Malaya Tribune, 3 March 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 46 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vci. R. Mo. 52. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916 Price 5 Cents. ch npaiapa tribune. FRIDAY, MARCH 3. Straits Shipping Gazette. tji Daily.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issue c* Dallj SINGAPORE FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1916
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 341 1 A PROGRAMME OF SURE WINNERS I AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE I 4^saJL«3"fcy 99 Picture Palace the best ol the World's Best Productions are Screened,' Junction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets. i In The Second SHow I THE FRENCH CHASSEURS OF AFRICA New Pathe Official War Gazette. j Co, Presen.
      341 words
    • 168 1 i '»mum ■uMfI J -tiiim-rwi ,mmi ~„j~ 1 II 11l tVttTIMIM. j v/% pp ss| s 1 I I Acetic (99&98t) Acid I J! 5 s Veneer Chests l j I Moml Chests f Lafsjir Oops m c V» fS I etc. I s I Mitsui diaisfja, Jstd. (Incorporated in
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  • 539 2 Russia's Answer to Germany. M. Dolitch, the well-known mi.:taiy sad naval criti- writing in tie Novoe Vi in\a (Jaa. 12 on Hermean's dec a ration that she aims/t the realisation of the M freedo v o< tut seas" which must be an e>»euti i condition 01
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 130 2 ii— mv im THE NOVELTY OF THE MOMENT H. WI. S. MALAYA. mounted or "1 rubber tyred ||-§f wheeiyor ON VIEW AT JOHN LITTLE Co, Ltd. INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND. —i^———^ i»i mm———^^h^m^^—^^^^^^^^^^^ Before deciding Elsewhere for your in the Furniture Line GALL ON THE OLD FIRM A. Frankel Co. VICTORIA
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    • 82 2 INSANITY CURE. Dr. \Y. C. Roy's specific for Insanityis th<- only medicine of its kind found to cure all forms of insanity, sleepessness. neurasthenia, epilepsy, hysteria, mental derangement, etc, spoken of highly by the leading physicians of the ag". Price Rs. 5 per bottle. Literature free on application. S. C.
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    • 330 2 wmmmmmwmmm mmmmmmmmmmwmmmmm\ mm* n w i mm i« mfi ■■■■■■•^■immwmmmmim,,^^,^ POWELL Co.'s I CALENDAR FOR MARCH, 1916. Sex. r > U 19 i 1 j If ON. 6j 13 20 27 TUES. 7 14 21 28 Wed, 1 s 15 22 29 Turns. 2 9 10 23 30 FRL .J
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  • 492 3 Nearly iMissed Her Wedding. The correaponilent who contributed the Ladies' Column from London to the Ceylon Observer is responsible for the following Winds and waves consider no one, and owing to the unchivalrous behaviour of the elements. Miss Elaa Andvord, the beautiful bride of Commander Edward
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 215 3 MOTOR CARS ON HIRE I MOTOR REPAIRERS MOTOR CAR IMPORTERS GREASE Cylinder Oil I AND Motor Accessories j OF I Every Description. Sole Agents For: I Rettl Weiss Oil Engines The Celebrated Star, Mitchell and Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles —MICHELIN TYRES. Gasolene light Cycle Co. 5,5-1 5-2, BEACH ROAD.
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    • 147 3 IMPERIAL TEA. Die. d< «1 and put up in tins, also supplied in bulk. One lb. tin. Green label Rs. I, Yellow label As. 13, Rtd label As. 11- Apply for particulars to Sole Agent for the East. P. R. Y. IYER, 60, Srigopal Mullik Line. Calcutta. 20-12 M 20-3
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    • 228 3 m SSSSSSĔ ■————————I—i Tuition by Correspondence FOR Oxford and Cambridge Locals, London CJmversity y atriculatioD, Hongkong University Matriculation, Preiimincry Examination, S. S. and F. M. S. Medical School Enlace Esamination AND ALL EXAMINATIONS IN CONNECTION VTITH GOVERNMENT CLERKSHIPS IN THE S.S. AND F.M.S. Prospectus arid Scale of Fees on Application
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 321 4 AUCTION SALES. j PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Auction Sale of Valuable Land ai d Houses So*. U4 to 274 KaJlang Koad (even numbers) j Houses at Sin Koh Street and Nan Lock btre t and |brick kiln< and coconut plantation at Kallang rudding. TO BE HELD]AT MESSRS CHING X EN<; LEE a
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    • 218 4 AUCTION SALES. Auction Sale of ALI'ABLE LEASEHOLD LAND AND HOUSE No. 17 Mohamed Sultan Road TO BE HELD AT Messrs CUing Keng Lee A- C". s Sale-room On Monday. 6.h March. 1916. at 2-30 p.m. All those two pi<rt>s of Leasehold land situate at Mohamed Sultan Road, being lots and
