Malaya Tribune, 24 November 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY. AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vol 2- No. 274. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1915 Price 5 Cents
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 379 1 TO-NIGHT'S CHANGE OF PROGRAMME AT THE POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE "GAIETY" Picture Palace Junction cf Albert and Bencoolen Streets. 2 PARTS Earl Williams assisted by Mile. Ideal and Rose Tapley. See the Thrilling and Daring Rescue of a Child in the Niagara Falls. THE RED DIAMOND 3 REELS A SENSATIONAL STORY
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    • 30 1 I Portland J j LTD. 1 I SOLE AGENTS. MILKMAID BRAND MILK. PRICE $8.00 PER CASE. MAKES PEOPLE STRONG I Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. (London) Singapore. I I llHll—————
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  • 769 2 Japanese Minister Tells of His Experience. Among the passengers by the Chiyo Maru, which reached Yokohama from San Francisco a few dajs ago, was Dr. Adachi, Japanese Minister to Mexico, who has returned to Japan for the benefit of his health. In the course of an interview
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  • 456 2 The Special Correspondent of The Times in Holland has been given a unique opportunity of visiting many points on the frontier between that country and Belgium on the one side and Germany on the other. In an article he describes the extraordinary conditions of
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  • 152 2 Ex-Commissioner for Assam. Sir Henry Cotton, k.c, who was Liberal M.P. for East Nottingham from 1905 to 1910, and Chief Commissioner for Assam from 1896 to 1902, died from heart failure at his London residence on Oct. 23. He was in his seventy-first year. He had written several books
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  • 198 2 Whatever improves bodily tions in general aids digestion Cheerfulness, exercise, fresh baths and good habits make JUI digestion better able to take any burdens you impose u^ n But the greatest aid to goo<]\)i tion is good blood. Anaemia thin blood, is a common indigestion. Normal action
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 219 2 ADVANCE DISPLAY SPKCIAL Christmas Goods JUST ARRIVED. Christmas Toys and Dolls Christmas Crackers and Provisions Christmas Cards and Books. Christmas Gifts of all kinds in large variety AT John Little Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. A COUCH IS DANGEROUS. 3| Too dangerous to be neglected. Fo- small, trifling oughs develop
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    • 280 2 The Malaya Tribune. Can be had at the following depots:— Singapore. Messrs. Koh Co., 90, Bras Basah Road. Messrs. The Hean Storo, X. High Street. Money Changer, Adelphi Hotel. Mr. Pang Boon Tin Tank Road Railway Station.) Messrs. Kwong Seng Chiang Co., Selegie Road. Mr. Mohd. Abu Bakar, 265, Gaylang
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  • 467 3 Some Firms Affected. The imposition of an excess profits tax has naturally excited widespread interest, and people are asking firms the amounts they are likely to be called upon to pay, says the Manchester Guardian. Mr. McKenna calculate* that the tax will yield £6,000,000 this year and
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  • 94 3 Mr. Fitzgerald, in a speech at the National Press Congress at Sydney on Oct. 27, said that Australians should alter their attitude towards Japan. Australians formerly hoped that they would not be troubled by Japanese immigrants with their lowstandard of economy and morals but now the state
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  • 76 3 General Rennenkampt has been placed on the retired list by the Russian Government. It was he who conducted the successful raid into Germany, almost to Koenigsberg in the summer of 1914, but in the 'second German invasion of Poland he is alleged to have spoiled a Russian manoeuvre of great
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 391 3 MOTOR CARS ON HlRe"| MOTOR REPAIRS ALL KINDS OF TYRES GREASE Cylinder Oil AND Motor Accessories OF Every Description. Sole Agents For: North British Clincher Motor Tyres Meitz Weiss Oil Engines Tbe Celebrated Star, Mitchell and Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles "Gasolene Light Cycle Co. 4/5-2, BEACH ROAD. 1 Rathbourne
