Malaya Tribune, 17 May 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 47 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAIBT. Vol 3.- No. 115. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1916 Price 5 Cents. Che n?alapa tribune. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Dally.] No. 115 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1916
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 268 1 A SAFE TIP SEE THIS RACE PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE GAIETY Picture Palace Junction of Albert and Bellcoolen Streets. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. 1 WINNING DRAMA PRODl'CED BY A WINNING FIRM One of the Eclair Co.'s Greatest Production MASTER BOB (The Winner of the
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    • 151 1 ttwmtmmttmmmttmmmn» 11 i m 11 n 1111 m 11 m r g n n m 11 m 111 m r m n i nm n 1 11 11 r iTi ti f xTiiViii 11 trttf SULPHURIC I U AND Hydrochloric Acid. i I i Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. i I
      151 words

  • 537 2 Sttry if The Fusiliers. Fr« ra a young otiicer of the Northumberland FueilitH-it, wounded in the fighting at St. Eloi, a representative of the BooVmujmi obtained a thrilling story of Hie Bri ish victory in which his ow«t iHiiment and the Reyal Fusibe«s (Ciry of London Regiment)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 142 2 < LAWSON'S I iR Price Q JMBI r^ l case c Bp| sls 25 Less WHISKY. /s.ieA«e.u John Little Co., Ltd.fiws^N^ BEST TO BUY Because BEST TO DRINK Fram roz's Aerated Waters. RUBBER Ribbed Smoked Sheet Obtains the Top Price and is Easy to Produce when the Jackson Patent Cabinets
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    • 151 2 You can de it Yourself If you know any one who suffers, if you suffer yourself in the relentless grip of rheumalisra, if your joints are stiff or swollen, your muscles weakened, or your limbs drawn out of shape, if you suffer from headache, neuralgia, sciatica or other bodily tortuies,
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    • 389 2 POWELL Co/T^ CALENDAR FOR MAY, 1916. Sun. 7 14 21 j 1 J N Mon. j, 1 8 15 22 I 29 j j TUES. 2 9 16 23 38 j Wed. h 3 10 17 24 31 Thurs. 4 11 18 25 I FRL ij 5 12 19 26
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  • 406 3 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE EMPIRE. BOMBAY. Bridge Collapses. bay, April 2o\ —An unfortu*te accident to a party of juvenile excarsionistfl is reported. A party boys of working classes belonging to night school in Parel -jg taken out for an opee. air ex- on Sunday
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  • 389 3 The War Fund. I be racing calendar states that at t!i last general meeting of the !i ii Calcutta Turf Club held at. to rurf Club House on the 12th last it was decided that a sum s 1">0,000 be given to war •onds and that all profits made
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  • 162 3 Alleged Wife Murder. The accused Kalliyappan, a middle aged man was charged with murdering his wife Ammani on 31st July 1915 in a neighbouring village. The village Munsif near the place heard of it and reported to the police who proceeded to the spot next morning, photographed the mutilated
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  • 486 3 All-India Congress Committee Meeting. Tbe meetings of the All-India Congress Committee under the Chairmanship of the Hon'ble Pundit Madan Mohan Malaviya have now concluded. A resolution was passed expressing regret at the death of Mr. G. Subramania Iyer and of Dewan Bahadur Audinaranaivah. The schemes of reform drawn
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  • 300 3 Serious Motor-Car Accident. A Drop of 100 Feet. We regret to learn that Dr. H. M. Peiris, D.M.oNawalapitijra met with a serious accident whilst motoring down from Westhall estate. The car was reduced to matchwood, having gone down a precipice ef about a hundred feet. The doctor was brought
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 28 3 G.C LEE 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. Good and well selected Music Violin, Piano, etc. Good strings for Strieged Instruments. Workmanship Guaranteed TERMS MODERATE. 3-11 n
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    • 610 3 Steady! De.i't id your new responsibilities lead you to quarrelling, fuming, broodirg, to worry or sleeplessness. Know your irritability for what it is-just the result oi underfed nerve?. The nation wants met and women who oan stand up uiider their duties calm, unruled, smiling, efficient. It expects every <iunce of
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  • 1303 4 Interesting Experiences. When Lewis R. Freeman attempted to interview ex-President Ynan Shi Kai, of China, he found that "The Strong Man of the Middle Kingdom was wary prey. True, fhe ex-President wae receiving about three times the callers in a day than any other man in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 578 4 AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF Motor car and motor cycle tyres and tubes, ricksnaw pneumatic tyres and gharry solid rubber tyres of various sizes and description To be held at our sale-room Oft Friday, 19th May 1916 at 11 a. tn. POWELL Co., Auctioneers. 15 5 18 5 AUCTION SALE
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    • 13 4 TAMANOYA HOTEL. 9-19 Beach Road. Most Comfortable Japanese Hotel in Singapore. Charge* Moderate,
