French Consulate) Paris, Nov 9, 1.30 p.m. The French 3 per cent, bonds are at francs 6.1.10, the 5 per cent, at francs 87 65 and the*new 5 per cent, at francs 88.75. Mr. Ribot annouiced in the Chamber that the Freneh Loan
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  • 38 5 Swimming Club Launches. To-day-Johnston's Pier, 9.10 and 11 a.m. 230 and 3.30 p.m. Clnb Bungal* 9!30 and 10.30 a.m. 12.15, S an.l 5.30 p.m. Tiffins will be supplied. Tide 0.30 a.m. Height S ft. 5 in.
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  • 54 5 S. C C. Turnament. The following matchee have been arranged for to-day. Singles Handicap:—Broad Clif ton Smith, Norrie Smith. Robertson Henderson, McKean Waring, Lowndes t Winter. To morrow. Singles Handicap:—Lyall Doig, Urquhart Bntchart. Donblee Handicap:—Bntchart and Foreman Lowndee and Robertaon. Winter and Chill Hickey end Bond, Bmith and Hendorion
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 140 5 WHAT'S YOURS 1 DEWAR'S 1 I'Whitc label! WHISKY STOCKED BY ALL High Class Liquor Dealers. RafHes Refreshment Room ON THE PREMISES (RAFFLES HOTEL BUILDINGS) Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Cold Drinks, etc. Sweets and Chocolate. Breakfast, Tift in, Dinner, AND LATE SUPPERS. Open from 9 a., m. to midnight.
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    • 31 5 E. C. SEAH. B. 50. (Enajneariag) IMi EBftMif, Iretttitt I Suniyv 2 North BriJft Roaa. Proparoi Piani, Ma at Btt mttm, Saaervisef Works ft Boildinji. lodartakot Suntri. t M li, S-2.1T
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  • 717 6 ANY BETTER DEVICE The Government has already taken steps to appoint the so called m representative Committee, such as the Singapore Chamber of Commerce has suggested. In the reference to the members of Committee, the question is put, whether the Committee, in their collective wisdom, can devise something better
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  • 142 6 Barnardo Concert The Barnardo concert will I* held this year in the Y. M. C. A. Hall, on Tuesday, Nov. 21, at V 4"» p.m. A very strong programme has been arranged, t! c vocalists being Mrs. McCullagh, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. E. A. Brown. Mr. Van Dam will
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  • 97 6 A heavy storm broke over tbe Bukit Timah district early yeeteidsj (Sunday morning) and wrought considerable havoc. Trees wers nprooted for some distance betwees the eleventh and thirteenth mil* carrying away with them both telephone and telegraph wires for* distance of a mile, and interrupting both services to
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  • 70 6 The Great War r The Italian Compaign French Consular News The Western Front The Balkans War on Shipping Tyranny in Belgium Share Market Local Share Market Sporting Intelligence ,The Indian Marriage Case Wht is President > Income Tax "Our Day" Local and General J Cinemas Singapore Volunteer Corps
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 122 6 Rubber Mangles. SPECIAL VALUE ROLLERS 17 inches x 44 inches. Wood Rollers $19.50 Plain Iron Rollers $49. Diamond Grooved Rollers $74. Fitted with ■pringsjto rais.'i roller*. Robinson Co. LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel Semi-Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, ETC.. ETC. KEROSE NfE FOR Kerosene Oil Engines. Large Stocks Always on Hand.
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    • 97 6 COATES* PLYMOUTH i GIN Now obtainable from Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. WINE AND."SPIR!rMERCHANTS. (Established 1864.) BRANCHES AT s Malacca. Kuala Lumpur, Penang, London, Glasgow, Hongkong, Shanghai, Tientsin, Peking. in mwi mi.ii I—wwa—e———— ADELPHI HOTEL I i i FILIPINO j i BAND WILL PLAY During Dinner TO-NIGHT. THE BURLINGTON. Coleman Street, (iMM
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    • 17 6 ISweetened1 Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $12.40 Sterilised Natural Milk I Ideal Unsweetened Milk ft 510.50 t
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  • 590 7 i 8 at f H9.75 —45ctsup. .•Owing to very heavy pressure space, due to the bulk of 0 mS several subscription lists \aV unavoidably held over, t he acknowledgment of her donation of $100 to our 1 for Tommy and Jack w our generous ani anonyscriber A
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  • 159 7 The Alhambra Revue. The last of the important Our Day functions takes place to-night when at the Alhambra a willing band of amateurs, assisted by a few professionals, are producing a topical local revue on behalf of the Red Cioss, entitled Cbeero, Singapore," whici has been specially written
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  • 265 7 The Alhambra special featurefilm, The Iron Claw," proved a great draw on Saturday night, and the patrons of this cinema were held intensely interested from beginning to end of the instalments screened. It is one of Pathe's finest masterpieces, and should prove one of the best pictures of
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  • 139 7 London, Nov. 12, 5.35 a.m. Amsterdam The Lokalanzeiger, though it admits that it was un aware ef the Norwegian Government's decision regarding bel lingerent submarine in Norwegian waters, says that if Norway adheres to the regulations, recently published, Germany will ignore them because they are illgal. If,
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  • 92 7 The Western Front. French Captures on the Somme. i Artillery Activity. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Nov. 11, 12.50 a.m. Paris, official: North of the Somme we captured several elements of enemy trenches north-east of Les Boeufs and Saillisei. A German counter-attack in the latter region was easily repulsed.
