Malaya Tribune, 5 September 1916

Total Pages: 18
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAIUt Vol. 3. -No. 209 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1916 Price 5 Ceils. Cfte fRaiapa Cribune. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 182 1 Bulloch, Lade's Whiskies. BL SCOTCH WHISKY Jls Trepared for SxportEXTRA SPECIAL, GOLD LABEL. SPECIAL VERY OLD. WHITE LABEL. Proprietor* T Bulloch..Lade Co. fc ,iii, i iOmiUIN AT OLMOOW. I SLAY. AMD OFFICES: GLASGOW aad LONDON.* CALOBECK, MACGREGOR Co. SOLE AGENTS. 1-7 31-12-16 j f* mmmmm mum mmmmmmmkmmmm I'ONODA" I >
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  • 515 2 The Chengchiatung Affair. Writing from Peking on August 17, the c «rrespondent of the Chin* Press says Peking is excited and not a little apprehensive about the Liaoyoan (or Chengchiatung) affair. The Japanese and Chinese visions of the incident, as might be expect ed, differ widely. According
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 245 2 The World-Reno waed Lux Lamps. £g\ Wisteria t,rJa iĕ| .fit tXT NOTE- —Si 1W shade* ia any colour masla to order 1 J) with bead fringe tor Lax Doable Victoria, ivtt'up. Price: |&W]o%>*9flHM LUX LUX MINOR LAMP. jH u INVERT LAMP" Incaadescent kerosene oil lamp with mantle can be JIT
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    • 248 2 A MAGIC REMEDY Burning sensation in ,;,<• nri»o, los of blood, pile Mind or bleeding, v::d simil tr other dis«,u,a< can be bj usinv !"Ghandraprabha Pills," j These pills aUo wik successfully on djsarift, hydrocele and tmh diseases of consequent upon the complaints of confinement, and al io remove excess
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  • 142 3 ..HI Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune- > Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, adtfue th* following quota tions for to-day Alor Qajah $3 35 $3 40 Ayer Kiminge 1.30 140 Ayer Molek 2.40 2.50 Panas 10.40 10.60 1 ilgownie 4.4«) 4.75 Bnhit Jelotong 0.55 0,65 Bohit Katil
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  • 92 3 Mr. Justice Farrer-Manby on "edDesdaj heard an application '•by Mr. H. L. Cowdy in the Supreme Court, to enforce a lodgment award of £1,000 granted l th* Divorce Division of the '".m Court of Justice in England Geoffrey Richard Stnckey, formerly of Ipoh and now in the Ar, «y, in
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  • 166 3 To-day. First Quarter. Medical School, Prize-giyiug, 5 pm. Hi«h Water—3.l a.m. 7 ft. 5 ins. 2.22 p.m. 8 ft. 7 ins. Wedn&day, 6th. Howitt Phillips. "A. little Bit of Fluff." Straits Trading Co's Meeting. Noon. V.M.C.A Concert. High Watur— 4.24 a.m. 6 ft. 8 ins. 3.19 p.m. 8 ft.
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  • 51 3 Mr. Harold C.C. Mcllwraith has placed at the disposal of the Commonwcath Government and Australian Imperial Force his conntry boose, Glen Almond, St. Albana, for tbe use of convalescent sistere and nurses of the A.A.N.S. Australian Imperial Force. A sifter of the Australian Army Nursing Service will be placed in
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  • 68 3 A Hat was published on July 20 as a snpplemeit'. to life Gazette of goods seized »»two* n Anrnst 2 and October 31 last do ler th« Coetomi Laws as be i i wfmted enemy origin A Q were 775 parcels of 1 9enne« military oi 1 to be consirjned
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 358 3 E SENSATION OF TKE YEAR. II The t i M if .J AT THE The I. g Alhambra isi II house of- quality Alhambra H the Theatre MM THE 1 A is tbe onljr M and the BEST; I 1 BEACH HOAD. Cakes, Coffee, accommo- THE HOME! OF FEATURE ATTRACTIONS
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    • 338 3 Hi TENG 777 North Bridge Road. Toothache Curs. Splendid Garfle will instantly relieve Pain. Xo extraction, no instrument* aard, ■nd no loan of bio ,d. CALLS AT PRIVATE RESIBERCES. It the treatment provm a failure only $1 vfil! 1.9 cJ arged, 16-6 15.6 j Best National Tonic I "rir *«-ry
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 148 3 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for the we< k ending Friday, September 8. To-day. 7am 5.15 p m D ill Hall N.O O r as detailed. 5.15 p m Drill Hall S.V.A. do S R.E.v. do Maxim Co. 5.10 do Chinese Co. 5 Tanglin Malay Co., Officers N.C.O's To-morrow, September 6.
