Malaya Tribune, 14 September 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 327 1 tow _H WMioKY It! JL,-»*v. j-t- I ii -Tm AG&i/TS. -.rziifrui-, ll^^Ssaf t .if ii I 'M~ ir <: 0 >MrflMll G. R. COELHO, 52, Selegie Road. "at r~ Piano Dealer and Repairer. Undertakes To Play at Dances, j TERMS MODERATE. j 7-8 THIS SPOT! A Change! Always A Change
      327 words
    • 279 1 ILESS THAN FCUR P> R CFNT:Under what if kr.c\*n as a Limihd Payment Life Polkv lalan out by a mar aged -30 we place in cur bcoks any sum fn m $1.00t) upwards to the credit of his account provided he pays us in advance interest at the rate of
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  • 675 2 Astute Detectives' Discoveries. Conspirators Raided by Police Ipoh, Sept. 9. Discovering by chance a gang robbery wan being planned at Kant par, detectives Nos. 53 Jind 3192 i f Ipoh pretended to join the cot s. irators, and so astutely did they do
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 283 2 MOTOR iStlia MfHHtiCIAT£ COLUMB IN HOT COUNTRIES. THE COLUMB TYRE Co., (Far East.) I SI, ROBINSON ROAD, Singapore. Telephone: 1610. Telegraphic Address: PROWODNIK. 28-4 I —,__._Jl_—l ~1- JI- Uti l»IU HIIiHWIIIIII I——Willi——iTwn—w———TH Telephone No. 1403. j "OUR SHOP." THE LEADING FLORISTS I 20, STAMFORD ROAD branch RAFFLES SQUARE. I French
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    • 330 2 OBSERVE !.-",FL A.SIMPLE NOURISHING FOOD OF HIGH MEDICINAL VALUE. OBTAINABLE AT ALL STORES HOTELS CLUBS'. KIM HIN Co., SOLE AGENTS. 12-5 Important Notice to Contractors Builders. The United Saw Mills, Ltd., (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) AUTHORISED CAPITAL $1,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. DR. LIM BOON KENG, Chairman. TAN SIAN CHIN
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  • 278 3 KEEPING BRITISH INDUS* TRIES GOING. Australian Chamber of Manufactures Action. Rousing Ministerial Speech. Melbourne, Aug. 11 At a meeting of the Chamber of Manufactures on Monday night the following motion was adopted: 1 hat the members of the Victorian Chamber of Manufactures pledge themselves to keep
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  • 92 3 Perth German Club Declaration of Allegiance. Perth, W. A., Aug. 12. At a special general meeting of members of the German Club the following motion was proposed by the president (Mr. B. Makutz) and carried unanimously That we, German residents, being naturalised British subjects, residing in Western Australia, loyally declare
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  • 748 3 Rush of Volunteers The Sunday Times (Perth, West Australia) of August 10 publishes the following Australian items, dated Aug. 15 Sydney.—Drastic action was taken by the censor with the last issue of a Sydney paper, owing to a leading article" which the chief military censor regarded as
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  • 152 3 The report of the Vallambrosa Rubber Estates states that the profits, including £7,417 brought forward, amount to £33,717. The directors recommend that £15,000 be placed to reserve and a dividend of b*d. per share, less tax, paid, leaving £6,805 to be carried forward. The crop totals 55b\230' lbs. the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 277 3 J. I. JAYATILAKA, :o: Licensed Surveyor OF VAST EXPERIENCE Counting over 35 years' service in Ceylon and the Straits Government. Work Under Personal Supervision CHARGES MODERATE. Mo. Bf, Tank Road. 10-7 NEWLY ESTABLISHED. VICK CHEONG Co., Jj Tailors, Drapers 6V O General Outfitters. iSsfcfifc European Goods. no. 14. High Street.
