Malaya Tribune, 21 March 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. VOl. 3.- No. 67. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1916 Price 5 Cents. CIK inalapa Crlbunc. TUESDAY, MARCH 21
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 245 1 The Greatest Offer of British Productions AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE < GAIETY Picture Palace The Show With the Pictures Beautiful Junction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets. THE LONDON FILM CO. PRESENT Two of W. W. Jacob's Popular Novels i The Third String Featuring Cbariel R«ck, Frank Stanmore and Jane
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    • 119 1 j SULPHURIC I I AN D I j Hydrochloric Acid. MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA, LTD.! (Incorporated in Japan) I SOLE AGENTS. I ---,11,--., n r I<x Awarded Numerous Gold Medals gj The AuroreCond. I p S Rotteraam Holland. 2. p !§j "3 SUN BRAND. fluiwt Analyst. &i I 2 3 g
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  • 294 2 War Causes Losses. The report ot the directors of the Menalembn Lode Syndicate, Ltd., for the year end«d Sept. 30th, 1915, to be submitted to the shareholders at the seventh annual general meeting ot the company held on Saturday last states: The gross profit on the mining
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  • 217 2 The Westminster Gazette has received a message from Gothenburg to the effect that recent narratives from three different quarters, very similar in detail, agree that Berlin is on the brink of a complete economic breakdown, Tue news of the fall of Krzerum ha* had a most serious
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  • 104 2 Mr. S.H. Somerton, a director of the Japan Gazette, Ltd., of V >ko- j hama, is at present visiting Shanghai In the interest! of his company's monthly journal, Commercial Japan." This new periodical, which is a review of trade, industries and economies, although established only 1 a few months ago,
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  • 30 2 Mr. N. Gomes, secretary to the Punggor Rubber Estates, Lui., advises the February output M 2 640 lbs, making a total for the 11 month of the year 49,782 lbs.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 104 2 I Finest Assam Souchong Tea I SPECIAL BLEND. I SO cents A J f S/.55. j I Less 5 per cent. I J SOLE AGENTS: J JOHN LITTLE k Co., Ltd. J INCORPORATED IS ENGLAND. I NOTICE TO MOTORISTS. SHELL" FOB SHELL MOTOR SPIRIT Please send Tour Order to CHIN
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    • 307 2 POWELL Co.'s"" CALENDAR FOR MARCH, 1916. I I Sun. 5 12 19 2e I Mon. 6 13 20 27 I TUES. -j 7 14 ,21 28 j Wed IjBjlsj 22 29 I Thurs. 2 9j16 j 23 30 I 3 10 17 !24• 31 I SAT. 4I 11 18 25
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  • 418 3 Successful Celebration. A large number of our police officers bail from the Emerald Isle, and on the evening of St. Patrick's Day they gathered together to celebrate the day of Ireland's protector at the Police Quarters at a dinner in right Irish style. Chief Inspector Hickey in
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  • 219 3 A member of the Japanese House of Representatives said the other day that the Australian people treated the Japanese down there no better than ragmen. The statement is, of course, known to be absurd by any broad-minded business man in Japan, and be naturally laughs at it,
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  • 38 3 While on its way to Hull market a bollock jumped off a terry steamer into tbe Hnmber. It was given np for lost, but swam about three miles and was found next day grazing on the Lincolnshire side.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 227 3 MOTOR CARS ON HIRE I MOTOR REPAIRERS MOTOR CAR IMPORTERS GREASE Cylinder Oil AND Motor Accessories OF Every Description. i Sole Agents For: Meitz Weiss Oil Engines The Celebrated Star, MitchelPand Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles Sub-Agents :—MICHELIN TYRES. "Gasolene Light Cycle Co. 5,6-d ft 5-2, BEACH ROAD. Tuition by
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    • 31 3 The Continental Stamp co. D. High Street. EUROPE HOTEL BUILDINGS. Have Just Received Tuck's Postcards including Postcards of our Army, Birthday Postcards, Actresses cards, etc. Wholesale prices on application. 3-1 v
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    • 374 3 BUN BEE CO. 11 Rochore Road. FOR Lusk's Hutton's Prime Hams Pineapple Hams Cooked Hams Boneless Skinless No waste k Ready for the Table. save \Tw ON YOUR LABOUR BILL 'U I] Alas I What shall I do with my Life jf 11 1! It is a question often put
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  • 571 4 More than 4500 years ago (B. C. 2037) they say the Emperor Hwangti, commissioned Nao the Great to examine the five elements and make a cycle to name the years. That was but a few hundred years after the Flood and the founding of the Egyptian Kingdom
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  • 89 4 The Daily Telegraph's Rome correspondent writing on Feb. 24 says: Arrivals from Constantinople report that the receipt of the news of the fall of Erzernm led to rioting. German officers in the streets were followed and stoned. Enver Pasha defended himself with a revolver. All the Germans
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  • 191 4 From a Grateful Parent. I, the undersigned, have cr reat pleasure in testifying to the skW treatment by D »ctor Gnlamhvdel bin Galamdin, of No. 34_i Street, Singap )re, who has effect* a remarkable cure of the disease affecting my daughter's eyes. For a conbiderable time m
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 252 4 Books of the Moment] British Regiments at the Front $0.60 I With the Scottish Regiments at the Front 0.60 I Famous Fights of the fndian Native Regiments 0.60 From Heligoland to Keeling Island 0.60 The Slav Nations 0.60 I 40 Years After (the story of the Franco- j f German
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    • 73 4 I Tips Noting. X m j Advertising is more than ever I essential, on the principle that the smaller tht demand the.greaterft Ii the necessity to increase it.— The American Lead Pencil Co. J Such advertising as we havefc j done has shown that there is no I reason why
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  • 43 5 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE ARCHIPELAGO. Match Factory. Within a short period the first Java match factory at Sourabaya vill be working and the owner, the Aral trader Sech Awal Said, expects good profits from his enterprise.
