Malaya Tribune, 25 September 1915

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vol. 2.- No. 224. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 1915 Price 5 Cents. Cbe Iftalapa tribune. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 362 1 Victoria Theatre SINGAPORE. FOR A SHORT SEASOM ONLY. Commencing on Wednesday. Sept. 2 9 th. MAURICE E. BANDMANN PRESENTS THE TALK OF THE EAST, The World's Greatest Conjuror and Illusionist Horace Goldin THE ROYAL ILLUSIONIST. The Great Moorish Phantasy THE TIGER GOD SUPPORTED by his entire powerful London Company of
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    • 451 1 Roneo Duplicators. 100 FACSIMILE Letters, Plans, etc., per Minute. From S2O to Sl6O. 14-a, COLLYER QUAY, SINGAPORE. G. R. COELHOT 52, Sologie Road. Tuner, Repairer and Dealer in Pianos, Organs and other Musical Instruments. Music Warehouse. Fresh Music Arrives by Every Mail. Strings for Stringed Instruments. Undertakes To Play at
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  • 1565 2 Notes and Comments from all Parts of THE EMPIRE. China's Awakening. (By Prof. Jeremiah \V. Jenks, Director of the Division of Public Affairs, New York University and of the Far Eastern Bureau.) Fifteen years ago those Amerieans or Europeans most conversant with conditions in China would have smiled
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  • 262 2 A report prepared by Mr. J. H. Arnold, American Commercial At- tache, as the result of a tour of the Shantung cities, shows that the Japanese are exceedingly busy cultivating the Chinese markets. He points out that a favourable attitude has been produced in the minds of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 189 2 THE WHISKY. Sole Agents JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. The Imperial Dairy Co.'s (BOMBAY). BUTTER Unequalled for Quality. Awarded Silver Medal at the Colonial Exhibition, Samarang- 1914. Your trial Ordep is solicited. SOLE AGENTS:SOLOMON Co. 5-2, D'Almeida Street, Singapore. Retail at the SINGAPORE STORE. 96, North Bridge
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  • 619 3 The Crimean War c05t£33,500,000 c year. The present war is costing as £3,000,000 a day. When this tnormous difference is grasped, some appreciation may be gained of the uask successfully accomplished by Mr. McKenna, who has raised by means of the new War Loan £600,000,000 for
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  • 69 3 A new world's motor record for 100 miles was made at Chicago recently by the famous Italian driver Dario Resta. Driving a Peugeot, he covered the distance in 58 mm. 54 sees., at the rate of 102 miles 85 yards per hour. Th« previous record was established on the same
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 229 3 MOTOR CARS ON HIRIT| MOTOR REPAIRS ALL KINDS OF TYRES GREASE Cylinder Oil AND Motor Accessories OF Every Description. Sole Agents For: North British Clincher Motor Tyres Meitz Weiss Oil Engines The Celebrated Star, Mitchell and Paige Cars Pope Motor Cycles "Gasolene Light Cycle Co~| 4/5-2, BEACH ROAD. I FORGING
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    • 401 3 POWELL Cos CALENDAR FOR SEPTEMBER, 1915. Sun. 5 12 19 26 Mon. 6 13 20 27 TUES. 7 14 21 28 Wed. 1 8 15 22 29 Thurs. 2 9 16 23 30 1 Fri. 3 10 17 24 SAT. 4 11 18 25 Tuesdays Land Sales. Saturdays Furniture Sales.
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  • 228 4 A day to suffer and a day to be happy holds good in me while I wag suffering from the sudden fits of unbroken and convulsive cough due to Asthma for the last five years. A single attack of this disease will hold me for at least
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 501 4 PARA RUBBER SEEDS. Orders are now being booked for Para Rubber Seeds from seventeen years old trees, with a guarantee of 75% germination. Price $1.50 per 1,000 packed in bags and $2 packed in boxes F. 0.8. or F.O.R. Teluk Anson. Delivery commencing from September, 1915. MANAGER, Cicely Estate. 20-7
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  • 768 5 New Ricksha Regulation. Income from Markets. Municipality's Revenue Better Than Expected An ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon. Mr. F. J. Hallifax (President) presided and the attendance included Messrs R. peirce (Municipal Engineer), A. W. Bean, Tan Kheam Hock, E. Tessensohn, R. St. J.