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    • 292 3 I SLEEPLESSNESS 52 7 0rry overwork men tal and bodily prostration, ete «ni 3 0f X anxiety, nerve temperament, etc. If L ff c b >' refreshing the Brain and Nerves! medidnf than mg W&Sting diSeaBe yOU find no hetter Atank Nigrah Pills. Those Pills—replenish and enrich the nerves and
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  • 655 4 The Birmingham's Exploit Germans have regarded their latest submarines and the manning of them as the acme of perfection because made in Germany. But Germans are apt to forget that British men-o'-war are built and manned by Britishers and that the human element under the
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  • 28 4 The noted French pugilist Georges Carpentier was accorded a great (tend-off at the Charing Cross railway station on his recent departure tor i mice t«> join th*- colonn
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  • 552 4 Naval Court of Enquiry. At the British Consulate in Nagasaki, a Naval Court of Enquiry was held to investigate the circumstances attending the wreck and total loss of the British s.s. Glenfa'g. Mr. G. P. Pfton, Acting Consul, was President of the Court and the members
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 94 4 KIAN TAI Co., No. 30, Kobiuson Roa<l, Singapore. Phone No. till. Telegr.uns "KTANTAI' General Store-keepers, C/ommissiou Agents, Ship's Purveyors, and Ship-Chandlers. Canteen Contractors to H.M British and Foreign Navy. Tin provisions, Fresh Provisions, Wines, Spirits etc., of the b ?st quality, always in Stock. Orders promptly executed. PRICES MODERATE. Manager:—TAY
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    • 330 4 The Malaya Tribune. Can be had at the following depots Singapore. Hotel van Wijk, Stamford Road. Messrs. Koh Co., 90, Bras Basah Road. Hotel de l'Europe. Adelphi Hotel. Messrs. Kim Co. Chop Teck Seng, 97, Selegie Road. Mr. Pang Boon Tin, Tank Road Railway Station.) Army Navy Bar, High Street.
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    • 118 4 i i DURING THE WAR THE HOTEL van WIJK Will Give SPECIAL RATES For MONTHLY BOARD. Also TIFFIN and DINNER FULL MENU. TEL. 11l K. J. J. TIDDENS, Manager. Mun Dispensary, Mos. 442 and 444 At the Junction of Middle Road and North Bridge Road. Chemists, Druggists and Opticians. Patent
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  • 231 5 in t wr t to a Lon- > The g>»a* est «yoDnat liy r \«>wtlifui Giand i Lu*eu}ht>rg, turim in .1 c 1 by thn Ger- w lira, i ear ago, Kiln -til in mourning tor in i c niiiiii.'-Mum of a viiin mi uafc&iu inn
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  • 349 5 v iling from Hongkong to the ill lily China -Press on the correspondent gives a n of a Biteetacle presented ng on his arrival there the i en route Manila as as we aouroi iched the Northern we were met by a series
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  • 36 5 A II the principal placed mention" d in to-day's wire-news are forth it» the above, the fronts extending from ftannfegne out Nantenik U I Chalons to Verdun.
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  • 216 5 Five weeks ago—on 7th August to be exact—considerable reduction in the size of London and provincial papers was taking place, the action of the proprietors of the journals being due (according to the London Daily Chronicle) to three causes 1. The absence of advertisements, *>. The
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  • 327 5 What a Trawler Skipper Saw. The skipper of the trawler Lock Nevin of Lowestoft declares that he and other fishermen witnessed a fierce naval thirty-five miles out to sea on Wednesday morning. His account is as follows 44 It was eleven o'clock on Wednesday morning. The weather
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  • 260 5 German Socialist s Indictment. The Koelnische Zeitung of Aug. sth contains the text of the declaration made in the Reichstag by the Deputy Haase, one of the principal Socialist leaders in Germany. In the name of his party, Herr Haase commenced to show
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  • 121 5 Le Havre quotes an otficial message from Paris which says that during the bombardment of Pont-a-Mousson it was proved that the heavy, mark To, gun of the French artillery is superior to the heavy German artillery. At Mangiennes three German guns were captured, which are of
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  • 135 5 In addition to the many ties of friendship between Great Brit unand Belgium, the relationship between their respective rulers provides an additional reason for British sympathy with tlio Belgians at the present moment. King Albert is a cousin a few times removed of King
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  • 239 5 On th* eve of tbe cMI of the ruthhss inv««ion of Bnlghna bi tlie Ut-rwMH Kin* Alb-r', of presided over a special combined m-huuJl of the Belgian B uate and CI aml> r. fa is address to tie Assembly
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  • 82 5 Through a wire received at Parnf from Dakar. Senegal, we learn thai the escape of the French liner Formosa from the German gunboat Panther was due solely to a wireless message to the gunboat being 1 intercepted by the operators on tho liner. The Formosa managed to
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  • 37 5 A [*»mion woe of Aug 19 »o*erls ti at toe Tsar isab-ui to p a«» on an qual folio* win til other liussian su »jets a* r. j gai dU social and political iignis.
