Malaya Tribune, 9 November 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vol. 2.- No. 261. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1915 Price 5 Cents. We iPalapa tribune. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 306 1 A NEW CENTURY EXCLUSIVE THE HAND OF FATE A Powerful Drama in Two Reels. HHI—" Ml—ll——ll ■——I— lIIHI—HiII i Later t Ar THE The from the Front POPULAR CINEMA HOUSE GrGat Historical Tu/n if#»Mf Photo-Play V "GAIETY" ivanboe Ga "d" e PICTURE PALACE fow Change of Junction of Albert Bencoolen
      306 words
    • 64 1 f I t I Portland CEMENT. l 1 MITSUI BUSSAN KAISHA, LTD. I I I I SOLE AGENTS. NESTLE S BEST food -^^/^m V DHOWNFim. PARIS »»L*BM V: rtc BABIES. 03 uy, mtt.tcl v A *AXXJX*|j| OBTAINABL E PER WSB|> EVERYWHERE. ***** ,ha BBWp i mm" 0 So Nourishing that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 849 2 The Chinese Commercial Bank, Ltd. THIRD ANNUAL REPORT. The Directors have pleasure in laying before the shareholders the Balance-sheet and Pro6t A j Account for the period commencing from tha 16th day of October, 1914, and ending the 30th day t tember, 1915. At the outset, they wish to explain
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  • 658 3 The British Fleet. "We have been saved by our panicbuilt Navy from the worst consequences of war —the invasion of these Islands, the disintegration of the Empire, the destruction of our vast mercantile marine, and the strangulation of our ocean-borne commerce, which is the very life-blood
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  • 16 3 Our London correspondent wires that Para robber is quoted at 2/6'J Plantation, Ist qual. crepe 2/7.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 175 3 MOTOR CARS ON HIRE~| MOTOR REPAIRS ALL KINDS OF TYRES GREASE Cylinder Oil AND Motor Accessories OF Every Description. Sole Agents For: North British Clincher Motor Tyres Meitz Weiss Oil Engines The Celebrated Star, Mitchell and Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles "Gasolene Light Cycle Co. 4/5-2, BEACH ROAD. AS H
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    • 343 3 POWELL Co.'s CALENDAR FOR NOVEMBER, 1915. I j Sun. 7 14 21 28 Mon. 1 8 15 22 29 TUES. 2 9 16 23 30 j 1 0».--*-%^. Wed. '3 10 17 24 Thurs. 4 11 18 25 —j 1 FRi. 5 12 19 2b* SAT. j 6 13 20
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 824 4 J. H. JAYATiLAKA :o! Licensed Surveyor OF VAST EXPERIENCE Counting over 35 ye*rs service in Ceylon and the Straite Govern ment. Work Under Personal Supervision CHARGES MODERATE. No. 81. Tank Road. I CUPID'S SECRET f I THE MEDICINAL BLOOD 1 DR. J. B'S. VEDIC SPECIFIC. 3 REALM OF VITALITY. 5
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  • 620 5 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE ARCHIPELAGO. The Preussen Wireless. Notes on German Cruisers. tn- contimied hearing of ..the Minst the foarth officer and the j° 0 f the Preussen at Deli the t Haas gave further evidence that the vessel, being in a ti'
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  • 30 5 Mr. H. C. Mouw, officer of Chinese affairs has arrived at Batavia from Peking. He is likely to make Batavia his place of stay for some time.
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  • 49 5 Locusts have become general in many parts of the Semarang district and stringent measures are being adopted to stamp out the plague. The Resident has suggested that the natives be called up to organise general drives to eradicate the evil. Much damage has been done to trees.
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  • 48 5 The firm of Messrs Lowe, Bingham and Mathews of London, Shanghai, Hongkong,* Singapore, etc., have decided to open a branch at Sourabaya. Mr. Charles C Dunman, of Singapore has made the necessary arrangements that the branch may be opened by the end of this year.
