Malaya Tribune, 30 March 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. I EVENING DAILY. Vol 8.- ■No. 75. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1916 Price 5 Cents. iCl)< n?alapa Cribune* THURSDAY, MARCH 30
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 189 1 WE HAVE THE PICTURES. YOU MUST SEE THEM. To-Night— At th..P)»pular Cinema House—ro-Night GAIETY Picture Palace Junction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets. IN THE SECOND SHOW THE SHERIFF AND THE RUSTLER A WSsr fc in TWO Parts 2 Madam Coquette 2 Lubin's Sensational Two Part Feature Drama FOUR NEW REELS
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    • 131 1 wwwww Estate Supplies! I Acetic (89*981) Acid Veneer Chests Momi Chests j Latex Cups j j ETC. J I Mitsui ffiussan Sfaisfia, Js>td. II (Incorporated is Japan fclpt iwmwh i it i> »imiifwwni yiwiifiwwwiHfwmrwtiitwimtui H Awarded Numerous Gold Medals If 3 Ist Qual. CoM. $11.50 per case. 0 I
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  • 542 2 Utter Failure of the Holy War. Mr. H. Warner Allen, special correspondent or the British P es3 with the French armies, writes with reference to Uih position of affairs in Morocco that lontf before August, 1914, the Germans bad made their preparations for the declaration of
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  • 57 2 At the meeting of the Ipoh Club last Saturday it was decided, on the motion of Mr. J. A. S. Jennings, that the resolution that no alien enemies be members of the Club, unless rescinded by a two-thirds majority passed at the last annual meeting' be included in the rules.
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  • 53 2 Recent advices from Peking received in Japan report that President Yuan recently made up bis mind to abandon the monarchy movement. At a conference of those in his' confidence he is reported to have expressed his indignation over being misinformed on the actual state of popular sentiment concerning the imperial
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 130 2 A Chance to Save Money. Great Clearance SALE Commences on Monday, April 3, FOR TWO WEEKS. Once a. Year Only. SEND FOR THE BOOK OF BARGAINS. EE RUBBER Ribbed Smoked Sheet Obtains the Top Price and is Easy to Produce when the Jackson Patent Cabinets are used. PRICES FROM $208.
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    • 375 2 POWELL Co.'s CALENDAR FOR MARCH, 1916. Sun. 5 12 19 26 Mon. 6 13 20 27 j TUES. 7 14 21 28 Wed. 1 8 15 22 29 Thurs. 2 9 16 23 30 FRi. 3 10 17 24 31 SAT. 4 11 18 25 I Tuesdays Land Sales. Saturdays:—Furniture
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  • 489 3 Sequel to a Drowning Case. The Crocs and the Corpse. Says the writer of the Marudu Notes in the British North Borneo Herald At the beginning of the month a Chinaman was drowned in the river just below the station while endeavouring to wade across it
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  • 151 3 Since the outbreak of war, the export demand for camphor has increased remarkably, and the Japanese exports of it last year amounted to 3,880,031 kin, worth 3,475,415 yen, says the Japan Advertiser. The briskness in the export trade has inevitably caused the price to rise, and the market
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  • 36 3 Following on the recent formation of a French Chancer *of Commerce in China, with headquarters at Shanghai, French businessmen in Tienthin and Peking have set aboot organising a branch" of the pirent Chamber for North China.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 214 3 I MOTOR CARS ON HIRE I MOTOR REPAIRERS MOTOR CAR IMPORTERS GREASE Cylinder Oil AND Motor Accessories OF Every Description. Sole Agents For; Meitz Weiss Oil Engines The Celebrated Star, Mltchell>nd Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles Sub-Agents :—MICHELIN TYRES. fGasolene light Cycle Co. I 5,5-1 5-2, BEACH ROAD. Books of
      214 words
    • 341 3 Tuition by Correspondence FOR Word and Cambridge Local*, London University Vatriculation, Hongkong University Matriculation, Professiona' Preliminary Examination, S. 8. and F. ML 8. Medical Bcbool» Examination AND ALL EXAMINATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH GOVERNMENT CLERKSHIPS IN THE 8.8. AND F.M.B. Prospectus and Scale of Fees on Application to THE SECRETARY.
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  • 1096 4 Study of the Allies' and the Huns' Chances of Success. Mr. Frederick Palmer, the famous American war correspondent, contributes to Collier's Weekly, under the title of Is Germany Winning one of the most striking and lucid articles on the past, present, and future of the great war that
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  • 230 4 The paper milling industry in Japan is attaining complete independence from all outside assistance under the pressure brought to bear on the line by the war, if all enter, prises now mooted in Hokkaido and Kabafuto accomplish what is expected of them. Four Pulp Factories. At present
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  • 231 4 Oar Oldest European Ally. Ever since the Treaty of Windsor in 1386 declared that the kingdoms of Portugal and England were thenceforth united in the closest bonds of friendship and alliance there has been an understanding between the two countries. Indeed this Treaty has never been dissolved*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 49 4 Your Address for Rubber Goods! ||l j Our Specialities: I. o»a for delivery HHfe übber sheets ose suction i ■lose pressure Rubber packings M Hi ose steam |m übber valves ose M kerosene übber mats. Stocked at NO. 5 RAFFLES PLACE. I T 71 i in, i i J
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    • 34 4 Your Morning Headache will disappear after a dose of the tiny laxatives which do not gripe. Of chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Dept. sc, Singapore.
