Malaya Tribune, 12 May 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. Vol 3. No. II». SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916 Price 5 Cents Cbe tnalapa Crlbune. FRIDAY, MAY 12.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 312 1 AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE GAIETY Picture Palace Junction of Albert and Benooolen Streets. PRESENTS TO-NIGHT The Cream of the World's Popular Picture Plays. IN THE FIRST SHOW &m THE MASTER CROOK reels h Dcatiooal British and Colonial Detective Drama Featuring Arthur Finn LUBIN'S GREAT EXCLUSIVE parts In the Gambler's
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    • 113 1 ———»a——«■ w+mm A g tiiiiimmi^ii mm mn*iBi*ti>iiMini liiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiMnmnmumnmnmmmnny»^!i iiiiiixiiiiiiiM*itiiii>iiiii»iiiiiiitrrrr«CTTTt-^ SULPHURIC j Hydrochloric Acid, j TRADE MARK.\ Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. I I (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) H I SOLE AGEJNTS. I TT***TTTTTTTTTffTTTtITTITHTTIIIIIIIIIITTTIITTIIMIIIITTTTTTTTTfTmiII ITHITIIII II |||||||N Ai yarded Numerous Co#«i j«2 SUN J§ AGENCIES Obtainable everywhere anr! «t <*r Godown I I
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  • 354 2 Commenting on the recent order placing the property of enemy firms and the cone I tiding stages of their liquidation in th* bands of Mr. J.S. Druinmond, I.C S., under the title of custodian or enemy property, the Insurance and Financial Record of Calcutta mates there
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  • 41 2 "What are you cutting out of the paper 44 An item about a California man securing a divorce because his wife went through his pockets." 44 What are you going to do with it 44 Put it in my pocket."—Everybody's Magazine.
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  • 63 2 John Jones Jenkins, first Baron Glantawe, who started life as a tinhouse bey, left estate worth £66,366 with net personalty amounting to i.«J0,025. Tjae will leaves several legacies to his family, and contains the proviso that if any beneficiary shall, without consent of the executors, institute legal proceedings for determining
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  • 171 2 k Nervous dyspepsia is a disease of the nerves, not of the stomach. Indigestion one day and complete freedom from symptoms the next usually mean nervous dyspepsia, especially if the patieut is of a nervous or highly emotional temperament. The attacks lecur at more or less regular intervals
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 158 2 |\sLA WSON's/ I WHISKY. I l/uuktmi* John Little Co., Ltd. grgssrsj Porcelain Ware! I GREAT Cash Sale BY THE Kawashima Company 310 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Every Description of Porcelain Ware, Tea Sets, Flower Pots etc., etc. Great Cash Sale NOW PROCEEDING. <: i*4 RUBBER Ribbed Smoked Sheet Obtains the Top
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    • 380 2 I POWELL Co^Tl I CALENDAR FOR MAY, 1916, d I SUN. '7 jl4 21 I g j Mon. 1 8j15j22 29 J TOES. !J 2 9 16 j23 30 I Wed. 3 10 |17 24 :n I Thurs. 11 4 11 j18J25 I Fri. 5 12 jl9j 20 I SAT.
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  • 1957 3 The "Booni" After The War. By Professor .Kiddle ton Smith, M. Sc. At a recent dinner of the Sergeants Mess, in Hongkong, the Governor asked a very pertinent question. He wanted to know what me shook! do after the war. He wade a long quotation from one
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 44 3 EONOMY WW/MIME Wkcn a firm kas «£c»t a great <Ual of money in advertising it cannot alter it« prices witkout losirg muck of tke benefit oi Its advertising. It is tkerefore an undoubted advantage to buy c advertised good* wken general prices arc rising.
