Malaya Tribune, 25 May 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GA7FTTF [EVENING DAILY. Vol 3.- No. 122. SINGAPOittJ, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1916 Price 5 Cents C6< malapa Crtbune. THURSDAY. MAY 25.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 260 1 A Sensational Programme of Startling Attraction* AT THK POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE GAIETY Picture Palace Junction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets In the Second Show at 830 p.m. Sharp N v Number of the Times War Budget No. 32. L itest War News in Animated Pictures. The Great Masterpiece The Lure
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    • 162 1 I* TTT ii wmmmmmmmmmmm milium"! in *****1iiiiiAiiniiiiiiiiimmiLf,itiAixmuwm»|: I ASAH I (SUM-BRAND) BE E R I Obtainable at Leading Liquor Stores at the Following Prices from Ist April, 1916. ASAHI BEER. I QUARTS: at $11.80(Per Case of 4 Doz.) I at $3 Per Doz. j PINTS: at SIOSO(Per Case of 6
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  • 977 2 A Greatheart ha« died in the pereoi ef Sir Alexandar K. Simpson, Al.D., D.Sc., LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Midwifery im Edinburgh University. While pioeeeding to his home fct 52, Street, Edinburgh, he ivas knocked down in the street by a motor-ear and dffcH shortly nfiec wards.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 282 2 LA gTrALDA CIGARS. The Best SOLE AGENTS. I DO YOU LOVE YOUR HAIR I Then Try A Phial of I M AMI OIL I 1 TO-DAY. j 2 This oil beautifying and increasing the growth of the hair, pre- I renting its falling ofY, restoring it to its natural colour,
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    • 111 2 To end Sciatica seems too-good to be true, doesn't it TOO good to BUre but lt B true LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM soothee the stabbing, biting nerves. Brings m*tant relief to pa in and continued use brings permanent relief, lake a little in your hand and rub it in where the
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    • 175 2 POWELL Co.'s CALENDAR FOR MAY, 1916. Sun. 7 UI tt 2* j i i I Mon. I 1 si 15 22 29 1 1 TUES. 2 9 16 .23 31 WSD. I 10 17 24 31 1 J Thurs. 4:11!18 j 25 I 1 r-, j Fki 5 12 I
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  • 369 3 Marriage ia Scotland has always been popularly legarded elsewhere as jof the as you pUase" variety. To iSaglish minds accustomed to English custom kmu ritual, a Scotch "irregular" marriage i 8 no marriage at ill. for in tbe bonnk laud of cake* ou can marry «hen aud
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  • 171 3 Sir Kabindaanath Tatrore was accorded a most enthusr«>ie recap tion at Rangoon on lay \K there bein» representatives bl nil nationalities present. Mr. A. K. A. S. Jamal presided. Ar: address of welcome after being read was pre Isented to the distinguished visitor In a handsome
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  • 107 3 It cannot be said that t tie author! ties in India are not striving to d# velop new industries. A recent otiicial report from United Pro vinces states that hosiery machine.* with instructors have been establishol in six centres, and that it k hoped hosiery-knitting will takroot
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 161 3 J FOR THIS WEEK j J AT J SPECIAL VALUE IN J i Cretonnes, Tapestries and Muslins. ,I Ws t rH" i WldeKd jII |i msĔk 3"i White j Lament j ggfjif Maslia i H j 5 ffWTCB, I 50 inches! j Sprayj ft J wide S Harden ifiM M/H
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    • 606 3 STAND UP TO IT i Do not Confuse Useless Sacrifice with Real Efficiency. The British Milk Products Co., Ltd.. 69, Mark Lane, London, Emjbnd :—SANAPHOS I Clear your mind of the idea that there is any credit in beintr crushed by your responsibilities. The Empire wants more than that ot
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  • 539 4 Mills Busy. As a result of the war aud consequent limitation of supplies, the paper millsthroughout the country an either extending their plants or establishing pulps mills, sus Mm Japan Time*. Though tho mdls are confronted with many oith* culties. rosnufucturers aie not the least discouraged, but are
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  • 598 4 Regulations as to Licences for the Importation of Papor and Papor-Making Materials. The Royal Commission on Paper relative to the grant of licence, for the importation of paper and material., among following are noted 1. On and after 1st March 1916 OT r rmp P
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  • 121 4 The nee of paper in price in biberia apparently knows no bounds and yet tbe. stocks are very scarce Son.c newspapers have bean obliged to suspend publication. The movement to petition the Petrograd Government for permission to import supplies from Japan free of duty has ended