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  • 104 5 Some time ago a shot was fired bj some unknown person at Pasaroean and the bullet struck a young native in the head. Taken to the hospital the doctors decided that an operation was necesary. The parents of the young ■an, however, absolutely declined to allow him to
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  • 621 5 The Right to Visit Java. The Java Courant contains an ordinance comprising entirely new rules regarding the domicile of Dutchmen and foreigners in the Netherlands Indies. Tiie landing of Hollanders whose parents are not domiciled in the Netherlands Indies and strangers who are also not domiciled
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  • 45 5 An Anglo-Chinese School has been opened at Samarang, the British community being strongly represented at the opening ceremony. Several Dutch journals have complaints to make in connection with the Java Postal Telegraphs. They claim that jumbled up and illegible messages frequently arrive.
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  • 127 5 I The output of Ulu Piah Mine fur 22 days working daring February was 270 piculs. Tongkah Harbour The output of the Tongkah Harbour Tin Dredging (X. L.) for the week ended March 11 was 28 tons. Renoog Tin Dredging. The monthly output of tin from the three
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  • 31 5 The Board of Trade returns for January give the following imports of tin from the Straits Settlements Tons Value 1914 4,084 £698,291 1915 4,827 £728,102 1916 1,200 £205,632
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  • 64 5 The marriage was solemnised on March 3, at St. Michael's, Polwatte, Colombo, of Mr. Gilbert Amos Hall, of the Straits Civil Service, Adviser to the Kedah Government, and Miss Dorothy Gertrude Saye, daughter of Mr.E G. Saye, of England. The bride was given away by Mr. J. L. InnesLillington, planter
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  • 811 5 Prices Quoted is the MirkM this Morning Singapore, March 21. M easrt Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue tbe following list of quotations toiler Shares. Sum. Value. Buvw. Sellers. 2/- Allagar 2/. 2 /4* 1 Anglo Java 16/- 20/--2- Anglo-MaJay 10/- 11 1 AyerKuning 17,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 291 5 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Company, Limited, Battery Road, Singapore. (incorporated m inland.) j l WATERMAN'S IDEAL 4 The pocket self-filling pen. Simply raise and lower tbe lever and it fill?. 1 Exact to sketch. Length 5! 4 inches. I Price $5.50 each. f TWINPLEX f RiGAUD'S PREMIER stropping machine: I EAU I>E
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  • 66 6 Singapore, March 2 On London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 19/32 Demand 2/4} Private 3 m/s 2/4 On India— Bank T. T. 174} On Hongkong— Bank d/d 15£ On Shanghai— Bank d/d 85| On Java— Bank T. T. 133 On Japan— Bank d/d llli Sovereigns—buying rate 8.54 India Ceil Bills
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  • 339 6 Perhaps one or two of oar readers will demur when we remark that we thoroughly approve of the action of the Depnty Public Prosecutor at Ipoh in asking that persons convicted of gang-robbery at the Assizes there might be sentenced to flogging as well as a term
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  • 13 6 [We do not necessarily en do ft the 9frin<on* expressed by correspondent*.]
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  • 481 6 To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Sir, —I think you have made a good case for the stoppage of unnecessary Sunday labour in our article of the 16th inst. It is to be h<»i'ed that the Governineut will tak#~ (in.- necessary steps to prevent the jj.esent abuse
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  • 26 6 It is understood that at the impending departure of Mr.Rijfsnijder, the present Resident at Batavia, Mr, C. J. Feith, now Resident at Cheribon, will succeed him.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 174 6 m^m^^^^^^^^ ALL-STEEL I Office Cupboards Fitted with 5 Steel Shelves: Fire-proof and I Germ-proof. I STOCK SIZES I 60 in. x3O in. xlB in. $48 I 60 in. x 36 in. xlB in. 58 I 72 in. x3O in. xlB in. 58 1 72 in. x 36 in. xlB in.
