Malaya Tribune, 24 March 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND" SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. Vol I.- No. 70. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916 Price 5 Cents. Cbe n?alapa tribune. FRIDAY, MARCH 24.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 267 1 THE GREATEST WAR OFFErI Of War Gazettes, War Dramas, and War Comedies j AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE I GAIETY Picture Palace Junction of Albert and Bencooien Streets. 1 IN THE SECOND SHOW I Modern and ♦Scientific Warfare. I New Pathe Official War Gazette. i A Striking Film D'Arte Italiana
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    • 195 1 MNi t ># i t MtMX ft AS AH I I (SUN-BRAND) BEER j II Obtainable at Leading Liquor Stores at the j j; Following Prices from Ist April, 1916. ASAHI BEER. j t 1 QUARTS: at $11.80(Per Case of 4 Doz.) I at $3 Per Doz. 1 PINTS: at
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  • 130 2 Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association. 235 th Airfon,J2M. March, 1916. Offered for sale Pels. 6,200.11 or g&s,6Bt lb*. (Ton* 369.06). Prices ReaKfeJ. Sheet smoked fine ribbed 17ito hil good ribbed 169 ftfd n n **ne plain 1?0 176 >» .good plain 161 166 unsmoked fine ribbed 164
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  • 141 2 Singapore, March 22.—At this week's auction some 370 tons were offered. The tone of the market was quiet and prices ail round were lower. Fin© ribbed smoked sheet and fine pale crepe sold up to $184— a decline of $3 and $5 respectively. Unsmoked sheet was $7
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  • 224 2 Singapore, March 22.—At to-day's auction prices declined on the average about $5 per pikul, doubtless due to the easier advice received from London. Bidding throughout was slow and of a total of about 420 tons catalogued only 230 tons changed hands. The highest price of the sale,
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  • 126 2 The London press reports that Sir Edward Hatton, speaking at a meeting held on Jannary 28, said he had been asked when the war would end. He reminded his audience that Germany had been preparing for war for forty-five years, that she started the war with the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 116 2 Finest Assam Souchong Tm I f SPECIAL 1 BLEND. J BO cents. I $1.55. I Less 5 per cent. I I SOLE AGENTS: I JOHN LITTLE .ft 4k, Ltd. I IIWeMPajgJrTRP IN ENGLAND. I &W.S. De Silva Co. GOLDSMITHS JEWELLERS, 46 Selegie Road. Solicit the Public's Patronage. 3 3 T
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    • 337 2 POWELL CoTTI CALENDAR FOR MARCH, 1916. I jyf mm Sun.. 5 j 12 19 26 H Mox. -6 13 20 27 I; H TUES. 7 14 21 28 I I Wed I 1 8 15 22 29 I I j H I Thurs. 2 9 16 23 j 30 I
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  • 572 3 France v. Germany. Id connection with the recent Zeppelin raids on Paris tue 4 Figaro" publishes an interesting account of a visit which one of it* coi respondents has just made to various French aviation stations at the front. From conversation with French aviators who are now on
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  • 106 3 A correspondent sends to the Statesman on account of an extraordinary shikar episode in the Deccan. It occurred in East Kandeah and the sportsman was the district officer, Mr. Kofhfeld, I. C. S. On February 22 near Umarti he received kbabar of a kill accompanied by the incredible statement that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 346 3 MOTOR CARS ON HIRE"! MOTOB REPAIRERS MOTOR CAR IMPORTERS GREASE Cylinder Oil AND Motor Accessories OF Every Description. Sofa Agentß For: Meitz Weiss Oil Engines Tbe Celebrated Star, Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles bub-Agents :—MICHELIN TYRES. "Gasolene Light Cycle Co" 5,5-1 5-2, BEACH ROAD. 1 11. Alas! What shall Ido
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    • 905 3 I Are you Worried about Baby? j jll TTTOW to feed Baby is often a great worry to I (IB j j mothers who are unable to nurse their jj j [IH| babies themselves. Ordinary cow's milk— II illl however prepared at home—is not a suitable i I lift} substitute
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 254 4 G.C. LEE 158, Prinsep Street. PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. Oood and well select .d Music Violin, Piano, etc. Good strings for Stringed Instruments. Workmanship Guaranteed TERMS MODERATE. 3-11 v «■■9l»' vnMVHBHMHBBHBaaBBHBaB TOKEN OF GRATITUDE. From a Grateful Parent. I, the undersigned, have great pleasure in testifying to the skilful treatment
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    • 145 4 Ii I 3j MADRAS fcPUIfCAT I 3&> NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the above Trade Mark is the sole and exclusive property of Messrs M. MOHAMED ALI MARICAR and M.S. MOHAMED MUSTAFA, of No. 176 Arab Street, Singapore, Piece-Goods Merchants, used in respect of piece-goods sold by them. AND
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    • 45 4 NOTICE TO MOTORISTS. SHELL" FOB SHELL MOTOR SPIRIT Please send Tour Order to CHIN HUAT LEE, 29 SOUTH CANAL ROAD who also stock large quantities of lubricating oils, carbide, motor accessories, tyres and kerosene of all grades. SAVE IJrm ON TOUR LABOUR BILL f\ I
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  • 690 5 tfidsQuoUd ialhc M&rk<i tkii MorsJni Singapore, March 24. Messrs Lyall and Kvatt, Exchange and Share jrjterf. issue the following list of quotations Rubber Shares. Koto Valae Baytni. Sellers. Alia** jjfc 2,4* Anglo Java 15/- 20/- Ancto-Mafaqr H|- 11/0 i Ayer Kuning 17/0 22/6 if. Batang Malaka 2/6*
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  • 423 5 One Other Partly Subscribed. Additional Subscriptions. AJr. C. Alma Baker wishes us to acknowledge the following subscription towards the Malaya No IG. which enabled him to complete the Malayan Air Squadron Malaya No. 16: (Reconnaissance) Subscribed by all Nationalities. Previously acknowledged $7,573.91 Mr. P. Simpson 200 "EM."