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  92 words
  • 82 7 London, Nov. 11,4.30 p.m. A French communique says: There is violent artillery activity north of the Somme. The enemy, using tiammenwerfer, attacked in the vicinity of Deniecourt and was forced back with most bloody losses If. Gnynemer has brought down his twentieth and twenty.first machines. Three others
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  • 107 7 London, Nov. 12, 4.10 p.m. A French communique states North of the Somme we made some progress, yesterday night, north of Sailiisel, and also in the eastern portions of the village. The enemy violently bombarded the whole district south of the Somme. An enemy attack south-east
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  • 153 7 London, Nov. 12, 3 50 p.m. Renter's correspondent at French headquarters visited Fort Douaumont and says that the Germans abandoned it hurriedly on Sept, 23 owing to a big explosion of the magazine. They no doubt meant to return, but the French forestalled them. Official German statements about
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  • 90 7 London, Nov. 12, 9 20 p.m. Keuter's correspondent at the Fr* nch headquarters says that the storming of the Terdon forts proves that the resisting power of modern fortifications is greater than was sapposed. Antwerp was no criterion. The German sixtecn-mci gnus have never pierced the
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  • 208 7 London, Nov. 13, 2.45 a m. The Paris oorntnoniqae states that th© French in the afternoon nonh of the Somme re-captared most of the village of Sailisel They occupy the north-eastern and south eastern outskirts. The enemy is atill resisting desperately in the extern part. Up to
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  • 104 7 London, Nov. 11, 12.50 a.m. General Sir Douglas Haig says There is no change on the battlefront There was great aerial activity on Thursday owing to improved weather. Many raids were carried out on communications, billets and stores, and the air-fighting was continuous Thirty of
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  • 49 7 London, Nov. 11, 1.50 p.m. General Haig states that last night the eastern portion of the Regina trench, being a continuation of the trench captured on October 21, was captured and secured on a thousand yards of front. Despite the barrage tire we t«ok some prisjoers.
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  • 70 7 London, Nov. 10, 10.30 p.m. An Admiralty report say* A squadron of naval aeroplanes carried out an attack, in the early morning, on harb Mirs and submarine sheltere at Ostend and Zeebrugge. A gr*at weight of bombs was dropped with satisfactory results. London, Nov. 11, 4.50 p.m. The
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  • 76 7 Ijondon, Nov. 10, 8.50, p.m. Amsterdam A German official message says the noticeable features are the activity of German airmen on the Somme in the daytime and daring the moonlit night. They claim to have shot down seventeen aeroplanes. It" states that strong French attacks at Sailly
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  • 173 7 Anticipating Trouble London, Nov. 11.2 a,ns. Amiens: A French correspondent says that the enemy on tn* British front has profited by tbe bad weather to repair his lotses an 1 consolidate his positions. He i* now displaying great activity an i has concentrated at various point* much artillery
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  • 173 7 British Supremacy. London Nov. 12. 2.10 a.m. Paris: The great air battle at Bapamne, mentioned in Thursday's communique, was watched by thou? -ds of spectators. Baffle lin their attempts to cross the British lines, the Germans decided on aw colossal expedition, warning of which was given
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  • 88 7 C M VVVUW I M I L/V London, Nov. 12, 12.5 a.m. Sir Douglas Haig reports that sixty prisoners wert» taken in lae* night's attacks. Yesterday our aircraft successfully bombed enemy hutments and aerodromes, headqaarters, statiern» and trains. Two trains were bit and a third set on tire.