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  • 60 4 Between Japan and India there exiita a profound sympathy in religion, literature and tradition, ana we are accustomed to regard Indians as kindred. In spite of this we know but little of India as we ought to know, indeed has than ejen Americans do: and a good deal pt our
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 571 4 AUCTION SALES. AUCTItiMĔ ALE OF A WOLSELEY MOT »R C4R At Powell Co.'s Sa l e-room On Monday, 29th May, 1916, at 11 am. One 12/14 H.P. 4 1 in 'er 5 Seater WolMlcy MotOT Ctr witll %t* pney wheel, hooH, wind-screen, horn and a set of lamps In good
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    • 625 4 AUO^ In the Supreme Court of the Settlement of Singapore. eme,!^ Suit No. 237 of 1915 > r>etueen Lee Keng Yew AND P,air >ti* Yeo Choon Seng and others n»« m Auction Sale Of Valuable Freehold Rubber Est** Situate at a, -aieS PULAU TEKONG, SINGAPORE To be held at Messrs
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  • 735 5 fMm|M«l ia the Market this Horaiat BINGAPOMS, Mat 25. Met** Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Start Btvk<srs, vwh the following list of qnotetiena Fuller Shares. N>«.\alu f B vere< 2/- Allagar 2/- BM| 1 Angiu Java 20/6 ffl^ 2/- Anglo-Malay 10/I 17/ti 21/6 2/- Batang Malaka 2/7*
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 621 5 r AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF valuable Wax-Polished Teak Household Furniture etc The property of G. H. Gover., Esq UUUre Af POLLUX, No 6-2, OXLEY ROAD On Saturday, Hay 27th, at 1.30 p m -oificen* Europe-made folding diawing norn suite nnh«i i vestry, very good designed w.x polSKd te ak
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    • 121 5 Just Arrived! Just Arrived! Collins' New 6d. and 7d. novels by -well-known authors. Excelsior Stamp Albums, with spaces for more than 11,000 stamps. Philatelic Accessories, etc. The Continental Stamp co. D High Street, Singapore 31 v j RANEECUNCE j Drainpipes AND Channels SOLE AGENTS: INOO MALAY CO., SINGAPORE. I Firm
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    • 358 5 Grand Empire Day Programme TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT!! TO-NIGHT A BIG TREAT FOR A BIG NIGHT CtaenCA SINO JSStL 2nd Show 9-15 p. m. Sharp THE GREAT KALEM SERIES. FULL OF Thrills, Sensations and Stirring Actions. I "The Hazards of Helen" I Exciting Bail Road Drama, By H. P. Mc Gowan j
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    • 42 5 PARKERS Eucalyptus Oil the most effectual j"me(iy for Influenza. Whooping C > bronchitis, Asthania and a 1 afl« tiona of the Ihi oat and Lun s. BOON SENG Co-Ship-Chandler*, S-ti]-tx.aa«* a Entate Sappliara and &'minimum AgcnU. 11-19 Robinson load. Tel. No. 12(1, v
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  • 68 6 H. E. Lady Chelmsford has consented to become the President of the Ladies Committee, headquarters branch of the St. John Ambnlance Association, Indian Branch. Har Excellency is allowing the nse of the Council library at the Viceregal Lodge for the work parties on Man days
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  • 141 6 to ihe Matqya HSjbwne)* Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the folio wing quota tions for to-daj Alor Gajah $3.60 U75 AyerKanings 1.30 140 Ayer Molek 2.20 2.30 Ay or Parma 9.00 9J.5 Balgownie 4.40 4.50 Bukit Jelotong 0.571 0.62$ Bukit Katil 0.85 0.90" ChangkatSerdg.... 5.50
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  • 71 6 Singapore, May j.'j. On London— Bank 4 m/s. 2/4 19/32 Demand 2hil± Private 3 m/s. 2/4 £$16 On India— 1 1 Bank T. T. 174) On Hongkong— Bank d/d On Shanghai— Bank d/d. 77* On JavaBank T. T. 1341 On Japan— Bank d/d. Hi Sovereigns—buying rate 8.54 India Ceil
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 516 6 Train Services. Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail £>aily leaves for the north at 7 7 a.m. and 7 p.m Other trains leave for Johore at 9 10.2'J a.m. noon 1.30 p.m. 2.55 p.m 4.40 p.m. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a.m. and 7.14 p.m Trains leave fromJohore 7.9. 8.42,
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    • 400 6 PALLADIUM I Singapore's Premier Tkeatre Orchard Road Singapore's Premier Theat I To-night YOUR LIST OPPORTUNITY To-nigh I A Powerful Drama oi Strong Psychological Interest: The Sensat I Great Britain and America 1 f Should a Woman Tell? The leading role being played by M'He N.A. Tzernowa, Actress by >; n
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    • 31 6 TAMANOYA HOTEL. 5-19 Beach Road. Most Comfortable Japanese Hotel in Singapore. Charges Moderate MALAYA TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Pei annum HJ-J 6 Half-yearly Per quarter Per mensem Poetage Extra. Telephone No. 985.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 60 6 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orers for to-day Xo drills. To-morrow. 5.10 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. 5 Tanglin Barracks S.V.A. Officers «fc N.C.O s. j S.R.E. v. do 5.1/> Drill Hall Maxim Co. do Veterans Officers N.C.O s. m Drill Hall Chinese Co. Bras Basah Rd. Malay Co. Drill Hall S.V.C. Band.