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  • 174 5 The debility and de predion following an attack of Malaria mean more than a fancied disorder. Thia condition la a form of neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion that usually develops after Malaria and it* leriousneas is recognised by all medical writers. Lowering of nervous tone, with inoreased irritability,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 181 5 I Tips Worth Noting. I Advertising is more than ever J essential, on the principle that the J j I smaller the demand the greater K S the necessity to increase it. —7%e J J American Lead Pencil Co. i Such advertising a9 we have 5 5 done has shown
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    • 146 5 1 6. W. 5. Dc Silva Co. GOLDSMITHS JEWELLERS, 46 Selegie Road. Solicit the Public's Patronage. I Engraving our Speciality. Books of the Moment. British Regiments at the Front $0.60 With the Scottish Regiments at the Front 0.60 Famous Fights of the Indian Native Regiments 0.60 From Heligoland to Keeling
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  • 372 6 Attempt to Involve Britain and U. S. From an official source Renter's Agency early last month published the following replies to the declarations made recently by the chief of the German Admiralty. i The admiral asserted (1) For four weeks past the British have not scored a
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  • 235 6 This fertile region is the subject of an informative paper by H. Valentine Geere in the January issue of United Empire. After the definite statement made to the British colony at Bnsreh by the Viceroy of India in February last, we have excellent grounds for believing I that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 342 6 1 EMPIRE CINEMA I To-night and the Next Two Nights Only. j IN THE SECOND SHOW 9.30 P.M. 1 The Continuation of Detective Hayes Series No. 3 I The Fight for a Fortune j 3 IN THREE MASSIVE REELS. 3 I Mounted Officer Flynn, Fairyland Jim Blndso and Gaumont Graphic
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    • 268 6 PALLADIUMj I Satire's Premier Tiurtre Oreharf Bond Premier Tke»t K I "FEELING FED UP 9 I pore who Don't GO TO THE PALLADIUM, That's not o« fiSh?"" j it is their Loss. PATRON PLEASING PICTURES HE NEVER KNEW I A story Crammed full of Heart Interest, beautifully produced and I
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  • 11 7 e do nH necessarily endorse uu opinion* ■jH hy correspondents.]
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  • 749 7 f 0 the hdxtor of the Malaya Tribune. Pear Sir,—In your issue of the gist inst., under the heading of Z Trade in Singapore," reporting the Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, I was greatly surprised to read the following statements made h« the President: Review of
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  • 229 7 (Singapore, March 24.) Tin.—$94 75 tons sold. Copra.—Strong. Tapioca.—W eak. Sago Flour-—Strong. G ambier. —Strang. Pepper•— do Other Products. Market Steady Latest Local Market Quotations. Nntmegs 110 S. per picul $30.00 Nutmegs 80 8. 35.00 Copra Bali 11.00 Copra Gorong Talo It 10 Copra Dongalo 11.10 Copra Kayong
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  • 187 7 The tercentenary of William Shakespeare, who died on April 23, 16t6,wi1l be celebrated by a Festival of Mercy during April and May, when every inhabitant of the Empire will be aslTed to wear a Shakespeare medallion. The profits of the festival will go to the Red Cross, the League of
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  • 144 7 Lawn Tennis. Singapore R. C. Tournament. The following maleUe* have been arranged for (Saturday) Doubles Handicap.—J. r. Cockburn and C. Mania—15 v. T. de Mlva and A. E Coelho—4o! F. A. Peralta »|it| E. E. Ryan— 40 v. C. F. Otiveiro and W. A~. Aeria—30 to fioiab. Championship
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  • 33 7 On Sunday next launches will leave Johnston's Pier at 9, 10, 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m.. and the Club bungalow at 9.30, 10.30 a.m 12.15, 3 and 5.30 p.m.