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  • 291 4 Tovrkny Chua Kun Tee, who wa* for mmy year» wo' with Mr. A, ▼an Toortn as Coolies Contractor for local BDti ootan steamers culling at the whaif, Port Swettea.jara, parsed away on the 30-h Auqus". His funeral took place on th* 2nd September just
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  • 29 4 Asparagus untitled is untitled as a substitute for coffee in Germany. It is said, when roasted, to produce an infusion very similar to coffee in colour, taste, and aroma.
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  • 199 4 Serious Floodieg Early in the evening of A up. Slat, owing to the very heavy rains in the ulu, that part of KuaU Kubu to*n ear the newly-raised main iron bridge «cross tbe Selangor river wa* for t."e first time during the last six months, or even after
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  • 79 4 Singapore (Tank-Pud) Daily. Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Other trains leave for Johoreat 9 a.m., 10.29 a.m., noon, 1.30 p.m., 2.55 p.m. and 4.40 p.m. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a.m. and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave from Johore 7.9, 8
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  • 102 4 The P.M.S. Government has been pleased to nominate D»to Stia dirt ga Abdal Razak) a member of lhe Selangor State Council. Two other Malay gentlemen who have aifco been nominated to the Coaneii are Dato Pengbulu Panglima Kiri Mohamed Tasi of Ulu Selangor, -tnd Rija Haji Mohamed of
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  • 213 4 An action of considerable interest among the Ciiluese community of Malacca teok place last week in the District Court at .Vfalacca, before Mr B Naun, the District Judge, in which Koh Giok Lian Neo, wife of Sect Ban Hong, sued Koh Kirn Chiang, administrator of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 501 4 Make up your minds—see it To=Night! E3fFor Two more nights only, to enable those who were unable to obtain admission last weekly TO SEE PAVLOVA "The Dumb Girl of Portici" The Most Wonderful Production in tha Entire History of Motion Pictures. 8 1,500 I 900 j £50,000 Acts People Scenes
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    • 48 4 Rai SaheH Dr. K. C. Dass. HEALTH LITEKATI KE OF 120 PAGES BISIRIBII.EB ML Apply to The SwastHy* Mm Pfearnicy. Harrison Road, CALCUTTA. MALAYA TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Per annum $14.00 Half.? early 7.25 Per quarter 3.65 Per mensem 1.25 Postage Extra 50 CtS. P er Telephone *10. 988.
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  • 69 5 Commercial Rubber Company. At the Commercial Rubber Company's Auction, held yesterday, at their own godowns, the following prices were realized viz: Sheet Smoked Good ribbed $106/115 Sbeet Unsmoked good Plain $102/104 Crepe good dark $84 B *rk $00/78 At this, the first Auction held by the Company, a
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  • 25 5 Thunderstorms, hailstorms, and floods are reported to have occasioned immense damage in Bohemia in the country around Prague. Grain and fruit crops have suffered severely.
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  • 101 5 The directors' report and manager's circular on the past year's work of th* above insurance company have h"en issued by the local agents, Messrs Adamson GilfiHan k Co. The revenue for the year nnd«r review was £1,561,649, bringing the total fnnds to £13,579,868; and the assurances dnrine
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 478 5 Tin Outputs. August Returns. Rahmai Tin Co, Ltd The ontpnt dnrhx? the mont h of August was 709 pikalg iP|« 2<9.62 Mill. Pis. 429.30 Tribute) Kampong Kamuoting T,n Dredging Limited. Messrs Latham and Company favonr OS with the report of the outpnt of the month ended 26th August 1916 No.