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    • 164 3 LATEX CUPS WHITE, FULLY-GLAZED Ironstone Earthenware. Glacial Acetic Acid. Moml Cases. PROMPT DELIVERY. YAMATO CO. *li High Street. Telephone 129. 18-11 22-12 POWELL Co.'s CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER, 1915. Sun. 7 14 21 28 Mon. 1 8 15 22 29 1 TUES. 1 9 16 23 30 -—Wed. 3 10 17
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 185 4 Xmas Numbers Annuals Now Ready Illustrated London News (with 2 plates) .60 Holly Leaves (1 plate) .60 Gentlewoman (1 plate on Satin) .60 Pear's Annual (with 6 plates) .75 Weldon's Illustrated Dressmaker (1 plate) .20 Weldon's Children's Bazaar (1 plate) .20 Chatter Box (boards) -1.65 do. (cloth) 2.75 Playbox Annual
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    • 205 4 j LTD.,^l^^g $85 Cellular Tennis Shirts, made from a strong 5S cotton cellular material with Polo collar jj I/ Wide End Ties The Softo Office Sh and pocket, and button Wrist, excellent I Plain Crepe de S rrnnr c r n I I wash a„U wear well. hj> xx
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  • 838 5 Ai» interesting piece of news has reached me thig (Tuesday) evening. I understand that as from to-morrow (Thursday) the working arrangement between the proprietor of t)ie Theatre Royal and the Universal Film Co. of New York will cease to exist This does not imply that there is any
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  • 171 5 (Exclusive to Malaya Tribune) Messrs. Latham and Co» the Arcade, advise the following quotations for to-day Alor Gajah $2.55 S2.GO Ayer Hitam 22.50 24.00 Ayer Kunings 1.15 125 Ayer Molek L 95 200 Ayer Panas 7.00 7.15 Balgownie 3.15 3.25 Bukit Jelotong 0.52J, 057.', Bukit Katil 0.75" 0.80"
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  • 233 5 (Singapore, November 24.) Tin.— *B2J 190 tons sold. Copra.— StroDg. Tapioca. —Strong. Sago Flour- Weak. Oa mbier. —Strong. Pepper- —Weak. Other Products. —Market Steady. Latest Local Market Qvotatioas. Nutmeg. 110 8. per picul fl9oo Nutmeg. 80 S. 22.00 Copra Bali i 2o o* Copra Gorong Talo 12.j0* Copra
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  • 140 5 Latest Quotations. (Special Service.) London, November 23, 4 p.m. Metals. Tin Straits, 3 months £107.10 0. Bar Silver 85fd. Produce. Fint hard Para spot: 3/] Smoked Sheet 3/7. Plantation, Ist class quality crept: 3/i;. Copra £30.0.0. Black Pepper, fair Singapore open ports spot (I f> 16 dist.
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  • 68 5 Singapore, November 24On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 9/lti Demand 2/4 7/32 Private 3 m/s 2/4] On India Bank T. T. 175^ On HongkongBank d/d 17| On Shanghai— Bank d/d 92} On Jay Bank T. T. 134} On Japan Bank d/d 111* Sovereigns —buying rate 18.54 India Ceil Bills
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  • 802 5 Prices Quoted it the Market this Moraioi- Singapore, November 24. M.m Lyall and Evatt, Exohanjre and Shaw Broken, hive the following list of quotation* Rubber Shares. Value. Bayer*. Seller.. 2/- Allagar 1/19 2 ;i I. Anglo Java «3 9/6 l\- Anglo-Malay 10/- 11,6 I Ayer Kuning 11/.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 457 5 SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENT. Asthma got hold c f me and reduced me so very much that I had to lose hope of my existence. I am very fond of theatres and outdoor trips. A few minutes exposure or attending even once a theatre will sure and certain bring me asthma. Oh
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 169 5 FIXTURES. Today. Harmston's Circu». Beach Road. S.C.R C. Tennis Champiomhip 4.45. p m. P. <fc O. homeward mail due from Far East. High water: —0.3 a.m. 8 ft. 3 ins. 11.1 p.m. 9 fl. 4 in*. To-morrow. Hanuston Circa». P. Si O. Mail eloses 0 p.m. High water: —0.39 a.m.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 492 6 HIGH-CUSS CIGARETTES AT MODERATE PRICES. t CIGARETTES Packed in patent vacuum tins insuring the perfect condition of the cigarettes in all climates. N? 555 VI |!eTf IA 60 cents per tin of 50 Quality counts in all things, but more especially in cigarette manufacture. Men of discrimination find that after
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    • 413 6 Singapore's Premier Theatre—OßCHAßD ROAD—Singapore's Premier Theatre All Films New to Singapore, Positively the Last Might. A STOLEN INHERITANCE A powerful Four-Part Drama, Splendidly Stage 1 a nd Acted with great ability, featuring Mile Maria Caserini in this her gr*ate*t triumph. Produced by the Gloria Co., Italy. I (Parts 1& 2>
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  • The Malaya Tribune.