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  • 174 5 Inventions by Singaporeans. It is notified in tha Gazette that, in accordance with the provision! of the Inventions Ordinance 1871, the Governor in Council has, under the Public Seal of the Colony, granted to Mr. Walter Jackson, merchant, of Singapore, the sole and exclusive privilege of
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  • 232 5 Messrs Fraser and Co. in their latest Share Circular says Our market has been a little more active during the past month, but this activity has been largely confined to Rubber Stocks of the Dollar group, the Malacca Companies being mostly in evidence. With Rubber keeping at
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  • 67 5 Singapore, September ±'>- On London Bank4ni/s 2/4 7/16 Demand 2/4 3/1.6 Private 3 m/s 2/4 13/16 On India Bank T. T. 175} On Hongkong— Bank d/d 22 On Shanghai— Bank d/d 00| On Jay Bank T. IT- ISH On JapanBank d/d lUJ Sovereigns—buying I*4* $$54 India Ceil Bills kist
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  • 220 5 (Singapore, September 25.) Tin.—slM, buyers. Cmorm.— Weak. Tapiocm Strong. Sago Flour- —Strong. Gambier. —Strong. Pĕpper. —Weak. Other Products- —Market weak. Latest Local Market Quotations Nutmegs 110 S. per picul $19.00 Nutmegs SO S. 25.66 Copra Bali 7.36* Copra Goreng Talo 7.95* Copra Doagalo 7.95* Copra Kayong 7.66* Copra
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  • 810 5 Prices Quoted in the Market this IfertMft. SINQAP3BB, SirmHßii 126. Mum. Lyall and B*at6j Exchaag* anu ftfcare Broken, issue the following list of qaotats»w« Rubber Shares. x<em. Value. Bayers. Seller*. 2/- Allagar 1/16 2/1 1 Anglo Java 6/6 7/2/- Anglo-Malay t/S t/S 1 AyerKuaiug 11/- 14/--2- Batang
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 761 5 Church Services. S. Andrew's Cathedral. 17th Sunday after Trinity.—7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion, (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. 4 p.m. Children's Service, 5.30 p.m. Evenßong and Sermon. S. Matthew's, Sepot Lines.—».ls a.m. Holy Communion. 8.15 p.m. Evensong and. Sermon. Hymns. 822,314. Ps. CI. War LiUny, Ml,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 360 5 FIXTURES. To-day. Howitt-Phillipa Co., Victoria Theatre. Y.W.C.A. Presentation Union Jaak by Lady Evelyn Young 4.15 p.m. Y.W.C.A.. K«»t Aid Contest 4.45 p.nj. Rowing Match: Boustead's v. Patterson Simons 5 p.m. High water: —11.15 a.m. ft. 2 in*. 11.4< poo. i 9 ft. 7 ina. To-morrow. Swiming Club Race.». 17th Sunday
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 600 6 ITS A WELL-KNOWN FACT THAT n CIGARETTES r ljw% HAVE ALWAYS BEEN jvH AT THE FRONT WW P ac^ m patent vacuum tins insuring the perfect cmIQ condition of the cigarettes in all climates. j£j V VI LEAF IA 60 cents per tin of 50 Uj AT THE FRONT is
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  • 371 7 A leppelin Cabal. London, Sept. 23, 5.30 a.m. Commander Mathy, a pilot of one of the Zeppelin raiders on London has furnished the New York World' with an account of the raid, which has passed publication in London with the comment that it contains numerous quite
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  • 71 7 Swiss Protest. London, Sept. 23, 7.50 p.m. Berne Two German aviators flew over Swiss territory in the Perrentruy district. They were fusilladed by the Swiss Guards. One of the aviators dropped a bomb near a farm, but nobody was hurt. The Swiss Government has protested at Berlin against
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  • 202 7 Soldiers often have the most marvellous escapes from sudden death, in fact one of the wonders of war is the number of men who escape, when we remember how terrible are the death-dealing devices of man. Great strides have been made in modern surgery, and the
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  • 42 7 London, Sept. 23, 10.35 p.m. f" 47 are <° Join colonrs. This Sh nf ?r tiCally tbe wh ole strength of the nation. rpi ond on, Sept. 23, 6.5 p.m. lhe Bulgarian situation is wrapI ptd m complete obscurity. P
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  • 28 7 London, Sept. 23, G.5 p.m. Athens: A decree has been uromulgated at Sofia at midnight mobihsing twenty-eight daises. The and emotion in Greece, developments are awaited.
