Malaya Tribune, 12 April 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 51 1 The Malaya Tribune. S ENING DAILY.] v y AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. vol 3.- No. 86. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1916 Price 5 Cents. 'Cfce iftalapa CribuiK. •VEDXESDAY, APRIL L 2. Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] Supplement to the Malaya Trioune Issued Daily.] No. 86 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 337 1 -m- mm >• oiyi. ,n ,m i■i in mam i■ i i TONIGHT 1 j AT THE POI'ULAB CINEMA HOUSE GAIETY Picture Palacei unction of Albert and lien coo len Streets. 1 iff! VITAORAPH Co. Presents j Great Hroadwa\ Star feature with Sidne) Drew, Clara Kimball I V ong, Ned
      337 words
    • 174 1 j j 1 Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. I 2 (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN 1 jg Awarded Numerous Gold Medals S3 g The AuroreCond. I j Rotterdam olln n d. I 2, p$ jgs a S ,st Qual Coftd Mi,k ***** per caw 1 fcfi] €%gA 1 !s! al St€ril Mi,k <800
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  • 660 2 It is five o\l >ck no one of thoee afternoons on wh eh Queen Mary h «s invited nom** of hor intimate friends to t™ inlnr Maj^stvS prhate apartments, fay* Pearson'a Weekly. Tnese aftern >on r« a gath-1 are not social fui eiiona in
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  • 25 2 Una which "ink bßO,otel J impcesibleto ■'■k. i!i hem, conrtrocted in GerAl kM thai i, whit ft, (tttmana pretend wtch a wK I
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 168 2 Save Money. ftKli* EV AS Great Clear^ce I NOW PROCEEDING FOR TWO WEEKS. Once a Year Only. j SEND FOR THE HOOK OF BARGAINS. RUBBER Ribbed Smoked Sheet obtains the Top Price and is Easy to Produce when the Jackson Patent Cabinets are used. PRICES FROM $208. 96 HOURS TQ
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    • 306 2 POWELL Co.'s CALENDAR FOR APRIL, 1916, 2T j SUN. 2 9 16 j MON. 3 10 17 24 TUfcS. 4 11 18 25 Wed. r > 12 19 26 THUBS. G 13 20 27 Fri. 7j 14 21 28 SAT. 1 8 15 22 29 Tuesdays Land Sales. Saturdays:—Furniture Sales.
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  • 371 3 Further Details. Authentic particulars are now to hand of the circumstances in which Mr. W. B. Lantour met his death, says the Mala- Mail. Mr. Ltntour came up to Kuala Lumpur on 'Tuesday morning to get money and returned by the 4 o'clock train from Kuala Lumpur
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  • 186 3 Despairing Letter from Wife to Husband. A letter allowing the privations from which the poorer Germant in some districts are raftering hi** been brought to Bristol by a sergeant home on furlough from the westei n front. !t was written in Septembi last by 8 woman living in
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  • 175 3 Says the Straits Times of a recent date; There wan a famous editor who said, M If yuii see a dog bite a man, that's Dot new*: but if you see a man hite a Hog, that 7 news." Renter, at times, appears! h forget what is news and what
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 302 3 MOTOR CARS ON HIRE MOTOR REPAIRERS MOTOR CAR IMPORTERS j GREASE Cylinder Oil AND i Motop Accessories i OF Every Description. in* —1 Agents For; Meltz Weiss Oil Engines The Celebrated Star, Mitchell and Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles Sub-Ag'onts MICHELIN TYRES. Rasolene Light Cycle Co" 5, 5-1 5-2, BEACH