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  • 140 7 We acknowledge receipt, with many thanks, of a copy of the detailed report of the Malayan Air Squadron Fund, so successful -y organised by our distinguished fellow-citizen Mr. C. Alma Baker. The report gives full particulars relating to subscriptions by all nationalities in Malaya whose united efforts have resulted in
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  • 149 7 B.I. homeward mail closes (train.) High Water—0-27 a.m. 9 ft 2 ins. 1-26 p.m. 8 ft To-morn*. Annunciation —Lady Day. 44 The Scamps," Victoria Theatre. High Water—1-2 a.m. 8 ft. 9 ins. 2-28 p.m. 7 ft 3 ins. Senday, 26th Last Quarter. 3nd Sunday in Lent. High Water—1-44 a.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 4 7 Empire Cinema 'Phone Bl§
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    • 170 7 aDnn m hi ii «~r—n— ititi jujuwjji iv. _u i tmi m r m.nn Victoria Theatre, The Scamps MAURICE E. BANDMAN PRESENTS WOLSELEV CHARLES' RENOWNED CO. The Scamps From tbe Strand, Comedy and Palace Theatre?, London. I Commencing To-morrow, March 25. DON'T MISS The Scamps. Booking at Moutrie's $3.00 $2.00
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    • 266 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE. Dutch Steamlaunch Janus, 22 tons nett. Apply 27 Arcade. 24-3 23-5 Siraits Information Bureau. Advertising Experts. Translations Undertaken at Fixed Rates. 6, The Arcade. Tel. 1401 3-1 31-3 PUBliC AUCTION SALE. OF RUBBER PIANTAT ON AND COMPOUND-HOUSE. By Order f the Supreme Court of the State
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 49 7 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for to-day 5.15 p.m. DriHHaU S.V.A. do S.R.E. v. m do 8.Y.K. >, Tanglin Barracks Veterans Co. Officers N.C.O s. Drill Hall Chinese Co. m tt Bras Basah Rd. Malay Co. Drill Hall 8.V.C. Cadets. No. 2 Platoon-Entrance Balmoral. H. Roland Llewellyn Captain, S.V.C, a/Adjutant S.V.C.
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  • 1584 8 In a recent issue the prospects of developing trade as between Malaya and the wide-flung dominions of the Tsar of All the Russias were dealt with in a general way by a commercial traveller who threw a deal of light on the subject in the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 112 8 ROBINSON Co. White Rose Hair Oil S SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR ROBINSON GO. An exquisitely perfumed dressing for the hair. Price 65 cts. per bottle. ROBINSON Co. SHELL Motor Spirit SOLD BY All Garages and Retailers IN SINGAPORE. RETAIL) Qf| nfo Per Imperial PRICE J efU lib. Gallon. WAR OR PEACE
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    • 95 8 Chinese "Republican Flag" COGNAC. I mm mm mm mmm. HI Bg^» mure, urn v wdkmW I I II Sole Importers Caldbeck, Macgregor AND COMPANY Wine and Spirit Merchants. ADELPHI HOTEL Saturday, March 25 Special Dinner ON THE LAWN AND AFTER DINNER BALL J Y. M. T©YO. I I PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO
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    • 58 8 1 MILKMAID Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $13 90 I 2 Sterilised Natural Milk $9 3Q J j Ideal Unsweetened Milk $10 50 1 The friends and relatives of the late Mr. Tan Chay Van are respectfully informed that the interment of his remains will take place at Malacca on
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  • 116 9 The Great War Page. The Western Front 9 The War on Shipping 9 Zeebrugge Scrapped by Allied Airmen 1 The Robber Trade 2 Long War Predicted 2 Air Supremacy 3 Malayan Air Squadron 5 Stocks and Shares 5 Another German Failure 6 Lower Mesopotamia 6* 7 Sporting Intelligence
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  • 617 9 Tin is at 194-25 cents up. T p he atch Bteam la «nch Janus is for sale. See advt. page 7. Crepe rubber is quoted at 3/6 and sheet at 3/5* in London. The installation meeting of MakePeace Lodge wilUe held on April 1. Sir John Anderson
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  • 173 9 The Scamps. With only a gap of one night the boards of the Victoria Theatre will again be occupied to-morrow night when Mr. Wolseley Charles' tronpe of entertainers yclept "The Scamps is to commence a short season They come with a big reputation for excellence, which vies even with
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  • 94 9 Last night the Bandman Company brought to a conclusion a most successful eleven nights' season with a repetition of the popular war comedy "The Man who stayed at Home." Despite the short notice there was quite a good house to witness Mr. Compton Coutts' finished representation of
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  • 234 9 To night the last presentation of that excellent film When the Earth Trembles at the Casino. It should not be missed. Like good wine, the Alhambra needs no bush." A glance at the advertisement on page 13 is sufficient proof of the excellence of the fare to
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  • 44 9 At Raffles to-morrow night after a special dinner, the guests will be entertained with a cinema show. The Adelphi announce for tomorrow night a special dinner on the lawn and afterwards a ball. The music will be supplied by the Filipino band.