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  • 215 5 The October rubber market was very quiet, estates showing but little interest in the sales. Probably due to the influence of leafing the August and September outputs have been below expectations. The offers during October were 45,7e'9.6 kilos of which only 10,701.10 or 43.4 per cent were sold.
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  • 129 5 The Netherlands Indies will participate at the Formosan Exhibition. The Inspector of Posts and Telegraphs, Mr. Van Ringelstein, at the head office, has been transferred to Padang to take the place of the late Mr. Heater. The Lieut Governor General of Papua, Mr. Murray, is going to Merauk"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 118 5 Buy the Best Light The The PHILIPS 4 HaLF WATT Lamp gives a pleasing, steady, soft, white light, that doesn't put I a strain on your eyesight. A light that will I in every way please you. I PHILIPS 4 HALF W\TT' Lamps give you better and double the light
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  • 205 6 At the Victoria Theatre. Carmen." With Signorina Derevers still indisposed the prima donna in last night's representation of Bizet's masterpiece was Signorina Kuss, who during the past week has been heard to advantage in several important roles. She was scarcely suited, however, to the character of the fickle
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  • 217 6 On October 1 Maj.-Gen, Cheng-yi, a Councillor of War, Peking, was sent over to Fort Arthur from Peking by President Yuan to present to Gov.Gen. Baron IS. Xakamura the First Class Order of the Tiger. He travelled via Mukden, changing at Choushuitzu Junction, escorted
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  • 54 6 A correspondent of the Ceylon Observer states that two sons of Sir Apolo Kagwa, k.c.m.g., Prime Minister of Uganda Protectorate, iiave arrived at Trinity College, Kand*for their education. One of the school prefect, Mr. G. Mack, had to go to Bombay to meet them and bring
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 238 6 HOTEL van WIJK DURING THE WAR SPECIAL RATES for MONTHLY BOARDERS. TELEPHONE 111. I •—m^mi^mmmmtmmitmmi^mm^mm^miammmmmtmmmmmwnmmjmmmmmmmmmmmam^mmmmmrmmmm^mmMta^mi^ WE STOCK De Wit's Kidney Pills. Mercolised Wax. Danderine. Pheminol. Orlex Compound. Boranium. Kruschen Salts. Cleminite. De la Barre's Syrup. Mennaline. Sloan's Liniment. Silmerine. Cook's Asepse Soap. Telmo. Sargol. j Smith's Potassium Compound. THE UNITED
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    • 265 6 Palladium! Singapore's Premier Theatre. ORCHARD ROAD. Singapore's Premier Theatre Turn down the Corner in Your Diary and make a note of this THE Red Diamond A STORY OF HIDDEN TREASURE An intense Strong Dramatic Exclusive, played by the best ITALIAN Cinema Artistes. LAST 2 NIGHTS. J[Jf SPY UST 2 NIG
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  • 136 7 The Balkans. Lord Kitchener's Visit. REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE. London, Nov. 8, 2.5 a.m. French Press welcomes Lord ner'fi visit to the East as that Britain and France taring measures in order sir enemies may also tind the ring the road through the London, Nov. 8, 12.20 p.m. Paria
    REUTER'S SPECIAL SERVICE.  -  136 words
  • 189 7 London, Nov. 8, 2.10 p.m. Salonika In reference to the operations on the line from Gradsko to a point north of Lake Doira the British are fighting, the French General Staff states that the action is continuing north-east oi Stru mnitza. The French are advancing northward
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  • 59 7 London, Nov. 8, 2.5 a.m.. A Montenegrin ofticial despatch reports deperate lighting on Nov. 5 the Herzgovina frontier. The enemy attacked repeatedly, but was repalsed with heavy fosses, the Montenegrins capturing four guns, ;t quantity of rifles and ammunition and other valuable stores. ihe Montenegrin army operating the
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  • 132 7 Favourable Attitude. London, Nov. 8, G. 50 a m. fhe limes' correspondent at Athena states that M. Skouloudis, in M»« coarse ol an interview, said that he proposed to observe a very bene- "!it attitude towards the Entente "ewers, London. Nov. 8, 1.20 p.m. M. Skouloudis
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  • 102 7 London, Nov. <S, 1.20 p.m. Athens report gives prorai- to the fact that three Austrian monitors have towed eleven lighters full of munitions to Viddin, a Bulgarian port on the Danube. [Vidin (Widdin) is a town |in north-western Bulgaria and has a population of 16,500. It is
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  • 73 7 London, Nov. 8, 6 p.m. Amsterdam A Berlin communique states that the Austro-Germans have entered Kruchevatz, which is about thirty miles north-west of Nish. This is important as AustroGerman forces are almost meeting. London, Nov. 8, 7.50 p.m. Amsterdam A further Berlin communique claims that 300 unwounded
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  • 18 7 London, 8, 4.40 p.m. Paris The latest communique says there is nothing to report.