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  • 781 5 ft iws Qortti v the Hubi Aj, If oraing SINGAPORE, MABCH 30. Messrs Ly»U aad «yaM, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list of qnoUtion*--Rtlbkf Sfttfft. fio*. Value. Buyer.. Sellers. 1 Anglo Jara 17» 6 W J 6 2/- Anglo-Malay i O J_ |Z| 1 Batojßm
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  • 320 5 Indignant comßßenk U being made in Madrid at the indiscreet action of Prince Fnrstanburg, tbe Anstro-Hnn-gari.n Ambassador in that city, who haa m commnnicated to the pregs an ambiguoog note which might easily have compromised the diplomatic position of the Spanish Ambas. «*ajor in Vienna. Without consulting
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  • 126 5 Syed Mahomed Agil, J. p., a leading citizen and President of Maho medan Advisor/ Board, Singapor accompanied by his brother Sye i Ahmed and suite, is in Penang. He arrived per s.s. Klang from Singapore. There was a gathering ot th.Arab community and Penang Moslems at the
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  • 101 5 The Reserve Force. The Adjutant of the S.V.C. asks us to announce that the parade of the R serve Force called for Wednesday evening last and which was cancelled owing to the bad weather will beheld at the Drill Hail parade (Beach Road) ground to-morrow (Friday) at
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  • 202 5 Hideous lasciviousness, brutality, and slavery denounced in Prussian Diet. In tr c Prussian Diet, three weeks the ell-known Socialist, Dr. LiftUciMM in a fierce outburst th* censorship, said that any ni-nth.n «»f tie trials of peace deinon8t a tor* r food-rioters was prohibited nrj tne jjopalation was
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  • 75 5 The Daily Mail's Hotter .lain corsays he is convinced that rumours of early German naval activjty are not without foundation, and asserts positively that in the near fntnre the Kaiser's Navy will achieve its great desire. The most terrible sea fight in history will bring the end
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  • 153 5 Paying Higher Dividend*. It is now a recognised fact that most of the Taiwan (Formosa) anger companies have earned more than in any of the previous years a.* the revolt of the remarkable increase in production and the iucreased shipments to oversea markets. Every one of them
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  • 33 5 A new Magistrate's Court has been established at Papan, Perak, in order to relieve the congestion in the Ipoh Magistrate's Court, as well as to serve the districts of Menglembu, Tronoh and Papan.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 364 5 1 I j Tips Worth Noting. I J! Advertising is more than ever j I essential, on the principle that the J smaller the demand the greater 1 J| the necessity to increase it.— The 1 1 J American Lead Pencil Co. I I Such advertising as we have!* done
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  • 389 6 One of the greatest disappointments which the Germans have suffered during tbe war has been the fruit lessee as of their efforts to stir up revolution in India against British rule. Reference was made in a recent issue to the propaganda the Germans attempted to get to India
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  • 340 6 For Savages. A bequest to provide members of the Savage Club with free drinks was the subject of a summons in the Chancery Court before Mr. Justice Neville. The testator, Mr. David iOuis, left £650 to the trustees of the tub's benevolent fund, with the wish that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 839 6 PALLADIUM Singapore's Premier Theatre Orchard Road Singapore's Premier Theatre lAlwaysI Always Just What You Like You don't have to take our word, but call and see, and you will find just the kind of variety you want—The Latest and Best. Here's a Programme for you Hearts of the Empire This
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  • 263 7 The Scamps at the Victoria. Our prediction that Tbe Scamps tfouldimake good before the end of their short stay is already being proved a correct one. Last night there was a marked improvement in tbe strength of the patronage at the Victoria Theatre, and with all the comply on
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  • 99 7 Realising that the occasional introduction of vaudeville into their programme is pleasing to their patrons, the management of the Albambra have secured for next week an additional attraction. This takes the form of singing and dancing turns by G. W. Salniger and Miss Olga Carnegie, tvfo
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  • 183 7 So successful did the all comedy reels prove at the Palladium that it has been decided to continue with some of the laughter-makers to-night The chief feature, however, is a Napoleonic story by the Duchess of Dantzic, entitled Hearts of the Empire. In addition another <hapter in
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  • 67 7 Under the auspices of the Y.M. i .A. Biblical and Literary Research Hode^,Mr.aC.t^ftVJ^^" tnre to-night in the VM-L.A. ai 4j p.m. on •♦Ethics in relation to liiet". All interested are welcomed At Penang last Monday Mr. Kboo Heng Kok was admitted by mr. Justice Ebden to practise in tne Supreme
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  • 298 7 Departure of Miss Radford. A large number of members and friends met at the Borneo Wharf yesterday to bid farewell to Miss Radford as she sailed on the Hirano Mam on her well-earned furlough. Miss Radford had made tor herself a very warm place in the
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  • 27 7 The Hon'ble W.F. Nutt. M.F.C., will be the guest of the Chinese community of Selangor on the sth proximo, on the eve of his departure for Europe.
