Malaya Tribune, 13 April 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 47 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. vol 3.- No. 87. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1916 Price 5 Cents. CN ipalapa tribune. THURSDAY, APRIL 13 State Slipping (Sazrffc Issued Daily.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Daily.] No. 87 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1916
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 335 1 TO-NIGHT AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE GAIETY Picture Palace Junction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets. THE YITAGRAPH Co. Presents c Great Broadway Star Feature with Sidney Drew, Clara Kimball ong, Ned Fiuky, Kate Pi ice, Ltifnne 6» at dot, James Lackaye and 100 others in Goodness Gracious OR M MOVIES
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    • 122 1 SULPHURIC I jAX D I j Hydrochloric Acid, j TRADE MARK. Xjl 1 MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA, LTD. I (Incorporated in Japan) 2 3 SOLE AGEJNTS. J 55 8 g} Awarded Numerous Gold Medals 35 m J l j Ccrder.sed 0 l SUN BRAND. gj Jg gg g} AGENCIES Obtainable very
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  • 261 2 Details of the magnificent rani j carried out on Lai bach by Italian aeroplanes on February 18, despite I a heavy bom bard merit and attacks jby Augtrian aeroplanes, have just been made public, the censor having refused until now to permit their publication. The success of
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  • 164 2 Writing to The < )bserver Mr. Geo. S. Hinds says The correspondent who is in doubt as to the correct spelling of coco-nut may be interested to know that the form 1 give is supported by the Oxford English Dictionary, and has, I believe, the orlicial countenance of the
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  • 163 2 Thirty cases of Chinese human I hair, which were capture.! at the outbreak of war while hound for I Hamburg, were sold by auction re- > cently at the London Commercial Sale Rooms for prices ranging from Sd. to Bs. »;d. per lb., according to length. Before and after the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 156 2 Final Sale Days To Make Room for New Goods. WE OFFER Dresses, Blouses, Shoes, Millinery, Fancy Goods AND ALL Remnants and Oddments, AT HALF SALE PRICES. John Little Co., Ltd. (iKCOBPOBATEB IN ES«iLAXD). g THE PRIME FACTORS FRAMROZ'S Aerated Waters ARE QUALITY, PURITY ECONOMY. RUBBER Ribbed Smoked Sheet Obtains the
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    • 32 2 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of chemist*. Wfcent. per phial, cr free f r3m the Dr W Medicine Co., Dept. sc, Bin«»pore.
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    • 348 2 POWELL Co.'s CALENDAR FOR APRIL, 1916. SUK. j 2 9 16 130 MOB. 3 10 17 24 TOES. 4 11 18 25 Wed. 5 12 19 26 THURS. 6 13 20 27 Fri. j- j 7 jl4 21 28 SAT. 1 8 15 22 29 Tuesdays Land Sales. Saturdays:—Furniture Sales.
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  • 325 3 (From Our Special Correĕpondent.) F.M.S. War Loan. Address by The Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. At the meeting of the Chinese of Malacca held on Saturday last in Connection with a memorial to the late Mr. Tan Chay Van the Hon. Dr. Lim LJoon Keng gave a veryinteresting
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  • 315 3 Malaya, says the Bangkok Times, continues to play a praiseworthy part in the world crisis. Tt has sent a. number ol men to active service it* war relief fund covers halt a dozen schemes, which have been well supported and now it is borrowing money at 6 per
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  • 68 3 A general meeting <>!' the Malacca PI inters' Association will be held in the Malacca Club on Sunday next April lb', at 10.30 a.m. when the following agenda will be discussed (1) Correspondence, (2) Aeroplane Fund, War Relief Fund. (4) Locusts, ("j) Rubber Dealers' Ordinance, (6) Contract Tapping,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 276 3 MOTOR CARS ON HIRE J MOTOR REPAIRERS MOTOR CAR IMPORTERS GREASE Cylinder Oil i !AND I Motor Accessories OF Every Description. I ■IIiMHI.I I» I Sole Agents For: Meltz Weiss Oil Engines Tbe Celebrated Star, Mitchell and Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles Sub-Agents :—MICHELIN TYRES. "Gasolene light Cycle Co" 5,5-1
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    • 452 3 —Depression Mental Weariness Pul 1 iiiu your Thoughts together Wakefuliless Irritability; Physical Lassitude Kdlliog off In your Physical Condition —warn you that your nerves are not receiv- Starved nerves arc responds from y° ur ordinary food t sible form any of the troubles sufficient nutriment to replace that yon see
