Malaya Tribune, 4 September 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 308 1 i j n />\ r•• if wiwfowiMww Eft ORCHARD ROAD Singapore's Premier Theatre. ORCHARD ROAD TO-NIGHT! COMMENCING at 9 p.m. Sharp. TO-NIGHT!! Remember that we arc still able to give Two entire changes of Programme Weekly, We change every Monday and Thursday. HIS SON'S ACCUSER (A TRAGEDY OF WOMAN AND
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  • 374 2 Why They Went to War. Russian Official Statement. St. Petersburg, Aug. 2.—The Russian Official Gazette to-day contains a statement by the Russian Foreign Office concerning Russia's diplomatic relations in connection with the Anstro-Servian affair, to the following effect: 44 In order to restrain the action that Austria-Hungary
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  • 126 2 f'• M.S- Appointments. The following appointments are notified in the F. M. S. Government Gazette Mr. F. G. Coales 10 be European chief draftsman, P. W. D., Perak Mr. D. 11. Grist to be an agricultural instructor, Agricultural Department; Mr. R. 0. Cussen to act as District
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  • 97 2 The new steamer Suwa-maru, which h;.v been 1 >uilfe at the Mitsu iii-hi Dockyard, Nagasaki, for the Nippon Yußfn Kaishi», underwent speed trials at that port. The result WM highly satisfactory. On six runs over the Measured distance, about three miles, the maximum speed attained was 16.734
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 288 2 I MOTORISTS APPRECIATE j THYMES I i!N HOT COUNTRIES. I THE COLUMB TYRE Co., (Far east) I SI. ROBINSON ROAD, Singapore. P Telephone: 1510. Telegraphic Address: PROWODNIK. BMM— 1 flf Telephone No. 1403. "OUR SHOP." THE LEADING FLORISTS 20. STAMFORD ROAD branch RAFFLES SQUARE. French Flowers By Every Mail For
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  • 1359 3 Flagship of First Battle Squadron. The four battleships of the Iron Duke class, of which the name ship built at Portsmouth is now the flagship of First battle squadron and the last, the Emperor of India, which took the water at Barrow at the end of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 290 3 j, I. JAYATILm, Licensed Surveyor OF VAST EXPERIENCE ting over 35 years' service n and the Straits Government. u/nrk Under Personal Supervision CHARGES MODERATE. Mo. 81, Tank Road. NE\VLY ESTABLISHED. YiCK CHEONG Co., Tailors, Drapers y General Outfitters. 7 b All European Goods. Id. M. High Street, SINGAPORE. 7—lo ZU
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    • 12 3 H. AHMAD, Engineer Contractor. (Reinforced Coocret. Work. S»«tality.> 169. SEMNWON ROAD. SINGAPORE.
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    • 271 3 Singapore Gold Storage Co., LIMITED. Australian Creamery Butter NOTICE. it hereby given that on and after the 11th instant. Goods will only be supplied for cash, The usual prices will be maintained as long as possible. TELEPHONE No, 8*5. SINGAPORE AND BRANCHES. uwm I 1MB HMI in h HI MB
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  • 901 4 The situation in Sarawak following on the outbreak of war is thus set out in the Sarawak (iazette of August 17 The first news of the outbreak of hostilities in Europe between Germany and Russia came from Miri on the 4th by the T.neile which brought
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 361 4 The Malaya Tribune. Can be had at the following depots Singapore. Hotel van Wijk, Stamford Road. Messrs. Koh Co., 90, Bras Basah Road. Hotel de l'Europe. Adelphi Hotel. Messrs. Kirn Co. Chop Teck Seng, 97, Selegie Road. Mr. Pang Boon Tin, Tank Road Railway Station.) Army Navy Bar, High Street.
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    • 306 4 NOTICE. For the greater convenience of our Custom Accounts will he re-opened as from September condition that all outstanding Bills to June v paid. Thereafter, terms will be Cash monthly Prices in our Provision Catalogue, which urn piled before the War, will be maintained <{.< possible, but Net Ex Godown.
