Malaya Tribune, 22 May 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 46 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAHsK, Vol 8.- No. 119. SINGAPOBE, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916 Price 5 Cents. ZH Walapa Cribune. MONDAY, MAY 22. Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued DaUy.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Dally.] "No. Jl» SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 22, 1916
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 287 1 Great they all Say is the Gaiety Photo-play See This Extremely Beautiful Programme To-Night AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE GAIETY Picture Palace Junction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets. In the Second Show at 8-30 p.m. Sharp The Great Lifo Photo War I>x»a,naa. ,1 A PATRIOT OF FRANCE OR THE ORDEAL
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    • 164 1 a 41 W\ wsĕL Wem Hill jhHw H .aHBHIiPi PPM I f (SUN-BRAND) BEER I I Obtainable at Leading Liquor Stores at the Following Prices from Ist April, 1916. ASAHI BEER. I QUARTS: at $11.80(Per Case of 4Doz.) J at $3 Per Doz. 1 i* j PINTS: at $10.50 (Per
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  • 419 2 fcieai. Brandon's Exploit. What is claimed to be the first detailed account of tho aerial fight between Li*ut. Brando?, K.F.C., and Zeppelin Llo, whici sank in tbe Thames Estuary is published by the Leicester Daih Mercury. Lieutenant Brandon left the groaad with instructions fro;n his commanding
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  • 91 2 A Dutch Press wire says that the object of the prohibition of the export of dogs from Holland is, that they may be needed for the pulling of machine-guns. It is a plausible reason, certainly, were it not that dog flesh is now officially issued as food in various parts
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  • 165 2 In popular language the word rheumatism is a term which covers a multitude of ills, of which pain is the chief symptom. s Articular rheumatism, inflammatory rheumatism, and rheumatic fever are all names for the same disease. Muscular rheumatism affects the muscles and does not spread from
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 306 2 LA GIRALDA CIGARS. I Theßest im fc' Londrcs a Co., Ltd. SOLE AGENTS. DO YOU LOVE YOUR HAIR f I Then Try A Phial of I MAMI OIL I I TO-DAY. I 9 This oil beautifying and increasing the growth of the hair, pre- I Ij venting its falling off,
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    • 319 2 I POWELL Co?T~ CALENDAR FOR MAY, 1916. Sun. 7j 14 21 j2b —j MoN. 1I 8 I 15 22 2f< I 1 i TBES. 2i 9 16 23 38 Wbd. 3 10 17 24 31 Thurs. 4 11 IS 25 I j Fri. 5 12 19 26 SAT. 6 13
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  • 288 3 Trouble in Sarawak. The Sarawak Gazette says A D ak attck a*l been made recently on tbe Punans, when fourteen heads were taken. Mr. Gifford return* d to Kapit from Belaga on the 22nd March and a few days after bis arrival news was brought down to bim
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  • 192 3 Russia, like the other Allied countries, is preparing to replace the goods hitherto imported from Germany by home maiufactures, and to render herself permanently independent of them. A correspondent of the Paris Temps reports that benzol is being produced in the Dorietz coal region, that dye works
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  • 77 3 When the King and Queen were on a visit to the Victoria League Club on April 15th the Queen ackf<l Private G Railing bet k (an Australian who had loot an a ir.) if he intended to have an artificial ana. The soldier replied with come confusion that the expense
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 153 3 l FOR THIS WEEK 1 AT j SPECIAL VALUE IN t < J Cretonnes, Tapestries and Muslins. Bordered ffj i White I Casement fl 1 Ms:£| >*• ij |H i: Muslin in |l Spray I j Cream j feS jg desig I f 'r v.- .'"V 1 h variety. Rose
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    • 127 3 To end Sciatica seems too s ood to be trfce, doe*n*1 It It is good *r> be sure, bat it's (rue, TOO. LITTLE S ORIENTAL BALM socthes the stabbing, biting nerves Yi ings in>tant relief to pain and continued use brings permanent relief Take a little in your hand aid
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    • 725 3 THE NEED OF THE DAY. 1 An Ideal Reconstructive Nerve Food. 3 1 Superior to the German-owned product. > WILLIAM TAYLOR, K.C.B., M.D., formerly j Surgeon-General of H.M. Forces, is chairman t of the Company which produces the new and superior reparative of nerves and tissues, Sanaphos," which I already
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  • 623 4 Government Arrangements Fail. It was generally supposed, when the Government requisitioned refrigerated spaces on board British ships that the price of meat would be kept down. Instead, tho contrary has uappened. Everybody knows that j the Army requires a great quantity of meat, and as that Army increases