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  • 32 5 A London pre Ms-menage state* that "i Gorman and J*2 A'»-trij*it resM»hl wire cap in Itus-dta waters prior to tho lOth Alport. Dieir aggregate tonnage is 160,tXKI.
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  • 47 5 The German Forces endeavoured to re-occupy Kydtknhnen after being driven out by the Russian m~ fantry. Their efforts were, however, of no avail, and the losses suffered by the German side was terrible. They affect mainly the Ist and 20th German Army Corps.
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  • 59 5 From St. Peter SOUI g It is report ed that several Russian ladies who were passing to the Russian frontier from Germany on the outbreak wf war were stripped nude hy Germau soldiers in the presence of officers. The father of a young girl interven ed and was
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  • 28 5 From Vitus it was wired lo Par** on Aug. 19 that trains filled with German prisoners and wounded were then continually pnssing over the frontier.
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  • 937 6 Wo© worth the chas», woe worth the day That cost thy life my gallant grey. Such is the exclamation put into the mouth of King James by Sir Walter Scott in one of his romantic poems. The bellicose Kaiser must feel inclined to say in his heart 44
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  • 94 6 Relations Most Cordial. The following official cotnmunique regarding the relations existing between the Governments of Great Britain and the Netherlands lias been forwarded to us for publication It has been brought to His Excel lency's notice that there are reportt as to strained relations between the
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  • 271 6 Under the present entirely abnormal conditions, which render it very difficult for almost all sections of the community to find the wherewithal to keep the wolf from the door, many a fond parent, man;: a faithful guardian has a deal i I trouble in
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  • 125 6 Dr. Garrett, of Kuala Lumpur, is going home to try to get attached to an army medical corps. The output of Mergui Estates in August was 2201 lbs; total foi 2 months 2,592 lbs; tapping was sus pended for 16 days on account of bad weather. The Singapore St. Andrew's
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 307 6 ROBINSON GASH SALE BARGAINS. Robinson's Reversible" Vibrating Hand Sewing Machine A Good, Strong Machine at a very Low Price. Complete with handsome Walnut Cover, and the following attachments: Adjustable Hemmer, Quilter, Straight Guide, Barrow Hemmer Bender, also two screw-drivers, Oil can and bcttle of Machine-Oil. Sale Price $20 J DON'T
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    • 162 6 Handy Useful These unique scissors are the most convenient and useful article for the pocket of either lady or gentleman, being compact, light, made of the finest steel and highly nickel plated. They combine the .following distinct appliances Scissors, button hole scissors, cigarcutter, ruler, cigar box o\ ener. penknife, gla>s
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  • 504 7 SUrer at 2513/16. _:o: Tin i>" quoted in London at :o:— Vine bard Para rubber is quoted I in London. —:o: yitzt quality crepe rubber is in lemand in London at 2/1 _-o: rr ison order states that sol- in uniform are no longer per- Mcd to
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  • 280 7 The German Debacle. Entire Line of Enemy in Flight* Cold Steel for the Germans. Karanga Occupied by the Germans. British Success in Other Parts. Reuter's Services. London, Sept. 13, 7-30 p.m. Paris Official. —At eleven yesterday evening on our
    Reuter's Services.  -  280 words
  • 86 7 THE ROUT COMPLETE. The Allies. Flushed With Success, Keep up the Hunt after German Stampeders. London, Sept. 13, 7.10 p.m. General Jotfre to day telegraphed to M Millerand the French Minister for war. Our victory is more and more complete. Everywhere the enemy is retreating, leaving war material
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  • 118 7 Hundreds of Guns Taken. Australians’ Triumphant. Carry all before them- London, Sept. 13. 11.55 a.m. The Press Bureau conlirms to-day the brilliant Russian victory at Krasnsk and Tomaszofl. The Russian forces have taken 30,000 prisoners and have captured several hundred guns. 1 London, Sep. 13, 7-20 p.m.
