Malaya Tribune, 11 March 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 1 The Malaya Tribune. I MING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. t EVENING DAILY. /0!. 8.- No. £9. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1916 Price 5 Cents. cti fftaSapa CriUune. SATURDAY, MARCH untitled
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 365 1 1 THE MAM WHO HOME Last week was sorry to have Missed our Pictures TO-NIGHT'S THE NIOMT > ci lnother 01 oilr Excellent Offers Better than ever at the Picture Palace TO-NIGHT Where the Pictures Beautiful are Screened Junction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets. In The Second Snow Hew Pathe
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    • 83 1 l| 1 Tips Worth Noting. 5 1 2 Advertising is more than ever Z J sec ntial, on the principle thai the J J smaller tbe demand the greater J I 1 the nec< ssit yto increase if. The > J American Lead Pencil Co. 2 l 9 Such advertisii
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    • 160 1 I Portland j s 5 1 /Jill i w•• i SJS -CV 9 5 v j.. t '-:.',y I IWIT^F 1 IfAlCffjl fTn j iTIIIoLJI DUooAli IVAioflA, LIU. I J (Incorporated i\ Japan) J I soli: agents. s jgj Awarded Numerous GoUt Medals S m ii ii tut——pi ■i m
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  • 634 2 Dreams of Greatness in Near East. Tbe Frankfurter Zeitung devoted tour </i the pages of its New Year issue to remarkable illustrated review of M Past md Kuture," or tbe Results of tlie War till the Present I niie. Th e first paj;e begins with the Imperial
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  • 47 2 The rrading Society Java has dismiss id her German employees both at Batavia and Samarang, I having received instructions frotn X irope to do so. -dan firms are now acting in a similar manner, as British firms deJ cline 10 trade with them otherwise.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 246 2 I Finest Assam Souchong Tea f SPECIAL BLEND. 80 cents. $1.55. Less 5 per cent. SOLE AGENTS JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. POWELL~&" Co.'s CALENDAR FOR MARCH, 1916. Sun. I 5 12 l!) MON. <; 13 20 27 1 I 1 II TUES. 7 14 21 28 j
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    • 303 2 lift I m hi 'Wincarnis' offers you New Health and New Life. What a comfort »o know that you need no! remain W jfy Anaemic Nervy, 'V Run-down—Jo know that'Wn J|3 offers you new health and new life. The reason is thai Wincamis' {the wine of life) possesses a four
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  • 591 3 How Rebel General Ontwtited Authorities. Reports from China continue to be conflicting, but judging by th, strenuous efioits made by the Peking authorities to suppress the reports about the Yunnan rising the situation must be considered to be \erv serious. When tbe first news of the rising in
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  • 114 3 The exodus of Dutch people from Germany continues, says the Gazette de Hollands The greater part are returning because they are unable to find further work in Germany or on account of the excessive cost- liness of fo'ddtuff's there. At En- j schede, a town on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 286 3 MOTOR CARS ON HIRE I MOTOR REPAIRERS MOTOR CAR IMPORTERS GREASE I Cylinder Oil A N D Motor Accessories OF Every Description.Sole Agents For: Meitz Weiss Oil Engines The Celebrated Star, Mitchell and Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles I Sub-Agents MICHELIN TYRES. lasolene Light Cycle Co~l 5,5-1 5-2, BEACH ROAD.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 327 4 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale of Valuable Land and Houses Nop. 244 to '274 Kallanp Koad (even numbers) Houses at Sin Koh street and Nam 1 cck Street ;md brick kilns and coconut plantation at Kallang Pudding. TO Hi: HELD'AT MESSRS CHING ILENG LEE i CO.'S SALE-ROOM, In the
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    • 386 4 MYSTERIES At quarterprice. Mysteries of Court of London 8 Parts (16 Volumes), bold type, profusely illustrated. Full set Rs. 15, post fi cc. Harmoniums. Single reed Re. 15 A- IN. 25 Doable iced Rn. 25& lis. 35 Apply ttith advance to IMPERIAL DEPOT., 60, Sri Gopal Mullick Lane, Bow Bazaar,
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  • 502 5 [iiM'cmly Disturbance i«t the Recent Mass» Meeting. Mii /a Ikram )>aig writes to (i j if s of India a- follow» Actuated !>y ilif same corn- > desire as impeded Mr. Hin Abdul's Koor to clear ,11J S;1 11 t' »51 tin lit I f](i -public regarding the
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  • 243 5 ttig Wolfram Find We have frequently referred to the wining activities at present developing along the course of the Ko\al .Siamese Southern Railway These remarks principally referred* to Australian syndicates around j rongsawn and Rompibun we now j h'arn that long before these syndi- cates cnme on
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  • 119 5 The London correspondent of the Malay Mail reported under date Feb, a According to reports reaching Lmdon the Mid-East ie stiil doing a b's; direct business in tiu with 1 America. On February 1 the market I was firmer on advices from the j E»sti telling ot
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  • 39 5 An official has reported to the Government at Kedoe, .lava, that a native secret society is busy making propaganda in the districts at Tesal, Pekalongan, Wonosobo and Wates, in matter! detrimental to the i?ood order and inimical to Government.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1205 5 Church Services. s. Andrew's Cats coral, Firki Sunday in Lent. 12th March. 1916. 7 a.m. Holy Conamnn a. 7.Li ».m HoK Communion I Chord Matins and Litany. ».m. Swidajr School Bad Bible viiutM, &.80 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Hya. Ps. 82, 92. 'J l*t. 191 >47 p Learnt: M.