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    • 161 5 STOCKED BY ALL High Class Liquor Dealers, ~m^mm^m^~^m —MM—WW WW U II I ————X— JJ_JLJ_lL^_^__RAFFLES HOTEL. Garden Parties ON THE LAWN Wednesday and Saturday, Sept. G 9. TEAS, CAKES, ICES, Etc., Etc. music by RAFFLES TRIO. SPECIAL DINNER Saturday, September 9 FOLLOWED BY CINEMA SHOW ON THE LAWN. ■f I
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  • 1222 6 Tin but the living who are dumb-" Byron. Greece has been the land of enchantment to Europe for two thousand years, during which the civilised world has never ceased to admire the philosophy, the science, and the art of those ancient Hellenes, who were the forerunners
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 214 6 At the Popular Cinema House GAIETY" PICTURE PALACE Junction of Albert and 3encoolen Streets FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY Tuesday sth Sept. Wednesday 6th Sept. and Thursday 7th Sept. Screening in Singapore FOR THE 49th 50th 61st TIME THE GREAT BBOOBD BREAKER PROTEA Ist Nlf Copy THE SECRET TREATY m Hi
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    • 93 6 |j W//Y£ Of HEALTH g ■I JIAf !Sa *plicate wine M ADELPHI HOTEL NOTICE. k GRANDj REDODTE WILL BE GIVEN ON December 26,1916. The Colours and Rules will be announced later. The Management. I Y. M. TOYO. I I PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO I J 15 High Street. m (Corner »f North
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    • 20 6 Sweetened Condensed Milk per caae 8 Sterilised Natural Milk P 6 jiSfS J J Ideal Unsweetened Milk $10 sn J
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  • 553 7 8 $2.50—20 cts up. i ted at 9.92 in Man- [Flake) is steady at in rHe London Produce market, i t" r is now quoted at rhile Bl ick is done at 7 7/8. Mr. K. U. Ramsden has leturned t, rom his extended tour i ,ogh
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  • 648 7 Motor Owners' Grievances. Petition to the Governor. for sometime past owners and drivers of motor cars in Malacca have felt a serious grievance at their treatment by the police authorities regarding the methods adopted t>y the latter of carrying out the ordinance regulating motor traffic. The outcome has
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  • 408 7 The Star Opera Co. A large audience witnessed the performance of Shakespeare's A Winter's Tale on Sunday evening which had been adapted to the Malay view. The performance was greatly enjoyed by all present, the male costumes being quite good and the scenics well lending themselves to suit the
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  • 221 7 Winter-Howell. At St. Andrew's Cathedral, yesterday afternoon at three o'clock, the marriage of Mr. Charles William Winter of Pulau Bulang with Miss Eva Dorothy Howell was celebrated. The Rev. Dexter Allen officiated. The bride was given away by her father, the Rev. W. Howell, of St.
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  • 147 7 The Western Front. Advance in Picardy. British Ester Guillemont and Ginchy. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Sept. A. 3.20 a.m. The text of General Sir Douglas Haig' s communhjiie is as follows In co-operation with the French on our immediate right we attacked the enemy to-day at several points
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  147 words
  • 130 7 London, Sept. 4, 3.50 p.m. Sir Douglas Haig in his communique says As the result of yesterday's fighting the enemy's defences on a three thousand yards' front to an average depth of eight hundred yards were captured. The fighting was very severe, our advance being stubbornly contested,,
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  • 45 7 London, Sept. 4, 2 p Official Naval aeroplanee nmecessfully bombed the shipbuilding yards at Hoboken, near Antwerp on Sept 2. A large squadron of our machines also effectively bombed an enemy aerodrome at Gistellee on Sept 3. Ali our machines returned safely.
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  • 223 7 Many Successes. London, Sept 4,1.35 a.m. Paris: The continuation of the communique pobliahed yesterday (Monday') reporting a sweeping British and French attack north of the i Somme carrying German (Witions on a front oi six kilometers between Maarepaf and the river, of villages an J the forest of
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  • 97 7 London, Sept. 4, 12 50 p.m. Paris The groand re-captured yesterday has a frontage of six kilometers and a depth of between one and two kilometers ai.d brings onr line north and south of th** Somrne level and will facilitate subsequent operations. At Marcelhutin we are
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  • 70 7 London, Sept. 4, 3.50 p.m. Tbe oowmnnlnnii btius that the enemy has not attempted to counterattack on the position* we captured yesterday. Had weather haa retarded operations. Up to the preterm fourteen gun* have been taken. We have captured more prisoners than first reported for we took
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 110 7 The Allied Battle Area in Picardy. 5 Moncby-au-Boitt CROIS1LL18 Fonquevillers St. Leger Gommecourl Morj bapaumk Miraumont Conrcellette Beaumonfe Gaedwcourt Beaucoert-sur-Amere Martinpaicb Flers Thiepval g. D e Fonriaax (21-7) Foziercs (22-7) Oviflers (16-7) Bazentin le Petit (13 7) Co*talmaiion Bazcntin-Ie-GriiuP (13-7) Longueval (13-7) La Beiselle (l«-7) •Mametz Woed <12-7) Gmchj (3
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  • 34 8 Greece Accepts tbe Allies' Demands, London, Sept. 4, 9 a.m. Athens Greece has accepted the Entente's demands in their entirety. The control of postal and telegraphic communications commenced on September 3.