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  • 79 7 .w., n Sept u 3.15 p.m. siildT S? King of Greece gned a mobilisation decree which nteht r P liS ,8d offi ci»lly tognt. Great enthusiasm prevails. mobinied tWenty HS8e3 have T L n <lon, Sept. 24, iUO p.m. ha.™ ei j L'Sat'on in London ag received a
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  • 31 7 London, Sept. 23, 11.10 p.m. For the week ending Sept. 22 no fewer than 1,323 steamers entered and left British porta of which two only have been sunk.
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  • 147 7 Second Lieutenant Hubert R. W. Meager, of the 3rd Australian Infantry, who was killed in action at the Dardanelles, toon after being given his commission for services in the field, was evidently well prepared for death. A letter received by hia mother a few hours
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  • 60 7 Loudon, Aug. 24.—The Press Bureau lasfc night issued the following on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Colonies The Transvaal Coal Owners' Association has offered his Majesty's Government, on behalf of the Witbank District Collieries, 100,000 tons of coal free on rail at pithead.
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  • 128 7 Another Expedition. London, Sept. 23, 7.55 p.m. Pans The journal dcs Debats claims to have learnt from an absolutely reliable source that Turkey is preparing a second expedition against Kgypt. Two thousand Ge man Officers are now training the Turkish Army m Syria, where supplies of guns
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  • 52 7 London, Sept. 23, 7.50 p.m. In the House of Commons to-day Mr. Lloyd-George, Minister of Munitions, in reply to Capt. Bathurst, said that steps are being taken in India with the object of making India, by an additional internal output, self-contained as regards explosives as well as
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  • 44 7 London, Sept. 23, 7.55 p m. In the House of Commons Mr. Asquith, replying to a suggestion that the Cabinet should be reduced by two-thirds, said that it is not proposed to make any change in the composition of the Cabinet.
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  • 179 7 Berne, August 22.—Austrian imports during the first six months of 1915 decreased by £32,120,000 and exports decreased by £32,180,000. Of tiie decrease in imports 21,528,000 is accounted for by raw materials and £18,048,000 of the decrease in exports accounted for by manufactured* goods. The frontier station of
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  • 125 7 Fierce Fighting on the Meuse. London, Sept. 23, 5 p.m. Paris There is a continuance of herce artillery work, in which the French have the upper harid and have destroyed trenches and blown up ammunition stores. The fightjng is particularly fierce on the heights of the Meuse,
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  • 40 7 London, Sept. 23, 11.10 p.m. Rome: A communique states that only minor operations have taken place. Some trenches and wire entanglements have been taken in the Giudicaria region. The Austrians were repulsed at Falsarego and Tolmino.
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  • 239 7 The Resident of Simanggang reports in the current issue of the Sarawak Gazette as follows :—I regret to report that, about 3 p.m. on the afternoon of August 25, three Chinese were murdered by Dyaks a little below Batu Kudi, and their heads taken. The three victims are
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  • 478 7 A» tlx Victoria Theatre Like the moral conveyed therein, the well-known Hawtrey success of some twenty years ago, 44 A Message from Mars," is too well known to need dilating upon. But, probably owing to isantiqnitj-in a theatrical IBf nBe 7 the P la y
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  • 172 7 It la with the greatest pleasure, •ays the Times of Ceylon," that we have to inform our readers that an offer of a fighting aeroplane made to the War Office by Mr. F. J. de Saram, the head of the firm of Messrs F. J. and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 200 7 fIT i iiiiiiiiiiiii minimi mi i I 5 for the price of 4 1 *g Ist Motorist (pointing to burst tyre) "Hullo, old chap, I'm in trouble J x> S tyres has burst, and I haven't a spare De f my coaf o»"ded jg H «»d Motorist No spare and
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  • 592 8 There is an old and trite saying which has reference to one's own bugle and bearing that in mind we make no apology to our readers for drawing their attention to ourselves in relation to our solicitude for them in the matter of the dissemination of the latest news.