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  • 39 9 Important Mandate. London, Mar. 23, 3.10 a.m. New York Tbe Associated Press correspondent at Peking telegraphs that the State Department in a mandate announces the abandonment of the Monarchy and the resumption of the Republic.— Reuter-
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  • 42 9 The War on Shipping. The Tubantia. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Mar. 22, 1.35 p.m. The Hague The official Datch representations to Berlin with regard to the Tobantia have been forestalled by a declaration of the German Minister at The Hague.
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  42 words
  • 44 9 London, Mar. 22, 8.30 p.m. Amsterdam: It is announced that the departure of the Netherlands Steamship Company's mail steamer Koningin der Nederlanden, for Straits ports and Java, which was fixed to take place on the 25th inst., has been provisionally postponed.
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  • 93 9 London, Mar. 23,1.40 a.m. Lloyds agent wires that the Galloper Lightship has been reported torpedoed and sunk. A steamer arrived at Ymuiden and reports that he found only the mast of the Gallopper Lightship above the surface. The Galloper Light Vessel was moored in Lat. 51 deg.
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  • 46 9 London, Mar. 22,12.50 p.m. Columbus: There is no news of the American expedition against Villa owing to the failure ot the wireless and the cutting of the telegraphs. Two aeroplanes accompanying the expedition have not arrived and possibly got lost in the desert.
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  • 40 9 London, Mar. 23, 6.20 a.m. Columbus: From New Mexico it is reported that Gerferal Herrara has revolted against General Carranza and has taken the field in western Chihuahua with two thousand men who favour General Villa.
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  • 39 9 London, Mar. 22, 1.35 p.m. A telegram from Amsterdam, says that it is reported that Herr Ballin has declared that Germany's policy is to prevent all traffic between the United Kingdom and European countries, neutral or not.
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  • 165 9 Russian Communique. London, Mar. 23, 3.10 a.m. Petrograd The communique states that fighting is general on the whole front. The Russians captured two woods, the village of Jacobstradt and a sector of the line of trenches south of Dvinsk after a particularly desperate engagement. Progress has been made
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  • 16 9 Lord untitled is making good progress, but the condition of Lord Scaredale is most serious.— Reuter.
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  • 114 9 By Allied Airmen. Brilliant Performance. London, Mar. 22, p.m. Amsterdam A telegram from Rotterdam says the only things at Zeebrngge to escape the allied air bombs were two submarines which submerged in dock. Three torpedo destroyers tied to sea and manoeuvred in the minefield but the airmen forced
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  • 60 9 Brisk Artillery Duel. London, Mar. 22, 4.20 p.m. Paris A communique states that west of the Meuse there was a most lively artillery duel at Malanconrt, Esnes and Hill 304. The duel was particularly violent at Haucourt Hill. Whilst east of the Meuse the bombardment was intense
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  • 58 9 London, Mar. 23, 12.10 a.m. The communique reports that last night the enemy exploded two mines which caused no casualties. There was some hand grenade fighting in the mine craters northeast of Vermelles without causing any change in the situation. To-day our guns and trench mortars successfully bombarded
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  • 103 9 London, Mar. 23,1.40 a.m. A Paris communique states that west of the Meuse after an all day bombardment the Germans made several attacks along our front in Avocourt wood and the Malanconrt village. All the enemy attempts to debouch from the Avocourt wood were stopped by
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  • 50 9 London, Mar. 22, 4.20 p.m. His Majesty the King at Bucking, ham Palace inspected the fleet of twenty motor ambulances, out of fifty which the Cinematograph Trades Association are presenting to the Red Cross Society and the Order of St. John of Jerusalem for use in Mesopotamia.
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  • 52 9 London, Mar. 22,12.50 p.m. Colombns Damage of three million dollars has been caused by a mysterious fire at Paris, in Texas. [Paris is a city and the county seat of Lamar county, Texas, with a population of 10,000. It has cotton gins, a cotton compress and
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  • 41 9 London, Mar. 22, 5.50 p.m. General Cadorna baa arrived in London and was welcomed by Lord Kitchener, Lord French and others and was cheered by immense crowds amongst whom were many He will be received by the King.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 441 10 HOUSE OF COMMONS. Compulsory Service Act. Filling The Gaps. London. Mar. 22, 4.10 p.m. In the debate on the Army votes the position of married men was again considered. The Rt. Hon. Walter Long stated that the reserved occupations has been largely reduced, and it was decided that in
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  • 25 10 London, Mar. 22, 12*10 p.m. The Liberal War Committee has passed a resolution in favour of extending compulsion to married men.
