Malaya Tribune, 8 April 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vol 3.- No. 83. SINGAPOBE, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1916. Price 5 Cents. C#e iffaiapa tribune. SATURDAY, APRIL X
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 396 1 wmmmmmmmmmmm—-mmmm*mmmmm—mmmmmmmmm*wm -THE TIME HAS COIVTE, V THE PUBLIC SAID TO TALK OF OTHER THINGS! HEAL OF THE NAVY rVal* with'.tln-r thing-than\.»u have been aecnaturaed to IB oilier pi<:tuiv<. Its a by William Hamilton Oaborne, a tal< or. patriotism, of stirring adventure and love, and ha;- the l .S. NaT) v-
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    • 153 1 ["ONODA"! j Portland j I j I Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd. I J (INCORPORATED IX JAPAN) I a ni„ wi ami H Awarded Numerous Gold Medals i |j i m q I The Aurore Cond I Rotterdam Holland. 2, a ht Qu£l Cond M,,k ***** p er HI j- yl
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  • 338 2 Book Dealing with Their VaiuaiiM. The Sbari* ai Mercury reportthat Messrs XI y »ttd WaMt, Ltd., Fiave just puhliobed a very u>e!ul book entitled "Valuation oi Shanghai Rubber ooinp<4oi»u." If is \ery daintlv bound and is i mended as a I guide to the investing public, being
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  • 267 2 Aruuiugam, the illiterate youth with marvellous gifts as a lightning calculator, and whose death was recently reported, was not the only wonderful mathematician that the Madras Presidency has lately produced. Another is Mr. Srinivasa Ramanuja, who has been at Cambridge for the past two years, and
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  • 18 2 General regret is expressed in Ker. L. w. Coleman at tie end of the current month to Sumatra
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 196 2 j A Chance to Save Money. Little's Great Clearance En MOW PROCEEDING FOR TWO WEEKS. Once a Year Only- j SEND FOR THE HOOK OF BARGAINS. THE PRIME FACTORS FRAMROZ'S Aerated Waters ARE QUALITY, PURITY ECONOMY. -i POWELL Co.'s CALENDAR FOR APRIL, 1916. TT, Sun. 2 0 16 ;;(< Mon.
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    • 433 2 TAMPENiS CEMENTTILE WORKS MACHINE PRESSED CEMENT TILES. The Tiles of the Day MADE UNDER HIGH HYDRAULIC PRESSURE ENSURI ie Great Durability. SAMPLES AT No. 94 SUNGEI ROAD (ROCHORE CANAL) 'Phone 568. II I I —■—M—— Tuition by Correspondence FOR Oxford and Cambridge Locals, London University V atricalatkn, Hongkong University Matriculation,
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  • 405 3 Fraser and Co/s Circular. Singapore. April o.—The market has been fairly cheerful the whole week. Very few stocks shew any particular appreciation but there has >Hf n H Rteady demand both locally and Crotu oui&iue. Rubbers continue to be the main factors here, but Industrials and Mining shares
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  • 123 3 Among the Intent wonders of medical science is tne "whirlpool bath." It was invented by Dr. .Jean Camas, of Paris. Thousand* of soldiers become disable.! through th* 3tiftenin!> of their limbs after wounds. The bath is designed to remove this disabling atiffneas. A whirl of water at
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  • 130 3 Speaking at Leeds, the other d;n, Mr. A. G. Gardmnr, President cf the Institute of J. urnalista, said a con sideration of the relations l>eiwten newspaper proprietors and the journalistic rtaff M him to gjve hjs reasoned judgment that the principles of trade uniouiaw are not
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 377 3 MOTOR CARS ON HIRE J MOTOR REPAIRERS MOTOR CAR IMPORTERS GREASE Cylinder Oil AND Motor Accessories o F Every Description. Sole Agents For: j Meitz Weiss Oil Engines The Celebrated Star, Mttchell.and Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles Sub-Agents :-MICHELIN TYRES. "Gasolene tight Cycle Co. 5,5-1 5-2, BEACH ROAD. <j. W.5.
