Malaya Tribune, 22 April 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. I EVENING DAILY. Vol 3, •No. 94. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1916 Price 5 Cents. cm malapa Crlburu. SATURDAY, APRIL 22.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 345 1 Special Holiday Programme AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE GAIETY Picture Palace Junction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets. IN THE SECOND SHOW > At Loos-Recaptured from the Germans Latest Pathe Official War Gazette THE GREAT DETECTIVE HAVES In the most Dramatic Photo-play of the War THE DEVIL'S EYE A Tale of
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    • 168 1 ASAHI I V (SUN-BRAND) BEER Obtainable at Leading Liquor Stores at the 1 ■jj Following Prices from Ist April, 1916. j I ASAHI BEER. s j| QUAKTS: at $11.80 (Per Case of 4 Doz.) j I I at $3 Per Doz. J Ni S: at $10.50 (Per Case of 6
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  • 1031 2 Jesselton Ice Power Company, Ltd. Good Future Prospects. The second annual general meeting of the abov« company was held at noon yesterday at the company's registered offices", 191 Cecil Street. Mr. A. E. Baddeley was in the chair, there being also present Messrs Chee Swee Cheng, Tan Kheam Hock and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 321 2 X^AWSON'SX j jf| Price Q per case WHISKY John Htle (9, iti (I „Taj!»Tr\ iiimimiwii— ■■■mi i mil mm win >i wna *J****************** I Alas 1 What shall I do with my Life jj It is a question often put forth by the invalids who are long suffering j II
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  • 439 3 Youog Turks Leaders' Fears. Strong Anti-German Feeling in Turkish Capital. Allahabad, April 1. —The Pioneer's Cairo correspondent writes The Minister of War who need to drive in his car leisurely through the streets of Constantinople, which were crowded with people who saluted him and hailed him as
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  • 109 3 A Veteran Teacher. We regret to announce the death, which occurred in Seremban last week, of the Rev. Brother William Josephus, of St. Paul's In stitution, Seremban. The deceased was 16 years of age, being born in Ceylon in 1M0, and bad been 47 years a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 336 3 POWELL Co.'s CALENDAR FOR APRIL, 1916. L. ->■ i 733 Sun. h 2 9 16 30 Mon. 3 10 17 24 f j i TUES. I- j 4 111 18 125 i! j Wed. 5i 12 19 2C I I ————————l i I Thurs. i 6 13 20 27 —I
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    • 114 3 NEURALGIA SOOTHED AWAY by Little's Oriental Balm To all who Huffer the desperate twisting agonies and spasms of Neuralgia: To »11 who are acquainted with any of the sufferer*: To sll who have never suffer* d yet who wish to be on the safe side: Here 4 news: LITTLE'S EORIENTAL
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    • 605 3 YOUR nerves may be strong as you think they are. But that does not justify you in neglecting them. They govern all the "work of living M that goes on in your body. They influence directly your health, your mental activities. All your usefulness and energies, in fact, depend on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 679 4 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale of Valuable Land and Houses Nos. 244 to 274 Kallang Road (even numhp Houses at Sin Koh Street and Nam Lock Street and brick kilns i coconut plantation at Kallaag Pudding. an TO BE HELD AT MESSRS CHING R.ENG LEB 00/S SALE-ROOM In tbe
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  • 72 5 Royal Gift for Count Okuma. Foreign Minister Ishii, on behalf of Premier Okuma, proceeded recently to the Hayama Imperial villa and reported to H. I. M. the Emperor on the closing of the Imperial Diet and some diplomatic affairs of moment. H.I.M. the Emperor graciously conferred upon Premier
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  • 79 5 The monthly traffic recipts of the Shantung Railway for February amounted to 5.Y310.000, giving a daily average of about 5.Y10,700. Compared with February, 1913, under the German regime, the daily average was about Y9,000 and that for the same month in the succeeding year amounted to about