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  • 168 8 Notwithstanding the inclement weather yesterday afternoon there was a good attendance in the Victoria Hall on the occasion of the second children's concert of the season, for whose benefit a capital programme had been arranged. The instrumental portion was in the competent hands of the Mew orches tra
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  • 124 8 The Vessel Sunk. The agents of the Nederland line courteously favoured us last night with the further details that the liner Koningin Emma has sunk in five fathoms of water. The vessel is lying on her beam ends. All the mails, excepting twenty bags, were saved. Passengers
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  • 11 8 [We t» not nece$$arily endorse the »jNni#//» xxpressed by correspondents.]
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  • 61 8 To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Dear Sir,—As it is proposed to close this fund shortly, I would be much obliged if those who have any collections for the above will forward the same to me or the Chartered Bank, by the 10th proximo.
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  • 112 8 Yesterday morning, about two o'clock, a fire broke out in the building occupied by Messrs Kirn Ban Seng and Co., 119, Tanjong Pagar Road. When the brigade arrived the fire had obtained such a hold, that their efforts were mainly directed to saving the adjoining properties.
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  • 54 8 The Colonial Secretary notifies that persons intending to travel to Europe are informed that they will not be allowed to travel through France or to land at Marseilles during the steamer's stay in port, unless their passports have received the visa of a French Consular Officer at
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  • 26 8 The proceedings at yesterday's 5 meeting of the Legislative Council, subsequent to His Excellency's review of the year will be found on page 13.
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  • 93 8 Page. The Great War Artillery Duel Continues T The Balkan Situation 7 Air Raid on London 7 Turkey and Egypt 7 Mr. McKenna's Budget 9 Russian Successes i* China News 2 Cost of the War 3 Markets Stocks and Shares «*> Local Produce Market 5 Fixtures 5 Sporting
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 168 8 WAR OR PEACE famine or plenty uife Ifisafanee is uxovth 100 cents on the Dollaf. WHAT OTHER PROPERTY IS Get Particulars of the Guaranteed Security Policy Issued by the GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURACE CO. Limited. Head Office: SINGAPORE. A. H. FAIR, Managing Director. I FOR J KEROSENE OIL ENGINES j
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    • 54 8 GIN. Coutts' OLD TOM AND DRY. Caldbeck Macgregor Co. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wine and Spirit Merchants. I Adelphi Hotel. I 1 J MUSIC I 1 DURING I 1 DINNER I 1 TO-NIGHT. I -> 4 5 I i Our Orchestpa will con- 1 J tinue playing until midnight. P I
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  • 571 9 Tin is $73.75 —75 cts. up. Latest advertisements are inserted en page 10. —:o:— Ban Cyanide Works in July shipped 3,366.2 oz3. gold and 899. 4 OAS. silver. Sungei Tengah Rubber Estate produced during August 23,300 lbs of dry rubber. At Raffles Hotel this evening there will
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  • 573 9 Hearty Send-Off at Johnston's Pier. The verandah of the Singapore Club was thronged with members yesterday afternoon and a very large assembly of Europeans and Natives gathered at Johnston's Pier on the occasion of the departure of His Excellency Admiral Sir Thomas H. Martyn Jerram, k
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  • 41 9 The new Peninsular and Oriental local liner, the Mata Hari, entered port yesterday, and is lying at the P. and O. wharf. She is destined to trade in local waters and is a fine addition to Singapore shipping.
