Malaya Tribune, 27 August 1914

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 299 1 i—iijiiiiiiw I iiiwmii—— A PALLADIUM ORCHARD ROAD Singapore's Premier Theatre. ORCHARD ROAD TO-NIGHT! COMMENCING at 9 p.m. Sharp. TO-NIGHT!! Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Singapore, in Spite of Hard Times, We are still able to give you Two Entire Changes of Programme Weekly. BLACK JACK (A Detective Drama in 3 Acta).
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    • 214 1 POLICIES OF THE CHINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. GIVE MAXIMUMgPROTECTION AT MINIMUM COST For rates further'particulars apply to 01 THE RESIDENT SECRETARY, 2, Finlayson Green. HARIMA HAIILI CINEMATOGRAPH To-Might I North Bridge Road. To-Night It Selig's Sensational Animal Drama IN U SECTIONS Absorbing 27 REELS Cost £60.000 to produce
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  • 595 2 Wise and Otherwise. The coming man is always on the go. M Shall we talk or dance 44 I'm very tired. lM us dance. Some men are in advance of their age, hut women are always a few years behind it. Lots of things seem easy till you try
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 201 2 MOTORISTS APPRECIATE COLUMB TYRES. IN HOT COUNTRIES. I THE COLUMB TYRE Co., (Far East) I SI, ROBINSON ROAD, Singapore. I Telephone: 1510. Telegraphic Address: PROWODNIK. I "INJECTICO" Affords Relief In 48 Hours. Absolutely Superior to all Other Remedies. $1 a Bottle. for f urtber particulars, apply to: THE UNITED PHARMACY,
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    • 289 2 i I OBSERVE L A.SIMPLE NOURISHING FOOD OF HIGH MEDICINAL VALUE. OBTAINABLE AT ALL STORES HOTELS CLUBS. KIM HIN Co., SOLE AGENTS. 12-5 Important Notice to Contractors Builders. The United Saw Mills, Ltd., (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlements.) AUTHORISED CAPITAL $1,000,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. DR. LIM BOON KENG. Chairman. TAN
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  • 1482 3  -  [By Hilaire Belloc 111. Let us take it as our starting Bint, then, that the Germans !*ouM and must try and get across the Meuse at Liege, and 'therefore must take that town in way, by occupation or by force, aa to render its fortification
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 154 3 MAP OF THE SEAT«WAR IN EUROPE Issued by the Malaya Tribune Shewing all Important Cities, Rivers, etc., etc. Embracing Present and Future Probable Scenes of Strife. Mho Special Map shewing the German Colonial Possessions and an Enlarged Map of the KIEL CANAL AND Wilhelmshaven and their environments (Germany's strongest fortified
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    • 281 3 Singapore Cold Storage Co., LIMITED. Australian Creamery Butter NOTICE. is hereby given that on and after the 11th instant. Goods will only be supplied for cash, The usual prices w 11 be maintained as long as possible. TELEPHONE No, 845. SINGAPORE AMD BRANCHES. ■——inn—I MinW—■—W— IMI II1IWM—I— «II II—— Mun
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  • 1850 4 (From Ceylon Observer-) CRISIS IN BERLIN. Several Suicide. Berlin, Aug. 2.—The financial crisis has resulted in the snicide of a number of leading financiers and a dozen minor failures on the Bourse. The financial journals state it is evident that foreign countries, notably France, are withdrawing their
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 218 4 NOTICE. On account of our Removal to Larger Premises, We are open to Accept Offers for Surplus Stocks of:— KAPOR RED RESAK CHENGHAI DAROO BALLOW MIRABAU In Planks, Scantlings and Logs. Kirn Seng Leong Co., TIMBER MERCHANTS, 59-3. LAVENDER STREET. THE BENGAL PROVIDENT LIFE INSURANCE CO., LTD. HEAD OFFICE: CALCUTTA.
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  • 1004 5 Shipping Notes and News. Typhoon Notice: Centre near Yangtsze; direction of motion North West. The intermediate P. and 0. liner Namur arrived to-day at noon. The Bucknall liner Kansas arrived from Taku Bar this morning. The B. I. mail steamer Tara sails from the wharf at 5 p.m.