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  • 99 7 London, Nov. 11, 5.30 p.m. A German communique stales that the British succeeded in penetrating on* of tne tirsc line trenchee north-east of Courcelette, and there wae house to house fighting near the church of Sailly-Saillisel whiefc afford the French smail advantages. Oiherwise the attach failed. Ttri eaerny
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  • 59 7 London, Nov. 12, .3.35 a.m. Liabon The Premier tim announced in the Chamber tha: Portuguese contingents are about t >a\e to fight on the battlefield* Knrop*. [The following, from the Times* f ores hallowed the above A fore*» representing ail arms of the servi it now
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  • 53 8 Rumaiian Reports. Fierce Fighting. London, Nov. 11, 11.55. a.m. The Russian commoniqne states There has been fierce fighting in the Prahova valley, especially on 001 left wing. was an artillery action in the region. Fighting continues in the Alt district. The situation is unchanged in th*Vulcan Pass, Orsova
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  • 104 8 London, Nov. 11, 4.30 A Rumanian official rnessagt* states that the enemy artillery v most active on the Danube. A alight enemy attempt at landing at the mouth of the river was repulsed. The situation in the Dobrudji is unchanged. We repulsed three attacks in the
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  • 78 8 London, Not. 11, 12.50 a.ot. Petrograd official After repelling seven onslaughts we fell b<ck to oar second line trenches in the legion of Skroboff. The eaemj used liquid tire. We abandoned the heights occupied the previous daj in ths region of Dornavatra. Artillery repelled enemy attacks im the
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  • 94 8 London, Nov. 12, 4am The Rumanian communique says that enemy attacks in the Slade valley, Moldavia, were repulsed. Th6 enemy in the Prahora Valley, after furious bombardment, attacked «flveral times but were repulse 1 with bloody losses. Rumanians maintained their positions. Thn Rumanians captured a trench at Dragoslavel^.
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  • 39 8 London, Nov. 11, If.50 a m. I aria, official The eastern armj reports that in the Cerna bend fresh Vulgar attacks against the Serbians failed. Bad wnather continues. British aeroplanes bombarded the Porna and Puljovo stations.
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  • 32 8 London, Nov. 11,1110 pm. A Snrbian official message says that the Serbians yesterday carried out brilliant operations at XJrnareka, carrying strong positions, captuiing 600 prisoners and a number of guns.
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  • 35 8 "ft" »1)0, London. Nor. 12, 3.50 p.m. ttiionika The Serbians ok Satur «lay impulsed a Bulgarian counterattack on the new positions, and ««tended their gains, capturing th« rest of the Tillage of Polog
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  • 73 8 London, Nov. la, 4.30 p m. A. branch communique states: 7. Serbia are driviug back the l»olgai tans in the Cerna loop. The* continue their victorious advanc. -"d the wh ol« Cuki range i. «1l^'" r f^ BS e88i0n Lik w "<e thr «I age of Polott was
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  • 20 8 London, Not. U, ig g «•«tronru The R,„,. D P |lct Cou «*n*« *nd cwmg h«rj d. m(llif
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  • 119 8 London, Not. 11, 2.45 p m r«tr 0< r»d Two Uinbtrdmenti of Constaoza exploded reeervoirs of petrol end naphtha and severely damaged the port and fortifications near the coast, silencing the batteries. The losses of the BnlgaroGerman garrison mast be h«avy. Fires, fanned by the wind, spread from
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  • 98 8 London, Nov. 11, A3O p.m. A Russian communique gays We have occupied two villages on the Danube front, and have advanced southward in the Dobrudja. By means of a sudden counterattack, we recaptured a section ot trenches at Skrobov. The enemy fiercely attacked east of Narajnwkb
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  • 144 8 London, Nov: 12, 1.30 p.m. Petrograd: The Russians are attacking the bridgehead of Czernavoda from the left in the western bend of the Danube at the villtge of Dunarea, which they occupied opposite Czernavoda about a mile from the river, on the Bukharest railway. It is
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  • 45 8 London, Nov. 11, 5.30 p.m. A German communique says that Russian counter-attacks on Skro bowa failed. The Germans penetrated the Russian main positions at Narajowka, south-west of Jolvvkoasnolesie. Several fortified Rumanian linep were stormed between Predeal and Sinaia and 200 prisoners taken.