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    • 376 6 PALLADIUM Singapore's Premier Theatre Orchard Road Singapore's Premier Theatre DID YOU SAY ANYTHING An ounce of satisfaction is worth a Ton of Talk. Satisfaction goes I with every picture snown at the Palladium—How cleu the pictures are!! The Dawn Miss Leah Baird in a wonderful revelation of supreme dramatic actin«
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 142 6 FIXTURES. To-dtj. Second Assizes. Bandm&nn's 44 Grumpy." Meeting of Licensing Justices, 2.30 p.m. High Water—11.21 a.m. 9 ft. 2 ins.; 11-32 p.m. 8 ft. 9 ins. To-morrow. Engineers Association Lecture, 8.45 p.m. Bandmaun's Variety Entertainment. High Water —11-59 a.m. 9 ft. 1 in.; 11-58 p.m. 9 ft. 1 in. Thursday,
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  • 104 7 First Court. (Before Mr. Ralph Scott.) Motor Car Prosecutions. Yesterday Mr. Frank Wano was gned $10 and costs for allowing the back ntimber of his car to be neglected thus causing it to be indistinguishable. For driving his car in a reckless and negligent manner, Dasalam bin. Saminiah
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  • 396 7 (Before Mr. C. H. G. Clarke.) Scow Poh Hoon was charged with heing drunk and incapable. Accused admitted a previous conviction when Inspector Browning told the Magistrate that the defendant was allowed on bail, but did not return nntil a warrant was issned for his arrest. Accused was
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  • 81 7 (Hekore Mr. N. D. Mudie Inspector Juyce charged two Chi,le*« named Ang Loo and Lee Ng l °r dishonestly retaining two coils °J rubber wheel tyres and 2€ yards f motor car hood covering valued *t $155. Aocus; d were remanded in ust<d.< until the 27th inst., bail
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  • 419 7 (Before ThbChikf Justice, Sir S- BUCKNILL, C.) In the Supreme Court this morning the second Assizes were opened. There are eight cases on" the list, one 2 th em, against a Cantonese Yeong *£i»g. for kidnapping, figuring. It appears that the defendant in this case Ins absconded and
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  • 143 7 His Majesty at Samuda Sajfor. On March 14 the dourt Circular of the Royal Court of Siam announced from Samuda, Sagor, that acting on the advice of Dr. Poix, the Phy-sician-in-Ordinary, who advocates a period of rest, His Majesty the King has found it necessary to
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  • 96 7 Sir Andrew Wingate, at a meeting of the World's Evaugelical Alliance at Queen's Hall, related a story of a woman in a French village who, terrified by tbe explosion of a shell in the street, rushed with a child in her arms toward a group of British Tommies. Toe soldiers,closed
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  • 254 7 A talc mice is reported to have been di*cove«ed at a district in Kogendo, Chosen, and a company in being floats! for the working of it there. The mineral now discovered is required by paper rail era as glaz. ing material, and I D e
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  • 41 7 General Sir Charles John Burnett, K. c. b., k. c. v. 0,, at one time commanding first-class district in India, attache to the Japanese Army during theßusso-Japauet. 3 vVar, aud afterwards Commander-in-Chief of the Western Command, left unsettled property value £9,^59.
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  • 43 7 The Aden Chamber of Commerce has begun taking subscriptions for a fund for the purchase of an aeroplane, which will be donated to the British Government in recognition of the precautions taken to protect the community an 4. its trade from the enemy.
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  • 62 7 Export figures made public by the Department of Commerce sliow that, as a result of the war, Europe's 1915 food bill in the United States approached .$1,000,000,000. Records for eleven month* ending December 1 indicate that m re than $800,000,000 worth of f <,d left American shores during the year
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  • 233 7 (Singapore, March 2i.) Tin. —s93£ j 125 tons Bold. Cotrra.— Strong. Tapioca. —Weak. Sago Flour- —Strong. Gambier. —S tro ng. Pepper- do Other Products. —.Market Steady Latest Loal Market Quotation*. Nutmegs 110 S. per pical $30.00 Nutmegs 80 S. 35.00 Copra Bali 11.80 Copra Goroug Talo 11.90 Copra
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  • 35 7 There have been a large number of catees of chicken-pox during the last few days in Colombo. Several cases have been reported to the Police and the Municipal authorities, who are taking all precautionary measures.
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  • 80 7 The following w«re < I ispoted of Ly auction at Messrs Ching Keng Lee Co's sale-room yesterday afternoon:— Leasehold land and godown No. 19 Merban Road, area 3.382 square fnet, bought by Ohew Un Khi for $8,700. Leasehold land and po-'own No. 20 Merbau Head, are* 3.377
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  • 132 7 Penang s Gift Much Appreciated. Mr. A. Sarkies uas received a number of acknowledgments of the cigarettes sent to the British Mediterranean Expeditionary Forces as a result of the concert given at the E. and 0. Hotel, Penang. Major G. F. Raikes, Commanding the 2nd South Wales
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 127 7 RAFFLES Refreshment Room ADJOINING Confectioners' Shop BRAS BASAH ROAD, SINGAPORE From 9 a.m. till midnight. Ices, Cakes, Pastry, Cold Drinks, Tea, Coffee Cocoa, Etc Afternoon Teas and Late Suppers A SPECIALITY. Moderate Charges. Hf+ UMtnCniH (Uteof the Robinson m %dWm flMUfiHlll Piano Company). Violins, from $12.00 to $25-00 cases, from
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    • 113 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Victoria Theatre Last 2 Performances Last 2 Performances OF liie Sandman Opera Co. To-night! To night!! Tuesday, March 21st BY SPECIAL REQUEST' GRUMPY Wednesday, March 22nd CRAND VARIETY PROGRAMME. PRICES $3, $2 AND SI. Commence 9.15 p.m. FOR SALE. The Straits Cwle <fc Motor Company, Limited, 15 Battery
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  • 970 8 From time to time during the last few months Uncle Sam has had to put up with some very hard knocks because America has not plunged headlong into the bloody strife in Europe. Americans have been written down as a cowardly, money-grubbing nation whose Government is false to
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  • 126 8 The Great War Page. The Western Front 0 The War on Shipping 9 In the Balkans 9 French Consular News 9 Menglembu Lode Mine 2 Berlin's Hungry Spectres 2 St. Patrick's Day 3 Japan and Australia 3 The Chinese Cycle 4 Riots in Constantinople 4 Tin Returns 5
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 108 8 Irobinson Co J White Rose Hair Oil SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR ROBINSON CO. SAn exquisitely perfumed dressing for the hair. Price 65 cts. per bottle. ROBINSON Co. SHELL I I < Motor Spirit SOLD BY All Garages and Retailers IN SINGAPORE. 90 cts. Per G izr l < WAR OR PEACE
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    • 83 8 I Chinese "Republican Flag" COGNAC. A Sole Importer! Caldbeck, Macgregor A*Tl> COMPANY Wine and Spirit Merchants. ADELPHI HOTEL Every Evening During Dinner OUR MANILA BAND WILL PLAY. 1 I y. w. Teve. I 5| PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO 15 High Street. 3 (Coner of Nerth Bridge Road.) Special low charge* lor attend-
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    • 22 8 I MILKMAID Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $13 90 5 S Sterilised Natural Milk 9*3q J Ideal Unsweetened Milk n $10 50
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  • 613 9 I fit is at t93J— IH cts. up. I cotton (middling American qualit*) is quoted at 7.So* in the Livermarket. I Black Pepper is fairly steady at I, while white pepper is done at i' oth -l 1 quotations. I j| c latest price for 8] lbs.