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    • 598 4 J AUCTION SALES. In the Supreme Court of the Straitslie^ Settlement of Singapore. ent Suit No. 237 of 1915 Bmtw Lee Keng Yew and P3ai nti{ Yeo Choon Seng and others n t Auction Sale Of Valuable Freehold Rubber Est** Situate at L *tea PULAU TEKONG, SINGAPORE To be held
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  • 790 5 Prices Quoted in the Market tais Iforaia? m.noa pghe, May 17. Me«*rs Lyall and KvaVt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations Rubber Share*. Nom Valut. Buye». Self*,,. 2/- Allagar 2/- 2/4* 1 Anglo Java 30/G 2a/2/- Anglo-Malay ie/- \\Ui J AyerKuning 17/6 22<6
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 213 5 j FOR THIS WEEK i AT j Wliiteaway's J SPECIAL VALUE IN 4 v J Cretonnes, Tapestries and Muslins. Casement if Mus,in iD lin wiiHi! Ii! I m I Hlll fe i design, !Ml J Mtti 158 varie, y. j Spray "JTi I"* ifHA 65cts I $1.00 i|H\ HHI 75cts.
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    • 682 5 *^SSaBBMMSS*BMBi■MnMMHMMMMfIBHMBHB' GRAND .RACE WEEK PROGRAMME T °-Night 2nd Show 9-15 p.m. To-Night!! THE RING THAT BINDS A Thrilling Drama in Tiir ?e r/arts. VAMPIRE OF THE DESERT An h xciting Vitagraph Drama in Two Parts. LATEST NEWS GAUMONT GRAPHIC NO. 518 Contents: -In THE CaUSK OF PEACE. President Wilsons lour
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 809 6 Thanks t Thanks t Thanks I Many Thanks j I Pleased that you admit we give you the Best, Brightest, and Breeziest Programme of Pictures. Speaking without I exaggeration, To-night's Programme Surpasses in all-round excellence our last one. We do not Pretend that our |0 lms are alwa y s
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  • 25 7 Starving Serbia. the island of Corfu it is rented that the Bulgarian army in Serbia tne nalive population fallea victims to famine.
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  • 43 7 Agenzia Libera learns from gwitzei land that the German General b the consent of the Kaiser had decided to relieve the Crown Prince of his command at Verdun jive him another command ra ow him to take a long rest.
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  • 28 7 i debate in the Bavarian >nt it was decided that the aoldiers it the trout be prohibited >mmanicating with professor the advocate of International peace.
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  • 40 7 trding the naval mutiny the Sieuwsblad says that all is .liii-t at Sourabaya. Vice Admiral Pinke is indisposed and therefore the meeting of naval a to consider the situation has postponed. Admiral Pinke retains to Tanjong Priok.
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  • 39 7 The Daily News Correspondent at Rome sayl that Prince yon Biilow has been summoned to Berlin in conseqnonoe of a peace discussion. If the neutial states do not interfere, then the Kaiser will open negotiation* personally.
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  • 58 7 A new loan of twenty million •juiMers has been floated in Holland ior the purpose of purchasing pro vinous in order that prices be kept at ii normal level. One quarter of the loan will be taken up by the Dutch Government, and the remaining three-quarterf are
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  • 56 7 in, Sumatra, a motion was made b\ several members of the .Municipal Council to have rickshas shed. It is maintained that the s make a great deal of money with which they later return to China This, the City Fathers maintain, mtrt not be. The meappears a
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  • 64 7 Berlin: It is reported that the Osrmans have taken a number of French trenches to the east of the river Meuse. A French attack to the east of the Meuse, near Thianuiont. was repulsed. German Taubes dropped bombs on factories at Dombach and Paon l T tape. A
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  • 78 7 The orrespondent of the Central news liureau in Petrograd states that at a meeting of generals at General Jon Hindenbnrg's Headquarters in 1 1 a pointed difference of opinion between Generals Ton Hindennd yon Bnelow. The latter E favour of an immediate offeni ac held that the
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  • 148 7 Hungry Hungary Protests. iutorination received at Petrograd V* ;s le n^au( l situation in "Hru is mther gloomy and that a "it occurred atPressburg, provokx J lfie sanguinary attacks of the u>;iian military in quelling a A it amongst the Hungarian who refused to go to the 4
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  • 150 7 Bulgaro-Rumanian Treaty. The Bulgarian Government Gazette contains tbe tenor of the new commercial treaty of that country with Rumania, which has been signed at Bucharest by the Bulgarian Envoy M. Radeflf and the Rumanian Minister of Finance. The Bulgarian Government showed considerable condescension and complied with all the
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  • 230 7 (Singapore, May 17.) Tin.— s96§ 150 tons sold. Copra —Weak. Tapioca, —Weak. Sago Flour-*-U\>. Gambier. Pepper- —Weak. Other Products. —Market Steady. Latest Local Market Quotations. Nutmegs 110 S. per picul $42.50 Nutmegs 80 S. 51.50 Copra Bali 9.60 Copra Gorong Talo 9.70 Copra Dongalo 9.70 Copra Kayong 920
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  • 27 7 The return of the Bukit Jelotong R. E. Ltd., Malacca for thr month of April 1916, was 4,793 lbs. Total for 11 months 54,036 lbs.