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  • 405 5 ,j ng An ex-Volunteer the Malay Mail —Since itl reak of war several AusGermans residing in the I iloniefl have been arrested s of war. These people oies, and I am at a loss and why they should be privilege of still carryheir business and making
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  • 63 5 ;h press-message states took place mar Manila 11 ng last month. The cruiser Kmden sank to-boat bat was herself 'by the Ore of H. M. S. Th.- rumopr that the cniii re then attacked the German cruiser ScharnI ;nk her, is regarded as led rumour, not because
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  • 9 5 Scene of Strife in Prussia.
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  • 265 5 An anonymous Dutchman has offered the Government the sum of 0200,000 to initiate a fund for national defence. Tho Dutch Tourists' Union thereupon promptly offered f1120,000 for the same purpose. This action has led to further similar offers of large sums of money being made to the
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  • 90 5 The absence of trading vessels in Manila has compelled the United States Government to employ Government vessels as freighters. The transport Warren has therefore been despatched to Saigon for a full cargo of rice. The export prohibition on rice has been removed by the
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  • 39 5 The Zeppelin No. 8 was tired on by French troops while the airship waf hovering above Baden viller, having come from the direction of Strassburg. The Zeppelin was brought down, all her crew perishing.
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  • 201 5 Berlin, Aug. 3. A further official communication regarding French attacks against Germany was published here to-night. It said 44 The German troops hitherto have obeyed the orders given by the German commanders not to cross the frontier into France. French troops, on the contrary, since yesterday
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  • 98 5 Cannonading off Woosung. Captain Inch, the Shanghai pilot of the P. and O. Co., reports that on the ninth of August a heavy cannonado was heard oil Woosung. Its duration was from 12 to 15 minutes. The German cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau were seen at the
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  • 158 5 The Duke of Montpensier, in offering his yacht Mekong to the British and French Ambassadors at Tokio for service as a vessel of war, sent a letter, of which the following is a translation Your Excellency, It is a pain much greater than I can submit
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  • 90 5 The losses of the Germans during the whole of the Franco Prussian war of IS7O-71 were 28,000 'dead and 10i,(KM) wounded and disabled; those of the French 156J000 dead (17/KK) of whom died, of sickness and wound--, as prisoners in Qui nun bands),
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  • 122 5 In view of the ridiculous canard* spread by German agents broadcast over Europe and out here, one of which was that Admiral Jellicoo and his fleet were blown sky-high on the sixth of August, we are gla<l to see that on the 17th of that month the
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  • 65 5 Notwithstanding her declaration of neutrality during the war, Denmark has deemed it advisable to mine the entrances to all her ports, in order to prevent any Power forcing a breach of het attitude upon her, by utilising her ports. The Danish harbours arc therefore protected, to avoid the
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  • 67 5 A message from Berlin states that the Reichstag has unanimously and, with the greatest enthusiasm, voted five millaird marks for war expenses. The Emperor and the Chancellor made very patriotic adresses to the deputies. The enthusiasm m Germany increased considerably after the meeting. Numerous volunteers have
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  • 59 5 The (ierman-landwehr (the second tine of Reserve) waa called to the colours some days ago to be pushed against the Russian foreea operating in East Prussia. The Russian advance is directed on the three fortresses Thorn, Grauden* and Gnmbinnen. The strength of the German army on that
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  • 103 5 In the course of a private letter, received at Kuala Lumpur from .Java, the writer says M We over here have been affected by the present war to a much greater extent than the V. M. S. planter*. The majority of rubber estates have stopped tapping
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  • 105 5 A French piOSf mrflflQTl from. Berlin ttates that the declaration of by England on Germany has can* ol widespread indignation throughout Germany, as the advance of tho German forces through Belgium had been notified to England by the Imperial <'hanceHer. The violation of neutrality by Germany on