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    • 728 3 THE NEED OF THE DAY. An Ideal Reconstructive Nerve Food. Superior to the German-owned product. CTIR WILLIAM TAYLOR, X.C.8., M.D., formerly Surgeon-General of H.M. Forces, is chairman of the Company which produces the new and superior reparative of nerves and tissues, Sanaphos," which already has completely displaced the German-owned Sanatogen
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 274 4 AUCTION SALES. NOTICE. Auction Sale of iable Land and Housea No*. 244 to 274 Kallang Road (even numbers) Houses at Sin Koh Street and Nam L'ck Street and brick kilns and coconut plantation at Kallang Pudaing. TO BE HELD AT MESSRS CHING KENG LEE ft CO.*B SALE-ROOM, In the month
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    • 25 4 TAMANOYA HOTEL. 5-19 Beach Road. Most Comfortable Japanese Hotel ii. Nngapore. Charts Moderate «■■■III ——^mmrrr^rom Agents KIM HIN Co., 13 Kling Street, Singapore. 6-4 5-4-1
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    • 342 4 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE, AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Land and Houses Nos- 4 II Boat Quay and No. II Market Street To be held in the Month of April, iq,. CHING KENG LEE Co.. Drew Napier An Solicitors. 13.;? Auction Sale OF EXCELLENT WAX-POLISHED TEAK HOUSEHOLD Ft RKITUty The property
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 342 5 &J B B JET f? zzz I Ribbed Smoked Sheet rtains the Top Price and is Easy to Produce when the Jackson Patent Cabinets are u.ied. i»3?*ic;h:s from $208. 36 MORS TO SMOKE AHD DRY READY FOR MARKET. 513 sold trom our Singapore Works up to the 31st December last.
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    • 117 5 —Ml ■>■! Straits Information Bureau. Advertising Experts. Translations Undertaken at Fixed Rates. 6, The Arcade. Tel. 1401 3-1 31-6 RANEEGUNGE j Drainpipes] AND Channels SOLE AGENTS: INDO MALAY CO., SINGAPORE. I ,THE SERVANTS' AGENCY OFFICE 1 No. 17 Dhoby Ghaut. Singapore. I ESTABLISHED 1911.) Domestic Servants (Men& of every tiescription
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    • 100 5 WARRANTED FIFTEEN YEARS 10^-^-——\V If :or> to yo-r i' r!. T**» i ■HI G won try Flyers Mr\ D«fi»i el n tM-R«9i*l i k orl 'f rr«oAr»C« tßioKi;» i I^JVIIITfI n CV3LE B COM?aNY, %/m£*iM Oept LIVERPOOL Baniplee on view at Messrs- T- L. GOSLING U Co., Robinson Road, S
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    • 25 5 M4LAYA TRIBUNE SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Pel annum $14.00 Half- yearly 7.25 Per quarter 3.65 i Per mensem 1.2. r > i *tajre £xtra. Telephone No. 985. I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 332 6 HIGH-CLASS CIGARETTES j AT MODERATE PRICES. CIGARETTES j Teap" No. 555 pert.vcp 50=60 cents. Manufactured in perfectly Hygienic Factories by the ARDATH TOBACCO CO., LTD.. LONDON, ENGLAND. Britain's Greatest High-Class Cigarette and Tobacco Factory. jE^^EE^^K^^wumim^mmmm^mm, ISTai? on "Flies 11 IDEAL FLY DESTROYER. Simplicity, economy and efficiency are the features of
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    • 307 6 I PALLADIUM j Premier Theatre Orthird Road Singapore's Premier Th Far From the Madding Crowd! Pat \our troubles and worries in jour old kit bag, and con I haveagood hearty LAUGH—FOLLOW THE CHILDR j You Can't Go Wrong!! Grand Matinee I 5 p.m. TO-DA V 5 p.m, j All that
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  • 214 7 I At the Cinemas. Drama holds sway at the Casino to-rnght, the chief item being As a Man Sows. Even th»i most captious critic could not ca\il at the Empire programme. A glance at the advertisement on page 0 is convincing. The fine? programme put forward by the Gaiety
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  • 72 7 For to-night the Adelphi announces special dinner on the lawn to followed by a ball. The music will be supplied by the Filipino Hand. The attention of our readers is drawn to the special announce- ment on page regarding a VuDper and dance at the EWope Hotel on
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  • 58 7 A number of the leading members of the Chinese Community left here yesterday and to-day for Malacca to attend the funeral there tomorrow of the late Mr. Tan Chay Yan. Several more handsome dividends have been declared by Malayan rubber companies, including Kuala ftelangor, which pays .'>0 per cent kubber
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 433 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ORCHARDING IN 'ASMARA. SADLF.IR KNIGHT II Afeuti Mid AtTom. I\i SCESTON TASMANIA vi m;tr .< oreittfdi fof AhaeatcC trnuloated j». v to*; it an<l ander' h*jx rt mperviiioft, until it. raita r~. .r>l po***f WHOP this nah!~ itfal profession. We are nm Straits Settlements, and N>uih rv man?