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    • 620 3 ■««iiBWMMMMMMMMt ***** 111 mi HBII ■HI lIIIMMM ml STAND UP TO IT Do not Confuse Useless Sacrifice with Real Efficiency. SThe British Milk Products Co., Ltd., 69, Mark Lane, London, England :—SANAPHOS L Clear your mind of the idea that there is any credit in being crushed by your responsibilities.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 941 4 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. In the Matter of the Alien Enemies (Winding up) Ordinance, 1914, AND In the Matter of Behn Meyer and Company Limited, an Enemy Company within the Meaning of the said Ordinance. Messrs CHING KENG LEE Co. have been instructed by the Liquidator, W. H- MACGREGOR Esq.,
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  • 598 5 Jesselton Ice an i Power Co. The following is the directors' report t<» bharehofdei'ss to be submitted at the second annual meeting on April l'J next Accounts. It will be observed that the loss incurred since the inception of the Company amounts to 16,697.43. This loss is explained
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 280 5 "WESTINGHOUSE" Half-Watt L AMPS give better light and save you money Sole Agents: jrENTRAI [V Engine works ltd!Lb SINGAPORE. I 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TUNER REPAIRER. Good and well selected Music Violin, Piano, etc. Good strings for Strir.ged Instruments. Workmanship Guaranteed TERMS MODERATE. 3-11 v Just Arrived! Just Arrived! Collins
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    • 352 5 fWhiteaway Laidlaw#Co.,Ltd. 4 f Incorporated in England.) jf f Corner Battery Road, SINGAPORE. I mm I SOFT FELTS > I NEW SOFT 1 155.50 I each. g each. U •UmmTQRFC^ NEW FANCY SOCKS. mT cashmere, splicod toes and heels, 1 I|A w itm w*n assorted plain and fancy hand I,
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  • 72 6 Si nga f >'*'» April I Bank 4 h matin 3 Priratf! 3 in,V. 2 I iiidta Kwik X. 1. i i I j On Hoiigl-ong- tit Shiii ?1 vi— Bank d/d. *1J On J>»»f*— Bank T. T. 131 On Japan Bftnkd/d. Lll| Sovereign—bnyi tsr r »te X.54 India
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  • 188 6 Why should rheumatism, a disease of the blood, be worse in wet weather I than in dry I The rheumatic poison in the blood is the predisposing cause of the 1 disease. If you have th taint in your blood you may have rheumatism whenever the exciting
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 244 6 TAMANOYA HOTEL! 5-19 Beach Road. Most Comfortable Japanese H >tel f in Singapore. I Char M ucratfc Agents KIM HIN Co., 13 KlißgStreet. Singapore. 6-4 :>-4-17 j RAfiEEGiJHGE I i f Drainpipes j AND Channels 1 SOLE AGENTS: j mm MALAY CO., I SINGAPORE. I SLEDGE BRAND j I SLEDGE
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    • 407 6 PALLADIUM Singapore's Premier Theatre Qith-id Roud Singapore s Premier Theatjc I We I>o Not Pretend To h»ve the Greatest Programme in the World, out we do know that ive I hMve the Best Programme in Singapore—Look at this for to-night The I Pick of the Basket. j The District Attorney's
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 103 6 Singapore Volunteer Corps Or!< r >• r w k (n Iin Fri .Jay, April 14 To-day. fA J l m S U.K. V. U: ii Hall S.V.k. ,lo M. Cyclist Section. V«-r- ran.-: Co. <io Chinese Co. lira- Hasab K«». Malay Co To-morrow. .UO p. II. Drill lb 1 S.V.C.
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  • 78 7 further Subscriptions. uwinrf t' additioni -il si notions a*e acknow- .\d. 18 Fighter/*) Singapore. vionnlv acknowledged $10,.250 a No. 1 9 a Fighter w acknowledged $1,4t>0 if Powell, Penang... 10 $1 160 a.A> a No. 20—<■ Fighter.")— i i ibed 1»\ all nationalities. ialj acknowledged $510 11.