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  • 69 7 London, Nov. 8, 1.45 a.m. Paris: A communique says Active righting with trench engines proceeds in Belgium in the region of Hetsas. Violent artillery duels took place all day between the Somme and the Oise, particularly in the Bois Givenchy and the environs of Tahure. One of
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  • 67 7 London, Nov. 8, 1 20 p.m. A telegram from Northern France reports that the Kaiser, addressing fifty thousand troops at Thielt, spoke bitterly of Great Britain and inferentially betrayed some uneasiness regarding the position in the West, remarking. M Although important results are pending in the Balkans, it
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  • 21 7 It is understood that the demarcation of the B. N. Borneoand Dutch Borneo frontiers was settled in London on Sept. 18.
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  • 203 7 Austrians Preparing to Leave Riga. London, Nov. 8, 1.35 p.m. A telegram from Petrograd states that the tactics employed by the Russians on the occasion of their latest victory, mentioned on Nov. 7. were typical of those now adopted by both sides on the eastern front, namely,
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  • 153 7 Opinions of the Press. London, Nov. 8, 0.50 a.m. The Press takes u,# a strong line regarding the long expected American Note presented to Britain during the week-end, objecting to Britain's methods of dealing with neutral shipping; refusing to accept the blockade, as being ineffective and
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  • 29 7 The Perak tin exports for the month of October were as follows Block tin 2,243 pels. 46 kts. Tin ore 34,701 pels. 57 kts. Duty ....$320,684.65.
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  • 381 7 Celebration io Singapore. To-morrow being the day fixed for the enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan in Kioto the ancient capital of Dai Nippon, all public offices will be closed at 2 p.m. From 4.30 to 6.30 p.m. His Imperial Japanese Majesty's Consul, Mr. Minora Fujii,
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  • 72 7 London, Nov. 8, 6 p.m. TJie Admiralty announces that the armed naval tender Tara was attacked by two enemy submarines in the Eastern Mediterranen and sunk. Thirty-four of the crew are missing. I There is no vessel of this name listed in the latest Naval index. The
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  • 140 7 Increase in Rubber and Tea. London, Nov. 8, 1.20 p.m. A welcome feature of the trade returns for October is that the balance of trade against the United Kingdom is reduced by one and three quarter million pounds sterling as compared with the preceding month. Grain imports fell
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 223 7 1 5 for the price of 4 !3 sB< Ist Motorist (pointing to burst tyre) "Hullo, old chap, I'm in trouble one of my confounded fi 5:5 tyres has burst, and I haven't a spare." £8? i&i 2nd Motorist :M No spare and I always looked on you as an
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    • 333 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. VICTORIA THEATRE. Lessee M. S. COWAN. Italian Grand Opera Co. Under the direction of Messrs CONSALEZ BROTHERS. Impresario Sig. A. Carpi. All New Star Artistes direct from Milan, Italy. Augmented chorus and an Orchestra of 21 Musicians under the Direction of Signor Gonsalez ALL NEW SCENERY AND EFFECTS-To-night
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  • 845 8 Events transpire with bewildering and kaleidoscopic rapidity nowadays, so much so that it is difficult to grasp ins tauter the general position of affairs. Indeed the only way to secure anything approaching a satis factory solution is to dissect in section, but even then when the results of such
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  • 361 8 Supply Them with Large Quantities of Tin. Writing from Amsterdam on Oct, 7 a correspondent of the London and China Express reported that the Telegraaf had asserted that it had received information from Thi Hague to the effect that v with the direct consent of the Minister