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    • 344 7 Important Auction Safe of Superior Wax Polished l eak Household Furniture Cottage Piano, Cabinet Gramophone, Iron Safes etc The Property of the Hon. Sii Evelyn Ellis VT "NASSIM LODGE," NASSIM HILL, TANG LIN (Entrance Opposite The Tan*No Post Office) On Saturday, 15th April, at 12 noon. \n excellent toned cottage
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    • 317 7 Latest Advertisements. The commercial press, limited. (Incorporated in China) Straits Branch Office: No. 172, South Bridge Road. Stationers, Printers, Bo kbinders and Booksellers Dealers in Musical. Physiol Cultur., Chemical Ao;an!us, Albums of Views in China: also Chinese Pictorial Postcards; Large election of Convertible Harmoniums, small and large; Orgins, etc Inquiries
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  • 901 8 A case involving the scope of mining rights in Malaya, and consequently of considerable importance to thousands of people engaged in the great mining industry of this country, has just been decided in the Ipoh Courts by Mr. Justice Far-rer-Manby in a manner that will doubtless be generally
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  • 101 8 I The Great War The War on Shipping The Western Front The China Crisis Malaya Aircraft How the Hun Talks Position ot Holland Raiders On the Tigris 1 Ui the East Shanghai Rubber CompareMadras Student in England Market rhe Whirlpool Bath Journalism and Trade (jnionisui Mining Rights Local
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 129 8 ROBINSON CoJ FRESH SHIPMENT OF i Cadbury's Chocolates. KING GEORGE, SELECTED, TROPICAL, CHOCOLATE ALMONDS, in Mb. an<J 1-lb. tins. Nut Milk Chocolates 25 cts. per pkt. Chocolate Biscuts SI per !-lb. box. m. m I ROBINSON Co.j -»v MW— M»...-«nwiwimmTMniti 1 maruJJ—l—— ———M^M——— SHELL Motor Spirit i SOLD BY All
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    • 84 8 O M DO Ho 0 am o ADELPHI HOTEL TO-NIG T Special Dinner ON THE LAWN AND AFTER DINNEK BALL t Y. M. TCYO. I J PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO 15 HiGEi Street. (Corner of N ar th liridge Road t 5 i J Special low charges for attend- J fance at
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    • 54 8 Brand 5 I SueeteneJ Condensed Milk per casefa 13.90 J J Sterilised Natural Milk J 1 Ueal Unsweetened Milk •> 51U.50 The friends and relatives of the late Mr. Tan Chay Van are respectfully informed that the interment of his remains will take place at Malacca on Sunday morning the
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  • 393 9 a J —55 cts. up. elared an infected □rit >f cholera being j M. Barron has been apAssistant Superintenlian 1 rnmigranta DtoTent of Mr. W Mcli Surveyor of Ships at all i this Colony is gazetted. lers re atint; to Kerr rning Streets and Canal published in
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  • 94 9 Thrw/h the courtesy of Francis Peek A (Jo* Ltd.) Batavia, April 7. uarketa very weak an I big ne in prices. Rubber is selling to L1.82J per half kilo tan lards. In Cotl'ee no I tilings are taking place Krawang Rice business has .it f.182 50 per
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  • 1026 9 Hon, Mr. Nutt fcitertained by Selangor Chinese. Toasted by the Tin King. The Hon'bla Mr. W. F. Nutt, HFC, v;ho is shortly proceeding to Europe, was entertained at a banquet given in his honour by the Chinese Miners' Association of Selangor on Wednesday last. There was a large
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  • 77 9 Japan Holds Salt Revenues. London, April 7, .'{.lo a.m, Peking: Japan has taken the serious step of withholding from China a million dollars, the surplus of salt revenue deposited with the Yokohama Specie Bank, on the plea that the critical situation in China is endangering the salt
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  • 19 9 London, April 7, 130 p.m. Shanghai: Kwantnng, the richest province in South China, has declared its independence.
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  • 109 9 Belated Acknowledgment. London, April 7, 3.10 p.m. Mr. Bonar Law announces tbe gift of six more aeroplanes from the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States, making sixteen also a second from Mr. Alma Bakerorganiser of the fund. [The statement made by Mr. Bonar Law as set ont above
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  • 40 9 The War on Shipping. Another P. 0. Liner Sunk in the Mediterranean. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London. April, 7, 7.45 a.m. The Daily Mail states that it is reported that the P. <). Simla has been sunk in the Mediterranean.