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  • 72 7 Austro-Rumanian Treaty. section of the Italian Press out the danger which the Bgning of the Austro-Ramaniar Hetty creates. An energetic action n part of the Entente powers would permitted the ascendancy b th* Allies had gained, to in*. With the necessary show a strong hand on pari
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  • 46 7 iirectorate of the Royal Lloyd has informed the Teiegraaf that two ot rew of the vessel have declared ;j that they saw the course of rpedo which was fired on the ♦i;<. The German excuses c the sever *t condemnation in the l>utch Pre.^.
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  • 48 7 ster Poethama the Dutch M ster of Agricu ture, has an noui i that the prices of sugar will remain the-tame as at present, irhether in the wholesale or retaii lie warns dealers not to c stocks or endeavour to make profit on the fixed prices.
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  • 43 7 I an of a million guilders has been isktd to assist the Netherlander! who have been compelled to countries by reason or the war and are now in want i i •I. and also to aid destitute reigners in Holland.
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  • 44 7 According to an Austrian reiHMrt tho ltaii.m forces have also evacuated tbe Col. Santo. The Austrians claim to have made further progress in South Tyrol. They *Uo claim the capture of a large •nt of war material an 1 guns.
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  • 29 7 Stampa says that the Russian, k;■ Nicholas is shortly i« the Eastern front in order c a Russian offensive on a lie, an to lead it*
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  • 24 7 Norddeutsche Algeraeine *itung says that the Pope has Bervicee ai a mediator Germany and the Unitsd States of America.
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  • 41 7 revenue for the month of I '-'in totalled three miiho m above the same period inli»ls. Robber factory Hevea, at 1, Holland, has been closing to the inaufficient supply British submarine has sank a in steamer. The crew were
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  • 181 7 Malay Dolah was charged Mr. V. G. Ezechiel on Tueewith indecent behaviour by |Uei iding as a woman. C. Pestana, Medical Officer, Hospital, said tint, at the of the Police authorities, examined accused and found be a man, though lee and gait were those o£ a
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  • 125 7 M.M oatwarU mail expected. g; v homeward mail expects Sta s r.^ Garterßnad n ;W- iit High Water -3 v 5.38 p.m. 7 ft. 2 i nB 8 To-moriow. Sandycroft Robber, noon. District Grand Lod*e, 9 p m Homeward mail closes (train). Qaeen Mary's BirthdayVlB«7l Municipal Commission, 2 30
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  • 228 7 (Singapore, May 25.) Tin. —«$93; 50 tons sold. Copra. Steady. Tapioca.—Weak. Sago Flour> —Weak. Gambier. Pepper•—W oa k. Other Products' —Market Steady Latest Loai Market Quotations. Nutmegs 110 S. per picul $42.50 Nutmegs 80 S. 51.50 Copra Bali 9.35 Copra Gorong Talo i!.' 10.00 Copra Dongalo 10.00 Copra
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  • 39 7 Copra. Singapore, 24tli May, 191(3. The market for this produce has improved somewhat since our last report. To-day's values may be given as $10 for fine sundried and $9.50 to $9.70 for fair to good qualities.
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  • 133 7 Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association. 244 th Auction, 24th May, I9|fi OJerw for Sal, Pel.. 0,468.05 or 802,40, lb.. (Ton. 385.00). Prices Realized. Sheet .«oked fine ribbed s l 3 c, to t1 43 ,»od ribbed 133 n fine rlain m ,J n r> BOOd plain i
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  • 243 7 Wednesday, May, 24. At the usual weekly Auction held to-day the demand was better than has been experienced for some time and considering the lower values advised f'om other markets prices realised are satisfactory. Fine pale crepe fetched the top price of the gale viz. $147 and
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  • 137 7 Wednesday May 24,— The quantity offered at to-da\'s sales amounted to about 389 tons. Tbe demand throughout was good and prices generally show little change from those of last week. Fine pale crepe at $147, and ribbed smoked sheet at $143 declined $3 and $1 respectively Tnsmokedsheet
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  • 46 7 April Outputs. Tue output of the Sembrong Rubber Estate, for the month of April amounted to 1,725 lbs. The returns of the Bukit Katil Rub ber Estate Ltd., for the month of April was 7,556 Jbs j total for 12 mouths 90 215 lbs.
