Malaya Tribune, 4 April 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. •Vol 3.- NO. 70. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1916 Price 5 Cents. Cbe inalapa tribune. TUESDAY, APRIL 4
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 236 1 New Features To-Night! New Features To-Night I! AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE GAIETY Picture Palace Junction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets. IN THE SECOND SHOW REELS He Never Knew REELS 1 A UriUiej Two-Part Feature Dram* A Woman's Self-Sacrifice lj tbe Taletta Co. IN TWO PARTS Stirrim Seantioai The Flash
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    • 112 1 [Estate Supp!ies| I Acetic <99&98t) Acid f I Veneer Chests 1 1 Moml Chests Latex Cups j ETC. I if Mitsui ffiussan Sfaisda, ls>td. 2 (Incorporated in Japan) 3 IE P Awarded Numerous Gold Medals 3| j 2 SUN BRAND. Government M AGENCIES Obtainable everywhere and at our Goouwn 5.
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  • 482 2 Heart of Buddhism. [Translated and edited by Mr. K. J, Sanndrts. m.a., and published by the Oxford University Press.] This book which is an anthology of Buddhistic arrsta is one of the Heritage of India' series. The editorial preface points out that the treasures of knowledge, wisdom and
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  • 154 2 [Figaiß Urwik <fe Co., Price 1 Shilliiq This book is a collection of opinions of eminent American, favourable to JM£ A ormer Se ««««ry of State follow,. "Are we to .offer nation to nr!? f t tywithu on whatever pretext without entering at least
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 150 2 I A Chance to Save Money. ILW »W JL\Jk\ JB J Atmkm%\ (INCORPORATED I I I 9mmW Great Clearance j Li E I NOW PROCEEDING I FOR TWO WEEKS. I I Once ct Year Only. I I SEND FOR THE BOOK OF BARGAINS. I RUBBER Ribbed Smoked Sheet Obtains the,
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    • 322 2 I POWELL Co.'s I CALENDAR FOR APRIL, 1916. I Sun. 2 9 16 30 I Mon. 3 10 17 24 I TOES. 4 11 18 125 I Wed. 5 12 19 26 j Thurs. 6 •13 20 27 I Fri. 7 14 21 28 SAT. 1 8 15 22 29
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  • 437 3 Dictograph in Room of British Aide. New York —The discovery of a dictograph in the Botel Biltmore rooms of Captain Gay Gaunt, attache of the British Embassy, has prevented German agents becoming cognizant of important British Government secrets. Captain Gaunt's friends say he outwitted men who
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  • 91 3 In an editorial note th« Sarawak Gazette says :—Owing to shoitage of paper through unforeseen circumstances there have been no issues of tlte Sarawak Gazette or Government Official Gazette since the Ist February. Through the courtesy of the Government Printing Office, Singapore, we have now obtained a
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  • 71 3 Yet another paper has made its appeareuce in Tientsin. Christened China Bulletin, it is edited in simple English principally for the benefit of Chinese readers who desire to improve their knowledge of English. It, however, "aims at rendering equally useful service of a commercial, scientific and moral nature, being convinced
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 321 3 I MOTOR CARS ON HIRE MOTOR REPAIRERS MOTOR CAR IMPORTERS GREASE Cylinder Oil AND Motor Accessories OF Every Description. Sofa Agents For: Meitz Weiss Oil Engines The Celebrated Star, Mltchell'tad Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles Sub-Agents —MICHELIN TYRES: fGasoleiK Light Cycle Co~| I 5,6-1 5-2, BEACH ROAD. I I THE
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    • 601 3 Steady! Don't let your new responsibilities lead you to quarrelling, fuming, brooding, to worry or sleeplessness. Know your irritability for what it is—just the result of underfed nerves. The nation wants men and women who can stand up under their duties calm, unruffled, smiling, efficient. It expects every ounce of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 760 4 Just Arrived! Jost Arrived! I Collins' New 6d. and 7d novels by well-known authors. Excelsior Stamp Albums, with spaces for more than 11,000 stamps. Philatelic Accessories, etc. i The Continental Stamp co. D High Street, Singapore--3-1 v AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE' AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Land and Houses Nos- 4
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  • 52 5 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE ARCHIPELAGO. The House of Mangkoenegoro. Soeparto, tbe new head of the house of Mangkoenegoro, has been installed as the head of the family on the 31st ult. There was a very large attendance. Tbe Regent made a speech and
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  • 50 5 The court of appeal which will git in the case of Capt. Vermeer, has no w been definitely fixed and is constituted of General Mollinger, president, Colonel Kerksbergen, Majors Clignett and Pruis, Capts. Rokkes, Braun and Helb. The sitting will take place at the end of month.