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 545 4 SALES. AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Wax-Polished Teak Household Furniture, etc. The property of G. H. Govers, Esq. AT POLLUX, No 6-2, OXLEY ROAD On Saturday, Slay 27th, at 1.30 p.m. Magnificent Europe-made folding drawing room suite upholstered in plush tapestry, very god designed wax polished teak curio cabinet with glass
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    • 299 4 Mortgagee's Sale Of all that piece of land marked Lot No. 4792 containing by admeasurement of one Rood, comprised and described in Statutory Land Grant No. 3425, situate at Batu Berendam, in the Settlement of Malacca, will be held on Monday, the 29th day of May, 1916, at 12 noon
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    • 62 4 Tips Worth Noting. Advertising is more than ever essential, on the principle that the smaller the demand the greater th nnntNlij to increase it.— The Ame ioom. Lead Pencil Co. Bud advertising as we have don- ias shown that there is no roam why advertising is not doing as much
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    • 592 4 AUCTION SALES. In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements Settlement of Singapore. Suit No. 237 of 1915 Between LEE KENG YEW p lai AND 111 YE CHOON SENG and others Defendants. Auction Sale Of Valuable Freehold Rubber Estates Situate at PULAU TEKONG, SINGAPORE To be held at Messrs Ching
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  • 414 5 Home for Permanently Disabled British Sailors Soldiers. On Thursday next at five o'clock the ladies of Singapore are giving a a patriotic entertainment at the Victoria Theatre in aid of the Singapore Women's Star and Garter Fund. A fine programme has been arranged
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  • 136 5 A telegram from Berlin states that Maxim Gorky id lying sarioasly ill with pneuuionia at Moscow. The information reached Berlin via ikockho'm, where a number of Gorky's friend.- received the news that his condition is mo*t alarming. Alexei PyfShkof, world-famous as Maxim Gorky, the Russian novelist, was born about 48
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  • 476 5 Royal Proclamation. A Government Gazette Extraordinary published on Saturday contains three proclamations :—(1) Extending the exportation of Arms Order for bix months (2) extending for the same period the exportation of articles and (3) enlarging the Principal Order under the Defence of the Realm Ordinance, as
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 473 5 j EXCEPTIONAL FEATURE pp Afitft/\ MMF 1 j c TO-NICHT At the Ideal Picture Theatre TO-NIGHT C I i| Cinema S»TWri By-tbe-Sea E J p Off Beach Road. p j j SECOND SHOW y-i5 P. If. SHARP j I Ig The Hunchback of Cedar Lodge 8I j A A Three-Reel
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    • 159 5 TAMANOYA HOTEL. 5-19 Beach Road. Most Comfortable Japanese Hotel in Singapore. Charges Moderate Silks! Silks! Silks! WE HAVE ALL SORTS OF Sarees, Dupatta. Ravikai, Shawls, etc., Our Famous Brass Toys containing 32 articles. Big Set Rs. 3— 6—o Medium Set Rs. 1 14—0 Small Set IJ-s. 1— 6—o Catalogues in
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    • 315 5 TEH QUEEN MARY PEN. 18 Pan 25 cents FOR SALE AT STRAITS ALBION PRESS, Ltd Printers Stationers. 20A—20C, COLLYER QUAY In aid of The Queen's ''Work for Women Fund. Lady Roxburgh writes: M Her Majesty is very much pleased with tbe Pens." This Pen has received the approval of he
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 148 5 HtiUKES. To-dty. High Water—0 25 a.m. 9 ft. 3 ins. 2-22 p.m. 7 ft. 4 ins. To morrow. Art Club Exbib., Tanglin Club 4 p.m. Lodge St. George Regular, 9 p.n». High W^er—1-22 a.m. 8 ft. ins 3 26 p.m., 7 ft. 2 ins. Wednesday, 24:h. Last Quarter. Empire Day.
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  • 770 6 Prices Quoted in tho Market tbis Morniaj Singapore. Mat 22. Messrs Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Pharf Broken, issue the following list of quotations Rubber Shares. Norn. Valae. Buyers. Sellers. 21- AUagar 2/- 2/4$ 1 Anglo Java 20/6 26/--2- Anglo-Malay 10/- 11/6 1 AyerKunicg 17/6 22/6 2/-
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  • 78 6 Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Other trains leave for Johore at 9 a.m. 10.29 a.m. noon 1.30 p.m. 2.55 p.m. 4.40 p.m. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a.m. and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave from Johore 7.9. 8.42,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 272 6 Best National Tonic. Our very live English contemporary The Efficiency Magazine utters 6ome timely 'words in season* under the capn i No Advertising in Thibet. A traveller, it says, has recently come from the ?hi: in land of Thibet. He announces that Thibet is the most backward lanJ m the
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 183 6 Singapore Volunteer Corps Orders for the week ending Friday, May 26 To-day. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. Officers A N.C.Os. it do S.R.E, v. do Motor Cyclist Sec. h do Veterans Co. 1» n do Chinese Co. I» «I do 2 S.V.C, Band. To-mofrow. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.Y.A.
