Malaya Tribune, 21 January 1916

Total Pages: 20
1 4 Malaya Tribune
  • 48 1 The Malaya Tribune. ENING DAILY.] AND^^ SHIPPING GAZETTE. C EVENING DAILY. Vol. 8. No. 16. SINGAPORE.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1916 Price 5 Cents. The Malaya Tribune. FRIDAY, JANUARY 21. Straits Shipping Gazette. Issued Dally.] Supplement to the Malaya Tribune Issued Dally.] No. 17 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1916
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 411 1 FEATURES UNEXCELLED IN TBE EXCEPTIONALLY STRONG PROGR4MME AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE "Graiety" Picture Palace Junction of Albert and Bencoolen Streets. IS THE FIRST SHOW AT 7.30 P.M. 2 Parts THE PLEASURE SEEKERS 2 Parts A Milanese Drama by Signor Aug. Tjirehi Beautifully acted by the noted player* of The
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    • 68 1 f f ifi f r rif rfrrrii {Estate Supplies m 1 I 1 t 1 2 I Acetic 199&98 D Acid 1 I 1 Veneer Chests Momi Chests i i Latex Cups 8 3 I ETC. 1 i I i J I Mitsui ZBussan dtaisfta, Jbtd. I (Incorporated in Japan
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  • 228 2 Matriculation Examination Results. Success of Singapore and Penang Students Tl»e list of »v -cebstul cuniiiates in th* 4 I >c-rr<"iiir>er Examinat ions of the Ym ventity of >ng is as follows Satisfied the Examiners. 1. She Sum IVi. '.hieeu's College. 3. Kung Shih En, Chih-li Government Student.
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  • 334 2 A bill for nationalizing American merchantmen, known as the Wilson-McAdoo Act, has been pre- k sented to the U. S. Congress now in session. The said Act has attracted the attention of the American people, high and low, and has become a topic of absorbing interest, According
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 276 2 POWELL 00.7 CALENDAR FOR JANUARY, 1916. 23 I Sun. 2 i Moh. 3 io it 24 1 I I -ii > TUES. 4 11 18 25 j Wed. j 5 12 19 26 Thurs. 6 13 20 27 Fri. 7I 14 21 28 SAT. 1 8 15 22 29 Tuesdays
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  • 234 3 Branch of Chartered Bank Opened in Peking. A branch of the Chartered Bank was recently opened at Peking. The inaugural luncheon <n December 29th was attended by Liang Shih-yi,repre-senting H E. Yuan Shih-kai; Sir John Jordan, the British Minister; Chu Cl»i-cbien, Minister of the In. teiior: Sir
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  • 310 3 Singapore, Jan. 19. —Business this week has been mostly a question of shaking out the weak speculative investor in Local Rubber shares which at the moment seems to have put the general position of the market on a sounder footing Fgain. Rubber although steadier has
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  • 113 3 We learn from an authoritative source that the launch Sui Fuug wax pirated on the night of January 9, two Indian guards bning killed. The matter was reported to the police by the crew of another launch which runs to Antau. They state that the Sui Fung,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 200 3 I MOTOR CARS ON HIRE MOIuR RrPAiREUS MOTOR CAR IMPORTERS GREASE j Cylinder oil AND j Motor Accessories OF Every Description. Sole Agents For: Meitz Weiss Oil Engines The Celebrated Star, Mitchell anJ Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles Sub-Agents MICHELI N TYRES. "Gasolene Light Cycle Co" 5,5-1 5-2, BEACH ROAD.