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  • 30 7 An explosion at a chemical factory at La Pal ice, France, on the 11th inst., wai responsible for the loss of one hundred lives, three adjacent factories, also being damaged.
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  • 638 7 £1,075,000 Company Shuts Down. In the Shoreditch County Court, 'London, before his Honour Graham, Xc, Messrs Franklin, Goldberg and Co., Ltd., of 45, Hackney Road, N E sawmill proprietors, sued Rubastic, Ltd., of 41, Oaterley Park Road, Southall, to recover £27 17s. 3d. for work done, goods supplied,
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  • 60 7 According to the Echo Beige a German court-martial sentenced to death Mile. Gabrieile Petit, of Molenbeek, for alleged treason. She was charged with carrying on an information bureau in th*» interest Germany's enemies. Execution has already taken place. Louise de Bettignies, of LilU, was also sentenced to death for treason,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 322 7 Latest Advertisements^ irsiitt r'::n::n:ut:; i;: i;::ti:t::;t;:;;m:::i;: i:: m;h:;:!ii :i: For Japanese Curio's General Goods J GO TO jj i MARUNI Co. j No. 10, High Street, Singapore. I WHOLESALE BET AIL IMPORTERS. LARGE STOCKS ALWAYS ON HAND. I| Raffles Hotel RACE WEEK. Special Dinners Tiffins THURSDAY, MAY 18, SATURDAY, MAY
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    • 128 7 NOTICE. I, Tan Chew Choo, of 16 Zen Road, Singapore, hereby give notice that 1 shall not be responsible for any debts contracted by ray wife Chan Giok Soo after this date. (Signed) TAN CHEOW CHOO. Singapore 17-5 16. 17 5 23-5 PARKER'S Eucalyptus Oil the mosi effectual remedy for
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  • 71 8 MARRIAGE. BARRIERE-LLOYD. At the Catltdralcf The Good Shepherd, on May ItJth by The Rev. Father Ruaudel. Pterre Henry barriere, of SingajKJie, *on of Mr. and Mrs. Just Barriere of Manterre, France, to Clare Mary, daughter of Mr. J. T. Lloyd of Singapore. DEATH. CffFONG. At No. 631 North
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  • 707 8 For all their stolidity and harshness of character, the Germans are perhaps more than most European nations exceedingly sentimental and most susceptible to feminine influences. There are traits in their character which betray their domestic simplicity and sheepishness. Once upon a time their ancestors were
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  • 104 8 The Great War Page The Western *ront 7 The Casement Trial 9 In the East 9 French Consular Newt Premier in Ireland Italian Campaign No Air Ministry Military Service and Business Cotton Spinners Demand The Dead Sentry Indian News Glimpses of Eastern Rulers 4 Stocks and Shares Dutch
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 172 8 Robinson Co, NEW SHIPMENT OF "BBB" PIPES. Other Qualities In all shape $2.25 $2.50 W j Army, Bulldog Bent etc. No. GOlB B. Best Briar Pipe with Vulcanite mouthpiece and Silver mount as illustration Price $2-45 each. Robinson's Special Briars, London Make BE NT SHAPE fej Price Sf.OO. TOBACCO POUCHES.