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  • 23 7 The Pagger Mango Company pa; s 15 per cent. The Franco-Dutch Colonial Planting Company pays 47 per cent dividend.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 357 7 Advertisements. I* I For Japanese Curio's General Goods GO TO I MARUNI Co. No. 10, High Street Singapore- 1 WHOLESALE RETAIL IMPORTERS. I j MHGE STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND. P 1 HI WgH J RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Just Arrived "New Comet" Motor Cycles. SALE. 2h. p. Motor Cycle, two speed
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    • 163 7 THE AVER JWOLEK RUBBER CO., LTD. Notice U hereby given that the Directors have declared a second r nternn Dividend or 10% for the year ending 31st October 1916 payable the 7th June 1916 and that the Trans")ks o£ the Company will be closed from the sth to 7th Jur
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  • 591 8 The almost miraculous development which India as a whole has undergone in all directions through the last half century is shown by the attitude of the Princes and Rulers of India and of the masses of the population towards the King Emperor and the British people since
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  • 191 8 The French General start hit* hardly a member who has not lost a near relative since the war broke out and the following list, compiled by a French journal is an eloquent testimony of the great sacrifice which has been made Pour la Patrie. General de Castftlnau
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  • 127 8 The Great War Pise. The Western Front In the East i The War on Shipping The Irish affair House of Lords W House of Co-Uidons 1" Empire Day at Home India's Future 1" French Consul*. News 1" Italian Campaigo ]li Famous Scottish Surgeon Dead Marriages in Haste Sir
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 193 8 Robinson Co, NEW SHIPMENT OF "BBB" PIPES. Other Qualities T all sha P c8 $2.25 52.50 M Mjg i Army, Bulldog Bente'c. No. 6018 B. Best Briar Pipe with Vulcanite mouthpiece and Silver mount as illustration Price $2?-415 each. Robinson's Special Briars, London Make BENT SHAPE Price Sf.OO. TOBACCO P
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    • 142 8 ASK FOR CHOP Sarang Burong i i. c. BIRDS' NEST BRANDY Caldbeck Macgregor 1 and Co ADELPHI HOTEL GREAT CHARITY Masquerade I Ball In aid of the funds for Blinded Soldiers, with Fancy Fair in the Gardens and Lawn of the I ADELPHI. Masquerade Ball Friday June 50th Fancy Fair
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    • 19 8 I MILKMAID! Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $14 90 t Sterilised Natural Milk 9.30 J Ideal Unsweetened Milk $10.50
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  • 543 9 $93—50 cts. down. Khiva arrived in ynesday, the 23rd imt j is having a sueM. in Batavia. are improving X harvested on Bp* K-tate for tbe month of Mother of Holland B 1 from her recent illI anticipated that the cotton I Is demand of a ten
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  • 276 9 Singapore Women's "Star and Garter Building Fund. -Those desirous of supporting the above fund are reminded that this afternoon at the Victoria Theatre a popular entertainment is to be given commencing at five o'clock. An excellent programme has been arranged and only one price is being charged for admission, namely,
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  • 64 9 On behalf of the Lady Evelyn Young, the Hon Treasurer, Mr. H. B. Ward of Evatt and Co., French Bank Buildings, Singapore, gratefully acknowledges the following contributions Balance previously acknowledged $1,211.81 Dr. and Mrs. P. Fowlie... 100.00 Nancy Rangel 2.00 Behr and Co. 250.00 Balance
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  • 104 9 On behalf of Mrs. H. B. Salmond, Mr. M. B. Oliver, care of The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, Singapore, acknowledges, with many thanks, the following further contributions cts. Previously acknowledged 3&\947.09 R J. Saunders 30 00 Mrs. C. W. Abrams 50.00 Collection box (Mrs.
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  • 365 9 Dethronement of Ruler. Prcis Communique of the French Governor-General. His Excellency the GovernorGeneral of Indo-China returned from Hue by land, travelling by special train to Hanoi. He is pleased to say that at Hue and in the provinces of the centre and northern Annam which he has
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  • 180 9 Tne following properties were disposed of by auction at Messrs Powell and Co.'s sale room on Tues- day afternoon Freehold land situate in the district of Bedok (about 10 miles from town), Singapore, area 4 acres and 36 poles, being part of the land marked lot 39
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  • 43 9 The following firms have been added to tho list of enemy firms Kb Java Medan Van Elten, J. 0. E. dt Force and Ong Eng Tee. Batavia Messrs Douglas Forsyth, Harlands fcantoor en Maatschappij, Limbangan Industrie. Sourabaya Teller Scholte Co.
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  • 33 9 That the natives in Java are moving with the times is shown in the permission given by the Sasuhnnan to members of his family to wear their hair short If the; ao desire.
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  • 176 9 The Western Front. VERDUN. Ninety* Fourth Day. Fierceness Undiminished. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, May 23, 5.25 p.m. Paris: The ninety-fourth day of the battle of Verdun was marked by more violent fighting than ever. The communique says Throughout the night a struggle went on with intense fierceness on
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  176 words
  • 210 9 London, May 24, 2.55 a.m. The Paris communique states that the German counter-attacks in the Verdun region have developed with extreme violence. After a bombardment with heavy guns lasting the whole of the morning the Germans left of the Meuse several times launched assaulting masses on'our positions
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  • 190 9 London, May 24, 12 2p p.m. A Paris message says that the lines south of Douaumont, whence the main attack was made, were only 350 yards distant from the fort; but the defence was so formidable that it was an hour before the lirst triumphant Frenchman arrived at
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  • 80 9 Situation Unchanged. London, May 24, 1.35 a.m. General Sir Douglas Haig in his communique says: There were heavy reciprocal bombardments last night and to-day about Vimy ridge, were the situation is unchanged. Hostile artillery was most active to-day between Hooge and the YpresRoulers railway. There was some
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  • 123 9 Settlement in Sight. London» May 24, 12.15 a.m. The Times says it is understood that Messrs Asquith, Lloyd George and Bonar Law individually and informally conferred with the Nationalist and Ulster leaders. The atmosphere last night was more favourable towards a settlement than since the revolt. The
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  • 52 9 Russians Still Advancing. London, May 23,11.20 p,m. Petrograd In the occupation of Sendesht on the Persian frontier, 47 miles south of Lake Urmia, the communique reports another advance towards Mosul from a fresh, direction. Elsewhere a Russian regiment drove the Germans across the Voseluhn, a tributary of
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  • 51 9 Sunk in the Mediterranean. London, May 24, LdO p.m. The following sinkings in the Mediterranean are reported Adamant ios Koraia (Greek, 2,947 tons), and Tjomo (Norwegian, 1,452 tons). The crews werw saved. The sailing ships Fabbricotti F. (Italian, 150 tons) and Myosotis (French) have also been
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  • 18 9 London, May 24, 1.30 p.m. The Canard Company has arranged to absorb the Commonwealth. Dominion Line.