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  • 52 5 A trading prauw has foundered between Sanalana and Barang keke, near MacaJMU*. Of the crew of six only two men succeeded iv reaching the shore, and though the harbour vessel Mataram immediately went in search of the others, no trace could be found of them they having
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  • 117 5 There was wild dealing in Batavia a few days ago when, the price of Kroe Coffee being fls. 78 per picul, it suddenly jumped to fls. 96. The reason was that a wealthy Chinese dealer and a well-known Hadji suddenly declared that they would be unable to
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  • 59 5 The founding of the Eastern Java Students' Aid Fund is proving quite a success, above fls. 30,000 having already been collected to aid it. It is proposed to create a fund of fls. 100,000 which should be collected without difficulty. If necessary Government's sanction will be
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  • 116 5 From the Ist of April 191G the amended law relating to the residence of natives has come into force. Asiaticis who have the permission to reside in Java are, from this date, free to a choice of residence, providing that they occupy the section allotted to their
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  • 14 5 A collision between two trains occurred between Loeirtadjang and Labroek. A native was killed.
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  • 178 5 The Court at Medan in a very lengthy judgment gave its decision and mentions that there can hardly be reasonable doubt that the wireless station on the Preussen was erected with a view to communicate with the Emden, which then was roaming in waters near the Dutch
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  • 55 5 New recruiting regulations will shortly come in force by which employers, or associations of employers will be permitted te recruit their own coolies in Java. The Deli Planters. Associations will open their own offices at Batavia, Samarang and Sourabaya, Mr. Soesman taking charge of these officer. His own
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  • 82 5 The Deli Company pays a final dividend of 2tU per cent The Royal Dutch Oil Company pays a dividend of 41 per cent. Several more cases of plague have occured at Sourabaya. Governor Harrison of the Philippines leaves Manila to-day for Java per 8.8. Arakan. Major-General J.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 299 5 I Cibbp's Food Products I Are prepared from the choicest materials under I finest conditions and by experienced chefs. Libby I stands for quality and flavour in canned foods. I LIBBY S PREMIER SOUP Cases contain 48 tins as follows: 1 IS THE FINEST OBTAINABLE. I" 10 tins Vegetable. 8
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  • 772 6 fckttOootd it tht Market tkis Mmtig SISQAPORK, APRIL 4. mmm Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations totter Shares. Norn. Value. Buyers. Sellers. II- Allagar 2/- 2/4* 1 Anglo Jaya 20/- 26/--2- Anglo-Malay 10/- 11/6 I AyerKuning 17/6 22/6 2/- Batang
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 147 6 EMPIRE Programme for Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Only. IN THE SECOND SHOW 9.30 P.M. The Continuation of THE Adventures of Kathlyn Episode 7. THE GARDEN OF BRIDE 2 Reels 8. THE CRUEL CROWN 9. THE SPELLBOUND MULTITUDE SuMorte. by a well selected number of Dramas, Comedies, War Tepiali, Circus, etc Including
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    • 256 6 In the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements. Settlement of Singapore. Originating Summons >o. 10 of 1916. 11l the natter of Cheat Kit Neo, deceased, BETWEEN Tay Swee Kirn Neo f married woman) Plaintiff. and oa| Chuan Guan Defendant. Pursuant to a Decree made in the above action dated the
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    • 176 6 PALLADIUM Sittatore's Premier Theatre Orchard load Singapore's Premier Theatre J TO-NIGHT By kind Permission of the Authorities TO-NIGHT Grand Naval Night I For the Boys of the King's Navee" I A Specially Selected Programme of First Class Feature Dramas and i Comedies including I YeUs! CHARLIE CHAPLIN Screams!! lln the
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    • 79 6 THE SERVANTS' AGENCY OFFICE No. 17 Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore. (ESTABLISHED 1911.) Domestic Servants (Men Women) of every description supplied at moderate charges. Undermentioned; viz Book-keepers e e f rk nd Typists, Shorthand Typists, Conductors, Dressers and Dispensers, Demarcators, Draftsmen, Overseers Engine Drivers, Fitters, Firemen, Factory and Store Clerks, Carpenters, Masons,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 103 6 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for the week ending Friday, April 7: To-day. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. do S.U.E. v. do 8.V.R do Chinese Co. ,io Malay Co. 4 p.m. Government Honse S.V.C. Band. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.C. Cadets. To-morrow. 5.15 p.m. Sqnad Headquarters M. Cyclist Section. 5.15 p.m.