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  • 67 8 London, Nov. 11, 2.35 p.m. The Morning Post correspondent at Athens states that the German Minister has informed the Foreign Minister that Germany will consider the cost ion of war material to the Allies for the use of the Nationalist ai my as a casus belli. It
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  • 22 8 London, Nov. 11, 12.5 p.m. A Salonika telegram says that the Venizelist army is ready to start for the front.
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  • 25 8 London Nov. 12, 4-10 pm. British Salonika official On the Strutta front our patrols enconntered detachments of the enemy and took some prisoners.
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  • 62 8 London, Nov. 12, 3.5 p*m. A Russian communique states After a day-long bombardment in the Lipitzadolnaia Soistelniki region the enemy attacked witb|large forces. Ihe battle raged till evening, when we recaptured a section of our halfdes royed trenches. The enemy attacks continue south of Doraavatia without success.
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  • 66 8 London, Nov. 12, 4.30 p.m. Athens On November 9 the Entente ministers intimated to the Government that non-fulfilment of its obligations would dangerously irritate public opinion in England and France, but the Entente diplomacy was confident that there would be a satisfactory solution. London, Nov. 10, 11.25
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  • 62 8 London, Nov. 11, 7.0 p.m. A British official message from Salonika states that naval guns successfully shelled the enemy bivouacs at Provista. Naval Planes Bomb Bulgars. The Admiralty states A squadron of naval aeroplanes on Friday bombed the Bulgarian aerodromes and stores at Drama, Porna, and Angistra, with
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  • 71 8 Not to Affect India London, Nov. 9, 7.30 p.m. In the House of Commons, Colonel Yate suggested that the Military Service Act should be applied to all Europeans and Anglo-Indians in India. Mr. Chamberlain replied that the Act does not apply to any of His Majesty's subjects outside
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  • 27 8 Reuter. Sydney The Governor has intimated that he no longer recognises vJ r A Holman's ministry as Mr. Wade has assumed control of the Assembly's business —Reuter
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 82 8 Dutch Mailboat Captured. London, Nov. 10, 8.50 p.m. Flushing The mailboat Konigin Regentes, which left thig morning, has been taken to Zeebrogge. London, Not. 11, 1.40 a.m. Flashing: The Konigin Regentes was held up near theNoord Hinder lightship. There were 93 passengers aboard, including 16 children and
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  • 89 8 London, Nor. 10, 11.25 p.m. The British steamer Bogota is believed to have been sunk. London, Nov. 10, 11.21 p.m. New York Germany has informed America that the sinking of the Marin, on September 28, will be investigated when the submarines then operating have reported. London, Nov. 11,
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  • 42 8 London, Nov. 12, 5.85 a.m. Almeria: The Norwegian steamer Tripol has been sunk, and the crew saved. Corunna: The crews, numbering 163, of the torpedoed Norwegian steamers Balto, and Fordele, and the American, vpssrl Columbia, have arrived in lifeboats.
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  • 186 8 Fight with the Submarine. London, Nov. 11, 1 p.m. Cairo Lady Graham, widow of Sir James Graham, si-Major of Sydney, who was a passenger on the Arabia, in the course of an interview, said that the Arabia was torpedo-d at 1130 a.m. without warning. She Vvas struck on
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  • 342 8 VM JU14I IJ m London, Nov. 12, 5.10 a.m. Malta: Th« Arabia's survivors confirm that there was r slightest panic when she w'°! th| loed. Everything went ,ff and in order. Th- and children were plaoj O:Wj boats first. Several officers rem° aboard until the last
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  • 190 8 Thou>a».il* eported. Citizens At.a.* the Huns. London, Nut, 0, 12 5 p.m. Amsterdam: Tbe Tyd sava that 21,000 Antwerp citizens have beea depor ed to Germany Their friends were forbidden to say fire well, awl those seeking to enter ibe itation were liable to a tine of
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  • 83 8 Loni-n, Nov. 't. 11.55 a.w Amste .lam Tbi I elejrrasi state* thatthinj tboaennd elgians have been transported fro I Antwerp to Germany ala > a from Waterlo... Ih< red ive thirteen marks w klv and oiiiitaM ration*. Several riots oeeui d at Antwerp. Citizens between he
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  • 14 8 Reuter. Melbourne: The Commonwealth haa issued iegn»aii<mri providing f° r a general moratorium.— ReuUr.