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  • 41 8 London, Sept. 4, 12.50 p.aa. Bucharest The communique, states that we occupied the heights west of Borszok and the region of Sekeli in Haromszik. An enemy attack on the whole of the Dobrudja frontier, south of Bazargio, was repulsed.
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  • 42 8 London, Sept. 4, 4.20 p.m. The French Salonika communique says A Bulgarian attack west of Lake Ostrovd was easily repulsed by the Serbians. There has been an intermittent cannonade and patrol activity on the tStrnma and Lake Doiran fronts.
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  • 111 8 Russian Thrust Continues. Nearing Hungary. London, Sept. 4, 5.35 p.m. Enemy gas attacks south-east of Baranovitchi were repulsed with heavy losses. We captured a series of heights on the wooded Carpathians and are advancing towards the Hungarian frontier. between August 31 and September 3, General Brusiloff captured
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  • 139 8 Fall of Dar-es-Salaam. London, Sept. 4, 5.30 p.m. Dar-es-Salaam has surrendered. London, Sept. 4, 0.20 p.m. Official Dar-es-Salaam surrendered at nine o'clock this morning. Our naval forces are co-operating "with our troops from Bagamojo and fcadani and are now occupying the town. IJDar-es-Salaam is situated 45 south
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  • 27 8 London, Sept. 4, 2.4«"> p.m. Havre: The Belgian. Government has notified the French Government of Us adhesion to the re.eolntions passed at th* -Economic Conference.
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  • 25 8 London. Sept. 4, 4 50 p.m. Sir E. Shackieton hai 3aved the Juno of his exp*»ditien who were jnarooned on Elephant Inland.
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  • 67 8 Under the Post untitled untitled meats, 1905," the Cknef Secretary t«» Hovemm«>nt dirreu that on rod fromtb« Ist day of September, l'Jlti, no epec%l fee bhujl he charged < parcel* tent or pare -i pott t«» or from Id tan hi.*i fctroh. The Order pnblouVd in the P. M,flL Gazette
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  • 115 8 London's Experience. When the Gas Bag Inrst London, Sept, 4, noon. London's experience last night was unforgettable, though it was all over in twenty minutes. The approach of the raiders was heralded by a methodical sky-searching by searchlights, then a thunder-like but distant boom from the solitary
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  • 308 8 London, Sept. 4, 12.5 p.m. An eye-witness in the immediate ▼icinity gives a graphic account of how the Zeppelin dropped nosewise with an appalling crash. The heat was tremendous after the gas caught the wreckage which burned fiercely for an hour and a half, amid the continuous
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  • 191 8 (By courtety of the French Consulate.) Paris, Sept. 2, 6.20 p.m. Bucharest We occupied many positions in all directions. We have taken under the tire of our artillery the railway from OrsoTO to Caroneodistch. We made 1,800 prisoners. Salonika A Committee of National Defence has been formed
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  • 102 8 Thefts fron Godowns. Petty thieving from the wharves and dock premises continues unabated. In the second conrt, yesterday, five Chinese were charged by Mr. Leonard, Superintendent of the S. H. B police, with theft from godowns. The first man was sentenced to a week's rigorous imprisonment for stealing
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  • 76 8 Competitions in connection with the Amateur Drawing Association resulted as follows —Drawing, water colours (prize presented by Mr. Sng Teong GeokJ won by Mr. T. K. Tiong; Chinese Brush (wat<-r) work (prize presented by Mr. Oon Beng Teck) won by Mr. Lim Scow Kiew Sketching (novice) Ist
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  • 520 8 Horses in Training. The following is a complete list of the horses in training in Singapore for the forthcoming Autumn Meeting on October 17, 19 and 21. Owner. Trainer. Pretty Molly b m E S Manasseh A Pierbox Fallow Land b g Do. Do. Michael Graham bg" The
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  • 377 8 The Traitor's Execution Evidence of Perfidy London August 4—The Govern ment, before deciding not to interfere with the sentence of death passed upon Roger Casement, carefully and repeatedly a nsidered all the circumstances connected with the case, and came to the conclusion' that the prisoner whs convicted oi
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 111 8 ttwwwwftmtttwwwawMM immmmmmmm mmmmummmmmmmmmm WORDEH'S EAGLE BRAND MILK I Has been Extensively used Over 60 years Throughout the World. j PUFity GaraflteCd Under L S Food Dru^s Act. j FAT I i<££±*&- borden's fr?! -^r^r STERILISED NATURAL MILK. jj ROCKED Penang-CHOP POE SENG, Beach S.reet Ipoh-CHftPS KEAT SENG LEONG KWONG Kuala
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  • 754 9 r'rices Qaoted ia the Market tbis Moraini SINOAPOBE, SepTBMBKB 6. Mtnan Lyail and Evatt, Exchange and Soar: &roken iMue the following lut of quotation* Rubber Shares. Norn. V*lue. Bu W a Sellers. 2/- Allagar 2/3 1/1 f agio Java 4/6 6,3 2/- Angio-Malay 10/- 11/6 1 AyerKuning
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 111 9 panitasj I Disinfectant I I Pine-Tree" I I Brand. j I jft; Use No ofher illfc I 1,- If you want the Jj|gK& Best Results for the sm allest I This disinfectant freely emulsifies I I with water, producing a I I milk white, strong disinfectant j I and deodoriser.