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    • 456 3 —Depress ioir; —Mental Weariness —Pulling your Thoughts together; —Wakefulness; 4 —Irritability; —Physical Lassitude i —Falling off in your Physical Condition —warn you that your nerves are not receiv- Starved nerves are responing from your ordinary food i fcS ku t ollffl Slble forni an y of the troubles sufficient nutriment
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  • 408 4 A Gallant Fight. The Bedford Standard for March 24, contains an account of a remarkably plucky fight by a British airman in which Mr. H. H. B. Cox, an assistant on Sungei Choh Estate until about a year ago, was concerned. The account ft as follows: News was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 585 4 AUCTION SALES. Mortgagee's Sale of 99 YEARS' LEASEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES Situate at Selegie Road, Singapore. On Monday, f sth May, 1916 at 2-3Q p.m. Lot P -p i rea Qait Rent Monthly Rent jjj t Property Area per annum 142 Selegie Road 1062 sq: feet j3G Cents *25 2
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    • 10 4 _mlbb^_j__| Agents KIM HIN Co., 13 KlmgStreet, Singapore. 6-4 5-4-17
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    • 645 4 P AUCTION SALES. Auction Sale of Teak Household Furniture, Valuable Books, Well. Grown Plants, &c. At Cairnhill Cottage, No. 32 Cairnhill Road On Saturday, 13th May at 1.30 p. m Carved teak curio cabinets with glass doors and sides, teak card tahi rattan chairs and settees, wax polished teak reading
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  • 1228 5 Expert Opinions. The case in which Messrs. Jwi Fong Leoog <fe Co., Cboon Hio <fc Co., and Teik Cliia 4r Co., Ltd., were charged and convicted by the Ipoh Magibtrate in February with offering for sale tinned provisions that were alleged to be unfit" for human consumption, came
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  • 97 5 Mr. John Blandy Jenkins, of Glamorgan, and Kingston House, near Abingdon, High Sheriff of Berkshire in 186Y>. who died on November 4 last, left f-state of the gros3 value nf £300,676: with net personalty £17.471 Probate is gt anted to the Public Trustee. Mr. Jenkins directed that his body should
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  • 70 5 Sinaupore* Ma y 12. 11 Laud in Hank 4 mfm. 2/4 10/32 Demand 2fljJ Private 3 m/s. 2/1 13/10 •jh Jmlia— BankT. 1. 171J On Hongkong— d/d 3£%dia. h> Shanghai— Bank J/(i. 73* 4 Jo Java— Bank T. T. 13.U 'Ju JapanBank d/d. ill Sovereign*—buying rate fodia Ccii
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 382 5 **B&&+^^oo&unoo^mmamamGOß To-Night! To-Night CASINO PRESENTS In the Second Show 9.15 p. m. Sharp WILL O' THE WISP Wtrldf (Ireatest American Multiple Reel Feature \n intensely dramatic subject, based on a strong and absorbing plot and* ending in the most satisfactory manner. IN 3 PARTS. Edison Comedy. William Wadsworth in XJJGH
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    • 274 5 I The Malaya Tribune. Can be had at the following de pots:— Singapore. Messrs. Koh Co., 90, Bras Baaa* Road. Money Changer, Adelphi Hotel. Mr. Pang Boon Tin Tank Road Railway Station.) Messrs. Kwong Seng Chiang Cc. Selegie Road. Mr. Jit Lok Kee, 166, Serangoon Road Mr. M. N. N.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 153 5 FIXTURES. THiy. Johorar Sea Sports. Homeward mail closes (train;. Legislative Council, 2.30 Lodge Zetland Regular, «30 J.uj. High Water—5-5 a.m. 6 ft. 6 ins 6-44 p.m. 6 ft. 7 ins. To-morrow. Johore Sea Sports. High Water— 6-30 a.m., 6 ft. 7 ins. 7-28 p.m. 7 ft. 2 ins. Swday, 14th.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 545 6 We do not ask You to Watch our Annofcneement for Saturday's Mammoth Programme. You Can See it Every Night and at Every Change it the PALLADI U M Singapore's Premier Theatre Orchard Road— Singapore's Premier Theatre. To-night t To-night To-night t To-night ANOTHER ALL-BRITISH PROGRAMME OP EXCLUSIVES fHA D I
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  • 740 7 fritts Quoted it th« Mtrlwt this lltraini SINGAPORE, May I?. Hevre Lyali and E vatt, Exchange and Share Br j*<r». "Bue c following list oi quotation* Robber Shares. k'om. Fata* Bnver*. rollers. P. Allagar 2/- 2/4} f 1 Ap?Io Java 20/6 25/--1. Aiiglo-Matof 10/- ii/ 6 1
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  • 34 7 The Japanese Visit. The Japanese party which is touring Java has arranged for a gala dinner to be given. All the principal merchants, and off cials in Batavia will be invited.
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  • 49 7 Mr. Eckman late manager of Telok Betong Estate, who recently appealed against a sentence of four years' imprisonment inflicted on him for having killed a coolie has had the sentence reduced to 18 months imprisonment. The charge j has been altered to causing voluntary hurt.