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    • 91 8 JUST RECEIVED IRROY 1906' liGh Champagne. I Sol?: Agents a I d&ech. Macqregor Co. Wine and Spirit Merchants. ADELPHI I HOTEL SPECIAL Tiffin AND Dinner DURING THE Race Week SATURDAY NIGHT Ball Y. m. TOY©. I > PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO I 15 High Street. S (Corner of North Bridge Road I
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    • 22 8 I island J Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $14 Qn J Sterilised Natural Milk J Ideal Unsweetened Milk n $10 50 X
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  • 576 9 rin is »t »961—37| cts. up. i (be House of Commons yesterthfe DajKght Saving Bill was third time. Reuter. The saved from the crew of the amer Kretria sunk on May 14 arrived at La Rochelle.— WilHam Macdonell, formerly merchant in Bombay, lead, Renter' m n dian
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  • 44 9 The Moratorium. London, May 16, 3.25 p.m. It is authoritatively stated that the moratorium in China applies only to notes and deposits in the Bank of China and the Bank of Communications. It does not apply to Chinese Government obligations. Reuter,
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  • 98 9 At about 7.30 p.m. on Monday the Fire Brigade was summoned by the Siligie Road Fire Alarm. Upon the arrival of the Brigade it was round that the alarm was a false one. The culprit had ofcourse fled. This is the third or fourth time that such
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  • 103 9 The total resources of the national banks in the United States on March 7, last, totalled $13,838,000,000 according to a statement issued by the Treasury Department, This exceeds by $370,000,000 the greatest resources ever before shown in the history of the banking system. It exceeds by $2,271,000,000 the
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  • 83 9 The following table, exhibiting the exportation of gutta from the Netherlands East Indies during 1913 and 1914, is compiled from official sources. As will be seea, the exportation has fallen off in the short space of one year by fully 50 per cent: 1914. 1913. metric
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  • 253 9 The green china pig which has occupied a conspicuous position in the Hongkong and Shanghai bank office, Bangkok, has been broken open. It was used as a collecting box and no more ticals could be placed in it, hence the opening. The sum of 185 ticals was found inside, and
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  • 60 9 The Western Front. French Take a Trench. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, May 15, 4.20 p.m. Paris Activity at Verdun is confined to a continuation of the bombardment in the Hill 304 region. There is great activity of artillery in Champagne. The French delivered a brilliant coup de main
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  60 words
  • 53 9 London, May 16. Paris The communique states that the French achieved a brilliant little success on the heights of the Meuse. They cleaned out 200 metres of the enemy trenches, capturing some prisoners. German artillery activity in Champagne was succeeded by repeated infantry attacks, all of
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  • 147 9 London, May 16, 1.25 a.m. The communique states that there was considerable activity yesterday evening and in the night on our front between Loos, Bethune, and la Bassee canal. The enemy heavily bombarded a small section of trench east of Bethune. The raiders succeeded in entering but
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  • 69 9 Success in Caucasus. London, May 15, 4.30 p.m. Petrograd The communique states that in the Caucasus, in the direction of Mamahatun, there were successful reconnaissance engagements. In the direction of Diarbekir, we we repulsed the Kurds, In the direction of Mosul, we rushed the town of Revandouze,
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  • 106 9 Visit to Belfast. London, May 15, 9.30 p.m. Mr. ABqnith this afternoon had a three hours' private conference with the Lord Mayor of Belfast and a dozen leaders of the local commercial community. An official statement announces that the Premier, at his own request, met a few
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  • 499 9 Sedition Mongers at Limburg. Soldiers' Stories. London, May 15, 4.50 p.m. When the trial for high treason of Sir Roger Casement and the soldier Daniel Bailey was continued, Bailey, in a written statement, described how the trio visited Wilhelmstrasse, received facilities to go to Ireland, entrained at
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  • 240 9 [By Courtesy of the French Consulate.) A law has just been passed by the French Parliament prescribing that all the exempted from the classes 1915 to 1917, and all the 'ajournes' (whose call had been deferred) belonging to the classes 1913 to 1917, will soon have to
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  • 72 9 London, May 16, 1.45 a.m. The Rome communique states that the Alpine troops gained possession of an important crest in the Adamello zone and also seized the 10,000 ft. Crozzon del Divolo. There has been a fresh advance in the Ladro vailey. The Austrians opened a violent bombardment
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  • 45 9 London, May 16, 12.10 p.m. The Daily Telegraph states that the Government will not create a real Air Ministry, owing to opposition in high quarters but intends to re-constitute the Air Committee on much broader lines under the chairmanship of Lord Curzon.