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  • 90 7 {Tribune Special.) Small-Pox Increasing. Penang, March 29.—There is an increase in cases of smallpox at Penang. The Municipal President, Mr. Peel, reported that since the lfst tneeting thirtyone cases of small-pox and thirtyeight cases of chicken-pox have been reported, making the total eightyseven cases small-pox and ninetyfour chicken-pox.
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  • 152 7 Second Court. (Before Mr. C. H. G. Clarke.) Wharf Pests. Teng Peng and So Leng pleaded guilty to a charge of theft, from the ».b. Kum Sang, of a quantity of Chinese tobacco. They were each ordered to go to prison for seven days. Re-prepared Chandu. Supervisor Ganno
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  • 229 7 (Singapore, March 30.) Tin.— S9sJ 75 tons sold. Copra— Weak. Tapioca— Weak. Sago Flour Steady. Gambier. Pepper.—Strong Other Products.—. WejfcH Steady Latest Local Market Quota? ns. Nutmegs 110 S. per pisul 1 30.00 Nutmegs 80 S. 35.00 Copra Bali 10.50 Copra Gorong Talo 10.60 Copra Dongalo 10 60
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  • 73 7 London, Mar. 29, 4.5 p.m. The death is announced of Mr. James Leigh Strachan-Davidson. M v a Master of Balliol College,' Oxford since 1907. Educated at Leamington College and Balliol, he wag first elected a fellow of the latter as long ago as 1866, and became tutor and dean
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 85 7 During the week ending March 25 there occurred 195 deaths locally, of which 140 were males and 55 females. Of the 195 deaths, 143 were Chinese, 29 Malays, 18 Indians and 1 Eurasian. Phthisis claimed 30, malarial fever 23, convulsions 23, beri-beri lO.pneumonia 13, dysentery 8 and bronchitis
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  • 46 7 Lawn Tennis. Singapore R C. Tournament Ties for To-morrow. Singles Handicap, Class A.— C. Martia—ls v. E. W. de Cruz —30. M. F. Aviet, scr., v. F. A. Pc alta- 30. Singles Handicap, Class B.— E. Tessensohn plus 30 v. G. Ahin ;-i IS.
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  • 85 7 Adelphi Cap Tournament. There was a large attendance at the Adelphi Hotel last night when in the second ronnd of the $100 Cup Tournament the holder A. Lewis (owes 150) met D. S. Ferroa (scratch). An excellent game was witnessed, Lewis proving successful by 38 points. Scores A. Lewis
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  • 31 7 With much regret we announce the death of Mr. J. M Barclay of Penang, due to paralysis of the heart. The deceased was with Messrs Phillips and Stewart of that port.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 4 7 Empire Cinema 'Phone 816
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    • 174 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS VICTORIA THEATRE. The Scamps Still Going Strong To-night! To-night!! Time and Prices as Usual. Thursday, March 30th GRAND MILITARY NIGHT. Friday, March 31st GRAND NAVAL NIGHT. By kind permission of the authorities. Special reduced rates on these nights to Army and Navy in uniform. Saturday, Ist April Gems
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    • 95 7 Finest Fresh Bombay Table Butter IN HERMETICALLY SEALED TINS. CHEAPEST AND BEST. Only 55 cts. per lb. nett. SPECIAL QUOTATIONS GIVEN TO LARGE CONSUMERS. Direct Importers THE VICTORIA CONFECTIONERY STORE 387 Victoria Street, Singapore. 1 Raffles Hotel Special Dinner On Saturday, April Ist. Cinema Show Dancing After Dinner. H. C.
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  • 948 8 Those who follow carefully the progress of the war, as doled out to us in more or less interesting drib, lets, will have noticed of late to what a great extent hostilities in the air have been a predominant feature. By this we do net mean
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  • 30 8 A second interim dividend of N per cent, on account of the jear ending August 31,1916, will be paid to shareholders at the end of April.
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  • 126 8 Mussell-Warder. Last Saturday a quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised at the Wesley Church, Fort Canning Road, by the Rev. Oechsli, 5.T.8., the contracting parties being Mr. George Jeffrey Mussell, Supervisor Liquors j Revenue Govt. Monopolies, eldest j son of the late Mr. James Sherrell Mussell of Plymouth, Devon,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 110 8 ROBINSON Co. IFRESHSHIPMENT OF Cadbury's Chocolates. KING GEORGE, SELECTED, TROPICAL, I CHOCOLATE ALMONDS, in J-lb. and Mb. tins. I Nut Milk Chocolates 25 cts. per pkt. Chocolate Biscuts SI per 1-lb. box. I ROBINSON Co.j [SHELL Motor Spirit SOLD BY All Garages and Retailers IN SINGAPORE. I 'mSce'] 90 cts.