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  • 280 9 Mr. McKenna's Budget. Labour Party Approves. Reuter's Special Mar, Emperial, ane Ordinary Services. London, Sept. 23, 7.5 p.m. Mr. McKenna's budget statement was a purely business declaration. It was noticeably free from rhetorical declamation. Th-* whole in terest of the country is centred in the taxation proposals and there
    Reuter's Special Mar, Emperial, ane Ordinary Services.  -  280 words
  • 72 9 London, Sept. 23, 9.45 p.m. In the course of the budget debate Sir Alfred Mond asked Mr. McKenna to remove the new import duties. The Chancellor replied that no principles of any sort were compromised by the budget proposals. They had the sole object of obtaining more revenue
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  • 61 9 London, Sept. 23, 11.10 p.m. During the conclusion of the Budget Debate Mr. McKenna said that it must be a source of congratulation, that the country accepted the burdens almost unanimously The willingness was without a precedent in great war, that the nation came forward and literally
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  • 85 9 London, Sept. 23, G.25 p.m. Sir A. B. Markham M. F. for Mansfield asked Mr. Asquith whether the Foreign Office memorandum of 21st August, stating that the Government contemplated measures to relieve the abnormal depression- in the cotton market, was an undertaking to make up, partly or wholly,
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  • 81 9 London, Sept. 22, 11.10 p.m. During the budget debate Mr. McKenna said that there had been objections to the Tea Tax and suggestions that spirits should pay more, but it was impossible to tax the latter without taxing beer, which had not yet recovered from the heavy
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  • 221 9 Great Battle in Baitic Provinces. London, Sept. 24th 12.20 p.m. Petrograd The great battle in the Baltic provinces is still intense, the Russians having hitherto magnificently withstood the fierce assaults of the enemy. A communique says that the Russians defeated the enemy to the westward of Riga and
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  • 162 9 London, Sept. 24, 12.25 p.m. Petrograd A communique says that the Russians were also successful among the lakes at Novo Alexandrovsk. getting at the Germans with the bayonet and taking many prisoners and machine guns. One height alone changed hands six times. There is fighting everywhere,
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  • 76 9 London, Sept. 23, 7.50 p.m. Moscow: The congresses of Zemstvos and the Municipalities of Moscow have appointed delegations, beaded by Princes Lvoff and Chelnikoff, and the Mayor of Moscow, to convey to the Tsar their resolutions which, for the present, are secret. Petrograd M. Rodzianko, was to have
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  • 75 9 London, Sept. 24, 1.30 p.m. Paris French war correspondents state that Generals Ivanoff and Brasiloff have had great success in Yolhvnia. The Russianshave broken the Austrian front along the rivers Styr and Ikva,capturing thousands of prisoners. The Austro-German troops have also sustained a defeat on the Lemberg
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  • 594 9 Next Wednesday's Meeting. As mentioned briefly in our issue of yesterday, a great mass meeting of Straits Chinese is to be held on Wednesday next in the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, for the purpose of passing certain resolutions having reference to the duties and obligations
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  • 188 10 Before the Hon. Mr. Justice Eabnshaw. The Forgery Case. The case against Lok Chan Hoi, a Cantonese youth of seventeen years of age, arraigned on three charges of having used forged cheques ai genuine—one of $500 on Aug. 26th., $300 on July 30 and $250 on Aug. 4th—was
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  • 128 10 Second Court. (Before Mr. C. H. G. Clerks.) Mischief. A European, a Eurasian and a Straits-born Chinese were charged yesterday with discharging firearms near a public road, namely, Bukit Timah Road. The Chinese was further charged with being in possession of a gun without a license. The European