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  • 59 7 At Laboean-Bilik recently a fatal accident occurred to a hunting party. In sampans five Europeans went out to hunt crocodiles, when one of the guns was discharged, and an explosive bullet hit Mr. Bouwer, of the firm of Guntzel and Schumaoher, in the abdomen. The injured man, who
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  • 84 7 J The German Consul General at Batavia has issued an official declaration denying that that he has taken any steps whatsoever in con-" nection with the Buitenzorg affair. He states that he has not approached a single official in Java or The Hague in this connection. He
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  • 68 7 The disturbed district near Baiteuzorg has evidently not been restored to tranquility, for, on the 3rd inBt., another disturbance took place at Tjomas. The Bataffiasche Handelsblad says that the people living in these parts are daily becoming more brutal. This district is the scene of activity
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  • 40 7 Tjebongan pays a final of 10 per I cent. j South Perlak Petroleum Company pays a 6 per cent on the preference shares. Rewoeloe Company pays 13 per cent. The Perlak Petroleum Company Ltd. pays 4 per cent.
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  • 180 7 On Good Friday, it is learnt from Malang, Mr. Wernas, of Goenoeng Sarie estate, was murdered. There are very little actual details of the deed available as the act is still more or less shrouded in mystery. The deceased shares the same fate as Mr. Hoebenk of
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  • 21 7 At Brussels has died Mr. Ruys, Consul-General to the Netherlands. He lived ten years in Java, leaving the island in 1867.
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  • 14 7 The institution of a chair for tropical hygiene, at tbe Amsterdam University is assured.
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  • 33 7 On Sungei Puteh estate, Medan, Sumatra a collie attacked Messrs Mosler and Henning, two assistantB and the ruandore of the estate. Mr. Henning was not injured, bnt Mr. Mosler and the mandore were
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  • 68 7 Singapore Catholic Club. Billards. The single handicap of the A class in the Singapore Catholic Club has resulted as follows Winner Mr. W. Moebergen Ronner-up: Mr. J. B. Myles. 3rd Prize: Mr. W. Aeria 4th Prize: Mr. W. Scully For the highest breaks Ist Prize: Mr. W. Mosbergen
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  • 40 7 Swimming Club Launches for Sunday will leave at 7.9 6 10 a.m. 2.30 <k 3.30 p.m. and will return at 8.30 A 9.30 a m. 12.15, 3 5.30 p.m. High tide 7.36 a.m., Height 7 ft. lin.
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  • 51 7 Annual Cup Final. The Hon. the Resident Councillor of Penang has kindly consented to present the above Cup to-morrow. A rain proof stand will be erected for guests invited by card. Several visitors from Perak and Kedah are expected. Both Hutton Lane and Crescent Star should be at full
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  • 99 7 An American paper has been investigating some of the difficulties of the English (or American) language, and it gives a list of big words which ill perhaps surprise many Englishmen. The examples up|on which it lays special stress I are 44 philopro-genitiveness" with j twenty letters, 44 inter-convertibil-ities," afid 14
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  • 69 7 In view of the recent discussion on war pensions it is interesting to recall that the provision a grateful country made for the heroes who fought under Wellington was permission to beg. The old soldier who begged without a permit either from a justice of the peao» or his commanding
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  • 419 7 Fraser Co.'s Circular. Singapore, May 10—In spite of the lower price of the Commodity there has been a moderate amount of attention given to Local Robbers throughtout this week. Tbe fear expressed in many qoarters early in the week that the weekly Rubber Auctions would shew a considerable
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 140 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED Junior Shorthand T;pi»t wanted for Insurance Offi c in Singapore. Musi hare good krow ledge of English. Apply statin? age etc., to Box No. 223 c/o Malaya Tribune, 12-5 D 15-5 AUCTION SALE OF Household Furniture, Gramophone, Cottage Hano &c. At Powell Co'e Saleroom On Weenesd.y, 17th
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    • 123 7 1 Latest Advertisements. GRAND GALA NIGHT THE WELL-KNOWN SUK-HAT OPERA OF JOHORE WITH 40 Charming Actors and Actress 40 Brilliant and Gorgeous Costumes NEW WONDERFUL SCENERIES will sta^e TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Friday, 12th May, 191« AT THE ALEXANDRA THEATRE HALL The Popular Fairy Play CINDERELLA Admission Prices $1, 50 cts., 25
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  • 691 8 In spite of the rather unparliamentary language used by the late Mr. W. E. Gladstone against the Sultan Abdul Hainid in connection with the Armenian massacres, the British Government continued to the last moment to espouse the friendship of Turkey and to exhibit the utmost forbearance and