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  • 67 8 Pa**. Thi Great War The Balkans Silence in the West British Trade 7 America and the Blockade... In the East German Cruiser Sank Local Produce Market Dutch Indies News Italian Opera Coronation Day in Singapore... 7 Chaos 0 Dutch Help Huns Coronation of Emperor of Japan 9 Mrs.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 165 8 Robinson&Co. Daily Telegraph M War Maps. No. 8. Italian and Austro-German Fighting areas. No. 11. War Map of the British Front. No. 13. War Map of the New British Front. Price 55 cents. All about the German Navy by Fred. T. Jane. Price 55 cents. Life of General Joffre. Price
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    • 233 8 ALLSQPP'S BRITISH PILSENER BEER. iTHE BEST AND HEALTHIEST. I ALWAYS ASK FOR ALLSOPPS. SOLE IMPORTERS: Caldbeck Macgregor Co. ——o——it——ifl Adelphi Hotel. I MUSIC j I DURING I DINNER I I To-Night I j! 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. I DAVID BENJAMIN, Manager. I PUBLIC NOTICE. I f 1 We have transferred
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  • 548 9 Ti» is $79} —50 cts. down. Latest advertistments are inserted on pages 7 and 10. The Tronoh mines yielded 2,6-49 piculs tin-ore last month. Several cases of small-pox have occurred in Colombo recently. The present stocks of tin in Holland England and aloat total 5,100 tons. To-day's
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  • 75 9 S.C.C. v. S.R.C. The periodical meetings of the football teams of these neighbouring clubs are always looked forward to with much interest and a large crowd assembled on the Recreation ground last evening when the Cricket Club eleven, who for some time have proved invincible, suffered defeat by
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  • 100 9 The billiard tournament commenced last night at Raffles Hotel, three heats being decided as follows Mr. Jones (owe 60) beat Mr. Figart (rec 30) by 63 points. The winner's best break was a capital 44, whilst Mr. Figart compiled 30 and 22. Mr. Meredith (owes 85) beat
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  • 314 9 Visit to Straits Cancelled. It was recently announced in these columns that Mrs. Langtry (Lady de Bathe) had arranged to make a tour with her company through the Far East, embracing in her itinerary Malaya. According to the latest home mail, however, the projected trip
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  • 37 9 London, Nov. 8, 4.40 p.m. Amsterdam A Berlin official communique states that the cruiser Undine, patrolling the south Sweden coast, was sunk by two torpedoes from a submarine. Almost all the crew were saved.
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  • 65 9 The following property was disposed of by anction at Messrs Cuing Eeng Lee Co's sale-room yesterday afternoon Freehold land situate at Kallang Pudding, total area 1# acres, 3 roods and 28 poles, bought by Moona Shedambaram Pillay for $4,300. The Sheriffs sale of Freehold land at Kallang
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  • 4291 9 Enthronement of H.M. the Emperor of Japan. Impressive Geremonial before the Kashikodoro. The Sacred Treasures of Japan, Full Particulars of the Ceremonies in Tokio and Kioto. Id anticipation of the ceremonies that will take place in tke ancient city of Kioto to-morrow, and in connection
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 520 10 THE VICTORIA CONFECTIONERY AND STORE 387, Victoria Street, Singapore. Fresh Cakes, Ices, Cold and Hot Drinks. JUST ARRIVED FROM EUROPE Bonbons, Chocolates (any brand), almond marzipan goods in variou* shapes and tastes, such as strawberries, red and white cherries, bottled etc., gold and silver coins chocolates, also perfumery, porcelain figures,
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  • 11 11 [Wĕ do not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by correspondents.]