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    • 84 8 j BROWN CAMPBELL Co.'s I FIVE STAR A rea'ly good cheap Scotch Whisky. Sole Importers:— Caldbeck, Macgregor Co. adelphi! HOTEL I Every Evening During I Dinner OUR MANILA BAND 1 WILL PLAY. y. m. reye. I t j I PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO 15 High Street. IJ (Corner of North Bridge Road.)
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    • 57 8 MILKMAID] Sweetened Condensed Milk Dcr case $t- Qn J Sterilised Natural Milk PW Case l f|s J Ideal Unsweetened Milk ttneJ? 5 i Jhe friends and relatives of the late Mr. Tan Chay Van are respectfully informed that the interment of his remains will take place at Malacca on Sunday
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  • 369 9 Tin is at $95J—25 cts. down. Cotton is quoted 7.80 for fair ,jaality. Copra is done at £40.12.6 in the Home market. The gambier market is easier 54/6 being quoted. The Royal Dutch Petroleum Company has declared a dividend of 49 per cent. The Foltala is due
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  • 165 9 The Great War Page. The War on Shipping 9 The Western Front 9 North Sea Affairs 9 In the East 9 The Allies' Conference 9 Blizzard in Great Britain 10 The Italian Campaign 10 French Consular News 10 German Intrigues in Morocco 2 Wild Tales from Borneo 3
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  • 1324 9 Departure of Major St. Clair. On Saturday last, in the offices of our esteemed local contemporary the Singapore Free Press, a fareweU address W as presented to Major W. 1W Cla r th univei *sally esteemed Doyen of the Press of Malaya, who for so many
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  • 123 9 The Western Front. Activity on the Meuse. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Mar. 29, 12.40 a.m. Paris The communique says that fire directed on an enemy battery at Bois Montfaucon caused a violent explosion. The bombardment of our position, Avocourt to Bethencourt, was violently resumed. About three in the
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  123 words
  • 80 9 London, Mar. 28, 11 35 p.m. The communique states that despite heavy hostile artillery fire last night, and at intervals to-day, our infantry successfully held the ground gained yesterday. Our artillery was most effective in replying to the enemy's fire. The prisoners now amount to five officers
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  • 74 9 London, Mar. 28, 8 p.m. A Berlin communique states that the action with the British at Saint Eloi is extending. Heavy Russian reinforcements are attacking Postavy northeastward of Vilna, where the railway is vitally important. The communique speaks of the heroic resistance at Postavy of the Haarbrueck Corps.
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  • 145 9 Thirty Miles from Trebizond. London, Mar. 29, 12.50 a. m. Petrograd The communique says: After an artillery preparation from warships, our troops broke the desperate resistance of the enemy and expelled him from positions along the Baltatchi river and occupied the town of Off, on the coast
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  • 62 9 Aviators Attack Turkish Base. London, Mar. 28, 4.10 p.m. Suez: A British air squadron dropped forty bombs on the Turkish base of Bir-el-Hassanah, a hundred miles from the Canal. They burned the camp and severely damaged the waterworks. An airman attacked the Turkish infantry in the rear and
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  • 150 9 More Pirates' Victims. London, Mar. 28, 4.10 p.m. The British steamer Empress of Midlands has been sunk. The crew has been landed at Maasluis. London, Mar. 29, 2.35 p.m. The following steamers have been sunk Eagle Point (British), Harriet (Danish). [The Harriet was a three-masted screw
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  • 55 9 London, Mar. 28, 9.45 p.m Washington Mr. Lansing has announced that the American Ambassador at Berlin has been instructed to ask the German Government whether a German submarine torpedoed the Sussex. London, Mar. 29, 10.55 a.m. Washington Mr. Gerard has also been instructed to ask whether a
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  • 188 9 Loss of the Medusa. No Casualties. London, Mar. 29, 8.45 p.m. The Admiralty announces that all vessels employed in the operations on the German coast returned, except the Medusa, which sank. Her crew was saved. Our light cruisers on Saturday night encountered a division of German
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  • 80 9 A Stern Resolve. London, Mar. 29, 3.30 a.m. Paris: The Conference has unanimously adopted resolutions affirming the complete military, economic and diplomatic solidarity of the Allies, and their unshakable determination to continue the struggle to a victory for establishing a permanent c unmittee in Paris to consider
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 215 10 Huge Damage. London, Mar. 28, 4.10 p.m. A blizzard in the United Kingdom has done much damage. Communication Interrupted. London, Mar. 29, 1.45 p.m. The combination of snow and wind was unprecedented during the days before the full effects of the blizzard were known, owing tc
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  • 92 10 London, Mar. 29, 2.35 p.m. The Gazeite sates that Captains K. D Murray 59th Scinde Rifles and H. P. Carrey (55th Coke's Rifles) have been appointed to the General Staff Temporary Colonel Sir A. Lawley is relinquishing his commission on ceasing to serve on the Red Cross Commission.
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  • 26 10 London, Mar. 29, 1.45 p.m. Wellington. The Aurora has sent a wireless message that she expects to reach New Zealand on Friday.