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  • 475 9 “The Cinema Girl” at the Victoria Theatre Althoagh from an artisiic point of view not to be compared with "Betty ".still The Cinema well serves its purpose as a piece of rollicking fun, and it lost none of its freshness by repetition last night t>y the Bandman combination at
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  • 22 9 Kwangsi Joins the Revolt. London, Mar. 18, 1.25 p.m. Hongkong, Official: The province of Kwangsi has proclaimed its independence.
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  • 31 9 If Mr A. Hoye, who was recently conducting a "Practical Business School" in Ipoh, will promptly communicate with Q.E.D. c/o Malaya Tribune it will be to his advantage.
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  • 64 9 Messrs Morgan's Agency have decided tp start regular rubber auctions in Kuala Lumpur. The auctions will for the present be held fortnightly, the first one taking place on April 7th, says the Malay Mail. The total value of exports from the State of Selangor during ttw fourth quarter of 1915
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  • 414 9 Leonard—Morris. A quiet and pretty wedding was solemnised at the Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon the contracting parties being Mr. Harold Leonard, local representative of Messrs Suter, Hartmann Rahtjen Composition Co., Ltd., (London), fourth son of Mr. T. G. Leonard of Wimbledon, London, and Miss Mary Ellen Morris,
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  • 204 9 First Squadron Completed. Mr. Alma Baker, as briefly reported in these colamns yesterday, wired that the completion of the Malayan Air Squadron, sixteen aeroplanes, the minimum number required for a squadron as defined by the War Office, has now been presented to His Majesty's Government by the people
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  • 145 9 The War on Shipping. The Tirpitz Policy. Germany Staggered. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London. Mar. 18, 1.25 p.m. The German papers freely discuss the resignation of Admiral yon Tirpitz, which they ascribe to Herr Ballin's declaring that the latter warned the Kaiser that a continuance of "f rightfulness" would
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  145 words
  • 111 9 London, Mar. 20, 1.45 p.m. Amsterdam: The fact that there were three explosions, the last after the liner had been brought to a standstill appears to preclude the theory of having struck a mine in the case of the Palembang, There was at first a slight explosion aft
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  • 40 9 London, Mar. 20, 1.50 p.m. Amsterdam: The newspaper Het Nieuws van den Dag says that the Netherlands have sent a most severe note to Germany with regard to the sinking of the Rotterdam Lloyd liner Tubantia.
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  • 256 9 (By Courtesy of the French Consul- General.) Paris, Mar. 19, 6.20 p m. Yesterday, on the west of the Meuse, we repulsed a series of attacks between Vaux and the farm of Haudromont. We repulsed an attack in Lorraine. To-day, on the east of the Meuse, we
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  • 46 9 Quiet Around Verdun. London, Mar. 20, 1.30 p.m. Paris: Tbe Ommaniqae states We smashed enemy trenches north of Keiins. The bombardment has appreciably slaekeund north of Verdun. The enemy made no attack today. The French heavy artillery bombarded depots north-east of St. Mihiel.
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  • 45 9 London, Mar. 20, 1.40 p.m. Paris: A semi-official message on the thirtieth day of the battle of Verdun says that the German attempts to break through had become fragmentary and sporadic, and indicate how keenly the Germans have felt their recent losses.
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  • 45 9 London, Mar. 20, 4.5 p.m. A Paris communique says that the Germans made a rather violent bombardment southward of Malancourt and then, after an artillery preparation, made a small attack on Poivre Hill which completely failed. There was an intermittent bombardment at Vaux.