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    • 333 3 In drawing the attention of the General Public to our "Goh Hong Cheow's" Hai Kow Tonic Pills we beg to state that they are nothing new, for they have been known, tested and approved by multitudes of onetime sufferers ail over the East including British Malaya for over fifteen years
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    • 104 3 WONDERFUL DISCOVERY HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Beauty Renovator. This wonderful preparation ha, 8001 found highly effective for retaining or rettoria* fanal attractiveno-. removing tan, freckle* pimples and all other disfiguring MemUie-. is different from all other-. It Contain* Do oil or greafe. It U the only preparation i .<!. entirely from pure,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 917 4 AUCTION SALES. I ~9 Auction Sale of VALUABLE 1 EASEHOLD LAND AND HOUSES AT TEMPLE STREET TO BE ÜBLD AT .Messrs CHING KENG LEE Co's Sale-room On Monday, 24th January, 1916, at 2.30 p.m. Valuable left*- hoi 1 land and houses No-. <1 and 73 Temple Street, Singapore, containing according
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    • 282 4 G.C. LEE 158, Prinsep street PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER. Good and well selected v Vi lin, Piano, e»c. Good for Stringed Instrument W Workmanship Guaranteed TERMS MODERATE. I Best National Tonic 1 J Our very live English 3 He EJu iciici/ ifa ly 'wcrd-4 in sea*m' trader 2 No Advertising
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  • 54 5 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE ARCHIPELAGO. Banka Tin. ing December 191 ~> the output or-- at Banka was 21,119 making a total of l(j<S,OGB x for the year, an increase of lis over 1914. During the ren months of 1914 140,659 were produce i,
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  • 73 5 Clubs in Java are known rarbonr a great deal of gambling, the one situated on the Moleni iK at Weltevreden, Batavia, has t, r -pveral years past been the ►•/vous of some of the keenest 4 u.r»lerfl and police interference in. ~:ich premises appears to be *v
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  • 76 5 the First Dutch Chamber a i debate between Mr. Van I Minister Trenb took place Netherlands Indian coinage, .ai Kol maintaining that the nies paid too much for their He advocated that the ili-i lands Indies make their own ige. Minister Treub held that statements' made were exagger-
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  • 116 5 new cruisers for the Nether- which are now build. X \l. de Schelde at Flushing 3. M at Am- Ira respectively, are to be the vessels in the Dutch Navy, i length of ."iiil ft., beam ft., i draught of 18 ft., their disment is estimated to be
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  • 107 5 a few days the changes to be in the Netherlands Indian which have been contemplated time past, will beannounc- I lecision arrived at as to the law is to be applied, dn points in the alterations closer levelling of criminal dl classes, the present varia--3 in tli»*
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  • 226 5 Planter (Sumatra) considcomment has been made rethe persistent murders of "ii the Sumatra rubber I nits most recent number Bays, inter alia, with reto id*- murder of the assistP. Klapwijk, on San. KoeT tpanoeli, thai "It is the *tory, the same old way.*' of the murder appears
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  • 305 5 It has been learnt with great relief that the stringency of coal can now be eased, as the order of September 2. r »th concerning Indian Coal Export has been modified. Export licenses are now issued subject to the following restrictions: Exports will be allowed only to certain
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  • 142 5 Dnring the past week four cases of plague lave taken place at Sourabaya. |< me of the patients is a European. Thefts fr< m letters during transit have been the bene of peace to the postal inspectors in Java, and it is pleasant to learn that at last
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 334 5 g Nursing Mothers MANY mothers would like to feed their, own children, but are denied the privilege of doing so, because they have not sufficient nourishment for them. The "AUenburys" scientific system of Infant Feeding has provided for all this. When a mother is partly able to feed her baby
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    • 471 5 GRAND X'MAS SALE. For One Month Only. fdmS RAIL W A V REGULATOR WATCH Price Rs. 10. Now for R*. 5- Best Nickel Eight-day Open Face Watch. Price Hs. 20. Now sold for Rs. 10. Same in Silver Case Open Face. Price Rs. 24. Now s Id for Rs. 12.
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  • 100 6 :On Friday last a police sergeant afid a constable were despatched from Kroh, Perak, to Klian Intan, a distance of three miles, taking with them $300 to the latter place. When the men did not arrive at tneir destination a search was instituted and the body
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  • 44 6 Orders for to-day 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. Il do 8.R.8. v. do S.V.K. 5 Squad Headquarters M. Cyclist Section. 5.15 Drill Hall Chines Co. Bras Basah Rd. Malax to, Drill Hall S.V.C. Band. H. Roland Llewellyn, Captain, S.V.C. a/Adjutant, S.V.C.
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  • 72 6 In compliance with the instruction of the President, Mr. Chang Shouling, the Vice-Minister of Finance, summoned the authorities of the Back of China and Bank of Commucicationi on Jan. 2 requesting then to mint a considerable number of silver dollars. It is said that the two banks have ordered the
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  • 156 6 {Exclusive to Ma I off a Tribune*) Messrs Latham ami Co.. the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-da} Alor Gajah #3.25 S3 35 AyerHitam 36.00 40.00 Ayer Knnings 1.25 135 Ayer Molek 2.20 2.35 Ayer Panas BLSO 8.75 Balgownie 4.75 525 Bukit Jelotong 0.65 072J Bukit
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  • 28 6 The recent rising in Yunnan may not be serious, but it proves, a wag points out, that China is not yunnanimouslv in favour of a monarchy.— Hongkong Preis.