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  • 51 9 London, May 16, 12.10 p.m. In the House of Commons M r. Walter Long, during the report stage of the Military Service Bill, promised to issue regulations to the Tribunals, to give special consideration to small business men, where the calling up means the stoppage of
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  • 72 9 London, May 16, 12.10 p.m. At the invitation of Sir G. K. Askwith, representatives of the Masters and Operative Cottonspinners Associations) ad a five hours* conference on the men's claim of a 10 per cent advance. It is under stood Sir E. K. Askwith's proposals for a
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  • 62 9 The last case on the Calendar was commenced this morning when -M uniandi, a Tamil, was charged with the causing the death of Murugayan another Tamil, by stabbing on Aprii 11. The case is proceeding. The verdict in the banishmeit case tried yesterday was one of imprisonment for
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  • 2116 10 The Spring Meeting. GOOD FIELDS AND FINISHES Light Weights' Day Out. (By Our Special Correspondent.) There were several outstanding features associated with the opening of th** Singapore S. C.'S meeting yesterday. In the first place the weather, which has been very fickle of late.was on its best behaviour, so
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  • 29 10 Owing to insufficient entries i the Ladies' Monthly MedaTV* petition set for deceision on t?' 11th. instant, the take place on Thursdar the ov instant. m
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  • 38 10 The friendly match between ti V inolia Association and the lf.iZ College, Malacca, which has postponed from time to time, wii be played to-monow on the Collet* ground. Both teams are strong the match should prove intestine
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  • 119 10 To-day. Fall Moon. High Water—10-13 a.m. 8 ft *i ns 9-44 p.m. 9 ft. To-morrow. P. 0. outward mail expected. Singapore Races. Second Day. Lodge Eastern Gate, 8.30 p m. High Water—11.1 a.m. 8 ft. 3 in10.18 p.m. 9 ft. 3 ins. Friday, 19ih. Homeward mail closes (train, High
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  • 199 10 Big Offensive Against Russia A military writer in the Russkoye Slovo discusses the Dvina position He says "Both sides are at present sparing their forces with a view to the necessity of an enormous expenditure of strength in the near future when there will be a struggle which
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  • 35 10 A splendid resolve was made untitled the Gateihead Town Council R r*tJ_s n.lopte.l tbM ManrkeeV» resolution i\ mt nn 0 k r*l into with of tionn. or Austrian nationality or 1 'inpanies composed of nucb
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 137 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune). Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-day:— Alor Gajah $3.50 $3 75 AyerKunings 1.25 1.35 AyerMolek 2.10 2.25 AyerPanas 8.75 9.00 Balgownie 4.40 4.50 Bukit Jelotong 0.5 7£ 0,62£ Bukit Katil 0.85 0.90 Changkat Serdg.... B.JO 8.80
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  • 78 11 Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Other trains leave for Johore at 9 a.m. 10.29 a.m. noon 1.30 p.m. 2.55 p.m. 4.40 p.m. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a.m. and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave from Johore 7.9. 8.42,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 79 11 miiiiiiiniimtr; THE >ot Stills! OF I Jreat Britain Have Been taken Over by Government, j NEVERTHELESS Buchanans I will be able to continue I to supply their famous Mends and to maintain the quality as before, being j in the unique position of having the largest bonded stores in the
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    • 252 11 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Limited. Etabliawd 1874, Incorporated in India. Life Assurance at Minimum Cost, ASSETS exceed $25,000.000-AisOLUTE SECURITT. Profits to Policy-holders at last Valuation $1,116,673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and fail Information to LIBERAL RATES Singapore Branca Office CONDITIONS J. R. MACPHERSON, Secretary for S.S. F.M.S.,
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  • 282 12 Tbe National Health. During recent years the physiqoe •f the Japanese in general has deteriorated. This fact was emphatically alluded to by Dr. Kanehiro Takagi, who lectured on the subject of the physical condition of the Japanese people at the V.M.C.A. building, Tokio, recently. 44 In foreign countries
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  • 205 12 A recent report from Mr. Sadatsuchi Uchida, Japanese Minister to Sweden, says that the German Government has proclaimed the prohibition of the import of all foreign goods except daily necessaries with the object of preventing a further decline in the mark on international exchanges. The German
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  • 57 12 Singapore, On London— Bank 4 m/*. 91l Demand 2/4 Private 3 m/s. 2/4 Oh India— Bank T. T. 0« Hongkong— B*nk d/d On Sbangha:— Bank d/d. On Java— Bank T. T. y On Japan— Bank d/d. M Sovereigns—buying r?te India Ceil Bilk last issue 1/4*s T. 1/i 1 Bank
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  • 64 12 The F.M.S. Government untitled contains the draft of an Knactmm to amend the Traction Engines Motor Cars Enactment, 1912 in sir a way as to enable effect to be gfa! to arrangements which may L entered into with States outside th Federation for mutual recognition of local motor-car registration Thii
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 321 12 I 'Wincarnis' you 1 New Health and New Life. What a comfort to know that you need not remain Weak, 9k! Anaemic Nervy,"or Run-down—toknovv that 4 Wincarnis offers you new health and new life The reason is that M Wincarnis 1 (the wine of life) possesses a four fold power