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  • 25 10 London, Mar. 28, 10.10 p.m. Mr. F. Seton James, C.M.G., late administrator of Nigeria, is gazetted colonial secretary for the Straits Settlements.
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  • 130 10 RE UTER'S TELE GRA MS. London, Mar. 28, 7.55 p.m. Amsterdam: The Editor of the Telegraaf has been acquitted. XOJ— London, Mar. 29, 2.35 p.m. Paris: General Largeau has died of wounds received at Verdun. London, Mar. 28, 10.10 p.m. The Duke of Westminster is granted the
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  • 332 10 HOUSE OF COMMONS. Selling Up Enemy Firms. London, Mar. 28, 5.30 p.m. In the Boose of Commons to-day Mr. Bonar Law announced that he was communicating with the Governors of Colonies with a view to the general adoption of a policy of liquidation of enemy firms and selling their
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  • 165 10 Berne, Feb. B.—Eighty Zeppelins are now in the German service, it appears from information developed at Friedrickshafen, where the Zeppelin works are located. One of the latest type that is having a trial this week is LZ 95, which is taken here to
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  • 98 10 Forty Hours' Battle. London, Mar. 29, 3.15 p.m. Rome: A communique announces that there was desperate fighting at Gorizia. It lasted forty hours and was most fierce on the heights north-westward of the fortress where the Austrians made intense artillery preparation against Grafenberg, which had already been
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  • 226 10 (By Courtesy of the French Consul-General-) Paris, March 28, 6.35 p.m. Yesterday, the British captured the first and second lines of trenches of a salient at Saint-Eloi, inflicting heavy losses and capturing 170 prisoners. To-day the situation was calm on the east of the Meuse; the artillery
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  • 1111 10 Enactment Passed. A meeting of the Federal Conncil was held in the Council Chamber, Kuala Lumpur, on Tuesday when there were present H. E. the High Commissioner (Sir Arthur Young, K. C. M. G). H. H. the Sultan of Selangor (Sir Alandin Suleiman Shah) H. H. the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 217 10 ft 5 for the price of 4 I i ft ft j# Ist Motorist {pointing to burst tyre) "Hullo, old chap, I'm in trouble one of my confounded 58? SSS tyres has burst, and I haven't a spare." >S| 2nd Motorist No spare and I always looked on you as
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  • 136 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune). Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-day: Alor Gajah $3.50 $3.60 Ayer Kunings 1.30 1.40 Ayer Molek 2.50 2.60 AyerPanas 10.00 10.15 Balgownie 4.25 4.40 Bukit Jelotong 0.67£ 0.7« Bukit Katil 0.95~ CiiangkatSerdg.... 10.50 10.75 Glenealy 1.65
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  • 77 11 Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 am and 7 pm. Other trains leave for Johore at 9 10.29 am noon. 1.30 pm 2.65 pm 4.40 pm. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 am and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave from Johore 7.9, 8.42, 10.15,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 120 11 Utittt!ttt*t*tt*t*ttt <t *ttttt*t* E 1 jj THE I Pot Stills! E E 2 l 0F 3 sGrcat Britain 5 S 3 i Have Been 3 8 3 I Taken Oyer by Government, f s NEVERTHELESS Jf Buchanan s? 5 i\ Sc E will be able to continue 5 to supply
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    • 212 11 TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT Cinema Q A SIN 0^« THE IDEAL PICTURE THEATRE PRESENTS In the Second Show 9.1 S p.m. Sharp. A GREAT NORDISK FEATURE THE SPY IN 3 STIRRING PARTS. QpfT The Exciting Motor Car Chase. 1 The Capturing of the Notorious Spies by the Brave Police. fZZY, THE DETECTIVE
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  • 37 12 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE REPUBLIC. British Minister to Peking. Sir John Jordan British Minister to Peking) has decided to return to England upon expiry of his tenure of office in April.
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  • 33 12 A Cornelian vase valued at $250 is reported to have been stolen iioin a curio shop in Wellington Street, Hongkong, whiie a party of live men were in tbe shop bargaining.
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  • 40 12 Charcoal and lire wood have risen by nearly 30 per cent at the Chinese town of Tiehling. The lingering cold spell and the frequent snows that have hindered cart traffic are counted as the causes.
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  • 39 12 On March 7 bandits did some damage to the Canton section of the Canton-Kowloon Railway. Some delay in the train service was caused, but the line has now been repaired and traffic is no longer Relayed.
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  • 42 12 The Chinese authorities at Mukden have been encouraging rice farming through the prefectural authorities. This has had the desired results. Applications for constructing irrigation works are being received from the prefectures of Liaoyang, Haicheng, Yingkou, Liaochung, Hsifeng, Hsinmintun, etc.