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  • 119 10 London, Mar. 22,12.10 p.m. Mr. Asqaith in a message to Mr. Percy Harris, the Coalition candidate for the Harborough Division of Leicestershire, says: "I trust that you will demonstrate the true unity of the nation, which is our greatest strength iu prosecuting the war." Sir Edward
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  • 164 10 Second Court. (Before Mr. C. H. G. Clarke.) Theft Cases. The case against Masohot, a Malay, for the theft from a dwelling of a gold locket value 12G.60 belonging to Kasiraan, another Malay, was resumed this morning when accused was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment. Ho Heng, a
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  • 357 10 Case Occupies Two Days- A matter of very general legal interest, reported in extenso in the Times or Malaya, regarding the validity of a conviction against a firm came up for hearing before the Full Court of Appeal sitting in its Criminal Jurisdiction in Ipoh on
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  • 30 10 (Before the Chief Justice, Sir J. A. S. Bucknill, K.C.) TingFong, a Cantonese, appeared in court this morning on a charge of gang robbery with murder. Case proceeding,
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  • 242 10 And so Zeebrugge is a scrap-heap! This good news to hand this morning amplifies the telegrams published in these columns on Tuesday last, announcing the fact that an Allied air fleet numbering upwards of sixty machines had attacked the German seaplane station at Zeebrugge and also aerodromes
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  • 87 10 At Pasaroeau, Java, recently a European official attached to the plague prevention service entered the house of a Chinese resident aud accosted his wife. The official was intoxicated at the time and tho Chinese hearing him molest his wife, appeared on the scene with a piece of
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  • 397 10 For the meeting of the Legislative Cooncil next Friday at 2.30 p.m. the following is the agenda:— 1. Motion by the Acting Colonial Secretary:—"That this Council approves a vote of $20,000 for the destruction of locnsts in the Settlement of Malacca." 2. Motion by the Acting Colonial Secretary:—"
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  • 46 10 About 100 passengers from the Appam landed at Falmouth on Feb. 17, from the Holland-American liner Noordam, which had brought them from New York. Among them were Sir Edward Merewether, former Governor of Sierra Leone, and Lady Merewether, and Mr. Seton James, C.M.G Administrator of Lagos.
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  • 530 10 Shellabear's Great Triumph, We knowledge receipt, «m, thanks, of a copy of the Rev W Shellabear's English-Malay Dictior ary from the publishers, the MethV" dist Publishing House, Singapore and heartily congratulate the Sted author upon the great trium ph 0 scholarship, of patient perseverance in well-doing, of profound
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  • 89 10 A well known shipowner recently received a letter congratulatii ig hitn on the birth of his grandson and in tho course of his reply L remarked: "It was a great relM to ns that the child miss d the Kai ser's birthday. It was a very narrow escape I It
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 59 10 j'DRAGON" CEMENT, j I I Contracts have been Renewed for the supplies of Cement during I 1916 to the Municipality of Singapore and to the Government I of Johore also to the Federated Malay States Railways. I I SB immmk 1 I Beware of Imitations. I 1 Insist on getting
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  • 141 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune). Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-day: Alor Gajah $3.40 $3 50 AyerKunings 1.30 140 Ayer Molek 2.35 2.45 AyerPanaa 9.40 960 4.35 4.50 Bukit Jelotong 0.67* 0.75 Bukit Katil 0.85 0.90 ChangkatSerdg.... 10.25 10.50 Glenealy i.