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    • 207 4 AUCTION SALES. IN THE ESTATE 01 bHAIh \Li 3IN AMBAH BAN AM AH (DECEASED.) AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD LAND* AND HOUSES SITUATE AT Weld Road, East Coast Koad, and off Teluk Kurau Road. To be hold at Messrs CHING KENG LEE Co.S BALE-BCOM On Monday, 13th March, 1916, at
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  • 578 5 Pricjs Qia Market this Morning SINOAPuitK, M.VK< H v jid Kvatt, Exchange and .Share ihe foUowiaa liat of quotations: Rubber Shares. Buyer*. Seller*. 2"- Al 1 i©fx Kauuig I»/- 2njL MsUka 2/4J j ifcu i;»vct 2.»0/-now „11 •> I •> M v' tUj b no/- -J. S
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  • 426 5 w e ;lo not know whether any immediate good will result from the acceptance, by th« Indian J»°wniaent, of the Hon'ble Mr bnrendranath Bannerjee'a resolati«>n on malaria meaaarea, but it wonkl have !>een vert stranife if the resolution" had been dismissed and defeated. can 4 uestion
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 595 5 mm "■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■MHMHHMMMHß* /I Supercminent Attraction To Might AT THE IDEAL PICTURE THEATRE Cinema CASINO JSXL THOM\> EDISON PRESENTS THE FAMOUS AND WORLD-FAME I) ACTRESS MARY FULLER IN DOLLY of the DAILIES By Acton Davies—ln 12 Parts. A Series of 12 Splendid Stories PKODI CKD IX COLLABORATION WITH Home Chat The
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  • 396 6 The Truth about The Great War. Free to Malays and.lndians. For months past we Uave been publishing weekly and distributing free, as a supplement to the Malaya Tribnne, all over the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States a paper styled War Veivs (>'» Urdu, Gurmukhi and Mala}) containing
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  • 692 6 Here ate home facta about the life of the German people during the war M Rome time ago attention was drawn," says the Amaterdam correspondent of the Sunday Tim rj s, to tio- number of items of criminal n< ws appearing; in the German Press. The increase in
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  • 68 6 Singapore, March Ou London— Bank 4 m/s 2/4 19/32 Demand 2\A\ Private I] m/s 2/4 29/32 On India— Bank T. T. 174.J On Hongkong— Bank d/d lo:, On Shanghai Bank d/d On Java— Bank P. T. 131 i On Japan— Bank d/d 111} Sovereigns—buying rate 5.04 India Ceil Bills
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 313 6 I EMPIRE CINEMA i Takjono Paoar Road. Opposite Kreta Ayer Police Sta Excellent Change of Pictures Programme for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Mar A VITAGRAPH FEATURE Reei s The Pirates Reeds. i W itfa the Late John Runny in the Role, j A GREAT MUTUAL EXCLUSIVE
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  • 1433 7 War I unds from America. v 1 message of 12th ~.,< nt i mek-enger sent by U \ear to America lect funds for the uh returned to Yoko- f.f G. $1,800,000 i front amongst the i v Ami rica with the em ra I j 1 nang-hsing.
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  • 446 7 A Study in Enforced Simplicity. This is not a Tillage buried hundreds of miles away from Paris. You can reach it in three*quarteri of ai. hours jour nay from the Gare St. La/.are; yet it i* hs purely countrified as if situated in Brittany or Provence.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 303 7 Latest Advertisements.^ G.W.5. De Silva Co. GOLDSMITHS JEWELLERS. 46 sllegie Road. Solicit the Public's Patronage. Engraving our Speciality. u MMiHiMBHiMiii aim IHMM ■> i nvtc X O L E T From May is*. Iff 10, Important Business Premises At No. 32 Raffles Place Now in the cccupation of Messrs Kelly
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    • 154 7 WANTED AT 0KC A Junior clerk with a knowledge of Tvrewriting (hmpire). .spply N. P. O. c/o Malaya Tribune. Straits Information Bureau. Advertising Experts. Translations Undertaken at Fixed Rates. 6, The Arcade. Tel. 1401. 1 3-1 31.3 Tin=ore Bags and j Rubber Scrap Bags FOR SALE. CANVAS WORK of all
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  • 653 8 To the January number of the English Review (published at J < Tavistock Street, Covent Garden. London) the Editor, Mr. Austin. Harrison, contributed a very interesting article on National Policy and Principle in which he contends that it is essential that a national policy should be laid down,
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  • 39 8 ribu 'tf Special?) Illness of Captain Rose. Penang, Feb. 2. —Dr. J. s. Rose, Assist. Municipal Health Officer, and a Captain of the Penai 3 Volunteers, has been admitted to the General Hospital Bafferin« i mm appendicitis.