    • 20 7 THE GREAT WAR. THE MALAYA TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1916 Latest Cables and News-Notes. ClK fttaiapa tribune* WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24.
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    • 295 7 London, Nov. 22, 11 p.m. ftel 1-Mar.shal Sir John French reports: Oar artillery during the, past tour days has carried ont a re n effective bombardment of many portions of the hostile lines. The" enemy's artillery has been active north of Loos, east of Armentieres, and east
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    • 76 7 Hnemy ganards Refuted. London, Nov. 23, 1.20 p.m. 'Hie Admiralty announces that Uw constant repetition of German wireless falsehoods concerning BritWo hospital ships necessitates a farther categorical denial. It says that there are forty-two, not seventy, working to and from the Mediterranean, all equipped strictly in with
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    • 86 7 London, Nov. 23, 6.55 a.m. Details received of the death Jj Lient.-Comm»nder Oswald 11 who was imprisoned in fwerp during October 11U4 and bve d to have died at Halle, n that he never got there, but was judicially murdered by the 'nans. He was marched in
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    • 17 7 London, Not. 23, 1.20 p.m. Tlw death of Admiral J. H. uamie is announced.
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    • 35 7 London, Nov. 23, 3.10 a.m. Petrograd A communique reports minor actions throughout the line Russian torpedo boats in the Baltic sank a German patrol boat. One officer and 19 men were captured.
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    • 93 7 London, Nov. 23,1.20 p.m. There has been some agitation amongst the trade unions on the fresh curtailment of the drink hours in London. Mr. Will Thome told Mr. Lloyd George in the House of Commons that there have been three public meetings of protest in the past
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    • 68 7 London, Nov. 22, 2 p.m. In the House'"* of Commons Mr. McKenna annoupced that the WarLoan vouchers realised only five millions. It was a small sum in view of the big wages being In order to popularise tbe loan n«« proposed to issue five per cent, bonds
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    • 55 7 London, Nov. 23, 3.40 p.m. Washington The authorities are strongly guarding all the tunnels, bridges, etc., on the railways entering Washington, owing to the threats of bombs. At Parrysounds, Ontario, simultaneous explosions destroyed five buildings of the Canadian Explosives Co. It is thongbt that
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    • 24 7 The Netherlands Overseas Trust has again fined a number of Dutch firms for exporting tin and tea without a permit, says a Java wire.
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    • 125 7 London, Nov. 23, 140 p.m. A communique states The British captured a trench with bomb-depot in Gtdlipoli on Nov. 15, and aided the bombardment by the French artillery with the fire of armoured cruisers. All counterattacks were repulsed. Gallant Aviator. London, Nov. 22, 7.15 p.m. The Commander-in-Chief at
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    • 236 7 At one of the hospitals in the "Eastern counties and' London district" the ready r?s< u r ea of a nurse discovered a way f d "tiling with Zeppelin raid* whu li would les«» n the glee of the bab -kill in if it wore known in
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    • 188 7 Action by Shanghai Firm. London, Nov. 24, 1.30 p.m. Sir Samuel Evans, Presiderttof the Prize Court in London, delivered judgment in the case of the claim by the firm of Messrs Arnold, Karberg <fc Co. of Shanghai regarding goods shipped in a British steamer and consigned
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    • 146 7 According to the Times, it is probable that Rumania will intervene against the Allies, says a Hague wire to the Dutch Press on Nov. 20. Reports from Bucharest confirm the news that Rumania wiU appear in the field in December. The wellknown politician XL Carp aasu.ed
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    • 23 7 A Paris report states that at a conference with the French and the British Ministers, General Joffre energetically defended his plan of campaign.