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    • 736 9 THE ORIENTAL GOTIRKMWT BWUEIf I Life Assurance Co., Ltd. 1(574. IIOOhrORAIEO U INHIA. ,80 per tent, g the Funis, or 523,*****00 aTe iaverted M Gov-nwt SwriHts I in*/ iitm >ear record Progrei* and ii rearing stability. j Spa?!? 0r n n f,rf2 t2!lle Endow-Ti-n: issrances with Prints i ijabto at
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  • 905 10 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE ARCHIPELAGO. The Rising in Djambi. Tbe Resident at Djambi wired to Batavia cv the 27 ult.: According to a report the crew of the stern wheeler have arrived at Moeara-Tebe. The suxilary post office and the barracks of tbe
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  • 69 10 Singapore, September 5On London-— Bank 4 m/s. 2/4 19/32 Demand 2/4 732 Private 3 m/s. 2/4 13/16 )n India— Bank T. T. 174± On Hongkong— Bmk d/d 8| On Shanghai— Bank d/d. 77| On Java— Bauk T. T. 135 On Japan— Bank d/d. 110£ Sovereigns—bnying rate 8.54 [ndia Ceil
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 16 10 j 1 j AN APPEAL j Taste Economy. jFramroz's^ j Hi§H CLASS AERATED WATERS. I i
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    • 585 10 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF i Valuable Town Properties To be held at MESSRS. CHING KENG LEE Co.'s SALE-ROOM I No 3, Raffles Place On Monday, 25th Sept. at 2.30 p. m 1 Valuable 999 years' leasehold lands and three stored «hn„ l' No.. 1 to 11 Tan Tve Place,
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  • 864 11 Detailed Prog amme. Ws hate received a copy of the fall programme of festivities giving istaili of the arrangsments connected with the ceremonies arranged in celebration of the Installation of H.H. the Sultan of Perak on Thursday, September 7 We give below the main details To-day, September 5.—
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 451 11 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. [■OOBPOBATBD IH IEGLABD BY ROTAL CHARTIR. Capitol in «0,000 Shares of £1,800,(X* Liab Hty of Proprietor* £1,200,900 BACKERS, rrv. n*nk of England, The Londor rt'Vnd Midland Bank, Ltd., The UmAoo County and Westminster t r Ltd The National Provincial SSk'cVingland, Ltd., The
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    • 590 11 FOR Awnings, Screws, Tarpaulins, Boat Covers, Sea Anchors, Oil Bags an* OtnvM Work af tTtrj dtetriptioa. BtiHmmĕM tsMh 9%mmlu frtm BOON SENG&Co Ship-Chaailsis, Sfil-makm, Suppliers aad Comauaaioa A|«k Robi fete. Taf. N«. 1214 a SALVITAE. j Tha most powerful but harmless asrviae I tonic, producing gUrtling results, in t mediate
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    • 263 11 The Malaya Tribune. Can be had at tht following depots Singapore. Messrs. Koh Co., 90, Bras Basa* Road. Vloney Changer, Adelphi Hotel. Vlr. Pang Boon Tin Tank Road Railway Station.) vfessrs. Kwong Seng Chiang 00. Selegie Road. Vlr. Jit Lok Kee, 166, Serangoon Road Vfr. M. N. N. Hussein, 180,
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    • 153 11 INDIAN MEDICINE. FAMOUS TREATMENT FOB THE EYB. I. the under meati sea Golam Hyder can cure all dia«aa«a of Hie eyes such at, pain, rsdaess, dimness, white specks, etc For 1» years 1 hare iiTad at 34-1 Hill Street. Singapore, and nave cured taousaade of aeople from whom I hold
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  • 358 12 Attractive Building in Ipoh The Chinese Hock Kean Community of Perak, which is an influential one in busiaeat circles, can be congrataiafced on tbe fine new building they have put up as a club house for themselves in Tp-d«, s-ys the T.O.M. The building stands opposite tke
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  • 190 12 The following Presidential mandate was lVufd an Augnst 13 During recent years, the order for ihe stringent luppressioa of opium has been reiterated time and again. Poppy plantation has been eradicated in tbe interior, but there have been greedy and lawless individuals cunningly availing themselves of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 378 12 1 i mittmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I For Japanese Curios General Goods t GO TO MARU Ml 4 Co. I No. 10, High Street, Singapore. I WHOLESALE RETAIL IMPORTERS. I I A MIEIGM ■TOCKB ALW AY» ON HAND. ffiwunimimniiiiii *****1 nniiitMitnttttjnn:iiMnitiirrrmyni!tiitiiti:nitimfninuxT3 RUBBER Cored in a JACKSON PATENT CABINET is ready for the Market