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  • 53 8 Splendid Patriotic Gift Mz. Alma Baker telegraphs !r m Katu Uajah: Thesplendidly patriotic gift, to the Empire of one reconnaissance aeroplane lias been un i* >y two well-known towkavs i Penang, Gan Nob Bee and KhCheow Teong. This aeroplane will l>« Mala\a No. 15, and it will named
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  • 112 8 The Great War jm 7'he Western Front The War on Shipping v ational Economy Russian War Budget A M imstry of Commerce incendiariam in Canada Moratorium Liabilities Strikes in Spain French Consular Nt ws Freedom of the Seas A Brave Man's Bride Stocks and Shares War With Malaria
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 127 8 ROBINSON Co] White Rose Hair Oil JH* SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR ROBINSON GO. *rLt cxc i perfumed jfwupgp dressing for the hair. Price 65 cts. per bottle. ROBINSON Co. ——■—mm i i iii mm* ii n urn iiihh inn i nnfn—inun ii ■iwi mt Motor Spirit SOLI) BY All Garages and
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    • 136 8 iiou_ i_mmm_iii ii i —.—> ~7 1 1 11 Whisky. I Good Quality. j j I I V *9 I Reasonable Price l i Supplied to must Clubs, Hotels, I Messes, etc. throughout the Straits I F.M.S. Cald&ecl.,M2cgregor^Co. SINGAPORE MALACCA. i ADELPHI: HOEEL j r. I Special! Dinner I I
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    • 20 8 Sweetened condensed Milk per case S 13.90 J Z Sterilised Naiural Milk 9.30 j j Idea! Unsweetened Milk S 9.25
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  • 812 9 1 >I.LV> «lown. irins» party styling them ,j>- opening for t in Kuala Lumpur or K \gine Works ntion on page 12 ol n ex< >ellent method <»1 p >rtation problems. Sit <»i Mr. Joost van London, on behalf S IK i.. several weighty >garding I 'inch
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  • 68 9 The Japanese lied Cross Corps despatched to England for assistance in the Red Cross work is expected here on the return journey per the s.s. Fushimi Maru, which is due on the sth or tlth instant. The members of the party are Dr. Jiro Suzuki, M.D., Chief
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  • 125 9 Port Swettenham Benefit Society. A club styled Darn! Akhbar Clob has been started at Port Swettenham by the Malays. The club has for its! object the rendering of monetary assistance to the Malay community in cases of marriages, death, etc. The first general meeting was held on
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  • 172 9 In the Second Court, this morning, ten Chiuese were bi tught np before Mr. K. L Talma charged with gambling in a boose in Johore Road. The accused pleaded guilty and were fined $3 oach, half the fines to jgo to the informer $1.25 found on the spot
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  • 204 9 Prize (living. I The annual prize distribution in j connection with the Chang Hua Girls' School, Tank Road, which took place in the Y. M. C. A. Hall on the 26th nit was a most successful affair, i There was a large attendance of i parents
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  • 285 9 Fifth Annual Meeting. The fifth annual meeting of the Singapore Diocesan Association was held at Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday under the presidency of the Bishop of Singapore. A very interesting report was submitted of the work of the Association in the Straits Settlements and the Federated Malay
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  • 90 9 The Western Front. Quiet Around Verdun. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Mar. 5 p m. j Pari3: North of Verdun and Woevre there has been no important event. Intermittent bombardment at different points on our front has occurred. W e bombarded German first and second lines westward of Pont
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  90 words
  • 65 9 London, Mar. 1, 12.50 p.m. A Berlin official message claims that during the whole battle at Verdun they captured 10,800 prisoners, 78 guns, some heavy, and So machine-guns. But the Mark Still Falls. Telegrams from Scandinavia and Holland show that the German claims of successes have not arrested
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  • 54 9 L r n Ion, Match 1. t) a.m. The Admiralty reports that Flight sub-Lieutenant Simms* to day attacked and shot down a hostile aeroplane, which fell in flames a short distance in front of the Belgian lines. The combat and its result were witnessed by the Belgian
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  • 26 9 London, Mar. 1, 1.45 p.m. Rio de Janeiro The police have ascertained that two Germans caused the explosion on the steamer Tennvson.
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  • 37 9 London, Mar. 1, 1.45 p.m. Washington The armed merchantmen question will be debated in Parliament. It is expected that, with the support of the Republicans, a vote of confidence in President Wilson will be uassed.
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  • 97 9 London, March 1, 12.50 p.m. To-day marks the advertised opening of Germany's new submarine u frightfulness. The papers state that the new threat is not ridiculed, especially as without doubt Germany has been building n*w and more powerful submarines: but that every confidence is felt in the
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  • 31 9 London, Mar. 1. *'».10 p.m. Madrid It is reporte I that Garmany has sent &n ultimatum to Portugal demanding th" return of the seized vessels within forty-eight hours.
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  • 61 9 London, March 1, 7d."i p.m. Petrograd The Tsar in thanking King George for the FieldMarshal's baton expresssed the assurance that the British and Russian troops would soon c fighting side by side. General Sir Arthur Paeet. who presented the baton, >..■•! it was. s token of the
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  • 348 9 A Notable (lathering. London, Mar. fj.2o p.m. A great meeting was held a* the Goildhall to-day to urge the necessity lor national economy. Mr. Asquith did not attend owing to a chill. Mr. H. McKenna forcaute I increased taxation and said that capital and labour must be diverte
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  • 48 9 Big Montreal Klaze. London, Mar. 1, r >..;o p.m. (tttowa The Grand Trunk station at .Montreal has been burned. Later. Montreal German incendiarism is suspected. The main building of the station was burned out in less than an hour. The damage is estimated at $300,000.
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  • 81 9 London. Mar. 1, 2.f> p.m. The Associated Chambers of Commerce at their meeting yesterday unanimously passed a resolution urging the Government to take immediate steps to ':reat»- a Ministry of Commerce with a seat in the Cabinet, the Minister to be aided by a permanent advisory
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  • 66 9 London, Mar. L 2.. r > p.m. Petrograd The budget deficit is thirty-Heven millions sterling. The war is costing three millions iaily. The «irink re venae has fall n from 61 millions to less than a million. The Minister for Finance emphasises that Russia matt have full
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 50 10 Deserting Bulgarians. Lorn J on. Mar"h 1.4f> p.m. Salonika Renters correspondent iit Headquarters reports 1 the arrival daily of Bulgarian deserters, who complain of hardships and lack of food. The Germans, tjiey say, are well fed and denuding the country of foodsti.ff. Rnssophile Veiling isgrowing in Bulgaria.
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  • 140 10 London Mar. 1. 12.50 p.m. The newspapers .state that a proclamation wiii he jssned in a few clays calling up eight groups ol the married attesteds. To-day is the Just day for voluntary enlistment. The papers state that there is little evidence of widespread
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  • 39 10 London, Mar. 1, 12.50 p.m. The fiauue The Foreign Minister speaking in the Chamber denied that there was any secret understanding between Germany and Holland, and the latter country has in nowise abandoned her liberty 4>f action.