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  • 244 7 (Singapore, April 12.) Tin.— «S97 j 125 Tom sold. jp/'J Weak. Tovioco.— eak. SfVflO V' —SlKld 1 <f tiibu > Peppi r— Strong CMer Products. —.Market Steady Latest Loal Market Quotations. Nutmegs IK 1 S. per picul $42.50 Xutmega 80 S. 51.50 (\>pra Bali 10.50 Copra Gorcug Talo
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  • 21 7 Sergeant Arthur Mil thorp has, at his <»wn efKsftenae, travelled from Singapore to Kie.gsi*>n-on-Thames, to enlist HQ the Beat Surrey Regiment.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 234 7 LATEST ADVERTISFMENTS. KINS EDWARD VII MEDICAL SCHOOL F.M.S. HOSTEL Superintendent is wanted for Medical School Hostel, Sepoy -alary $150 risem with free unfurnished A plications should i>* sent tc» thf pal. Kins Edward V II Medical Sclio>i Singapore. I liM mm TYPIST WANTED. Wanted: .jur.ior typist and invoxa ,\ppiy Bex
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    • 147 7 Final Sale Days 1 m n»ai —i i Wj—l jg| 1 uianaiiiii I To Make Room for New Goods. WE OFFER Dresses, Blouses, Shoes, Millinery, Fancy Goods ANU ALL Remnants and Oddments, AT HALF SALE PRICES. John Little Co., Ltd. 1 (INCOBPOBATKB) IN ENGLAND). j y ap > ———i >Mfl
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    • 567 7 Latest Advertisements. T H HCOM mIrCIAL PRESS, LIMITED. (Incorporated in China) Straits Branch Office: No. t7'J, South Bridge Road. FOR SALE The English Student p'ih!i>.lied in Cniuese and Engliah as a magazine. Ju>-t received Vol. II No. 3 (Mjvgh l.'lo.) Price 15 cents a copy year (6 copies) s\j cts
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  • 1094 8 We would commend to oar numerous Straits-horn Chinese readers, and indeed all communities-, a close persual of the following extracts from an interesting address given by the Hun. Dr. Lim Boon Keng before he n.embers of the Malacca Literary Association last Saturday. The Doctor chose for
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 139 8 I I mm ROBINSON Co FRESH SHIPMENT OF I Ctiocolstcs. KING GEORGE, SELECTED, TROPICAL, CHOCOLATE ALMONDS, in J-lb. and 1 -lb. tins. \ut Miik Chocolates 25 cts. per pkt. Chocolate >i scuts $1 per I-lb. bcx§ i ROBINSON Co, itmt r fir jnw •jtrfMrnaztn: vr.,k. «.«'iriirOMMiapjmiw 1 1 i Motor
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    • 119 8 xs o id lik-J' r f u M H L •mw»«*»** U) "^W SSZ&ltSz: m>y^HEm^Bi g k&ELPHI a HOTEL i f 1 Every Evening ii j 4 I 5 During t> I r i» I Dinner \i j S OUR j MANILA BAND f» i < 1 WILL PLAY. i
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    • 35 8 Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $13.90 8 Sterilised Natural Milk S 9.30 Ideal Unsweetened Milk $10.50 X 8. P. DE SUVA'S ESTABLISHMENT WILL HE CLOSED ON NEW YEAR DAYS 12th ana 13fh April. H-4 IM
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  • 395 9 I 'in is al 1972—75 cts. up. I c will of the late Sir Cecil j I. iiti >: iih has been proved at I ore Royal Engineers ye a smoking concert 1 li Hall, Bach Road, on 1 I 13 next, at 9 p.m. I tor
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  • 103 9 m Great War Pagb. be War (»11 Sflipping 9 Western Front 9 the Hast 9 Mesopotamia 9 itary Needs 9 franco-British Relations 10 i *aris inference I* l tain's Budget 10 Court in War cy ang 1 Outrage «> wans 1 Plight i uany Ueports 5 j i
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  • 528 9 Tan Jiak kirn Memorial. a a ol om i< <*ifir- win recall that about a fortnight ago a report appeared in these columns relating to a tea-party which had been given at to»' Chinese Chamber ol Commerce in honour of our esteemed fellowcitizen Mr.
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  • 79 9 Tribune Special. Penang, April 12. Penang Turf Club. li! ITon. A.R. Adams presided at the meeting of the Penang Turf Club ar i said that the Club started the hai.-year with $4,8.35. They had made #1.200 out of the race meeting In the meanwhile they are taking measures
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  • 63 9 An Indian employe of Messrs Bou.- -ad, Hampshire and Co., Port Swettenham, i r»s been prosecute*i by tie? tinn on a -barge of crimping four- coolies from a batch of 4.'' sent in bis care to Malacca, says the Malay Mail. The accused was convicted in respect of two coolies
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  • 128 9 Supper Bance at the Europe. A reminder—applications for tables for tbe supper dance at the Kutoj a Uo;« 1 on Friday next can. not be considered after to morrow morning. Bookings are already very numerous 6 that tv lied Cross Fund to which 50 cents of every ticket sold
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  • 178 9 Those on the look-out for the myterious will do well u> visit the Harima and endeavoui to fathom that of th" Locked Room. Another, attraction is promised shortly at the Alhambra. This evening William Elliot and Ruth Roland make their final appearance in Comrade John. Do not
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  • 310 9 There appears still to be some doubt in certain quarters regarding the F. M.S. War Loan. In one newspaper it is stated that a large number of persons are merely waiting for the F. M. S. War Loan Enactment to assume its final shape in order to
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  • 135 9 The War on Shipping. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE London, April 11. 1.35 p.m. rhe following steamers have been sunk: Margam Abb y (British) Santanderiuo (Spanish) and Caledonia (Danish Four of the Santanderino's crew were drowned. The Margam Abbey was built at i Stockholm in L 907 an i was
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE  -  135 words
  • 152 9 Army Council Speaks. London, April 11, 12.45 p.m. The Times understands that the Chief of the General Stall and the military members of the Army Council have furnished the Cabinet with a very plain statement of their immediate requirements in men. A sub-committee of the Cabinet is investigating
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  • 103 9 Continued Russian Progress. London, April 11, l\ a.m. Petrograd The communique says that German attempts to pump water out of Hooded trenches along the Dvina front were everywhere prevented by Russian fire. The Germans southwest of Pinsk approached the Russian positions in boats, but were driven off.