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  • 834 7 Changkat Swtfar* Rubber The annual general meeting of < the Company was held at the French Bank Buildings on Saturday. Mr. C. Everitt was in the chair. r ri V r J were also present Rev. Father Couvreur and Mr. J. Omer Mirectofl.), F. C Peck, A. Sims,
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  • 707 7 225 Per Cent Dividend. The thirteenth annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Pataling Rurrer Estates Syndicate, Ltd., was held on Feb. 28th in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers' Association (Incorporated), 38, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. J. L. Anstruther, J.P., Chairman of the company, presiding.
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  • 83 7 The Shanghai Chinese General Chamber of Commerce entertained a number of Chinese anil foreign friends on the Nth and 18th March at the fine new building of the Chamber which was completed lately. The Shunpao states that a new convertible bank-note of the face valne of $20 of the Bank
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 147 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED By a captain of a steamer, One D.B. Gun. Bonehill preferred. State price and particulars to rx>x. 218 c/o Malaya Tribune. 4-4 4 Auction Sale. Auction Sale of Unreedeeu t-d Pledges from Pawnshops on Fi lay, 7th April, 1916 tt No. 23 Riverside, Malacca. Commencing at 10
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    • 402 7 I JUST RECEIVED Maps of China Messrs Kirn «fc Co. fatf to announce that they have just received from China beautifully executed large wall-map* of CHINA AH cities, towns, rivers, mountains, and ports clearly shown in English and Chinese. AH provinces shown in bold red characters. Indispensable for schools and
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  • 596 8 Chief Secretary F. M. S. Pulverises the Alleged "Danger" Bogey. Shows Adverse Criticism is Very 111-founded. Following is the full text of a letter addressed by the Chief Secretary F.M.S. to and published by the Editor of our Kuala Lumpur contemporary, the Malay Mail, in reply to
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  • 46 8 {Tribune Specials.) Sentence Confirmed. Penang, April 3. The State Conncil of Kedah has rejected the appeal of Syed Abdulrahman Aljunid and confirmed the conviction and sentence passed upon him by the Lower Court at Aior Star, for criminal assault on I a Chinese girl.
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  • 37 8 Penang, April 4. The death is announced, from malaria of Mr. Fife Turner, assistant on Jawi Estate (Penang Rubber X 1 The deceased was the eldest son of the Hon. John owne 61 Well known plantation
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  • 104 8 T i 6Wai on Shipping 9 The Western Front 1 In the East 9 The Premier in Italy 9 Incendiarism in TJ.S Voyage of the Aurara 9 NewßS anCampai n S^. 6 T erm a n Spies Work 5 Dutch Indies News f Stocks and Shares Company Meetings
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 107 8 ROBINSON Co. FRESHSHIPMENT -OPCadbury's Chocolates. KING GEORGE, SELECTED, TROPICAL, CHOCOLATE ALMONDS, in Mb. and l ib. tins. Nut Milk Chocolates ZS cts. per pkt. Chocolate Biscuts SI per 1-lb. box. ROBINSON Co. SHELL I Motor Spirit SOLD BY All Garages and Retailers IN SINGAPORE. gggj 90 cts. V VXZ M
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    • 78 8 CALDBECK, I MACGREGOR AND CO. 1 Have in stock a wide selection of j Wines Spirits at prices to suit all pockets. I WE ARE SPECIALISTS in the Wine Trade and give the best value for money, not asking fancy prices for Wince and Spirits. Telephone No. 160. ADELPHI HOTEL
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    • 54 8 1 MILKMAID I 2 Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $13.90 2 Sterilised Natural Milk 9.30 I Ideal Unsweetened Milk $10.50 The friends and relatives of the late Mr. Tan Chay Van are respectfully informed that the interment of his remains will take place at Malacca on Sunday morning the 9th
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  • 627 9 Tin is at $93|—-50 cts. down. China Illastrated pages 7 and 9. Sheet rubber is quoted at 3/4 in ■London, crepe being done at 3/4 J. The French liner Athos, from Kurope, is due here this afternoon ■en route Saigon, China and Japan. I His Majesty the
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  • 462 9 First Accurate Map of China. We acknowledge receipt, with thanks, from Messrs Kirn Co. of a copy of a very handsomely gotup and exceedingly informative wall-map of China, a country with which we in the Straits do a very large and ever-increasing business, and whence W3 receive supplies
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  • 118 9 At the tenth annual general meeting of the Singapore Christian Friend-in-Need Society, held at 149 Prinsep Street, on Thursday the following officers were elected for the current year .—President, Mr. G. A. Fernandez Vice-President, Mr. J. J. Pereira Honorary Secretary, Mr. P. S. Joseph Honorary Treasurer, Mr. Phua Keah