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  • 57 12 During the week ending March 11 twelve cases (all Chinese) of small-pox were reported, nine of which proved fatal. In the same period three Chinese cases of diptheiia were reported, two of which proved fatal. Five cases of enteric fever (one Indian and the rest Chinese), four
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  • 70 12 Some half-a-dozen papers in Peking are feeling the scarcity and high cost of paper so severely that they have closed down. Paper, Which formerly cost $2.70 a ream, now commands $8 a ream, a price which is absolutely prohibitive for the less prosperous newspapers. These properties cannot
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  • 68 12 In view of the postponement of the ascension to the Throne, the Government has ordered the Mint at Tientsin to cease coining dollars commemorating the restoration of the Monarchy. The dollars already coined, numbering 100,000, have been deposited in the Government Treasury. The Peking Daily News says it
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  • 92 12 To find that an old-style ordinary bicycle was in nse would cause something of a shock in an English town, but what must be the feeling to discover a Chinese riding such a vehicle through the principal street of the capital of China, as was the case the
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  • 106 12 The report of the Treasury of the Shanghai Muricipal Council for 1915 states that the original Estimates submitted for the ratepayers' approval involved the raising of a loan of Tie. 600,000, this figure being subsequently increased to Tls. 665,000 by the adoption of a resolution dealing with
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  • 142 12 The Hongkong and Shanghai Bank has, it is reported, been defrauded to the extent of several thousands of dollars by means of a. daring forgery. It is stated that the details of the fraud closely resemble those of the previous fraud on the Bank in
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  • 221 12 Unmoved at the murder of women and children by bis own Zeppelins, it appears that the Hun has a very wholesome fear of reprisals, though it is characteristic that this fear is confined to tbe populations of districts within reach of the Allies' aeroplanes. According to the
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  • 200 12 A plan is reported to be afoot among leading business men in Japan in view of the scarcity of iron and steel hampering the country's industrial activities, to organise a big steel and iron concern by amalgamating all private enterprises in the line. The promoters of the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 20 12 I*******************************t*** s i--««n»« SHIP BRAND f 1 AS A YE^ ETABLE THERE IS NOTHING i J. Travers Sons, ltd. jj
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    • 561 12 ECONOMY IN WAR-TIME. a firm kas spent a I I great deal of money in ladvertisingI advertising it cannot alter its prices witkout losing muck of tke Lenefit oi its advertising. It is tkerefore an undoubted advantage to fcuy advertised goods wken ge- I neral prices are rising. -——i IN
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 174 12 FIXTURES. To-day. "The Scamps," Victoria Theatre. High Water—7.28 a.m. 7 ft. 7 ins. 9-18 p.m. 7 ft. 5 ins. To-morrow. Malakoff Rubber, Mesers Boustead and Co., 12 noon. Batang Benar Rabber Meeting, Messrs F. W. Barker Co, 2.30 p.m. Legislative Council Meeting, 2.30 p.m. Municipal Commission, 2-30 p.m. Ceylon Tamils
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    • 56 12 exchange. On UJ»-""""' ££ii* *<">%, 0»I„dl,!?""• 3 2 «»S BankT. T. l7j On Hongkong— Bank d/d On Shanghai— < Bank d/d 1 On JavaBank T. T. io 9i On Japan— Bank d/d ii ]1 Sovereigns—buying rate 3* <j/ India C'cil Bills last issne 1/4 3/3», T. T. I. Bank of
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  • 864 13 Big Sensation in Shanghai. By tbe last mail from China we received a copy of the North China Daily News (Mar. 9 from which we learn that during the 7tb and Bth of this month no topic was more widely iiscussed in Shanghai than the proposal put forward
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  • 32 13 It is reported that a formal Jwmnt was signed to Toiio a »«o between the J Government and representatives of the Tsar'.Governinent providing ?or further supplies of ordnance and munitions to Russia.