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 454 4 AUCTION SALES^^^ s=== PREOMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale of l)u able Land and Houses No.. 244 to 274 lUliang "1"«™™« tfouUsatSin Koh Street and Nam l£ck Street and brick kilns and coconut plantation at kallang I udding. TO BE HELD AT MESSRS CHING KBSG LEE k CO.H BALE ROOM, In the
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    • 39 4 TAMANOYA HOTEL, j 5-19 Beach Road. j| Most Corf Japanese Hotel I in Singapore. Ckar.«l Mwdcrat- > x 1- .n ißgll II 111 ■■ir i M ii m a—Ti Agents KIM HIN Co., 13 Klin 4 Street, Singapore. 6-4 5-4-17
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    • 254 4 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. In the Matter of the Alien Enemies (Windiri up) Ordinance, 1914, AND In the Matter of Behn Meyer and Compa Limited, an Enemy Company withir t Meaning of the said Ordinance Messrs CHING KENG LEE Co. have been instructed h v the Liquidator, W. H. MACGREGOR
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  • 136 5 To-day. Homeward mail closes. Football, S.C.C. v. S.U.F.A. Hindu Xew Year commences. High Water—6 a.m. 6 ft. 5 ins. 6.15 p.m. 6* ft. 5 ins. To-morrow. Hotel Europe Dance, 10 p.m. High Water—7-29 a.m. 6 ft. 8 ins. 8- 48 p.m. 7 ft. Saturday, 15th. S.K.E. (v) Smoker. Drill
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  • 73 5 Singmpore% April On I ondon— Bank 4 m/s. 2/1 19/32 Demand 2/4'J Private S m/i. 2/1 27/32 On India— Bank T. T. 174;] On Hongkong— Bank d/d 11.', In Shanghai— Bankd/d. ,s 1 J On Java— Bank T. T. 132 On .Japan— Bank d/d. illj Sovereign*—buying rat* *.f»4 i
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 296 5 I "DJ!NN" Marine Motors possess unusual advantages. May we tell you about them IPENTRAI I j%f [ENGjN Ĕ "ft 0R X S LTOIU SINGAPORE. imiu i MMM————■———— VJ.\>. LjUjH' Just Arrived! 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TTTNFR Collins' New 6d. and Td. riAi^u 1 Ull£*£i novels by well-known _T authors. REPAIRER.
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    • 162 5 Oh, That Toothache! PERTAIN QUICK CURE, .Tc T DIS AWFUL ACHE tress: your- MM m face SELF ABOUT \StJ SWELLED. THE law* The pain can he stopped instanter without use of torturing instruments or dangerous acids. Not necessary to have bad teeth pulled out, so need be no loss of
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    • 356 5 HOUSEHOLD A LOWEST I I GOODS AT PRICES. I Heavy Brown Turkish Towels. k Extra thick, red nod white striped design, a pleasure to use. B Frinfed Huckaback Face Towels. T t J J m V With red herder, very absorbent. I Size 20 i4O ins. per do/. Price $5.501
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 68 5 Singapore Volunteer Corps Orders for the week ending Friday, April 14 To-day. «">.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.C. Band. To-morrow. f>.lf> p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A do Maxim Co Officers cVr N.C.Os. 4 .10 p.m Balestier Range S.V.K. f).lf> p.m Tanglin Barracks Veterans Officers A: X.C.O's. Drill Hall Chinese Co. Bias Bat
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 297 6 JU-JITSU By Professor Hagio. Practical Leesooa in Ju-Jitsu will be given at the Ju-.Jitsu Hall 107, SELEGIE ROAD, On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturda rom t p.m. to 7 />•"'• Tuition Fee s 7 per month. K. TSUTADA Japanese Dentist 74 74 1 BRAS BASAH ROAD. Extraction Painless. Charges Moderate. WORK
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    • 71 6 Easter! Easter!! We have just received stock of Easter Eggs Easter Eggs FILLED WITH CHOCOLATES. Just the thing for the Season. Buy One for a Present. Many sizes to choose from Koh Company 83 84 BRAS BASAH ROAD. 6.W.5. Dc Silva Co. GOLDSMITHS A JEWELLERS, 46 Selegie Road. Solicit the
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    • 346 6 PALLADIUM Singapore's Premier Theatre Orchird Road Sin*ipore s Premier Theatre To-Night 9-15 Sharp. PRESENTS To-Night 9-15 Shar Allen Deane'a Powerful Psychological Play —A Great Production. A New Version of the Celebrated Roma Drama. Positively one of the most sensational Melodramas ever prod i Full of tense dramatic situations—Featuring Miss Laura
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  • 894 7 Terror ol an Ipah Estate Man> Victims Devoured. i following troe tiger story ontribnted to the Jpoh i a lady living on StratL.isla s i hict issitaaied aboutpeven aout from Ipoh on the.Jelapang i"h" tiger appears to have to the vicinity and local ireee will receive
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  • 247 7 (Singapore, April 13.) Tin. —$95i To Tons sold. Copra. —Weak. Tapioca. —V\ eak. Sago Flour- —Weak. Gambier» Pepper- —Weak. Other Product*. —.Market Steady j Latest Local Market Quotations. Nutmegs 110 S. per picul $4150 Nutmegs HO S. 51.50 Copra Bali 10.40 Copra Gorong Talo 10.50 j Copra Dongalo