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  • 466 5 The London and China Express advise the following bookings outward Per P. and 0. steamer Namur, due August 28.—Mr. W. J. Badcock, Mr. and Mrs. Ferrers, Mrs. Booty and child, Mr. F. V. Izard, Mr. 1. M. MacKensie, MissK. Hammett, Mr. and Mrs. Muir and children, Mrs. C. Wells.
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  • 69 5 In order to meet the requireiuei of our readers and to cope with great increase in the denial 1 i this jourual, arrangements < v completed whereby tlic Malaya Tribune M can now be obtained daih Ipoh—Federal Rubber Stamp I Ipoh—Railway Station. Taiping—Fedeial Rubber St;.. Taiping—Railway Station. Batu
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 239 5 The Straits Albion Press, Limited. Stationers Printers inc. COLLYER QUAY. SPECIAL NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS AND DRAUGHTSMEN I aced large indent in Special terms we are able the finest quality Tracing ever produced —Dull Back and Glued Frosl it rates ruling for lower class brand is Koh-i-noor L C. Hardtmnth trsof
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    • 312 5 N. K. OTSUBO Co., (Japanese Artists Photographers.) No. 48-3, Hill Street, Singapore. First class Professional work at Moderate prices. Photographs and Portraits Artistically Coloured in Oils, Water colours or crayon work. Singapore views and Post Card on sale here. 36—9 KIAN TAI Co., No. 30, Robinson Road, Singapore. Phone No.
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    • 110 5 24 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY I FKEF o! Wayi to It amy be the bi ginning j hidependence. Here v yonrCH strike out and do something foi your own home without < tp< kind. DON'T DELAY WTRITIS 5 UNITED NOVELTY J W. D. WILSON Dispensing Chemist U Dru^r.l, 10, River
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  • 1103 6 Following is the Directors' report to the shareholders to he preset at the general meeting on sth prox. st noon Your Directors have pleasure in sul mitting herewith a duly audited Statement of the Accounts of the Company for the year ended June, 30, 1914. Accounts.—The
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  • 206 6 Malay Teacher Attacked. Knala Lumpur, Aug. 25. A daring gang robbery was carried out this morning in broad daylight and close to the works of Messrs. Fraser and Neave in Campbell Road The victim was a Malay teacher at the Police Depot who was walking towards Batu
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  • 73 6 REVISED TIMES Singapore (Tank-Road.I Mail Daily leaves for north t r 7.15 p.m. Other trains leave for J"" 9.0 a., 10.30 a., noon, 1.30 p., 2.53 p4.30 p. Sundays. Mail arrives from north at 8.16 a n., an p.m. Trains leave from Johore 7.'J, 11.48, 1.15, 3.0, 4.15
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 269 6 GOODRICH TYRES AMERICAN TYRES FOR AMERICAN CARS Obtainable at all Garages I—6 j———————————§————^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ RAVENSWAY Co., No. 187, ORCHARD KOAD, Singapore. Telephone, No. 717. UNDERTAKERS. MARBLE MERCHANTS AND MONUMENTAL MASCNS. 19-6 Teliphone No. 1070. Have Your Photo Taken at*— LEE BROTHERS STUDIOS. 58-4 Hill Street or Branch at 492, NORTH BRIDGE
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    • 27 6 THE ARYA DISPENSARY. Dispensing Chemists 4 Druggists, 490, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Telephone No- 15 33. Stocked Drugs, Patent Medicine. Toilet Requisites, Surgical Instruments, Heal Pebble Glasses. 8-7
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 504 6 FIXTURES. Thursday, 27th. B. I. Homeward Mail ."ails p.m. Tides High -1.51 a.m. 1.4? p., a Friday, 28th. Requiem Mas?, Cathedral of th* Shapherd, 8 a.m. Municipal Commissioner- Meeting. 2 B. I. Outward Mail expected. Moon First Quarter. Tides High water 2.42 a.m. 2.2« p.m Saturday. 29th. Tides High water
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  • 252 7 German Version of the AskoldEmden Fight. The Ostasiatische Lloyd service th e Shanghai daily China Press les the following 1 fgingtau, August tkh. —The Germ cruiser Emden has captured a er of the Russian Volunteer The reports of an engagem\ with the Russian cruiser Asi are baseless. A later issue
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  • 52 7 London, Aug. 15. arce of general satisfaction and congratulation that al?h no naval engagement has 1. what has been aptly termed the "black magic" of naval ire has had the effect of clearing the seas for British trade and ating the German flag in in-
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  • 74 7 Tales ol German apathy and ilire discredited by the courage displayed by the German troops at every point. It 'j i >gnised that the Germans v they are fighting in a life and iggle and will hesitate to sacrifice on the field of gain their ends.