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  • 106 9 London, Mar. 20, 2.20 p.m. The Admiralty announces that early this morning a combined force of approximately fifty British. French and Belgian aeroplanes, accompanied by fifteen fighting machines, attacked the German seaplane station at Zeebrugge and the aerodrome at Houltade near Zeebrugge. Considerable damage appears to
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  • 30 9 London, Mar. 20, 1.30 a.m. General Haig reports artillery activity at Arras, Armentieres and Wytschaete, and nnmeroas aerial combats. We were successful is driving off all attacks.
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  • 74 9 Sweeping the Greek Frontier. London, Mar. 20, 1.40 p.m. Salonika Owing to the German encroachment on Greek territory a strong French column has occupied and cleared the villages on the frontier near Doiran. Both sides used artillery, but although the retiring Germans were reinforced no general engagement
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  • 27 9 London, Mar. 20.1.40 p.m. Mr. Asquith's progress is good. Lord Curzon is making fair progress. The Rt Hon. Sir L. S. Jameson's progress is satisfactory.
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  • 37 9 London, Mar. 20, 4-5 p.m. Signor Cadorna, Generalissimo of the Italian army, upon arriving in Paris rectfved a great ovation, which was renewed when Signor Cadorna and General Joflfre were motoring through the streets.
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  • 26 9 London, Mar. 20, 1.45 p.m. The death is announced of the Rev. Stopford Augustas Brooke, the well-known man of letters, at the age of 84.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 279 10 Interesting Appointment. London, Mar. 20, 1.45 p.m. Mr. Austen Chamberlain has appointed Sir Marshall F. Reid a member of the Council of India in succession to Sir Felix Schuster whos* term will shortly expire. The Times says that the appointment remedies a long standing complaint regarding the nonrepresentation
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  • 326 10 Address to the Rev. W. Cross. The members of the Straits Chinese Reading Club met at the C.C.A. Hall last Tuesday, the Rev. W. Cross presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. In view of the Rev. W. Cross' departure, Mr. Chua
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  • 17 10 The collection at some recent private vate theatricals' yielded Tcs 5.626 for the Red Cross of Siam.
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  • 34 10 No Naval Change. It has been decided to retain the servicesof Admiral Pinke during the period in which the army and navy are mobilised. He will only retire after the war.
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  • 76 10 The Netherlands Anti-War League has telegraphed to the Scandinavian Peace Committee on the occasion of the conference of the Scandinavian ministe. j at Copenhagen, asking the members to bring pressure on their respective governments to convoke a general congress of neutral states. In the Twedish Second Chamber a
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  • 189 10 A bill has been introduced in the Dutch Chamber to raise a tax on war profits, whether they are direct or indirect gains. Every increase in profits is to be regarded as having been occasioned by the war, unless absolute proof to the contrary can be adduced. When
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  • 35 10 London, Mar. 20, 1.45 p.m. El Paso: A wireless message states that General Villa is trapped at Babricora Lake and that everything depends upon Senor Carranza being able to hold his end.
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  • 36 10 London, Mar. 20, 3.30 a.m. Paris, official An enemy submarine sank the French destroyer Renandin in the Adriatic. Three officers and 44 men are missing and 5 officers and 34 men were saved.
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  • 32 10 The Echo understands that Mr. Kho Chew Teong is putting $200,000 in the New (F.M.S War Loan, which, it adds, is an example to be commended to other rich Chinese in Malaya.
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  • 130 10 Billiards. Adelphi Cup Tournament- Considerable interest was evinced in the heats in the first round of the Adelphi $100 Challenge Cup tournament played last night. This was chiefly due to the fact that the holder, A. Lewis (owes 150), was playing. He did not have a very difficult
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  • 334 10 Fly-weight Championship. At the National Sporting Club, London, Jimmy Wilde beat Young Symonds in 12 rounds, Symonds retiring. The match was for the British fly.weight championship and the Lonsdale belt, which Young Symonds won when he beat Tanoy Tee, who 12 months ago compelled Wilde to retire after a
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  • 52 10 Keppei G. C. For the monthly medal competition twenty-one cards were taken out and Mr. W. F. Barrett proved successful with 3 down. The ladies' competition for the monthly spoon decided during the week-end resulted in a tie between Mrs. Nicholson (49-3=46) and Mrs. Barrett (54-8=46). Seven cards were
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  • 37 10 The following scores were returned for the Selangor Golf Club's March medal:—P. de C. Morriss 90 —12=78 C. J. ii. Grieve 97—18 =79 H. L. Bennett 99—12=87. The optional sweep goes to Mr. Grieve.
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  • 25 10 The monthly mixed foursome competition at Taiping was played last Friday. Mr. B. C. N. Knight and Mrs Fox were the winners.
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  • 205 10 Half-Yearly Meeting- The half-yearly general meeting of the Selangor Club was held on Saturday evening. The British Resident (the Hon. Mr. E. 6. Broadrick) was in the chair. There was an attendance of over thirty members. On the receipts side, the Bar, account was put down at $14,000
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  • 254 10 Opens Next Friday Thero will be flat racing at Gatwick, Lingtield, Windsor aod Newbury, in addition to Newmarket, during the coming season. Flat racing will open at Gatwi'ck on March 24-25. At this meeting will be decided the Racecourse Association Steeplechase, the substituted race for the
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  • 383 10 Ia view of tho grave bearing the proposed increase in cotton dutit; at Indian ports have on Japan* trade interests in tbe East, the Associated Cotton Spinning Companies has taken action already against the proposed measure, asking the Foreign Office to render its assistance by wire.