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  • 109 11 The Arbeiter Zeitnng, the Vienna socialist newspaper, publishes the following proclamation, which, it states, was recently issued by the commandant of a small Anstrian town ■It has come to my knowledge that many women whose husbands are at tbe front are not observing their marriage vows In
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  • 70 11 Singapore, March 24. On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 19/32 Demand 2/4$ Private 3 m/s 2/42 On India— 7 Bank T. T. 174} On Hongkong— Bank d/d 13j£ On Shanghai— Bank d/d 83 On Java— Bank T. T. 13.} On Japan— Bank d/d 111| Sovereigns—buying rate 8.5 4 India
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 121 11 jSanitas! I Disinfectant I I I "Pine-Tree" s I Brand. jj I expenditure. JJ I I I This disinfectant freely emul= 5 Isifies with water, producing a 5 I milk=white, strong disinfectant 3 land deodoriser. 5 I I SANITAS I I lis known throughout the world 3 I A8 A
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    • 215 11 Train Services. Sinmort (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 am and 7 pn. Other trains leave for Johore at 9 1*1 10.29 am noon. 1.30 pm 2.65 pm 4.40 pm. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 am and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave from Johore 7.9, 8.42,
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    • 114 11 Sensations I Thrills 11 Excitements j ARE WHAT YOU WILL GET j TO-NIGHT AT THE IDEAL PICTURE THEATRE Cinema C£k SIN #1 HytheSea Off Beach Road Second Show 9.15 p.m. LUBIN PRESENTS When the Earth Trembles Or the Strength of Love—In 3 Parts. iul lZ* a eggof nterest and sensations,
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  • 873 12 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE ARCHIPELAGO. Official Change. ARRIVAL OF NEW GOVERNORGENER4I. The Insulinde steamed into Tanjong Priok in fine weather at 7.30 a.m. on Tuesday, all vessels in port being flagged and gun salutes and cheering resounding from all the warships. A great
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  • 63 12 Mr. J. Homan v. der Heide, lately Director of Poblic Works in Java, has retired on pension. The work of the departing official has lastingly benefitted the islands, his expert knowledge on irrigation proving very valuable. Some years ago Mr. van der Heide was in Siam,
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  • 87 12 On the initiative of Dr. A. J. A. Prange, director of the High School, a performance will be given at the (lost Java Theatre on the 29th inst. in aid of East Java Educational Funds. Sixty-one participants have consented to aid and one seat has been booked
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  • 150 12 At the interment of Miss van Loghem, the head mistress of the .Girls' School at Sourabaya. Messrs Abendanon and Zuyderhoff made addresses of great appreciation of the valuable services the departed has rendered. The Netherlands Indian- Government is contemplating taking steps to prevent the wholesale purchase of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 92 12 Don't Use Paint! It doesn't pay. The Climate of the Straits requires something different—something cheaper—something better, Anti-Corrosive Solution fulfils all these requirements. TEN AX is a solution of selected bitumens refined by a speciat process, and is the result of nearly 50 years' experience in handling bitumens of every variety
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  • 285 13 A Scientific Historian. Sir Robert Ball's chief claim to distinction—outside of his eminent merits as a scientist and a reputation as one of the greatest mathematicians of his time —lies in the fact that perhaps more than amy other contemporary writer he succeeded in bringing the knowledge of
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  • 36 13 Despite the war restrictions on tisbmg areas, many of the Grimsby trawlers are making as mnch as -350 a week, while the catch on a twelve days' voyage to Faroe or Iceland frequently brings in £1,000»
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 522 13 14- Alhambra_ Theatre T ,L| |J TBE HOUSE OF QUALITY. THE HOME OF FEATURE ATTRACTIONS. T MANAGER Th Leadln Theatre in Singapore. H g 3 M. H. KENYON-SLADE. T R PATHE Presents fg I ARNOLD DALY in a thrilling Gold Rooster Detective Drama j| Jo .A. M. gaa^ M IN
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  • 492 14 Maiakoff Rubber Co. Appended are extracts from the sixth annual report of the directors to be presented at the general meeting on Friday. March 31 Accounts. The nett profit for the year, after making full provision for depreciation, amounted to $381,438.64, to which has to be added $35,240.55
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  • 117 14 A forest reserve, to be known as the Jahit Reserve, has be*n coustitued as fro»»» May I next in an area entering 76$ acivs in the ruukim of Dong, district <»f Haul», Paimng. Subject to tLe control of the Conservator "f Forests, it is admitted that the Malay inhabitants of
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 731 14 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Land and Houses Nos. 4 II Boat Quay and No. II Market Street To »c held in the Month of April, 1916. CHING KENG LEE Co., Drew Napier Auctioneers. Solicitors. 13-3 v AUCTION SALE OF!SUPERIOR TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PLANTS, Etc. The property
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    • 519 14 AUCT10M SALES, AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, WIKTORIN LAMP* LADY'S GENTLEMAN'S SADDLES, PLANTS, ETC. The Property of D. D. Mackie, Esq. At Fairyland, No- 257 Pasir ftanjang Road, On Saturday, 25th March, at 4 p.m. On view 3 days prior to Sale. imc POWELL Co. Au,^ MORTGAGEE'S SALE
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 403 15 I TO BE LET TO LET. V Two Story Compound house So 9 Loron* 14 off Gaylaug Road, Moderate rent. Apply to No. 180 Serangoon Road. TO LET. Hlmside, 6 Upper Wilkie Road, tjeautifully situated tennis lawn, stabling etc, and water laid on. Entry Ist April 1916. Apply to S.