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  • 54 7 Messrs Guthrie Co. the Company's agents, advise that the March crop of rubber from the Sumatra Caoutchouc Maatschappij should b« 21.157 kilos not 2,115 kilos as advised previously. The officers, non-com missioned officers, and men of thn Malacca Volunteer Rifles and Ambulance vsill lie "at home" to their friends on
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  • 833 7 Power and Responsibility. Preuiiei C« 01 Ok«ima, who has just emergd victorious over his opponents in the Diet was se«-n a few days ago in high spint.s, freely and vigorously discussing tLing* national and international with his newspaper friends, both Japanese and foreign, who were
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  • 73 7 Seventeen Chinese have been banished from Perak, five for life, three for fifteen years, seven for ten years and two for five 3 ears. In Selangor eight have been banished, five for life and three for five years. The Resident of Selangor has appointed Dato' Che Abdullah Maharaja Lela to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 185 7 Latest Advertisements. THE COMMERCIAL PRESS, LIMITED. (Incorporated in China) Straits Branch Office: No. 172, South Bridge Read. FO R SA~L E I The English Student published in Chinese and English as a magazine. Just received Vol. II No. 3 (Marc b L 916.) Price 15 cents a copy year ((>
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    • 191 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. M.V.R. CAMP ALOR C UAH. Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and Men of the Malacca Volunteer Rifles Hnd Ambulance will be 4 AT HOME to friends on the afternoon <>f Saturday, 22nd. April. 13-4 15.4 KIXUGHI AGRGBATIC TROUPE DIRECT FROM JAPAN. Location Beach Road TO NIGHT AT 8. Don't DMB
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  • 1211 8 In modern life —or rather in the life as we knew it and lived it before j the present world's upheaval occur- j cd —there was always a tendency to live for the present. Since then i has been a complete alteration which is perceptible on all
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 136 8 FOR THE BEST Chocolatesi OF ALL VARIETIES ALL BEARING I C ad bury's HALL-MARK OF HIGHEST QUALITY CALL AT OR SEND TO ROBINSON Co. Raffles Place. Who iiare just received a fresh consignment of all varieties including KING GEORGE, TROPICAL, ALMONDS —in lb. and lb. tins. Nut Milk Chocolates 25
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    • 96 8 BROWN CAMPBELL Ccs I "FIVE STAR" Whisky. j A rea ly kkl chea > Scotch Whisky. Sol© Imp irU rs CaldDccK. WsDji €gor Co. 1 W————i ■■■■■111 I ***** T 1 Ti Tl ADELPHI Every Evening I During Dinner i OUR 5 MANILA BAND I j Will *»jl-ay. j i
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    • 38 8 I Brand l Sweetened Condensed Milk per case 513.90 J J Sterilised Natural Milk 9.30 Ideal Unsweetened Milk $10.50 I B. P. DE SUVA'S ESTABLISHMENT WILL HE CLOSED ON NEW YEAR DAYS 12th and 13th April. 11-4 13-4
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  • 560 9 Tin is at S9.jf—s2.l2* down. ,tton is steady at 7.b'5. Tin has reached the £200 level jn London. Copra is done at £39.17.6 in L<»r. 1« n. Gambier is quoted at 55/9, Cube being done at sft/-. Kikuchi Acrobatic Troupe, b Read, 8 p.m. to-night. A Lisbon
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  • 59 9 An Echo of 1913. London, April 12, 3.20 p.m,. Shanghai The Chinese provipce of Chekiang has declared its .independence. There was no fighting. The notorious Chenchimei, leader of the 1 J13 revolution, has returned to Shanghai. He is heading the more violent section of anti-Yuan-ites. [Chekiang is
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  • 52 9 Reuter. London, April 12, 4.50 p.m. Lord Robert Cecil in the House of Commons to day said that the unrest in China did not show any signs of diminishing. The situation varies from day to day, but there was no indication that there was any danger to
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 442 9 Melbourne Comedy Company. "Uudoubtedly the finest combination that has ever visited the East" (Shanghai Times) M Both the vocalism and the refined humour are of that high order which appeals to all lovers of amusement (Hongkong Daily Telegraph Not one dull moment in their sixty minutes of mirth and
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  • 43 9 Mr. H.G. Sarware paper on the v Qurauic at .tude towards war will be read in the Y. IL C. A. tonight at 8.15 p.m. this lecture being the third of the interesting series on Religion and War. All interested are cordially welcomed.