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  • 137 5 The specie held by the Tsingtao Branch of the Deutech Asiatische Bank after the fall of that Fortress was Y1,500,000. It has been established lately that this specie belonged to the German Government, and, on the strength of this fact, the same has been seized as a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 201 5 PALMETTO Perfect Packing HHHHHBHHHHH for Strength and Endurance. m Sole Agents IPENTRAI j WORKS LTCIJad SINGAPORE. m |n Grand Change of Programme. FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY Special Enga^dmen^ OF THS 1 WOftLD-FAMOUS WINSON Co. 20 STAR ARTISTES 20 IN THEIR Daring" a,ra<l Mystifyin^Acts ALSO Performing Bears and Dogs. i
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    • 186 5 Just Arrived! Just Arrived! Collins' New 6d. and 7d. novels by well-known authors. Excelsior Stamp Albums, with spaces for more than 11,000 stamps. Philatelic Accessories, etc. The Continental Stamp co. 0 High Street, Singapore 3-1 n Oh, That Toothache! CERTAIN QUICK CURE. DON'T MS- AWFUL ACHE THE r The pain
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    • 487 5 11l Wincarnis speedily brings New Health Sfbj to all who are §g£ M Weak, Anamlc, 'Nervy,"Run-down m 212 c^jS If you who are Weak, Anaemic, Nervy or 1 Run-down could realize what a short course of 'Wincarnis* would eH§ mean to you—you would not continue to suffer needlessly. jjfe You
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 410 6 State Express Cigarettes are a blend of the m finest tobaccos Jselected with the utmost care to please particular men —men who appreciate delicate fragrance and fine quality, and who will not be satisfied with anything less. i CIGARETTES No. 555 V S IA PEE TIN 0F 50-60 cents. Manufactured
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    • 234 6 PALLADIUM Singapore's tit mitt Theatre Orchard Road Singapore's Premier Theatre WATCH THEM MARCHIHC DOWN ORCHARD ROAD. 5 p.m. TO-I>AT 5 p.m. GRAND HOLIDAY MATINEE WIFFLES—CHARLIE CHAPLIN-FATTY i This is the Biggest Programme qf the Season I HALF PRICE TO ALL PARTS FOR ALL j DO NOT LET THE CHILDREN MISS
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  • 162 7 Lady Subjected to Great Indignities. The precautions taken by the Germans to prevent the smuggling of goods or information into Holland are frightful to a degree. A neutral j a Hy vrho lately arrived at The Hagua from Berlin not only had tbe soles ~fberf«ft washed in case
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  • 173 7 In the course of a conversation with regard to the new regulations restricting the importation of paper Mr. H. G. Spicer, of Messrs Spicer and Sobs, said thnt it was a fallacy to suppose that the chief trade in paper was that of the daily morning
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  • 22 7 Punggor Rubber Estates lid. output for the Month of March 1916 was 2310 lbs. Total for 12 months 52,092 lbs.
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  • 275 7 To-fay. J Public and Bank Holiday, i Humphrey Biihop Co., 9.15 p.m. High Water—o-4 a.m. 9 ft. 2im 1-32 p.m. 7 ft. 7 ins. To-morrow. St. George. Easter flundav. High Water—o-41 a.m. 9 ft. 2-28 p.m. 7 ft. Monday. 24th. Easter Monday. Public and Bank Holiday. PassoTer, 7th Day
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  • 44 7 Our enterprising States contemporary the Malay Mail has issof d as a supplement to its issue of Thursday last a carefully compiled and verylenfithy J oil of Honour and list of Malay States men serving with the colours, which will doubtless be much Appreciated.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 187 7 JUST RECEIVED Maps of China Messrs Kirn Co. beg to announce that they have just received from China beautifully executed large (6 ft. x ft.) wall-maps and handsomely bound folding maps of CHINA All cities, towns, rivers, mountains, and ports clearly shown in English and Chinese. All provinces shown in
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    • 626 7 Church Services. 8. Andrew's Cathedral. Easter Sunday. 2: Kf> Aran.. 1916. 6 a.m. Holy Communion, 7.30 a .in. Holy Communion. (Choral). 10.30 a.m. Matins (Choral) and Address, Rev. C. B. Wood. 11.80 am. Holy Communion. 4 p.m. The Children's Service. 6. op.m. Festal Evensong and Sermon. Rev. K. V. H.