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  • 39 9 Appointed Hen General. London, May 24, 8.40 a.m. The Gazette says the Siamese Minister had an audience of the King and presented his Majesty with tbe appointment of honorary General of the Saamese a: my.
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  • 753 10 SELF-GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. Bill Passes Second Reading. London, May 23, 8.40 p.m. The provisions enabling selected subjects of these States to compete for the Indian Civil Service and for rulers and subjects to be nominated to the Legislative Councils, were significant of Indian development. He felt sure
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  • 360 10 Vote of Three Hundred Millions. Means for Victory. London, May 23. In the House of Commons to-day Mr. Asquith moved for a vote of credit of three hundred millions making the total war credits 2,312 millions. He said the recent expenditure for fifty days averaged £4,820,000 daily.
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  • 190 10 London, May 24, 1.30 p.m. The Times' Empire Day edition contained lengthy articles on India's future place in the Empire and the Indian States. The former outlines the difficulties in the way of a settlement especially of the question of India Office control but emphasises that the difficulties
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  • 158 10 Aga Khan on German Intrigue. His Highness the Aga Khan, who arrived in Paris recently from the Riviera, in the course of an interview declared with emphasis that India ia the safest place in the world. The Indians, he declared, are not being fooled by German propaganda,
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  • 41 10 London, May 24, 12.40 p.m. Home Owing to the increasino menace of rebels against Zaara, the inhabitants of which are loyal, an expedition was sent thither from Inpoli and defeated the rebels who abandoned booty and prisoners
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  • 96 10 Imposing Demonstrations. London, May 24,1.30 p.m. Empire Day's special significance this year was emphasised, not merely by the Government's recognition, but by the imposing demonstrations throughout the kingdom. A message from Mr. Rudyard Kipling says Knowing as nations what we are fighting for, realising as men
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  • 372 10 A graceful tribute to the late King Edward VII was paid by M. Petit, Consular Agent of France,' yesterday morning when in the presence of the British Resident of Selangor and other officials and unofficial he placed a handsome wreath on the bust of the late King
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  • 54 10 London, May o iaRome The com/ *4 that the ene ffiv ,ani Wa gathering between The Italians, after auacks between Asti' ValSogana, gradual It f >< their main lines in rJt l[ The Italians positions in the V I* I and took fifty S ammunition. There d artillery
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  • 145 10 (By courtesy 0 the Qwwrfafe.) The French 3 per c h P at francs 62.50 and a?*.''"*, bonds at francs 88. Yesterday, we left bank of the Meul f 01 on the right bank of a front of two the farm of Thia„, Uo „,V> front of
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  • 317 10 Existing Ke*uJations. The following Regulations, mi* by the Governor in accordance win the provisions of the Order of Bi Majesty in Council dated the <>k March, 191 C, which wag bronrt» into force in this Colony by ProS mation dated the 20th May, 191$ and published in a Gazette
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  • 35 10 It is Suggested that residents of Malaya going Home might of arrival forward long chairs to the F.\f.S. Hospital, BJsck' more End, Wheat ha wpsWi. H«* for the use of the soldiers being tieated there.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 28 10 TheSman who caTsZZrWwTo^rriorni sidered a Public Benefactor. MtCHEUtJ T,. i. heels and Insure Smooth Travel„ ng and owin g to Absence of Tyre Trouhies, Smooth Temper. Bupipe Brothers,
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  • 868 11 Details of Pirates Audacity. How a German stowaway held up the captain and fifty-six members of the crew of the British steamer Matoppo, compelling them, at the point of a revolver, to change the course of the vessel and land him at the Delaware Breakwater after be
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 119 11 mm I THE Pot Stills B HI HI II OF s B wt I (Great Britain HJ B HI I Have Been B B B I Taken Over by Government, S 8 w j NEVERTHELESS (Buchanan's S X X N H B I will be able to continue I I
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    • 435 11 Best National Tonic. 0«r vttj live liiglish contemporary The Ej}u:itucy Mt/yasine utters some time- j Ij 'word* in season' under the caption i No Advertising in Thibet. A traveler, it says, has reeenkry come from the shut- in land of Thibet. He announces that t Thibet h the most backward
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  • 1371 12 Encouraging Prospects. 25 Per Cent Dividend for the Year. The tenth annual general meeting of the Rubber Estates of Johore, Limited, was held on April 12th in the Council Room of the Rnbber Growers' Association (Incorporated), 38, Eastcheap, E. C, Sir Frank A, Swettenham, G. C.