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  • 835 6 Pan-Germanism, or to give it its proper appellation the All Deutscher YerbanuY' is the dream of the Germans for the conquest of the World, the peopling of it with Teutons, and the domination of all other races under Germanic yoke. This Teutonic Utopia was conceived at the formation of
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  • 252 6 Provided. Karachi, Aug. 19 Aa able amount of doubt exist as to the k voyage from 80-ahay to fJ,\ th time for the P re*e<a H«if \i Turner, Morrison 4Co T.i the Sind Gazette th* doing their utmost for ihe V However, the sailing of be to
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  • 264 6 Much Valuable Cargo Lost. The British steamers' Citj Winchester and Hyades Lav. sunk in the Indian Ocean b] Gei man cruisers. The Hansa liner Goldenfels an ed at Sabang with part of the of the City liner, which mi destroyed by the German 1
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  • 26 6 The German crater untitled was seen on the 21st August < Thousand Islands, in Java w»te She was again sighted on the W lowing day at Tjilamaja.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 298 6 ROBINSONX ANNUAL CASH SALE NOW PROCEEDING. GENT'S WHITE STRAW HATS Sale i~WM j1 »0 P r ce Each. I DON'T HOARD YOUR CASH. Tako out a good substantial policy in The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. The head of every family should ask himself this pertinent quesi tion, M
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    • 73 6 ATTENTION. FIRE AWAY! and buy all your whisky from us before the price increases. We have a large stock on hand and more on the way. CARPE DIEM. DUM SPIRO, SPERO. T. M. LAMB GO. 1, Raffles Place. WINFRED Cigarettes. THE WORLDS BEST VALUE IN VIRGINIA CIGARETTES. Chow Kit Co.
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  • 488 7 Tin quoted at $01 yesterday in the F.M.S. capital. The Imperial Indian and Bombay War Relief Funds totalled over 18 lacs on 26th ult. The Far Eastern Olympiad has been postponed sine die owing to the war. The Western India Turf Club has contributed Rs. 50,000 to
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  • 42 7 Scat of Government Removed from Paris to Bordeaux. THE NEW POPE ELECTED. Germans Bottled up by Russians In Koenlgsberg. THE OPERATIONS IN FRANCE, EAST PRUSSIA AND AUSTRIA. Japanese Clearing- the Sea of German Mines at Kiaochao. Reuter's Service.
    Reuter's Service.  -  42 words
  • 192 7 Seat of Government Transferred to Bordeaux London, Sept. 3, 4.35 a.m. The French Government has been transferred to Bordeaux. A proclamation of the French Government explains that the decision to transfer the Government to Bordeaux is based on purely military reasons, because Paris is becoming
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  • 26 7 Election of Cardinal Delia Chiesa. London, Sep. 3, 2-45 p.m. Cardinal Delia Chiesa has been elected Pope, with the title of Benedict XV.
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  • 58 7 Germans Trying to Save Situation. London, Sept. 2, 2-20 p.m. The Russian Staff announces that the Germans in East Prussia, suddenly reinforced, inflicted a reverse on the Russians. It was a purely local engagement wherein the Russians were outnumbered and was due to the arrival
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  • 38 7 London, Sept. 3, 2-20 p.m. The Official Press Bureau, confirming the British capture of ten guns, says the British pushed back the enemy and that fighting is progressing along almost the whole line.
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  • 49 7 Will Assist Government to the Utmost- London, Sept. 3, 2.20 p.m. A patriotic meeting at Cork, attended by prominent persons of all parties, even the extremists, have passed a resolution assuring that Ireland would assist the Government to the utmost. The speakers urged every man to enlist.
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  • 24 7 Capture of Guns by British Confirmed. A Paris official message states that the British captured ten German guns.
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  • 42 7 Russians Gain Decisive Victory. London, Sept. 2, 1-5 p.m. A Petrograd official message states that the battle ten miles from Lemberg was concluded yesterday. The Russians defeated three Austrian Army Corps, captured 150 guns and inflicted enormous losses.
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  • 51 7 1.000 German Mines Removed. The Japanese have occupied seven islands in the vicinity of Kiaochao and removed one thousand (1,000) mines. [It would appear from this that the Germans have here, as well as in Europe, laid mines broadcast, to the danger of belligerents and neutrals
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  • 42 7 Appreciation of the Forces Engaged- London. Sept. 2, 8-30 p.m. Mr. Lewis Harcoui t has telegraphed the Government's congratulations regarding the Togoland operations and its high appreciation of the excellent conduct, skill and dash of the allied forces.