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    • 359 12 Agents KIM HIN Co., 13 Kling Street, Singapore. 6 5-4-17 m I INDIAN MEDICINE. j Patent Medicines for Eye, I hereby inform and request the public that I the undermentioned Cxolam Hyder bin Golam Dir cure all the diseases of the eyes met as pain, redness, dimness aid whit* specks
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 121 12 Singapore Volunteer Corps Orders for to-day 5.15 p.m. Drill Mall Maxim Co. i -JA 0ffi c«s A N.C.Os. 4.d0 Lalestier Range S.R.K. v. |5.1 t »p.m. Drill Hall S.V.R. mile Thompson Rd. r Motor Cyclist Sec. j i) L> Drill Hall Veterans Co. do Chinese Co. Bras Basah Rd. AJafoy
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  • 285 13 The inauguration of the Bengalee boj scout movement marks an important stage in the development of public life in Bengal says the Indian Patriot. The naiup.s of some of the most prominent men are associated with the new movement. We have, in these names, sufficient guarantee, that
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  • 196 13 After many years of uninterrupted running between London and Australia via the Canal, this popular line of steamers has decided, at any rate for the present, not to make Colombo a port of call says the Ceylon Independent. This does not mean that
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 486 13 I last s ™?az* ;II Alhambra Theatre w BEACH ROAD The Home of Feature Attractions HP U Ma,»a^ ei M-H. KEN YON BLADE. 1 J DARING JACK FORBES, DETECTIVE, WILL APPEAR FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A O Jj M AmbrCBl Detective Drama ft I o Mystery upon Mystery In
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  • 987 14 An Amazing Story. Scene in tiie Hesse of Cobwohs. Thi Honse of Commons recently wad much distnrbed over the experiences of a yoong English lady—the «laughter of an English sqnire, and of pure English blood." Torn trom her home, thrust into a vile subjected for two days to
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  • 207 14 Every woman knows from expej rience the debilitating effect this climate has upon her health, and difficulty she hai in keeping her strength up to par. Men, who go out of the house to i work, and feed themselves better than women, are far less liable
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 214 14 Best National Tonic. Our very live &*fafa nrmf—p^^j 7»€ /^c* f ,,cy otten kmc timely im M mdet th c Ko Advertising in Thibet. A traveler it says has recently Con* from the shut-' m land of Thibet. He announce that Ihibet 18 the most backward land i,i the world.
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    • 344 14 Sanitary Appliances. I The study of health and hygienic principles are of the utmost importance in tropical countries, and the first question which presents itself for consideration is undoubtedly v SANITATION." i It is recognised by all competent authorities that the best, and only the best, domestic sanitary appliances should
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 307 15 NOTICES Bank Holidays. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will osed at noon on Thursday, May 18th Race ID ay. 10.5 18-5 1o BE LET TO LET. Simside 6 Upper Wilkie Road, oeasttfully situated tennis lawn, i'-wig etc, and water laid on. gntry i<t April 1916. Apply to
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    • 459 15 NOTICES NOTICE. Mr. John Forrenter has been admitted a partner in this firm as from 9th May 1916. Dated the 10th day of May 1916. Lyall Evatt. I] 5 17-5 NOTICENotice is hereby given that all Roads within Government House Domain will be closed to the Public from 1 p.
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    • 272 15 WANTED WANTED A typist. Apply Box 224 c/o Malaya Tribune. 22-5 I WANTED "Wanted Junior Assistant Surgeon j for the Johore Medical service. For salary and particulars apply Principal Medical Officer, Johore Bahru." 13 5 17-5 WANTED. Wanted apprentices for Engineering Otfice. Apply in person lo 11 Raffles Quay. 24-4
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    • 473 15 BANKS CHARTEREB BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGL AUD BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital iv 6t\ooo Shares of iiZO each £1,200,006 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,306,00« BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster
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    • 389 15 JNSURANCE INSURANCE CO.. LTI. [I»eORPORATM) IX NEW ZKALAXDj FfltE Insurances effected on Buikimgt, Rent and Merchandise of description* MAMIE Insurances accented t, &H parts of the werld at lowest rsi.e* EARTHWAKI Risks accepted. J. HEN3Y Lota] Manager, Offices; 2, Finlaysen Green. HEUNC ON INSURANCE CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong.) Capital
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 215 16 IGUAN KIAT Co., Telegraphic Address: G". JK« Codes Used I "GUANKIAT" I A. 8. C. 5fli 6dt. A-i 6cde». I Tclcfkone Nos 1174. 1178. 1233 (Private 1450 1073). 1 IN STOCK: COMING FORWARD: I j Shipchandlcrs, Hardware f~ —"j j I Lead Wo01 Dealers, Government and Sheet Lead I Tower
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 499 1 IP. *0. British India I AND I Apcar Line I (Companies Incoepokatid in Ivclahd.) I Mail and Passenger Services. I Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. I (Under Contract with Hit Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, I Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. I Steamers will leave Singapore
      499 words
    • 240 1 STOOMVAART- MAA TSCHAPPIJ (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND" (Incorporated in Holland.) MAIL SERVICE BETWEEN JAVA AND AMSTERDAM, VIA SINGAPORE, BELA WAN-DELI, SABANG, DURBAN, CAPETOWN, LAS PALMAS AND VICE VERSA Steamers are due to arrive on the undermentioned dates OUTWARD. Kon. der Nederl. June 17 Grotius June 17 Rembrandt July 28 Oranje Sept.