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  • 1621 7 Concluding Day. |D (jur Special Correspondent-) In e?ery respect the meeting was brought to a conclusion on Saturday must, under existing s, lx voted a complete sue- hunks in no small measure to tiring efforts of the executive. was quite a large attendance lawns, and the natives
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  • 44 7 Great enterprise is being shown in developing mines in Burma, where lodes of wolfram and wolfram and tin conjointly are proving most profitable. There is something approaching a boom in the Tavoy district, for the successes of the mineri have caused traders to rejoice.
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  • 183 7 Sloman's Views. Frank Sloman the Pacific coast marvel and holder of the 440 yard running record, who three times within a week last season beat 48 seconds for the 440 yard run says that psychology plays a leading in the running of a race. He says: Psychology
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  • 176 7 Vinolia Association v. Malacca College. This match took place on the College ground last Friday before a large crowd. Both teams put up a strong.fight and the game which was very exciting thronghont ended in a draw of one goal each. The Vinolia had best of the game in
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  • 31 7 The tie for the May bogey competition was replayed yesterday, and resulted in a win for Mr. F, S. Gibson, who returned a net score of 1 down.
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  • 40 7 The competition for the May Medal resulted as follows Mr. H. T. White all square Mr. J. Kennedy 1 down Mr. D. T. Atkinson 1 down Mr. R. F. Binnie 3 down 25 cards were taken out.
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  • 46 7 April Outputs. The Manager of the Indragiri (Sumatra) Rubber and Guttapercha Co.. Ltd. Estates reports that the output for the month, of April amounts to 8,383 lbs. making a total for the six months of the current financial year of 44,282 lbs. dry Rubber.
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  • 65 7 The question of what to do with the assets of the sixteen enemy firms licensed to continue trading, and now liquidated, has been agitating Calcutta. The Chamber of Commerce, whose voice in the matter ought to be authoritative, presses for the immediate realisation of all stocks in hand. The matter
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 133 7 LATfST ADVERTISEMENTS* WANTED. A Chinese Book-Keeper. Only those who write a fine hand need apply. Tan Soo Ghi Co. 22-5 27-5 EASTERN EXTENSION A. C. TELEGRAPH CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England) NOTICE. On.and*after the Ist JUNE this Company's Free delivery of telegrams wiil be extended to a radius of three
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    • 125 7 Latest Advertisements^ For Japanese Curio's General Goods I j GO TO j! I MARUNI Co. 1 I No. 10, High Street, Singapore. I WHOLESALE RETAIL IMPORTERS. 1 > X I! I LARGE STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND. I l.')-5 j I RAFFLES MOTOR GARAGE Just Arrived "New Comet" Motor Cycles. FOR
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  • 39 8 Mr. CheonCt Koon Se KG begs to tender kis thanks to friends and relatives wko ent wreaths, telegrams,4M letters of condolence on hi» recent bereavement. He also thanks those who attended the funeral of his wife yesterday.