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  • 13 7 London, Sept. 3, 2.20 p.m. The Russians have completely invested Koenigsberg.
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  • 117 7 The American community in Calcutta, which numbers about 2,000 persons, some of them descended from the oldest European settlers, have expressed to General May their desire to participate in the special measures of defence now being organised. The suggestion made was either that they should provide and
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  • 71 7 The Dutch steamer Celebes has been detained at Cherbourg by the French Naval authorities, says a Dutch pres*-message. Instructions from the French Government are awaited. The message does not give the reason for this action on the part of the French port authorities. A
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  • 13 7 Kennington Oval, the famous Surrey cricket ground, has been requisitioned for military purposes.
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  • 339 7 Entry of German Troops. Graphic Description of Scenes and Ceremonies. London, Aug. 22.—The Daily Mail gives a graphic story of the entry of the Germans into Brussels. Shortly after the booming of cannon, the sound of military music intimated that the enemy's triumphal march had begun.
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  • 189 7 Next Sunday's Services. Special Arrangements- As owing to special arrangements necessitated by exceptional circumstances the Rev. H. G. Peile, acting Colonial Chaplain, will have to be at the Cathedral at 7.45 and at Blaton Mati at 10.30, the services have had to be re-arranged. Therefore attention is
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  • 62 7 The mortality returns for Singapore for the week ending 29 th August numbered I*9. of which 143 were males and 4o females, the ratio per mille being 29.85. The principal causes of death were convulsion 21, bronchitis 9, malarial fever 29, typhoid fever 2, fever not specified 8, dysentry 9,
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  • 972 7 {Ceylon Observer Service) Power to Impress Vessels. Calcutta, Aug. 20.—The principal Royal Indian Marine ofTcers in each of the ports of Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Rangoon, Karachi and Aden, are gazetted as empowered to impress temporarily for his Majesty's service vessels in the port where he is
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  • 86 8 Further Restrictions. An I? dian Gazette Extiaordi: a*y empowers too*] authorities to exercise power* under the Foreigners Regulation Ordinance and appoints the porta of Calcutta, Madras and Rangoon as the only ports by which foreigners may n**r or leave Iridic. No German or Ausrrian may leave India
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  • 112 8 Ths Sir William Matthews Arrives. The new dredger Sir William Matthews; for the Colombo Harbour Works, arrived at Ceylon on 25th ult. from Glasgow. She was built parly this year by Meaan Flaming, Ferguson, Ltd., Phoenix Work, Paisley, Scotland, in accordance with the recommendations of
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  • 32 8 The international troops at Scutari have been ordered to rejoin their home posts. All the Dutch officers in the service of Albania have rei Brae I to Holland.
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  • 259 8 In the Second Court before Mr. Nunn a private ricksha puller was charged with the theft of 49 cents from another lincensed coolie. He was fined $10, or two weeks' r. i. A Japanese named Yosihda was before Mr. Nunn in the Second Court this morning, charged with
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  • 397 8 The P. M. Str. China. Captain Thompson, which arrived at Shanghai from Manila, has completed one of the most exciting voyages she ever made. After leaving for the Islands the glass legan to fall rapidly and soon there were all the signs of an
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  • 16 8 The Maharajah Seindia of Gwalior has donated £10,000 to the Prince of Wales's War Relief Fund.