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  40 words
  • 207 9 Loudon. April o, 0.40 p.m. The unarme I Manchester steamer Zent has been torpedoed without warning and sunk. The captain and ten of the crew were rescued forty-nine were drowned and two died from injuries caused by the explosion, Boats were launched, but capsized owing to the
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  • 35 9 London, April t», 10.55 p.m. Madrid Spain has protested to Germany against the torpedoing of the Sussex, in which several Spaniards were lost. Spanish merchantmen from Vigo, in ♦h» Bay of Biscay.
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  • 205 9 Hollweg's Vaporisings. London, April 7, r > p.m. Amsterdam Herr yon Bethuiann Hellweg luring an extraordinary speed] in the iMcbstag vehemently protested against the British blockade, and threatened the utmost reprisals. He said the speeches of our enemies showed no trace of peace. Mr. Asqaith considered
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  • 49 9 London, April G, 0.23 p.m. Official: The Minister of Manitioni has been considering the prices of material nsed and proioced In the iron and steW indnstrt**, and has now fixed Qiaxi ;.;,!> lices for all classes of pin irwr*. lased on the &br„ rrnal conditions 4 g.
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  • 153 9 Enemy Activity. London. April f >. p.m. Paris ervmy activity in the region of Verdun is r n-orded in the French cominnnit|U»*. West of the Metise, following .t most violent bombardment of th region between \vocourt and Betbincourc, a series of attaokr with, very large numbers was,made
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  • 66 9 Fighting all Day. i.ondon, April 7, 12.15 a.m. The commnnique state* that in the early morning, after a very heavy bombardment, the enemy attacked our new trenches at Saint Fdoi, There was fighting all day, and it still continues. A small hostile raiding party entered one of our trenches at
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  • 129 9 London. April 7, 3,10 a.m. A Paris communique states that the Germans persistently bombarded the Beihincourt salient and Poivre Hill, This foretold an attack; but our curtain of fire prevented the enemy emerging from their trenches. Hand-to-hand lighting south-west of Douaum«»nt fort enabled us to advance in
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  • 154 9 The Wily Hun. London, April 7 1.30 p.m. The Dutch Government has notified the British Gov rnment that the passage of the N >rth Sea is so dangerous that it is vi able to undertake the transj >rt rf exchanged British and German incapacitated prisoners due to
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 45 9 Singapore Volunteer Corps To-day. 2.;J0 p.m. Balestier Range Veterans Oo. 4.30 p.m. Drill Hall Chinese Oo. To-morrow. 7.,'JO a.m. Junction of Grange K 1. and Orchard RL S.U.K. v. Uifie team. 7 a.m. Balestier Range Veterans Co. F. Younger Captain, S.V.C a/Adjutan f S.V C
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  • 227 10 fieneral Lake s Report. Lowl< n, April G, 7.2 p.m. The War Offics announces tha: General Mr I'trv, Lake reports that t! Tigris Corps, under the con> mand of General Sir G. Gorringe, -v. ic has succeeded General Aylmer, at\ icked I me] Hammah. Oar trenches had
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  • 77 10 Innersal Service. London, April 5.20 p.m, The fact that the Government is considering universal service is evident from a statement of Mr. At «jiiith in the Commons to-night in which h< announced that Government was examining the figures of recruits obtainable under the present system, and estimating
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  • 74 10 Submarines Active. London. April 7, 4.15 a.m. Petrograd A communique states that a Russian aviator brought down a German dirigible south-west of Dvinsk. There was some lighting in the upper Strypa region. The Russians occupied a village in which they seized forty-two land mines and much ammunition.
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  • 146 10 Rumania Annoyed with Bulgaria. London, April 6, 6.10 p.m. flukhareat Rumania is annoyed -A the persistent anti-Rumanian «•auapaign of the Bulgarian press. The Bulgarian Minister at Bukharest is accused of provoking an agitation in Rumania a lately acquired tenitory of the Dobrudi*. Also the news of the
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  • 74 10 Lord Derby Resigns. London, April 0, 8 p.m. It is reported that Lord Derby has resigned the Chairmanship of the Air Committee, as he feels that as Director of Recruiting he is unable to devote adequate time to it. and also that the powers of the Committee, which
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  • 50 10 London, April 7, 12.20 a.m. The people cheered the "terrible strati:.!: v\hich the gunners gave to the Zeppelin which last night visited the north-east coast. The airship van apparently hit on the nose. It was seen to dip and then disappeared towards the sea, pursued by seaplanes.