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  • 40 10 London, March 1. 1.45 p.m. Ma hid A bakers' strike owing Io ilea mesa of flonr led to a general Strike and riots. Some arrests have 1 een made. A few were wounded The Mayor has resigned.
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  • 34 10 London, Mar. 1, 12.10 p.m. General Sir John Nixon. KCP., who has had charge of the Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia since last April had audience of the King to-day.
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  • 32 10 London, Mar. I, 12.10 p. in. In the J louse of Common* to-day Mr. Walter bong said that the Government was considering the qnegation of mora tor in in liabilities.
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  • 62 10 London, Ma-. I, 12,50 p.m. Cape Town Count Mm burg Stirom, t!ie new Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies, wag entertained at luncheon by the Kigbt the Hon. Louis Botha. Members of Assembly. Visconnt Buxton and Members ,t the Cabinet, the Rt. Hon. J. Merriman. >he Premier, an I Sir
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  • 152 10 A ril id Criminals career was discussed in the 'rial of an old onYmta before the Madras Criminal Sessions recently. Moonu-aw nn Alias Senji, an old offender, was nun it ted i>n a charge of kidnapping a child and found guilty. The r< ord of his
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  • 242 10 (By Courtesy oj the French Consul-General.) Paris, Feb. 6.20 p.m. The French 3 per cent bends are at francs 61.85 and the 5 percent, at .ST.To. Yesterday, n the north of Ver<inn, we drove back several partial attacks, notably on the west of the fort of Donanmont
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  • 15 10 Cardinal Merrier. The Belgian Cardinal Mercier has returned to Brussels from Rome.
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  • 35 10 From Amsterdam is reported that a heavy fall of snow is aggravating the plight of the inhabitants in the flooded districts at Buiksloot. where ten houses have collapsed owing to the floods.
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  • 64 10 An eye-witness of the German attacks to the North of Verdun pays that on February 22 an entire German division which advanced in massed formation came under cross tire of the French artillery. The entire brigade was annihilated. Notwithstanding this the Germans ma le another eight
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  • 28 10 Last year the export from Hongkong of Chinese tin in slabs weighing 112 lbs totalled !>(U46 slabs, an increase of U.'.Nn; as compared with the export in 11*14,
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  • 212 10 Lawn Tennis. Ladies' L. T. Club. Annual Meeting. In the Club pavilion. Bras Basah Koad last evening, Mr. W. E. Hooper presided at the annual general meeting of the above. The chairman stated tint as compared with a profit of $98 in 1915 the past year had resulted
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  • 102 10 Training Commences. Officially, training does Dot commence tor the forthcoming Spring Meeting until to morrow morning when at dawn the racecourse will be opened for gallo] s. Doubtless a number of interested spectators will be present to see how some of the latest consignment of twenty-four griffins shape.
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  • 38 10 Swimming Club launches will leave Johnston's Pier en Sunday at 9, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m.! and will return from the Club Bungalow at [».30 and 10.30 a.m 12.15, and 5.30 p.m.
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  • 46 10 The Men's Medal for February was won by Mr. Haddon. The following were the scores J. W. Hadilon 88 S 80 H. F. Monk 87 5 8* J. A. Campbell s 82 C. A. Leggatt Ho—7 83 G. B. Kellagher 94—10 84
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  • 240 10 (Singapore, March 3.) Tin.—s9o 75 tons sold. Copra. —Weak. Tapioca. k. Sago Flo ur-— St ro ng. Ga m hie r. —S tron g. Pepper- do Other Products. Market Steady Latest Local Market Quotations. Nutmegs 110 S. per picul $30.00 Nutmegs 80 S. m m 35.0% Copra Bali
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  • 99 10 During the week ending Feb. 2o\ there occurred lit deaths locally, I of which 97 were males and 47 females. Of the 144 deaths, 105 were Chinese, 21 Malays, 15 Indians 1 1 Eurasian and 1 Kuropean. Phthisis c laimed 1 7 deaths, malarial fever I 2, convulsions
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  • 594 10 Another Raid Arms land Ammunition Found Police Harrying Kinta Crim na Last week we were ena j publish an extremely account of how the Poli robbers' cave on the hi Kampar, and found the comfortably fitted up with other furniture and even i over the robbers' dining I.