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  • 382 7 A Serious Proposal." "ana ite for the Shanghai China irom the ltu*sian journal wbiaski Veaaik Wvostock, August 7th.—More »i""0 Japanese paraded the v 'i*}i lanterni last night, Tt js ian at.them and i liussinn and Japanese intciiption JJanzai rade was formed on receipt *s I*7 tie Japanese
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  • 664 7 Following, taken from the Shanghai China Press, purports to be news supplied by the Oatasiatische Lloyd, though no information is given as to how the German news agency managed to evade the censorship maintained by the British authorities over cable-news: New York, August 9th.—German
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  • 139 7 "Where are Your Spies A Story of Berlin. A despatch from Berlin to the Temps gives particulars of a curious incident in connection with the German Crown Prince which is alleged to have occurred after a dinner given at the British Embassy on February 3rd. It is stated that the
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  • 161 7 Beset by foes on every side The peaceful German people stands Its righteous policy defied, Its troops assailed by reckless bands— Devils incarnate, who, when we attack, Dare stand firm—and even hit back! We wrought for peace throughout. No lust Of conquest, no bloodguiltiness Smirches our shield.
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  • 111 7 Germany's greatest war asset is not the gold reserve at Spandan (which experts declare would be alt spent within two days of mobilisation), but the State railway system. The Prussian railways alone, which cost £450,000,000, are now valued at £900,000,000, and pay an average of 7
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  • 129 7 At the review of 10,000 troop* arranged in his honour at Br ossein last month the Lord Mayor of London was greatly interested in the) march past of a detachment of machine guns drawn by dogs. Later in the day the Lord Mayor visited the field
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  • 976 8 It may be a truism that trade prospers best when there is least interference with it on the part of authority. That was a doctrine popular sixty years ago in Great Britain when the laissez-faire school of thought held sway. It cannot be considered the principle of a policy
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  • 410 8 Many people are anxious to do something to show their sympathy and patriotism, and attempts ht* been made in somt quarters to en list volunteers or to start schemes for collecting .funds for war relief and other purposes. \V e are glad that the
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  • 203 8 Solemn Mass and Requiem in St. Joseph's Church. A Solemn High Mass with qniem for the repose of the soul oi His Holiness Pope Pius X was celebrated this morning at the Chnrch of St. Joseph, Victoria Street, tho splendid edifice erected by the Portuguese
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 323 8 ANTIMAL DISINFECTING FLUID IS A Disinfectant, Antiseptic and Deodorant for all purposes. In 1 Gallon Tins and 5 Gallon Drums. Sbarpe, Boss 4 Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. DON'T HOARD YOUR CASH. Take out a good substantial policy in The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. The head of every family should
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    • 75 8 ATTENTION. FIRE AWAY! and buy all your whisky .from us before the price increases. We have a large stock on hand and more on the way. CARPE DIEM. DUM SPIRO, SPERO. :o: T. M. LAMB CO. 1, Raffles Place. WINFRED Cigarettes. THE WORLDS BEST VALUE IN VIRGINIA CIGARETTES. Chow Kit
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  • 489 9 The next local Rubber AucJinn Will be held on let Sept., prox. Telegraphic communication with p f nang and Knala Lum P ur totally interrupted. W Of the 03,221 lbs. of rubber offered for sale at the local auction vesterday 50,547 lbs. were sold. —:o:— The liner
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  • 143 9 INTERESTING DETAILS. British Gallantry Praised. Splendid Charge of Algerians. Russians Drive Germans Before Them. Ordered to Fight to a Finish. KIOCHOW GARRISON STOICAL. Details of the Great Battle. ADMIRABLE BEHAVIOUR OF THE BRITISH TROOPS. Reuter's Service. Gallantry of Ihe Algerians. London, Aug. 26, 4-35 a.m. Details of
    Reuter's Service.  -  143 words
  • 102 9 London, Aug. 26, G.50 p.m. Details received from Paris leave no doubt regarding the enormous losses suffered by both sides. All reports are unanimous in praising the admirable behaviour of the British troops which only fell back at the express command of the Generalissimo,
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  • 72 9 Germans Sprinting for Koenigsberg. London, Aug. 26, 4-10 a.m. The Russian forces continue on the offensive The German army on the East Prussia frontier have beaten a retreat by forced marches and are concentrating on Koenigsberg fortress. Three divisions of Germans which occupied a fortified position
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  • 43 9 $297,000 Raised in One Day in Toronto London, Aug. 26, 4-10 a.m. The Canadian Patriotic Fund is rapidly mounting. Toront > city alone contributed $297,000 idollars)in one day, and expects to raise half a million during thB next four days.