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  • 669 8 Curse of Overcrowding. Singapore is or ought to be a v ry salubrious city. Though part of the town was originally 'a tidal swamp, we have overcome all the nuisances likely to arise from this cause The great struggle made by the Health Department to close down
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  • 89 8 During tho week ending M„v there occurred 230 death* locally, of which 157 were males an i <9 females. Of the 236 deaths, 122 were Chinese, 18 Malays. 15 11 and 1 Eurasian. Phthisis el 38, malarial fever 32, convulsion! 28, beri-beri 22, pneumonia 15 dysentery 7 and
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  • 230 8 The Aircraft Fund. A Successful Appeal. Another Machine From Malacca. The efforts of our contemporary The Straits Times have pr< successful, and on Saturday announcement was made that, having attained their object, the special appeal was closed. Thai, in fourteen days six fighters have beea added to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 215 8 I Robinson Co, i NEW SHIPMENT OF BBB" PIPES. I Other Qualities ____\WL In all sha P c9 $2.00 lilgm 6fgg Army. g I No. 0018 B. Best Briar Pipe with Vulcanite mouthpiece and Silver mount as illustration j Price each. I Robinson's Special Briars, London Make IN 1
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    • 139 8 JUST RECEIVED IRROY 1906' IJHI Champagne. Sole Agents JCaldbech Macgrcgor&Co. Wine and Spirit Merchants. ADELPHI HOTEL GREftT CHftRITY Masquerade Ball In aid of the funds for Blinded Soldiers, with Fancy Fair in the Gardens and Lawn of the ADELPHI. Masquerade Ball Friday June 30th Fancy Fair Friday and Saturday from
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    • 35 8 Brand 4} 2 Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $14 Qn J Sterilised Natural Milk 9kn i Ideal Unsweetened Milk n $10 ffl lil It MMff #IP I IMMIi Iff M'Mf f tfllJ jf ij j
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  • 508 9 Fir is at $96—10 ets. do»vt lon from IM»n<f^ 01 mo ivilig oil "tt ir~ ~Z rpted the o? 8 tW* hbrook Amptyin iccession r r ~T7*;Sentatives of nfereneeofr and employees .Tin May 19, and week. Renter. irned nil ry "Elands that the i- have satisfactorily >n
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  • 334 9 Murdered by Policeman. it was only on Wednesday last that we gave an American's impression of the young Sultan of Brunei. To-day we have to record the fact that Mr. Ernest Barton Maundrell, B. A. (Cambridge) acting British Resident, Brunei, was killed on Thursday last by a
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  • 55 9 Admiral Pinke, the commander-in-chief of the Netherlands Indian fleet, was taken ill at the time of the opening of ths enquiry into the above matter. His condition has now aggravated that he is compelled to seek a cool climate immediately. Squadron Commander Alberda will take over
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  • 130 9 The Great War Page. Side by Side we Fight 9 The Western Front 9 Egyptian Campaign The War on Shipping 9 The Italian Campaign 10 The Irish Revolt 10 In the East 10 Russian \l.P,'s 10 Aland Isles Question 10 French Consular News 10 Fight with "Ll5 2
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  • 280 9 Lady Young's Appeal. The Lady Evelyn Yonng asks ns to announce that a first remittance of £1,000 has been despatched to the Headquarters of the Fund in London and to thank all subscribers for their generous response to her appeal. There is still a pressing
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  • 153 9 At Salonica. From Salonica it is reported on the 19th instant that, according to Italian newspapers, the organisation of the fortified encampment is finished now. Allied activity will enter a new phase within a short time. Their troops are marching at present along the Fiorina frontier towards
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  • 143 9 In an advertisement on page 7 the Eastern Telegraph Co. draws attention to the alteration in time brought about by the Daylight Saving Bill in England. Seven hours is the normal difference of time between the Colony and Home. By putting the Home clock forward one hour,
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  • 128 9 The War on Shipping. Teaching a Lesson. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, May 19, 7.20 p.m. Copenhagen The chief officer of the Swedish steamer which save I the crews of two German steamers torpedoed in the Baltic says that the Germans told him they had ample warning arid were
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  128 words
  • 115 9 London, May 19, 8.5 p.m. The camaraderie of the South African and the Indian troops in East Africa is shown by a recent incident. The Rhodesians and the Baluchis were co-operating in the friendliest way and covering the movements of other
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  • 160 9 Brilliant Work. London, May 19, 3.55 p.m. A brilliant Britisn attack has been made at the important post lof El Arish on enemy communications in Syria in the direction of 1 Egypt* Warships bombarded the fort to the south-west of th~ town, 1 and, it is believed, reduced
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  • 90 9 London, May 21, 2.20 p.m. All clocks, including the clock at Greenwich Observatory, which gives the time for the whole country, were advanced at two o clock this morning. The time was fixed on the representation of the railway companies as the fewest trains weie then running. The
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  • 740 9 Attack on Verdun Resumed. London, May 19, 4.20 p.m. Paris: The furloos German attacks have been renewed at Verdun, states the communique. At dusk the enemy launched an extremely violent offensive with two fresh divisions against Avocourt Wood and Bill 304. They completely failed., except in carrying
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  • 565 10 Artillery aad Air Activity. London, May 20, 2.50 a.m. General Sir Douglas Haiginhig communique says There was some artillery activity between the Somme and Ancre. The enemy in the Arras sector last night captured a small portion of a crater at the north end of Vimy ridge.
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  • 178 10 London, May 19, 3.55 p.m. Mr. Asquith has returned to London. London, May 20, 2.15 p.m. The Irish Commission goes to Dublin on Tuesday. Mr. Garvin's Views. London, May 21, 2.20 p.m. Mr. John L. Garvin in an article in the Observer, says, that the resumption of
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  • 43 10 Advance in Persia. London, May 20, 1.15 p.m. Petrograd: The communique states that the fighting has been nnevontful, except in Persia, where the Russians occupied the town of Sakkyz, and advanced to the village of Ban, south of Lake Urmia.