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  • 59 10 'I he case of the Ma..i'. named Mat N'oor, who ivhh v in Kuala Lntnpur last v> earning the death of a Mai 13 HiiK 1 m, w;.s inve^ttgit- 1 Police Court eet« rdat result that tin- Magistrate that there was crirnin 1! 1 and fined the acc «<-••< i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 I 11 1 11 '■«■mwbmmmbmm EBBxsnmxsMsaa. CEMENT/ Contracts have been Renewed for the supplies of Cement during «916 to the Municipality of Singapore and to the Government of Johore also to the Federated Malay Stateslßailways. i——— i i Bewave of Imitations. on getting the Haiphong -Dragon" Brand. i DUPIRE
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  • 130 11 Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association. 232nd Auction, 1st 2nd Mar. 1916. Often* fa talePcls. 01 1,*****« r. Tens i »|j(0l Prices Realized. Sheet smoked tin* ribbed t 0 |lti good ribbed 170 177 fine plain !7-» 17* •i good plain Ittf j,,^ uiMBMM hn* ribbed l»l i
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  • 235 11 Singapore, Mar. 2. -At the usual weekly auction held yesterday and continued to-day the record quantity of 570 tons was catalogued, and of this quantity about 290 tons changed hands. Fine Palo Crepe met with a good enquiry and sold up to $185, an increase of $4
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  • 146 11 (Exclusive to the Malaya Tribune)* Messrs Latham and Co., the Arcade, advise the following quotation* for to-'la} Alor Gajah $3.35 $3.45 AyerKoninga 1.35 1.45 Ayer Molek 2.20 230 Ayer Panas :U;"> 9 ;)u Balgownie 4.25 1.50xd Bokit Jelotong 0.67 i 0.72, Bakit Katil 0.70 0.77?, Changkat Serdg
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  • 134 11 To-day. High Water—9-38 a.m. 9 ft 3 ins. 10. ~i\ p.m. 8 ft. 5 ins. To-morrow. New Moon Tapah meeting, Kvatt's, noon. 8.1. outward mail expected. Habrakol Subscriptions close, noon. St. Andrew's Prizes, Vie Theatre, 4.."»' I )).m. High Water—lo.24 a.m. ft. S ins. p.m. 8 ft. 8 ins.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 116 11 •ft S an itas! ft Disinfectant I if if if 4 Pine Tree 5 Bpand. a «ft th smaUest a This disinfectant freely emul- 3 sifies with water, producing a 3 milk-white, strong disinfectant 3 and deodoriser. 3 SANITAS I is known throughout the world 5 if AS A RELIABLE
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    • 520 11 Train Services. Singapore (Tank-Road) Daily. Mail D;ill. leaves f.,r the n.-rrh »r 7.7 am anel P». Uther trains leave f..■ J .here at 9 \»a 10.» am aoon. IJO pea Lsspm 4.40pm. Mail arrives from north *t 8.1« am and 7.14 p.m. Traina leave from Jbitore 7.9, 8.4'2 1 10.15,
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 47 11 i Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for to-day 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall 8. V. A. do Maxim Co, N.C.O's. 5.15 p.m. Keppel lid. Entrance West Wharf S.V.It. Drill Hall Veterans Co., N.C.O's. do Chinese Co. do S.V.C. Band. do Cadet Co. H. Roland Llewellyn, Captain, S.V.C., a/Adjutant, S.V.C.
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  • 25 12 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE ARCHIPELAGO. Obituary. Miss Van llogchem, the headmistiess of the Sourabaya Girls' School, has died.
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  • 24 12 An international hanking ring in the [J.S.A. haflfchippeda million dollars to Amsterdam for the forthcoming first 1916 sales of Sumatra tobacco leaf.
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  • 66 12 SiantarDistrict Sumatra is again gaining an unenviable notoriety. Recently two Indian cloth dealers have been inurdererd on the highway and two native women were stabbed to death in a country lane. A fracas on Tamoerang Estate resulted in several coolies being wounded and one stabbed to death. On
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  • 68 12 At Sourab:<ya a new steam laundry is being opened. In connection with it, dyeing and disinfectio i sections will be attached in annexes. The capital of the company is fls. 100,000 'in one hundred shares of tls. 1,000 each. Twenty-five shares have been taken up and the
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  • 77 12 The Socialist section of the Chain Iter have been successful in obtaining the release of Donwefl Dekker from custody at Singapore. The Lokomotief says that upon the efforts made by. this section the Netherlands Government supplied the interned man with legal assistance. The British authorities at Singapore have
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  • 168 12 From Medan comes news of the lucky capture of three kidnappers. It has occurred in North Sumatra that young girls have been kidnapped and foicibly detained and thus the police may bei congratulated on their timely arrival, just when a Javanese girl was feeing trapped. It was late
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  • 172 12 At Batavia a committee has been formed to collect funds for the purchase of motor ambulance cars for the wounded Belgian soldiers. It is expected that much success will attend the stirring appeal which is issued The main object is to save Belgian wounded, wherever tLer
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  • 264 12 On Sunday, at the ollices of the Department of Agriculture anil Industry at Weltevreden and on the initiative of Mr. Jan Dinger, a meeting was held to discuss the action of the British Consul in carrying out the orders under the Pai liamentary En« say Trading
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  • 167 12 Soemberwoeloc Ltd. pays v dividend of per cent Mr. A. A Gobi us of the Department of Agriculture goes on leave at the beginning of April. Tlannston's Circus is due at Medan shortly, the opening night being tixed for the 10th inst. H. S. H. Prince Henry