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  • 83 10 Lient. W.S. Earned, of the Royal Fusiliers, a tneinber of the Strait* Civil Service, died of wounds I» Feb. 16 says the Malay Mail. The Siamese Minister of Rns»* has certified that the value of ljw Government currency notes 111 circulation at tho end of last moot* was ticals 39,418,035,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 207 10 I 5 for the price of 4 j 1 Ist Motorist (pointing to burst tyre) "Hullo, old chap, I'm in trouble one of my confounded g tyres has burst, and I haven't a spare." 8j 2nd Motorist i U »0 spare and I always looked on you as an experienced
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  • 136 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune). Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-day:— Alor Gajah $3.50 $3.60 Ayer Kunings 1.30 1.40 Ayer Molek 2.30 240 AyerPanas 9.40 9.60 Balgownie 4.50 4.65 Bukit Jelotong 0.67£ 0.75 Bukit Katil 0.80 0.85 ChangkatSerdg.... 10.00 10.25 Glenealy
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  • 187 11 Big Profits in 1915. The report of the Lnnas Rubber Estates, Limited, states that the net profit for the year amounted to $62,770.86, as against $19,775.81 for the previous year. To this must be added the amount of $1,920.63 refund of duty by Eedah Government in respect
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 112 11 ft t tftt*tt*t*t*«*tttt**ttt*±tt**« I THE I Pot Stills! I OF 3 1 iGreat Britain! I Have Been I Taken Over by Government, I I NEVERTHELESS 5 »g, I Buchanan's! I I I 3 I will be able to continue 2 Ito supply their famous 5 I blends and to maintain
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    • 276 11 A CLEAR HEAD a hearty appetite, sound sleop and good digestion are sure to follow an occasional dose of the tiny laxatives. Gentle as nature Do not gripe. Of all chemists, 50 cents per phial, or post free from the Dr. Williams* Medicine Co., Dept. lc, Singapore. AT THE IDEAL
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  • 2502 12 Annual Meeting. Successful War Year. At the Exchange Buildings yesterday afternoon the annual general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce was held. The Hon. tyr. C. W. Darbishire presided. There were also present the Hon. Mr. W. W. Cook, Messrs F. L. Tomlin, W. P.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 136 12 Iliftbp's Food Products I I Are prepared from the choicest materials under I I finest conditions and by experienced chefs. Libby I I stands for quality and flavour iv canned foods I ,sWK E «fo«ow S: I Mo»« Libky, McNeill vi Libby dm 10 tins Vegetable. 8 tins Mock f
      136 words
    • 75 12 Train Services. Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily Mail Daily leaves for the north at 7.7 it i pm. Other trains leave for .1 bon 10.29 am noon. 1.30 pm 2.55 pm 4.40pm. Mail arrives from north at 8.10 air v p.m. Trams leave from Joh ore 7*9, 8.42, 11.42 1.16, and SjOft.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 135 12 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for the week ending Friday, March 24 To-day. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.Y.A. do S.K.L t. do S.V.R., Officers. N.C.O's Drill Hall Chinese Co, m m Bras Basah Hd. Malay Co, Drill Hall S.V.C. Cadets To-morrow. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall Maxim Co, 4.30 p.m. Balestier Range
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  • 631 13 An Officer's Diary. By the magic of high spirits and a stout heart grim doings are turned to roaring farce in the diary given below, It is taken from the "Fifth Gloucester Gazette, B. E. F.' f being the adventures of an officer commanding a reconnoitring
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  • 160 13 Many of our readers will greatly regret to hear that tidings have been received of the death of Mr. William R. Fox, who for a number of years was traveller for Messrs Robinson Co, of Raffles Square, and recently in the service of the Shanghai Life Insurance Co,, Ltd., at
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 408 13 I To-night! Alhambra Theatre *-H I THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. beach road. m g I Th« i., THE HOME OF FEATURE ATTRACTIONS. 88 8 MANAGER, The Leading Theatre in Singapore. W I M. H. KENYON-SLADE. g I THE FOLLOW,N SELECT PROGRAMME. THE AMERICAN BIOGRAPH CO. PRESENTS f A Dramatisation of
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  • 535 14 A few days ago a correspondent addressed tbe Shanghai Daily News as follows I think the following piece of the opinion of Mr. Ijuin, Japau's exMinister to Peking and newly appointed Ambassador to Rome, which recently appeared in a certain Japanese newspaper, will be interesting to you,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 716 14 AUCTION SALES. Auction Sale Of New Wax-polished Teak Household Furniture, etc. At Powell Co.'s Sale-room OnWedneaday, 22nd March, at II A choice collection of Chinese porcelaiaware comprising quaint vases blue and white wall plaques, flower bowls and jars; bronze incense burners, figure ornaments Ac wax polished teak standard and arm