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  • 403 10 Position Evacuated. London, May 19, 11.35 p.m. Rome The communique states: lln the Adamello zone the Italians occupied crests near Sarca, capturing thirty prisoners and much material. The Italians evacuated the positien of Zugaguatorta, between the Adige and Terragnolo Valley, after a three days' intense bombardment, the
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  • 87 10 Guarantee to Swtden. London May 19, 3.55 p.m. Paris: It is announced that the Allies have guaranteed that the Aland Islands will not remain fortified after the war. London, May 20,12.30 p.m. The Daily Telegraph, discussing the Anglo-French proposals, in which Russia has acquiesced, that the fortifications
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  • 106 10 Entertained at Mansion House. London, May 19, 10 45 p.m. The Russian members of Parliament were entertained at a banquet at the Mansion House. Lord Kitchener, Sir Edward Grey, Mr. Haghes, Mr. W. P. Schreiner, Lord Reading and many other distinguished men were present. Sir Edward Grey,
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  • 79 10 London, May 19, 7.20 p.m. Austria's financial straits are revealed by intercepted messages received by Reuter from an official source, showing the desperate efforts of Austria to obtain loans in the United States. She was even reduced to offering transfer fees on real estate as secnrity, and
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  • 83 10 London, May 20, 3.10 p.m. Official At least three seaplanes raided tbe east coast of Kent at two o'clock in the morning. A dozen explosive bombs were dropped on the Isle of Thanet, but only a few windows were broken. Twenty-five bombs were dropped in the
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  • 31 10 For the building fund of the new Chinese school and temple in Bangkok an additional amount of Tcs 20,900 has been received, contributed by 21 persons, says the Bangkok Times. s
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  • 63 10 Ivl ws Join British Lol In an o' May lo P.*potamia from Mesoports thai 1 Slr Perc y L ake reBet haiessaar} 6 en «my Heated the right bani vanced Ppntionsot Gorringeccarri e Tigris-Gen-r<, The enemy a .i ailah red oubt.' Sannaiyat positi^ ll n °Ming the Russian cavaf
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  • 160 10 London, May 21 0 Interviewed in L mdo* p,M respondent of the New V* J a COr Lord Hardinge paid a wan Time to the loyalty of India's people; also the artitnde Md educated aud political th by suspending controversies order not to embarrass the Gov"
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  • 310 10 (By courtesy of the French Consulate) Ibe French five per cent, bond* are at fr. 88, and the three m cents, at fr. 62 50. Yesterday, we reputed a strong attack against the Boi3 d'Arocourt. inflicting severe losses. To-day, on tho left back of the Meuse, between
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  • 39 10 The Tientsin Iron Works. Ltd. ia being wound up voluntarily. The plant of the company has already been sold for 72,000 taeld to tbf Socio te Franco-Chinoise, Peking and the M deal is considered to I a veryjgood one.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 139 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribime). Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-day Alor Gajah $3.50 $3.75 Ayer Kanings 1.30 1.40 AyerMolek 2.20 2.30 AyerPanas 9.10 9.25 Balgownie 4.40 4.50 Bukit Jelotong 0.57± 0,62}> Bukit Katil 0.85 0.90" Changkat Serdg.... 9.00 9.25 Glenealy
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 160 11 w«' fl I 8 8 J THE 1 Pot Stills! 5 I H I n S < I I OF H I I 41 I IS I I H I ii Great Britain! 1 i= i t i 1 Have Been i! I I Hr ♦j I I Taken Over
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    • 176 11 LEE BROTHERS' STUDIO. RENOWNED FOR HIGH-CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY. THEREFORE ENSURING BEST RESULTS. Have your Photograph taken at our Studio. 1-5 v j Borden s Eagle Brand Milk! 11 Has been Extensively used Over 60 years Throughout the World I I PURITY GUARANTEED UNDER U.S. FOOD DRUGS ACT. 5 Best for Popular
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    • 121 11 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Ltd. EsTABMSHKD 1*74. IXOOKPORATHD U INDIA. THE COMPANY'S REPORT FOR 1915 gives particulars of another year's record progress. ASSURANCES now in force amount to $70,000,000.90 ASSETS exceed* 530 000.000 00 LOWEST RATES OP FERMIUM LIBERAL COMWTIONS. Prospectus and Report will be sent on
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  • 95 12 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE EMPIRE. PUNJAB. Sanatan Dharma College. Local promoters having paid and collecUd Ra. 50,000 locally besides a monthly grant of Ri. 1,000 from H.H. the Maharaja of Kashmir and Rs 100 from the Raja of Sukut, the Syndicate of the Punjab
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  • 281 12 Compu'sory Education in Mysore. Apropos the report regarding compulsory primary education in the Mysore State, enquiries show that a scheme for compulsory primary education has been under consideration of the Durbar for some years past and special regulation j has been passed for that purpose. J For the last
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  • 303 12 A Bridge on Fire. The passengers on the Bengal-Nag-pur Mail for Bombay which left Calcutta on April 28, had a somewhat exciting experience. The sleepers j on a bridge about three hundred j miles from Calcutta between the stations of Posaita and Coflkhere caught fire at about one o'clock