    32 words
  • 185 13 Why Donations Should be Liberal- The Ceylon Observer was glad to note the decision of the Horawala Rubber Co. at its annual meeting to subscribe three thousand rupees to various War Funds. The principle of subscribing something to war charities, it is true, is
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 352 13 ll Alhambra Theatre I 1 C TBE HOUSE OF QOALITY. JhThOME OF FEATURE ATTRACTIONS. TO-M|CHT| U MANACFR Leading Theatre In Singapore. P 1 g H MANAGER, M. H. KENYON-SLADE. ft 1 gj T Th Famous Players Film Co. Presents H 3< ffl THE DISTINGUISHED AMERICAN ACTOR J j!j 1 WILLIAM
      352 words

  • 344 14 British Airman Sinks Submarine. A correspondent has placed at tbe disposal of tbe Ceylon Observer the following extract from a letter written by an officer who sank a German submarine from an aeroplane some time ago I bad a big slice of luck that day. The submarine
    344 words
  • 278 14 Now for the first time since the outbreak of the war matches have been enabled to rise freely in proportion to the advance in raw materiuls, says the Japan Times, and adds; During the past week all grades could advance by nearly 10 yen and reaeh two
    278 words
  • 94 14 Mr. Hin Shing Che has just been admitted by the Chief Justice of' Hongkong to practice as a barrister. Mr. Che is the son of a well-known merchaut of Hongkong. He went to England in 1906 for bis education and graduated at Cambridge University. Be was called to the bar
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 479 14 mm sales. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Land and Houses Nos 4 11 Boat Quay and No. 11 Market Street To be held in the Month of April, 1916. CHING KENG LEE Co.. Drew <fe Napier Auctioneers. Solicitors. 133 v PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale of Valuable Land and Houses
      479 words
    • 430 14 AUCTION SALES. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE. OF RUBBER Pi AN TAT: OH ANO COMPOUND-HOUSE. By Order < f the Supreme Court of the State of Johore. IN THE MATTER OF Syed Omar bin Mohamed Alsagoff and Inku Omar bin Almarhom Unku Ahmed TO BE SOLD BY RI QTIOX At Sale Room,
      430 words
    • 415 14 THE SERVANTS' AGENCY QF r CE No. 17 Dhoky Ghaut. Singapore (ESTABLISHED 1911 v Domestic Servants (Men of every description supplied moderate charges. S£taS£*!2* viz, Book-kee,*,. Clerk and Typists, Shorthand T» pists, Conductors, Dreesers and S" pensers, Demarcators, Draft™ Overseers Engine Fjremen. Factory and htor e oS2 Carpenters, Masons, Motor-car"nd
      415 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 368 15 TO BE LET TO LETT A Two Story Compound house So. 9 Lorong 14 off Gaylang Road, Moderate rent. Apply to No.' 18# Serangoon Road. 7- 10 v TO LET. Elmside, 6 Upper Wilkie Road, beautifully situated tennis lawn, stabling etc, and water laid on! Entry Ist April 1916. Apply
      368 words
    • 603 15 JBTIISES NOTICE. M Shelton, who has had 20 years experience in diseases of the hair, scalp and urinary tracts attends 2r y A "J 1 reBide nce at 7-1 Oxley Rd. Attendance 8 to 11 am. and 4 to *>.oU p.m. V 3 30-4 NOTICE. WHEREAS one Inche Hussain bin
      603 words
    • 478 15 _WAMTED_ WANTED To rent godown with frontage on SSBP 0 8 River area approximately 12,000 square fi. Apply to Box 216 c/o Malay a Tribune. 17-3 a WANTED. Two Chinese Ticket Inspectors by the Singapore Electric Tramways Ltd. Must speak and write English and be of not less than 26
      478 words
    • 472 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th* London City* and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
      472 words
    • 548 15 INSURANCE CO.- LTD. [Incorporated is New ZealandJ FIRE Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description' MARINE Insurances accepted to a 1 parts of the world at lowest rates. EARTHQfIAO Risks accepted. J. HENRY Local Manager, Offices: 2, Finlayson Green. HEUNG ON INSURANCE CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong.)
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 296 16 GUAN KIAT Co., j I Head Office: 3T Pbillip Street. 5 5 5 S BRANCH STORES AT .—PhiHip Street No. 14 and Tank Road Nos. 14, 100 and 102. t.-" 5 •j I Telegraphic Address Telef>kone Nos. 1174, 1178, 1233, Codes Used !f S I GUANKIAT. jj (Private 1450 1073.)
      296 words

    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Daily.] No. 75 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 425 1 P. O. British India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in Enslanb.) Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Salllnas (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) For China, Japan Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India I Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lines, Homeward (for
        425 words
        262 words
      • 551 1 N. Y. K. NIPPONLIYUBBN KAISH^ (INCORPORATED;,IN JAPAN) (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO EUROPEAN LINE Mm- ot"n c C T i """intained between Yokohama via no*, to Go?e nLrt nd ThetSITS TP* the EJLS h.w. u,ouc c Twin-screw Steamers maintainiae thin tZL *2 9PeC,all ned and <™<*n.cted, and are fitted with all
        551 words
    • 458 2 Europe. For London Bemodocus in port Miyazaki Mam April 1 Nore April 4 Penang April 4 Malta April 13 Kitano Maru April 13 Teiresias April 15 Nagoya April 27 Neleus May 5 Gleniffer May 20 For Genoa: dUeniffer May 20 For Liverpool Bumaeus April 3 Machaon April
      458 words
    • 333 2 Vessels in Port. Britisk STEAMER. BERTH. DATE Sri Patana Inner Rds 9-1 Recorder Outer Rds 23-1 Barqne lone do 16-3 Saint Patrick Outer Rds 17-3 Sri Muar Inner Rds 18-3 Hebe do 26-3 Sui Sang No. 7 Wharf 27-3 Ban Poh Guan Inner Rds do Ban Hin Guan