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  • 34 9 Austria Severs Diplomatic Relations with Japan. London, Aug. 26, 3-40 a.m. Austria has handed his passports to the Japanese Ambassador, and the Austria Ambassador at Tokyo has been recalled.
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  • 113 9 A STUPID AND SENSELESS ACTION. K&iitr's Messife Stoically Receive* 1 by Troets. London, Aug 26, 5.30 p.m. From New York comes news of a Tsingtau cablo which says that a cypher message from the Emperor William, instructing the garrison to defend the position to the
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  • 37 9 London, Aug. 26, 1.20 p.m. A Belgian official despatch says that the army sallied out from Antwerp yesterday and drove three German divisions back for ten miles from the neighbourhood of Malines upon Vilvorde.
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  • 50 9 Questioner Referred to Lord Kitchener's Statement. London, Aug. 26, 3.45 p.m. In the House of Commons Mr. Alfred Hammersley asked if in the present crisis some form of compulsory service should not be adopted. Mr. Asquith replied in the negative and referred Mr. Hammersley to Lord Kitchener's statement.
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  • 96 9 Section of Lord Kitchener's speech which came too late to hand for insertion in our issue of yesterday's date V\ c knew how deeply France appreciated the value of the prompt assistance of the British. It must also prove of high military significance in restricting the sphere
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  • 52 9 (Courteously Supplied by French Consul.) Paris, Aug. 25, 4 p.m. The Franco-English forces were generally offensive, but could not penetrate the German lines. After a fierce struggle the Allies withdrew upon their protective base. Tbe general situation, however, remains complete. The French victoriously repelled the German attacks
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  • 29 9 2,500 unemployed Chinese were to leave Port Swettenham yesterday by the Hong Bee for various ports in China, whither they are being s* nt by the F.M S. Government
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  • 87 9 Sales by Private Tender. We are favoured by Mr. Lee Chim Sian, Manager, with information to the effect that at the sales of rubber yesterday by private tender at the offices of the Singapore Venture Syndicate, Ltd. (5 Malacca Street), the following prices were realized Bmoked Sheet
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  • 99 9 Singapore, Aug. 26. Offered for sale 474.16 pkls. or 63,221 lbs. sold 379.10 pkis. or 50,547 lbs. Prices hhlixU Sheet Smoked Fine Ribbed $113 to $118 Sheet Smoked Good Ribbed 96 112 Sheet Smoked Fine Plain 108 Sheet Smoked Good Plain 101 105 Sheet Unsmoked
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  • 221 9 (By Courtesy of Messrs. Guthrie and Co.) Singapore, Ang. 26. The Rubber Market has undergone a considerable change for the better during the past week, and at the Auction held this morning conditions were much brighter, demand for some qualities being strong and of 28 tons offered
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  • 144 9 In their Prices Current issued yesterday Messrs. Barlow Co. state At the auctions held this morning there was a good demand, especially for sheet, the prices realised showing a substantial advance on those paid at last week's sales. The opening price for fine Smoked Sheet was $113,
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  • 516 9 Court and Police News. Yesterday afternoon, before Mr. Sogden, the third Magistrate, Babu bin Sleyman, a servant working in Messrs. Fraser snd Neave's, was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $106.50. The accused, who pleaded guilty, was sentenced to undergo 2 months' hard labour. Yesterday
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  • 48 9 At the Palladium, for a short season only, will appear Stiliwell, the great American Master entertainer, assisted by M'lle Ellise, the Gibbon Girl and "Jeames." Illusions are their foite and mysteries which should draw good houses to the Bijou Theatre on Orchard Koad. Black Jack" is screened to-night.