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  • 85 12 Hostile Foreign (Trading) Order Tbe Governor-General of fell has issued licence under the Hostiit Foreigners (Trading) Onier to So 1 omon Moses Greenberg, authorising him to carry on the business of Marcus Moses Green berg who has been recently fold by the Chief Court, Lower Burma to be a
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  • 77 12 Cooitess of Dofferin's Fund. Her Excellency Lady Chelmsford has now formally taken over th# Presidentship of the Central Com mittee of the Countess of Dufferin> Fund and of the Executive Committee of the Victoria Memorial Scholarships Fund from the Hon lie Sir Reginald Craddock, K.€.S.t.,who has recently been acting
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  • 102 12 Export of Block Tin. The following press comrnuniquhas be*n issued:-—The export of block tin from British India to the Persian Gulf is prohibited except or. certificates granted by the Politic*: Resident or other responsible political officer allowing importion. This prohibition is equally applicable in regard to exports consigned to
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  • 165 12 Treatment of Juvenile Offenders. An important point concerning the treatment of juvenile offenderr cropped up before the Allahabal High Court a short time ago when Mr. Justice Piggott and Mr. Justice Ifalsh disagreed as to whether the sentence of transportion for life on a boy of about 14
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  • 59 12 East Indian Railway State Management The contract of the East Iridic Railway comes up for determinate 0 in 19*20 The question is slrtadj under the coubideration of Secretary of State and the Government of India and it is likely to reOf* n the controversy as to whether State or
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 182 12 PAINTS of all kinds I I 1 WHITE ZIN6 I RED LEAD WHITE LEAD BOILED LINSEED ©IL I >■' etc. II I I j Send your orders along to J I I IpENTRAI I i j -•I i SINGAPORE. i I 1 I I I Alps f^^^ of the Bernese
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  • 246 13 Friedrichshaven Basy. A correspondent of the Petit Journal has succeeded in crossing the Lake of Constance to Friedrichshafen, where 6,000 mechanics are said to work day and night at the construction of Zeppelins and other kinds of aircraft, He learnt lhat whereas Germany had only 13 dirigibles at
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  • 129 13 First she flounced into the flat, Then she laid aside her hat, Then she kissed her hostess twice Saying Ain't the weather m«e V Then she said that Mrs. Bing Was a giddy little thing Who was surely doiag wrong Flirting so with Mr. Bon Then she said
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  • 51 13 A Berlin newspaper states that owing to the prohibitive dog tax in Germany it is only poaeible for the wealthiest persona to keep dogs. As a result thousand* of the animals have been killed a»d the carcases have been icon verted into food under different disguises and used for human
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 502 13 I t g —is I Alhambra Theatre I He Alhambta The House of Quality beach road The Home of Feature AttraettOHS. The Albambra guarantees a Joes net Show pictures The Leaning Theatre io Singapore. v v Manaf£er mh kemyom First Class Saof in First t nt have been shown iun
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  • 1418 14 Interview with President of the Duma. I The following striking interview whick Mr Harold Begbie has secures] for "The Daily Chronicle" with the President of the Russian Duma throws a riocd of light upon evolution of Russia. Out of the war a new Russia is springing. The
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 278 14 $5 Little s*\ S by Nurse 'Wincarnis.'. Js| St (Ltcture Nit y.) I=r I I *ft Whea your system is under- M §2 mined by worry or overwork fr 3p when your vitality is Mj 55 lowered when you feel 5~ any-how" when your jjs nerves are "on edgelS 43
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    • 381 14 United Saw Mil] I LIMITED. i J (Incorporated in Singapore.) I Saw Millers, Contractors and Suppij ers i I of Timber Building Material in General,! 1 ALWAYS IN STOCK t J A Large Selection or I Soft and Hard Wood I i CUT TO STANDARD SIZES. I J All supplies
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 391 15 NOTICES NOTICE. 1 Ta» cow Choo, of 16 Zion Read, iiltpore, hereby give notice that I not be responsible fer any ts wntracfced by my wife Chan soo after this date. J n ed) TAN CHEOW CHOO. 17-5-16. ™5 23-5 NOTICE. Tke undersigned beg tm agitunce to thw public t
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    • 530 15 NOTICES Chops Ban San, Ban San Chan and Tong Ann Tong NOTICE is hereby given that by an Order af ihe Supreme Court at Singapore I was appointed the Manager of the above Chops, Aad lv al i P n L ymeitB for «oneys due to the said Chops should
      530 words
    • 337 15 WANTED^ WANTED A typist. Apply Box 224 c/o Malaya Tribune. 16 5 22-5 WANTEB. Wanted apprentices for Engineering Office. Apply ia pewoo to 11 Raffles Qttay. 24-4 v STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Wanted for office in Medan Simatra, good fluras*au or eVwiese Stenographer. Commencing Salary 150 guilders per month. Apply Box No.