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  • 96 10 London, April 6,5.55 p.m. Tin War OHice announces that there were three Zeppelin visits to the English coast last night. The first was driven oft" after dropping five bombs without causing either damage or casualties. Observers say that It was hit by gunfire. The second appeared in another
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  • 55 10 Payment of Members. London, April, 7, 1055 p.m. In the the House of Commons to-daj a proposal by Sir F. G. Hanbusy against Lie payment of members was defeated by 237 votes to 32. Mr. Bonar Law strongly deprecated the raising of such party questions during war time in
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  • 58 10 Mr.Asquitb replying to a question he would gladly use the Australian Premier s services in tl c .trade conference in Paris but Mr Hughes was leaving the country prior to the conference. Mr. Hughes however stat-s that the date of his departure is not yet fixed and
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  • 69 10 The Foreign Minister has given an assurance that there is no I connection with the loss of Dutch j vessels in the North Sea and the military precautions taken in flollai d. Th a view the one j [generally held in Holland. The Nieuwe Courant attacks the GovMrnnj mt tor
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  • 84 10 Lawn Tennis. Singapore. R. C Tournament. In the above tournament tbe following matches were decided yesterday Doubles Handicap.—J. R. Cockburn and C. Martia—15 beat L. C. Pennefather and T. Carruthers plus 15, 3—G 6—l 6—l, E. E. de Souza and E. W. de Cruz- 40 beat T. Lttijssius
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  • 78 10 The Spoon iShoot, which took place on Thursday, resulted in a win for Mrs. Brooke with nett score of 61. Scores. 100 150 h'cap Totai. .Mrs Brooke 32 29 7.32 68.32 MrsLyall 31 32 485 07.85 Mrs Booty o*o 21» 8.48 G7.48 Mrs Payne 27 31 9.32
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  • 105 10 Catholic Club Handicap. The B Class Single Handicap of the Singapore Catholic Club has resulted as follows Mr. W. H. Mos- bergen (winner) Mr. C. A, Phipps, Runner-up. Mr. F. Braga, Third. Mr. R. Langellier, Fourth. Highest breaks Mr. W. H. Mosbergen, First prize, Mr. E. E. Aviet, Second.
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  • 38 10 To-morrow launches will leave Johnston's Pier at 0, 10 and 11 a.m. 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. and will return from the club bungalow at 9.30 and 10.30 a m., 12.1,5, 3 and 5 30 p.m.
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  • 100 10 The Hon'ble Dr. Lun Boon Keng left here yesterday afternoon by the Lady Weld for Malacca, where, at noon to-day, he delivered an address before the Malacca merchants on the F M.S. War Loan and then, on the invitation of Capt. Siine, is to inspect the Volunteers, following this in
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  • 24 10 Dutch Mails Landed. The Tambora, bound to Holland from the Netherlands Indies, has been obliged to disembark her mails in England.
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  • 23 10 The feeling in Batavia is calmer since the receipt of reassuring cables from The Hague on the political situation in Holland.
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  • 20 10 A Berlin communique acknowledges the loss of the L lo but says that the raid achieved good results.
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  • 24 10 The Nieuwe Rotterdam Courant says that owing to lack of necessaries at Vienna, Serbian prisoners are allowed to return to Seibia.
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  • 21 10 According to reports received at The Hague serious disorders amongst the German forces in Belgium have taken place.
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  • 25 10 Two aircraft dropped bombs on the Swiss station Pruntrat and later at a neighbouring village. There is intense indignation amongst the people.
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  • 27 10 The Germans claim that last Friday they mastered the French defence works to the north-west and west of Vaux, capturing 720 men and i> machine-guvs.
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  • 35 10 All the representatives of Foreign Powers called on the Dutch Foreign Ministers to ask whether the Dutch military preparations were directed j against their country. They all rej ceived a negative reply.
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  • 284 10 Examination Results Final Year. The following have beei the L. M. S. diploma Tan Bin Chiang, Chei I'll. S. Moonshi, Panda, H. K. Saravanamuthu and Hoe. Fourth Year Pathology, Hygiene ai I Medicine Passed Arifl*, Loh Poon Lip, San, Mohamed Baboo, T ratnam, L S.