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  • 432 9 Results for The Year 1915. Boys. Raffles Institution. Seniors: —Chia Boon Leong, Humzeb, Lee Keng Soon, Phoon Seek Wah, Phoon Seek Foo, Wong Puck Sham, Ong Van Keng, Tan Wye Kam. JUNIORS —L. P. P. P. Creason, Poo Hoo Seng, S. E. B. Goodland, H. N. Leicester,
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  • 31 9 London, April 12, 3 50 p.m. The death is announced of Mr. Edward Anthony Beck, li. A., master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, since 1902. He was 68 years of age.
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  • 100 9 The Great War Page. The War on Shipping 9 The Western Front 9 In the East 9 In Mesopotamia 9 The Italian Campaign 9 Brave Italian Airman 2 "Coco-Nut" 2 Malacca News 3 Tale of a Maneater 7 The New World 8 The China Revolt 9 Local and
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  • 91 9 The War on Shipping. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, April 11, 10.45 p.m. A Penzance telegram states that the Italian steamer Unsone has been sunk by a submarine. The crew is believed to have been saved by a French Destroyer. The British steamer Ellaston and the Italian steamer Unsone
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  91 words
  • 71 9 What will Germany say Now London, April 12, 2.i>o p.m. Amsterdam Expert investigation by the Dutch Shipping Council has resulted in a triumphant refutation of the German denials of the torpedoing of the Palembang and the Tub*ntia. Evidence is forthcoming that both vessels displayed their national colours in the plainest
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  • 58 9 Big Gun Duels. London, April 12, 1.40 p.m. Rome A communique states that the enemy opened up new heavy batteries between the Adige and Sugana valleys, to which the Italians effectively replied, causing big fires. There has been intense artillery tire on the whole of the Isonzo
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  • 41 9 Another German Failure. London, April 12, 1.40 p.m. Petrograd The communique states that the Germans unsuccessfully attempted an offensive against an important bridgehead at Ikskull. Artillery was lively elsewhere. The Russians continue to make progress west of Erzerum.
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  • 95 9 London, April 11, o\4o p.m. Athens: The British and French ministers here informed the Greek premier of the intention of the Allies to land forces on the island of Kephalonia, westward of Greece, and to establish a naval base there. They gave assurances that the
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  • 23 9 London, April 12, 5 a.m. Lourenco Marques :—A Portuguese expeditionary force occupied Kronga in German East Africa on April 10.
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  • 30 9 London, April 11, 7 p.m. Paris: The new French aeroplane is declared to be tbe fastest in the world i.ijd one that could easily outmatch Pokker.
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  • 15 9 London, April 11, 7 p.m. Another spy was shot in London to-day.