    Reuter.  -  14 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 100 8 BORDEN'S EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK H- bee. Extent, 80 j P Ht T Guaranteed under U. S. Fo»d A Drags Act. =3!^^ i Sterilized Natural Milk. I Eagle Brand Malted I ffpS#^l Milk and St. Charles k\ If I and PeerjessCream. k^^MjM BABIES GET FAT ON THEM, P-Mg-CHOP POE SENG,
      100 words

  • 118 9 To day. Pnblic and Bank Holiday. Alhambra Revue, Oar Day" Fand Water— 0.36 a.m. 8 ft. 5 ins. 11.39 p.m. 9 it. tl ins. To-morrow High water—1.15 a.m. 8 ft. 2 ins. 0.1.3 p.m. 9 ft. 3 ins. Wednesday. High Water—1.54 a.m. 7 ft. 8 ins. 0.50 p.m. 9
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 91 9 I THE Pot Stills I OF ■Great Britain I Have Been I Taken Over by Government, I NEVERTHELESS [Buchanan's ft I will be able to continue 1 I to supply their famous I I blends and to maintain I the quality as before, I being in the unique I position
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    • 850 9 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. ESTABLIHHKD 1874. ISCOKPORATED IX INDIA. •0 per tent, ot the Funds, or $23,000,000 are invested in 6o»ernment Securities 42 years' record progress and increasing stability. LOW BATES for non-forfeitahle Endowment Assurances with Profits. A man aged 30 can secure $5,000 with profits
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 88 9 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for the wt«k ending, Friday, November 17. To-day. 5.15 p.m. Tanjong Pagar, S.V.R., T.P. Platoon. 5 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Co. 8 am. Normanton S.V.R. To-morrow. 5.15 p m Drill Hall S.V.A. do S.R.E. v. do Maxim Co. 5.10 do S.V.R., N.C.O's.B. Keppel Harbour S.V.R. N
      88 words

  • 368 10 The 1915 Return., The Straits Settlements U Report for last year give mated population of 776,444. There we births tban last year, rise and 3,000 fewer per ctnt drop. The mille was 29 25, an I tl 29.15, the figures for 29.09 and 34. lo" Singapore had
    368 words
  • 212 10 Most men and near!) women suffer at times fr mfiof depression and low bj They cannot atiend to bm or household matters aatiafic torily, and are unable to get at* pleasure out of life. Everything is a burden and a tax on thafl strength nothing gives them
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 451 10 Straits Settlements War Loan Bonds. ĕ Bearing interest from tlie date of purchase at 0 per cent per annum, payable Half-yearly on ihe 15th May and the 15th November. Repayable at par on the 15th November, 1919. p rice <>_: issme J.OO C3«3M/t;All proceeds of this issue will be lent
      451 words

  • 752 11 ijrijjndage. LOO? Un -r";(?r »UPP re9B to rxpcriI and k a i jirged trvinil Prtj:' the r.: M limbler without il be should not I tau a* such, bated by many, Eiblicl; idfised cr:ara* > ftgaiLß'. the n Q| m D( i in rict m tgiitratf t to the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 35 11 fin Ore Bays, Rubber Scrap Bags, Paiat and Oil, International Code riags Flags of the Allies. AT MODERATE PRICES. BOON SENG&Co Ship-Chandlers, Sail-makers, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agents. IW9 Robii ion Rod. Til. Mo. ttU
      35 words
    • 244 11 Ham TIGERS HEAD BRAND Sugahara Co., No. 334 North Bridof Rd., SINGAPORE. M TEL 1333. SALYITAE. The moat powerful but harmless nervine medi;t. Pr UCmg BtartHn e immediate and permanent, in all nf nervous exhaustion, in both voun^old mamed or unmarried. Price S 1 per Asthma Tablets. lib for cough,
      244 words

  • 248 12 Paterson Sitrjo^B in« 73* ■nt I P nc s walized have been I months. I Since last advanced in London 1 the lead of th*\B were alao il fl the good pricea "M rally expected. \>j_ Pale Crepe ie 1 Sheet were sold a- X the latter grade
    248 words
  • 101 12 Sayg the Strata E fl The fuilowing oia.fl between the Supreme Ccurt fl member of the Comafl first day of this Ses§ioaH when a certain inem!*B was called to sit in fl Registrar—Ahi rjt M one If Juror—Vev I s Do you under-uidK. Tery well ?—Yei. I
    101 words
  • 92 12 by Little's Oriental W I To ail who I ift j|_ twisting agooita 1 Neuralgia f To all whr, are of the iiaTer*»ri To all who ha' E who wish io be Here news J| LITTLE S f)K!r s 'K RELIEVES al I CI'KES all case* rheumatism, acl