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  • 99 9 Floods Hinder Operations. London, April 10, p.m. Sir Percy Lake reports that General Gorringe's preparations for the attack on Sannaiyat is well advanced although th- floods have curtailed the frontage whereon the attack can be delivered. The weather has been fine for the last two days, the river
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  • 32 9 London, April 11, 1.35 p.m. Amsterdam France has assure! Holland that neither she nor her Allies ever intended to viokt? the neutrality of Holland or her tenitory in the Netherlands
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  • 878 9 FIGHT FOI? VERDUN. The Fiftieth Day. Renewed Geraan Offensive. London, A >rii OX Paris:—A renewed Qeruian offensive <m the fiftieth day of battle of Verdnn is he feature of the communique, it says that bombardment continned violently during the night and was specially directed against Deadmanhil!. It
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 46 10 Some Modifications. London. April 1!. 12.4" p.m. In the House of < 'oinmoni to-diy the Finance i>iiI was unanimously parsed a second time. The Government intimated that they were prepared to modify the railway ticket, and football match taxes, in order to meet the objections.
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  • 61 10 Australian Premier Invited. London. '.pr J p.m. In the r f .ons Mr. Asquitii announced u;.; the Australian Pren ipr the Hon W.M. Hughes has been invited to attend* the 1 'aria Lconoruic Conference as one representative of 'he Lnperial Government. Mr. Asquith expressed the sincere hope
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  • 92 10 li i< q, April p.m. '1 be Uazet e announces that Uaj.t Sir Bald* Singh oi Poona baa been {>]> inted honorary major, *n-l alao the following nrrnnotionu Captains I K Bradley 1th Cavalry) and J A Charnier 1 i jabw) t be tkjuadron Command* r* and tempor-
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  • 38 10 th* it-i.i uionthlj in» UI eompeti tion Li it. Col. K. B Scott... 92 8 84 JJeut. XX. Corser C 89 Lieut, il. R, s. Law :«i g v. 1> v b were taken oot.
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  • 487 10 Parliamentary Conference. The Kind's Welcome. London, April 10. I».20 p.m. The 111**111."»rs of the first FrancoBritish Parliamentary Conference now being held in London were received by His Majesty who delivered a stirring address to them at Buckingham Palace welcoming the French legislators of the great Republic with which
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  • 88 10 Lawn Tennis. Singapore R. C Tournament Owing to the wet weather no play was possible in this tournament yesterday. The following are the Ties for To-morrow Final 4 B Singles.—M. i nander *or., v. G. Ahin to, A Singles (to finish;*.- ii. j P Sou/a—4o v. M. V.