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  • 141 9 Huns Vanquished at Vaux. London, April 12, 1.50 a.m. Paris The communique states that north of the Aisne our artilleryshelled a strong enemy marching column, inflicting heavy lossesOur artillery was most active in tho Argonne against the whole or the enemy front. There was a heavy bombardment
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  • 74 9 London, April 12, 3.55 p.m. Paris The Germans are still unsuccessfully hammering at Verdun. The communique states that the enemy launched an attack to-day, using liquid tire against Caurettes Wood, and bet ween Dead man Hill and Cumieres They were everywhere repulsed. There was great artillery activity
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  • 134 9 London, April 12, noon. Paris A semi-official message states that despite the use of the lowest means, sm-h as liquid fire and lachrymatories, the enemy's furious assaults on our wings have failed. The continuous bombardment indicates the enemy's intention of making another attack on Deadman Hill where yesterday
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  • 114 9 Craters Won and Lost; London, April 12 1.30 a.m. The British communique states that grenade fighting in the craters east of St. Eloi continued last night with varying fortune. We hold three of the craters but not the other two at present. The enemy to-day exploded mines
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  • 53 9 Floods Still Hindering. Loudon, April 12, 3.20 p.m. The position in Mesopotamia is not yet clear, but the river is above the level of the land, and the water is probably percolating onerenly, causing the British much difficulty] The enemy may have even intern tionally flooded certain of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 328 10 HOUSE OF COMMONS. Questions of Import. The Paris Conference. Loudon. April 11. 5 pin. In the House of Commons to-day JWr. Asqnith. referring to the recent allied conference at Paris emphasised the fact that the results wen the reaffirmation of the solidarityof the Allies and the establishment of complete
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  • 180 10 London, April 12, 12.55 p.m. In the House of Lords to-day Lord Courtney and Lord Bryce said tbey hoped that nothing would be done at the economic conference in Paris which would afl'ect the absolute freedom of the people of Great J'ritain to determine their own fiscal
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  • 87 10 W French Tributes. London, April 1 L The French press commenting on the Kim;l tpeech of yesterday to the members of the Franco-British V Conference pays triI I teg to (IrKii Britain and especially t. the colonies for their splendid efforts to Mi.-eonr the Frenfch M NMii< ns
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  • 308 10 To-days Training. (By the Man at the Rails.) It was a cool and pleasant morning, the training being witnessed by a number of members and others interested. Quaker Girl was the first to take the field, being put to strong exercise B.C. The Friar and Storey did similar
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  • 133 10 SCC. v. SX.F.AThis match which is to take place on the esplanade this afternoon is in the nature of a trial game for the Straits Chinese F A. team that is oppose the Penang C.R.C. in the return match at Penang on Saturday April 22. The teams will be
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  • 88 10 On Sunday next launches will leave Johnston's Pier at 8, 9 and 10 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. and the Club Bungalow at 8.30 and 9.30 a.m., 12.15, and 5.30 p.m. 75 yards Back Stroke Race. This event will take place on the arrival of the 10
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  • 143 10 j As an acknowledgement of the many services he has rendered to the S.C.C. hockey and two football sections, as a most efficient referee for the past four years, Capt. C. B. Mallins, R M.L.I. Naval Staff Officer, I who attached to the staff at Fort j
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  • 106 10 European War Fund. For the joint benefit of the British Red Cross Society and The Order of St. John of Jerusalem in England. Amount previously acknowledged $5,700.93 List No. 46. Collected by Mr. A. Elly, Port Swettenham. Mr. Jas Johnston 10 n S, C. Kinsman 10
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  • 28 10 The Perak tin export for the month of March was block tin 2.G13 pikuls 81 katis Tin ore 36,081 pikuls S katis. The duty paid amounted to $454,883.85.
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  • 11 10 [We do not necessarily endorse the opinion." > zpressed by correspondents.']
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  • 898 10 To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Sir, —Should you consider the following facts of sufficient interest to the readers of your paper would you please give them publication. Reports from home of the marked success vthich the efforts of the authorities are meeting