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    • 87 7 London, Nov. 22, 7.10 p.m. The P. 0. Salsette has been refloated without any damage to the vessel. The s.s. Pembrokeshire, having been refloated, arrived at Las Palmas, Canary Islands. Latĕr. The P. and 0. Salsette is proceeding to Aden. [The P. and O. liner Salsette is
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    • 217 7 London, Nov. 23, 1.20 p.m. The decease of Sir Allen Young is announced. [The deceased was well-known in many parts of the world, having commanded the Marlborough, East Indiaman, and Adelaide troopships during the- Crimean War was navigating nnicer of Fox, 1857-59, in the successful
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    • 77 7 A consig ument of the popular "Bnick" cars is due here next month, and as the November shipment has been entirely booked up those who desire to acquire the Buick Six," which has not the slightest sign of vibration and is very full value f< r the money asked for
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    • 87 8 Thk Great War p ac ,e. The Western Front 7 In the East 7 Priise Court Decision 7 In Gaflipoli 7 The Italian Campaign «j' In the Balkans »j Affairs in Persia q if The Cameroons 9 In Merry Mexico 9 pi On the Edge of the War
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    • 921 8 Apparently the London Press are experiencing much the same sense of stagnation with regard to 44 live news as we are in the East, and are having to resort to the principal of instituting the system of 14 big gooseberry correspondence, which generally prevails during the slack summer
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    • 140 8 "Prospector," Ipoh: Glad to hear our pamphlet on Ti i Hunting in Malaya is appreciated by an experienced miner like vourself. Yes there are stiil a few oopitsof it in stock—price 50 cents. You anil your friends are not likely to have obstacles placed in your
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    • 162 8 A decision of considerable interest to honse owners in this town, a summary of which in our columns yesterday, was delivered by the District Magistrate in connection with the Municipal case against Hassan Bannoo. The Magistrate considered the point raised by the defend regarding the summons not
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    • 76 8 For the perio J froi the 2foh November to 2nd December, 191k inclaBive, the value of the higher grade of rubber id fixed at two shillings and nine pence one quarter penny per lb., and the dut\ on cultivated rubber on wbiib export duty is leviable on
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    • 1076 9 Tin is $82}—$1.50 down, r Rubber is at 3/7. Copra has jumped to £30. Consols dealings rang# between .17 and 58] Reuter. Our Special London Correspondent quotes —3/7 for smoked sheet. Sungei liagan (Sterling Co.) ia w ing a first dividend of 7 per cent. were quoted
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    • 536 9 In the Balkans. Tino Retracts Too Late. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Nov. 23, 1.55 p.m. The Daily Mail correspondent wiring from Messina gives information regarding the situation at Athens up to Nov. 18., He says that he interviewed M.'Ralli, the Minister of Justice, who characterised as madness the
      REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  536 words
    • 234 9 London, Nov. 23, 8 a.m. Rome A communique states there was fierce fighting on the Isonzo between Podgora and Sabotino. The enemy's furious counterattacks, with the object of recapturing lost positions, were repulsed after furious hand to hand fighting. The troops did not yield an inch of
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    • 136 9 The Shiraz Outrage. London, Nov. 23, 5.25 p.m. In the House of Commons in reply to Colonel Yate, Sir Edward Grey said that he has received official information that the arrest of the British Consul and the manager of the Imperial Bank at Shiraz, and the seizure
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    • 103 9 London, Nov. 23, 2 p.m. Paris: An official account of the capture of Tibati, in the Cameroons, says that the population suffered from German exactions and welcomed the French with enthusiasm, when the latter entered ifrto Tibati on Nov. 3. The place stands 3,000 feet above sea level.
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    • 44 9 London. Nov. 23, 2.50 p.m. The Foreign Office announces that no Greek ships are being seized or held up in the ports -of the United Kingdom. There as been no blockade of Greek ports instituted or in force. (Continued on page 7.)