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    • 17 5 Straits Iflformaiion Bureau. Advertising Experts. Translations Undertaken at Fixed Rates. 6, The Arcade. Tel. 1401. 3-1 313
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 495 6 wsoWtely uj>i State Express Cigarettes are a blend of the finest tobaccos selected with the utmost care t0 P* ease r lrt,rtllar men—men who appreciate delicate fragrance and fine quality, and who will not be satisfied with anything less. CIGARETTES No. 555 Vl^ A PKB TIN of 50-60 cents. Manufactured
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    • 361 6 PALLADIUM Singapore's Premier Theatre Orchard Road Singapore's Premier Tkutr I POSTIVELY THE LAST NIGHT The Great Carsons The Most Daring Shooting Act Extant I Fntro lacing their Refined, Sensational, Spectacular, Shtirp-Sh The Great William Tell Shot. 7 Shots in 7 Seconds jRE WARD—SSOO will he given to anybody that can
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  • 744 7 .f *n >ur Own Corrrxpoi ueiit.) l I.. A. Milliard Tournament. Kving to the Chinese New Year vitirH, the M. C. L. A. billiard lirr.U.*) W'ltS J OStp' ned for a _-li r and resumed on the H»th lhc 1 olio wing are iurther J t.- to date
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  • 125 7 Rioting. Inspector Browning of the Kandang Kerbau Division produced 38 rikishaw pullers in the Second Court this morning and charged them with creating a riot in Holloway Lane at 3.45 p.m. on the 10th inst. It is understood that there was a quarrel between the Ong and Ting
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  • 151 7 To-day. i Bandmann's "To-night's the Sight." High Water—2-7 a.m. 8 ft. 5 ins I 3-30 p.m. 6* ft. 5 ins. To-morrow. First Quarter. Quadragesima—lst Sunday in Lent. 1 High Water—"J.-p; a.m. 8 ft. 4-55 p.m. ft. 8 ins. Monday, 13th. Lodge Zetland, 8.30 pm. Band man n's "The Man
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  • 141 7 From the Epworth League, Kuala Lumpur, we have received a copy of their programme of meetings, discussions, games etc. as arranged for the half-year ending June 30. From it we gather that this body i-> prospering, having;* membership of 108 whilst others are being canvassed by its energetic honorary secretary,
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  • 222 7 Messrs Paterson, Simons ft Co the agents of the undermentioned companies, favour us with the report of the following February outputs of rubber Trafalgar. Ltd., 2,602 lbs total to date 29,904 bs February 1914 2,44* los. Lower Perak Rubber Kstate, 9,501 ba I; total 18,200 lbs February 1014
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  • 35 7 Mr. D. Beatty proceeding on deputation io> r>ne yeartn net under the Government of Burma Chinese Protector at Tavoy, wh -re the wolfram industrj ha* demanded the presence of a large nninbei of Chinese miners.
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  • 237 7 (Singapore, March 11.) Tin.— $92?, 125 tons sold. Cop rn —Wea k. Tapioca, —Weak. Sago Flour. —Strong. Oamhier* —Strong. Pepper- do Other Products. Market Steady Latest Local Market Quotations. Nutmegs 110 S. per picul $90.00 Nutmegs NO .s. 35.00 Copra Bali 9 75 Copra Gorong Talo 9.80 Copra
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  • 24 7 Plain unsmoked sheet rubber fetches $163/169 and a parcel of K. Lumpur qaality was dona at £1»;4 yesterday Ribbed Smoked Sheet $181/182 this morning.
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  • 68 7 Singapore, March On London— Hank 4 rri/s 2/4 19/.52 Demand 2/4] Private 3 mis 2/4 29/32 On India— 1 Bank T. T. 1741 On Hongkong— 1 Bank.I/,! U On Shanph <j Bank d/d On .lava— Bank T. T. 132 On Japan— Bank d/d Sovereigns— baying rat« 8.54* India Ceil
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 187 7 Traiii Services. Si}<Aocre (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail Daily leave* For the north ;it 7.7 am u d 7j.m. Other trains leave for Jofcore at 9 u-i 10.29an aoan. IJk; pm :>..,."> pea 4.40pm. Ilailarrivei fro* north at m.i<; am and 7J< p.m. Trains leave from Johore 7.9, 8.42 1015 11.42 1.16,
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    • 381 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Victoria Theatre Maurice E. Bandman PRESENTS HIS Opera and Comedy Co. For a Short Season ©nly COMMENCING TO-NIGHT, March 11 In a Repertoire of the latest London Slice* sses. Sat. Mar. U TO-NIGHT'S THE NIGHT I Mon. Mar. 13 The Man who Stayed at Home. Tue. Mar. 14
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  • 281 8 (>ne of the most interesting items of war news received during the last twenty-four hours is that relating to the great Battle of Verdun, which has been raging close on three weeks. The heroic resistance of the French against the terrific onslaught and intense bombardment by very heavy artillery
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  • 517 8 It is abundantly manifest from the recent utterances of Mr. Rnnciman an I other statesmen that at lust we are to have the new charter so many have long desired—a national and imperial policy in trade, a definite line of action aiming at the advantage of ourselves
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  • 94 8 1 The Great War The Western Front In the Fast Dominions and the War Situation in Somali land Egyptian Expedition Ofl French Consular News I Sidelights On Germany i China Revolt Moslem League Mining in Siam Tin for America Church Services Rubber Returns Malacca News Police News Victory
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  • 24 8 The Rt. Hon. Sir untitled Bon, rreanb-iit "1 tin- ftritftfli AC: ica t.'O., has h»tm i)|a iii ki.lney trottulti and operation 13 aeceeaary,— h
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 112 8 ROBINSON Co. White Rose Hair Oil fi& SPECIALLY PREPARED lOR JJJL ROBINSON CO. An exquisitely perfumed dressing for the hair. liiggg Price 65 cts. per bottle. ROBINSON Co. SHELL Motor Spirit 80L1) BY All Garages and Retailers IN SINGAPORE. I RETAIL Q-fa nfo er Imperial PRICE j W Olb. Gallon.