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  • 286 10 Jeram Kuantan Rubber. At the Company's regis! offices Winchester House yeste I afternoon the fourth annual genera meeting of the company was held Mr. Leong Heng Toon was chair. There were also Messrs Cheam King, Liap SiapTong Wee Keh Din, Chew Woon 1 Gaw Khek Khiam, C. Andei
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 270 10 WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. Highly Successful BEAUTY RENOVATOR. This wonderful preparation lias been fouud highly effective for retaining or restoring facial attractiveness, removing tan, freckles, pimples, and ail other dihfiguring blemishes. It different from all others. It contains no oil or grease. It is the only preparation made entirely from pure sweet
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  • 145 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune). Messrs Latham and Co., tlie Artade, advise the following quotations for to-daj Alor Gajah $3.60 53.75 Ayer Kunings 1.35 140 Ayer Molek 2.40 2.50 Ayer Panas 10.10 10.25 Balgownie 4.25 4.40 Bukit Jelotong 0.t12', 0,674 BuUit Katil 0.90 0.95" Changkat Serdg.... KUNI
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 97 11 I i j THE 8 Pot Stills! of 3 iGreat Britain! Have Been I 3 Taken Over by Government, I NEVERTHELESS 3 Buchanan's! 1 I <# I 9# <# 1 wil! be able to continue 3 to supply their famous blends and to maintain the quality as before, S being
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    • 376 11 mfa^^Mc—- ii n THE ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Limited. BTABLIHHEn 1*74. Inoobfobatko in India. Life Assurance at Minimum east. j ft ASSETS exceed $28 000.000—ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders at last Valuation $1,116,673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and foil Information to LIBERAL RATES Singapore Branch Office CONDITIONS j
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 1067 12 Church Services. S. ANMEW'a CATHEDRAL. Fifth Si ndat l> La. r. P a H<... Sr OA v. '.'T H Ark.'! WW 7«i H Ceaamtuaion, 7.44 a.")- Hoi' Cora nii, r Chora 915 a.m. Matins a-.d LI in 4 p 'k Sandai s and Bil l< ClaM. 5 Brigand Sermon. H
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    • 215 12 Plantation Rubber Machinery. IT is generally recognised that machinery for dealing with Rubber should be STRONG, SIM= j PLE, and EASILY ADJUSTABLE, j Strength and rigidity are especi= ally necessary for easy running if economical consumption of power and regularity of output are to be assured. Then with regard to
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  • 405 13 Soldiers' Marvellous Recoveries. How a tiny gland—so small that it sighs •>nlv tne-aeventy-thousandth of the weight of the human body aving the lives of wounded diers on the battlefield was explainbe Royal Institution by pro- r Cherrington during a lecture on be Physiology of Anger and Fear/
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  • 245 13 The Russian Market- One of the first practical steps taken to estimate British trade with Russia, and to divert to British concerns the enormous trade heretofore enjoyed with Russia by Qermay, is the publication of the Directory of British Manufacturers for Russian Trade, edited by R.
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  • 153 13 The Siain Gazette contains the summary of the Budget Estimate* for the year B.E. 245t), as sanctioned by His Majesty the King, says the Bangkok Times, The estimated revenue is Tea. 72,141,520, and the estimated expenditure chargeable to revenue ia tbe same. The estimated revenue for B.E.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 293 13 X A Programme Second to none in Singapore. Come and See it, then tell Your Friends what you think of it i& AT THE jj£ To-night A <g <| <g TW ,i To-night B K3S Alhambra 1 heatre sag g THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. beach road. the H OME OF
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    • 253 13 Little Lectures by Nursk 'Wincarnis.' =i {Lecture N« 3 ~E I Ira-Down 8 When vcur sy; te 1 is undermined by worry or overwork when you; vitality is 3E EE: lowered wh< I yotl feel any-liow when your nerves arc "on edge"— 1 j£vN when the least' v-e-tion tires jhfcjJJ;
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  • 597 14 Who is Indispensable How the World's Work is Done. Th* WV ia teaching some people the very A h C of life. f For instance, that thinjp, including machine*, are inaiie by men a»d women, and that to bring goods over the requires—ships. It has shown where the "working lasses
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 481 14 LIST NOW ©PEN This list will be closed on or before April 29th, 1916. FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT SIX PER CENT WAR LOAN, 1921 Issue of $6,000,000 Debentures to Bearer, part of $15,000,000 authorized by Enactment No. I of 1916. The entire proceeds of the Loan will be placed at
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 345 15 FOR SALE I I HOTEL FOR SALE. I vS A ;OING CONCERN. I "JVaverfey Motel. GoodI rniturei license. Three to run. Proprietor f nC because of advancing age. H ii FOR SALE. Stcamlaunch Janus, nett. Apply 27 23-5 FOR SALE. ta ]Jycle Motor Com .iruited, 15 Battery Road, for sale
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    • 655 15 NOTICES I I NOTICE. Mr. M. Shelton, who has had 20 years' experience in diseases of the hair, scalp and urinary tracts attends daily at Ins residence at 7-1 Oxley Rd. Attendance Bto 11 a.m. and,4 to 5.30 p.m. i 1-3 30-4 THE MALAKA PINCA RUBBER ESTATES, LTD. incorporated :n
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    • 446 15 WANTED WANTED To rent godown with frontage on Singapore River, area approximately 12,000 square fr. Apply to Box 216 c o Malaya Trioune. 17 3 u_ WANTED By a captain of a steamer, One D.B. Gun. Bonehill preferred. State price and particulars 10 Box. "218 c/o Malaya Tribune. 4-4 10-4
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    • 467 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
      467 words
    • 424 15 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. [Incorporated is New ZealakdJ FIRE Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description l MARINE Insurances accepted tc all parts of the world at lowest rare*. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY Local Manager, Offices: 2, Finlayson Green. HEUNC ON INSURANCE CO., LTD.