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    • 238 9 Mr. C. Alma Baker has sent the following letter to the ladies of Belaigor:— I hope Mrs. Noel Walker and those who worked with her will allow me to thank them for their whole-hearted and valuable efforts towards increasing the Malayan Air Squadron. The nett collections amounted
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    • 130 9 An Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held in the Board Room on Friday next at 2.30 p.m. punctually. Agenda. 1. To confirm, if approved, the Minutes of the Ordinary and Special Meetings of 29th October, 1915. 2. President's remarks. 3. Questions by the Municipal Commissioners.
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    • 144 9 The town of Chemor, says the Times of Malaya, was aroused to a state of great terror on Sunday night by a party of armed Chinamen who, it was alleged, were about to make a raid on one of the shops there. From particulars received in Ipoh
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    • 51 9 Thii favourite combination open* this evening m tbe Beach Road ground with many star tnrns. We have been ask*d to emphasize that the tent which has been erected 1« watertight, that no inconvenience will arise to patrons from possible mm, and that th« seating capacity is very comfortable.
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    • 96 10 Attempted Murder. Lee Hai Yn, a Chinese, who was charged on the 10th inst. with the attempt to mnrder a fellow-boarder at 2f> Keng Cheow Street and remanded for medical observation, was brought up again this morning in the third Court. Dr. Gibbs and Dr. Furnival gave expert
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    • 373 10 It appears from information reaching the Japan Times that the political crisis in China is gravely affecting the trade of the country. It is stated that all Chinese importers are getting more and more afraid of the troubles they apparently expect to come on President Yuan's assumption
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    • 39 10 A New York telegram states that the National City Bank announces the formation of a company with a -capital of ten millions sterling backed by the leading financiers, to finance and control enterprises in all parts of the world.
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    • 353 10 Malacca Notes. On Friday the Malacca Football Unron met Umbei in the first round of the knock-out conipetition on the Depot ground. During the first fifteen minutes Umbei pressed, but the good combination of the-M. F. U. and the strong defence put up by the half-backs resulted in
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    • 77 10 Swimming Club launches for Sunday will leave at if, 10 and 11 a.m., 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. and return and 10 30 a.m., 12.15, 3 and Life Saving Race.—This event will take place after the arrival of the 10 o'clock launch. Entries will be received by the Captain
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    • 120 10 Presgrave Cup November *914. This competition wag played for orginally on Saturday the 18th, Sunday 14th and Monday 15th. No cards were returned as the result of thes« three days' play. The Cup was played for again on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st result as follows Mr.
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    • 284 10 Germany and the Trade 11 is current in rubber 'circle, here, writes the German correni,. I dent of the New York India Rr} World, that .ar«e German Si nmnulacturers and .b alers in crcJ rubber have made contracts I nenlral countries, wh-iv thev collecting large quantities of' rrt
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    • 90 10 The Hague, Nov. 19, via Sumatra Acording to the Italian press th» 44 Entente Powers have taken verj serious steps in which Italy cooperated. They are resolved to take up in the Balkans a front for which a large number of troops ar* necessary, and they require
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    • 42 10 Mr. E.C. Pearce, Chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Council recently invited Mr. bhii, local manager of the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, to fill the vacancy on th* Council caused by the retirement ol Mr. H. C. Gulland. Mr. Ishii accept ed the invitation.