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    • 87 8 Best Spanish Port FORT BRAND. soY Importers CALDBECK, MACGRECOR j AND COMPANY j Wine and Spirit Merchants. ADELPHI HOTEL j TONIGHT Special, Dinner ON THE LAWN. Our Filipino Band Will play until midnight. m"-'*mmmx--MM Y. M. TOYO. J 1 I PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO 15 High Street. 2 (Corner of Nerth Bridge
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    • 16 8 Bpand i <*: Sweetened Condensed Milk per case $13.90 Sterilised Natural Milk 5 ideal Unsweetened Milk $10.50
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  • 1052 9 1 <at $92.50—51 up. B r Tnrks are calling np men of Bu? prohibition of importation Bof cattle from Senggora has B withdrawn. B)alm f,in and Bassein are offiI. declared suspected ports on X' G nt of pjague. Bjngoon is declared an infected B on account of
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  • 85 9 M. E- Bandman's Co. To-night Mr. Bandman's celebrated repertoire company opens for a seven nights' season, at the Victoria Tneatre, and already from the advanced booking a complete successis assured. For the opening might To-nights' the Night has been selected for representation, to be followed iv succession by
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  • 11 9 eJ^tJijE* ntcttwi }y r? 1 the opinion, expretted by correspondent».]
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  • 145 9 Malaya No. 16 To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Dear Sir—Will yon allow me space to-day to appeal to the public of Malaya to subscribe forthwith the remaining $6,000 required for this last Aeroplane. This Craft must be completed before the Air Units presented by
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  • 356 9 To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Dear Sir,—At a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held recently, it was suggested by one of the Commissioners that certain information should be made known to the public, and that the Tamil Panchayat" should be aaked to do the needful
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  • 83 9 (Throuyh the courtesy of Messrs Francis Peek and Co., Ltd.) Batavia, March 10. The market daring the week has firmed and prices generally show advance on that of the previous week. At close of market to-day the values were as undernoted:— Ri'bbhr. —First Standard Grades per half
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  • 61 9 In the East The Polish Front Engaged. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Mar. 10, 2.5 a.m. Petrograd: The communique records isolated offensives on both sides on the whole front from the Dvina to Galicia. Ar; attempted German crossing of the Dvina east of Friedrichstadt was repulsed. The Russians by
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  61 words
  • 30 9 London, 10, 1.45 p.m. Petrograd Rizel, which is situated in a sheltered bay, is to be the naval base for the coming Russian advance on Trebizond.
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  • 149 9 Ii it Hem and Soul. London, Mar. 9, 7.15 p.m. At a luncheon to Mr. Hughes at the House of Commons, Mr. Bonar Law said that the Dominions had given so much for the war that things cannot remain the same after the war. We hoped
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  • 75 9 Turks Holding On. London, Mar. 9, 10.35 p.m. An official message states that General Aylmer advancing on the right bank of the Tigris attacked the Essin position, seven miles east of Kut el Amara on the eighth. He was unable to dislodge the enemy. He states that the
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  • 126 9 London, Mar. 10, 3.20 p.m. Official: The dest i oyer Coquette and Torpedo Boat No. 11 have been mined and sunk off the East Coast. The casualties were four officers and 41 men. [The Coquette was one of the earlier type of vessels, having been completed in
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  • 42 9 London, Mar. 10, 1.50 p.m. Petrograd: The Germans are evacuating Ispahan occupation of Kermanshah has resulted in the unanimous submission of the Persian tribes. Negotiations for the surrender of the German conspirators is progressing. E C. Programme Page 6
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  • 145 9 Fight Goes in our Favour. Twt Complete Defeats. London, Mar. 9. Paris The semi-official account says that at end of the eighteenth day the Verdun battle is favourable to us. We gained most valuable ground north of Verdun, bringing our line through Bethincourt, Corbeaux wood and northward
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  • 154 9 London, Mar. 10,12.40 p.m. The Paris communique states that west of the Meust we continued to make progress during the day in Bois Corbeaux, almost all of which is in our hands. The Germans east of the Meuse made several attacks on our front from Donaumont to
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  • 45 9 London, Mar. 9. The communique of last night states that we repulsed a small attack near Hohenzollern. To-day the enemy sprang a mine near Givenchy but there was no infantry attack. There was considerable artillery activity on both sides about Ypres. j
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  • 35 9 London, Mar. 9. 3.15 p.m. Paris The French batteries at Dunkirk felled a German seaplane, The pilot was killed and the observer, clinging to the floats, was saved by a French destroyer.
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  • 216 9 London, Mar. 10, 1.45 p.m. Paris French officers find it most difficult to restrain their men who are anxious to attack, but there have been opportunities when the French infantry charged with irresistible fnry. Such was the fight in the Corbeaux wood, where the German advance threatened
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  • 71 10 The Position Unchanged. London, Mar. 10, 3.25 p.m. Paris, official: The situation at Verdan remains unchanged. The Germans did not attempt an infantry attack, but reciprocal bombardment continued along the whole front, the bombardment being violent on both sides of the Meuse and intermittent at Woevre. French batteries
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  • 50 10 London, Mar. 10, 1.45 p.m. Amsterdam The Telegraaf reports serious rioting in Cologne on Mar. 7 in consequence of the German losses, at Verdun. Travellers who were prevented from leaving the trains at the station reported that guns were posted in the streets to restrain the mobs.
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  • 73 10 London, Mar. 10, 1.50 p.m. Paris: The communique describes the German boast of the capture of Vaux as flagrant lying. It says that at the very honr that the Berlin telegram appeared, a French Staff Officer was entering Fort Vaux and found it had not been attacked
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  • 44 10 London. Mar. 9, 3.15 p.m. A letter from Constantinople received at Athens says that all talk of a Egyptian expedition has ceased since the fall of Erzerum. Four German steamers with coal and munitions have been sunk in the Black Sea.