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  • 113 7 The following telegrams from the Secretary of State have been forwarded us for publication 1 he following is from the Press Bureau:—Our troops have crossed the Ourck and are rapidly pursuing 'he enemy; 200 prisoners have been captured. Allies cavalry were between Soissons and Fismes last night, enemy
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  • 138 7 (Courteously supplied by French Consul.) Officially Communicated. Victories Confirmed. Paris, Sept. 11, 6 p.m. An official communique from Paris announces that from the military operations that have taken place since the Cth on the French line Verdun-Paiis. during the first part of the battle on the Marne.
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  • 220 7 Bismarck Archipelago Lost. BECOME A BRITISH POSSESSION. European. Native, and Chinese Inhabitants. The Bismarck Archipelago, which has just been added to British Dominions, is the name of a large number of islands lying N. and X. E. of New Guinea, between 1 and 7 degrees S. and
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  • 150 7 August 1914 Outputs. Messrs F W. Barker and Co. favour us with returns for August as follows Kinta Association —mine 123.20 tribute 371.41 j total 494 piculs 61 catties. Kanaboi, mine nil% tribute 78 piculs 62 catties. Ampang, mine IG7 piculs 98 catties. Rahman Tin. Rahman Hydraulic
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  • 57 7 Kipling created a sensation in England on the 2nd instant by the publication of a stirring patriotic poem entitled 44 For all we have and are. The poem concludes with the words 44 Who stands if freedom fall, who dies if England live." The first issue of 500.000 was sold
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  • 739 7 Poor Turkey I Only a few months ago—as the result of serious differences of opinion and consequent hostilities with several Balkan States—she had to sign away alrnoet the whole of her European possessions and so forth and so on until her cup of bitterness was fairly filled to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 21 7 THE GERMAN ROUT. Entire -A rmy of Invasion Defeated. Heading for Luxemburg. Russians Still Scourging Austrians. Belgians Harrassing the Enemy's Rear.
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  • 616 8 It will doubtless interest our readers to know that the above philanthropise and ably managed Institution, which is located at Ipoh, Perak, F.M S., lias just issued a picturesque and well got-up appeal and calendar, covering the period duly 1914 to June 11)15, all
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  • 457 8 September 14. British. Hone M« h, arrived Septembrr 10. Outer Roads. Barque D» c, arrived September 10 Outer Bo.ds. Kd«-id 1 anived August 25 [dim r K< »ad«. Ban Hong Long, arrived August 28 Bl ers Wharf. I'd* What I H>n, arrived August 30. 1
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  • 81 8 REVISED TIMES. Singapore (Tank-Road.) Mail Daily leaves for north at 7.9 a.m. and <.15 p.m. Other trains leave for Johore at 9.0 a., 1:>.30 a., mion, 1.30 p., '2.53 p., 4.50 p. 4.H0 p. Sundays. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a.m. and 5.14 p.m. Trains leave from
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  • 90 8 Golf. Garrison Golf Club Ladies' Medal. We are indebted to the courtesy of the Hon. Secretary of the Garrison Golf Club for the result of the Ladies' Medal Competition on the 10th instant, which was as fol lows Mrs. D. Drummond 52-7 =45 Mrs. Cooke Yarborough =46 Mrs. R.