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 440 12 A SOVEREIGN REMEDY. VMlTAmft EMULSION, OB GANNOU. This Smuleion i§ solely prepared from vegetable drugs. It thoroughly eureaall diseases that are caused by internal heat in a very short time. It is a genuine preparation to cure internal fever, night fever, paleness, anaemia, biliousness and leanness that cause debility and
      440 words

  • 126 13 News has been received in lpoh, we regret to report, that an aseUtant on Hendra Estate, Sungkai, named Mr. Gilbert Goundry, wai found dead on Monday morning with a deep wound in the temple, and with one hand clutching tbe trigger of a double barrelled ehot-gun. The
    126 words
  • 100 13 Drills for November, 1916. To day Parades at Pearl's Hill A: Tanjong 1 Pagar at 5.15 p.m. Friday Nov. 17 Parades at Pearl's Hill Tanjong Pagar at 5. 15 p.m. Sunday Nov. 19 Range Pratice at Tanglin from 7 a.m. Monday Nov. 20 Parades at Pearl's Hill
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 669 13 IT AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF UABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING ALLOTMENTS fcituato at m ftf North Bridge Road and Coleman Street 1 at an early date £tf jMG KENG LEE Co., Auctioneers v OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS, SETTLEMENT jN^ SIPR OF SINGAPORE. Suit No. 978 of 1904 rhe Trusts
      669 words
    • 304 13 Train Services. Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Other trams leave for Johore at 9 a.m 10.29 a.m., noon, 1.30 p.m., 2.55 p.m. and 4.40 p.m. Mail arrives from north at *m and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave ffl 11.42, 1.16,
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    • 668 13 THE NEED OF THE DAY. An Ideal Reconstructive Nerve Food. Superior to the German-owned product. WILLIAM TAYLOR, X.C.8., M.D., formerly Surgeon-General of H.M. Forces, is chairman of the Company which produces the new and superior reparative of nerves and tissues, Sanaphos," which already has completely displaced the German-owned Sanatogen in
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 447 14 NOTICES Singapore Hot Springs Limited. Tenders are iuvited for making a new road from Seletar Road leading lo the Company's property. Full particulars may be obtained from the Secretaries, 191 Cecil htreet. Tenders will close on the 20th November 1916. CHAN SZE ONN Co. Secretaries. 11.11 14-11 GOVERNMENT OF JOHORE
      447 words
    • 371 14 NOTICES NOTICE. Application having made to the Chinese Commercial Bank Ltd. of 64 Kling St. Singapore for the issue of a new certificate in lieu of Certificate No. 127 for 100 shares numbered ***** to ***** registered in the name of Chew L:an Poh of 10 Upper Nankin St. Singapore,
      371 words
    • 419 14 WANTED WANTED. Efficient News com pc si tors for the Maiaya Tribune. Apply with recent testimonials to the Manager. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Typist and Stenographer. Apply in writing with copies of testimonials to the Second Assistant Colonial Secretary. Singapore, 9th November, 1916. 9-11 15-U WANTED. An efficient and intelligent Proof Reader
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    • 394 14 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The .London County and Westminster Bank,
      394 words
    • 315 14 JNSURANCEj, INSURANCE CO.. LTD I Rent and Merrh Bl H j. 0 of J description MAMIE Imarances accent-i P«* of the WAR RISE accepted to a!l p artj J. HKNR I HEUNC ON INSURANCE CO., LTD. dn«,rp<,™t„i ,r. H„„., t loi cpiui tlmMl on Bu.ldmg,» current rates. MARINE DEPARTMENT
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    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Daily.] No- 267 SINGAPORE. MONDAY,NOVEMBE R 13, 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 410 1 P.&O. British India AND APCAR LINE (COMPASIBB Incorporated ur Englajtd.) MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's tm-ernn_er_t.) ForiCkina, Japai, Paaang, CeyU.i, Aistralia, India, Ate Egypt Mediterranean Parts and London. fttsamer* will \my Blagaper* eaer akent MAIL LINES. Homeward (For Europt.) Connecting at Colombo