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  • 78 10 London, Mar. 10, 1.45 p.m. Benters correspondent with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force says that the new defences in Egypt are practically complete. They are no longer based on the Canal: but are formidably established far out in the desert. Even if the Turks could overcome the difficulties
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  • 82 10 London, Mar. 9, 9.15 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Steel Maitland «aid that the situation in Somaliland was extraordinarily favourable. There had been less trouble in tia past eighteen months than for many years. The tribes of the north, who were largely the cause of
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  • 56 10 London, Mar. 10, 1.45 p.m. Mr. Lloyd George told temperance deputation that the drink restrictions had caused a v* crease of 40 p< r cent in drunkenness, and he believed that the peoplt before the war ended would realise that the future of the Empire depended on
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  • 29 10 London, Mar. 10, 1.45 p.m. Tbe Army Estimates provide for a personnel of four million men exclusive of the Dominioners and the British troops in India.
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  • 61 10 Ministers Recalled. London, Mar. 10, 4. a.m. Amsterdam:—The Portuguese Minister at Berlin has received his passports. The German Minister at Lisbon has been ordered to ask for his passports. Lisbon —A decree calls out the naval reservists immediately. Germany Declares War. London, Mar. 10, 1.40 p.m. Berlin
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  • 59 10 Cordial Relations. London, Mar. 9, 4.30 p.m. Renter learns that the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs declared on March 6 that despite the efforts of a European power to cause a conflict, Americo-Japanese relations were better than they had ever been, and with the elimination of
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  • 54 10 London, Mar. 10, 12.35 p.m. In the east-Hertfordshire byeelection Mr. Pemberton-Billing (Independent) was elected with 4,590 votes, Captain Brodie Henderson, the Coalition candidate, securing 3,559 votes. The result is noteworthy, as Mr. Pemberton-Bill-ing is fighting for an increased air service. Captain Henderson is a Unionist but has
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  • 27 10 London, Mar. 9, 3.15 p.m. Teheran Prince Firman Firma has resigned. The Russophile Sipahsa Larazam succeeds him as Premier and Minister of the Interior.
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  • 26 10 London, Mar. 9, 3.15 p.m. Rotterdam Only three steamers entered the waterway in forty-eight hours, owing apparently to the activity of German warships.
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  • 111 10 London, Mar. 10, 12.15 p.m. Messrs. Montagu's report says that the undertone of the silver market continues good and prices are well maintained. Supplies are not large, but the demand is somewhat broadened, though Indian bazaars and China made only moderate purchases. Exchange on China is nearer
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  • 116 10 (By Courtesy of the French Consul-General) Paris, March 8, 6.30 p.m. The French 3 per cent bonds are at francs 62.50 and 5 per cent at 88.35. Yesterday, in tht Argonne we brought down a German aeroplane. We repulsed attacks on the west of the Meuse, except
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  • 51 10 London, Mar. 9, 11.45 p.m. A communique states that the East Africa troops under General Smuts advanced against the German forces in the Kilimanjaro area. General Smuts on March 7 seized the crossings on the Lumi Rivsr with insignificant losses. Several coun-ter-attacks of the enemy were successfully
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  • 67 10 London, March 9, 2.5 a.m. Rome The communique stales that the continuance of bad weather is hampering operations in the mountain zone. The enemy sought to turn the weather to account by firing high explosives and bringing down avalanches on the Italian positions, but they did no
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  • 63 10 London, Mar. 9, 4.30 p.m. At a meeting at Cardiff of attested married men it was resolved to form an association to protect their interests. It was declared that the pledge given by Mr. Asquith and Lord Derby had not been kept, and it was urged that
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  • 39 10 London, Mar. 9, 4.30 p.m. In the House of Commons, Lord Robert Cecil said that the question of extending the list of absolute contraband so as to include every commodity vitally necessary for enemies was being considered.
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  • 22 10 London, Mar. 9, 3.15 p.m. The mark on neutral exchanges is now twenty-nine per cent below its normal value.
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  • 18 10 Heavy Toll of Life. Probably 930 men perished with the sunk auxiliary French cruiser Provence.
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  • 12 10 Sixteen Germans have escaped from the internment camp at Bergen.
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  • 22 10 All Prussian males of the age of 17 years have been ordered to report at once for immediate service.
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  • 19 10 The AmBterdaminer Telegraph states that the Radical patty has decided 4a favour of increasing the war taxation.
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  • 24 10 The Zeeland Company, which maintains a service between Flushing and England, has decided to resume its runs with paddle steamers.
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  • 22 10 The military air squadron has been manoeuvering between Soesterberg and Scheveningen. Queen Wilhelmina and Her consort watched the evolutions.
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  • 89 10 A Zeppelin and twenty-five German warships have been signalled off the Islapd of Vlieland, coming from the North West. [Vlieland is one of thi Frisian Islands, 10 miles long, on the coast of Holland. It is not far from Terschelling. Tercshelling, where the German fleet was sighted
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  • 42 10 London, Feb. 9, 3.15 p.m. The death is announced of Mr. Fred T. Jane, the well-known author and journalist. London, March 10, 1.45 p.m. The deaths are announced of Captain Bond Shelton. a survivor of the Birkenhead, and Lord Ronald Leveson-Gower.