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    • 423 7 Latest Advertisements. "the commercial press, limited. (Incorporated in China) Straits Branch Office t No. 172, South Bridge Road. Stationers, Printers, Bookbinders and Booksellers, also Dealers in Musical, Physical Culture and Chemical Apparatus, Albums of Views in China Also Chinese Pictorial Postcards Large selection of Convertible Harmoniums, small and large; Organs
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    • 48 7 STENOGRAPHER WANTED. Warned for Batavia competent stenographer and typist. Apply in writing stating qualifications, experience, and salary desired to Staudard Oil Comprny of New York. 22 4 25-4 "> Advertising Ideas SUPPLIED. Translations Invited. Rapid Thorough Work By Experts. Straits Information Bureau 6, The Arcade. Tel. 140f. 3-1 31-?
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 25 7 Singapore Volunteer urps. Orders for to-day Normanton Barracks S.V.C. Officers N.C.O's. To-morrow. Nil. Monday, April 24. Nil. F. Younger BliAIr Captain, S.V.A a/Adjntant, S.V C
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  • 843 8 It if satisfactory to learn from tbe report of the Negri Sembilan Planters' Association which has just been issued that magistrates in that part of Malaya now evidently realise the seriousness of the rubber-stealing evil, which entails heavy losses by planters and others, several recent sentences upon rubber
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  • 107 8 The text of a Bill about to be introduced in the Legislative Council to amend the Poisons Ordinance 1905 is published in a Gazette Entraordinary. The principal Ordinance provides that the seller of poissns must be licensed, but makes no provision as to the importer of poisons. This new
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  • 73 8 Last Saturday evening, at the Adeiphi Hotel, a farewell dinner was given to Mr. R. W. Chater, B.R.E. (v), manager of Messrs Kelly and Walsh's Printing Works, who leaves for Shanghai The Voluntoers were strongly repre«ented,there being present Sergt. Titter, Corpl. F. A.. Teale, Corpl. Jones, Corpl.
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  • 89 8 For several nights past large numbers of Hylams and Teochews have been congregating in the vicinity of the Middle Road, Waterloo and Bencooler Street junctions. That there is a great deal of bad blood around this quarter is very much in evidence. (>n Wednesday night a battle royal was expected
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 141 8 JUST ARRIVED A NEW SUPPLY OF Gramophones with Wooden Hot-ns jjj* nM^_~L AND CWlieSe the J Tamil Latest \^r^. —Hindustani Records ALL Double Sided Modal H. CM. $60. Many other Models also In stock from $45 upwards. ROBINSON Co. LIQUID FUEL FOR Diesel Semi-Diesel Engines, Smelting Furnaces, Boilers, ETC., ETC.
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    • 146 8 CALDBECK, MACGREGOR AND CO. Have in stock a wide selection of Wines Spirits at prices to suit all pw kets. WE ARE SPECIALISTS in the Wine Trade and give the best value for money, not asking fancy prices for Wines and Spirits. Telephone No. 160. ADEIPHI HOTEL TO-DAY SPECIAL DINNER
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    • 24 8 I MILKMAID I c) W-MA%A 41 J Sweetened Condensed Milk per cast $13.90 J; Sterilised Natural Milk 9.30 I Ideal Unsweetened Milk $10.50 i
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  • 554 9 •In is $94J—H.37£ down. 'iiiis' circns opened for a short ion in I'euang last Wednesday. r H. P. Clodd is gazetted a n ber of the Planters' Loan Board. e ]egrapbic communication with :h China has been restored. first-class stenographer and |g t is wanted for Batavia.
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  • 293 9 Comte Riario de Bondy. French Consul-Genera! Dead. It is with very great regret that we have to announce the death of Conjte Riario de Bondy, Consul General for Fiance, which took place at his residence, 106B Orchard Road, this morning. Comte de Bondy has been in this Colony representing
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  • 388 9 Daring the last few days this question was frequently heard in places where business men resort. There is, it seems to us, ouly one answer to' it—a big and emphatic YES, if there is any meaning in patriotism.