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  • 306 11 Names in Perpetuity. To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Sir, —I have received for publication the following highly important communication from the War Office, through Sir Ernest Birch.— In the case of every Aeroplane presented to the War Office, the name will be perpetuated". This is
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  • 62 11 The Hon. Mr. R. G. Watson, Resident of Perak, is in receipt of a letter from France from 2nd Lieut. K. K. Horn who is in charge of the aeroplane presented by Kinta. Lieut. IJorn says that the machine is attached to the seventh squadron of the
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  • 13 11 Mr. Lee Peck KenG J.P„ leaves for Labuan by the Saruiakan to-morrow morning.
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  • 762 11 Prices Qt I ia the Market tbis k^ni&i. i v f ;APORE, ftWMttm 9. Messrs. i Evatt, Ex< nge a Share Brokers, i th* following list quotations:— Rubber Stores £fem. Value. Buyer*. Sellers. 2/- Allagar Iff 2/- 1 Anglo Java 7/3 8/2/- Anglo-Malay H/3 9/3 1 AyerKuning
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 208 11 I "IN A CLASS BY ITSELF"! (THE HIGHEST). 5 2 t This is not the opinion of a few or of merely a t£ majority, but JJ OF ALL who have tried ROSS'S GREAT J* J AUKS HEAD PiLSENER. It deserves its high J* JJ reputation because it is always
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 114 11 Singapore Volunteer Corps. (MOT Orders for the week ending Friday, November 12 To-Day. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.R.E. v. do Veterans Co. do Chinese Co. 4 p.m. Balestier Range Malay Co. 5 Tanglin Hospital S.F.A. Co. 5 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.C. Cadets. To-Morrow, Nov. 10. 5.15 p.m. Drill Hall S.V.A.
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  • 565 12 Shipbuilding. Lloyd's Latest Returns- On Sept. 30th 432 vessels of 1,536 177 tons were under construction in the United Kingdom. This does not include vessels undei 100 tons. The particulars of tbe vessels are as follows: Steam 429 of 1,535,507 tons against 469 for the same period in
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  • 206 12 Latest Arrivals. British. Glenfalloch, str., 8-11-15, Outer Rds. Circe, str., 8-11-15, No. 6 Wharf. Tara, str., 8-11-15, No. 2 Wharf. Kampar, str., 8-11-15, Inner Roads. Katong, str., 8-11-15, Inner Rds. Ipoh, str., 8-11-15, No. 2 Wharf. Hong Ho, str., 8-11-15, Inner Rds. Azmere, str., 8-11-15, Inner Roads. Aing
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  • 60 12 Skule for Bangkok. Inaho Maru for Port Swettenham, Penang, Colombo and Bombay. Glenfalloch for Penang. Mersing for Batu Pahat. Colombo Maru for Penang, Rangoon and Calcutta. Quorra for Prigi Rajah, Tembilahan and Indragiri. Aing Leong for Batu Pahat. Kuching for Sarawak and Goebilt. Lady Weld for Malacca and
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  • 170 12 Per P. and O. steamer Mooltan. From London Oct. 16.—T0 Singapore Mr. G. E. Hewitt, Mr. W. A. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lee, Mrs. R. E. Rye, Dr. and Mrs. F. F. Hickey, Mrs. D. Plucknett, Hon. Mr. F. W. Collins, Sir Wm. Wilkinson. To Penang
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  • 69 12 The British steamer Rufford Hall, from New York to Vladivostok, via Muroran, stranded on the 6th October daring a typhoon at Omazaki, in the Tsugaru Straits, and subsequently went to pieces. The native crew of forty-five landed on Benfa nshima, but one life-boat, containing the Captain, officers,
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  • 562 12 For Penang and Rangoon on, Nov. 19th, sails the Seang liner Glenogle. For London direct sailed the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.'s liner Merionethshire. The Holt liner Teucer and Stentor for London, are due here on the 10th and 14th inst respectively. For London and Glasgow is due
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  • 39 12 The Osaka Shosen Kaisha commences a regular service between Japan and Java, via Balik Papan, Macassar and back via Hongkong and other Chinese ports. It is possible that Singapore will also be placed on the itinerary.