        410 words
      • 278 1 STOOMVAART-MAATSCH APPIJ (Steamship Company) NEOERLAHD (Incorporated in Holland.) Mail Service between Java and Amsterdam, via Singapore, Belawan-Deii, Sabang, Suez, Colombo, Gibraltar Stammers are due to arrive on the undermentioned dates OUTWARD.) T A Grotius Nev. 28 J V I? Ine P. Juliana Dee. 24) Ca P e 1917 I Rembrandt
        278 words
      • 554 1 NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAI AN) (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.) EUROPEAN LINEA servioe is inaintained between Yokohama ports to Marseilles aad London, nnder mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Hf-amem maintaining this service hare been k pecially designed and constructed, and are fitted wit* ajl
        554 words
    • 462 2 Europe. For London i Nelen* November 18 Kaga Mam November 22 Nyanza November 23 (connects with Mongolia) Pyrrhii« November 19 Kamo Ms a Dee* 7 Oyclope December 14 Katori If em Dec. 20 Malta (connect! with Malwa) Dec. 7 for Liverpool: Ajax govern er 16 Oanfa December
      462 words
    • 124 2 Per P- and 0 Liners. Per P. O. str Malwa. —Mr <fc Mrs Smith, Mr Mrs Miss O'Connor, Mr Conningham, Mr Mitchell, Mr F J Horten, Mr Archibald Mr Tildesley, Mr Morrison, Mr Knight, Mr VV M McHiller, Mr J C Swayne, Dr A Powell, Mr H Noundeuyen,
      124 words
    • 280 2 Per N V X str Kashima Maru.— Mrs E King Herman, Capt. Mrs W E Wallis, Mrs Barker Master J Barker. Mr ft Mrs W F Adolphy, Mrs E W Harvey, Mrs L nic, Mrs E Cramer. Mr C Blake, Mr R G Hamil. ton, Mr <fe
      280 words
    • 232 2 Vessels in Port. British STEAM KR. BERTH DATE. Glenartney K. Harbour 22-8 Hai Nam Dock 20-10 Scott Harley do Phranang Outer Rds 30-10 Edendale Dock 31-10 Kamuning Inner Rds a-n Oiang Seng do OO Knala do 6 T U Selangor m <\° Ning Chow No. 8 Wharf do
      232 words
    • 256 2 Alarming State of Affairs. An officer of the D. K. K. s.s. Tencho Maru which put in Dairen recent'v stated to the Manchuria Daily News to the undermentioned effect:— "The tilting of the Peiho is going on at an alarming pace. The point at which the steamer was
      256 words
    • 21 2 The P.&O. homeward mail Mh ta, connecting with the ss Mnlwa at Colombo is doe to leave here on Dec. 7
      21 words
    • 271 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessel in communication at con with the local Commercial Wirel X Station:—s.s. Barentsz, 88. s'Jacob, g.s. Peleus, B.s. Melchior Treub. The B. L s.s. Thongwa is due here from Karachi on or about Nov. 21. The Toyo Kisen Kaieba s.s Persia Maru is to
      271 words
    • 319 2 It in claimed sa\s the Petrograd correspondent of the 44 Times," for newly appointed Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Vice-Ad-miral A V Kolchak, who replaces Admiral A E Ebergard, that he is not only the youngest vice-admiral in Russia, but in the whole
      319 words
    • 144 2 Sir E. Shackleton s Plans. Sir Ernest Shackleton and h' comrades left Santiago de Chile Oct. 1 for Bnrnos Ay res to pro* r.*] to Monte Video to thank the XJ rn goyan Government for its assistant in rescuing the members of South Polar Expedition on Elephant
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    • 247 2 A Number on Offer. Some comment has been aroused in shipping circles by the announcement that a leading firm in the oil trade is prepared to dispose of number of oil-tank steamers f or early delivery in the United State* and the East, and also a considerable number
      247 words
    • 279 2 According to the mv of the Communications Department, Tokyo, the number of Japanese tramp steamers of over 1,000 tons totalled, as it stood on September 30th last, 815 frith aggregate gross tonnage of 827,675, compiising 102 vesseli (235.045 tons) being operated hy individual shipowners and 213
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 40 2 I SINGAPORE SHIPCHAMDLERY Go. SHIrtHANDLERS 3 PROVIDORINC CONTRACTORS, The Cumpanv's launch m**tm incoming ships. Office —16 Battery Road. TAKE LIFT TO TOP FLOOR Telephone N O 4l> Orders promptly attended to from January Ist 1916. H. W. H. STEVENS, Ma
        40 words