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  • 69 10 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce ard Exchange will be held in the Exchange Room on March 20 at 2.15 p.m. There will be a parade of the .R., including the Mutiny contingent, on the Padang, Kuala Lumpur, to-day at 5 p.m., the occasion being the
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  • 35 10 New Classics for Epsom. London, Mar. I.Sjp Substitnteg for the BY. Pci Will be run at s.^*j3 ing at Newmarket, nam.T S New Derby on Hay I Oaks on June l._i*; T H
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  • 27 10 io-morrow launches win Johnston's Pier at 9.10 an,l and 2.30 and 3.30 pT l l from the Club bungalow at lifl 10.30 a.m. 12.15,
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  • 39 10 S. C. C. Tournament. A lawn tennis tournament, take place in June when the frii ing events will be played f? Pjonship, Singles and ]Q Handicap, Profession Pai r 9 comers Handicap and W Doubles handicap. cr
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  • 86 10 Chinese in Shanghai, Boad Foochow, Peking, Tientsin, 2 and other places are now phnm, local athletic meetings to be U this spring and summer obiect of selecting, by the proce*, elimination, one hundred tf Chinese athletes to go to JaVJ compete in the Far Extern G a!a
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  • 140 10 Election of Three Members. It is notified in yesterdar Gazette that a meeting of Justie of the Peace will be held in I First Magistrate's Chambers at t l Pol cc Courts, Singapore, on MoJ day March 13 at 12.30 to electthn Justices to fill vacancies on j
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  • 81 10 The third number of kheWi pore Searchlipht has reached sfjj is as bright as ever. There is d ol dull page between the covers, some of the articles arc very and will be of the greatest interuj also to those who do not MongJ the force, most rations
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  • 56 10 We acknowledge receipt, untitled thanks, of a handy, useful, n neatly got-up pamphlet issued the Vehicles Registration I'-V ment setting forth hackney riage and jinrikiha fared. which there is often a good deM doabt. The tables of fares ami« tances is very well set out, 1* arranged alphabetically Nvitll j
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 217 10 I 5 for the pries of 4 I i S Ist Motorist (pointing to burst tyre) "Hullo, old chap, I'm in trouble one of my confounded j jit tyres has buret, and I haven't a spare." aS g tfnd Jfcftri* No spare and I always looked on yon as an
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    • 47 10 Furniture Sales. Powell Co's Fixtures Mar. 25—At Balmeg, PassirPa* jang. The property I W. J. TrowelL. Esq. April 1—At Moss Bank, Grat* Ptoad. The property of 1 A. P. Van Rijn. April 8—At Nassirn Lodge. W sim Hill, Tanglin. J property of the HonW Sir Evelyn Ellid.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 95 11 ««**ifni I THE I Pot Stills! I I I 0F i Great Britain f Have Been I Taken Oyer by Government, I NEVERTHELESS 5 Buchanan's! 3 will be able to continue 5 to supply their famous 3 blends and to maintain 3 the quality as before, 5 being in the
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    • 269 11 M ORIENTAL Government Security Life Assurance Co., Lifted. ETABLISHID 1874. INCORPORATED IX T.XDIA. < Life Assurance at Minimum Cost, ASSETS exceed S2tm<H>o-ARSOIIiTE SECURITY. Profits to Policy-holders it last Valuation $1,116 673. LOWEST Apply for Prospectus and full Information to LIBERAL Sincere Branch Office CONDITIONS J. R. MACPHSRSON, Secretary for S.S.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 231 11 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for the week ending Friday, March 17 g To-day. <5.oU p.m. Balestier Range i sn rp SVR No 2 Pltn. 30 p.m. Trenches Alex Chinese Co. To-morrow. 8 30 a.m. Cold Storage Depot., West Wharf Maxim Co., 7.30 a.m. Drill Hall S.R.E. v. it Balestier Range
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  • 53 12 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE EMPIRE. Subsidy to Chemical Institute. The Government has decided to present to tbe House of Representatives a Bill for subsidizing tbe Chemical lustitute to the aggregate amount of Y2.000,000 in tbe course of ten 3ears with a yearly allotment of
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  • 43 12 50 charges of blasting dynamite lor use at the sea-bottom spontaneously exploded on the premises of the Yokosaka Naval Dockyard on Feb. 18, resulting in 2 labourers being killed outright and 7 wounded. The shop itself was blown to atoms.
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  • 48 12 With regard to the Japanese fishery privileges in the Siberian Littorals, negotiations regarding which are now in progress between Japanese Ambassador Motono and the Russian authorities, tbe Russia Government has consented to permit the joint fishery of both nationals until the close of the war.
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  • 54 12 Maj.-Gen. Samoiloff, Military attache to the Kussiau Embassy, Tokio, nailed from Japan on the 10th for Switzerland for a change of air, via Shanghai. He died before the ship reached Shanghai. H.I.M. the Emperor was pleasfd to decorate the deceased with the Second Class Order cf
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  • 66 12 Altogether "800,000 and 7,000 trees In rupd figures had been contributed up to tho 15th iu>st. to the Meiji Shiine to be built in dedication to the sacked memory of His late Majesty Meiji Tenno. The construction in expected to be taken in hand towards the
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  • 78 12 The N.Y.K. s.s. Iyo Maru, b,320 tons, which entered the port of Kobe on Feb. 11 with a consignment of 4,575 tons of raw cotton from India, caught fire on the eveuing of Feb H while unloading her cargo by lighter*. Fire broke out in
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  • 83 12 An Austrian colonel, who had covered up his trail after landing at Yokohama from the s.s. Tango Maru, was located at the Club Hotel on Feb. 13. He bought railway tickets for Kobe with two Japanese, and, after j tiffining at a Japanese rrst», was proce*dmg
    83 words
  • 133 12 A new chemical industry company has been Heated in Yokohama under the style of the Chemical industry Company by Messrs Fukusaburo Watanabe. Ruranosuke Kimura, KichijiroTotsukn. and other leading business men conuected with the Yokohama Fish Oil Company. Tbe new company, with a capital of 500,00 C yen,
    133 words
  • 122 12 Fire brokef out at 11 p. L en Feb. 9in the tervants' quart; 8 of the Shiha Middle School, Shiba Park, Tokio. Owing to tbe strong gale then prevailing the flames spread to the whole of tbe buildings. Before the outbreak waslgot under, at 1 a.m., the
    122 words
  • 149 12 Tuberculosis Day was organised by the Salvation Army on Feb. 12 and the v Kigensetsu and copies of the "War Cry" were sold at all important centres of Tokio under the direction of Commissioner Henry W. Mapp. Though tlie exact results are not yet announced, it is understood
    149 words
  • 179 12 Some twenty ho'el managers, mem bers of the Japan Hotel Association, gathered at the Imperial Hotel no Feb. 12 for the seventh spline general meetimr. The attendance was good, many the members travelling a comiderable distance in to be present, and the met ting was described as one
    179 words
  • 244 12 The statement of a foreign Tokyo contemporary that the Russian loan floated in Japan was a failure was authoritatively denied by a high official of tbe Russian Embassy in conversation with a representative of the Japan Times. When His Ex- cellency the Russian Ambassador i signed the
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  • 166 12 The outstanding feature of the Bill for tariff revision which was introduced before the House of Kepresen tatives on Feb. 14 is that the materials for various branches of imtuatry be made duty free and an increase be i fleeted in the tariff for t..0 especially medical Kood*.