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  • 80 10 The Monthly Medal of the above Clot will he played on the loth, and 16th. of this month, not the 22nd. A 23rd., as previously stated. The following competitions open to Supernnmerarv members will bo played on April 21,22,23, and 24: 18 Holes Bogey Handicap competition— Entrance
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  • 214 10 Adelphi Hotel Tournament. A beai which was generally consilium! as likely to have some bearing on th ultimate result of the Adelphi $100 Cap Tournament was decided oLht, whan in the presence of a -rowded room, A. L"\ris (owos 150) ••pposed fl. T. Andrews (owes S:>). The latter went
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  • 701 10 THE LATE MR. TAN CHAY YAN. (From Our Special Correspondent.) On Saturday last a public meeting, fully representative of the different classes of *ho Chinese of Malacca, was held un ler the auspices of the Chinese Malacca Club with Mr. Chan Kang Swi in the chair. Mr. Tan
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  • 345 10 Annual Meeting, The Annual General Meet this Association will be he] 10.30 a m., on Wednes lav tin ot April, 1916, at No. 12, Mark Street, Kuala Lumpur. AOGNDA. 1. Minutes of Meetii a» of 1 ary 31st. 2. Affiliation of Central 1 Planters 1 Association. «5. Absconders Magishab
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 50 10 The man who can Smooth Troubles over is con- I j sidered a Public Benefactor. 1 Can do this for you. Fit Square Tread (smooth) Tyres on Your Wheels and thus Insure Smooth I Travelling and, owing to Absence of T yre Trou- I j bles, Smooth Temper. Dupire Brothers,
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  • 147 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune)* Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-da\ Alor Gajah $3.60 $3.75 Ayer Kunings 1.35 1-40 Ayer Molek 2.40 2.50 Ayer Panas 10.60 10.80 Balgownie 4.25 4.40 Bukit Jelotong 0.62J 0,07.\ Bukit Katil 0.00 0.05 Changkat Serdg.... 10.60
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  • 80 11 Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail Daily leaves tor the north at 7.7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Other trains leave for Johore at 9 a.m. 10.29 a.m. noon p.m. 2.f). r > p.m. 1.40 p.m. Mail arrives from north at <> a.m. and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave from Johore 7.9.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 113 11 tt***t**t**t****ft******t***t«« Sanitas! 4 it- imrnn i— m —aan cay i 111 it Disinfectant I 3 Pine-Tree I Brand. I Use No Other [f ,,he the smallest J This disinfectant freely emul= 5 sifies with water, producing a 3 milk=white, strong disinfectant 5 and deodoriser. 3 <ES N1 I/V 3 is
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    • 347 11 THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Limited. RTABUSHE!) 1874. IXCOBPOEATED IN LsiMA. Life Assurance at Minimum Cost, ASSETS exceed S2S 000 000—ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders at last Valuation $1,116,673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full Information to LIBERAL I RATES Singapore Branch Office CONDITIONS I J. R. MACPHSRSON,
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  • 309 12 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE EMPIRE. BENGAL. The Advocate-General The Calcutta Weekly draws attention to the possible difficulties which may arise owing to the departure <.f the Hon ble Mr. Kenriek. Without the appointment cf an Advocate-General suits cannot be instituted against charitable institutions o>
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  • 217 12 Travancore News- The final list of Malayalam text books io: achools, just published in the Government Gazette, has quieted the agitation and has given complete public satisfaction. The K eraleeya Nayar gave a successful variety entertainment for the War Funds on March Iti in the Town Hall under the
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  • 206 12 The Sind Bank. 1 he progress i -port of the liquidators sppointe I by th- Court ol p he Judicial Commissioners of Sind t w»nd n t) rh« <\v\ mnlc Ltd i n made is disappointii and it he ere- the Bank are imfcatient clamouring lor early dividends: but
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  • 172 12 Breach of Promise Case. Soerts v. hphraums. Mr. Felix \l Dias, D. J., Kind?, Ceylon, had before him on March 29 for trial an interesting case of breach of promise of marriage brought by Miss Milheent Soetts of kandy v. Mr. Duncan Ephraums, of Colombo. 111. (Jho. K. de
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  • 63 12 Nagpur The Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces accompanied by Mr. Slocock, Chief Secretary, has left for Raipur. in connection with the proposed Tenancy legislation for lieiar it was ided at a meeting of the Berar Izardars, held at Veotmal on March lb\ to make a representation to
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 124 12 Oh, That Toothache! CERTAIN QUICK CURE, DON'T DIS- JiMfe TPESS YOUR-JC3S AWFUL ACHE SELF 4BCKJT tOff ASD FACt the XLr SWELLED The pain can he stopped instamer without use of torturing instruments ordaDgerout acid, Xot necessary aye fce th Polled out, ,o there need be no loss 0 f blood
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    • 338 12 I Sanitary Appliances. j The study of health and hygienic principles is of the utmost importance in tropical countries, and the first question which presents itself for consideration is undoubtedly SANITATION." It is recognised by all competent autho pities that the best, and only the best, domestic sanitary appliances should
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  • 281 13 Ho* ttattleship was Saved. Paris Illustration publishes an ttiug Btoryofthe action by tho British fleet in the Dardanm March 18, 1915» which the was lost an<l the Inflexible -avid from total destruction terrible •-acrihee. The eth had bnon hit several times bhe Agamemnon compelled to iraw with
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  • 302 13 Interesting Lecture in Lahore. i meeting f re Punjab His- iety at L 11*■ on Feb. 28, Mr. Justi' fi Sb» D»n as Presi- Sbaik \bd»ii Qua ler read a ml resting m 'Anl. n•h» (J riiaij i»i iki i noes.' The the le ir a whs
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 922 13 A Programme Second to none in Singapore. Come and See it, then tell Your Friends what you think of it |g| AT THE rgf I To-night All 1 HPI A To-night t r„s Alhambra I heatre ess 1 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. beach road. xhe H OME OF FEATURE ATTRACTIONS.