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  • 71 8 The French Government, in an appeal to the Powers, states that the Germans, without warning, bombarded Pont-a-Mousson, which was undefended Their fire was directed particularly on a hospital flying the lied Cross Hag. Shells fell in the town killing seven and wounding eight persons, all of whom were v. omen
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 159 8 NORTH BRITISH CLINCHER MOTOR TYRES "The Tyres that are superior for they are made of PLANTATION RUBBER." We beg to annonnc< thai we have been appointed Sole \gviits in ih e S S and F.M.S. for the North British Rubber Co., London, ai»<? now I.oM full stock of the above
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 288 8 FIXTURES. Monday, 14th. Tides: Hisjh water: —5.10a.m. 3.42 p.m. Tuesday, 15th. St. John's Ambulance Class 5.15 p.m. Tide*»: High water: —8.0 a.m. 5.26 p.m. Wednesday, 16th. Tides: High water :—8.50 a.m. 7.14 p.m. Thursday, 17th. Tides High water —9.28 a.m. 8.21 p.m. Friday, 18th. S. C. C. Meeting 5.15 p.m.
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  • 649 9 German Prisoners at Raftama Camp. The Hon. Mr. J. G. Fraser, G. A., W. P., as officer in charge of Camp, went there to receive the German prisoners sent from Colombo on "lue-day. He left the in the morning, with Attapattu Mudaliyar Henry A. Perera,! and
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  • 631 9 There c«n hardly be a doubt now that the action of German colliers in Java waters, during the past month, has such as to give rise to serious misgivings as to how far the Government of the Netherlands Indies was aware that German warships had
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  • 341 9 ..Common Sense" writes to the Tpoli Timrs under dat- ith S>. pt.. I have seen published in >our recent edition correspondence witli regard to the attitude of Englishmen and the Government towards the local Germans during a state of ""eyond the most elementary duty ,.f niacin2 tbes«
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  • 218 9 Japanese Merchants Favour Direct Tradal Relations. Kef erring to the telegram from London stating that a Cape Town correspondent of the Daily Telegraph sent a despatch to the effect that negotiations have been progressing for th** export of African products to .Japan and that Japan has expressed
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  • 32 9 Messrs Mains and Co., of Batavia, have wired to Messrs Van Nic& Co at Medan that the German-Austra-lian Liner Australia has been taken by the British and is now held at Colombo.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 327 9 The Knits Albion Press, Limited. «tationers Printers COT.LYER QUAY. SFECIAL^OTICE TO ARCHITECTS i AND DRAUGHTSMEN •laced large indent in t Special terms we are able the finest quality Tracing produced KB Back and I c brand is Koh-i-noor J** j.. &C. Hardtmuth ireraof the famous Koh-i--g Pencil specialities, obtained on
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    • 35 9 PAUL CO., PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS 57 Selegie Road. Children's Portraiture a Speciality, HIGH-CLASS WORKMANSHIP. Charges Carte de visite per doz. copies $4.00 Cabinet J7 Boudoir $15.00 Special Rates for Quantities. A visit woorfMsaHo wftl be ftpptectated.