    166 words
  • 216 12 The Government introduced in the Lower Houao two bills regarding the issue of new domestic loan bonds for the purpose ol raising funds required tor the carrying out of national debt redemption to the amount of 40 million yen in the coming fiscal year. Tbe bills embody
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  • 141 12 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune). Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-day:— Alor Gajah $3.30 $3.50 Ayer Kunings 1.30 1.40 Ayer Blolek 2.15 225xd Ayer Panas 9.35 9.50 Balgownie 4.50 4.75 Bukit Jelotong 0.67 i 0,75 Bukit Katil 0.85" 0.95 Changkat Serdg....
    141 words
  • 721 12 Prices Qa»ted in the Market this bWOAPOBE, Ma« Broken,, issue the following ER*2S Robber Sham. Norn. Value. n m ft 1 Anglo Java m 2/- Anglo-Malay 1 AyerKuning Rt 1 1 Bukit Kajang 40/ 2/- Bukit Mertafam 2 1 Bukit Rajah \J_ 2/- Bukit Selangor L 2/-
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 180 12 WORLD'S CYCLE RECORD, AU-Sieei M BAP Mo' wrji Coventry FHyosr 5 Rde 34,366 Mil mm in 30 v xaA (ofliciaiSy authenticatricK beat iQH JHr\\ 6-0 compelitoi* on up to-rlme c• rv Mhm. JwlflAl H'ARRAXTHD FfFrF.F.S YF.ARS Duuiop Tyres. Van tb •-Sjv<fl Clearly £3-W to £9. Direct from factory. Packed tree,
      180 words

  • 221 13 Effects of Big Boom. Rush to Tavoy Mines. There is a steady influx of people and firms of standing into Tavoy, all of whom are either trying to get concessions or are prepared to open op those already existing by placing fresh or additional capital for the
    221 words
  • 43 13 At M eester Cornelis, a suburb of Ptaviu, an aged hadji was set upon m his house by a gang of five ••titt-a His assailants forced him t* °P«n his box, whence they abstractwe whole of his worldly wealth, Vl/ three hundred guilders.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 845 13 I L k 3t th S 9 Extraordinary Strong Picture Programme X AT THE M I Alhambra Theatre VI m THE HOUSE OF QUALITY BEACH KOAD. >| I The Most Commodious T h HOHE F FEATURE ATTRACTIONS. g MANAGER, mmod.ous, The Most Up-to-date, The Leading Theatre in Singapore. X M.
      845 words

  • 823 14 Why tbe Allies will Win. The New York Herald published the following telegram from ita special correspondent in London recently:— 41 I am rtbw absolutely certain we will win this war,' was the naively neutral declaration of Colonel George B. Harvey, editor of the North American Review,
    823 words
  • 337 14 Mr. H. 0. D. Harding, District Judge, Trichinopoly, was stabbed on Feb. 22. while going to his conrtand succumbed to his injuries His assassin is in custody. A- telegram was received here that afternoon from Trichinopoly stating that Mr. H. 0. D. Harding, District Judge, had been fatally
    337 words
  • 151 14 Large parties of wounded British soldiers from Germany arrived at Tilbnry on Feb. 8. Man* have lost limbs at Mons and Charleroi some are in an advanced stage of tuberculosis. One has related an astounding story of German frightfulness. Two thousand Russian prisoners of war were taken to the
    151 words
  • 50 14 A paragraph going the rounds of our contemporarieF states that Towkay Loke Yew is subscribing a million dollars to the FM.S. War Loan. This, says the Malay Mail, is not Ulte r£° rr ct for as a maU *r of fact, tha Towkay is subscribing more than a million dollars.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 401 14 3-1» Beach Road. Most Comfortable Japanese Hotel in Singapore. Charges Moderate K. TSUTADA Jipam&e Dentist 74 6 74 1 EMS BASAH FOAD. Extraction Painless. Charges JVI ode rate. WORK GUARANTEED. Coisvltatioa ia cither English ,'or Malay Telephone No. 1245. 18-12 xx THE SERVANTS' AGENCY OFFICE No. 17 Dhoby GK»ut. Singapore.
      401 words
    • 150 14 HAS FORCED V j^v PUBLIC THflfiftiH SHEER Tuition by Correspondence FOR Oxford and Cambridge Locals, London University Matriculation Hongkong University Matriculation, Professional Preliminary Examination, S. S. and F. M. S. Medical School Exam], nation AND ALL EXAMINATIONS IN CONNECTION WITH GOVERNMENT CLERKSHIPS IN THE S.S. AND F.M.S. Prospectus and Scale
      150 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 329 15 I TO BE LET I TO LET. I fwo Story Compound house 14 off Gay la tig Road, J»rate rent. Apply to No. 186 1.. 1 v^d. I TO LET. I de. 6 Upper Wilkie Road, full) -it tinted tennis lawn, 4 z etc, and water laid on. Ist April
      329 words
    • 485 15 NOTICE. has had 20 years experience in dieeases of the 5a lv e a?tu nd Ur j nary tracts a °tenas aauy at his residence at 7-1 Oxlpv 1-3 30-4 NOTICE. Subscribers to the Malaya Tribune to whom accounts have been rendered but who have not yet paid them are
      485 words
    • 418 15 JANTEL WANTED. A Chinese Dispenser is wanted for a Loot] dispensary. State salary to Box 210, c/o Malaya Tribune. 17 2 16-3 House Wanted. Wanted to buy a Residential European House or Bungalow near ;n W "*ir App fr f^ lllB all Particulars to House c/o M. T. 25-3 WANTED.