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  • 53 9 The Hongkong Government Gazette announces that any parties having claims ajrainst any enemy estate In the Colony, other than those being wound op onder the Alien Enemies (winding up) Ordinances, are requested to send in as early as convenient a statement of foch dawns to the Custodian of Enemy Property
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  • 501 9 Inspection by tbe Governor. An interesting little ceremonial was performed last evening on the Drill Groond, Raffles Reclamation, where, in the presence of a large crowd, the newly formed Reserve Force was inspected, for the first time since its inception, by His Excellency the Governor. At a
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  • 104 9 Between 5.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. on Saturday three calls were received by the Fire Brigade. The first came from the shop of an Indian merchant in High Street, but the engines were not required as patent fire extinguishers had put down the outbreak. At noon a
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  • 61 9 The Shanghai Mercury notes that the German lying pamphlets which used to reach China via Italy are now coming by a different route. The one it received two weeks ago was posted at Ualmo, Sweden, on the 7th January, and was sent from Copenhagen by the s.s. Hellig Olar. They
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  • 260 9 The Western Front. Mines and Counter Mines- Fighting All Day Germ in Trenches Taken. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, April 3, 4 a.m. Paris: The communique siys that the French artillery was particularly active between the Somme and the Oise, where the German trenches were wrecked.
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  260 words
  • 107 9 Visit to the Front. London, April 3, 2.25 a.m. Rome Man pi is Salandra, at a luncheon to Mr. Asquith at which i were present Cabinet Ministers, members of Parliament and the Allied diplomats, reiterated Italy's determination not to lay down their arms before victory. Mr.
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  • 36 9 Krupps' Agent Arrested. I London, April 3, 1.50 p.m. Captain Taucher, a Krupps' agent in America, has been arrested in New York on a charge of conspiracy to blow up the Welland canal.
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  • 93 9 London, April 3, 1.50 p.m. New York A sensation has been caused by the discovery of a German stowaway on board the British steamer Matoppo, bound from New York to Vladivostok. He attempted to assume command of the steamer with the aid of two revolvers.
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  • 6 9 E. C. New Programme Page 6.
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  • 83 9 British Steamers Sunk. London, April 3, 10.40 p.m. The British steamer Ashburton has been sank. The crew were saved. [The AshboTton was a steel screw steamer of 4445 tons gross, owned by the Aostralind Steam Shipping C«., Ltd., of London. She was built in 1905 at
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  • 66 9 Still Pushing Onward. London, April 3, 4.45 a.m. Rome: The communique actions continued in the Val Sugana and Roverets. Tho Italians by a bold turning movement in the Upper Rieuz seized three blockhonses and made 31 prisoners. There is continued activity on the Isonzo and Carso, where
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  • 66 9 Minor Operations. London, April 3, 2.25 a.m. Petrograd: The communique states that generally there were minor operations. A German aeroplane bombed the station of Zamirie on the Minsk-Baranovitchi railway. The Germans were bloodily re pulsed in attacks on the heights of Olyka, east of Acutsk. There was
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  • 178 9 All Well. London, April 3, 5 a.m. Port Chalmers: The Aurora has arrived, all well. London, April 3, 4.40 p.m. The first wireless enquiry from the Aurora was: M Is all well in old country, no news for seventeen months; reply with latest war news." The
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  • 52 9 London, April 3, 1.50 a.m. Amsterdam The papers unite in urging the necessity for keeping calm and affirm that the measures taken by tbe Government are merely precautionary. The Telegraaf suggests that the Government, believing that an Allied offensive is imminent, wishes to secure the frontier against the
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  • 275 10 Lord Chelmsford's Task. London, April 3. 7.40 a.m. The Times, in a leader on India under the new Viceroy, says that Lord Chelmsford is due in Bombay to take up the heavy burden of the Viceroyalty. He brings to his great task a knowledge of present Indian
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  • 37 10 London, April 3, 5.45 p.m. The Times' Salonika correspondent wires that Forts St. George andSandjak, at Smyrna, were blown to atoms in a three hours bombardment by British warships. The Turks did not reply.