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 56 12 OVARINE! FOR FEMALE ELLS. An invaluable specific for all mil Tents functional irregularities in Women' certified as proven success by the I wading physicians a:.d lady doctors ot the day. i'r cc per nbial Rs. 2-8 I fares tor R*. Booklets fre Mia' lication. HARRIS i CO, Chemists, C-lcutts, (Telegraphic
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    • 30 12 Let the "BUICK" Motor Lorry solve your Transport Problems f Matf we < i/thiitf I tHat/ haw the Hl'fCfk" Lnrrn ran f»r <>/' it err ire you. IpENTRAI I Automobile Engineers SINGAPORE
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  • 980 13 iKrotcctorate. «e I lince Egypt was 1 ritish Protectorate a as its Sovereign lire Abbas rrespondent ii ing this pariod een faced with ary, ami economic l to its ujd tradition. them all with ease ii an eminently sathn from every RW, This, ii should be a
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  • 206 13 People who are tired all of the time and never feel eten after a ion» night in I, wii ,j cannot regain weight and strength, wIiokc step lacks elasticity and who in» toy in liring, are debilitated. An examination might sho* tii*» every organ of the body
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 365 13 $888o888IBM «c^^.^^. iHE HOUSE 0 F QUALITY EAC ROAI g 1 HOME OF FEATURE ATTRACTIONS. jgj The Leading Theatre i S apore. IU j Announcement Ex tr jordinary I Special Kngagemen. for a Short Season „»b „f C, Or.* Blossom Vaudeville Company. H I 6 Star A *is t s
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    • 86 13 THE SERVANTS' AGENCY OFFICE No. 17 Dhoby Ghaut. Singapore. (t> J A BLI3HCD 1911.) Domestic Servants (Men Women) of every description -j: plied at moderate charw a Undermentioned: v:/.. Book*keederH CUrk and Typists, Shorthand Typists, Conductors, Dri ssers and Dispensers, Demarcators, Draftsmen, Overseers, Engine Drivers, Rttsrs Firemen, Factory and v-
      86 words

  • 1760 14 Necessity for New Regulations. At the recent monthly meeting ol the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy a very instructive paper entitled Chinese Mining? Legislation was read ny Mr. W. I Collins, M.I.M.M. The subject is one of very great interest to British engineers snd traders genera)!} concerned
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 168 14 worn SOW.-; »f3^WTV^j|gB4SB9KK?4WBBnPBBIBB|BIHBi^^ Confectionery, Banana Drops, .Milk, Caramels, IChocolate, Peanut Toffy, Jelly i>eans, Jambo Peanuts, etc. SUGAHARA Co. Ml 334 North liridge Road. 'PHONK 1333. n-TTTTmi— i ..I lv, MYSTERIES At quarter price. Mysteries of Court of London 8 Parts (16 Volumes), bold type, profusely illustrated. Full set Rs. 1").
      168 words
    • 117 14 New Stock of Books, Drill and Field Training Field Entrenchments Musketry Company Drill Illustrated Squad Swedish Recruit Training (Infantry) li»14 Religion and the War The Achievement of France Over There (War scenes on the Western F Kent'- Care for the Wounded THE WISDOM OF THE EAST SERIES The Buddha's Way
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 185 15 IC 3E LET TO LET. < 'ompound house I raylang R >ad. ply to No. ISO i. U ro LET. j i lately occupied iw i v 1 .sidlaw iV. Co. i icd into six ,o feet deep) to inputs. All '-hops Apply to I 1J I > CO. v.
      185 words
    • 591 15 NOTICES NOTICE. MP. M Shclton, who has had 20 years experience in diseases of the hair, scalp and urinary tracts attends daily at his residence at 7-1 Oxley Kd. ttendance Sto 11 a.m. and 4to 5.30 p.m. 30-4 THE AVER MOLEK RUBBER CO., LIMITED. Notic! is hereby given that the
      591 words
    • 334 15 WANTED WANTED. A Chinese Dispenser is wanted for a Local dispensary. State salary r'-ouired and apply with testimonials to Box 210, c/o .Malaya Tribune. 17 2 10.;; wanted at once. Competent Machine Rulers. Good salaries to steady men. Apply with testimonials to A. B. C. c/o Malaya; Tribune. 16-2 House
      334 words
    • 482 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA, j INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND BY RfJYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 1 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,0% BANKERS. The Bank of England. Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County a-:d
      482 words
    • 514 15 INSURANCE^ SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO.- LTD. [Incorporated m New zealan-dJ FIRE Insurances effected on Building" Rent Rud Merchant Ue of everj description MARINE I nsorances accepted to a:l parte of the world at lowest rate?. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY Local Manager. Offices: 2, Finlayson Green. The Eastern United Assurance
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1265 16 ****tt***tttt***ttttt*ttt**tt****tttttt*t**f tittttttttttttttttttttttttttf-^ J} i 1 Head Offiee: 37 Phillip Street. il BRANCH STORES AT .-—Phillip Street No. 14 and Tank Road No*. 14 !00 and 102. m f fitrtitttirtiitrftttrttmiiigiiitai J Telegraphic Address: Telephone Nos. 1174, 1233, J Codeo Uae 5 S I GUANKIAT. I (Private 1450). I A.B.C. 5th Edt.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 309 1 r y. British India AND j Apcar Line I IYUiPANIBH INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND.j A and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. \'i ■> act with Majesty's Government). Jap-t*. P< i.ang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London <tp>ai m will c Singapore on or al>out Mail Lines. y.vß'Pv) Outwaed
      309 words
    • 367 1 ST 'j r-M' H IJ THKEE WEEKLY MAIL SK RVICK BETWEEN .JAVA AND AMSTERDAM, VIA SINGAPORE, BELAWAN-DELI, SABANO, DURBAN, CAPETOWN, LAs PALM AS aND VICE VERSA 1 Steamera are dne arrive on the undermentioned datee OUTWARD, Rembrandt Mar. 7 Dranje Mar. 28 Vondel Apl. 1# Kon der Nederl. Ma> 9
      367 words