      35 words
    • 310 9 m CELEBRATED BIRCH CARRIAGES. HARNESSES AND JINUKISHAS. are produced with all the requirement* of tht different countries and colonie.- from specifications and data i»ecured by my <>wn representatives, who have rhdtod th.- principal jwints hi the many countries to study the styles and characteristic of vehicles and barne-«e- used. Full
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  • 603 10 Liability of Shipping to Capture. The Rights Of Passengers The recent declaration of war calls attention to the position in which the merchant shipping of belligerents is placed, whether engaged in cargo or passenger trade. It is still geneially recognized as a sound principle of
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  • 111 10 The littler Attendant notifies that in future it will be necessary for fishing boats, tongkangs, or lighters engaged in the ordinary shipping business of the Port to hold special passes to proceed to and from Singapore, Rochore and Kallang Rivers, Johnston's Pier and ships lying at anchor in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 240 10 APPLES. NOW IN STOCK NEW SEASON'S Australian Apples. ——————I" 111 UIW Singapore Gold Storage Co., LIMITED. SINGAPORE AND BRANCHES. —*"^Wfw—»^—— Willi, mtmm >■-. jiihm n w—»—wp——p—> lIBIi H I ■III! Ml m IMM>II ■lIIMIIBII II n- m WM|||B||| ■mill II II BI——IBIMM Telephone No. 10 70. Haye Your Photo Taken
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    • 122 10 NOTICĔP On account of our Removal to Premises, We are open to Accepi Offers for Surplus Stocks of:— KAPOR RED RESAK CHENGHAI DAROO BALLOW MIRABAU In Planks, Scantlings and Logs. Kirn Seng Leong Co., TIMBER MERCHANTS, I 59-3, LAVENDER STREET. "*^~*~~~~Tni»lll|IPW| WlTMtltniw 1 ■im^m —■—TTTWI— «mmm a Bmmßk^*^m JU-JITSU BY
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  • 793 11 The Late Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain's Views. Most people know that there were two Joseph Chamberlains, the earlier and the later, and that, as r* gards, at any rate, the liquor problem, he spoke with two distinct and divergent voice 1 But the expressions against the liquor
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  • 319 11 At daylight on the "21st ult., a certain warsnip was cruising 130 miles S. S. E. off T>ii»ytau and saw a merchant vessel ot laige dimensions btreeriiig t«»waidsthe ."south Ea*t. The warship rapidly approached her and a blank sin t ac os» her
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  • 129 11 Substitute for Acetic Acid. The following London cables dated Aug. 28 appear in Ceylon contemporaries The Rubber Growers' Association chemists, Messrs. Clayton, Beadle, and Stevens, have been experimenting with a view to finding a substitute for acetic acid for coagulation, of which supplies are short, only two English
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  • 91 11 Messrs. Barlow <fe Co. write in their Prices Current issued on Bth inst:—On rubber 655. per ton of 50 cubic feet from Singapore, Penan*, Port Swettenham, or Malacca from Port Dickson or TMuk Anson 70s. From Singapore to New York, or Boston direct 655. or via Europe 85s. Ou
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 447 11 Wanted LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED. Wanted an experienced Linotype jperator. Forward copies of testimonials or references and state salary •equired to: Box A. c/o. Malaya Tribune. WANTED CANVASSERS. For a Provident and Life Insurance Company. Liberal Commission allowed. Apply personally at 8, The Arcide, between 114 1. WANTED A qualified lady
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 419 12 Shipping Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2—3, Collyer Quay. Under Contract with the Netherlands India Government. Agents at Kuala Lumpur, Port Swettenham and Klang, Messrs. A.C. Harper Ce. The undermentioned dates of departure are only approximate. ftIKGKARA Pontianak-, Singkawang, BfiliVni, Pemangkat and Sambas Sept. lo BINGARAIX'A
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    • 192 12 Notice KIAM KIAT CO., 108 109, Market Street, Telephone No. 421. Shipchandlers, Government and Municipal,Contractore, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agents. Sole agents: The Mulcoit Belling Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 18-7 HIN WATT CO., 102, MARKET STREET. telephone no. 428. SHIP CHANDLERS. Engineers, Estate Contractors Stores, Commission Agents,
      192 words
    • 394 12 Notice CUAN KIAT CO7 37, Phillip Street. Ship-chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importers and Exporters and Commission Agents, Estate, Rice-Mill and Saw-Mill Suppliers. SOLE AGENTS FOR "GLOBE" BOILER FLUID. THE ID-LAL FLUID FOR CLEANING AND PRESERVING BOILERS. Tel. Address GUANKIAT," Singapore. Codes used A.B.C. sth Edition and Al. Telephone
      394 words
    • 302 12 Malaga tribune. Advertisement Rates. Short Period Insertions VIZ M WANTED," TO lET, ft, ONE CENT PER WORD per day (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE) Minimum Charge fi^ P. P. C. Cards, announcements etc., not exceeding 8 lines Each Insertion 50 cent SPEeiHL RHTES. For 1 inch of 8 lines of 7 vorfc
      302 words