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  • 190 6 On Xoesa Kembangan Island, re- j cently, nineteen native prisoners managed to elude the vigilance of th»ir guardians and escape. Land- j ing at Oedjoeng Manik, they surrounded a house in the village and forced the occupants to give them food and clothes. the dangerous ban t discovered
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  • 86 6 Captain E. H. Hyiiier, on whom the Emperor of Japan has conferred the Order of the Rising Sun (third class), was in command of the flagship Triumph, China Squadron, when the war broke out, and he was subsequently Naval Attache at Tokyo. The Order of the Rising Sun was conferred
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 136 6 CIGARETTES. Comfort and V 1 Bokjn2 US here's "Luxury" in the flavour ant ai ma ()t State Express Cigar- ettes They are g<>o>l to the very aSt a test ew ci "arettes can emulate. •I Virginia Leaf No 555 Per tin of 50-60 cts j Virginia Leaf No. 444 Per
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    • 161 6 ANOTHER ATTRACTION TO-NIGHT AT THE IDEAL PICTURE THEATRE Cinema CASINO Second Show 9-15 p.m. Sharp. VITAGRAPH SPECIAL FEATURE Tne Fruits of Vengeance !A stirring 2-reel Circus Drama. Terrible in its consequences through the man who would satisfy vengeance and brutal nature in the destruction of the object of jealousy. Featuring
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    • 39 6 GOSLING CO., Licensed Auctioneers, are open to ac I business. Light, airy in J Auction Rooms, where furniture j may be arranged by Vendors for Sale, Storage, etc. GOSLING Co. 33 Robinson Rd. —2b\ 27 Japan v 13-1 13-2
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  • 491 7 I.ond'-l), Jan. 19. leuth is annouueed of Sir K. K.C., for some tirnu '-ember of the provincial parliament of Canada, advocate-gen-era! and member Council of v»m-hoi -General or India, and .ember of the Judicial Committee f T'riry Council. —Renter Karl De La Warr died at Messina |>e.. lo. He
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  • 83 7 Australian Commonwealth States Government! have ap- i Messrs Eider, Smith and esßTi Kider Smith and Co. and •esari Gibbs, Bright and Co., r>rK in i-onection with the carriage of Australia's ex- >le wheat The arrangements made in order to prevent ootnn and the increase of freights, complete
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  • 43 7 Untitle Newton, Paymaster-General, 1 the felons* of Lords on lbat the name of the Crown Prussia, as Colonel-in-°i the lSth Hussars, was 1 from the British Army th* same time as those of Emperor ami the ror of Austria, namely. in "ctober, 1914
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  • 237 7 (Singapore, January 21.) Tin* —$87 175 tons sold. Copra. —Strong. 7 a pioca.— 8 t r on g fihya Flour —Weak. Ua in bic i: —Weak. Pepper- —»Veak.~. Other Products. —Market Steady. Latest Lool Market Qsotatioas. Nutmegs 110 S. per pica I fM.OO Nutmegs »0 S. 80.00 Copra
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  • 80 7 4&$*re (Tank-Road) Daily Mail OiA\y leaves for Ibe north at 7.7 am and 7 pm. O her trains leave for Johore at 9 l. i lf.29 at. noon. 1.30 pni 2.55 pra 4.40 pm. Ma*l ar.ivea from north at 8.10 am and 7.M p.m. Trains leave from Johore
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  • 113 7 Xhe Daily Express learns from an autb> ntic source that no fewer than eight of the crew of the Zeppelin which raided London on October 13 (the date of the last visitation) were found on return to Germany to be frozen to death. The newspaper
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  • 48 7 Miss Hughes, the new General Secretary of the Y.W.C.A. in Singapore, is expected to arrive this week and will conduct a mission for all young women beginning on Sunday next at 11 am. and continuing from Monday to Thursday inclusive at 5.15 p.m. All young women are invited.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 402 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. A occonut and rubber estate in tbe district of Poontian I3esar, ueob, Johore. All that piece of land planted with coconut and rubber trees comprised in A lsagoff Leasefor 99 years, No. 426 dated the 29th November. 1905, containing an area of 255
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    • 463 7 An Extraordinary Attraction To-morrow Night, Saturday, 22nd January, 1916 AT THE IDEAL PICTURE THEATRE Cinema QA SINO SECOND SHOW 9.15 p.m. SHARP. 5 A SPECIAL SAVOIA FEATURE BY THE Gorgeous M m\WmmW SB tt tab Spectacles. 1 PWW The Story of the peraecution of the early Christian* by the Roman
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 191 7 FIXTURES. To-day. St. Agnes. Taipusum Hindi Festival Cfcetty Silver Ca: Procession. Firr Work.-. Suppl. Home iV5a.l closes, 4 p.m., O. P. f>. Club M'eting, Exchange, 5.1.'» p.m. High Water -103H a.m. 9 ft. 6 in». To-morrow. M. S. R. C. i* i mMed. School (JronnHSypoy Line?, p.m. Strait* Merchant Ser.