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  • 84 8 Friday, 4th. Singapore Club Meeting 5.30 p.m. S. R. C. Meeting, ."».30 p.m. Full Moon. P. O. Outward Mail due. Tide*: High water:—ll.o a.m. 10.33 p.m. Saturday, sthMergui Rubber Estates Ordinary Mtg. at noon. Tide.: High water -11.28 a.m. 11.8 p.m. Sunday, 6th. i:<th Sunday after Trinity. Harvest Thanksgiving
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  • 168 8 The following donations to the above fund have been received by the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China at Kuala Lumpur: I Previously acknowledged 6,422.50 H. andC.'s Staff 120.00 Mr. and Mrs. H. Drnmmond Hay 15.00 R. C. Edmonds 100.00 Damansara Estate Staff 80.00 D.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 83 8 Train Services. REVISED TIMES. Singapore (Tank-Road.) Mail Dailv Wives for north at 7.0 a.m. and 7.1") p.m. Other Intel leave for Johoiv at UB a.. 1OJ0 a., noon, LM p., LM p., 1-iOp. W- o p Bondaj s. Mail arri v. from north at RJM a.m. and 7.14 p.m. Train*
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    • 175 8 NORTH BRITISH CLINCHER MOTOR TYRES The Tyres that are superior for they are made of PLANTATION RUBBER." We beg to announce that we have been appointed Sole Agents in the S.S, and F.M.S. for the North British Rubber Co., London, and now hold full stock of the above tyres. PRICE
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 213 8 MAILS CLOSE. To-day. Medan 2 p.m. Batu Pahat P- m Malacca and Muar P- m P. S ham T. Auson 3 P* 1 Penang, and Calcutta taking mails for Durban 3 p.m. Port Swettenham, Penang. Colombo Bombay 3 p.m. Banka 4 p.m. To-morrow. Poulje Soegi a.m. Muntok Palembang 10 a.m.
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  • 11 9 [We do not ncctttarily endorse the opinions expressed by correspondents.}
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  • 200 9 To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune. Dear Sir,—I gee all aorta of people are giving their views about Germans beiDg allowed to carry on business and so forth in the Colony. Please grant me a few inches of space, not for my profound views, but
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  • 147 9 Following is the programme of the Far Eastern Championship games and open international games intended to be held in Shanghai next month:— Saturday :—Official opening of the games, Parade of athletes, Preliminary events of the track and field sports, Baseball, Tennis, International walking team race. Monday.— Baseball,
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  • 108 9 The Chapei (Shanghai) police continue making arrests of persons smuggling opium into the interior by the S. N. R. No less than seven were taken into custody, says the China Press. The ways of the smugglers are decidedly clever. In one case a melon was found in
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  • 103 9 Dr. Vannucci, the chief surgeon of the hospital at Pistoia (Italy), has accomplished a marvel of surgery, says the Mail. He operated on a girl named Maria Tondini to remove a needle that had accidentally been run into her body near her heart, which in its action came
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  • 320 9 Prowling About Town. European Robbed taJ Eaten. A reader writes us suggesting that people whose business may keep them out after dark, and who may have to travel along the more or less unfrequented roads, should be warned to keep a good look out, as there are
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  • 296 9 Singapore Auction Statistics. We are indebted to the courtesy of Messrs Paterson, Simons Co., Ltd., for their Weekly Rubber Circular, from which we learn that the 154 th auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association was held on Tuesday, let Sept. From this interesting circular
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 249 9 Hie Mm Trading Co. 36, ROBINSON ROAD. MATERNITY HOME AND NURSERY FOR BABIES. Ladies and Children's Underhing, Infants' Layettes etc., MADE TO ORDER. Registry Office lOk NURSES AMAHS Dry Cleaning Depot Terms on Application to Mrs. KRAAL 213, ORCHARD ROAD 28 5 LIM KUEE CHEONG. TEL D'EUROPE ARCADE. Leading Rattan
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    • 294 9 SLEEPLESSNESS Is induced by worry, overwork, mental and bodily prostration, irritability of temper, great anxiety, nerve temperament, etc., etc., and can be remedied by refreshing the Brain and Nerves, it you are suffering from wasting disease you can find no better medicine than Atai.K Nigrah Pills. Thdse Pills —replenish and