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    • 425 15 NOTICE. S a?* j re lde »cc at 7-1 Oxlev s^^ DdanCeBtollaman 1-3 30-4 THE XUAIA SAWAH RUBBER CO LTD. (Incorporated in th. Strait, Settlement,) Transfer Books of this Company will 2lth rl fr T March 2 *h to March (both day. inclusive) for the preparatton of Dividend warranto 22
      425 words
    • 304 15 WANTED ——<L WANTED call rent godown with frontage on I«2SP° re RIVC I' area aPProximltely W A PP»y to Box 216 c/o Malaya Tribune. 17-3 WANTED. An experienced conductor for a small rubber estate ten miles from town. State salary required. Aonlv to Box 217 c/o Malaya Tribune 7 17-3
      304 words
    • 462 15 "banks" CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IX ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER, Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of fiSSSfc a £1,200,000 S™Z JS*_ £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th- London MldlaDd Ltd., The Jaunty and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The National Provincial
      462 words
    • 403 15 JpRAMCF SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTD. [Incorporated ls Ngw ZzAZjL2Wl PHI Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of em description MARINE Insurances accepted to a J parts of the world at lowest rates. EARTHQ6AIE Risks accepted. J. HENRY Local Manager, Offices: 2, Pinlajson Green. HEUNC ON INSURANCE CO.. LTD.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 346 16 «M*!*tt*t*t*ttt*tt*ttttt*^ GUAN KIAT Co., I Head Office: 3T PbiHip Street 1 jj BRANCH STORES AT PWUip Street No. 14 and Tank Road Nos. 14, 100 and 102. jl jj J J I Telegraph.c Address TclepWe Nos. 1174. 1178, 1233, j Codes Used J I GUANKIAT. j (Private 1450 1073.) fA
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    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Dally.] No. 70 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 442 1 P.&o.bltish India AND Apcar Line (Companies Incorporated in England.) Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lines. Homeward (for Eubopb). Outward (for
        442 words
      • 326 1 STOOMVMRT-MMTSCHAPPIJ (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAHD" THREE WEEKLY MAIL SERVICE BETWEEN JAVA AND AMSTERDAM, VIA SINGAPORE, BELAWAN-DELI, &ABANG, DURBAN, CAPISoWN, LAS PALMAS AND VICE VERSA Steamers are due to arrive on the nndermentioned dates OUTWARD. Oranje Mar. 28 Vondel Apl. 18 Kon. der Nederl. May 9 Grotius May 30 Prinses Juliana June
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      • 575 1 N.Y.R. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA 1 (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.) |Pss_ EUROPEAN LINE A service is maintained between Yokohama via porta to Marseilles and London, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this senris* have been specially designed and constructed, and are
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    • 533 2 .Europe. For London Glenstrae loading Demodocus March 29 Novara March 30 Miyazaki Mam Nore April 4 Teiresias April 8 Malta April 13 Kitano Mam April 13 Grloniffer May 20 For Genoa: •leniffer May 20 For Liverpool Bumaens April 3 Machaon April 17 For Marseilles Lotus March 27
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    • 299 2 Vessels in Port. British. STEAMER. BERTH. DATE Recorder Outer Rds 23-1 Keelung do 8-3 Tara No. 7 Wharf 14-3 Barque lone Outer Rds 16-3 Ban Hong Leong Inner Rds 17-3 Saint Patrick Outer Rds do Sri Muar Dock 18-3 Kuala Inner Rds 20-3 Selangor do 19-3 Kinta do
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    • 719 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessel in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station :—Nil. The P. <fc 0. liner Nore leaves on the 4th April for Europe. The Dutch liner Kawi arrived at Cape Town homeward bound. For Hongkong direct will sail on the 10th prox.
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    • 36 2 Amsterdam': It is announced that the Netherlands Steamship Company's mail steamer Koningin der Nederlanden, for Straits ports and Java, which was fixed to take place on the 25th inst.. has been provisionally postponed.