      424 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 297 16 gA Few Things Worth Remembering: Co to friends for advice; To women for pity; E To strangers for charity To relatives for nothing m To GUAN KIAT'S fop: s 2 PIG LEAD (LARGE STOCK.) ft Brass Tower Bolts Japd. Rain Gauges with Glass Tin and Brass Bunker 1 I JJ
      297 words

  • The Malaya Tribune.
    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. issued Daily.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Dally.] No. 83 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1916
      19 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 445 1 British India AND Apcar Line (COIfPAJHM INCORPOR ATM) IN ENULAXD.) Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt. Mediterranean Porta and London Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lines. [OMKWARD (rOR EuBOPB). OIJTWABD (FOB
        445 words
        342 words
      • 563 1 N.Y.K. NIPPON Y'USEN KAISH4 (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO* EUROPEAN LINE A aervice is maintained between Yokohama via ports MaratiMes and London, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this servite have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
        563 words
    • 486 2 Europe. For Lioridon t ilario Mara April 12 Malt* April I.) TVireaias April 15 Nagoya April 27 KatfhiLui Maru April 2> Netaua May 5 It-«slung May Hall -May V tfanfa May 1< > Hirano Maru May 1'<»l''uiff«r May 2U Nyan/a July 12 For Genofj (flnnifTer May 20
      486 words
    • 284 2 Vessels in Port British STEAMER. BERTH DATE Barque Outer Rd« It»-J Sri Muar Dock 18-3 Magnet Rdt> 27-3 Hainam do 28-3 Gorgon Outer [<d« 29-3 Patrol K. Harbour 30-3 Katoa Inner Rdt? 31-3 Giang Ann Jo 2-4 Quorra !»> 4_4 Kuala do do Kumaeus No. 7 Whari do
      284 words
    • 28 2 The Pan CO. The Malta sails from here at 8:00 a.m 14tj inst for colomini to rle therer with the khiva golsd LOndeon,m She is day houeer ljforjs
      28 words
    • 621 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station:— 9JL Amazone, s.s. Polynesian, s.s. Melchior Trenb, s.s. Hakata Mam s.s. Koetei. For Hongkong direct will sail on the 10th inst. the liner Salainifl. The N.Y.K. liner Vetorofu Mam. for Bombay, left yesterday
      621 words
    • 36 2 It is hereby notified that the port of Calcutta is declared infected owini/ to the existence of cholera. Sd. B. A. G'ATOK Lt. Comdr. R. X.. M. A., S. S. Spore rtth April, 1916.
      36 words
    • 54 2 New P. O. Liner. Tenders have now been asked on the Tyne and the Clyde for several steamers of about a high class type for the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, The vessels have to be of the most up-to-date model and suitable for the special requirements of the
      54 words
    • 45 2 During the month of March 1916 the following Chinese deck passengers left Singapore For Burma: 17: India 1 Sarawak and Sibu 153 Dutch ports 3,679 French Indo-China ports: 17; Bangkok: 17.">: China; 4.867; Non-Federa-ted Malay States 27 4 or a total of 9,483.