      337 words
    • 465 15 mm GRARTEREO BANK 8F INBIA. AUSTRALIA ABB CHINA. INCORPORATED IK ENGLAND BY BOYAL CHARTER. Pa j£up Capital in 69,000 Shares of „a*m* ajmjm Reserve Fund £1,880,600 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £imm bankers The Bank of England, 'Th* London City and Midland Bank, hid., The London County and Westminster n l>
      465 words
    • 385 15 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. [IyecßfQßAjgp g Ngw ZEAIAIwT FIIE Insurances effected ou Buildings, Rest and Merchandise »f every description MAIW Insurances accepted to all parts «f the world at lowest rate* EAiTBQCAaE Risks aeeepted. J. HBNRY Leeal Manager, Offices: 2, Finlayaan Green. HEUNG ON INSURANCE CO.. LTB. (Incorporated
      385 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 218 16 GUAN KIAT Co., Telegraphic Address: I Cr» K* Codes Used: I "GUANKIAT" j c A. B. C. so, eat. A~i Code* I Telephone Nos 1174, 1178. 1233 (Private 1450 1073). j IN STOCK: fmm I j Shipchandlers, Hardware I j I Lead Wool I I Sheet lend I Dealers, Government
      218 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 456 1 P.&O. British India AND Apcar Line (COMPUriHI IHCOBPOBATSM) IN IEBLAJID.) Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under Contract with Hii Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. 1 Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lines* HOMIWARD (FOR EUROPI).
      456 words
    • 240 1 STOOMVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND" (Incorporated in Holland.) MAIL SERVICE BETWEEN JAVA AND AMSTERDAM, VIA SINGAPORE, BELA WAN-DELI, SABANG, DURBAN, CAPETOWN, LAS PALMAS AND VICE VERSA Steamers are due to arrive on the undermentioned dates OUTWARD. Kon. der Nederl. June 17 Grotius June 17 Rembrandt July 28 Oranje Sept. 9 Vondel
      240 words
    • 566 1 N.Y.K. NIPPON YTJSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) _4 (JAPAN MAIL :}Jj**»*l STEAMSHIP GO.) 111 ——J EUROPEAN LINEA service is maintained between Yokohama via peite te> Marseilles and London, under mail contract with the Imperu. Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and
      566 words

  • 628 2 Europe. For London Tottori Maru May 26 Nankin May 26 Gleniffer end May Merionethshire May 26 Kaga Maru May 31 Oanfa June 3 Novara, June 8, trans at Colombo. Moyune June 7 Kamo Maru June 14 City of Rangoon June 15 City of Lincoln June 20 Mentor
    628 words
  • 29 2 Perak for Port Swettenham and lelok Anson. Pontianak for Selat Pandiang, Bengkalisand Bagan. Kaka for Malacca and lluar Amiral Magon for Saigon Ban Hin Gaan for Pontianak
    29 words
  • 60 2 thf ma A fiB of e *P°nditnre of and tt v. AfrioBn Railwa y« and and Harbon™, as laid on the table ot th« House of Assembly, show r I otal es «">ated ex^ndi7 nr i t b l Bncial T** ending thl mSSWi 53 for and
    60 words
  • 11 2 The arrival of the auziliary ta |sJaweTJB£ inf «tee a record.