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  • 170 10 A wharf coolie named Goh Jin was prosecuted for what appears to be becoming a common offence at the wharves, namely, smoking a cigarette in a godown. Some few weeks ago Mr. Clarke fined a man $10 for a similar offence, and gave the accused a warning that
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  • 74 10 A baseball game between American and Japanese teams will be played this afternoon, commencing at 4 o'clock, on the Oldham Hall Athletic field in Orchard Road. All interested are cordially invited to witness the game. The annual general meeting of the Sepoy Lines Golf Club will be held
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  • 11 10 Daban Rubber Estate produced 6,820 lbs of dry rubber during August.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 754 10 Latest Advertisements. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. THE THEATRE' ROYAL JsQRCH BRIOGE ROAD. HAS CONTRACTED WITH THE UNIVERSAL. FILM MANUFACTURING CO. For the sole, exclusive rights of exhibiting all their Wonderful Produc ions, which include the Famous Universal Sena's, Broadway Feature Productions, Oomedies and THE FAMOUS UNIVER AL GAZETTE. The Broken Coin will
      754 words
    • 233 10 ENSURE GETTING The Best Bottlings f #8 «fife OF •g« PURE BRITISH PILSENER 5 1 8 BASS'S ALE f SCOTCH ALE 1 4« 8 -and— 8 GUINN-ESS'S STOUT 5 st The Auk's I |Great Head! U |S is the guarantee of the highest quality and g 'il absolute purity of
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  • 747 11 If the repoit of th" Btitish Legation at Rio de Janeiro on the trade of Braail for the yean 1912-13 makes a rather belated appearance, it dealt not only with the actualities of that period, but it also looks ahead. In doing so it gives a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 228 11 J* Iked a, Japanese Dentist 41, HILL STREET, (OPPOSITE THE CENTRAL FIRE STATION i Painless Killings Gold Crown Bridge-Work, etc., „v ls V lass warimanship Guaranteed, lhoroughly conversant in English and Malay scharges Moderate. Office Hw, :-W«k hys from ».m. to 6 p.m. --—.■Mil— Will i fM||| i i
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    • 551 11 Will you still deal with an enemy whose vicious touutrymen are killing our brave comrades by asphyxiating gases Sanaphos is AU-Bt itish. It displaces the enemy product. SANAPHOS helps soldiers bear the heavy stress of military duties. THE MAN FROM INDIA. DIPOT, THE Buffs, butes to it largely—and who has
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  • 428 12 Singapore Loading List. Europe. For London City of Vienna, due Nore, Oct. 14 Protesilaus, October 1 Miyazaki Maru, Oct. 13 Laomedon, October 15 Rbesns Oct. 22 Demodocus, Oct. 29 Yasaka Maru,Sept. 29; Bloemfontein, Oct. 5 j Nankin, Sept. 30 Nagoya, Oct 8 Kitano Maru, Oct. 27 City of
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  • 159 12 Latest Arrivals. British Hai Yang, str., 24-9-15, Outer Rds. Ban Hin Guan, str., 24-9-15, Inner Roads. I Hai Nam, str., 24-9-15, Inner Rds. Mata Hari, str., 24-9-15, P. and 0. Wharf. Poh Ann, str, 24-9-15, Inner Rds. Hok Canton, str., 24-9-15, Inner Roads. Ping Suey, str., 24-9-15, No.
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  • 110 12 Hauroto for Hongkong, Amoy and Swaftow. Brouwer for Selat Pandjang, Bengkalis, Siak and Pakau Baroe. Muttra for Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. Gerd for Bangkok. Sultana for Mersing. Hong Wan for Batu Pahat. Quorra for Prigi Rajah, Tembilahau and Indragiri. Meo'usa for Medan. Klang for Malacca, Port Swettenham and
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  • 238 12 Tokio, Sept. s.—The cruiser Atama, which stranded at San Bartolomo on the Mexican coast has been receiving repair at the port, and left the place lon the 23rd August for Eseprimalt, British Columbia, ffer repairs were Started in March last on arrival of the 'construction snip Kanto
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  • 73 12 ARRIVALS, 23-9-15. Hebe, Brit., 346, Scott, Sept 23, T Anson, gen., Adamion Gilnllan Co. Pangkor, Brit., 94, Caswell, Sept 23, Dindings, gen., E. S. Co. Jin Ho, Hrit., 93, Harding, Sept 22, T. Anson, gen., E.S. Co. CLEARANCES, 23-9-15. Laong Ho for Alor Star (Kedah). Perak, (E. S.