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  • 119 8 The Great War Page. In the Balkans 9 The Western Front 9 In the East 9 The Italian Campaign 9 War on Shipping \q German Censorship 10 Affairs in Persia 10 French Consular News i 0 Lniversity of Hongkong 2 The Wilson-McAdoo Act 2 British Financial Enterprise I
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  • 804 8 I' ntil recently Russia was severely handicapped by the fact that the ice-bound ports of Western Europe prevented her from receiving the imports necessary to carry on her campaign against the common enemy. It is interesting therefore to be able to record the fact that our ally
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  • 316 8 The Indian Review continues t be the most representative journal expressing the tendency of oor Indian fellow subjects to insist mon and more on the satisfaction their just claims. The editor not* that support is now forthcoming from The Times and other ornn* of opinion, which has hitherto
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  • 187 8 On searching a Chinese untitled at Shanghai a few days sg carrying bombs into the Settles* by steamer from Ningpo, the polie* foand a document appointing an officer of the M assassins* company n by the Camman ler-in Chief of the M Punish the Traitor? Army/ The man was sent
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 250 8 r i m mmm The Greatest Artists of the jft/j Opera, Concert, Musical Comedy ®3r>j and Music Hall Stage -ing pagfLjbLfy exefusivefy for k His Masters Voice' fThe Gramophone of Perfect Tone Because they know that you will hear them as they sing; 11J£ a if r m fa every
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    • 88 8 CLUB M Whisky. Sole Importer* Caldbeck Co. Adelphi Hotel. I f TO-NIGHT I D»H»g Dinner! t g i Grand Manila I Band. i s I I To-morrow Night J Special Dinner: Telephone 58. I poaoapaoaoaoaofofoaoioiol J Y. M. TOYC. I i 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO I J 155 HIGH Street.i I
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  • 593 9 Tin i a —75 cts. up. r is «jiioted in London Bii Highness the Sultan of Selr and suite returned to Klang Kuala Kangsar on Tuesday ng, after having attendended lies of His Highness the late of Perak. Rev. Fathers B. Fourgs and sail, of Seremban, have
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  • 273 9 The Katadi Processions. Chetties' Reception. Although the Chetties started their Car festival on Wednesday, the real Thithi of Poo-sum took place yesterday, when the devotional ceremonies of the various Hindu sects were observed. Throughout the morning much excitement prevailed in all the Kcils of the minor gods in the
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  • 189 9 On Wednesday last a case was commenced in the Supreme Court before Mr Justice Earnshaw with regard to the interpretation of certain clauses in the will of the late Mr Tan Beng Guat, of Singapore, which involves property to the value of close upon $300,000. It has
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  • 191 9 Mrs. Oliver Marks arrived in Ceylon from Home on Jan. C and was met by her husband, who is on at visit to the island for the benefit of his health, says the Malay Mail. Tne Harima Hall screens a new Laemmle feature The Girl of the Dance Hall M
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  • 396 9 The Truth About The Great War. Free to Malays and Indians. For months past we have been publishing weekly and distributing free, as a supplement to the Malaya Tribune, all over the Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States a paper styled War News (in Urdu, Gurmukhi and Malay)
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  • 109 9 Snlva Bay Enquiry. London, Jan. 20,5.30 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Asquith said that the arrangments for the extension of the Allied Councils are progressing and announced that the Government has decided that an inquiry into Suvla Bay operations was impracticable at present, but finally ample
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  • 51 9 Edited by Mr. Li Sam-ling, who was connected with the Hongkong China Mail a few years ago and has visited America and England, the vernacular journal styled Peking Times, which saw the light at the end of last year, is said to be an atemptto modernise Chinese journalism on western
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  • 485 9 In the Balkans. Italy and Montenegro. No Surrender. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Jan. 19, 1.50 p.m. The Italian press has been recently strongly repudiating any suggestion that Italy lailed to support Montenegro, and now comments in the bitterest manner on Montenegro's surrender. It alleges that King Nicholas secretly
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  485 words
  • 26 9 The B.I. liner Itola will be despatched by Messrs Adamson Gil. hilan and Co the agents, for Pen. an# Rangoon and Calcutta on the vh instant
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  • 261 9 Nineteen Fights in the Air. London, Jan. 20, 1.15 a.m. General Sir Douglas Haig's communique say8 that sixteen of our aeroplanes on Jan. 17th attacked an enemy supply depot at Lesars, north-east of Albert, and did considerable damage. There were nineteen air encounters during the day, in
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  • 185 9 Progress in the Caucasus. London, Jan. 20, 1.55 a m. I An official message says that the Russian onslaught dislodged the Turkish centre in the Caucasus from a strongly fortified position. In the north of Melayghent on a 75 mile front the Turks are retreating in panic
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  • 58 9 London, Jan. 10, 11.45 p.m. Bom A communion, states that the enemy bombnitlad Ciin eg o and Uorgo. causing a fire at the former place. We replied by bombarding &roda and Caldonazzo stations tthere tr-iins were moving. Oji Monday night we repaked an attackon the heights of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements

  • 307 10 Debate In the Reichstag London, Jan. 19, 1140 p.m. Amsterdam In the Reichstag during a lively debate on the Censorship Herr Dittmann.the Socialist said that the rights of the people were trampled on despite their labours and renunciations. He Haid We are on strike during the war in
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  • 45 10 London, Jan. 19, 8 p.m. The British steamer Marere has teen sunk. The crews were picked up. [The Marere was a twin screw ateamer of 6,443 tons gross, owned l>y the Tyser Line, London. She was built at Belfast in 1902.