    • 578 1 NIFP s YUSEN KAISHA (IN* ORt ORATED iX JAPAN) (JAPAV MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.) EUROPEAN LINE S •Brace in maintained between Yokohama via port* it Marseilles end London, under mail contract wiih the Emporia] Japannaf Government Tiio N;;w Twin-ecrew Steamers maintaining this ervi** have been specially designed and conatmeted, and are
      578 words

  • 371 2 Europe. 1 For London Kan -1.• March 3 Companion, Ma ob 5 Protenilaus, iarch 11 lyo Mar a, March »5 Nankin March lb Demodocas March 25 trlenstrae end Maro}> Nore April 4 Teircaiaa A pi ii 8 For Liverpool March 10 flnmaeus April 1 Vlachaon April 10
    371 words
  • 254 2 Vessels in Port. British. STKAMKK. 3KRTH. OATR Sri Patana Inner Rds 9 1 Recorder Outer Rds 23- Hong San* No. 7 Wharf do Katong Inner R 29-2 Sandakan lo do Hye Leong do do Cariyle do io K inta do lo Mata Han P O Wharf 20-2 j
    254 words
  • 105 2 It will be remembered that recently Reuter wired that the Dutch i liner Bandoeng was being towed into Northfleet, having sustained damage. She struck a mine. Since then the vesse l was taken to port,and 2.800 bales ot tobacco discharged from her tween decks ami sent to
    105 words
  • 103 2 The general staff of the Unite i I States army, in its report, states that the Philippines are not essential to the defence of the Pacific, which is a lesser problem than the defence of the Atlantic. The putting into operation of she army increases
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  • 47 2 Kinta for Port Swettenham and Telak Anson 'JjVan Diemen tor Medan. #$Aing Hin for Bato Pahat. Mala Hari for Bangkok. Lady Weld for Malacca and Muar. I QjRumphius for Batavia, Samarang and Sourabaya. C. Lopez y Lopez for lloilo tud I Manila. IfiMeranti for'KoU Tingfi.
    47 words
  • 213 2 Rapid deveopmf nts, <-:ays the Japan Times, are continued by the shipping trad* to with tVie abnormal tendency created by the war, and ry da\ »ees «*>me w facta yia■eoted. A Nagaaa i despatch w*ys that cne 3d ji Dutch Line has ju-t p point c I
    213 words
  • 58 2 Th« Norwegian «t earner Dovrc L'l2 tons net, belonging to the Actie. Dampekibaelskabet l)ovre (Brnnsgaard Kjdsternd Co.) Dram men, has been chartered by the Straita Industrial Syndicate for fourteen months at 115,000 per mensem. Th»* vessel which ia on the Java run will enter the Colombo, Bombay
    58 words
  • 74 2 (i. Williams and Wigmore S.S. Co American shipowners, says a wir of 28th nit. have inaugurated the Gaston Williams and rYigroon Steamflhip Company. The capita! of the new concern is twelve ndllion dollars. The itinerary of their vesse a will be from American ports to Archangel, Vladivostock, London,
    74 words
  • 164 2 The 420 mercantih vessels, with an sgregsfee gross tonnage of 1,363,--590, under conatructioa in ihe U K. at the oid of December hare an »> aj»e tonnage of 3,246, at compared with an average of 3,556 st September 00, and of 3,409 at 30th June last.
    164 words
  • 129 2 The C.P.H. liner Empress of Russia left the Hongkong Naval Dockyard on Feb. 14th for her moorings in the harbour. At the outbreak of the war, she, with h.-r sister ship, the Empress of Asia, was taken over by the. British Government, and, within a Tew
    129 words
  • 22 2 The American Asiatic Steamship Cob liner Indrawadi, 5197 tona, Capt. Graham will be deapatched for Yokohama and Vladivoatock on the 20th inat.
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  • 496 2 Wireless Reports. Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial Wireless Station —s s Kumphius. and s s Lope/, y Lope/. The P. 0. More leav--- m the 4th April for Barope. The B. I. Unei Zaioa sailed for Penang and Rangoon yesterday. For Liverpoohhas
    496 words
  • 358 2 BBPOftl LWfJf. COMMAlfUii B. A. Cai>r, k. N Crew Delay* Steamer Salutary Snteace As reported in i* r lasu Capt. Wm. Boa\ of tl 1 steamer Castleneld, cfe%ro members of hits China* disobedience And refuel The vessel v\as tirm Saigon before sunset c l; the Chief Rngineq to
    358 words
  • 132 2 The Bast Asiatic liner Chile wl passed through this port yest< to Chifia and Japan por ts, is fine addition to the leet ol Dunish Kast Asiatic Compel Copenhagen. She is a sister to the Columbia, which a fea vi ago arrived in this port on her
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 46 2 I jaaa—»wr- m v wmyjau—^"^^" SINGAPORE SHIPCHANDLERYCo SHIPCHANDL V RS 8 PROV! r i; CONTRACTORS. The Coinpanv'* Laaoch m incoming ilnpOffice 16 (Battery Road take lift ro top n 001 Telephone No. 14! Orders promptly attended t" f January lat, 1916 H. W. H.KSTLVENS, 5-1 M
      46 words

  • 163 3 njiletior. nf the construcN T <> d »ck ot the Yokoi• t, said to be the big- !>». was officially nils with appropriate i he function was attendVdmiral Fujii, Comuian- of the Admiralty Of- v .r-A Iiniral Chief of s T.ial. H~ar-Admiral i of Stafl", and other
    163 words
  • 117 3 A t' Oitelligence from war marine nsurance :be South African \e just ?gen twoi 1 m tht« British f a tierman roauier tliis d'orupt flight. initiihe- of British i i South African l>etii advised to i-i he timt being. -it'- in the British to the safety of .a
    117 words
  • 35 3 •ti-«<be«lu-nct> v-t the -i. C'.iSilev which in otrt, delayed the Ii« times -;r, wi'.-»n tvr.nage is v~ nMans a eonlis charterers, in- j.-d out to the -'sl have a Salutary fiber* prospective live «.trews
    35 words
  • 54 3 1 'lanced L) tht- briak u iuoi partly by the »>f steamer freights, materials in Japan »> V lOO ton during 'months, the ruling Mt? Y250-300 per ton mean:-: an almost fourTnj aiv.l with th« anteiU»>tation. 'it'll form an article of !'uportant shipbuiMing 1 ri3,. n aiso, and
    54 words
  • 139 3 been 1 hi W m *cts nay. Ship and <>wner a pu. rl4 lons Damaga. (P. and 0., A S. NCo 12,330 (Btr,,ck raine ff **>ver London.) n,i Pank 155 lives TRIGNAC Frerwi, l™}^ (Chargenrs de I» Ones I (S,, k in North spa fiv Nantes.)