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  • 157 12 Vessels Expected. Golconda (B I Sept 25, from Singapore for Penang, Negapatam and Madras. Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co. Ltd. Tara.(B.l.) Sept. 25, from India for Singapore, Agents, Messrs Boustead, Hampshire and Co. Ltd. Neleus (Holt) Sept. 26, from Europe for Singapore, China and Japan. Agents, Boustead
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  • 251 12 Per P. 0. str. Medina. From London Sept. 4—To Singapore Mrs. P. Dingle, Miss M. T. Simpson, Mr. C. Kinder, Mrs. II. Middleton, Mr. T. F. Cuthbert8on, Mr. H. 0. Saunders, Mr. D. White, Mr. G. A. Brown, Mr. J. Learoyd, Mr. E. A. Derrick, Mr. J. Stewart,
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  • 33 12 The N.Y.K. liner Nikko Marn leaves on October 15 bound for Australia, via Hongkong and the Philippines. She has splendid accommodation tor first-class passengers and this circular route is a most interesting one.
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  • 392 12 The Ellerman S. S. Co's liner Bloemfontein is due here on or about Oct. 5 to load for London and Leith. The Holt liner Stentor passed Suez on the 7th inst., outward bound for Japan. She is due on Sept. 27. The Glen liner Glengyle, outward bound for
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  • 55 12 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 5 of "The Imoerial Light Dues Ordinance 1915," the Governor has appointed the Master Attendant, Straits Settlements, and the Harbour Master, Penang, to be collectors of the dues payable under the said Ordinance at the ports
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  • 88 12 Colombo, Sept. 10.— The work of salving the cargo 0 f the stranded P. and O. s.s. Nubia hai bpen started by two syndicates who purchased tlie vessel and cargo recently. Three or four lighten bach, en working daily for about a week. Several boat loads
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  • 303 12 South Australia. No. 14 0 f 191Backstairs Passage. Yatala Shoai Buoy. 1 Referring to Notice to Marine No. 13 of 1915, Masters of Vm2i and others are hereby informed that the Yatala Shoal Buoy has now been recovered and replaced in its original position. 1 This affects
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  • 260 12 j The current issue of the Publisher! Circular contains a notice 44 for the information of books liers and others' in tne following terms:— The Admiralty find it necessary to issue a warning that books containing profile outlines, drawing?, photographs, or silhouettes of H. M. ships, as,
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  • 1653 13 Yesterday's Meeting. The Legislative Council met yesterday afternoon in the Council Chamber, there being present H. E. the Governor, Sir Arthur Young, K.C.M.G., the Hon. Col. Sec., R. J. Wilkinson, C.M.G., the Hon. Col. Treasurer, A. M. Pountney, the Hon. C. J. Saunders, Official Assignee, the Hon. J.
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  • 56 13 The Hon. Treasurer, Mr. John Greig, Manager, Chartered Bank of India, Australia ft China, Singapore, begs to acknowledge, with many thanks, receipt of the following further contributions Amount previously acknowledged $344,495.97 Chang Teck Chin 3 N" 10 W. Eyre-Kenny (monthly) 25 Government contribution to
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 236 13 I FOR 3 MIGHTS ONLY. (Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, the 25th, 27th 28th September, 1915. §j A PROGRAMME OF WONDROUS BEAUTY. jl jg POSITIVELY THE FINEST EVER OFFERED AT THE I I ALHAMBRA 9 B f THE PIONEER CINEMATOGRAPH THEATRE. BEACH ROAD. Mi sflt 3 *Tlie Corsair 9 i HAm
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    • 37 13 POSTAGE STAMPS FOR COLLECTIONS. A Selection of these will be sent to Collectors against satisfactory references or Cash Deposit. Wholesale Prices on Application FROM THE CONTINENTAL STAMP CO. D. High Street Singapore, foreign Stamp Importers and Exporters.
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 195 13 Singapore Volunteer Corps. Orders for the week ending Friday, October 1:— To-Day. 2.30 p.m. Balestier Range, S.R.E. v. To-Morrow, Sept. 26. 9.30 a m. Drill Hall Maxim Co. 7.30 a.m, Balestier Range S.R.E. v. 3 p.m. Balestier Range S.V.R. 7. a.m. Drill Hall S.V.A., N.C.Os. Monday, Sept. 27. 5.15 p.m.