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  • 164 12 The Government of India's decision no longer to maintain the scheme announced on March 25 last year for controlling export of wheat, has been received with satisfaction by Indian dealers of wheat in Bombay. The export of wheat here was largely in the hands of European firms,
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  • 107 12 The death took place in Ipoh on Saturday of Mohamed Hussein Hadjiyar, brother of Datoh Panglima Kinta and son of the late Datoh Mahomed Yoosup Panglima Kinta. The deceased was about twenty years of age and was in possession of mueh property in the town.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 272 12 FEDERATED MALAY STATES TIN EXPORTS. Statement of block tin and tin-ore exported, approximate value (in Singapore) and duty collected, during the mentha of January to April, 1916, and comparison with «orresponding period of previous year. Block Tin. rin re TWi.IT,* Increase or (70% of grosa weight). Totai Decrease Stot*. 191»;
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    • 361 12 1 JAPANESE MASSAGE 1 jMrs.S.Nagashima,new] »1 1 from Japan, certificate "{I jwill be pleased to give* m '1 J treatment under meiir," idS^{| 1 vision. J Address: I c/o TAKAHABHITA 1 No. 208 Queen Street v.-. Jl Z 2-5 Agents I KIM HIN Co., 13 Kling Street, Singapore. 6-4 54.17
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  • 221 13 me limes, m a review of Messrs. Joseph F. WooJioffe and Harold Hamel Smith's book on 44 The Rubber Indufci-y of tho Amazon," diaws attention to an important problem that is likely to arise after the war. The recent appointment," iteays, "of a British Commercial Attache at
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  • 130 13 A Malay overseer of the Mine 3 I Department charged five Chinese mining coolies before Mr. W. D. Scott in the Ipoh Police Court on Monday on a charge of carrying on mining operations on State land without authority. The complainant stated that on the 20th instant the
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  • 44 13 One man said to another, I hear your wife has been taking singing lessons." "Yes," was the reply. Well, what do yon think of he vcice since it's been trained "It's no better j but there's a lot more of it." —Organist and Choirmaster.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 427 13 I TO-HIGHT S^U^^^" 5 something out of the ordinary ITTI Alhambra Theatre If The H*use *f Quality beach road i* a af£er The Leading Theatre in The Home of Feature Attractions. J |N llation of B stars in a io r;";^Tr^r de I I parts THE HONEYMOON I I»
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  • 831 14 Some Leading Lights. The N. C. Daily News gives the following brief notes on the most prominent men connected with the present political crisis in China, choosing those names that' are of daily occurrence in reports from all provinces. Tang Chi-yao—Tutuh of Yunnan of which province he
    831 words
  • 272 14 For several days there has been considerable excitement in the Bombay share market owing the rapid rise in deferred shares of the Tata Iron and Steel Company Ltd. A share is nominally of the value of Hs. SO. It is quoted now at about Rs.
    272 words
  • 78 14 A lecture on the war was being given at a finishing school for young j ladies, and the lecturer wound up jby exhorting his listeners to persuade every able-bodied man the\ knew to enlist. In the course of his fervent patriotic appeal he thumped the table and exclaimed feelingly What
    78 words
  • 66 14 Baron Nathan Meyer de Rothschild, the great financier, once sat y "inner beside a woman who wis doing her best to net KMtie tips an to what would be a good business for to in. Rothschi d parr.c.l the question for a time, hut at last he turned and-said sharply
    66 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 525 14 SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENT. Asthma got hold of me and reduced me so very much that 1 bad to iose hope of my existence. Iam very tond of theatres and outdoor trips. A few minutes exposure or attending *,ven once a theatre' will sure and certain bring me Asthma. Oh I had
      525 words
    • 34 14 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of chemigts, 50 cents per pbia\ c T Post free from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Dept. sc, Singapore
      34 words
    • 337 14 (United Saw Mills! I LIMITED. i (Incorporated in Singapore/, I I I Saw Millers, Contractors and Supply j of Timber Building Material in General• J ALWAYS IN STOCK A Large Selection or I Soft and Hard Wood! CUT TO STANDARD SIZES. J I All supplies are guaranteed" to be of
      337 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 359 15 I NOTICE. The undersigned beg to ■nnounce to the public t a hiprh class Philippiao Brass and string band with ■Lplete set is prepared to to play at dances, Bnner parties, ntarriages, r us icMiis are exclusively j jppi no s. Music to programme. Terms reasonable. STRAITS PHILIPPIMB BAND. I
      359 words
    • 466 15 NOTICES Chops Baa San, Bu San €bftn and Tong Ann Tong o°J ICE 8 eieb B iven that by an Order of the Supreme Court at Singapore I was appointed the Manager of tbe above Chops, And hat all payments for money, due to the said Chop, should be paid
      466 words
    • 372 15 WANTED WANTED. A Chinese Book-Keeper. Only th«ne who write a fine hand apply. Tan Soo Ghi fit Co., Malaaca. 27.* WANTED. Wanted apprentices for Engineering Office. Apply ia person to 11 Raffles <$uay. 24-4 v STENOGRAPHER WANTED. 'Wanted for office in Medan Sumatra, good Eurasian or Chinese Stenographer. Commencing Salary
      372 words
    • 470 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,006 Shares of each £1,26i,00# Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,800,000 BANKERS The Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., Tht London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.,
      470 words
    • 311 15 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. [iNGOItPORATHDINNKW ZILAjUNL>" FHtE Insurances effected on Building**, Beat and Merchandise of ever? description MARHE Insurances accepted fo ,J. parts of the world at lowsst rate* EARTHQUAKE Risk* accepted. J. HENRY Local Manages-, (Moes: 2, FiaLayson Green. HEUNG ON INSURANCE CO.. LTD. (Incorporated m Hongkong.)