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  • 92 9 In the East. Massacre of Greeks. RE (LITER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, April 20, 1.35 p.m. A telegram from Salonika reports serious massacres of Greeks on April 11. in Adrianople, Smyrna and Constantinople. Turks and Bulgarians co-operated in the massacre at Adrianople. London, April 20, 2 a.m. Petrograd Ths
    RE (LITER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  92 words
  • 81 9 Captured Turks. London, April 20, 9.30 p.m. War Office details of the fighting on the right bank of the Tigris, on April 16, prior to the Turkish counter-attacks, show that the Turks left between 200 and 300 dead in the captured positions. We look eight officers and 180 men prisoners,
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  • 142 9 London, April 20, 7.25 p.m. Paris: A picked Russian force has arrived at Marseilles to-day General Joffre, in the Ordem of the Day, rejoices to welcome to faithful and gallant Allies who will fight by the 5 side of the French on the western front, and
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  • 145 9 London. April 21, 4,10 a.m. A Victoria Cross has been awarded to the Rev. Edward Mellish (ffemporary Chaplain), for conspicuous bravery. Daring heavy fighting for three consecutive days, he repeatedly went backwards and forward under continuous heavy shell and machine-gun fire between our original trenches and those
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  • 27 9 London, April 21, 4 p.m. The Dutch steamer Zodiwykvaimassan has been sunk. Five of the crew were drowned. E. C. Programme Page 6.
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  • 132 9 Views of the Press. London, April 19, 6.40 p.m. Members swarmed in the Lobby to discuss the speech of Mr. Asqnith whose announcement of a deadlock being the first official intimation thereof, caused a tremendous sensation. It is considered that Mr. Asquith acted sagaciously in giving time
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  • 338 9 London, April 20 1.20 p.m. Mr. Asqaith's phrase "formidable disaster is the text of all the papers which are generally emphatic that such mast be averted. The Daily Telegraph says that months of blind mischief-mak-ing and deliberate wrecking are responsible for the situation which is encouraging
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  • 49 9 London, April 21, 7.25 p.m. The Turkish counter-attacks on the Tigris on April 17 cost the enemy over 3000, dead, including many German officers. The total British casualties were much less than the number of Turkish killed. Floods are still hampering the relief of General Townshend.
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  • 86 9 Wbat Will America Do? London, April 19, «.10 p.m. Washington President Wilson has sent a note of warning to Germany to the effect that unless attacks, in violation of International Law against merchantmen carrying Americans is stopped, diplomatic relations will be severed. London, April 19, 9 p.m.
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  • 102 9 London, April 19, 11.25 p.m. Washington: President Wilson, addressing Congress, said that he had given Germany an irrevocable notification that the United States would break off diplomatic negotiations if the illegal submarine campaign continued. The President did not ask Congress to take action, but simply informed it of
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  • 57 9 London, April 20, 2 a.m. Washington The Note intimates that the United States is ready to discass how submarine warfare may be conducted after Germany has declared that her present methods are abandoned. No time is specified for a reply but the State Department expects an
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  • 645 9 London, April 20, 4.15 a.m. Washington President Wilson's address to Congress was cheered by the Democrats and Republicans standing up. It was referred to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives. Br. Wilson's address is full of striking passages. It recalled the United States' protest
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  • 197 10 London, April 20, 3.25 a.m. Washington The Note to Germany is very lengthy and is substantially covered by Dr. Wilson's address to Congress. It says that, as regards the Sussex, information in possession of the United States has established conclusively that the Sussex was torpedoed without warning
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  • 32 10 London, April 20, 2.5 a.m. The Times' New York's correspondent says that high financial circles predict a break with Germany soon, but it is not believed that war will follow.
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  • 113 10 London, April 20,1.25 p.m. New York The arrest, on charges in connection with the Welland Canal plot, of Igel, secretary to, and successor of, yon Papen, at the German Embassy, led to the seizure ot papers incriminating the highest Wnans in the country, including Bofaejej
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  • 104 10 Sharing the Trenches. London, April 20, 1.40 a.m. Paris The communique states that west of the Meuse there was great artillery activity against Hill 304 and our first line between Morthomine and Cumieres. East of the Meuse there was a violent bombardment in the Douaumont and Vaux
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  • 133 10 London, April 20, 12.20 a.m. General Sir Douglas Haig reports that during the night the enemy attempted to bomb our posts in the craters of the quarry sector, but was driven off. There was active shelling elsewhere. London, April 20, 4,20 p m. Paris The French have
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  • 152 10 London, April 21. 1.10 a.m. The British communique states that the enemy last night, after a heavy bombardment attacked our line at Ypres at four points. His infantry penetrated our lines, but was everywhere ejected, except at St. Eloi where he captured two craters aud at Ypres-Langemarck
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  • 28 10 An outbreak of plague at Pulau Pangkor Besar has resulted in the island of Pangkor and islands adjacent thereto being declared infected are;»s by the Resident of Perak.