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  • 1522 14 Twelve Months Work. Well, this is an odd war, not a battle," wrote Nelson to a friend fifteen months before Trafalgar was fought. The war at sea to-day has been equally remarkable for this, that twelve months have passed without anything that could be called a
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  • 71 14 What must surely have been untitled unique wedding took place in a Cambridgeshire village recently The bride was a twin, two of the bridesmaids were twin?, tnd the name of the bridegroom vras Twin, so that the twin bride now rejoi I in the name of M Mrs. Twin M
    71 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 181 14 I BUICK CARS. j jj| The leading Engineers of all countries acknowledge that m the maximum of economy can only be obtained with >§ B 1 I Overhead Valve Construction. 1 j§ Louis Coatlen, chief engineer of the Sunbeam Motor Co., Ltd., says, in discussing the Tourist Trophy Race 1914
      181 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 357 15 THE STRAITS CHINESE AND THE_WAR NOTICE. Public Meeting of British SUBJECTS OF CHINESE DESCENT Will be held under the auspices of the STRAITS CHINESE BRITISH ASSOCIATION 0a Wednesday, 29th Sept. 191$, at 5 p.m. IN THE CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HILL STREET. SINGAPORE, kindly lent for the purpose of passing
      357 words
    • 355 15 TO BE LET TO LET FROM IST SEPTEMBER. The Ground Floor of 16-18 Stamford Road, at present occupied by Messrs Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., to be taken as one large store, or may be divided into small shops if necessary. Apply to Stephens, Paul (Jo. 18-6 v OFFICES TO LET. Bright
      355 words
    • 337 15 NOTICES NOTICE. Is hereby given that the following arms, issued in February, have not yet been returned Rifles 38 Bayonets 133 Scabbards 165 They should be returned forthwith to the Central Police Station. On or after the 15th of July every person found in possession of a Government Rifle, Bayonet
      337 words
    • 372 15 WANTED WANTED. Advertiser, a young man now employed as assist, book-keeper, desires a situation as commercial assistant in Netherlands Indies. Has had considerable experience in general office work, typist, clerk, book-keeper, wharf clerk and timekeeper; for two years in the employ of a Dutch house in Netherlands Indies as Import
      372 words
    • 456 15 BANKS CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 60,000 Shares of £20 each £1,200,000 Reserve Fund £1,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £1,200,000 BANKERS. The Bank of England, The London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., The London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd., The
      456 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 452 16 SHIPPING Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. I—l, Collyer Quay. tinder Contract with the Netherlands India Government. SfNGARADJA Singkawang, Selakau. Pemangkat and Sambas gept 27 RCMPHIUi Belawan-Deli g ept 7 SAMPIT Prigi-Radja. Sapat, Tembilahan, Rengat and Reteh-RiveJ Sept 28 JAPARA Muntok and Palenibang Sept tS ATJEH Seniarang,
      452 words
    • 218 16 BRITISH CO., LTD. APCAR LINE. FOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, KOBE AND lIOJL The Company's Steamer MUTTRA. 4,644 tons H. A. Holinan Commander, will be despatched for the above Wth n r abOUt sp PtFor rates of freight and passage apply to. ADAMSON GILFILL AN Co. LTD. Agents. 'Phone Nos. 841, 142
      218 words
    • 419 16 SHIPPING P&O STEAK NAVIGATION COMPANY. FOR CHINA, JAPAN, PENANG CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA ADEN. EGYPT, MEDITER RANEaN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued (bi China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore or or about Mail Lines Homeward (for Europe) FROM SINGAPORE, CONNECTING AT
      419 words
    • 574 16 SHIPPING n. y; l NIPPON YTJSEN KAIBHA (JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.) EUROPEAN LINE. A semes is maintained between Yn1™V,,,.., Marseilles and London, under mail contract with T ni Government. The New Twin-screw have been specially designed and constructed Td Ire fin! I 8 Sertk latest improvements for the safety and
      574 words
    • 52 16 Seang Line of Steamers. j s.B. "Glenogle" 3,750 Tons. s.B. Feang Bee 5,7U9 Ton', ss. Seavg Cboon" 5,775 Tons. rhw« steamers Lave excellent accommodation for arc? carry qualified surgtfw 1 hey lav. HJlectrio i.ighte throughout. Fit ifhlght or apply to GIOKG HOIS C 0„ Agents, oi BARKIES BBOTBEBS [For Fim-Ciaas
      52 words