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  • 1102 10 Koenigsberg (Polish Krolewiec) is a town of Germany. It is the capital of the province of East Prussia and a fortress of the first rank. Pop. (1880), 140,800; (1890), 161,666; (1905), 219,862 (including tbe in eorporated suburbs). It is situated on rising ground, on both sides of the Pregel,
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  • 70 10 Quotations Nominal. Singapore, August 27. On London— Bank 4 m/s. 2/4g Demand 2/4 Private 3 m/s. 2/4 J On India— BankT. T. 174£ On Hongkong— a*nk d/d 21% dis. On Shanghai— Bank d/d. 95 On Java— Bank T. T. 142 On Japan— Bank d/d. 114 Sovereigns—buying rate $8.54 India
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  • 93 10 TANJONG PAGAR. East Wharf (Basin) Section No. 1—Nil East Wharf No. 2 —Tar» Gregory Apcar Sheers Wharf No. 3—Nil Albert Victoria Dry Docks—Nil Main Wharf Section No. 4 -Klang n n n n 6-—Moyne Wet Doc$c 1&. 7—Kongosan Manx West Wharf &—Kinkasan Maru
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  • 46 10 A suit has been filed in the bupreine Court at Boston, U.S A on behalf of the stockholders in the New Haven Railroad Co. asking for the appointment of a receiver and other officials to prosecute claims for $306,000,000 (gold) against the directors of the company.
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  • 531 10 Understanding With Britain as to Extent. The following telegram from the British Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to H. B. M. Charge d'Affaires in Bangkok has been courteously communicated to us by the latter "The Governments of Great Britain and Japan, having
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  • 62 10 The funeral has taken place in Penang of Mrs F. C. Remedios, eldest daughter of Mr. A. Fletcher, formerly Chief Clerk of the General Post Office, Penang. Mrs Remedios was taken ill some three months ago, the disease being subsequently diagnosed as beri-beri. She died at the residence of Mrs.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 163 10 NORTH BRITISH CLINCHER MOTOR TYRES The Tyres that are superior for they are made of PLANTATION RUBBER." We beg to announce that we have been appointed Sole Agents in the S.S, and F.M.S. for the North British Rubber Co., London, and now hold full stock of the above tyres. PRICE
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  • 752 11 Ouotations are Nominal. V u SlXJAfOBE. AUGUST 27. 4 ,,d Kvatt, Exchange and Share wing list <»f qnotAtion* 5 IONO os stock exchange closed.] Rubber Shares. Buyers. Seller». 1/4$ 1/11 A H ar i 2/6 3/6 A ''6 8,6 |'S W 8 7 •i A >i aiaj
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  • 470 11 Aialinrit, Brit str 185 tons, Capt Scott, arrived from Kelantan, 26-8« For K< lantan. Br*-id, Nor str 645 ton-, Capt Kun i-'n, arrivd fiom Bangkok, 26-8 For Bangk-.k. Bun Hon* Li«»ng, Brit str 1126 tons, Capt Sheihnd, arrived from SamarMiig 2*>-8. Fur ord r*. Clioutai, Hrit str
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  • 231 11 Broker, Put etr 324 tons, £p. Ooste.huys, arrived from b. Del., • For B. Deh. 2 HourUm, Feb str »»7 Capt LevailUmt, arrived from fea.gon, 27-8. For Saigon 18. fim Hoe Castor, Br t str 838 tons, capi Gibsot arrived from Pulo Soesoe, 97-8 For orders. DeWeert.Dut str
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 227 11 worldisknownas"Ross." jj This name stands everykEtSE^L* where tor Ginger Ale as made it at their hygienic manufactory in Belfast for three generations— for sparkle, for flavour, for dietetic and re!reining qualities ever ready when called for." DACfff Belfast KU33 J Ginger /lie Made from the famous Belfast -well water and