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  • 169 10 Old Crime Brought to Light. Sikhs and Police Implicated. As a sequel to a gang-robbery and the murder of a police corporal and a constable near Klian Matau in January last, Cham Sing was charged before Mr. W. E. Scott, iv tbe First Magistrate Court in Ipoh last
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  • 102 10 Amusiag Incident in Court. While one of the four counsel **f addressing their lordships in t.M Court of Appeal at Hongkong on ultimo, he suddenly exclaimed. I have lost my glasses," and comawnce* to search anxiously among the heap of law tomes and papers, Matted I
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 54 10 l Contracts have been Renewed for the supplies of Cement during 1 1916 to the Municipality of Singapore and to the Government 1 I of Johore also to the Federated Malay States Railways. I S Beware of Imitations. S I y Insist on getting the Haiphong "Dragon" Brand I jDUPIRE
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  • 140 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune). Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-day:— Alor Gajah $3.60 $3.75 Ayer Kunings 1.35 1.40 Ayer Molek 2.40 2.50 Ayer Panas 10.60 10.80 Balgownie 4.25 4.40 Bukit Jelotong 0.62 i 0,67^ Bukit Katil 0.90 0.95" ChangkatSerdg.... 10.60
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  • 238 11 Inauguration on May Day. The Peking correspondent of the Hongkong Daily Press reports that May Day will be celebrated in China with the inauguration of a Parliament. The electorial machinery for the election of the Citizens Convention is (happy thought to be utilised for the election of the
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  • 65 11 One possible result of the growing range of air offence, >ays the Spectator, is that our great uaval docks will have to be placed as remote an possible from the Continent of Europe —say at Belfast and in the Clyde— and a .ship canal from the Clyde to the Forth
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 126 11 I THE 1 Pot Stills! I c E it E of 3 3 Great Britain! E Have Been 1 i s Taken Over by Government, J NEVERTHELESS 2 1 Buchanan'sl ft s E E will be able to continue 1 i to supply their famous 3 blends and to maintain
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    • 213 11 Train Services. Singapore {Tank-Road) Daily 1, 1 Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Other trains leave for Johore at il a.m. 10.29 a.m. noon 1.30 p.m. 2.55 p.m. 4.40 p.m. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a.m. and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave from Johore
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    • 87 11 TO-NIGHT I TO-NIGHT I t THE Cinema QA SINO PRESENTS In the Second Show 9.15 p.m. Sharp A VITAGRAPH BURLESQUE IN THREE SIDE-SPLITTING ACTS. A LAUGH A SCREAM I A YELL GOODNESS R A CJOUS Or Movies As they Shouldn't Be Note! The big Laughing Caste: Sydney Drew. 01<(ra Kimball
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  • 1426 12 A Satisfactory Report. The Great War lias discovered many things and one of them is the atrengt. of the V.M.C.A., say- the annua! report of the Singapore branch for 1915. The Association was not unknown before, but the extraordinary resource it has "displayed in ministering to the all-round
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 345 12 t 1 Sanitary Appliances. The study of health and hygienic principles is of the utmost importance in tropical countries, and the first question which presents itself for consideiation is undoubtedly SANITATION." It is recognised by all competent authorities that the best, and only the best, domestic sanitary appliances should be
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  • 210 13 Interesting Ixperiments in Burma. short time ago experiments i i made by a committee ol memen of the Burmah Motor Associ- ussisted by representatives of t; >us motor firms in Rangoon ie hope of mitigating the dazzle rased by the electric headlights of motor-cars. None of the experiments,
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  • 162 13 In the printing industry, says a| ie paper of recent date, special lifficultiea have arisen during the war, and as the trade has not been hednled as a reserved occupation will be accentuated by the ailing up of the attested men under group system of recruiting.
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  • 28 13 The high tax has not lessene cigarette smoking but has driven h mokenj to cheaper cigarettes, says Mm Tobacco Trade Review. The Bona ia the case with cigars.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 980 13 I Alhambra Theatre 1 I THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. beach roao. the home qf FEATURE ATTRACTIONS. 8 The Leading Theatre in Singapore. r 54 Manager, -j M. H. KENYON-SLADE. H To-Night To-Night To Night To-Night 1* W. GRIFFITHS Presents departs S5 A powerful and emotional dranm of intense interest—A Great
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  • 252 14 Mr. Chan Sze Onn informs us that the March output of rubber of the Mandai Tekong Rubber Estates, Ltd. is b,?27 lbs, making a total of 53,556 for the eight months of the current financial year. Messrs Bateman and Co., Secretaries for the Jimah Rubber Estates, Ltd., advise