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  • 41 8 The Hon Treasurer, Mr. H. B. Ward of Evatt Co., French Bank Buildings, Singapore, acknowledges with many thanks the following contributions to the above Fund Amount previously acknowledged $8,433 Vade Co. 250 Total to date $8,683
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  • 82 8 More Merchantmen Needed. London, May 11, 2.20 p.m. Sir Owen Phillips, in a speech made on British shipping, said that our loases owing to submarines were less than five per cent per annum until the 30th April. He emphasised our urgent need for still more merchantmen, which owing
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  • 107 8 Tn Great War Pagi The Western Front The War on Shipping In the East 9 Da ma Visitors 9 Prince of Wales in Italy Government of Ireland 9 French Consular News Britain's WatchDogs 10 Enemy Property in India Engineering in China 3 Indentured Labour 3 Btraits Produce J
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 204 8 Robinson Co, M|W SHIPMENT OF BBB" PIPES. m In all shapes, Other Qualities d A $2.25 $2,50 I I Army, Bulldog 1.7 r 3.00 yKLmm^m^^mmmm^mmm Bent etc. No. GOlB B. Best Briar Pipe with Vulcanite mouthpiece and Silver mount as illustration Price each. Robinson's Special Briars, London Make' IN Jff"*
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    • 88 8 JUST RECEIVED IRROY 1906 B m Champagne. Sole Agents Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. Wine and Spirit Merchants. ADELPHI HOTEL SPECIAL Tiffin AND Dinner DURING THE Race Week SATURDAY NIGHT Ball 1 Y. M. TOY©. I PHOTOGRAPHIC STUWO S 2 15 High Stbjobt. j 2 (Corner of Norik BrU X c Road.)
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    • 22 8 MILKMAID 1 1 J Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $14.90 X 1 Sterilised Natural Milk 9.30 J 2 Ideal Unsweetened Milk $10.50
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  • 76 9 The War on Shipping. Loss of the Cymric. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, May 10. £.40 p.m. America in not investigating the nking of the Cymric but has been king England whether the liner j! an auxiliary cruiser or simply merchantman. It is understood at the American Consul at
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  76 words
  • 23 9 London, May 11, 6.40 p.m. Washington: Germany to-day mi-officially admits torpedoing c Sussex, and offers reparation to c United States.
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  • 44 9 London, May 11,2.2 p.m. The steamer Dolcoath has been mk. [The Dolcoath was a British iron rew steamer of 1706 tons gross tilt in 1882 at Sunderland. She as owned by the Dolcoath Steamip Company (Messrs. Osborn fsliis, managers) of Cardiff.]
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  • 53 9 fresh Attack at Verdun New German Artillery. I London, May 10, 5.40 p.m. Paris The Germans have brought ksaes of new heavy quickfiring Lillery into the battle on the West the Meuse, They launched veral attacks with two corps of heinish and Pomeranian troops, d gained nothing
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  • 153 9 if Exhausting the Hans. U %1IUUJII 11 IUV llUUu' London, May 11, 1.55 p.m. Paris: A semi-official statement [plains the methods which are □ployed for meeting the German tacks at Verdun. Under a deltfge shells the French begin to yield i small parts of the first line.
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  • 50 9 How Kot was Aided. London, May 10, 5.40 p.m. ,In the House of Commons Mr. ••nnant stated that between April h »nd April 29th, British aero■j"* dropped 18,800 pounds of y besides medical and other re into Kut, and throughout the Rations only one British aerowas lost
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  • 55 9 London, May 11, 3.55 p.m. lr °Krad: The Russians have rcon i« the mountain difficulties, *ivancing down hill are purl. m. Turks who are heading for iigria valley. The military oritieg however anticipate a •nu° Q8 rei i 8tance at the BtPonf of Khanikin, where °rc% 1°
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  • 78 9 Nationalist Appeal. London, May 11, 2.20 p.m. Lord Devonshire, besides Lord, Derby, is mentioned in reference to the succession of Lord Wimborne. Mr. H. J. Ten nan t is the latest nominee for the Irish Secretary, ship. The Nationalist party appeals to the people of Ireland to
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  • 45 9 London, May 11, 6.40 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Asqnith stated there was reason to believe that there will be no farther necessity to take extreme measures against the Irish rebels, but he could not give any undertaking thereanent.
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  • 19 9 London, iay 11, 2.20 p.m. Sir Roger Casement is to be tried on Monday.
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  • 270 9 Anglo-Russian Bands. London, May 9, 6.50 p.m. His Majesty cordially welcomed tbe Russian Da ma party at Backing-' bam Palace and expressed his heartfelt desire that Britain and Russia should remain firmly united after victory. He paid a warm tribute to the marvellous Russian achievements and rejoiced that
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  • 41 9 London, May 9, 3 p.m. Rome: The Prince of Wales with King Victor Emmanuel made a prolonged tour of the Italian fronts and was everywhere heartily cheered. The visit has given great satisfaction to the Italians.