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  • 466 14 A Surprise Invasion. Villa's Troafl Kady Paaished. Keoorts ifre received :it San Francisco on M, 9fr rajtbe comroandei the American frontier garrison a« to the atti k on the city oi C oiumhu N.M., I; the .troops >f General Villa Toe nvadfng troops were *>etween 800 and
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  • 46 14 At tbe annual meeting <>i the I Gloucester Robber Estate, Ltd., it agreed that a divide?.'! o| jer vent be paid. The profit for the pant year(lyis) I was over $32,000 of which 120,000 were invested in the F.M.S, War I Loan
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 130 14 HEURALCI SOITHED AWAY 1 Ictle's 0- iental Balm r«j Hi who -utter tije «iespj-ratp -U-: f t v;,.v ,,f N Hurulyiit Ioj.11 w .o a r a m iV C>f tlie Millt-I t-1 r iu h] 1 wlm i i vh never 4uff<-r*rl *el V* h > VU>i. tl» ljf-
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    • 535 14 F. M. S. 6°o WAR LOU *T. NOTICE. The Government of the Federated Malay States has made arrangements with the Chartered Bank of India us traha and China for th!? Bank to aceepl payment in full with applications for Bonds i. the Federated Malay States Mar Loan in cases where
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 465 15 I FOR SALE FOR SALE. Steamlaunch Janus, nett. Apply 27 23-5 FOR SALE OR TO LET. ■i i or otherwise (owner i the Colonj) seaside bunfan j ong Katong (near th° ib") Single story, 4 bedl verandah, It would enquire into tins if \ou ci ange to the seaside, i".
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    • 420 15 NOTICES NOTICE. Mr. M. She"!ton, who has had 20 years' experience in diseases of the hair, scalp and urinary tracts attends dahy at his residence at 7-1 Oxley Rd. Attendance 8 to il a.m. and 4 to 5.30 p.m. 1-3 30-4 TIE MALAKA PINDA RUBBER ESTATES, LTD. (Incorporated in the
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    • 410 15 WANTED WANTED To rent godowa with frontage on Singapore River, area approximately 12,000 square fi. Apply to Box 216 c/o Mala} a Tribune. 17 3 TECHNICAL CHEMIST Age 29 DESIRES CHANGE. Has had varisd work's experience both at home and abroad, possesses intimate working knowledge of all branches of the
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    • 478 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IX ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1.200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 1 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster
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    • 435 15 INSURANCE S3UTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.- LTD. [Incorporated im New Zealani;ji on Building, Rent j.ric) Merchandise <,f every doneripHon 4 MARltt 1 nsoranceH accepted to »11 parts ol the world *t low»st ratet. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. HKNRY Local Manage;, Officer: 2, Finlayson Green. HEUNG ON INSURANCE C 0 .4 LTD. (Incorporated
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 277 16 !a Few Things Worth Remembering:; K X S Go to friends for advice; i To women for pity To strangers for charity; I S To relatives for nothing; To GUAN KIAT S for: j 5 PIG LEAD (LARGE STOCK.) i Brass lowei Boits i Japd. Rain Gauges with Glass Tin
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 199 1 ,*O. British India AND Apcar Line v COJ*i'ANIh> I\< 0 R iKATBI) fN ENGLAND. Mai! and JPassenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under U< ntract with Hi- Majesty 1 Government), j Cht<va, Japan. Penang. Ceylon, Australia. IndLa, Aden, Egyp». Mediterranean Ports and London Steamers will leave Singapore <>■ or ahoau
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    • 419 1 I. A. NIPPON YISEN KAISIIA (INCORPORATED EN JAPAN i (JAPA >i MAIL |feSi3 STEAMSHIP CO» EUROPEAN LINE A vtrvu it, maintained hetwsen Yokohama via por ti Marseilles and London, under mail contract with the Tmpbriai JapaneMGovernment. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially lesigned and constructed, and