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  • 92 12 On account of the accumulation of war supplies and the inadequacy of arrangements for landing cargo at the port of Vladivostok, the authorities have decided to carry out the long contemplated extension of the port. The work of enlargement will be started soon and pushed to completion. For the
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  • 262 12 The great difficulty with shippers has been, and continues to be, lack of vessels to carry cargoes. Production is going on up country in a quite satisfactory manner, in spite of the drought, which has been very geueral back of the coast line. Port Elizabeth for
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  • 96 12 Vessels Expected. City of Hankow (Ellermanj November 9th, direct for London and Glasgow. Agents, the Planters' Stores and Agency Co., Ltd. Tara (B. I.) November 10th, from Singapore for Penang, Madras and Negapatam. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co Ltd. Ekma (i;. 1 November 12th, from India lor
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  • 184 12 (Singapore, Noyembt 3 Tin— ITOJ buyers. Copra Strong. Tapioca. —Weak. Sago Flour- Strong. Gambier. —Strong. Pepner —Strong. Other Products. 1 .rk Latest Local Market Quotations Nutmegs 110 S. per picul Nutmegs 80 S. 1 Copra Bali Copra Gorong TaU Copra DongaJo 1 Copra Kayong Copra Pulo Copra Pontianak
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  • 63 12 Singapore, November On London Bank 4 m/s 2/4 Demand 2/4 Private 3 m/s 2/4 27 On India— Bank T. T. On Hongkong— Bank d/d On Shanghai— Bank d/d J7j On Jay Bank T. T. US On Japan— Bank d/d Sovereigns—buying rate India Ceil Bills last tone 1/4 1/32 n
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  • 41 12 Specially supervcrihi 'l Uittan i m The hmni 1 P. ai.o 1 O. mehmi Biowi oe cxpeeteo to ;uin- i t morrow. in communication with the Convi Wireless Station Mk Kashima Maru. Jan Pict FN I ».«>. Kumphiu.<«, .s.s. City of Hankow.
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  • 33 12 The Danish Government Inhibited the sale of Danish d inscribed on the Danish register, of those which have been grantr i temporary certificate of Dsn»i nationality abroad to foreign citi/eni or foreign houses.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 79 12 FIXTURES. To-day. Italian Opera. Victoria Theatre. Mehamnnedan New Year commence»' (Auto Hijra 1334). High water: —10.37 a. in.« ft. 7 ins. To-morrow. P. t O. he me ward mail expected. Coronation of .Japanese Emperor. Hijh water:-0.2 a.m.* ft. 8 in..; 11.1* p.m. ft. t ins. Thursday, 11th. Xma.» parcel mail
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    • 148 12 Mails Close. To-oay. Bangkok Skule p" Port Swettenham,* Penang, Colombo and Bombay* Inaho Mar» Penang *Glenfalloch p^ Batu Pahat Merging P" Penang,* Rangoon and Calcutta Colombo Maru p" Prigi Rajah, Tembilahan and IndVagiri Qnorra p" Batu Pahat Aing P" 1 Sarawak and Goebilt Kueliinj Malacca and Muar *Lady Weld pi*
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  • 960 13 Commissioners Reply to Criticism in the Council. Following are verbatim reports of the latter portion of the proceedings at the last meeting of the Municipal Commission, which had to be condensed in our Saturday's issue owing to pressure on space Dr. Fowlie's Protest. l)r. Fowtie, referring to
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  • 139 13 Latest Quotations. (Special Service.) London, November 8, 4 p.m. Metals. Tin Straits, 3 months £161.15.0. Bar Silver 24 3f. Produce. Fine hard Para spot: 2/6J. Smoked Sheet 2/7^. Plantation, 1st class quality crepe 2/7. Copra £27.10.0. Black Pepper, fair Singapore epen ports spot 6£ dist. 6. White
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 578 13 08S8888SBBBBBBBBBBBBBB^ g FOR 3 MIGHTS ONLY I Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the 9th, 10th 11th November, 1915, A Magnificent Five-Part Comedy I ANIMATED, SPRIGHTLY, SPIRITED, STRONG. GAY AND AIRY AT THE ALHAMBRA I 1 THE PIONEER CINEMATOGRAPH THEATRE. BEACH ROAD. 35 S; SECOND SHOW AT 9-15 P.M. A Something Distinctly