    11 words
  • 231 2 Vessels in Port. British STEAMER. BERTH DATS Mascot Inner Rds 27-4 Amherst do 4-5 Recorder do 13-5 City of Bombay Dock do Aureole K. Harbour 15-5 Magnet do do Chow Tai Wharf 17-5 Kwong Sang do 19-5 Perak Inner Rds 20-5 Ban Hin Guan do do Singaporean do
    231 words
  • 161 2 Vessels Expected. Tara (B.I.) 23rd May, from Singapore for Penang, Madras and Negapatam. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Thongwa (B.I.) 27th May, from India for Singapore. Agenta, Messrs Boustead. Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Fultala (B.I.) 3rd June, from India for Singapore. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and
    161 words
  • 515 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessel in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station:—s.s. Rumphius. The steamer Roggeven left Saigou for Reunion on the 15th inst. The N.Y.K. liner Kaga Marti, is doe here for Europe on the 31st inst The outward P. O. liner Nyanza is
    515 words
  • 632 2 I Vessel s Varied Car^ The Chilian gt a which is at present hr TZ %l round-about way Dn p0rt from the Pacific Swettenham. ba* complete electric j,]L? n S Australian Bentonp Tit V r H which is to be hi Federal port. Leaving San Francis* bth
    632 words
  • 34 2 The Toyo Kisen Kafsha untitled kninyo Maru, 22,000 tons, til I will lnave Hongkong on the 3H mst lor Sun Rancisco via porta and Honolulu. Messri MoA lister and Co., are her loa»l agents.
    34 words

  • 1048 3 Wilful M" rdcr Against Mate. i evidence was given at held at Amble, on April 8 na] of Commerce, touchh of Otto Grenager, tra of age, master of dan barque Commerce which recently arrived at waterlogged condition ,rre from Fredrikshald of mining timber. A u ir
    1,048 words
  • 68 3 Singapore, May On London Bank4m/s. 2/4 19/32 Demand 2/4/} Private S m/s. 2/4 13/16 i d India— Bank T. T. 174} On Hongkong— d/d s|/ c On Shanghai— Bank d/d. 74£ On Java— Bank T. T. 134£ On Japan— Bank d/d. 11l Sovereigns—buying rate 8.54 India Ceil Bills last
    68 words
  • 72 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure fr>m Singapore of the European Mafia and their deliveiy in London. Mail. Lwrr. Dklivmm>. P. A Mar. 30 May. 1 8.1. Apr. 7 Mar. 3 M. M. Apr. 7 May. 4 M. M. Apr. 9 P. kO. Apr.
    72 words
  • 226 3 (Singapore, May 22.) 71*—«$96 90 tons sold. Copra- —Steady. Tapioca. —Weak. Sago Flour- —Weak. Gambier. Pepper- —Weak. Other Ptoducts. —Market Steady. Latest Local Market Quotations Nutmegs 110 S. per picnl $42.50 Nutmegs 80 S. 51.50 Copra Bali 9.85 Copra Gorong Talo 10.25 Copra Dongalo 10.25 Copra Kayong 9.50
    226 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 SINGAPORE SHIPGHANDLERY Go SHIPCHANDLERS 8 PROYIOORING CONTRACTORS. The Company's Launch meets incoming ships. Office 16 Battery fioad. TAKE LIFT TO TOP FLOOR Telephone No. 141. Orders promptly attended co from January Ist, 1916. H. W. H. STEVENS, Manager. M 5 4
      41 words
    • 885 3 Combined Service The Ocean S.S.Co.,Ltd. (Incorporated in England) AND The West Australian S. N. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) BETWRKN FREMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, JAVA AND SINGAPORE. Regular sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers;, Derby, King's Sound (Port for the Kimberley Gold
      885 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 81 3 Singapore Tide .Tables. May. 22. —High water :—0.25 a.m 9 ft. 3 ins. 2.22 p.m. 7 ft. 4 ins. May. 23. —High water :—1-22 a.m. 8 ft. 8 ins 3-26 p.m. 7 ft. 2 in?. May. 24. —High water —2.30 a.m. 8 ft. 3 ins. 4-33 p m. 7 ft.
      81 words
    • 177 3 flails Ci'.'se. Port Swettenham and Telnk Anson *Perak 2.30 cm Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis and Bagan Poatianak 2.30 pm Malacca and Maar *Kaka j Sa»g'>n Amiral Magon 3JM) pm Pontiaoak Ban Hin Guan 3.30 pm To-morrow. Sarawak and CJoebilt Kuching fc.30 am U a i.30 am Pulau Batam Patau Bulang Hock
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 454 4 Kaesitki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) Contractor* to the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy mnd to Foreign Govern merits.) Cable addresses CoDBS > TO 1 t wL Western Union I Scott's, Lienor's, ana 11 DOCK-DAIREN. Engineering. KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and Locomotive Makers. All sizes and descriptions of Boilers,
      454 words
    • 352 4 Ocean Steam Shh, Company, Ltd AND China Mutual Steam Co., Ltd. j. The Companies' steamers ar patched from Liverpool outfit the Straits, China and J apan *kt week and from Japan honewarTS London, Amsterdam and Ant every fortnight for Genoa Mar? les and Liverpool and for Havre and Liverp,,,,] months
      352 words