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  • 54 10 London, Jan. 19, 6.5 p.m. The text of a Government Bill to •amend the law relating to Enemy Trading empowers the Board of Trade to make an order ncainst any business in the United Kn*\* lom connected with the enemy and prohibiting the carrying on or winding
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  • 79 10 London, Jan. 19, 6 p.m. Lord Derby and hia comrnitiees aave decided on a great, new reuniting campaign of married as well as single men. The re-opening <X the groups has up to the present only secured a fraction of the eligii.les but the results are sufficiently
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  • 51 10 London, Jan. 19, 6.30 p.m. The Judicial committer of the rrWj Council resumed Its sittings on Jan. 18. It will hear twentj•me Indian apreals six frr Uenfour from Madras, th"v» rom KM Northwest Provinces three from Lower Burma, tw» from two from Oudh and l rom the
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  • 41 10 Vice-Admiral Takarabe the untitled jtppoiuted Couawandcro! thettvojdn INaval Depot, arrived at Dairen on from Japan and took thorst train for Port Arthur. He w a! Vice-Minister of Navy in the Yaniamoto Ministry and is a son- m Admiral Count Yamamoto.
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  • 70 10 London, Jan. 19, 4.25 p.m. Petrograd A telegram from Teheran states that the envoy of the Shah has arrived at Kazvin and presented the commander of the Russian force with the Shah's portrait set in diamonds, and bestowed decorations on the members of the Rnssian Staff. London,
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  • 119 10 {By Courtesy of the French Consul-General.) Paris, Jan. 17. Yesterday, in Belgium, we damaged the enemy's trenches in the region of Hetsa8. We caused explosions and blew up an ammunition depot in the region of Lille. To day, there is nothing important to report. Salonika The British
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  • 184 10 A Tokio message of 6th instant to the Shanghai Mercury says It is reported from Peking that it has been decided to have the ascension of President Yuan as the Emperor on the 20th February. However, if China carries out such a step in spite of the
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  • 292 10 Mesopotamia Campaign. London, Jan. 19, 8 p.m. Mr. Austen Chamberlain stated i that as yet he had not received any despatch regarding the battle of Ctesiphon, nor had he any information regarding the co-operation of the British forces in Mesopotamia with the Russian forces in Persia. Mr. Chamberlain also
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  • 100 10 Mr.C. Poland Search, recently with Messrs Martin and Co., Engineers and Contractors of Calcutta, has joined the Central Engine Works Limited—the well-known engineering firm of Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, Medan and Johore Bahru This progressive firm has made remarkable strides in late years, due in great measure to the enterprise
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  • 511 10 Big Demand and Good Prices. The following properties belonging to the Estate of the late Towkay Yap Kwan Seng deceased were disposed of by auction at Messrs Ching Keng Lee and Co. s Sale-room on Wednesday afternoon. There was a very large attendance of, buyers and the prices
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  • 52 10 Football. Under Association rules a crate game between the Sir *r Recreation Club and a team the K. S.L. I yesterday I, ended in a goalless draw. A match will be played bet* the Hindu Association and rh„ M. C. A. on Raffles ground to-day. Kick off 5
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  • 62 10 A naval team tried conchy with the Singapore Cricket Cli the recreation ground yesterdar afternoon, and lack of practio sadly against them. The ciob batting first hit np 177, Cbxton. X retired, making GO and Clarke The sailors had a bad tirue again! the home attack, and were twice
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  • 80 10 The Selangor Meeting to be htid on the 3rd and sth prox. ptoauni to be well supported. As far as is known Singapore ml send Venture, The Friar. Frieodlea, La Cocotte, Rouge-et-Xuir. 8 Creek, Welcome One, Black Satin Pretty Molly, King Blaze, Nick, Cordon Rouge, King Elaze.