      240 words
    • 580 1 N.Y.K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) (JAPAN MAIL (fijjfcfe STEAMSHIP GO > In EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained between Yokohama via pert* to Marseilles and London, under mail contract with the Imperii Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamer, maintaining 'A a s^cM J and constructed, and are fitted
      580 words

  • 571 2 Eoropt. For London: Tettori Mam May 30 Nankin May 25 Gleniffer end May Merionethshirt May 26 Kaga Mara May II <i»ef a Jane 3 Novara, Jane 6, tram at Colombo. Moyune J one 7 City of Rangoon June 15 Kamo Mara Jane 14 City of Lincoln June
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  • 260 2 Vessels in Port. British STEAMER. BERTH DATE. Mascot Inner Rds 27-4 Unda K. Harbour 1-5 Amherst Inner Rds 4-5 Kampar do 8-5 Recorder Outer Rds 13-5 City of Bombay do do Ban Whatt Hin Inner Rds 14-5 Glaucu8 No. 8 Wharf do Aureole K. Harbour 15-5 Penang Inner
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  • 1173 2 Wireless Reports. Neon To-day. Teasel in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wirelesa Station:—Nil. The Holt liner Cyclopa ia fixed to aail for London on June 17. For West Australian porta ia timed to aail on the 19th inst the Minderoo. The N.T.K. liner Kaga Maru, is
    1,173 words
  • 58 2 San Francisco, a It was announced by th« of the Grays SteamsL (v that it will begin regihr 2? between San Francisco M P? Oriental ports with threel! flying the flag of the lv;e 1 The first vessel to lea v the Ecu ador, dated
    58 words
  • 124 2 The survey vessel which was commenced on October, 1914, at Sonrab v I\W be launched at the end I 2 month. Particular inters to this vessel by reason ofE? the largest vessel eve, bnilf Netherlands Indian Tard placing 1086 tons. cd She is to be driven by
    124 words
  • 173 2 No News of the Hokoku Mara Nothing is known as to the of the steamer Hokoku Maru, of 2 South Manchuria Company wa j£ k M repOFted Bin( ber2oth of last year, when she left Singapore for England, *< Japan Times, The steamer imt 2 rying a
    173 words
  • 57 2 Circe for Medan. Ipoh for P. SwettenhaJD Penang. Kanpar for Malacca, P. Swel ham and T. Anson. Alting for Muntok and Palembang. Hock Lee for Mersing and X m man. Mersing for Mersing. Mena for Batu Pahat. Yatshing for Penang an 1 Cafcatn Quorra for Prigi Rajah. Tembilahan
    57 words
  • 87 2 The Kiaugnan Dock and untitled neering Works at Shanghai, which is controlled by the Naval Board at Peking, are going to be considerably -developed and improved. The dock will be extended by 152 f t; giving it a total length of 520 ft.. which, it thought, will be sufficient to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 35 2 SINGAPORE SHIPGHANDLERYCo SHIPCHANDLfRS 8 PROVIDORM CONTRACTORS, The Company's Laonc incoming ship* (Office 16 Battery Roau\ TAKE LIFT TO TOP FLOO Telephone No. 141. Orders promptly attendee January lit, 1916. H. W. H. STEVENS, 5-1 M
      35 words

  • 694 3 Company's Statement. the position of the t :iian steamship companies oatbreak of the war, the 1 |D _ferter Zeitung" remarks that e concerns have rtceived to refrain from the pub- iheir accounts and balance M the years 1914 and 1915, -,f. doubt justified in acting The result
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  • 156 3 Vessels Expected. Fultala (B.I.) 19th May, from Singapore for Penang, Madras and Negapanun. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co Ltd. Benrinnes (Ben) 20th May, from Europe for Singapore, China and Japan. Agents, Messrs Boustead Hampshire and Co Ltd. Tara (B;i.) 20th May, from India, for Singapore. Agents, Messrs
    156 words
  • 158 3 > ——<-«-» Per N.Y.K. str. Mishima Maru— Mr. Mrs. Wishart, Mrs Carson and 2 children, Mr. James. Per N.Y.K, str. Suwa Maru—Mr. T.R. Davidson, Mr. J.T. Beldam, Mr. L. H Penny, Mr. Mrs. Grieve Mrs. Brown and child, Mr. H.W. Weigall. Per N.Y.K. str. Kashima Maru, Mr. B.