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  • 202 14 Subadar Sundar Singh's Retirement. An event of some irapoitance to to the memberg of the Perak Police Force has been the retirement of its senior and oldest Sikh officer, Subadar Sundar Singh, after 30 years' service. In view of the retirement a special parade, arranged in
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 118 14 NEURALGIA SOOTHED AWAY >•> Little's Oriental Balm To all ho buffer the desperate twuting agoniea and spa>ms of f»eura. Ji:i > To all who are acquainted with an? of the Miflereca: To all »1 o h:,ve oerei suffered vet who aufa to be on tbe laic side: Here'- QeWfl LITTLE
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    • 524 14 F. M. S. 6°o WAR LOAN. NOTICE. The Government of the Federated Malay States has made arrangements with the Chartered Bank of dia tralla and China for the Bank to accept payment in full with applications for Bonds in the Federated Malay States W ar Lojj in cases where applicants
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 392 15 I FOR SALE FOR SALE, h Stcainlaunch Janus, tons nett. Apply '27 FOR SALE. >r Boat, 18 ft. Now being the Harbour and in EXm st RUNNING ORDER. am time. ANDERSON A: Co. '.'-11 The Arcade. I ;.T- 15-4 I FOR SALE. j Straits Cycle Motor CouiB. l V Limited,
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    • 446 15 NOTICES NOTICE. Mr. M. Shelton, who has had 20 years' experience in diseases of the hair, scalp and urinary tracts attends daily at his residence at 7-1 Oxley Rd. Attendance 8 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 5.30 p.m. 1-3 30-4 THE MALAKA PINDA RUBBER ESTATES, LTD. (Incorporate] in the
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    • 399 15 WANTED WANTED To rent godown with frontage on Singapore River, area approximately 12,000 square fr. Apply to Box 216 c/o Malaya Tribune. 17-3 JUNIOR TYPIST WANTED. Wanted Junior typist and invoice clerk. Apply Box No. 219, c/o Malaya Tribune. 12-4 15-4 CHINESE BOOKKEEPER WANTED Wanted: For office in Borneo, junior
      399 words
    • 459 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th* London City and MidlaDd Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
      459 words
    • 413 15 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. [Incorporated n New Zealand)! FIRE Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description' MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts of tbe world at lowest rate*;, EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY Local Manager, Offices: 2, Finlayson Green. HEUNC ON INSURANCE CO.. LTD. (Incorporated
      413 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 240 16 I The Forcsightcd and Thrifty arc called Lucky. I i I If it is lucky to be wise-be wise and < I profit by buying from i KIAT 6? Co I I 1 Singapore. j Telegraphic Address f Telephone Nos. 1174, 1178, 1233, Codes Used **I I I I GUANK/AT.
      240 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 421 1 P.&O, British India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated ln England.) Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Undei tract with His Majesty's Government). Foi China, Japan, P nang, Ceylon, Australia. India. Aden, Egyp Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamer; *iii lea«e Sinnapot* <>n or annul Hail Lines. n :wabd Europe]
      421 words
      336 words
    • 597 1 NIPP S VI SKJS KAISH4 'ttAX JbU 1 i> Ar A ft (JAPAN lAIL STEAMSHIP CO > EUROPEAN LINE A sei n c w maintained between Yokohama via port* to Marseilles \ni Loudon uoler mail contract with the Imperial Japan*** Govern oent. Tl a Ne.» Cwin-a raw Steamers maintaining tin*
      597 words

  • 283 2 Hurope. r fjti £jOfl fx f)FI rt .W d V A t Gleniffer May i f' i f i Cfrna Japa nd Phillipinu Ceylon Mam Aprii 24 I i-Miiii Ant*'' N ara May Katori Mara Ma i Ceylon Mam April 24 >rdillere April J Cyclops April y
    283 words
  • 241 2 Vessels ia Pon British STBAMRR BBRTH DATE! i Barqae lone Outer R»i& lt>-.'s J Sri Muar Doi k I*-.) J Magnet fnner Rds 27-.J Humam l*<»ck IS 3 Patrol K. Harbour 30-3 j Ban Whatt Hin Dock t*»-4 I Phranang fnner Rds 7-4 Kato ig de 11-4 1
    241 words
  • 144 2 rhe Hon. Mr I> I indale, chairman of the Hongkong Chamber of Commerce In his speech st the annual meeting on Man b 28th. said You notice that we have been officially informed by the Onsul General foi the Netherlands toe establishment of a rubbei uai feet
    144 words
  • 882 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station:—s.s. Rumphius. M. Van Overstraten. The M.M. linei P rthos sailed for oaigon. The Tambora arrive I in RotterI Tl 1H in < lam i-ii tv«- 4i 1 insi Nineteen ol the [Trigone's crew
    882 words
  • 25 2 The s.s. Phranang has been chartered at I 21,000 to go to the Indian Coast. She is a vessel of 1.021 n.r. tons.
    25 words
  • 38 2 The P. O. Steamship Company has declared a dividend on preference shares of 5 per rent less income tax, and on deferred shares an interim dividend at the rate of 12 per cent per annum. Reuter.