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  • 1230 14 What the World Says of the Tragedy Precipitated by the Kaiser. Possibilities of Its Repetition To End. Europe must see to it that the war is not ended till the power of the two German Empires is smashed and the possibility of them imposing their base wills upon
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 188 14 I "CENTRAL"] I i i HAND AND POWER I I «p RuDftcr Machines, j 'I'lh' illustration represents a new hand and ■8» 'cektha^""iML power machine which is strongly con- I —-If stiucted and can be used for marking or |g PL sheeting. The design is entirely our own 9 P
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    • 78 14 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Dispensary fittings complete, including teak counter, shelves aod glass show-cases with mirror, ak stock of drugs. Apply to Chemist," c/o Malaya Tribune. 15-9 v THE SINGAPORE STORE Telephone No. 1082. ADELPHI HOTEL BUILDINGS. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF THE Very Best Quality Provisions Wines, Spirits, Etc-, Etc. High
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 319 15 TENTS FOR f R CUSES, CINEMATOGRAPHS. SHOWS an d other purposes. C ANVAS~WORK ■J all descriptions by skilled workmen. BOON SENG Co. Ship-Chandlers, Sail-Makers, Estate RanDliera and Commission Agents 18-19, ROBINSON ROAD. TelephOsb No. 1268. laneecunce Drainpipes AND Channels SOLE AGENTS: INDO MALAY CO., SINGAPORE. The" Malaya Tribune. Can be
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    • 336 15 TO BE LET TO LET FROM IST SEPTEMBER. The Ground Floor of 16-18 Stamford Road, at present occupied by Messrs Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., to be taken as one large store, or may be divided into small shops if necessary. Apply to Stephens, Paul (Jo. 18-6 a TO LET. House No.
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    • 387 15 NOTICES NOTICE, It is hereby notified that the Exchange Banks will be closed on SATURDAY, 13th Inst.| PDBLIC MONDAY, 15th lnst.J HOLIDAYS. 6-11 15-11 THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Third Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of this Bank will be held at the Bank
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    • 402 15 WANTED WANTED. A Cashier at once. Good salary to competent man. Security required $2,000. Apply 14 Cashier" c/o Malaya Tribune. 8-11 WANTED. Cashier. Must be accurate and quick at figures. Salary $70 per mensem. Security $5,000. Apply to "A" c/o Malaya Tribune. 4-11 v WANTED AT ONCE. A Chinese Dispenser.
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    • 464 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, Th* London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 572 16 P.&O. British India Apcar Line Mail and Passenger Services. Peninsular and Oriental Sailings. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports and London. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about Mail Lines. Homeward (for Europe). Outward (for China). Connecting at Colombo
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    • 303 16 SEANG LINE 01 STEAMERS. 6£. v Gienogle 3,760 Ton*. gjß. fc eang Bee 5,71>9 Ton s.s. Seang Cboon" 5,775 Tons. FOR PENANG AND RANGOON s.s. Gienogle 19th November. Tim ■teamer* h-we e z client ».«»mmodaUoi for T.v.eug«r«, »ad 3arry cjualiriad rargeona They mm Electric L'-gbt- throughout F>/ >t uas-»<e apply
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    • 700 16 N. Y. R. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.) EUROPEAN LINE. A service is maintained between Yokohama via p Mnrspfillpß and London, under mail contract with the Imperial Jar/ Government. The New Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this L il have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all
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