    158 words
  • 41 3 Per s.s. Katong:—Governor General and Mrs. Harrison, Capt. Commenskv, A.D.C Mr. N. Wall, Mr. Stone, Mr. and Mrs. O. Schultz, Mr. G. Salvatore, Mr. E. E. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ailing, Mr. Trussler. Mr. Chandler and Mr. Peoples.
    41 words
  • 70 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the European Mails and their delivei in London. Mail. Lhft. Dulivebbo. P. <fcO. Mar. 30 May. 1 B.I. Apr. 7 Mar. 3 M. M. Apr. 7 M»r. 4 M. M. Apr. 9 P. O. Apr.
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  • 108 3 Quarantine exists against the following ports Port. Signal. Disease Date. Bangkok ...X.G.Q. Plague 10.3.16. Baasein ...F.P.B. Cholera Do. ...F.P.B. Small-pox 10.3.'6. Do. ...X.G.Q. Plague 28.4.16. Bomb*\ ...X.G.Q. Small-pox 10.3.16. Do. ...X.G.Q. Plague 10.3.16. Calcutta ...F.P.B. 8mall-pox 17.3.1K. Do. ...X.G.Q. Cholera 7.4.16. Colombo ...F.P.B. Plague 28.1.16. Hongkong ...F.P.B
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 Notice. The Ceylon Wharfage Co. Ltd., are prepared to clear goods on most favourable terms. Charges will be made for Landing, Warehouse Rent, Insurance, Duty, cart and coolie t.ire, and for delivery either at the Railway Station or in any part of Colombo, and Ageucy charge of 1 percent on
      106 words
    • 456 3 M. M. MESSACERIES MARITIMES. Mall Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, MARSEILLES. HOMBWABD. OCTWABD. 1916 1916 I Cordiliere May 22 Mag*"" May 23 Porthoe May. 29 Andre Lebea Job. 16 Atlaatiqn. June. 6 Magellan Jim* SO 1 Polyaesiea J■■• 20 I For all particulars apply to J. De COURTOIS, Agent. STEAMERS
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    • 343 3 Combined Service The Ocean S.S.Co.,Ltd. (Incorporated in England) AND The West Australian S. N. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) ■BTwacir FREMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, JAVA AND SINGAPORE. Regular sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Port for tbe Kimberley Gold
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 104 3 Singapore Tide Tables. May. 17. —High water —10.13 a.m. *8 ft. 2 ins. 9-44 p.m. 9 ft. May. 18. —High water —11.1 a.m. 8 ft. 3 ins.; 10 18 p.m. 9 ft. 3 ins May. 19. —High water: —11.4« a.m. 6 ft. 2 ins.; 10.55 p.m. 9 ft. 4 ins.
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    • 376 3 Mails Close. To-tia?, Medan Circe pui Port Swettankam and Peaaag *Ip.h 2.30 pm Malacca, Part Swetteaham A Taluk Anaon *Kampai 2.30 pm Mantok A Palembaag Altimg 2.30 am Mersiag A Kemansaa Hock Lee 2.30 am Mersing Mersinj 2.30 pm BatnP.n» Maaa 2.8t pm Penang* and Calcutta taking mails for Dur-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 462 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) (Contractor* to the\l mperial Japanese Army and Navy and to Foreign GovernmentsJ CABLH Addresses CODES JFI» I Western Union Kobe I MWHKyHK I vl Scott's, Lieber's. ana KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, BoUer and Locomotive Makers. All sizes and descriptions of Boilers, Marine and Land
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    • 349 4 Ocean Steam Shin Company, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam N ay Co., Ltd. (iMorporated in The Companies' steamer* arc patched from Liverpool outvjg-n T the Straits, China and Japan Vr!' week and from Japan honewards London, Amsterdam and Am* every fortnight for Genoa, MaW les and Liverpool and for Hit*
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