    38 words
  • 81 2 In a disabled state, with h*r main shaft fractured and two of the blades ot her propeller gone, the Norwegian steam* r Vest, of Bergen, was towed info Queenstown by the steamer Majoren, of Stavanger fro,,, New Orleans to Gothenburg. Alter drifting about for days, the Majoren
    81 words
  • 47 2 De Kaan for tfedan. Sappho for P. Dickson P Swettenhatii. Kaka for Malacca and Hear Aing Leong for Mersing, K. Pahang, JPekan, Kuantan, Kemaman a I rengganu. Bands for Batavia. Twjjong Sura* tor Koto Tinggi Malta foi Ceylon, India. Aden Australasia, Mauritius. K.'vnt Korope 4sc.
    47 words
  • 288 2 Refusal of untitled (Bbporb LlEl I B. A. Cator. r 111 the Marine ning Capt. F. J. Ogil I the British steamer charged P. Ryan, W ■F. Delmaine, F I Moder and W. an.! ii Wilson, H. 1 and W. F Fn fii foi disobedience t<- mauds of
    288 words
  • 132 2 Perhaps the best evilenc quickly and effectively the La lette-Furnsetfa seam driven the American Hag ofl Pacific ie shown bj that i November 23, 1914, lb American steamers of a t >taltoi i e< of 45,315 Urns opera [oi ocean and twenty two Japan c*
    132 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 44 2 SINGAPORE SHIPCHA MDIERY C I SKIPCHANDL RS 8 PWfl COvRACT R v The Com Da n < 1 incoming ii j (mice :—l6 Batteiw Road. TAKE UF r TO Ti >] Telephone \o. j I ()rti<>r* prompt h att »nJ •Jmiunr\ [ni. 1916 H.W.H. STEVENS, 5-1
      44 words

  • 862 3 Half-Yearly Report. half-yearly report and ts for the eriod ending Dec. 1915 has j ml been iasoed and' thai hi edit balance of mmd expenditure acconnt ,529.95, ol this ram the ►aid Ine to Government, ii Fund nn lei i >rd. IV of TJO7 v 17.38, and
    862 words
  • 61 3 The following casualties to shipping through hostile acts have heen reported recently Ship and Owners. Flag. Tons. Damage FNBONE Italian (Sunk. Crew believed sale. April 12. KLLASTON Britisl 2,625 (Sunk. Crew saved April 12) SM EATON tish 369 (Sink April 1. > (Great Western Railway Co.
    61 words
  • 69 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the European Mails and their deliver/ in London. Mail. Lkkt. Delivkkkd P. &O. Mar. I Mai. B. I. Mar. 10 Apr. i P. O. Mar. 17 M. M. Mar. 17 B. I. >?ar. U M.
    69 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 509 3 M. M. MESSAGERIES M iRITIMES. Mail Line. FOB CHINA, JAPAN. CEYLON, M AKSEILLES. HOMKWA RD. Hi TWA RD. 19M Atlio- Apl. JI I Cord Here Api. i 5 i Porthoa May.!! Lebon May. 9 Cordillere .Juin 2 attantione *lav. Andre* Lebon June 16 A rnuone ftrr.f*. Atlaattone rlnne SW Polynesiei
      509 words
    • 365 3 Combined Service Ol The Ocean S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated ifi Rnglftßd) AND The West Australian S. N. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England. BRTWBCV FREMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTR ALIAN PORTS, JAVA AND SINGAPORE. Regal it tailings between Singapore i»>,i \V A ili.i ~„1]1 •m<i en Australia, calling at cv
      365 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 552 3 (u. 2 I i JJ'w V« l<c. He I (u,in 2.30 pin Pn: r I >;i■ k■» -II an 1' *Sapph< 2.30 pm i M iK'.r K ..V Jt pm t M i-ing. K. Pahang. i Pi kan. Kuantan. K> nainan. and i Tii nir«aiui Aing |j«o!i<» 3.30 pm Rata\
      552 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
      632 words
    • 547 4 Kawasaki Dockyard 0., Ltd. rv r«iiroBATED in Japan) {Contractor* to fmperial Japan** Army and Ntoy and to 'V) r#*<7 n Go rem men to. t KG BE ShiDbuiMers. Engineers, toiler and Locomotive Makers. AM !e sa Boil M i and La id Engines. N" w Graving **±id atent Si ps.
      547 words
    • 297 4 Ocean Steam Sh Company, Lt AND China Mutual Steals v Co., Ltd. ay •lasorporated in England Th Companies' *tea I the Straits CI iv ami week an<i from Japan London, Amaterd im every fortnight P >■ n I outvv ir:i steam* c «*f r lacoma, taking co Bills ot Li
      297 words