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    • 243 11 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE EMPIRE. BOMBAY. Irrigation Panchayats. Bombay, Nov. I.—The Government of Bombay has published the Report of the Select Committee appointed by the Legislative Council in 1914 to consider the proposal made by the Hon'ble Mr. Godbole for the formation of Irrigation
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    • 208 11 A Research Institution. His Highness the Maharajah of Travancore has been pleased to accord sanction for the opening, in his name, of an institution fur higher literary research, known as the "Srce Mula Bhasolbanarn, in commemoration of the discovery, during His Highness regime, of the celebrated works of Poet
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    • 295 11 Lanka to the Front. 11. M. Paul Lecat,' which sailed on the 30th ult., took away another batch of Ceylonese ycung men to join the army at home. The following six of them have been paid their passage out of the Times War Passage Fund, namely, MessrsS. Sproule Keyt
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    • 335 11 Wanted an Absconder. The Criminal Investigation Department are on the look-out for a European named Hill, an Army Sergeant and Head Clerk of the Military Station Office at Multan, who, it is alleged, has absconded with lis. 14,000 belonging to Government. Cholera. Cholera is raging in all parts of
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    • 313 11 Ramayana in Pictures. His Highness the Chief of Aundh, who is well-known as an artist, and whoae paintings and articles on art in the art journals hare been wellknown, will soon publish a hook entitled Picture Ramayan" or Ramatanain Pictures. He has selected some occasions of utmost beauty and
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    • 392 11 The National Congress. At a meeting of the Reception Committee of the Congress on Nov. 2, Sir Chandavarkar presiding, the Hon'ble Mr. Samarath read a report in which Sir S. P. Sinha consented to preside. The report also thanked the Governor of Bombay for permitting the Marine Lines Maidan
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 95 7 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for the week ending Friday, November 26 To-Day. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A. do Maxim Ce. 4 Balestier Range S.R.E. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.R. do Veterans Co. 5 Bras Basah Rd. Malay Co. To-morrow, Nov. 25. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.R.E. 5 p.m. Bras Basah
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 126 8 Christmas Toy Bazaar Now Opened I A Large Variety of j Toys, Crackers, Sweets, etc. I DO YOU USE A BLUi-FLAME OIL STOVE? THEN BUY Kerosene I —a Kerosene EFFICIENT—ECONOMICAL, WHY BURN EXPENSIVE OIL IN YOUR STOVE WHEN "CROSS" WILL GIVE YOU EQUAL SATISFACTION At Less Cost Obtainable from all
      126 words
    • 107 8 ALLSOPPS BRITISH PILSENER BEEKm m THE n best /I AM) HEALTHIEST. ALWAYS ASK FOR tU ALLSOPP S. SOLE, IMPORTERS',: CaldbecK Macgregor Co. Adelphi Hotel, i 1 s 1 I LIFT f 3 S j! IN I II Course of Erection. DAVID BENJAMIN, Manager. J WWfffffffffffifWfJ I Y. M. TOYO. i
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 84 10 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS, CLERK WANTED. For a tmsN Rubber Estate in Seiemban. Apply to 44 R" c/j Malaya Tribune. 26-11 AUCTION SALE Of A STOREKEEPER'S STOCK to be held at No. 22 High Street On Saturday, 27th Nov, at 2.30 p.m. Comprising Port Wine, Sherry, Bols Gin, -ickles, Chutney, Yarmouth Bloat.
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    • 471 10 Latest Advertisements. At the GAIETY Picture Palace JUNCTION OF ALBERT BEtfCO )LEN STREETS. MERE'S SUPREMACY IMPORTANT NOTICE COMING SOON WATCH THE DATE THE WORLD'S GREATEST AND LONGEST SERIAL The Exploits of Elaine Introdncing the Mysterious Master Criminal The Clutching Hand 3ft Episodes of Reels of c%g\ Miles of v 2
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    • 38 10 ANNOUNCEMENT. We bffc to anounce that we have opened the-Straits Servants Agen--7™ "*Ve^ can supply Boys, Cooks, Amahs, Ayahs. Gardeners, Motorcar drivers and others at moderate 2? J B apply to Fatal Co. 86 Queen Street 2-10 v
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    • 23 10 Raffles Hotel. ST. ANDREW'S DAY November 30th. Special Dinner At 8 p.m. AND AFTER WAR I>s DANCING. Ea*ly application for seats is requested.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 211 11 $itt«ititt»ttttt*>ttti*ttttt* "IN A CLASS BY ITSELF" I 2 (THE HIGHEST). i 3 1 This U not the opinion of a few or of merely a j jority, but J| if ft OF ALL who have tried Ross's GREAT J AUK'S HEAD Pilsener. It deserves its high reputation because it is
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  • The Malaya Tribune.