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  • 471 10 The inquest into the circumstances attending the death of a Hindu woman named Ponnamal was held before Mr. V. G. Ezechiel, Corner, at Penang a day or two evidence of Dr. V. B Kyle showed that the deceased woman had an extensive fracture
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  • 224 10 New York, July 31*t. —Many inquiries were received at shipping offices yesterday as to whether a ship leaving port while the nation whose flag it flies is at peace is liable to seizure at sea by an enemy which declares war before the ship has made its port.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 249 10 tf© T I E. For the greater convenience of approved Customers the undermentioned firms will re-open Credit accounts as from September Ist on condition that all outstandings to June 30th are paid. Thereafter terms will be nett cash monthly. JOHN LITTLE CO. LTD., KATZ BROS. LTD. ToUphoae Ho. 1070. Have
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    • 133 10 NOTICE. J On account of our Removal to Larger I Premises, We are open to Accept I Offers for Surplus Stocks of:— I KAPOR RED RESAK I CHENGHAI DAROO I BALLOW MIRABAI I In Planks, Scantlings and Logs. I Kirn Seng Leong Co., I TIMBER MERCHANTS, I HI 59-3. LAVENDER
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  • 747 11 Process of Transition. A Lessening of Profit- In a sense the results of the Rubber Plantations Investment Trust, whose annual report is now issued, are an epitome of the flnaocial condition of the plantation rubber industry as a whole, gays the Times. The trust is the principal
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  • 400 11 How They Operate. Submarine Mines are explosive devices, intended to be laid beneath the surface of the water in channels and harbour mouths, for the destruction of hostile vessels. In the civil war in America, Admiral Farragut's experience showed that they could not always be depended upon. In
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 333 11 GOODRICH TYRES AMERICAN TYRES FOR AMERICAN CARS Obtainable at all Garages U J Jjj| THE PRIMROSE AERATED WATER FACTORY, I 11-1 MIDDLE ROAD. 'Phone No. 1365. .-r^ WORKED BY STEAM POWER UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THE MANAGING PROPRIETOR, j Cleanliness the Principal Factor of the Factory. The most successful
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    • 128 11 K. TSUTADA. Japanese Dentist. 74. BRAS BASAH ROAD. Telephone No. 1245 1 Extraction Painless. 2. Work Guaranteed. 3. Charges Moderate. 4. Can be consulted in either English or Malay. Office Hours FROM 8 to 5 WEEK DAYS. FROM 8 TO NOON SUNDAYB. EXCEPT URGENT CASES. TAN 6ENG CHIANG NURSERIES Orchard
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    • 434 11 Banking THE SZE HA! TONG BANKINC AND INSURANCE CO., LTD. No. 57 and 58 Kting Street. Established 1907. Capital paid up $1,000,000.«? Reserve liability of proprietory $1,000,000.00 Reserve Fund $300,000.0t COURT OF DIRECTORS. Leow Chia Heng, Esq., I Lee Wee Nam Esq, Tan Swi Khi j Teo Tflow LowPen|Yam SeahPeckSeah
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 434 12 Shipping Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2—3, Collyer Quay. Under Contract with the Netherlands India Government. A«eßts at Kuala Lumpur, Pert Snettenlsan and Klaus, Messrs. A.C. Harper I Co. The undermentioned dates of departure are only approximate. BROtTWEK Belawan-Deli Sept. 4 JtUMPHICS Batavia, Seiiiannig and Sourabaya
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    • 156 12 Notice i HIN WATT CO, 102, MARKET SJRE E T. TELEPHONE NO. 428. SHIP CHANDLERS. Engineers, fetate Contractors Stores, Commission Agents, &c. BIG STOCK OF: "SHELL BRAND" Benzine, Kerosine Oil, Methylated Spirits, <fee, &c. 25-7 FLAG OF INTERNATIONAL CODE SIGNALS MAY HAD ALSO HOUSE FLAGS OF ALL DESIGNS MADE AT
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    • 406 12 Notice GUAN KIAT CO., 37, Phillip Street. Ship-Chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importers and Exporters and Commission Agents, Estate, Rice-Mill and Saw-Mill Suppliers. SOLE AGENTS FOR "GLOBE" BOILER FLUID. THE IDEAL FLUID FOR CLEANING AND PRESERVING BOILERS. Tel. Address GUANKIAT," Singapore. Codes used i A.B.C. sth Edition and Al.
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    • 276 12 Zbc 1 Advertisement Ratesl Short Period Insertions VIZ M WANTED," TO LET, U ONE CERIT PER VO R 0 *"ER DAY (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE) Minimum Charge J P. P. c. Cards, announcement, etc., not exceeding 8 lines Each Insertion 50 cenj SPECIAL EaTES.j For 1 inch of 8 lines of
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