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  • 49 9 Bis Release Refused. London, May 11, 1.55 p.m. Amsterdam The business committee of the Reichstag has declined the Socialist motion lor the release of Herr Liebknecht and the postponement of the trial on the charge of inciting the crowd at Potsdam during the demonstration on May Ist.
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  • 604 9 Tin is at 156| —25 cents up. Mr. J 5 Robson is going on a tour to China and Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McEwau arrived here from the F.M.S. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bennett have gone to Kuala Lipis, says the Malay Mail. Mr. and
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  • 3222 9 Yesterday's Investiture. A Brilliant Scene. With all the solemnity which the importance of the occasion demanded His Highness the Saltan of Johore was invested yesterday afternoon by His Excellency the Governor, oa behalf of His Majesty the KingEmperor, with the Grand Cross of the most distinguished order
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  • 31 10 April Outputs. Bukit Sembawang Rubber Co. Ltd. (Messrs Sandilands Buttery A Co., Agents) 58,000 lbs. Singapore United Rubber Plantations Ltd. 30,000 lbs. Siak (Sumatra) Rubber Estates Ltd. 22,894 lbs.
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  • 194 10 Our Growing Fleet. London, May 10 L tamed ma letter from Mr LS nthe mayors of Lowe B toft7nd°Y b mouth. After pointing damage done by the German' coast raids does not mSTjSf the cost of the destruc t i^if? atl used he shows that Z ZT'*
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  • 55 10 Manchester's Resolve, London, May 11, 2.20 p.m. The Manchester Chamber of Coin, merce has passed a resolution necessity of excluding enemy Rejects from trading after the war. throughout the Empire mC desirability of preferential and reciprocal trading relations in all parte of the Empire and, as far as
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  • 274 10 {By Courtesy, of the French Consulate.) Paris, May 10, 6.10 bjl The French 3 per cent bonds ait at francs 63 and the 5 per cent at > 4 London, May 10. Robber is qnoted at 2s per lb. Yesterday, the bombardment vtu most violent on the
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  • 12 10 A Dutch press wire says that a British aeroplane was compelled V
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 44 10 I /S3?KII CEMENT.! Contracts have been Renewed for the suppliesiof Cement during of °rT"? 01 Slngapore and t0 the Governs* f of Johore also to the Federated Malay States Railways. Beware of Imitations. Insist on getting the Haiphong "Dragon" Brand j DUPIRE BROTHERS, &t
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  • 138 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune). Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the foUowing quotations for to-day:— Alor Gajaa $3.50 $3.75 AyerKunings 1.25 1.35 Ayer Molek 2.10 2.25 AyerPanas 9.00 9.25 Balgownie 4.40 4.50 Bukit Jelotong &57± 0,62 i Bukit Katil 0.85 0.90 ChangkatSerdg.... 8.75 9.25 Glenealy 1.70
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 95 11 f in,, I THE |Pot Stills 9 S i I OF (Great Britain I Have Been Taken Over by Government, j I NEVERTHELESS > Buchanan's v 311 will be able to continue j to supply their famous j I blends and to maintain the quality as before, being in the
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    • 432 11 BUN BEE CO. flip Roo.ior Road. i Butter an i Cheese. The following hay a just received in excellent condition:— Gruyere Cheese. Australian Cheddar Cheese. English Cheddar Cheese. Geuda Cheese. Stilton Cheese. Edam Cheese. Dntch Cattle Show Brand Batter ia 21b. t 1 lb. and 1/2 lb- tins- THE LAST
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  • 931 12 Mohamed Ali, P.C. 154 Rewarded. At the Central Police Station, on j Wednesday morning a simple, but very impressive ceremony took place when H. E. the Governor, Sir Arthur Young X C.Jf.O., presented Mohamed Ali, Police Constable 154, a Bengali Islam, with the King's Police Medal for Bravery.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 345 12 JUST RECEIVED A Large Stock of Gold. Silver and Nickel Watches OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Suitable for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. PRICES FROM $2.50 to $50 each. Early Inspection Cordially Invited. Koh Company 83 84 BSAS BASAH ROAD. UUIIIIIIHHIIIIUUUUUUWUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIiIIIiIIiII t ffin ill mmmm mwi t The NEW ERA Tit V 'HEH
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    • 237 12 Singapore Volunteer Corps Orders for to-day 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall s.V.a k& m do M axiaiCo 5.15 p.m. Tanglm S.K.K.v Officers feK.COa S.V.A. do n Drill Hall Veteran, Officers &X.0.0, w do Chinese Cc h Bras Basah Rd. Matav Co Drill Hall S.V C. Ban*' h h do B.V.C.Gadsta F.