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    • 109 12 SWELLINGS DISAPPEAR When you rub in Little's Oriental Balm the pain goes right away and the swelling itself disappears with a few applications. It is utterly useless to to suffer. It is useless to pay big doctoi's bills and then to find yourself no better. For 1 R e you
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    • 385 12 THE EMPRESS UW COMPANH Choicest Table teutte* (UNION JACK BRAND) They are kept in hermetically sealed tina, ard are i money refunded if proved un.satisfactory in a reasonable lenr They are tbe best and cheapest kind of Bombay Batter in Z*w2kl Tbe present price is 55 cts. P< r tin
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  • 694 13 Did He Loot In answer to the above questiorwe are not prepared to assert that h< did. We rather think that the ana lytical legal mind, which is expert isplitting hairs, would hold thdt hi action did not amount to looting within the meaniug of the Act, buss we look
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  • 56 13 The "Frankfurter Zeitung," describing the British taken prisoner at Montauban and o*ilb-rs, remarks: They are by no means broken down, but are proudly defiant, like boy* caught after a pood hcht, with an attitude of extreme indifference. One prisoner, when asked what Germany would claim when she won the war,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 245 13 SAKUHA PORTLAND CEMENT (Cfcarry Brand.) B¥PFW.«B ALWAYS TO HAKI. 3LSO DYES FOR SALE prderf executed far every description of Japanese goods especialy P silk aad cotton piece-goods, glass and fftckery wa c, etc 1 moat favourabW terms. A. ABBAS Merchant and Commission Agent, 5-1, de Souza St. [n- 6 n
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    • 808 13 i SANAPHOS I I THE IDEAL RECONSTRUCTIVE NERVE FOOD I Bag A \ALUABIX SLSTORAmt IS NrjLRASTHTJrtA NERVOUS PrVEPSIA AND AXCMtA f "Incapables are always irritable." The moment you try to move your work forward by temper, impatience, scolding or recriminations, you are under suspicion of being too small for your
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 484 14 NOTICES NOTICE Is hereby aiveri thnt the Town Pharmacy Branch at llw, Kallang Road, Singapore, has no connection with The Town Pharmacy, 144 South Bridge Road, as from Auguat 16, 1916, after which date any debts contracted by the Town Pharmacy Branch, 167 Kallang Road, will not be received by
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    • 351 14 "JjOTI6jS_ F.M.S; GOVERNMENT SIX PER CENT WAR LOAN. Subscribers to the above Loan are reminded that the Final Instalment of 25 per cent payable on the Bonds falls due on 2nd September. Payment may he made at any of the Branches of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China
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    • 337 14 OFFICES AND GODOWNS TO LET. Nos. 6-D, 6 E, 6 0, 6-H, Battery Road. Apply to Yeo Hock Hoe, No. 3 Raffles Place. 14-6 JV TO BE LET Commodious Offices in Gresham House, Battery Road. Apply Mc A LISTER Co., Ltd. 14-6 TO LET Irwell Bank" Grange Road. Magnificently situated,
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    • 331 14 WANTED WANTED Smart, experienced assistant, able to talk and write Chinese, good wages to suitable man. Apply with full particulars of service and qualification to Medical Hall, Singapore. 4-9 v WANTED. Two typists for large mercantile firm. Shorthand necessary and knowledge of general office work advisable. Apply X.Y.Z. c/o Malaya
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    • 320 14 INSURANCE f SOUTH BRITISH I INSURANCE GO. Ltd. I' Incorporated in New z Ea Jm FIXE Insurance* effected on Baildi JL Rent and Merchandise 0 f pyMdescription MARINE Insurances accepted t parts of the world at lowest ~J WAR RISK accepted to all part, I Local MiCigJ Offices: 2, Finlayson