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  • 526 2 Europe For London Kits no Maru to-day Malta April 14 y.., »giafl April 15 ya April 27 Fushimi Maru April 2& n. -us May r > May 3 !>.. bighHall May 4 fer fa Maj ji Q iarl HV 10 t i line* unza July 12 For
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  • 263 2 Vessels in Port Britisk STKAMKH BBRI a DATE Barque lone Oatei Rds 10..'5 Sri Muar Dock 18-3 Magnet Inner Rds 27-3 Hainan- Dock 2*-3 Patrol K. Harbour 30-3 Kumaeus No. 7 Wharf 4-4 Merionethshire Pasir Panjang do Ban Wliatt Hin Dock <i-4 Phranang Inner Rds 7-4 Salainis Outer
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  • 1020 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessel in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station: —Nil. For Vancouver B.C. anjl Seattle is doe here on 20th inst. the lighter For Calcutta and Rangoon will sail shortly th- N. V X liner Colombo Maru. —-:e: Japanese shipping i> brisk
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  • 90 2 More Tonnage Leaves. Another local vessel hsi waters for Europe, the H Gorgon, which was on the ft Australian run. havii for Liverpool. The string local tonnagt ig becomii p ■cnte daily and shippers wits ends as to where needfnl space to meet local r« ments. Tt
    90 words
  • 95 2 Fre.jueMt report* cove developments in the shipping* in the Orient have been oih American CoansuLGeneral Ao of Hongkong daring the ..> months, the latest atatingthai tion on freight spat c f. three months on all inn* vessels are approaching the t speculation in futu r e%.
    95 words
  • 115 2 The attempted raiugg] several hundred barrels of i tse* oil into Germany by meai i i lighter hat* proved that a Dntcb Custom House Officer it was concerned in the attempt accused avered that his intenti wm to report the natter at tu< moment in order -o
    115 words
  • 111 2 A fair-sized freighter, kite Dai Maru, recently chartered by the leading Japanese cotn| 1 the rlongkong-San Franci*c< about 1,000 Hongkong dollars >* gold; a day. mad" the rui to Manila. Manila to Uongk Hongkong to Kobe, filled, ai total freight earnings including local buaineae and the
    111 words
  • 141 2 The arrival ot th»the Java-Japan China Liners it Francisco, the Arakan, create amount of interest in the p American journals land prise which the compan} bar to open a regular line vessels via Manila b Pacific port. It i- tle 1; S\ the history <.f San Pi
    141 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 40 2 SINGAPORE SHIPCHAMDLERY Co. SHIPCHANDLFRS 8 PROYIDORING RACTORS, Company* Launch meet, incoming ship.. <*fice 16 Battery Road. TAKE IJFr TO TOP FLOOR Telephone N O |4|. Orders promptly attended to from January Ist, 1916. H. W, H. STEVENS, Manager. I r,4
      40 words

  • 236 3 entioii is Better than Cure. eral occasi' ns we have that signalling lamps, ot vessels in the harbour, i 1 between merchant vessels, the mate on watch will irn with h lonely brother .a boaid «I another vessel these mean- while away the tedious bourn on board.
    236 words
  • 107 3 ii I i oriiin ii. j «''iciuiriit, of the stl. int« reed i>i r.av, h- -u fi!; d 1 J 100 iijiportatioi 1 111•» Manila 1111 Il.lUMCJl H;-it! >, wilioh r -r transferred <»ii board the > when ihe wi- chartered by V r Wehde r«'» u
    107 words
  • 149 3 Tt.e arge a.i ouiit of rubber thht i col icot e;» u. he East Indie*, d result of the embargo i»n its {Mirt from British Colonial ports 1 t«> Great Britain, has been < i i.v the arrangement providing v'hipm^n 1 to nited States of Britise
    149 words
  • 88 3 '-•vawongse for Bangkok. onstone for W est. <v i! Prince for ladivostock. mi phi us for Batavia. ksang for Calcutta. v! ianjjorm foi London. \cid tor Malacca. fur Kelantan. .ri for 1'. Swetteuham v. on i'ot Hongkong and «pan. lor Medan. li'.j »r for Malacca. P. Swetten ■.am
    88 words
  • 59 3 With reference to this offices Notice re Gun Practice, issued on the sth April 1916, it is hereby j notified that a 10 pounder B.LJ practice by the R.G.A. will take place on Tuesday only there will be no practice on Wednesday. (Sd.) B. A. CATOR. Lieut.