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  • 33 10 Bulgarian Denial. The Bulgarian Minister at the Hague emphatically denies that Bulgaria is anxious to conclude a separate peace. He also denies that the internal situation in Bulgaria is critical.
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  • 37 10 The Netherlands Government has notified Great Britain. Germany and France that the salvage ship Atlas is stationed at the Noord Hinder Lightship. The Noord Hinder Lightship lies 10 miles off the port of Rotterdam.
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  • 53 10 Until lately there waa only one cable in use from Amsterdam to London, but this also has now been interrupted- At present urgent messages are sent from Holland to England by vessels of the Dutch navy, and it is hoped to soon establish a permanent wireless service with
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  • 57 10 A strike has broken out amongst the sailors of the Holland-American Royal Mail Line of steamers, the men asking for increased wages. After a conference with the Minister of Commerce the leading shipping lines have agreed to insure the wive» and children of officers and ,crew against
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  • 63 10 A communique has been issued ly the Netherlands Minister of Marine stating that it is probable t it the was struck by a aiujeti by a German submarine at a Britiah destroyer. A witness on board the Palembang saw the wake of a torpedo pass close to
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  • 321 10 Additional Machines. For the additional machines to be added to the Malaya Air Squadron the following subscriptions have been received Malaya No. 17. (Fighter) The Alma Baker No. 3 presented by the organiser $19,195.90. Malaya No. 18. (Fighter) M The Singapore Mr. C. F. F. Wearne 5,000
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  • 194 10 At the Cinemas. The Alhambra. In addition to an excellent picture programme the Alhambra management are presenting two well-known exponents of modern dancing, Mr. Geo. W. Salinger and Miss Olga Carnegie, who commenced a short season last night Their demonstration of the Tango, Maxixe, Fox Trot, etc, is finished,
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  • 203 10 For the next few nights by special permission of the authorities large parties of "boys of the King's Navee" are being entertained at the Palladium, and last night upwards of two hundred Jack Tars had a royal time. The programme was specially selected to appeal to them, and
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  • 313 10 First Court. (Before Mr. Ralph Scott.) Motor Car Prosecutions Assan bin Husein was charged yesterday with driving a traction engine without fixing a back number to the truck. He was fined $5 and costs. Ismail bin Hadji was fined $10 and costs for carrying seven persons in a
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  • 82 10 The statistics published in London and in the East point unmistakably to the great change taking place in shipments of raw rubber. Enormous quantities are being shipped direct to New York, says the Indiarubber Journal. "The fact that our own imports during certain months, shows a reduction,
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  • 52 10 Ladies' Garrison Rifle Club. Spoon Sneot, March 31. 150yds JLOOyds. Nett Tob.1 Lady Ellis 30 29 59 68.6f. Mrs Ayre 30 25 55 68 40 Mrs Payne 2& 30 58 68.24 Lady Evelyn Yonng 27 30 57 6/S.00 MrsWhitmorel7 15 32 67 34 Mrs Ridont 24 28 52
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  • 146 10 Straits Chinese F. A. This evening on the Recreation gronnd a match will be played between a representative team of the S.C.F.A. and the Shropshire Regj. ment. This will be of the nature of a trial game for the former in view of their return match with the Penang
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  • 55 10 Singapore R. C Tournament. Ties for To-morrow. Championship.—W. a. Aeria v. Winner of A. E. Coelho v. C. V. Oliveiro. Singles Handicap, Class aM. F. Aviet scr„ v. E. E. Ryan—: 30, C. Martia—ls v. E. W. de Cruz —30. Singles Handicap, Class B.— E. Tessensohn plus h
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  • 24 10 Messrs Stockdale and Fenn, the well-known Straits trainers, are now at Cairo, having arrived there recently with a draft for the Australian Light Horse.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 162 10 I 5 for the price of 4 i trouble; one of my confounded g «T*:",WT c r d 1 J""' 9 lo ked n y D "aU motori-t." 1 Ist do. (Well, one baa to be careful nowadeye, and I'm trying to economiee Iffi gk you know how it's dove
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    • 215 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT. ISJBIOIJCIION SALE. OF RUBBER PLANTATION AND COMPOUNO-HOUSE. By Order of the Supreme Court of the State of Johore. IN THE MATTER OF Syed Omar bin Mohamed Alsagoff and Uuku Omar bin Almarhom Inku Ahmed TO BB SOLD BY AUCTION At Sale Room, No. 53 Jalan Ibrahirr On Sunday,
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  • 139 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune)Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-day:— ▲lor Oajah $3.60 $3.75 Ayer Kunings 1.35 1.40 AyerMoiek 2.50 2.60 AyerPanas 10.00 10.25 Balgownie 4.25 4.40 Bukit Jelotong 0.67J 0.751s Bukit KaUl 0.87£ 0.95 Changkat Serdg.... 10.25 10.25xd Glenealy 1.70