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  • 154 10 This match, played at Hongkong a couple of weeks ago, between these two clever Chinese teams in the League contest, was expects I produce a first class exhibits clean, clever football. tastes was productive of one of the bknH unpleasant games to watch that bas been
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  • 169 10 The No. 1 Steward of thai Haiching was charged before M' Hazeland at Hongkong recently says the Hongkong Dail.v Presswith being in unlawful p sion of a quantity of opium »jj with aiding or abetting export of Bame from Hoi '■■> without the necessary reMr- Leo d'Almada
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 53 10 CEMENT. I Contracts have teen Renewed for the supplies of Cement during I »16 to the Municipality of Singapore and to the Government 1 I of Johore also to the Federated Malay States Railways. 1 j Beware off Imitations. jj Insist on gett nz the Haiphong "Dragon" Brand. 9 I
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  • 802 11 'rices Quoted in the Market this Mora in* SINGAPORE, JANUARY 21. Kaam Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Briers, issue the following list of quotations Rubber Sham. Norn. Value. Bayer*. Sellers. U- Allagar l /10i f/- Anglo-Malay 10/- lift or A > erKun ing IS* 15/0 BatangMalaka
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  • 72 11 Singapore, January 21 On London— Bank 4 m/a 2/4 19/32 Demand 2/4] Private 3 m/s 2/4 29/32 On India— Bank T. T. 174] On Hongkong— Bank d/d 16] On Shanghai— Bank d/d 89] On Java— Bank T. T. 128g On Japan— Bank d/d 111 Sovereigns—buying rate 8.54 India Ceil
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 549 11 SPECIALITIES. pOOQWill§ SPECIALITIES. I Sdaps Dandie Sandal fumed J wood tT S -'til Soothes an 1 brauti- I kJ UU J/ changes in the 003 P I Purest I tv I PjM*&£tiifcs The Best! household NHSftk i soap, it is ixTIK f| |p absolute pure, ij «nd tbe most deli-
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    • 161 11 I Firm j that advertises boldly f« and consistently is iova- 1 I riably a good business R (ft house wh eh sells goods 1 J that are well worth the 8 price demanded, and re- B cognises that its reputation r{j is at stake on every eale JJ that
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  • 1235 12 Latest Details. Reuter. London, Jan. 19, 4.25 p.m. Shanghai Six thousand Imperial i*oops are garrisoning Sin-fu and troops are constantly moving southwards to Hweilian. Slight skirmishing is reported on the Yunnan I order. Troops from Kweichan awaiting developments at Sunkan. —Reuter. Ynnnan Rising Confirmed. Peking and
    Reuter.  -  1,235 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 327 12 I TO-NIGHT'S THE MIGHT AT THE j r„" PALLADIUM THEATRE r; I Positively The Last Two Nights I to See The Most Wonderful Moving Picture Production Ever Brought to Singapore Sixty Years A Queen n A Faithful, Graphic and Minute Record of the Life of Victoria the Good. I A
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    • 278 12 The Malaya Tribune. Can be had at the following dtpots:— Singapore. I Messrs. Koh Co., 90, Bras Bwai Road. Messrs. The Hean Stor N Street. Money Changer, Adelphi Hotel. Mr. Pang Boon Tin (Tank Railway Station.) Messrs. Kwong Seng Chiang Selegie Road. Mr. Mohd. Abu Bakar, 26j, GmyUng Road. M
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  • 273 13 Latest Details. Wires received in Java on i Monday say that the dam of the Zuyder Zee has collapsed near Nijkerk. The railway line was destroyed, by which communication with the Northern province was completely cut off. The main damage has been done in the polders of
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  • 247 13 Another 1,000 Struts coolies] will J arrive at Tavoy shortly, says £the Rangoon Times. The who arrived there a fortnight ago have not proved satisfactory. They have refused to work, although their pay is :at the high rate of He. 1-12 a day. They object, so it
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 312 13 I/ ALHAMBRA VI I THE "HOUSE OF QUALITY" 1 i The most comfortable, the most modern, the most up-to-date, the most fully equipped Theatre in Singapore. I Grand Change of Programme. g gc THE PHOTO DRAMA Co. Presents jgj I j Herbert Keley Effie Shannon in g§ I A TJE
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    • 315 13 THE QUEEN MARY" PEN. Box of OC 18 Pens a 9 cents FOR SALE AT STRAITS ALBION PRESS, Ltd.. Printers Stationers. 20A—20C, COLLYER QUAY. In aid of The Queen's "Work for Women" PUnd. Lady Roxburgh writes: Her Majesty is very much pleased with tbe Pens." This Pen has received the
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  • 803 14 Gross Libel on Japan by An American Journalist. Wholly Unfounded Slanders Pulverised by Hongkong Journal. I In a recent issue the Hongkong Daily Press draws attention to the fact tfcat it has been pretty freely '-Dated that Japan is largely responsible for the recent disturbances and unrest
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  • 18 14 In the revised mining ordinance in Korea published a few days ago, mining rights are denied to foreignners.
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  • 153 14 Decrease Last Year. The Maritime Customs revenue > for 1915 shows a decrease of Haikuan Tl«. 2,165,000, the total collection being in round numbers Haikuan Tls. 30,742,000, which, at i an average exchange of 2/7}, equals £4,764,978, as compared with Haikuan Tls. 38,907,000, which, at an average
    153 words
  • 200 14 koine people are natwi j There i-> also a natural pa i most people who arc both thin d pale are far from well and h< a tonic. Many people ncij i; I tonic *intil they get bo n* tha: a tonic is not suiticiem just leaoso 1
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 130 14 The 4-Cyl. Car for 1916. The "DODGE" Much more notable than anything we might say about the DODGE Car. are the remarkable things people are saying about it everywhere. Call and see the Demonstration f ar on view ai <>ar Skoivrooms, I Orchard Road, from Jannury2lst. i will tit teres!