      45 words
    • 84 2 Western Australia. West Coast. Notice is hereby gi\- n that until, the completion of the Mole at the port of Banbnry, Lat. 33 dog. 18 mm. S. Long. 115deg, 39min. X..the extreme end of the extension now in progress will l-* marked by a temporary fixed green
      84 words
    • 52 2 Delivered in London. The following are th, dat*-.- of departure from Singapore of the European Mails and their deliver in London. MA bUF l DBLIVBUSJD P. 40 Feb S"' M B-r. Feb." %Ur 20 8.1. Sir I* Ur S- M. iuJ: \i B. 1. Mar o M M
      52 words
    • 298 2 Austro-Geiwn Ambit, 0n According to the Viem ;(t important meetings wcih i Vienna and Budapest he:-!,." presentatives of the Austr Hungarian Governments 1 Ballin, of the H&ml Line, and Herr Hein» ki; Xorddeutscher Lloyd, ,i presentatives of Austro-J{, steamship companies I the Liverpool Journa 1 of C< 5*
      298 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 49 2 SINGAPORE j SHIPCKAHDLERY Co SHIPCHANDLCRS 8 PROVIhORING CONTRACTORS, The Com P Hi,v\ Uuoch meet* j i I f 1 *****1 iit)» ,),tic 16 Battery Road. raw un ro top nxx* Telephone o> |4j 0r ,cr *Prowpt attended tofro,,, JaotMrv \<r jy]r> H. W. H STEVENS. Manager. I J' 1
        49 words
    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 99 2 Singapore Tide i ables. Apr. <\—High wat?*r —0.50 a.m. ft. 7 ins.: 2-14 p.m. ft. S ins. Apr. H.—High wan i —1-21 a.m. 8 tt. 2 ins.: ,'i-4 p.m. ft. 2 ins. Apr. 10.—High vvat-r :—'l.5<S a.m. < U. 7 ins?. 1-11 p.m. /> ft. 7 ins. Apr. 11.—High water
        99 words
      • 295 2 viaiis >'! s 'c-f.v J Hongkong. Sha ijli-i and Japan Nanui t Bombay <■}, *.j,, Batu I 'ahat M«*r-»:n« Batu Pahat Malayan. Port Sw- tT. n ham ami Pen a ng Medaii M j V M« «1.111 V r H!l I> .'II Selat I'atidjang. Bwiigkaji>.. •"'iak it Pakan Baroe Van
        295 words
    • 1131 3 Position Easier. is a steady -*asing off in the ight markets and the steps nl we taking to relieve tati m r ar to be meeting *****88. It is to be hoped ej will continue to exeit relieve the pressing tonnage which is still i ic< i
      1,131 words
    • 277 3 The following casualties to shipping through hostile acta have been reported recently Ship and Owners. Flag. Tons. Damage ZKNT British .'f.890 (Sunk. Capt. and 10 (Elder and Fyff'es of crbW rescued. Belfast.) 41* drowned 2 died from injuries. April 6 VESUVIO British 1,191 {Sunk- »i drowned
      277 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 530 3 M. M. MESSACERIES MARITIMES. Mail Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, MARSEILLES. 1 j Homewakj» Out WARD. me, 1914» Polynwie*. Apl. 7 P'.rth(*. Apl 11 Atfiw Apl. 21 Cordillere Apl. 25 Portboc May. 19 Andre Lebon May. i» Cordiller. Jun. J Atlaotiqoe May. 23 Andre Lebon June 1»"> Amasons haje. »J
        530 words
      • 361 3 Combined Service Of The Ocean S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporatad in England) AN'I) The West Australian S. N. Co., Ltd. (Incorporate"l in England.) BETWEEN FREMANTLE (PERTH), NjRTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, JAVA AND SINGAPORE. Regular sailing?ebetween Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers). Derby, King's Sound (Port for H>e
        361 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
        614 words
      • 436 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. IXC*iRPORATED IN JAPAN) [Con****.™ to the Imperial Japanem Army and Vai* and Foreign Governments.) Cable aoi»r mhj»h->i El Al. A.B.C, DOCKY VKI> It JF|« lujßiA vv tor rn,,,n DOCK-Daiukv. If Engineering. KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and Locomotive Makers. All sizesand descriptions of Boilers, Marine and Land
        436 words
      • 302 4 Ocean Steam Shin Company, Ltd AND China Mutual Steam v. Co., Ltd. (Intorporated in Eng in. The Companies stea patched from Liverpool the Straits, China and J week and from Japan b< London, Amsterdam and every fortnight for Gh les and Liverpool and for Havre and Liver. m on outward
        302 words