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  • 784 13 Britain Mast Take Actios. The British Navy provides Eng. id l's boiwarks and the present war has taught us if we were not aware of the fact before that, her mercantile fiarine plays almost the same important part in both her defensive and offensive, therefore it
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 941 13 jj Last Might of this Stupendous Programme ANOTHER UNBEATABLE PROGRAMME AT THE To-Night Alhambra Theatre TN h Tbe House of Quality Rrarn nnAii 8; BEACH ROAD The Home of Feature Attractions THE LEADING THEATRE IN SINGAPORE. Manager M.H. KEHYON BLADE. Ml Powerful, Sensational Drama pak LITTLE GREY HOME IN THE
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  • 747 14 In the past two years, and especially in the last six months or so, writes the U. S. Consnl-General, George B. Anderson, of Hongkong, there has been an immense increase in the imports of leaf tobacco from the United States into Hongkong, coincident with the extraordinary development
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  • 305 14 A message from Odessa states thai any doubt aa* to the attitude of the majority of the Rumanian people towards the belligerents who sur-_ round them on every side is daily further dissipated. When the Verdnn news appears in the evening papers newsboys enter the restaurants and customers
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  • 109 14 _J_^ c sa J**apeci*l correspondent at Amsterdam cf «The Time*;- are undoubtedly grow i_a very nervous about the coming con, mercial war. They have been ecu tmg on their ships in neutral ports as a great asset after the conclusion of peace as they would enabla them to
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 140 14 I SAY EMPHATICALLY That Sotartca, that most excruciating of maladies caa be cured Little's Oriental Bala cured me after 6ve jears of misery. "It will cure >ou." That voioes the seotimeat of one grateful patient. Thou saads of others are ready to join in the chorus of praising this remaikable
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    • 361 14 Sanitary Appliances. The study of health and hygienic principles are of the utmost importance in tropical countries, and the first question which presents itself for consideration is undoubtedly SANITATION." It is recognised by all competent authorities that the best, and only the best, domestic sanitary appliances should be installed, but
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 405 15 NOTICES^ NOTICE. The Manager of tke Chartered Bank of India, Australia China begs to announce that on and after Monday, the Bth instant, the business of the bank will be transacted in the New Premises in Baffles Square. 3-5 13*5 NOTICE. Mr. John Forrester has been a imitted a partner
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    • 523 15 NOTICES Bank Holidays. It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed at noon on Tws4»y, 16th mt ttanaa, ISth MCE MYS--10-5 18 5 BOEN BIE Co. Of 31. Beach load, Singapore, aad 35 hhh Ibrahim. Johore. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and other persons havingany
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    • 316 15 WANTED WANTED. Wanted apprentices for Engineering Office. Apply in person to 11 Kafles Quay. n WANTED. Wanted an Insurance Canvasser for Fire and Marine Company. Good Salary. Apply X. Y. Z. c/o Malaya Tribune. 11.5 a SHELLABEAR'S English-Malay Dictionary. Medium octavo 5% in. x 9 in., 573 and xxi pages,
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    • 460 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED I* MNGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,#00 Snares of £20 each £1,200,§0e Reserve Fund £1,800,006 Keeerve Liability of Proprietors £1,206,000 =r BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster
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    • 368 15 INSURANCE ~souflm INSURANCE CO.. LTD. [Iwobporaik) in New Zealand) IIH Insurances effected en Buildings, Rent and Merchandise ef every description; MAW Insurances accepted to all world at fewest rates SAaTHOvAIE Risks accepted. J. HHNBY Local Manager. Offices: 2, Finlaysen Green. HEUNG ON INSURANCE CO.. LTB. (Incorporated in Hongkong.) C *P
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 210 16 iGUAN KIAT Co., 1 r 1 I I Telegraphic Address: Codes Used j j "GUANKIAT" 1 Co. A. B. C. stb 6df. S A~i Code*. J I I TelefrWe Nos 1174, 1178, 1233 (Private 1450 1073). I I IN STOCK COMING FORWARD: Shipchandlers, Hardware j I Lead Wool Dealers, Government
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    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune lagged Dally.] Na 111 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 468 1 P.*O.British India AND Apcar Line (CWAIIM UCwmPOIAJaW) M IWQLAJSP.) Mail and Passenger Services. mnlnmular and Oriental Salllngm. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). For China, Japan f Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean. Ports and London. StMim will leave Singapore on er about Mall LI nam. HOMEWAED (FOB EcbOFB).