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  • 144 10 HOUSE OF COMMONS. Londoo, April 19, 8.10 p.m. In the House of Commons to-day Mr. Austen Chamberlain said that the Indian Government had been informed of the scope of the economic conference in Paris, and been assured that if, as the result of the conference, any action should be
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  • 59 10 Mr. Tennant stated that, since January 1, four pilots had been killed and one injured during Zeppelin raids. He understood that steel helmets were unsuitable for use in Mesopotamia. Application for Bonds. Mr. McKenna stated that up to the end of April over sixteen million sterling of exchequer
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  • 153 10 London, April 20, 3.45 p.m. The Press Bureau announces that the Cabinet meeting to-day came to an agreement upon the proposal which it will make to Parliament on the subject of recruiting. The Government's proposals will be submitted to a secret session of each House of Parliament on
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  • 156 10 London, April 20, 7.40 p.m. The Cabinet sat for two hours until two o'clock before it reached a settlement with which Mr. Lloyd George said they were satisfied. Therefore he assumed it was an absolute surrender. Ministers either would not be required before noon. The result of
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  • 91 10 Fighting on the Tigris. London, April 20, 9.30 p.m. A bulletin from the War Office states that details <>f the fighting on the right bank of the Tigris on April 16, states that prior to the Turkish counter-attack a show by the Turks left 200 to 3,000 dead.
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  • 56 10 The Union of Dutch Potato Exporters have made a complaint to the Dutch Minister of Commerce that thousands of waggons of potatoes are held up in transit. The Union advocates the closing of the eastern frontier of Holland so as to induce Germany to forward the potatoes to
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  • 141 10 At the request of the Chief Commissioner of the Andatnans and Nicobar Islands the milk of coconuts was examined at the Laboratory of the Imperial Agricultural Chemist at Pusa with a view to ascertaining whether it possesses potential commercial possibilities. About twelve lakhs of nuts are utilized annually
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  • 70 10 A Great Achievement. London, April 20, 1,25 p. m Rome Tho Italian ln Coldilana, after three months' paration in digging a tunnel J?' hundred yards long, under' 22 Sief, blew up a large part ofs mountain on April 18, ie BtPf c most of the position, occupying??
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  • 516 10 HDw the German Works. London, 1.35 p. m The Governor-General of ny Dutch East Indies presides over inquiry into the conduct of the Germans Egloffstein and Keil ex managers of the Straits of Sunda Syndicate, who are suspected 0 t conspiracies against the Government and are said
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  • 31 10 Berlin claims that the French attacks a VerJun and the Russian offensive «n Genen! yon Hin In burg's army in th Bast have bee repute 1 with h
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  • 31 10 The untitl ed bar Committee is now constituted m follows H<" A. R. Adams (President), Mr. S. 1 B. Martin (Vico President), Mr. W Carver and Mr. B. E. Hoss Secretary.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 I SSSSSS 1 g =.-.--t i.i M y===_-- lZ -tj The man who can Smooth Troubles over "is considered a Public Benefactor. Can do this for you. Fit Square Tread (smooth) Tyres on Your Wheels and thus Insure Smooth Travelling and, owing to Absence of Tyre Troubles, Smooth Temper. Dupire
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  • 231 11 Patent Medicines for Eyes. I hereby inform and request the public that I the undermentioned Golam Hyder bin Golam Din can cure all the diseases of the eyes such as pain, redness, dimness and white specks etc. I have lived in Singapore, Hill •Street No. 34-1, for about
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 86 11 Sanitas mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmWMmUmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ■■BeßHMHßaeeMßl Disinfectant "Pine-Tree" j I Brand. This disinfectant freely emul= j silies with water, producing a j milk=white, strong disinfectant and deodoriser. j SANITAS I is known throughout the world ma j RELIABLE disinfectant. The name always car= ries a full guarantee of effective*! ness. The low
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    • 305 11 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Limited. Etablishkd 1874. Incorporated in India. Life Assurance at Minimum Cost. ASSETS exceed $24,000,000—ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders at last ?iluiioi $1,116,673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus aud full Information to LIBERAL RATES Singapore Branch Office CONDITIONS j J. R. MACPHERSON, Secretary for S.S.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 216 12 6.W.5.' Dc Silva Co. GOLDSMITHS JEWELLERS, 46 Selegie Road. Elicit the Public's Patronage. solicit we ru» Engraving our Speciality. 3-3-T— THE VICTORIA CONFECTIONERY AND STORE 387, Victoria Street, Singapore. Fresh Cakes, Ices, Cold and Hot Drinks. Chocolates, jujubes, bonbons, Almond marzipan snap-* and tastes, such as strawberries, red and white
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    • 333 12 Sanitary Appliances. The study of health and hygienic principles are of the utmost importance in tropical countries, and the first question which presents itself for consideration is undoubtedly SANITATION." It is recognised by all competent authorities that the best, and only the best, domestic sanitary appliances should be installed, but
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 267 13 AUCTION SALES. Auction Sale of Office Furniture; Iron Safes Empire Typewriter; Copying Presses; Electric Ceiling Fan and Lamps; Samples of Cloth, and Tools; ten Corges Satin Sarongs, 24 Dozen Blyongs, etc. TO BE HELD AT William Menke Co's Ofhce No. 4 Prince Street On Wednesday, 26th April, it U a.m.