    59 words
  • 106 3 Tlit; steam lighter Dusit has b«en sold to the Cbiuo Siam Steam Navigation Coy. for Tom. 180,000. She will be taken over by the new owners at the expiry of her present charter in June next and will be used for carrying cargo t«» Singapore. She
    106 words
  • 71 3 Delivered io London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the European Mails and their deliver j in London, Mail. Lhft. Dblivkm) P. k O. Mar. 2 liar.'*» B. I. Mar. 10 Apr. P. A O. Mu. 17 M M Mar. 17 R. I. Mar.
    71 words
  • 229 3 The following oasualtien to 3hir<:>'ng through hostile acts have been reported recently Ship and Owners. Flag. Tons. DamageMAHGAM ABBEY British i.471 (Sunk. April 11.) (Williams «I Mordey Port Talbot.) S A X TAX D E RI NO Spanish (Sunk. 4 drowned. (M. M. de Arrotegui April
    229 words
  • 35 3 The Ellerman liner Keelung is due here about May Hth, for London via the Suez Canal. She is consigned to Messrs. McAlister and Co.. from whom all information regarding freight and passage may be obtained.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 485 3 M. M. MESSACERIES MARITIMES. Mail Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN. CEYLON, MARSEILLES Outward. 1916 I*l6 Atho< Ap!. 21 Poitho» Apl 12 Port bo* May. 19 CnrdiUew Ap!. 25 Cordillen Jane 2 Andn Leboa M»t. 9 Andre nebcin Jane 16 Atlantiqne M4T. M Atlanti'iir .Jiirv 30 Ainazone 6 I*' hnecieu .Jnue 10
      485 words
    • 351 3 Combined Service Ol The Ocean S.S. Co., Ltd. (Inoorpi»rat»'l in Kngland) AND The West Australian S. N. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England. BKTWBEP FREMANTLE (PERTH), NoRTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, JAVA AND .SINGAPORE. ReguUr sailings between Singapore and Wi -'tern Australia, calling at Java (n< inducement offers), Derby. King's Sound (Port
      351 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 105 3 Singapore Tide Tables. Apr. 12. —High water a.m. t*> ft. 7 ins. 7-2b p.m. 6 ft. Apr. 13. —High water —b a.m. n ft. 5 ins. ft.15 p.m. b ft. 5 ins. Apr. 14. —High water: —7.29/a.m b ft. <S ins. H.48 p.m. 7 ft. Apr. 15. —High water —-S.22
      105 words
    • 368 3 'sails Close I i t. Shanghai an<l .]\[t*v Hrujvou 2.30 pm M 'tiiiii Cinv 2.3«' pin Mai l.-oa, P »rt Swetten ha*' Telnk Anwn *Kan)|»at 2.3V pi» P. rt Swetteuham jlu i Penang *l|H<h 2.30 pm Muntok A Palein'-ang A' tinjj 2.30 pin Maiaet: »nang and C-">lotr i>.> Kitan<> Ma.,
      368 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 329 4 TC'/G KISEN KAISHA rHI KEW ROUTE V] v HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI, I in' k1 POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES, Sailings from Hongkong. ♦lli*ll < r vf a i I 0 1 0 1 tons <£ no Xm A pi« TEN ?0 HARU I 22,0 10 row 21 knoli May. b'
      329 words
    • 400 4 Kawascki Co., Ltd. [•ir "ORATEP IK PAH) Contrvfr* to Hu Imperial Japarum Arm*a*d ■•■id to Portion Govern mnf sj KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers Boiler and Locomotive Makers. A'■ sizes and ri •rip ions I i rs. Marine and Land Engia Now Graving Do.ks and i atent Slips. No. 1 Graving Dock
      400 words
    • 202 4 Ocean St Company, Ltd China Mutual Steam s Co., Ltd. {I neon f, rat^d The Oompan es the Straits, G >in*i tve» k and front i London, Ams erd Havre and \.l c outward steam teadi to Van out Tacom.i, taking c Bills ol Lading foi Ports and inland Points
      202 words