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    • 77 2 The managing agent of the Oceanic Steamship Company is advised by his San Francisco principals that they have become general agents in the United States of America for the Java-Pacific Line, operating monthly sailings between San Francisco and Java via Yokohama, Hongkong and Manila. Sailings of 13,000-ton
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    • 159 2 An important communication concerning the insurnnce of seamen's effects has been received by the Imperial Merchant Service Guild and the Mercantile Marine Service Association from the Board of Trade saying that certificates of insurance against loss of effects by wai risks under the Government sche me
      159 words
    • 273 2 Position of Trade. Minister Posthumain a in the Dutch Second the effect of the war on ft said that Railway carrying i„ brisker than at normal timl rS seas freights are now excenri heavy and sbo* no likelih decreasing. Freights to IndiT risen by 100 per cent
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    • 176 2 Vessels Expected. Tara (B.I.) 25th March, from Kaj pore for Penang, Madras w Negapatam. Agents, Mea Boustead. Hampshire and Q Ltd. Teucer (Holt) 27th March, im Europe for Singapore, CU and Japan. Agents, Msa Boustead, Hampshire anl Of Ltd. Gregory Apcar (8.1 28th N from Singapore for Penan
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 46 2 SINGAPORE SHIPCHANDLERYC» SHIPCHANDL PS U HHP— COiTRACT RS. The /Omprfn\ 'h Launch m I incoming «iiip«. Office —16 Battery Road. TAKE LIFT TO T« »P FLOOR Telephone No. 141. Orders promntl i att-nd-d to fn»* January 1-t, 1916. H. W. H. STEVENS, >'a"<* er 51 »j
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    • Page 2 Miscellaneous
      • 107 2 Singapore Tide Tables. Mar. 24.—High water:—0.27 a.m. 9 ft. 2 ins. 1.26 p.m. 8 ft. Mar. 25.—High water —1.2 a.m. 8 ft. 9 ins.; 2-28 p.m. 7 ft. 3 ins. Mar. 26.—High water —1-44 a.m 8 ft 6 ins.; 3 49 p.m. 6 ft. 5 ins. Mar. 27.—Hi«h water :—2.37
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    • 1016 3 Important New Departure. The Syren and Shipping, as a jourvf iiich has consistently urged upon i <; >vernment the importance of iting a Ministry of Marine (the antile marine, of course) offers it„ congratulation to the French Ministry of Marine on its latest departure, namely, the founding
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    • 84 3 The American steamship Siberia, one of the Pacific mail liners recently sold to the Atlantic Transport Company, has arrived at New York to enter the London trade. She ii the first of five steamships flying the American flag that will enter the service from that
      84 words
    • 89 3 Lloyds agent wires that the Galopper Lightship has been reported torpedoed and sunk. A steamer arrived at Ymuiden and reports that only the mast of the Galopper Lightship was above the surface The Galopper Light Vessel was moored in Lat 51 deg. 45 ft. N, 1 deg.
      89 words
    • 87 3 been T r^rt^ o^ B nt^- BhippiDB tbrongh hoeti,e Ship and Owners. Flag. Tons. Damafe SKOOGSBORG Danish 1 fio7 m v (Act.Coa B 96,Copen- PORT DaIIHOUSIE BH« 8 h 7 saved March LANGELI Norwegian (Sunk 16 sared. March 20) (RTttTnfuoyd) DntCh 6 674 T 55 crew
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    • 200 3 London Bookings. Per P 0 Mooltan :—Mrs. <fe Mrs. Tramp, Mr. k Mrs. Thomas, Mr. Mrs. Bragg, Mr and Mrs R. Humphries, Mr C. B. Franklin, Mr. Roth man. Per P. and 0. steamer Kashgar Mr and Mrs Polglase, Mr Sweney, Mr. Archer, Mr,< Kenney, Rev E. M.
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 535 3 M. M. MESSACERIES MARITIMES. Mail Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, MARSEILLES. Homeward. Outward. r 19,6 w t 1916 Lota* Mar. 27 Porthos Apl. 11 Amazone Apl. 1 Cordillere Apl. 25 Polynesien Apl. 7 Andre Lebon May. 9 Atho* Apl. 10 Atlantique May. 23 Port he* May. 19 Amazone June. 6
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      • 347 3 eorablned Service Of The Ocean S.S.Co.,Ud t (Incorporate! in England) AND The West Australian S.N. Co., Ltd. (Incorporatel in England.) BETWgRN FREMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, JAVA AND SINGAPORE. Regular sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Port for the KirabeiJ
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 372 3 Mails Close. To-Ojf*r, Muntok A Palembang Japara 2.30 pm Medan Van Diemen 2.30 pm B»tnP«h.t AingHin MO pm Port Swettenham and TVlok Anson "Kinta 2.30 pm Pontianak Khoen Poeng 2.30 pm Port Swettenham. Penang, taking mails for Europe, ietc. Tara 2.30 pmf Malacca and Mnar *Lady Weld 3 pm Batavia,
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
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      • 544 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m Japan) (Contrmctors to the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy and to Foreign Governments.) Carle addresses Wm m w k fttk, Western IJni >n m iEWmmW o una DOCK-Dairen. «p lH Engineering. KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and Locomotive Makers. All sizes and descriptions of Boiler*,
        544 words
      • 358 4 Ocean Steam Ship Company, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nat Co., Ltd. Incorporated in Englaj The Companies' ntoaracm patched from Liverpool oatwar s the Straits, China and Japan sv«n week and from Japan bonewardfi v* London, Amsterdam and Antwtai every fortnight 5 for Genoa, HaraenT les and Liverpool and for
        358 words