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    • 151 14 Mortgagee's Sale Of valuable freehold land and brick built dwelling house No. 19 Heeren Street, and a rubber estate at Durian Tunggal, Malacca, TO BE HELD AT MY SALE-ROOM On Thursday, the 30th March, 1916 it 12 noon. PARTICULARS. 1. All that piece of freehold land situate at Heeren Street,
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    • 678 14 AUCTION SALES. Aucrram saleof^^ VALUABLE TEAK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, WIKTORIN v. LADY'S GENTLEMAN'S SADDLES, PLANTS, ETC The Property of D. D. Mackie, Esq. At Fairyland, No. 257 Pasir Panjang Road, On Saturday, 25th March, at 4 p.m. On view 3 days prior to Sale. 18-3-lC POWELL Co. A<cH J 2." MORTGAGEE'S
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 527 15 I TO BE LET TO LET. two Story Compound house 9 Loron* 14 off Gaylang Road, derate rent, Apply to No. 180 ra ngoon Road. TO LET. Qmside. 6 Upper Wilkie Road, beautifully situated tennis lawn, Tabling etc, and water laid on. Stotry I st April 1916, A PP Iv
      527 words
    • 308 15 NOTICES NOTICE, Mr. M Shelton, who has had 20 years experience in diseases of the SS&^SrJS 1 tracts at^ndB T?a J a% h at 7-1 Oxley R<L attendance 8 to 11 a.m. and 4 to o.ou p.m. 1-3 30-4 •The friends and relatives of the V are respectfully informed that
      308 words
    • 411 15 WANTED WANTED To rent godown with frontage on SXH** 1 River, area approximately 12,000 square fr. Apply to Box 216 c/o Malaya Tribune. 17-3 v WANTED. An experienced conductor for a small rubber estate ten miles from town. State salary required. Apply to Box 217 c/o Malaya Tribune. 17-3 ASSISTANTS
      411 words
    • 468 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserre Fund £1,800,000 Keserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank,
      468 words
    • 454 15 JNSUBAMCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.. LTI. [INCORPORATED IS NgW ZEALAND] PKI Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description MARINE Insurances accepted to all parts of the world at lowest rates. HPam k w*«~ EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted." J. HENRY Local Manager, Offices: 2, Finlajgon Qreen. HEUNG ON INSURANCE
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 189 16 j GUAN KIAT Co., I Head Office: 3T Pbillip Afreet. 5 BRANCH STORES AT .—Phillip Street No. 14 and Tank Road Nos. 14, 100 and 102. Jj; Telegraphic Address I Telephone Nos. 1174, 1178. 1233, 1 Codes Used I tjj AT 1 (Private 1450 1073.) fA. B.C. sth Edt. and
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    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Dally.] No. 67 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 435 1 P. O. British India I AND Apcar Line (COMPAHIBft INCOaPO*ATM) I¥ M^OLAJ».) Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular arid Oriental Sailing*. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and, London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lines. HOMBWARD (FOR
        435 words
        329 words
      • 541 1 N.Y.K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN) (JAPAN MAIL j STEAMSHIP EUROPEAN LINE i» maintained between Yokohama via p.rt. tc d r a^ er mail cont ™<* with the Imperial Sl2 uovernment. The Now Twin-screw Steamers maintainine this imTu. hare bee. specially designed and constmeted, and .re fitted with .T£
        541 words
    • 531 2 Europe. For London: Glenstrae March 24 Demodocus March 36 Novara March 30 Miyazaki Mara April 2 Nore April 4 Teiresias April 8 Kitano Mam April 13 Gleniffer May 20 For Genoa: Gieniffer May 20 For Liverpool Pingsuey on berth Bumaeus April 3 Maohaon April 17 For Marseilles:
      531 words
    • 272 2 Vessels in Port. Brittskw STMAMKR. BBRT9. BATE Sri Patana lunar Rds 9-1 Recorder Outer Rds 23-1 Batavier Inner Rds 3-3 Magnet do 4-3 Keelung Outer Rdi 8-3 Ping Suey de 12-3 Tara No. 7 Wharf 14-3 Barque "lone" Outer Rds 16-3 Ban Hong Leong Inner Rds 17-3 Saint
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    • 678 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station :-hs.s. Fashimi Maru, s.s. Kunajiri Maru. The P. 0. liner Nore leaves on the 4th April for Europe. The N. S. M. liner Vondel left Las Pal mas outward bound. The P. and
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    • 35 2 Java journals report that the vessels of the Holt line sailing under the British flag will not accept any further cargo for Holland dnring the near future. This involves five large vessels.
      35 words
    • 32 2 Lady Weld for Malacca and Mnar. Giang Seng for Batavia, Cherilon and Semarang. Meranti for Kota Tinggi. Krian for Port Dickson and Port I ;Swettenhaini Aing Hin tor Batu Pahat.