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    • 279 12 Europe. For London NVllore, November 26 City cf Bombay Noveml er 30 Nagoya, November 30 .For Liverpool Perseus, November 25 Mentor December 4 Kasenga, December 12 For Glasgow City of Bombay November 30 Foil MARSEILLES Nagoya, November 30 Ville de la Ciotat, December 3 For Genoa Mentor,
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    • 119 12 i reference to Notice to Mariners No. 1230 in Government Gazette dated November 19th 1915, regarding the wreck of tbe Cholbnri o>s feet in length) sunk abont 4 cables, S. 5 W. off the outer Red Light .Ship at the entrance of the Menam River, information has
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    • 180 12 Latest Arrivals. BritishKnan, sir.. !?.*>-11-15, Inner Roads. Tara. str., 23-11-15, No. 2 \N harf. Sappho, str 23-11-15, Inner Roa-!s. Kashmir, Mr., 23 11-15, P. and O. Wharf. Hai Nam, sir., 23-1 1-15, Inner Rds. Derwent, ttr., 23 11-15, Inner lids. Foo Sbtng, str., 23-11-15, Inner Roads. Sri Palana,
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    • 41 12 Hirano Maru for Malacca, Penang and Colombo. Ipoh for Malacca, Port Swettenham ami Penang. Circe for Medan. Pontiauak for Selat Fandjang, Bang* kalis and Began. A ing Laong for Batu Paha*. Meranti for Kota Tinggi. Hock Lse for Mersing.
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    • 82 12 The K. P. M. liner Rhumphius, due to leave here on the 26th inst., will proceed only to Batavia. Semarang and Sonrabaya. at which ports she usually called, are to be omitted. The sailings from Singapore to Batavia, Semarang and Sonrabaya on December 10th and December 24th, and
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    • 64 12 Arrivals 22-11-15. Trang, Brit, 73, William Pithie, Nov. 22, Trang, gen E. S. Co. Klang, Brit., 732, Fawcns, Nov. 22, Singapore,gen A. G. ft Co. Pangkor. Brit., 94, Caswell, Nov. 22, P>. Datoh. gen., E. S. Co. Jin Sen Maru, Jap., 2l)b'2, Ata, Nov. 22, Calcutta, gen., P.
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    • 344 12 The Spanish Mail liner C. Lopez y Lopez, which was due here about Dec 2, had a serious fire on board in the bunkers off Malta. Ca*go in No. 3 hold has received damage from Steam and water, and the vessel was not allowed to enter
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    • 317 12 On the 29th inst. will sail for China the P. and 0. liner Kashmir. The Glenliner Glengyle, for Genoa and London, is due here on Dec. 10. For Hongkong and Japan will sail the N.Y.K. liner Ceylon Mam on Nov. 29. For Bombay direct will sail on the
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    • 337 12 Direct for Marseilles will untitled on or about Dec. 10, the Hen m Benlomond, 4.8.57 torn fro* inward from Calcutta. The Glenliner Glenfopß, hi U.K. ports for Far Kantern pond in Suez on the 18th imt 8h a due here about Dec. 8. S. S. Tydeup, of the Holt tfan,J
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
    • Page 12 Miscellaneous
      • 236 12 Mails Close. >f To-<liif. Merung tt Malacca,* Penang* :jr, < k Colombo Hirar» Malacca, Port Swetteu I,r; ham and Penang -y_ Medrni 8 f 'P° h 2 Wat Pandjang, Bengkalis and p,„ BatuPahat .W I r ak -*J Kota Tinggi < To-morrow. Pulau Socgi Ho Keriman u Pnlau Baram k
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    • 322 13 J><uren, Oct. 30. —On the Europeao ioute activity is more than maintained at present, but scarcity of hold space seems to be noted less acutely than it used to be, as the ingested goods have almost been taken to their destinations by auxiliary vessels despatched by the
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    • 233 13 Writing under date Oct. 21 Fairpkj sajs The Eastern market has been slightly more active. From Bombay to U.K. 51s. 3d. to 525. Gd. deadlight basis is quoted, business having been done for Hull at 525. 1 while the last fixtures for manganese ore are to Philadelphia
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    • 91 13 An electric monoeuvring machine for a ship's engine has been invented by Dr. K. Ito, of the Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Yard, Nagasaki, and the patent right therefore has been secured by the above Yard. It went through a series of trials recently at Nagasaki on board the salvage-boat Ohura
      91 words