    139 words
  • 76 3 In connection with the floating crane Ajax which was built by a Qermai company prior to the wa» for the Panama Canal authorities, and broke clown during the tests, it ig now farther learnt that the weight the crane was supporting was 672,000 lbs. The boom of the crane collapsed
    76 words
  • 85 3 Delivered In London. The following are the dates of departure f r un Singapore of the European Mails and th«ir delieott in London. Mail. Lmrr f>r!.iva* BD B. 1. Her. «1 J ao 2h AO. Jan. 6 Feb. 4 B. I. J. ta 13 Feb. 14 P. *<>
    85 words
  • 312 3 London Bookings Per P <t O Malwa:— Mrn. J. A. Webster, Mr. 1.. Caldicott. Mr. A Mrs. Pearson.Mr. Howell, Mr Je Mrs. K. Johnson ami 2 children, Mr. Mrs. Tagg, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Garton, Mr. Mrs. Brown, Mr Mrs. Marshall, Mr. Gage. Per P <> Khiva :—Mrs. Grisby
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  • 21 3 For Manila will h* despatched on the 11th itist. the Ellerman and Bucknall liner Keelung. Messrs McAli terand Co. are agents.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 ixlu——— M—«■ Minimi— mi ii i n n n —W— w»i«mif <MMM».«MMaw> THE YOKOHAMA DOCK CO., LTD. relcgraphic Address DOCK-YOKOHAMA." Codes used A.B.C. 4th, sth Edition, Scott's, AI, and Watkin'l DRY DOCK DEPARTMENT Telephone Nos, 376,506, 681, 2050, 3740. No. 1 DOCK No. 2 DOCK No. 3 DOCK Docking Length
      166 words
    • 354 3 M. M. j messaceries maritimes Mail Line. FOh CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON. MARSEILLES. Homev»aui>. Odtwahd. ,y 191* At.antique Mar. In Karnak Mar. I i j,", 4701 Mar.'.'4 Atho# Mar. 2 < t olyofe#ie. Apl. 7 A *veam*T Api. I A Apl. 2 j For all particular, apply to I)e COnRTOIS,
      354 words
    • 453 3 Australia By Burns Philp Line. ncorporate.i in lustralia) Singapore to Java Port*, Port Dar win, Thursday Island, Brisbane mm) 8 dn v, vi' Torres Strait*. ANc taking and cargo witb transhipment t rtber Victorian., South Australian and North Queena- land PortH, Britinh New Oume» New Britain, Taemauiau and New Zealand
      453 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 74 3 > )re Tide fables. w«tfr; —1) 3S a.m. 10-54 p.m. S ft. 5 —10.24 a.m. "h., 11-18 D.m 8 ft. H ina. M H it»h watr-r —11-7 a.m !t 11-4.'' p.m. y ft. VJ 1 :—11,4tf a.m. ft. 9 ins. water: —0-9 a.m. ina., 0-28 p.m. 9 ft. 5 ins.
      74 words
    • 468 3 Hails Close r«v;'Jtv ('i)rt Swetualmn lutd TVlok Anson 'Kinu So pm R ♦P k Va P'li n 1 Aing Uiu 2 ,(0 «pi, j Banc 1 M„. H.„ 1U art!» and M«<r *h»dv W«ld u,, B.tUvia, S*m«rai»n and Sourabaya Rumpha* 3 o0 pm lloilo and Manila C. Lopez v Lo
      468 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 610 4 —> i i. K. nifk. i f' 1 i VO M\llU '1• l. *J! i< 11 AI H •PERSIA !M' 9, OOTona i 7 knot* Apl. 21 i ii lia omitting onanjjnai. RATE"! KROV! HOX'iKONO I t Cm- 3t»d Class San Francusco £45 'I 0 117 0 0 Nkw York
      610 words
    • 534 4 JT ur 1 I ft- V. n a Tf fl I/ Contractor* to tfu T/np rtai Jap tnese Arttt md Navy and to m I S v., Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and Locomotive Makers All *ize*and j scriptiuna of i.-.i i r*. darine and Lim; Engines. New G?aving Docks ciiid Patent
      534 words
    • 232 4 -1 i,. v. xiJL Uli I I- s r. I Livei i Ha%»" tid L»»er| outvrard Bteamei < r n<s to V*ncoo* r, > I «i 0«, taking on ItiV.-i oi Lading f« r Poi ta and inland i it-. T!ie companies' Java Line ar< .it «patciu terdam and Livei
      232 words