    • 185 3 c i 0 Mateyi Tribune.) k and Co.. the ii»ht brokers a! r r us with the followdate Oct. 26. fi ri ting the demand for any rate, still afl f vor and all |oi and Continenpasily filling their j fficolty is to get t the reqnire-
      185 words
    • 557 3 Via Panama or Suez. A i Vi' )r*m > 100/-per torr. wt. or m?t .-"r cenr. or 2 per c*nt, I val. only, which ever yields nif»« f \niline dves. 120/-p, 40c ft, plus 1J c >nt ad val. Antimony ("in ha.»** 00/.}) 20 cwt. Antimony fin
      557 words
    • 60 3 Specially superscribed letters only. The outward P. O. racket Nankin was expected to leaTe Colombo on Sunday, the 2th instant, and may be expected to arrive at Penang on the IHth idem. The ihould am v. here on th© ISth instant. Ship in communication with the Commercial WireW Station thi*
      60 words
    • 67 3 Delivered in London. Th* following are th* date* of departure from Singapore of tbe European Mails and their delivery in London. MAIL. LBVT. DRLIVERKP. B.r. get. M P.A'». Sept. 30 Not. 4 I Oct- 1 ?r OT A M {f Oct. 11 Not. 13 P. &O. Oct. 12
      67 words
    • 673 3 Men Quoted ir. the Mirket tfcij Morning Singapore. Novembeb 13. sAcumr. Lyali and Evatt, and S B§ ikM. ImBJ the followfn* Hat of quotation*: Kubber Shares Norn. Value. Buv< r>. ftlll«M 2/- AOmb 2/6 2/10 i. Z Anglo Java 4/6 56 2/- Anglo-Malay 10/- 12/ t Ayer
      673 words
    • 232 3 Singapore, November 13. Tin.—$89.75 125 tons Hold. Copra*—Weak. No Business. Tapioca.—Weak. Business done Sago Flour■ Firm. Business done. Gambier.—No Business Pepper-—Steady. Business done. Other Products. rk t Qui«-t. Latest Local Market ihoUtionsNntmegs 110 S. per picn! $30.50 Nutmegs 80 S. 39.00 Copra Bali 9.15 Copra Gorong TaM 9.25
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 111 3 Oriental-African Line. MAURITIUS AND SOUTH AFRICA The ft. i. SALAMIS 4,510 tons gross, taking cargo and passengers for Mauritius and South Africa will sail about the sth December. For freight and passage ap ly to MJTTENBACH BROTHERS U Co Auent*. 10-11 nf BRITISH INDIA S. N. C 9. LTD. (Incorporated
        111 words
      • 342 3 M. M. MESSACERiES MARITIMES. Mall Line. For China, Japan, Ceyloa, Marseilles. HOMEWARD OUTWARD I9M 191* Magellan Nov. U Amazon* N*y. M AtlaatiaM Nov 2L* Athos So*. 2S MM Dec IS lA. Behi* D«e. Amazone Dec. Sfl -i. steamer D**. 19 1917 Athos Jan. 3 I For all particulars apply to
        342 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 154 3 Mails Close. To-day. At Noon. Tomorrow Cueob Hock Gan 8.30 am Pulau Batam k Pulau Bulang Hock Kmij *.30 am Kerimon Sanit ft.30 am Port Swettenham and Penang *Pin Seng 11.30 am Selat Batidjane. Bengkali» k Bagan Will o' the Wijp 12.3# pm Pinang C' eribon k Samarang Edendale 1.30
        154 words
      • 114 3 c n?gapore Tide fables November 13. High water ;—0.3C a.m. 8 ft. 5 ins. 11.39 p.m. 9 ft G ins. November 14. Hisj!» wat r —1.15 a.m. 8 ft. 2 ins. 0.13 p.m. 9 fr. 3 ins. November 15 High water: 154 a m 7 ft. 8 ins.; 0.50 p.m.
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 508 4 TOYO KISEN KAISHA The New Route via Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, The Inland Sea. Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco to all points in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Sailing* from Hongkong, tteamef Displacement Tons Speed Leave Hongkong, KOREA MARU 18.000 Nov. 29 SIBERIA MARU 18,000 Dec. 13 HATES
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      • 474 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) (Contractor, to the imperial Japanese Army and Navy and to Kwmiuv Foreign GovemmentsJ Codes Jfsd. Cable addresses ABC DOCKYARD BE Western Union KOBE B 1 Scott's. Lienors, and DOCK-DAIREN. Engineering. KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and UH»motlye Makers. All sizes and descriptions of Boilers,
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      • 450 4 Ocean Steam $J1 Company, Ltd. China Mutual Steam i I Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated in Engl aRd I The Companies' steamers I patched from Liverpool onf the Strait., China and week and from Ja pan London, Amsterdam and a every fortnight for Genoa les and Liverpool and for Jr. TO
        450 words