      333 words
    • 951 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station —B. s. Hirano Mam, 8,8. Miyazaki Maru. The Holt liner Demodocus is loading for London. Tbe Tambora, East bound, passed Perim on the 24th inst. The P. <fc O. liner Nore leaves on
      951 words
    • 71 2 From the Ist of March 1916 a white flag hoisted at the signal staff at the mouth of Mukah river (Sarawak) will indicate that the tide is making. Any other flags hoisted on the staff simply indicate the nature of the vessel sighted. The fact of a
      71 words
    • 222 2 Submarine Monitors. Mr. Archibald Hard, the Naval Correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph, says that the new German Submarine Monitors have already been to sea and are fairly fo T J vessels. Above a more or circular hull is a long battery, p ro tected by armour,
      222 words
    • 272 2 Incident at Singapore. A Kobe despatch to the Kokumin and the Yorodzu reports that the .N.Y.K. steamer Miyazaki Maru wag fired at from the British forts at Singapore, and inspected by a British vessel outside the port on the 18th ult. In this connection Captain Takenaka, of
      272 words
    • 151 2 Important New Regulations. The authorities at Marseilles have issued new regulations governing the landing of crews of foreign ships at the port. Among the provisions of these regulations are The captains of said vessels of commerce of all nations) will be equally held under their persona,
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    • 457 3 Australian Transport Stranding. \t the Hongkong Marine Court on March 13 an enquiry was held into the circumstances attending the stranding of the Australian Transport on the Siiina Sana Island, off the west coast of Formosa, on 4th January. Commander C. W. Beckwith, R N. (Harbour Master)
      457 words
    • 122 3 We learn from American exchanges that Mr. George J. Baldwin, the iUtinguished shipping expert who was despatched from Washington in December last to San Francisco to investigate the affairs of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company, has now reported to the Board, of Shipping Reform the condition on
      122 words
    • 228 3 bwn^rt^ntlT:-" 69 10 BhiPPiDB throagh hoBtUe haV6 F,a <- Tons. Damage SSiw^o* BritiBh 5 222 Liverpool.) E M P TmBAK8AKn F BrWiBh 2 224 Snnk Crew landed Newcastle.) HARRIET Danish 1,388 (Sunk. March 29.) (DampBkibselskabet Heimdal. Copenhagen.) CERNE British (Snnk. Crew saved. UUDI? MarCQ 27 French
      228 words
    • 123 3 Vessels Expected. Ajax (Holt) 30th March, from Europe for Singapore, China and Japan. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Fultala (B.I.) 31st March, from India for Singapore. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Oanfa (Holt) 8th April, from Europe for Singapore, China and Japan. Agents, Messrs
      123 words
    • 102 3 Mar. 30.—High water :—7.28 a.m. 7 ft. 7 ins.; 9-18 p.m. 7 ft. 5 ins. Mar. 31.—High water:—B.3B a.m. 8 ft. 3 ins. 9.47 p.m. 8 ft. Pr i —High water :—9.29 a.m. 8 ft. 9 ins.; 10-12 p.m. 8 ft. 3 ins. Apr. 2.-High water :—lO-12
      102 words
    • 272 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the European Mails and their delivery in London. Mail. Left. Delivered o j. r\ Feb 4 Mar. 6 Ef 0 Feb 11 Mar.»o 5' L Feb. 12 Mar. 10 JJ if Feb. 12 Mar. 14
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 38 3 SINGAPORE SHiPCHAHDLERY Co. SHIPCHANDLFRS i FROYIBORMG CONTRACTORS, The Company's Launch meets incoming ships. Office —16 Battery Road. TAKE LIFT TO TOP'FLOOR Telephone No. 141. Orders promptly attended to from January Ist, 1916. H. W. H. STEVENS, Manager. 54
        38 words
      • 497 3 M. M» MESBACERIE3 MARITIMES. Mail Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, MARSEILLES. Homeward. i Outward. 1916 1916 Amazone Apl. 1 Portho* Apl. 11 Polynesien Apl. 7 Cordillere Apl. 26 Athoe Apl. 10 Andre Lebon May. 9 Porthos May. 19 Atlantique May. 23 Amazone lune. 6 Polynesien Jnne. 20 For all particulars
        497 words
      • 343 3 Combined Service Of The Ocean S.S. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England) AND The West Australian S.|N. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) BETWEEN FREMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS. JAVA AND SINGAPORE. Regular sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Port for tbe
        343 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 208 3 iVlails Close. To «lajr. Batu Pahat Mersing 2.30 pin Hongkong Shanghai Oleniffer 2.30 pm Bengkalis, Laboean Bilik, Tandjong Balei and Medan* Merkus 2.30 pm Port Dickson and Port Swettenham *Sappho 2.30 pm Malacca and Muar *kaka 3 pm Bangkok Rikard Nordraak 3.30 pm Kota Tinggi Tanjong Surat 4 pm (EF*
        208 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
        602 words
      • 445 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) iContramtors'jo the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy and to Foreign Governments J Cable Addresses i: Codes Ifed DOCKYARD 1 A 1 A.8.C., Kobe IkM m WeHlern '-nion W I W T.;o. )er s Rnn DOCK-Dairem. KOBE Shipbuilders, .Engineers, Boiler and Locomotive Maker* All
        445 words
      • 332 4 Ocean Steam Ship Company, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay Co., Ltd. J j The Companies 1 .teamen ieM patched from Liverpool outward, f or the Straps, China and Japan ever, week and from Japan honewards fj r London, Amsterdam and Antwern every fortnight for Genoa, £«2 les and Liverpool
        332 words