      311 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 115 16 [STEAM BOILERs] I The upkeep of Steam Boilers of if j I all types, which was once a 1 II problem to many, is no more so I to such as are using _> I To economise labour and time. To keep the Boiler Clean p. H#l I without Corrosion
      115 words

    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] Supplement to tho Malaya Tribune Issued Daily.] No. 122 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1916
      19 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 448 1 P. O.British India AND Apcar Line i (C«ICPAVIM 11« «ftP< >1 ITU IBN IN#LAWD.) Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Porta and London Steamers will leave Singapore oa or aboat Mail Lines.
        448 words
      • 237 1 ST6OMVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND" I in HoUand.) MAIL SERVICE BETWEEN JAVA AND AMSTERDAM, VIA SINGAPORE, BELAWAN-DELI, SABANG, DURBAN, CAPITOWN, LAS PALMAS AND VICE VERSA Steamers are due te arrive on the undermentioned dates OUTWARD. Eoa. der Nederl. June 17 Grotius j ume X 7 Rembrandt July 28 Oranje Sept. 9
        237 words
      • 560 1 N.Y.R. j NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) j (JAPAN MAIL gMwf STEAMSHIP M.) EUROPEAN LINEA service h maintained between Yokohama via pwi| g t! Marseille. p d Louden, under mail contract with the Imper*., Government. The New Twin-ecrew Steamer, maintaimig this have been .peciaily designed and contracted, and are
        560 words
    • 604 2 Eorope. For London Tottori Maru May 26 Nankin May 26 Gleniffer end May Merionethshire May 26 Kaga Maru May ."I Oanfa Jane 3 NoTara, June 8, trans at Colombo. Moyune June 7 Kamo Maru June 14 City of Rangoon Jane 8 City of Lincoln June 20 Cyclops
      604 words
    • 43 2 In response to a message casting doubts on tbe cruiser Haiyung being missing, Renter's Peking correspondent replies that the Haiyung is at Foochow and that her captain will be court-martialled concerning the sinking of the China Merchants' s.s. Hsinyu.—China Press.
      43 words
    • 67 2 The American and Hawaiian S.S. Co'a. Florid ian is now on the Shanghai-Japan-San Francisco route. She may stay with the Far East trade. The company have not announced if they will place more steamers on this route. This is likely to depend on the success of the
      67 words
    • 167 2 In the course of a case heard in the City of London Court, a young woman, named Lilly Harvey, who said she had been a stewardess on P. and O. liners, and had a liking for the water, told the Judge that she served as mate on the barge Annie
      167 words
    • 265 2 Vessels in- Port. Bririsk STEAMER. BERTH DATE Mascot Inner Rds 27-4 Amherst Dock 4-5 Recorder Outer Rds 13-5 City of Bombay Dock do Aureole K. Harbour 15-5 Magnet do do Batavier Inner Kds 21-5 Islander do 22-5 Chusan Outer Rds 23-5 Poh A.nn Inner Rds do Katong do
      265 words
    • 220 2 Madeira, Azores and Gibraltar Approaches. The following notices have been published by the Hydrographic Office Whitehall, London for the information of mariners: Portuguese Atlantic Colonies and Islands. Caution with regard to Extinction of lights.—(l) Madeira, Islands Caution.—All lights are extinguished except Fora Island and Porto Santo lights.
      220 words
    • 23 2 The British India liner Teesta sails for Port Swettenham, Penang, Madras and Negapatam at 4.30 p.m. on the 2nd prox. from the wharf
      23 words
    • 961 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communioation at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station:—s.s. Rumphius, s s. Cordillere. s.s. Kashima Maru. s.s. Nyanza. The N.Y.K. liner Kaga Maru, is due here for Europe on the 31st inst. The Djember, inward bound from Java has arrived at Rotterdam.