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    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Dally.] No. 209 SINGAPQBE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 440 1 P. 0.-Britishlndia AND Apcar Line (COMPANIHg INCORPOKATID I» ENGLAKD.) Mail and Passenger Services, j Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Undsr Contract with His Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India. Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. fIoMBWABB- (FOB EuBOPl). OUTWABn
        440 words
      • 247 1 STOQMVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ (Steamship Company) "NEDERLAND" (Incorporated in Holland.) Mail Service between Java and Amsterdam, via Singapore Belawan Deli, Sabang, Durban! Cape-Town, Las Palmas and Vice Versa. Steamers are dae to arrive on the undermentioned dates OUTWARD. Oranje Sept. 15 Vondel Oct. 27 Grotius Dec. HOMEWARD. Oranje Oat. 6 Vondel Nov. 17
        247 words
      • 562 1 N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN J Ai: AN) (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.) EUROPEAN LINE A service ia maintained between Yokohama ria porta to Marseilles and London, under mail contract with the Imperii Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service bave been specially designed and constructed,
        562 words
    • 742 2 Europe. For London: Iyo Maru September 13 Malta September 14 (connects with Kashgar) Pembrokeshire middle September Toyahashi Maru September le* Titan September 17 Qlengyle September 18 Namnr September 28 (connects with Karmala) City of Norwich September 25 Kaga Maru September 24 Olenlogan September 30 Teiresias October 9
      742 words
    • 57 2 It is with deep regret that we learn of the further loss sustained by Lord St. Davids, whose second and only surviving son, Capt. the Hon. Roland Erasmus Philipps, turn been killed in France alter distil guishing himself by most c<>ns;i--cnouB bravery. Lord St, Daviu'g elder son, the Hon. Colw\n
      57 words
    • 320 2 Vessels in Port. Erititk STEAMER. BERTH DATE. Patrol Outer Rds 9-6 Magnet K. Harbour 3 7 Chow Tai Dock 8-8 Sealda do 13-8 Orissa Dock 15 8 Qailoa Outer Rds 17-8 Glenartney No. 4 Wharf 22-8 Hang Sang Outer Rds 24-8 Katoa do 25 8 Barque M Dee"
      320 words
    • 108 2 Ban Watt Soon for Port Swettenham. Islander for Christmas Island. Hock Keng for Palo Batam. Sanit for Kerimon. Hong Aik for Palo Soegi. Giang Seng for Batavia, Cheribon and Samarang. Raja of Sarawak for Sarawak and Goebilt. Emily for Rhio. Donugala for Samarang. \mherst for Trengganu via ports. Ping
      108 words
    • 1183 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station:—s.s. s'Jacob. The Holt liner Peleus has arrived at Liverpool on the Ist inst. The N V X liner Kashima Maru arrived in London on Friday last. The M.M. Mail packet Athos, is due
      1,183 words
    • 521 3 k Bounties for Home Building. l/w a -,i in shipbuilding at present is confine* to Government work. r permissible at the present what is being accomplishj u t it may be said that the \igp shipbuilding yards have r ;i v,]- increased their capa-;r,r-e the war commenced. The
      521 words
    • 156 3 Inner Route to Torres Strait N tici is hereby that the the 8.8. Roserio reports v bile approaching Molle Channel from the northward, and w J »n miles I tbe southward of Griinstor, Point, the port bilge of sel touched some obstrucititnde 20 deg. 10 ft. 40
      156 words
    • 387 3 Re union of Torpedoed Marconi Operators. A remarkable re-union—that of twenty-two Marconi operators, hero** of U boat ruthiessness and historic maritime disasters—has just been held in London at the Trocad^ro. These men who, by coincidence, are at present on shore, represent but a fraction of that large
      387 words
    • 158 3 In reply to inquiries mad > by a representative of the Journal of Commerce, on July 18, Mr. P. J, HaiiDon, Secretary of the Navy League, said that the conference that had been called by shipowners an i the Government on the question of foreign sailors
      158 words
    • 125 3 The s.s. Pangan which recently arrived iv Bangkok had the striking experience of passing the scene of the Jutland Battle a few days after the eveut on her vova«e to Bangkok. As many as 300 floating corpses and many floating mines were seen by
      125 words
    • 41 3 The P. and O. outward mail Bteamer Sardinia has left Colombo and is due at Penan- at 10 a m. on Thursday the 7tfa instant, She may be expected to arrive here at U*3 a m. on Saturday the 9th idem.