    • 72 13 I A telegraphic report received at j the bead office of the Toyo Kisen Kaisha from San Francisco, states that the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. have transferred their right of coastwise navigation between San Francisco and Panama as well as all its fleet, eight in number,
      72 words
    • 61 13 A New York message dated Oct. 12 states :—Mr. P. E. Quinn, New South Wales trade representative, in opening the New South Wales Government's new offices, said that it was intended to increase trade with the United States. He announced that the immediate object was the establishment
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    • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 472 14 Mr. H. J. Mackinder, M.P., writing to the Times with reference to the remark made by Mr. Montagu, in the House of Commons, that we should have to give one-half of our incomes to the State, either in the form of taxes or loans, remarks :—i
      472 words
    • 194 14 Considerable Damage: One Fatality. An exceptionally heavy shower of rain followed by thunder and lightning, lasting over three hours, fell in Ipoh on the lNth inst. The first signs ot the downpour were accompanied by a severe wind, which blew shortly aftei 7) p.m., driving heavy masses
      194 words
    • 42 14 Unusually heavy rains in Pahang have resulted in the Bentang river overflowing its banks. Considerable damage is reported, including the destruction of several bridges. Several Chinese, Tamil and Malay houses were washed away, but there are no tidings of loss of lives.
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    • Page 14 Advertisements
      • 707 14 Ithe i9i6 a,ewhighE,,idency,ea,Bres a I 111 mMk m #m mmiV id I JD v/ 1 JIV v/r\i\us {g ENGINE. j£s? M Cylinder Valve-in-head type 3j ins. x rv 41 in*. Four bearir g crankshaft. jQ< 1 CYLINDER are built up to a value I 3$ m^ m oo system. Sq|
        707 words
    • Page 15 Advertisements
      • 362 15 TO BE LET T0 LET FROM IST SEPTEMBER. The Ground Floor of 16-18 StamRoad, at present occupied by Igrg Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., v,e taken as one large store, or may I [Tided into small shops if necesApply to Stephens, Paul Co. -6 v TO LET OR FOR SALE. mfortab'e Bungalow
        362 words
      • 504 15 _NOTICEB_ hoticeT We beg to announce that we have opened a Branch Office of our firm in Singapore at the Dispensary Building, 31 Raffles Place, and have appointed Mr. J. C Hermansen Manager of same. MEYER AND MEASOR, Shanghai. Telephone 1107. 22 n 27-11 NOTICE Is hereby given that Mr
        504 words
      • 448 15 NOTL CE L_ ORIENTAL TELEPHONeTTIECTRIC CO., LTD. Notice to Telephone Subscribers. A new Telephone Directory is now in course of preparation and Telephone Subscribers are requested to advise the Company, by letter to the Manager, before the 30th instant, of any alterattous or additions necessa'yta the number*, names or addresses
        448 words
      • 451 15 WANTED. Wanted news compositors for the Malaya Tribune. Apply with recent testimonials to the Manager. WANTED TO BUY Diamonds and also Rings, Krosanga, and other jewelleries -set with Diamonds. Apply to K.K. Bhattacharya (Broker) No. 148, Syed Alwi Road. 26-10 2511 WANTED TEACHER IN CANTONESE. European requires bi-weekly evening lessons
        451 words
      • 466 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
        466 words
    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 493 16 P. O. British India Apcar Line Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Pmang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lines. Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China). Connecting at
        493 words
      • 252 16 SEANG LINE OF STEAMERS. es. Google 3.7."0 Ton?. s.f. fceang Bee 5,7'.»9 Ton*. 8J». Seang Choon"' 5,775 Tons. FOR HONGKONG, AMOY AND SWATOW. s.s. Glenogle 19th December. Ta««f fits amen have excellent* commodation for 'imagers, and carry qualified surgeons. They *.aye Electric iiight« throughout. F>t freight or passage upply to
        252 words
      • 557 16 Na Y§ NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP C 0) EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained be f wepn v„i v Msr.ei.les and London, C,Z mail col ract P* Government. Tie New Twin-screw Steamers L n t.i? er,al have been spec!,:!, desired and construct IdT"^/" U late,t .mprovtn.enN for the
        557 words