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 100 11 i THE I Pot Stills) OF I Great Britain! 1 Have Been Taken Oyer by Government, j NEVERTHELESS 3 Buchanan's! M If s will be able to continue 3 i to supply their famous 3 blends and to maintain 5 1» the quality as before, j being in the unique
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    • 212 11 Train Services. Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 am and 7 pm. Other trains leave for Johore at 9 ju-i 10.29 am noon. 1.30 pm 2.55 pm 4.40 pm. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 am and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave from Johore 7.9, 8.42,
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    • 211 11 A CLEAR HEAD a hearty appetite, sound sleep and good digestion are sure to follow an occasional dose of the tiny laxatives. Gentle as nature Do not gripe. Of all chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Dept. lc, Singapore K. TSUTADA Japanese
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    • 40 11 TAMANOYA HOTEL. 3-19 Beach Road. Most Comfortable Japanese Hotel in Singapore. Charges Moderate G.C. LEE 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. Good and well selected Music Violin, Piano, etc. Good strings for Stringed Instruments. Workmanship Guaranteed TERMS MODERATE. 3-11
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  • 1185 12 Tin. Tungsten and Coal. From tbe ninth annual report of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce we extract the following remarks concerning mining in the State in The year 1915 opened with the Eoropean War still raging and every day developing, the tendency being in favour of the
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  • 95 12 During the week ended the 11th inst. says, the Bangkok Times, 41 cases of bnbonic plagne were notified as having occurred in the city of Bangkok, and 37 deaths were registered from the same disease The Acting Medical Officer of Health reports that from Ist December to
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  • 50 12 Singapore, April 4. Km London— Bank 4 tn/a. 24 19/32 Demand *U On IndiaI nVate 3 2 427 3 Bank T. T. 7 On Hongkong— 1<4 2 Bank d/d ,0« On Shanghai— 13 ow. PM !r kT T 131* Bank d/d. »« .-buying M| V il «»<• *lver in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 216 12 I Plantation Rubber Machinery. IT is generally recognised that machinery for dealing with Rubber should be STRONG, SIMI PLE, and EASILY ADJUSTABLE. Strength and rigidity are especi= ally necessary for easy running if j economical consumption of power and regularity of output are to be I assured. Then with regard
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  • 390 13 Boastful German Outburst. Excitement prevails in Hamburg regarding the Mephistophelian plans °f England to boycott German after the war. In the 'ossische Zeitung we have a promiment article headed "The Choking of German Navigation," in which it is proved to the complete satisfaction of the writer that
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  • 76 13 According to recent investigations made by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce tbe net annual output of coal throughout the provinces is as follows Manchuria, 1,300,000 tons;Chihli, 2,160,432 tons Shansi, 2,500,000 tons Shensi, 50,000 tons j Kiang. su, 50,000 tons Shantung, 930,000 tons; Honan, 900,200
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 515 13 1 A f Announcement Extraordinary v P S I U q AT THE U 1 I i f-5 Alhambra Theatre |l R BEACH ROAD. I jj gj jgj The Leading Theatre in Singapore. r, 8 p o Manager, M. H. KENYON-SLADE. L 8 11 a SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT FOR A SHORT
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  • 733 14 Flyiog Boats with Heavy Bombs for Battleships. Aerial duels between land-going aeroplanes have been common enough for tbe past year or more, and seaplane* have taken an active part in the war on both sides, bat only once since the war began have seaplane* met and fought.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 437 14 LIST NOW ©PEN Thle list will be domed on or before April 29th, 1916. FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT SIX PER CENT WAR LOAN, 1921 Issue of 16,000,000 Debentures to Bearer, part of $15,000,000 authorized by Enactment No. I of 1916. The entire proceeds of the Loan will be placed at
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 626 15 NOTICB NOTICE. >f r M. Shelton, who has had 20 years' experience in diseases of the hair, scalp a* 10 urinary tracts attends daily at his residence at 7-1 Oxley Ad. Attendance 8 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 5,30 p.m. 1-3 30-4 HO HO BISCUIT FACTORY, LTD. (Incorporated 1898)
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    • 392 15 NOTICES THE MALAKA PINDA RUBBER ESTATES, LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) Notice is hereby given that a second interim dividend of 8 per cent on account of the year ending 31st August, 1916, will be paid to shareholders on the register on April 27th, 1916. Notice is also hereby