      418 words
    • 483 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY ROYAL CHARTER, Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of t? i£1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 mi -j-j BANKERS. City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster SSr P l 6 National Provincial
      483 words
    • 406 15 INSURANCE HEUNC ON INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Uonjkon,.) Ca P' ul $1,000,0 M. FIRE DEPARTMENT —Risks acceDtPfl on Buildings and Merchandise at current rates. MARINE DEPARTMENT France effected on Hulls and Cargo. For full particulars as to rates and all other information Apply to the Branch Office, •59 Market
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 206 16 I GUAN KIAT Co, s Head Office: 3T Pbillip Street. i ft s BRANCH STORES A T ;—Phillip Street No. 14 and Tank Road Nos. 14, 100 and 102. J Telegraphic Address I Telefrkone Nos. 1174, 1178, 1233. f Codes Used S I GUANKIAT. I 1450 1073.) 1 A.B.C. 5th
      206 words

    • 19 1 Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Daily.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Daily.] No. 59 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. MARCH 11. 1916
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 383 1 P/O.Britlsh India AND Apcar Line oyPANIES I KCOHPORATM) IN ■*«LA*TD.) Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under iVntract vfith His Majesty's Government). China, Japan, P?nang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden. Egyps Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on <»r about Mail Lines. iKWARB (fob Europe). Outward (for
        383 words
      • 316 1 STOOMVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ (STEAMSHIP COMPANY) "NEDERLAND" THREE WEEKLY MAIL SERVICE BETWEEN JAVA AND AMSTERDAM, VIA SINGAPORE, BELAWAN-DELI, SABANG. DURBAN, CAPETOWN, LAS PALMAB AND VICE YERHA i SttJttiiitrK are dne to arrive on fch* undermentioned dates OUTWARD. Rembrandt Mar. l 1 Oranje Mar. 28 Vtmdel Apl. 18 Kon del Nederl. May 9 Grotiai
        316 words
      • 564 1 I N. V, K. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPaN (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.) EUROPEAN LINE A service 11 maintained between YokohaiE,, ria ports le Mai*e,H*s and Undon, under mail contract with the Imperial r.TJ! Government rh e New Twin-screw Steamers tl.i, £rvWf nave been specially designed and constructed, and
        564 words
    • 520 2 Europe. For London Protesilaus, > March 11 titano Mam April 14 Iyo Maru, March 1") Nankin March 15 oyama Maru March 16 Oteniffer May 20 Demodocus March 25 Glenstrae March iS More April 4 Teiresias April 8 Wor (ienaa Gleniffer May For Liter pool Pingsuey due Bumaens
      520 words
    • 327 2 Vessels in Port. British. STKAMKH BERTH. OATH Sri Patana Inn**r Rds 9-1 Recorder Outer Rds 2.1-1 Bataviei Inner Rds 3-3 Fultala No. 7 Wharf 4-,'t Magnet Inner Riis do Giang Ann do do Kuala do 7-,' i Devawongf* do 8 t Hye Leong do do Carlyle do do
      327 words
    • 641 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station as. Reuibraudt. s.s. Meiohior Treub, s.s. Elumphius, s.». Roggeeevn, s.s. Tclegraat s.s. Santa Rosalia. The P. k O. liner Nore leave* on the 4th April for Europe. The motor liner rfionia (East Asiatic
      641 words
    • 65 2 ['he Prince Line, of Newcastle, has ordered two passenger steamships from Messrs Palmer, of -Jarrow, and two from Messrs Doxford, of Sunderland. These vessels will each be 450 feet long and will have a carrying capacity of 8,000 t<> 9,000 tons.* The Messrs Hawthorn-Leslie Company, of Hebburn, booked
      65 words
    • 45 2 Against the following ports quarantine restrictions are notified by the Master Attendant. Commander B. A Cator, r.n. Suspected Ports Bassein for small-pox. Moulmein for plague. Infected Ports Bombay On account <»t smallpox and plague. Rangoon On account of plague and small-pox. Bangkok Plague.
      45 words
    • 73 2 Comparative figures for the months <>1 February 1915 and 1916 ■how that there has been a great increase in the takings of Customs Duties, the lifTerence l>ein<: Hs. 127,340.46. The tioure read ss follows l.l.>. 1914». [tnpoti taxe* i- J22.750.22 9*. &i6J»20.33 Rxpnrt taxes v>..'H.4'' 7ft9,51ft89 ■xdae ..ti
      73 words
    • 122 2 Mines have been responsible for iui iot»b 01 iv.< t»! 11i>ti war vessels on the hast Coast and some loss ;01 life has been incurred. They are the following ships The t.b.d. Coqnette. She is one of the earlier type of vessels, having been completed in 18|b».She
      122 words
    • 228 2 Shipyards at a Standstill. Owing to a disagreement between some of the Chinese employees and a foreman, and the subsequent intervention of the men's Guilds, the two ship-building yards in the Colony are practically idle, this at a time when both are burdened with much new work.
      228 words
    • 42 2 (BEFORE C,¥« CaTOK. s This morning an Vf McLean In name, t- Sec. L 32. M.3.0. 191 himself away on the i while that veysp! was i Hongkong. I The accusa l receiv i>! 11 days' rig' r- t; 5
      42 words
    • 47 2 Ihe South atanehuri (Dairen) Hokoka M < which left Sing, pore for Kurope, ha.- not I since. So telegraphic i had 1 >een receive, 1 qu i her call at an? of th< ly appointed by the Grave anxiety ifl nfcei i j her fate.