      41 words
    • 57 3 "Specially superscribed letters only. Ship in communication with the Commercial Wireless Station this morning:—s.s. s'Jacob. $By express to Pens ig. The outward P. Sc O. p cket Sardinia rmy be expected to arrire at Penang at 10 a.m. on Thursday, the 7th instant. She will probably irive in Singapore at
      57 words
    • 74 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of leparture from Singapore of the Euupean Mails and their delivery in London. Mail. Lkkt. Dklivkukd. M.M. July 18 Aug. 18 P. O. .July 19 Aug. 2U B. I. July 2i Aug. 30 M. If. Aug. 1 Aug. 30 r».
      74 words
    • 97 3 The following ports are declared infected (Signal X G. Q.) and suspected (Signal F. P. B.) X v No Notn p nr f Signal. Disease Date. Bangkok ...F.P.B. ...Plague 746 16.6 Ba"sein ...X.G.Q. ...Plague 506 28.4 Batavia ...F.P.B. ...Cholera... 649 26.0 BombS ..X.G.Q. ...Plagae *****.3 oSSSi ...X.G.Q. ...Cholera 426
      97 words
    • 238 3 (Singapore, September sj. Tin.— 175 tons sold. Copra.— Weak. Business done. Tapioca. —Steady. Business done. Sago Flour do Business done. Gambier. —No Business Pepper- —Steady. Business done. Other Product-. Mark- l Quiet Uteir Local Market Qvotttiots. Nutmegs 110 S. per picul $30.50 Nutmegs 80 8. 39.00 Copra
      238 words
    • 37 3 Vessels Expected. Perseus (Holt) sth September, from Europe for Singapore, China and Japan. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Helenas (Holt) Bth September, from Singapore for London. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co, Ltd.
      37 words
    • 230 3 Per P 0 Liners. Per P and 0 Karmala London, July 21.—T0 Singapore: 111 Wydler, Miss Turney, Mr van der Wal, Mr C Ward Jackson, Mr A Baker, Mr X M Garth, Capt Wingat. Soul. To Penang Mr VV N Walter, Mr W A Peters Miss L Webber.
      230 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 39 3 SINGAPORE SHIPCHANDLERYCo. SHIPGHANDLERS S PROYIMIW6 COXTIACTORS. %t The- Oomp»n\'s Launch meets incoming ships. 4 Officel6 Battery Road. TAKE LIFT Tp TOP FLOOR Telephone No. 141. Orders promptly atterded to from January lat 1916. H W. H. STEVENS, Manager. M
        39 words
      • 382 3 IYL M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMEB. Mail Line. For China, Japan, Ceyloa. Marseilles. HOMEWARD OUTWARB 1916 1916 Atho* Sept. I Cordillere Seat 14 A. B*hia S*pt. 17 j Magellan Sept. H Porth Sept. 2* A steamer Oei. It Panl Lecat 0.-t. U A tteam-r Oct. 34 Cordillere Oct: 2b A steamer Mm*,
        382 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 332 3 Mails Close. To-day. Snngei Liat Scott Farley 2.30 ptB and Rangoon Glenogle 2.30 p m Port Dickson and v Port Swettenhara 'Calypso 1.30 pm Mersing Kernaman Hock Le« 230 pm enang* and Calcutta taking mails for Dur- an Kum&ang 130 pm Malacca and Muar *Lidy \N eld 3 pm Kota
        332 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 508 4 TOYO KISEN KAISHA The New Route via Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, The Inland Sea, Kobe, Yokohama, Honolulu and San Francisco to all points in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe. Sailings from Hongkong, steamer Displacement Tons Speed Leave Hongkong, PERSIA MARU 9,000 15 knots Sept. 21. SIBERIA MARU sails from
        508 words
      • 595 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) {Contractor* tm the imperial Japanese Army and Navy and to Foreign Governments. J Cable addresses!. Cooks >ed Western Union 8 &Sm\\xsm\m& VB Scott's, Libber's, ana KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and Locomotive Makers. All sizes and d escriptions of Boilers, Marine and Land Engines.
        595 words
      • 423 4 Ocean Steam Ship Company, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nat Co., Ltd. (iDcorporated in Ebglai Tbe Companies' steamer, patched from Liverpool OU I the Straits, China and Japan week and from Japan honeward 2 London, Amsterdam and every fortnight for Genoa, Ma!'? les and Liverpool and f p Havre and
        423 words