        468 words
      • 269 1 STOOMVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND" (Incorporated in Holland.) MAIL SERVICE BEtWMN JAVA AND AMSTERDAM, VIA SINGAPORE, BELA WAN-DILI, SABANG, DURBAN, CAPSTOWN, LAS PALM AS AND VIOB VERBA Steamers arc dae te arrive en the nndermentiened dates OUTWARD. Eon. der Nederl. Jane 17 Grotius Jane 17 Rembrandt Julj 38 Oranje Sept. 9
        269 words
      • 571 1 N.Y.R. I NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (TOCOBPORATID TO JAVA!*) (JAPAN HAIL STEAMSHIP SO> EUROPEAN LINE A service Is Maintained betweca Yokohama via pert* to Merstiles and London, under mail contract with the" Imperii Japaaest OoTsrament. The New Twin-acrew Steamers maintaining this' terrier hare been specially designed and constructed, and artl'fitted with
        571 words
    • 623 2 Europe. For London Hirano Mam May 13 Nolens May 15 Tajiina Maru May 15 Tattori Maru May 20 Nankin May 25 Grteniffer end May Merionethshiie May 36 Eaga Maru May SI •anf a June 2 J Novara, June 6, trans at Colombo. Moyune June 7 City of
      623 words
    • 170 2 Vessels Expected. Fultala (B.I.) 13th May, from India for Singapore. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co Ltd. Neleus (Holt) 14th May, from Singapore for Colombo and London. Agents, Messrs Boustead Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Fultala (B.I.) 19th May, from Singapore for Penang, Madras and Negapatam. Agents, Messrs Boustead,
      170 words
    • 26 2 Kinta f or j Port bwettenham and Telak Anson. Hong Wan tor Batn Pahat Lady Weld for Malacca and Muar Merantf for Kota Tinggi
      26 words
    • 243 2 Vessels In Port. ftntiJh STHAMBR. BERTH DATE Romany Outer Rds 14-4 Mascot Inner Rds 27-4 Krian do 1-5 Unda K. Harbour do Amherst Dock 4-5 Japan No. 7 -Wharf 5-5 Kampar Inner Rds 8-5 Katong do 9-5 Kinta do 10-5 Neleus No. 8 Wharf 9-5 Lady Weld Inner
      243 words
    • 114 2 Quarantine exists against the following ports j— Port. Signal. Disease Date. Bangkok ...X.G.Q. Plagu* 10.8.16. Bansein ...F.P.B. Cholera 265.16. Do. ...F.P.B. Small-pox 10.8.16. Do. ...X.G.Q. Plague 28.4.16. Bombay ...X.G.Q. Small-pox 10.8.16. Do. ...XGQ. Plague 10.3.16. Calcutta ...P.P.B. Small-pox 17.8.16. Do. ...X.G.Q.'... Cholera 7.4.16. Col mbo ...F.P.B. Plague' 28.1.16
      114 words
    • 1069 2 Wireless Reports. Nooi Today. Teasel in oommanioatiom at moon with the local Commertial Wireless Station:—s.i. Richmond. Tha Tajima Maru is fixed for London on the 15th May. The Batjan, for Holland left Colombo on the 5th imt. The Holt liner Cyclop* if fixed to tail for London on
      1,069 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 39 2 SINGAPORE SHIPGHANDLERY Go. SHIPCHANDLSES 8 PROVI&ORINu CONTRACTORS. The Company'a Launch meets incoming ships. Office —is Battery Road. TAXK LIFT TO TOP FLOOR Telephone No. Ml. Orders promptly attooded to from January Ufc, 1916. H. W. H. STEVENS, Manager. 51
        39 words
    • 208 3 -orrespondent writes in the Sumatra Post concerning the voyage of the Tjisondari, the second vessel of the Java-Pacific line and relates that the "China," which is now ed by a group of Chinese capitaljgg was beaten on the voyage across t iom San Francisco to Hongia an
      208 words
    • 21 3 The rates for New York have declined by 25 per cent is announced lit the Chamber of Commerce.