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    • 343 13 AUCTION SALES. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF 99 YEARS' LEASEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES Situate at SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. On Monday, Ist May, 1916. at 2.50 p.m. I M nth,y Rent 1 142 Selegie Road j 1062 sq feet.;3o Cents $25 I \ft 1103 do 1 30 Cents $25! 3 46 do. j
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  • 647 14 Censor at Work. Reading between the lines and putting private reports together, it is not impossible that the passage struck out—if it has been struck out at all—must deal with the situation south of Chungking. At any rate the correspondent evidently began to describe the situation from
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 543 14 I F\ M. S. 6°o WAR LOAN. NOTICE. The Government of the Federated Malay States has made arrangements with the Chartered Bank of India, Au s tralteand China for the Bank to accept payment in full with applications for Bonds in the Federated Malay States War Loan, in cases where
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 353 15 FOB SALE FOR SALE. Dutch Steamlaunch Janus, 22 tons nett. Apply 27 \rcade. »4-3 23-5 FOR SALE. We beg to notify road contractors that we have Sea Laterite for sale. Pease apply (Tel. No* 1346.) Chop Kirn Hong Whatt Co. No. 156 Telok Ayer Street or No. 44 Hokien Street.
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    • 442 15 NOTICES NOTICE. Mr M. Shelton, who has had 20 years' experience in diseases of the hair, scalp and urinary tracts attends daily at his residence at 7-1 Oxley Rd. Attendance 8 to 11 a,m. and 4 to 5.30 p.rn--1-3 30-4 EASTERN EXTENSION A. C. TELEGRAPH CO., LTD. t ■Mi (Incorporated
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    • 167 15 WANTED WANTED. Competent Shorthand-typist apply office Messrs John Little Co., Ltd. 17-4 v WANTED To rent godown wir,h frontage on Singapore River, area approximately 12,000 square fr. Apply to Box 216 c/o Malay a Tribune. 17-3 v SHELLRBEAR'S English-Malay Dictionary. Medium octavo 5% in- 9 m., 573 and xxi pages,
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    • 467 15 BAKK& CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank 0 f England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster
      467 words
    • 423 15 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. [Incorporated in New Zealand)! PISE Insurance* effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every I description' MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest rates EARTHQUAKE Kinks accepted. J. HENRY Local Manager, Offices; 2, Finlayson Green. HEUNC ON INSURANCE CO.. LTD.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 299 16 1 GUAN XI AT Coj s I 5 Singapore. S Telegraphic Address I Tcle|)llOIl€ Nos. 1174.1178.1233. 1 Codes Used 5 ill jj GUANKIAT. I (Private 1450 1073.) A.B.C. sth Edt. and A-l Codes. |jj n J 6bip Gbandlers, Hardware Dealers, ©ovemroenf and Municipal Contractors, S #i J General Importers and
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    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Dally.] No. 94 SINGAPORE, SATTURDAY, APRIL 22, 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 463 1 P. India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incobporated ra England.) Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lines. Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for
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      • 312 1 STOOMVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND" (Incorporated in Holland.) MAIL SERVICE BETWEEN JAVA AND AMSTERDAM, VIA SINGAPORE, BELAWAN-DELI, SABANG, DURBAN, CAPETOWN, LAS PALMAS AND VICE VERSA Steamers are due to arrive on the undermentioned dates OUTWARD. A Steamer Farther sailings will be announced as soon as possible. HOMEWARD. Oranje Apl. 24 Vondel
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      • 583 1 N. Y. K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) (JAPAN MAIL JJ** STEAMSHIP CO > EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained between Yokohama via ports te Marseilles and London, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed,
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    • 524 2 Europe. I For London: Nagoya April 2$ Eushimi Mara April 29 Keelung May 3 Denbigh Hall May 4 Neieua May 8 Namur May 11 Hirano Maru May 13 Gleniffer May 20 Kaga Maru May 24 Oanfa May 26 Deucalion June 3 Nyanza July 12 For Genoa: Gleniffer
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    • 32 2 Change of Route. The N. Y. K. steamers from Europe, commencing with the Kamo Maru will omit Colombo on their voyage from Europe, coming from Durban direct to Singapore.