      32 words
    • 165 2 Lieat. Berg Joined German Navy As A B. A message sent to the German Embassy. Washington, through the wireles stations of the German Gov•rnment states The commander of tbe Appam, Lieut. Berg, in a native of Apenrade.' in the north of Schleswig-Holstein! He is thirty-nine years of
      165 words
    • 172 2 Effect of the War The Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in LondCn says that during the first 17 months of the war Norway has lost 54 steamers by war causes, 50 being "war wrecked" and four prize condemned, representing in total 94,400 tons brutto register. If the tonnage
      172 words
    • 234 2 Great Shipping Expert. One of our foremost shinny pert* passed away last month i. J" person of the Right Hon i> Rea, M. P.. in his seventieth after a dintinguwhed career <ir Founder and head of the shir tirmofß. and J. H. Rea, t h 7 r
      234 words
    • 281 2 100 Seals in Peril of Awfal Fate off Deal. The Secretary of the Admiralty makes the following announcement:—« Fire broke out on the morning of Feb 5 on board H. M. boarding steamer Peel Castle in the Straits of Dover. Tugs from Dover and craft assisted in
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    • 74 2 The value of shipping tonnage has trebled on pre-war prices and there are many instances where still higher rates have been obtained on tonnage. Only just over a year a?o vessels were almost a drug in th« market and tonnage of 1* to 1* years of age con Id be
      74 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 40 2 SINGAPORE SHIPGHANDLERYCo SHIPCHANDL RS 8 PROVIDORIM COmRACT« rs, The Company Launch me incoming ships. Office :—l6 Battery Road. TAKE LIFT TO TOP FLOOP Telephone No. 141. Orders promptly attended to fro* January 1916. H. W. H. STEVENS, Manager. 5-1 5-4
        40 words
    • 272 3 Extraordinary Error. \i the Hongkong Marine Court he nth inst an enquiry was held stranding of the s.s. Kolya SnFeb. 21. ip t. J. Willox, the master of the said that after passing Gap |j he laid a course to pass about jins west of North
      272 words
    • 331 3 kalian Scheme to Bring Rates Down. The Italian papers are nowadays foi of reports, proposals and debates la the matter of the high freights, and very interesting to see how the aation in general is taking greatly to heart this very important matter, ia>* the Naples correspondent of
      331 words
    • 68 3 Vessels Expected* u!a (Holt) 29th March, from Karope for Singapore, China and Japan. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co., Ltd. 1 '-modocos (Holt) 30th March, from Singapore for Colombo and London. Agents, Messrs BouHtead, Hampshire and Co., Ltd. m The Messageries Maritime* liner Andre Lebon left Port Said
      68 words
    • 94 3 10 BbippinB throogh hoBti,e aoU hay Fla <- Tw Damage J passengers landed. Seven of crew inTUTUNTTa jured. March 17.) DatehMai.) U s3 off Noord Rotterdam March 16 British 2,670 (MineTsaat Coaat. 14 tueneral s.h, London.) Drowned Mar»h 11 i LOUISIANE French 5,109 (Sunk AH eared
      94 words
    • 61 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of the European Mails and their delivery in London. mail. LeFT. DaaivaanD. F 40. Fob. 4 Mar. 6 g I. Fob. 11 Mar. 10 MM 12 < Mar 10 M if. Feb. 18 Mar. 14 p'
      61 words
    • 328 3 London Bookings. Per P k O Mooltan :—Mrs. k Mrs. Trump, Mr. k Mrs. Thomas, Mr. k Mrs. Bragg, Mr and Mrs R. Hum. phries, Mr C. B. Franklin, Mr. Roth man. Per P. and 0. steamer Kashgar Mr and Mrs Polglase, Mr Sweney, Mr. Archer, Mr. Kenney,
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    • 72 3 An Italian merchant who has jnst arrived at Genoa from Constantinople states, says the Cardiff Jonrnai of Commerce, that as a result of losses sustained during the war Turkey's merchant service, which was never very large, is now practically non-existent. He asserts that since Turkey entered the
      72 words
    • 132 3 Benefits Straits Shippiog. The following is an extraet from an article by the Hon. Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, C.M.Q., analysing the official report on the Straits Settlements for 1915 "On September 10 in the Bay of Bengal the German cruiser Emden began its long series of attacks upon British
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 491 3 M. M. MESBACERIES MABITIMEB. Mail Line. FOX CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, MARSEILLES. Homeward. Outwabd. 1916 LoU* Mar. 27 Portho* Apl. 11 Amazone Apl. 1 Cordillere Apl. 26 Polyneaien Apl. 7 Andre Lebon May. 9 Athos Apl 10 Atlantique May. 23 Fortho* May. 19 Amazone June. 6 Polyneaien June. 20 For all
        491 words
      • 339 3 Combined Service ©f The Ocean S.S.Co.,Ltd. (Incorporated in England) AND The West Australian S.N. Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) IKTWIII FREMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, JAVA AND SINGAPORE. Regular sailings between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Derby, King's Sound (Port for the Kimberley Gold
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    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 398 3 Mails Close. To-day. Port Dickson and Port Swettenham *Krian 2.30 in Batu Pakat Ain* Hi» 2 JO pm Malacca and Mnar »Lady Weld 3 pm Batavia, Cheribon, 4i Samaran* Giang Seng 4 pm Kota Tinggi Meraati 4 pm Tomorrow. Pulaa BtUu 4l Pulau finlang Hock Lim f .30 aw Pulaa
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
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      • 473 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated n Japan) (Contractors to the Imperial Japan—c Army and Navy and to Foreign Governments. J Cable Aj>dres*k« Codes J? _d Al. A. 8.C., 44 DOCKYARD I 1 F _B__ W—rerii i'li!-.'! Kobe 1 MMIPySM S J__ Scott's. liber's. ?n DOCK-Dairbn. Engineering. KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler
        473 words
      • 362 4 Ocean Steam Sh D Company, Ltd. AND China Mutual Steam Nay Co., Ltd. The Companies' steatne,> MM patched from Liverpool outvr r the Straits, China and Japan ever, week and from Japan hone ward* C London, Amsterdam and Antwer every fortnight for Genoa, M m J les and Liverpool and
        362 words