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    • 392 15 WANTED WANTED To rent godown with frontage on Singapore River, area approximately 12,000 square fr. Apply to Box 216 c/o Malaya Tribune. 17-3 n WANTED Immediately, one iron Collapsible Gate 8 ft. high, 6to 9 ft. wide. For price, etc., write to H. Ahmad, Engineer and Contractor, ill, Market Street
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    • 465 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
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    • 437 15 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD* [Incorporated is New Zealand)! PIKE Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description] MARISE Insurances accepted to ell parts of the world at lowest rate*. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY Local Manager, Offices: 2, Finlayson Green. HEUNGSON INSURANCE CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 327 16 mtttt**i*Bttlt*tt************ mw nwwm9M I GUAN KIAT Co., I Head Offiee: 37 Phillip Street l f» 4* 1 4» BRANCH STORES AT .—Phillip Street No. 14 and Tank Road Nos. 14, 100 and 102. i m *****«**4***fc*A*«****fc*#fc*A*****tg j S Telegraphic Address Telef>kone Nos. 1174, 1178, 1233, Codes Used f J I
      327 words

    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] Supplement to tha Malaya Tribune Issued Daily.] No. 79 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 452 1 •LP.*O.British India AjND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lines. Homeward (for Europh). Outward (for
        452 words
        273 words
      • 575 1 N.Y.K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISH4 (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) (JAPAN MAIL IfeaW STEAMSHIP Co> EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained between Yokohama via porta to Marseilles and London, under mail contract with the Imperial Japaaee* Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this seriiee have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted
        575 words
    • 492 2 Europe. For London: Nore in port Kitano Maru April 12 Malta April 13 Teireaias April 15 Nagoya April 27 Fnahimi Mam April 29 Keelnng May 8 Denbigh Hall May 9 Hirano Mam May 10 Neleus May 5 Gleniffer May 20 For Genoa Gleniffer May 20 For Liverpool
      492 words
    • 315 2 Vessels in Port. STEAMER. BERTH. DATE Barque lone Outer Rds 16-3 Sri Muar Dock 18 4 Hebe Inner Rds 26-^ Magnet do 21-c Indraghiri do 26-3 Sandakan do 28-3 Hainam do do Demodocug No. 7 Wharf 29-3 Gorgon No. 2 Wharf do Minderoo No. 3 Dock do
      315 words
    • 902 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station: —s.s. s'Jacob, s.s. Amiral Nielly. s.s Polyneeieu. The Holt liner Demodocus is loading for London. The P. <fc 0. liner Nore leaves on the 6th April for Europe. Eastbound, the liner Tabanan left
      902 words
    • 326 2 The annual report of the Selangor Chamber of Commerce, which hai just been published, says that owing to the war there was a further fa]j! ing off of tonnage at Port Swettenham as compared with previous years. Only 12 ships of the P. and O. line
      326 words
    • 216 2 A deep water harbour scheme is contemplated for the port of Tuticorin. The scheme consists of dredging in the inner harbour for about 3£ miles, to enable steamers to come right in, with a basin near the foreshore, which would allow them to work off two piers,
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 38 2 SINGAPORE SHiPCHANDLERY Co ■WWWW S PROVIMRING CONTRACTORS, The Company's La Unch meetB incoming ships. office 6 Hoad TAKE UFI TO TOP FLOOR Telephone N O 4( Orders promptly attended to fron, Jaunary Ist, 1916. W.H. STEVENS. Manager. I
        38 words
    • 337 3 further Company Reports. That some of the smaller German tean-ship companies are onable to l the strain of continued inac[vitv is shown by brief announce* Q ents which appeared from time to in obscure corners of the newsier*. Thus the Lena Petersen Iteamship Company, of Rostock, aforms its
      337 words
    • 133 3 In view of the necessity to introiuce changes in the Japan-Europe Antwerp) regular line in order to ninimize war risks, the Communicaions Department, Tokyo, has ordered he Nippon Yusen Kaisha to alter its cute as follows I. Outward Leave Yokohama md arrive in London, calling on the
      133 words
    • 74 3 Vessels Expected. L'modocus (Holt) 5th April, from Singapore for Colombo and London. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co., Ltd. tan fa (Holt) 8 th April, from Kurope for Singapore, China and Japan. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and j Ltd. kra (B.I.) 8th April, from India for Singapore. Agents,
      74 words
    • 61 3 -t for Mersing, Minderoo for Banjoewangie, &c, 1 and Fremantle. j-Jonai tor Saigon. Foefcg for Pontianak. Man for Port Dickson and Port <v 'ettenham. Ho *3 Ho for K. Pahang, Pekan, *c., and Trengganu, Ui\ Weld for Malacca and Muar. *«anti for Kota Tinggi. bla ng Seng for
      61 words
    • 151 3 The following casualties to shipping through hostile acts have been reported recently Ship and Owners. Flag. Tons. Damage. ASHBURTON British 4,445 (Sunk. Crew saved (Australind S.S. Co. April 3.) London. PERTH British (Sunk. 6 drowned, 8 saved April 3.) PETER HAMRE Norwegian 1,030 (Sunk at anchor.