      21 words
    • 85 3 Oa enquiry at the local office of the China Coast Officers' Guild on May i, it was learned that nothing f>t been decided upon so far as Hongkong officials know. A iuunication was expected from Miansfhai, but this did not arriye *n<i no message lad been revived
      85 words
    • 154 3 in an Article appearing ia the "Berliner Tageblatt" on the 41 War of Starvation" Captain Persius comes nclusion that Germany has c cause'to fear that she can be fan l ouclude peace as the r**!i t famine. 1 other hand, he warns ids fello* countrymen against basing too
      154 words
    • 121 3 214 Arrivals For the Month. The number of ships exclusive of native craft, which entered Colombo harbour during April amounted to -14 against 246 in March. The first tour months just ended record 911 easels, an increase of 134 vessels with the corresponding Period last year,
      121 words
    • 46 3 untitled April, 11,682 Chinese asengerfl left Singapore, them for Dutch ports, 4,481 hina, am] 499 for non-Feder-als J States, and, the Chinese thi ying hofelast month 16,539, a total of 59,213, this y,,,.. compared with an 73, 8l for the correspond- iuiiiig the last ten yeara.
      46 words
    • 804 3 Immigration Committee. A meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee was held at Kuala Lumpur on May 8. There were present :—The Controller of Labour (Mr. J. R. C. Aid worth) Chairman, the Principal Medical Officer, F.M.S. (Dr. C. L. Sansom). The Director of Public Works, F M S.
      804 words
    • 233 3 (Singapore, May 12.) Tin.— s96|; 140 tons sold. Copra. —Weak. Tapioca. —Weak. Sago Flour —Vp. Gambier. Pepper- —Weak. Other Products.— .Market Steady Latest Local Market Quotations. Nntmegs 110 S. per picnl $42.50 J Nutmegs 80 S, 51.50 Copra Bali 9.50 Copra Gorong Talo 9.6 5 Copra 9.65 Copra
      233 words
    • 93 3 Per N.Y.K, str. Miahima Maru— Mr. A Mrs. Wiahart, Mrs Carson and 2 children, Mr. James. Per N.Y.K, str. Suwa Maru—Mr. Tll. Davidson, Mr. JT. Beldam, Mr. L. H Penny, Mr. A Mrs. Grieve Mrs. Brown and child, Mr. H.W. Weigall. Per N.Y.K, str. Kashima Maru.— Mr. B.
      93 words
    • 47 3 Delivered in London. j The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the European Mails and their deliver in London. Mail. Lhft. Dklivkkkd. P.JfO. Mar. 30 May. 1 B.r Apr. 7 May. 3 M. M. Apr. 7 May. 4 M.M. Apr. 9 7
      47 words
    • 57 3 Per Namur Mr. F. S Evans, Mrs Johnson, Mr. 0. E. Banks, Mr. J. L. Beardon, Dr. J. P. M.' Alvary, Mr and Mrs A. M. McKenzie and child, Mr. L Versiglia. Mr. A. T. Gomes, Dr. F. C. Morgan, Mr. L, G. Hodgate Mr. H. B. Fletcher,
      57 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 108 3 Notice. Tno Ceylon Wharfage Co. Ltd., are prepared to clear goods on most favourable terms. Charges will be made for Landing, vVarehouse Rent, Insurance, Doty, cart and coolie -ire, and for delivery either at the Railway Station or in any part of Colojobo, and Agency cliarge of 1 percent on
        108 words
      • 347 3 M. M. MESSACERIES MARITIMES. Mail Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CETLON, MARSEILLES. HOMIWAED. OUTWAI». 1916 1916 Porthoe May. 29 Magellan May tS Cordillera June 2 Atlantiqne June, a Andre' Lenon June 16 Am axe at Jane. 6 Atlantique June 30 j Polyneaiea Jane. 20 I For all particulars apply to J.
        347 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 468 3 Mails Close. Port Swettenham and Telok Anson Kinta 2.30 pm Batn Pakat Hoar Wan 23.0 am Malacca and Knar *Lady Weld 3 pm Batavia, Samaranf aad Sourabaya taking mails for Port Mora-by, Brisbane. Sydney, Melbourne k Adelaide Rnmphius 8.30 pm Keta Tingri Maranti 4 pm •<#" Australasia, Maui ritius, Egypt,
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
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      • 576 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) i Contractor* to the f nperial Japanese Army and Navy oni to Foreign Governments J Cable addrwwesi: OoDES 3f>Wß Al, A.8.C., DOCKY \KD ll idPttEflfe 11 s% EbBM W« Htens Union Kobl Bs BEfll Be 1 Pvß Scott's. Lieber's, ano DOCK-DAIK! 5. |B
        576 words
      • 389 4 Ocean Steam Ship Company, Ltd AND China Mutual Steam Nay Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) The Companies' steamers are *a» patched from Liverpool outwards f the Straiti, China and Japan tr»l week and from Japan honeward» for London, Amsterdam and Antwem erery fortnight; for Genoa, Marte* les and Liverpool and
        389 words