      961 words
    • 80 2 A fire which broke oui 9th on board a lighter the total loss of a qnantit; worth more thin lighter, which is the proj Chinese widow, was lying Praya, at Kennedy Town, n Pacific Mail Godown. and *J laden with 300 bales property of the Toyo
      80 words
    • 306 3 increased Exports. v Wm. G. Hale and Co. siting under date May 20th 1916 v inter alia absence of any business increase of arrivals from terior, our market closes tot* Cnrrent Prices. Per picul of 134 lbs Saigon, without freight tee. Gross weight shipped. White Round, Sifted
      306 words
    • 73 3 Was it a Bomb snow more than four months the steamer Rio Pasig of ompania Madrigal y Cia of left Seattle for Vladivostock with war material for the Russian nment She has never been beard of since. en she left the American *he bomb-plotting on part of iinan emissaries in
      73 words
    • 75 3 The Asahi understands that with regard to the Tenyo marn a„d other St" P D endin between and Great Bntain, Marquis Inouye, he Japanese Ambassador in London *it'h rr s! Dg "T"»" 00 directly' Bntiah Gorernment is well awar, of the pos.t.on of afiairs, the patrol
      75 words
    • 134 3 The following vessels have been chartered since last reported S.S. For Charterage n J'* 7 «8. per ton Kjodo 13. 5 months Y32,000 P er month Tonno I y ea r Yl9 per ton Banseigen M Y9,500 per rp, month lhe charterase for the oceangoing service has
      134 words
    • 72 3 Glenfalloch for Penang. Hong Wan I for Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow. Singaradja for Bengkaiis, Laboean Bilik, Tandjong Balei and Medan. Sappho for P. Dickson and P. Swettenham. Glenogle for Penang and Rangoon. Kaka for Malacca and Muar. Magellan for Saigon, Hongkong Shanghai and Japan. Buvske8 for Bawean, Sourabaya,
      72 words
    • 157 3 Per N.Y.K. str. Mishima Maru— Mr., Mrs. Miss Wishart, Mrs. Carson and 2 children, Mr. James, and Mr. Davy. Per N.Y.K, str. Suwa Maru —Mr. TR. Davidson, Mr. JT. Beldam, Mr. L. H. Penny, Mr. Mrs. Grieve Mrs. Brown and child, and Mr. H. W. Weigall. Per N.Y.K.
      157 words
    • 71 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the Enropean Mails and deliver in London. Mail. Lbft. DBlivh«bi>. 8.1. Apr. 7 May. 3 M. M. Apr. 7 Mar. 4 M. M. Apr. 9 P. &0. Apr. 14 May 16 B. I. Apr. 20
      71 words
    • 152 3 Vessels Expected Thongwa (B.I.) 27th May, from India for Singapore Agents, Messrs Boustead. Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Fnltala (B.I.) 3rd June, from India for Singapore Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Thongwa (B.I.) 3rd June, from Singapore for Penang, Madras and Negapatam. Agents Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and
      152 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 37 3 SINGAPORE SHfPGHANDLERY GoSHIPCHANDLIRS 8 PROYIDORING CONTRACTORS, 1 mpany's Launch meets incoming ships. -16 Battery Road. AKL LIFT TO TOP FLOOR Telephone No. 141. f- promptly attended to from January Ixt, 1916. H. W. H. STEVENS, Manager. 5-4
        37 words
      • 869 3 IYL M. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES. Mail Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLOM, MARSEILLES. HBMIWAID OCTWAM. 1911 m* Porthat May. 29 M.g. May «6 Andr* Lenan June 16 Paul Lecat June, Magellan Jane 30 j Polynaaiea Jnue. 3« j For all particular! apply to J. De COURTOIS, Agent. INDO-CHINA STEAM NAY. CO. LTD.
        869 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 114 3 Singapore Tide Tables. May. 25. —High water —3.48 a.m. 7 ft. 8 ins. 5 38 p.ra 7 ft. 2 ins. May. 26. —High water: —5.16 a.m. 7 ft. 5 ins.; t).33 p.m. 7 ft. 4 ins. May. 27. —High water :—6.50 a.m. 7 ft. 5 ins.; 7.21 p.m. 7 ft.
        114 words
      • 391 3 Mails Close. To-' 5 I»™.., •Gl«f»ll0 C h 24» Hongkong, Atnoy and Swatow Hanr Wan I 9 qa Bengkaiis.«n Bilik, M pm Tandjong Balei and »d pPort Swettenham 'Sappba 2 »0 Penang» Rangoon Glenogle 2.30 nir •M alaeaa and M nar *Kaka 3 S" Saigon. Hongkong. Shanghai and Japan
        391 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
        552 words
      • 544 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan} [Go'ttractor* to tn. tmp&mi Japanese Armyand Navy and to Foreign GopernmmtsJ C ABLli, .UjJHUCttfJIi CODES j* W ft Western Haion Scott s. Lieber's, ana DOCK-Dai h.n. fc| Engineering. KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and Locomotive Makers. All aizes and descriptions of Boilers, Marine and
        544 words
      • 374 4 Ocean Ste-ira §jj Company, tt AND China Mutual Steam Nay Co., Ltd. (I»«.rportted in Engi a .dt v The Companies' steamy W( patched from Liverpool tbe Straits, China and Jap aL fcv week and from Japan honewj* 2 London, Amsterdam and Ant* every fortnight for Genoa Marsl? lea and Liverpool
        374 words