      130 words
    • 27 14 K. TSUTADA Japanese Dentist 74 g 74 I BRAS KASAH FOAP Extraction Painless Charges IVTodera^e WORK GUARANTEE CoASulUtion in cither English U Tei.ewton» Ho 1245 1 >-12
      27 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 365 15 TO BE LET TO LET. Two Story Compound house 9 Loron? 14 off Gaylang Road, rate rent. Apply to No. 181 goon Road. 7-10 v TO LET. fortable residence near town. thy district. Immediate entry at |$4 per month. Applf t0 "Healthy" co Malaya Tribune. 5-1 5-2 BUSINESS PREMISES TO
      365 words
    • 495 15 NOTICES THE BUKIT JELOTONC RUBBER ESTATES, LIMITED. 4 Notice is hereby given that the Directors have declared an interim dividend of 3/ on account of the year ending 31st May, 1916, payable to Shareholder* on the Register on the 25th January 191G, and that the Transfer Boiks of the Company
      495 words
    • 307 15 WANTEL WANTED. Wanted news compositors for the Ma'aya Tribune. Apply with recent testimonials to the Manager. Wanted. A smart shorthand tyj ist. Apply in own handwriting to Boustead Sz Co., Transhipment Department. 19-1 25-1 WANTED For Shipping firm, a Shorthand Typist. Speed about 100 *ords per minute. Remington and Oliver
      307 words
    • 463 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Pa Jsn Up Ca P ital M.OOO Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Keserve Liability of Proprietora £1,200,000 Bankers The Bank of England, *Th« London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster gank,
      463 words
    • 558 15 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO. LTD. [Incorporated is New Zealand J PM Insurances effected on Buildings, Rent and Merchandise of every description MARINE Insurances accepted to all parte of the world at lowest rates. EARTHQUAKE Risks accepted. J. HENRY Local Manager. Offices: 2, Finlayson Green. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation,
      558 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 347 16 *Itttt**tttt*t*t*ttt*tt***t*ttt*t*t*tt**tt* ****««******X*TX»****X**»*»*tttttt»», GUAN KIAT Co., I 1 Head offiee: 3T Phillip Afreet. I I! BRANCH STORES AT —Phillip Street No. 14 and Tank Road Nos, 14, 100 and 102. I 5 in Telegraphic Address I Telephone Nos. 1174, 1233, Codes Used I 2 S 1 GUANKIAT. (Private 1450). i A.B.C.
      347 words

  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 455 1 P.&O. British India AND Apcar Line Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India Aden, Egyp?, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapcre on or about Mail Lines. HoMBWABD (FOR EUBOPB). OUTWABD (fOI ChirA). Connecting at
      455 words
      273 words
    • 525 1 O.K. NIPPONujYUSEN KAISHA (INCORPORATED IN JAPAN} (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.) EUROPEAN LINE A «rrice ii maintained between Yokohama Tia norts la WnmU Ub uoTernment. The New Twin-screw Steamers thie L.irr fp. I ■■■IU for the safety and ,-omfort of passengers. UgbM throughoot by electr.c.ty, the cabi. amidships are especially
      525 words

  • 492 2 I Europe. Pfbr London January 29 Suwa Maru, February 2 l|l kaaimir February I H Nellore February 8 City of Colombo February 9 Helenus, February 12 I Hardinia (connects with Khyber) February 17 I i ntht Companion, February 26 R Farias, March 3 Miylzaki Maru. March 20
    492 words
  • 59 2 Renter wires to-day that an interesting announceuienr was made in the House of Commons by Mr. W. Runciman on the shortage of tonnage. He said that the recent rise in freights was largely due to the sudden requisitioning of bhips to bring nitrates from South America. These vessels
    59 words
  • 106 2 Steady progress is being made at Helen's Court. Collyer Quay, where the Straits Steamship Company and the Asiatic Petroleum Company's new premises are being fitted to meet the steadily increasing requirements of these two important local concerns. The wonderful strides ahead which both companies have made
    106 words
  • 306 2 Supplementing Reuters wire, which appeared in these columns a few days ago on this subject, tbe Netherlands Government has now ordered that no Dutch vessel may leave Holland waters for abroad, unless the owners make a declaration to the effect that the vessel is not for
    306 words
  • 385 2 Latest Arrivals. British STBAMIR. BBRTB. DATE Sandakan Dock 2-12 Patrol Outer Rds 20-12 Physa K. Harbour 26-12 j Sri Patana Inner Rds 9-1 Will-o-the Wisp do 10 1 I Kuala do do| Welsh Prince No. 7 Whart 15 1 Antilochus No. 6 Wharf 16-1 Kum Chow Outer Rds
    385 words
  • 65 2 Kinta tor Port Swettenham and Teluk Anson. P«»ntianak for Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis and Bagan. Van Diemen for Medan. Meran for Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis and Bagan. Hock Lee for Mersing and Kemaman. Mersing for Batu Pahat. Mena for Batu Pahat. Lady Weld for Malacca and Muar Rumphius for Batavia,
    65 words
  • 1094 2 Oar leader to-day deals with Russia's latest acquisition as an all- the-year-round port, viz., Ekaterina To-morrow, by kind permission of the London Sphere, we hope to publish maps of the harbour, together with some further interesting details concerning this new trading j centre. The Ben liner Benalder is
    1,094 words

  • 351 3 Stringency of Labour. Whatever schemes may now consideration for faVlSjng the ou r put of merchant jping. it appears that the pares actually taken so far c been confined practically to gtli if particular types. Build■x- have their yards full of rernment work are experiencdifficulty in maintaining- the
    351 words
  • 36 3 Vessels Expected. (P. and 0.) 22nd Janna»y, Belawan from Port Swet"n. Agents, Messrs Harrii 1 rnefield, Ltd. ~H 1 29th January, from Sing- Penang, Madras and Xgents, Messrs wi H, m;)shire and Co, Ltd.