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    • 53 2 Australian Union Steamship shares have risen considerably, lately they being done at 30/6. This is quite a large advance on the 24/- at which they were to be had only recently, and this is probably due to the rumour current that the Union and the New Zealand Shipping
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    • 55 2 The British Columbia Manufacturers' Association is about to form a joint stock company to carry on shipbuilding. It is proposed that 15 ships ahmU be constructed at once at shipyards in Vancouver, Victoria, and Prince Rupert. Assistance will be asked for from both the Dominion Government
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    • 85 2 The Cunard Company recently required some extra tonnage—a rather common thing with shipping companies nowadays—and to secure it paid a price that will live in memory a long time, even in these days of extraordinary and eventful occurrences, on account of the enormous price paid for
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    • 73 2 According to the shipbuilding returns compiled by the United States Bureau of Navigation, 48 vessels aggregating 26,408 tons gross were built in the United States in January, of which six, of 21,373 tons, were steel steamers. The principal steamers built were the Santa Barbara, of 6,621 tons, built
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    • 79 2 Whereas it appears to the Resident of Perak that a disease—-viz., plague—exists at Pnlan Pangkor Besar, it is hereby declared that the B iand of Pangkor and the islands adjacent thereto are infected places within the meaning of "The Quarantine and Prevention of Disease Enactment, 1903." All steamers,
      79 words
    • 983 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station:—s.s. Melchior Treub, s.s. Rumphius, s.s. Oranje, s.s. Tjitaroem. For Barcelona the Spanish mail steamer C. de Eizaguirre sailed yesterday. The P. &0. outward mail steamer Nankin arrived here and leaves for China to-day.
      983 words
    • 330 2 More Activity Wanted. More than 18 months auo th* fighting units of the most Navy the world has ever kno W r to sea to play their part in the t* of a would-be world conqueror did we expect that fleet to do what has it actually
      330 words
    • 187 2 It is quite true that the German fleet can do rery little, but they are not asleep and, moreover, theirauccea in evading our patrols when they plan a raid is noteworthy. It molt ■ot be imagined for one instant that we are condemning the men who man oar
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    • 188 2 We have ships to spare, we have men willing and eager to fight. The enemy must seriously consider even the loss of a single unit. Yrt they show tbe greater activity. Tbu> is not in keeping with the spirit of the British Navy, it is not consistent with
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 39 2 SINGAPORE SHIPGHANDLERY Go. SHI PC HANDLES PROYIBORING CONTRACTORS, The Company's Launch meets incoming ships. Office :—l6 Battery Road. TAKE LIFT TO TOP FLOOR Telephone No. 141. Orders promptly attended to from January Ist, 1916. H. W. H. STEVENS, Manager.
        39 words
    • 591 3 Returns for February. Tie Board of Trade Returns for February, show that during the month under review the imports iDto %b" United Kingdom were valued at £67,348,243, as compared with £74, 948,241 in January, while the total value of the exports was £44,865,578, as compared with £45,587,33!) during
      591 words
    • 135 3 The following casualties t<> shipping through hostile acts have been reported recently Ship and Owners. Flag. Tons. Damage TERJEVIKEN Norwegian rSunk April 19) HARROVIAN British 3,307 (Sunk. April 16.) (J. Mathias Son Abertswith.) GLENDOON Norwegian (s.v.) 1773 (Sunk. April 16.) [J. Bruusgaard Dram men.] CARDONIA British
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    • 197 3 Brazil Germany. i The negotiations which were opened by the Government, of Brazil with the German Government in the middle of March regarding the requisitioning of interned Ger- man vessels, have had the effect that Germany is willing, on conditions, !to allow some of her ships to be j employed
      197 words
    • 64 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the European Mails and their delivery in London. Mail. Lin. Dilivishd 8.1. Mar. 1§ Apr. 5 P. &O. Mar. 17 Apr. 17 M. M. Mar. 17 B. I. Mar. 24 M. M. Mar. 27 P.