      151 words
    • 197 3 London Bookings. Per P O Mooltan -—Mrs <fc Mrs. Trump, Mr. k Mrs. Thomas, Mr. Mrs. Bragg, Mr and Mrs R. Humphries, Mr. C. B. Franklin, Mr. Roth man. Per P. and O. steamer Kashgar Mr and Mrs Polglase, Mr Sweney, Mr. Archer, Mr. Kenney, Rev E. M.
      197 words
    • 149 3 According to an official report of the Acting British Consul-General at Manila, cargo on board the Hamburg-American Line s.s. Andalusia has been completely discharged. Some cargo ex s.s. Camilla Rickmers has been sent back to Shanghai, whilst other parts have been forwarded to New York. A
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    • 29 3 The B. L (Apcar) liner Fazilka, 4152 tons, Capt C. Me. Nair, sails on 6th inst for Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Messrs Adamson, Gilfillan and Co., are her agents.
      29 words
    • 74 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the European Mails and their delive. y in London. Mail. Left. Delivered M. M. Feb. 12 Mar. 14 P. &O. Feb. 18 Mar. 20 8.1. Feb. 25 M. M. Feb. 26 Mar. 23 P. &O.
      74 words
    • 62 3 The Swedish Chamber of Commerce for the United Kingdom has received advice from the Swedish Board of Trade, Stockholm, to the effect that the following articles have been added to the list of goods which are now prohibited for exportation from Sweden Chocolate and cocoa in solid form and powder.
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 502 3 M. M. MESSACEBIES MABITIMES. Mall Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, MARSEILLES. Homeward. Outwabd. 1916 1916 Amaxone Apl. 3 Porthos Apl. 11 Polyneaien Apl. 7 Cordillere Apl. 26 Athos Apl. 10 Andre Lebon May. 9 Porthos May. 19 Atlantique May. 23 Amaxone Jnne. 6 Polyneaien Jnne. 20 For all particulars apply
        502 words
      • 347 3 Combined Service Of The Ocean S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) AND The West Australian S. N. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) BBTWBUI FREMA NTLEf(PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, JAVA AND SINGAPORE. Regular sail in gsjbet ween Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 102 3 Singapore fide fables. Apr. 4.—High water :—11-33 a.m. 9 ft. 2 his.; 11-26 p.m. 9 ft. Apr. 5. —High water -0.12 a.m. 8 ft. 8 ins. 11-53 p.m. 9 ft. Apr. 6.—High water :—0.51 a.m. 8 ft. 2 ins. Apr. 7. —High water: —0.21 a.m. 8 ft. 9 ins. 1.31
        102 words
      • 340 3 Mails Close. To-day. Mersing Amherst 2 pi» Banjoewangie, Derbv, Broome, Pqrt Healand. Cossack, Carnarvon. Geraldton and Frem an tie Minderoo 2 pua Saigon Donai 2.30 pm Pontianak Kboen Foeng 2.30 pm Penang* Calcutta taking maila for Durban* 3 Laisang 2.80 pm Port Dickson and Port Swettenham *Krian 2.30 pm K.
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
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      • 456 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) (Contractors to\the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy and*)to Foreign Governments J CODBS :?ED' Cable k A 1 A. 8.C., DOCKYARD V Western Union KOBK 111 Hi I .t• i_ > vW Scott s. Leber's, ana DOCK-DAIREN. Engineering. KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and
        456 words
      • 382 4 Ocean Steam Shi D Company, Ltd AND China Mutual Steam ii*. Co., Ltd. a The Companies' steamer* patched from Liverpool outward the Straits, China and Japan week and from Japan hone wards? London, Amsterdam and Ant* every fortnight for Genoa, Man? I les and Liverpool and for Marseiij Havre and
        382 words