    36 words
  • 91 3 The following easnalties to shipping through hostile acts have been reported during the past week Ship and Owners. Flag. Tons. Damage. Marere u (Tyser Line, London.) British 6,443 (Crew saved, Jan. 19.) Belgica (Sota y Aznar. Bilbao) Spanish 2,068 (Sunk. Twenty-three of Maashaven the crew picked
    91 words
  • 107 3 Jan. 21—High water :—10.36 a.m. 9 ft 6* ins. Jan. 22.—High >vatero 2 am. 8 ft. 6 ins. 11.13 pm. 9 ft. 7 ins. Jan. 23. —High wuie» -0 27 a.m. 8 ft. 7 ins.: 11.49 p.m. 9 ft. 8 ins. Jan. 24 —High water :—0.52 a.m.
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  • 22 3 Noon To-day. Vessels in communication at noon with the local Commercial WireJean Station :—s.s. Waimana, s.s. Athos and S.s. Overstraten.
    22 words
  • 76 3 Delivered in London. The following are the dates of departure from Singapore of th« European Mails and their delivery in London. Mail. Larr. Dklivrvd. P.iO N 26 Deo. 81 B. I. Deo. 3 Dec. 81 M.M. Deo. 4 8 nk. P. 4 0 Deo. t Jan. 6 B.
    76 words
  • 26 3 The outward bound N.Y.K. liner Miyazaki Maru left Marseilles on the 2nd inst. via the Cape for the Kast. She is due here on Feb. 8.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 SINGAPORE HFGHMiDLERYCo. BKIAIN RS g PROYI ORING RAXT RS, "pHn\ s Launch meets iDeooiiiig ships. 16 Battery Road. Al UFj TO TOP FLOOR fl *I*©ae No. ML Jfr prompth attended to from Jw.oarv Nt, 1916. I W. H. STLVENS, Manager. 5-4
      41 words
    • 294 3 BAN LEE ANN, LIMITED. Registered Office 58 AND 59, MARKET STREET. Telephone No. 1130. &8. M HOCK LIM M AND S.S. M HOCK KENG DAILY SERVICES For Janda Bria.-, Puloe Batam. Puloe lioyan. Puloe Bulnrig, Puloe Awi, Subang Mas. S.S. "SOON HONG,' For Cucob, Pontian aud Benuit, sailing every other
      294 words
    • 405 3 M. M. MESSACERIES NHRITIMES. Mail Line. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, CEYLON, MARSEILLES HOMBWABD. OUTWUD. 1916 1916 Atbo. Jjun. 22 AUantiqne Jan. 81 Porthoa Feb. 8 Amaaone Feb. 14 Coiddlere Feb. 11 Andre Feb. 25 Atlantiq c Mar. 10 An azone Mar. 24 For all particulars, apply to J. De COURTOIS, Agent.
      405 words
    • 457 3 Australia By Burns Philp Line. Singapore to Java Port*, Port Darwin, Thursday Island, Brisbane and Sydney, via Torres Stmts. Abe taking passengers and cargo wish transhipment for other Victorian Soath Australian and North Queensland Porta, British New Guinea, New Britain, Tasmanian and New Zealand Ports. Smooth Passaic. Ssperh Scenery A
      457 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 348 3 bails' Close. Tj-day. Port Swettaauam and Teluk Anaon *Kinte 2.30 pm Pandjang, Ban* kalis and Baeran J Pontianak 2.30 pm Medan I Van Dirmaa 2.i# pm Kelat Pandjang, Beu j kalis and Bagan Meraii 2.30 pm Mersing and Kctnaman Hock Lee 2.30 p m Batu i'ahat Mersing 2.30 pin Bata
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
      638 words
    • 527 4 Kawasaki Dockyard Co., Ltd. Contractors to the Imperial Japanese Army and Navul/andjto Foreign Governments.) Cable DOCKYARD It 1 1 wLm Onioa Kohk 1 UXrlawvl a I Scott's, Lieber's, and v DOCK-Dairbn. fel Engineering. KOBE Shipbuilders, Engineers, Boiler and Locomotive Makers All sizes and descriptions of Boilers, Marine and Land Engines.
      527 words
    • 325 4 I Ocean Steam Company, Lld China Mutual Steam i Co.. Ltd, The Coin pan patched from Livi the Straits, China week and from London, Amsterdam every fortnight f < t les and Liverpool and Havre and Liverpool outward eteamer tends to Vancoa Tacorna, taking Bills of LsHini: Ports and inland
      325 words