      64 words
    • 91 3 Apr. 22. —High water :—0.4 a.m. 9 ft. 2 ins.; 1-32 p.m. 7 ft. 7 ins. Apr. 23. —High water :—O-41 a.m. 9 ft 2-28 p.m. 7 ft. Apr. 24. —High water :—1.24 a.m. 8 ft. 5 ins. 3.36 p.m. 6 ft. 5 ins. Apr. 25. —High
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    • 65 3 It would certainly appear as if another epidemic of pillaging from the wharves around Sydney has set in >ays the Shipping Index so it behoves magistrates to remember that any leniency is unfair, if an offender be brought before them. Straight out imprisonment for six months at least
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    • 69 3 Admiral Albert. G. Winterhalter, on board the United States cruiser Brooklyn arrived at Guam, where he has a mission to investigate the practicability of having the German cruicer Cormoran, now interned there, removed to some port in tbe United States where she will be interned until the
      69 words
    • 195 3 Penang Sports. Singapore Chinese Team Plays. Tribune Special. The Singapore Straits Chinese Sporting Team arrived at Penang yesterday by the Straits Steamship Company's liner Ipoh and was met at the pier by Mr. Lim Eow Thoon, the secretary of the Chinese Recreation Club, and prominent members of the
      195 words
    • 244 3 (By The Man at the Rails.) The morning was all that conld be desired, the attendance at the course fair and the training, with but few exceptions, fast and satisfactory. First to take the field, the Friar galloped round the course, closely followed by the Swell. Rouge-et-Noir put
      244 words
    • 393 3 At the Engineers' Association rooms, French Bank Buildings on Saturday evening, a very successful smoking concert was given. The event was well attended, several ladies gracing the proceedings with their presence. Mr. W. J. Trowell, M.I.N.A, was in the chair and as a gathering of convivial helpers
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 91 3 Pacific Service. For Vancouver (B. C.) «nd Seattle' (Wash) (SaiiFrancisco with transnip- ment.) (Taking cargo on through Bills of Lading to Canadian and U.S.A. Points.) Nor. a. s. M GRENA 6371 G. R., In port, Loading April 27. -Jap. s. 8. "TOKAI MARU 3739 G. R., due here Ist May,
        91 words
      • 125 3 M. M. MESSACERIES MARITIMES. Mail Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, MARSEILLES. Homeward. Outwamd. 1916 191« Athos Apl. 27 Cordillere May. 2 Porthos May. 19 Andre' Lebon May. 9 Cordillere June 2 Atlaatique May. 23 Andre Lebon June 16 Amazone Jane. 6 Atlantique June 30 Polynesian Jon*. 2t For all particulars
        125 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 318 3 Mails Close. G. P. 0. Closed. Monday, 24th. Pula* Soegi Hock Hje 8.30 ana Pulau B&t&m Jr Pulau Bulang Hock Kenf 8.S0 am Pulau Soegi Glanggi 8.30 am Medan Rumphius 8.30 am Muar and Malacca* Sri Muar soon Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis and Bagan Pontianak noon Port Swettenham and Teluk Anf-ou
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
        532 words
      • 495 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) {Contractors to the F nperial Japanese Army and Navy mnd to Foreign Governments J Codes Jfed Cable addresses n Al. A.8.C., DOCKY X 1 1 /iSfc W\ fmrnm W. Union OBL X Scott's. Leber's, ano DOCK-DAIR .N. Engineering. KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and
        495 words
      • 338 4 Ocean Steam Ship Company, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Na? Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England s The Companies' steamers are patci ed from Liverpool outward- the Straits, China and Japan week and from Japan honeward* for London, Amsterdam and Antw every fortnight for Genoa, W les and Liverpool and for
        338 words