      47 words
    • 68 2 At Bidadari, 3 estei (a the intermei I of Mr aged 4o years, chi< B. I. liner Fsdtala, too Key. W. Cross oondactingtl mon\. The deceased suddenly at the Nursint B Wednesday last 1;. gathering of friends, the agents being represeri I p era! officers of
      68 words
    • 269 2 T he Late Mr. Fred. T 4aoj Renter that M<. Jane, the noted na\a! p < I ieci. This will i>e i't cvivtnl V. greatest l>\ aii ;i naval matters, as his \vork> added to naval study i interest in our Th<* was born in lS7u ami
      269 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 37 2 SINGAPORE SHIPCHANDLERYGo SHIPCHANDL RS I C3nRACTiIRS, The Company's Launcii n incoming ship" Office:—l 6 Battery Boad. TAKE UFT TO TOP FLOOR Telephone No. 141. Orders promptly attended to fro* January Ist, 1916. H. W. H.'.STEVEMS, 5 1
        37 words
    • 630 3 Rates Rising—Tonnage Shorter. j4j nc e our last report there has Igen no relief in the position of the Home markets. These hare farther tened to the great chagrin of charterers, who have in some cases neutral vessels to British or der to ensure that they will
      630 words
    • 236 3 Rubber. To London, from Singapore, Penang, Port Swettenham or Malacca, 137s. 6d. per ton of 50 cubic feet. To London, from Port Dickson or Teluk Anson, 142s. fid. per ton of 50 cubic feet. To New York or Boston (direct) from Singapore or Port Swettenbam per steamers calling
      236 words
    • 89 3 Vessels Expected. Tara (B.I.) 11th March, from India for Singapore. Agents, Messrs Boustead. Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Teucer (Holt) 16tb March, from Europe for Singapore, China and Japan. Agents, Messrs Boustead Hampshire and Co., Ltd. Protesilaus (Holt) 16th March, from Singapore for Colombo and London. Agents, Messrs Boustear\
      89 words
    • 20 3 From Rotterdam sailed on Feb. 26 the freighter Kediri via Genoa for Singapore. She will proceed to Java from here.
      20 words
    • 120 3 Specially superscribed letter* only. The B. I. liner Tara with mails fror London, left Negapatam at 9 a.m. c Tuesday the 7th instant, and may be expectea to arrive at Penang on Saturday morning, the 11th instant. The outward M. v packet Lotus left Colombo at 5 p.m. on Thursday,
      120 words
    • 200 3 London Bookings. Per P 0 Malwa:—Mrs. J. A. Webster, Mr. C. L. Caldicott, Mr. Mrs. Pearson,Mr. Howell, Mr. k Mrs. E. Johnson and 2 children, Mr. Mrs. Tagg, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Garton, Mr. Mrs. Brown, Mr. k Mrs. Marshall, Mr. Gage. Per P O Khiva :—Mrs. Grisby and
      200 words
    • 66 3 MASDNn°r ller J?!ft Ton*. DM,!,. B.S. Co, Ltd.) March 7 > Glasgow. Maritt. Palermo.) March 6 TEUTO NUN V BritlBh 8 7 Sunk. March 6.) m (Sunk. March 6., crew and fil 8> Algiers MarCh 5 MinSpet) UnknoWD (Bun k t March s) 3H,es (j Sr
      66 words
    • 89 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of th« European Mails and their deliveiy in London. Mail. Left. Dklivbrkd. B. 1. Dec. 31 Jan. 26 P. AO. Jan. 5 Feb. 4 B. I. Jan. 13 Feb. 14 P. O. Jan. 20 Feb. 19
      89 words
    • 109 3 Mar. 11—High water :—2.7 a oj. 8 ft. 5 ins.; 3-30 p.m. 6 ft. 5 ins. Mar. 12. —High water :—2-46 a.m 8 ft. 4 45 p.m. 5 ft 8 ins. Mar. 13—High water :—3.37 a.m 7 ft. 5 ins. 7 14 p.m. 5 ft. 8 ins.
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 226 3 M. M. MEBBACERIES MARITIMEB. Mail Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, MARSEILLES. H M WAED OUTWAkD. 191« t916 Atlantiqiie Mar. 13 Porthos Apl. It Ama*one Mar. 24 ordillere Apl. 25 £°tas Mar. 27 Andre Labon May. 9 Polynesien Apl. 7 Atlantic, ue May. 23 Mhos Apl. 10 Amasoae J» n 6
        226 words
      • 462 3 combined Service ©ff The Ocean S.S.Co.,Ud. (Incorporated in England) AND The West Australian S.N. Co., Ltd. (Incorporate.! in Kugland.) BKTWKBH FREMANTLE (PERTH), NORTH WEST AUSTRALIAN PORTS, JAVA AND SINGAPORE. Regular -ailing;- between Singapore and Western Australia, calling at Java (as inducement offers), Darby, King's Sound (Port for the Kimberley Gold
        462 words
    • Page 3 Miscellaneous
      • 228 3 Mails Close. To-day. Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Malta 2 pn Muntok 4 Palembang Van Goens 2.80 pa Batu Pahat Menu 2.80 pn Hongkong, Amoy and Swatow Hong Wan I 2.80 pm Medan Mediua 2.80 pm Sembilan 2.80 pm Sibu Flevo >.80 pm Malacca, P. Swettenham and Penang *Klang 2.80 »m
        228 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
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      • 587 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Japan) (Cmnttwmtors to the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy and to Foreign Gov&rnmente.) Cable Addrmmb. C DBS l nm) Al, A.8.C., DOCKYARD Wmt Western I 'wi"p Kobe MWfliß^^ S Scott's. Tiber's, son DOCK-DAIRHir. .Engineering KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and Locomotive Makers. All sizes and
        587 words
      • 332 4 Ocean Steam $h Company, Ltd 1 AND The Companies' steamer* hr patched from Liverpool out. the Straits, China and k week and from Japan honeW? London, Amsterdam and every fortnight for G*noa M*3 les and Liverpool and tor \f«r Havre and Liverpool monthly,2 outward steamer every 28 H tends to
        332 words