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  • 494 12 SPECIAL PROCLAMATION. Government Finds Assets Exceed Liabilities. GOVERNMENT WILL LEND IT SUMS EQUAL TO AMOUNT RAISED EITHER IN CASH 0} "CALLS" ON UNPAID CAPITAL. Stern Warning to Hoarders of Money, Whose Action Helps the E.umy. The following is an authorised translation of a notification, or special proclamation,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 247 12 I Jf| THE PRIMROSE J5ll AERATED WATER FACTORY, 11-1 MIDDLE ROAD 'Phone No. 1365. WORKED BY STEAM POWER W fjf VII UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF THE MANAGING PROPRIETOR. Cleanliness the Principal Factor ot the Factory. The most successful and popular Aerated Water« -I a fcne mH!^etlyljP '7 j The
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    • 39 12 BUN BEE Co., PROVISION MERCHANTS, SHIPS PURVEYORS, ESTATES SUPPLIERS AND COMMISSION AGENTS. Telephone No. 1177. If, Rochore Road, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents: S.S. F.M.S. Ed. MILES Co.'s HAM, BACON Etc, LONDON. Sole Sub-Selling Agents:— Singapore Cold Stonfe Co., LU. SINGAPORE.
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    • 394 12 Let Sanatogen give you Health, Strength Energy. I only wish Sanatogen had been invented during my time in the Straits said a man who was revisiting the country after many years' absence. He was naturally surprised, and not a little envious, to find how easily people stand this trying climate
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  • 710 13 Queensberry Fined £150. fuly 30—An extraordi- ~rv concerning the Marquis jQqprnthrrrj w*s told at the iil H*i Sheriff's Court yesterday, s nf JEIoO were assesr him for trespass and Tof contract at tt,e Hou ..>...♦ Essex. Tiie plaintiffs lwenaee Mr. J. W. Phillips, n {> and the
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  • 248 13 Compl&int to London Embassy. A Renter message received from Berlin in mail week states that the Commercial Clerks' Association of Hamburg, in reply to its representations in regard to the recent case of the 44 expulsion of three young German clerks from England by the London immigration
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  • 104 13 In the course of a private letter, received here from Java, the writer sa y S We over here have been affected by the present war to a much greater extent than the F M. S. planters. The majority of rubber estates have stopped tapping altogether
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  • 436 13 The whole of the Regulars and three-fourths of the actual serving Militia are sufficiently trained to take part in a modern battle." This is the conclusion arrived at by Sir lan Hamilton, Inspector-General of the Over-sea Forces, in his report issued on Wednesday night on the Australian
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 227 13 SLEEPLESSNESS Is induced by worry, overwork, mental and bodily prostration, irritability of temper, great anxiety, nerve temperament, etc., etc., and can be remedied by refreshing the Brain and Nerves. If you are suffering from wasting disease you can find no better medicine than Atank Nigrah Pills. These Pills —replenish and
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  • 1045 14 MID EAST RUBBER COCONUT ESTATES Monthly Returns in 1914. 1913. July. 1914. AUsgar 184,750 19,314 79,520 Alma 83,233 11,100 42,000 Alor Gajah 95,855 9,000 39,368 AlorPongsu 101,478 11,300 63,888 Aoglo Malay 1,323,037 125,465 48,322 Anglo Johore 124,524 13,740 230,439 Anglo Sumatra 458,663 54,304 26,849 Anaran 46,114 6,114 Ashbourne 1,780 61,495
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 337 14 The Malaya Tribune. Can be had at the following depots: Singapore. Hotel van Wijk, Stamford Road. Messrs. Koh Co., 90, Bras Basah Road. Hotel de l'Europe. Adelphi Hotel. Messrs. Kim Co. Chop Teck Seng, 97, Selegie Road. Mr. Pang Boon Tin, Tank Road Railway Station.) Army Navy Bar, High Street.
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  • 281 15 :o: Monthly Outputs in 1914. Jao. Feb. March April May June July i\ ■I ;i 210 248 282 319 331 320 302 310 44 51 22 34 45 44 22 104 235 300 300 210 235 770 635 585 585 600 710 228 193 265
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  • 804 15 Mr. W. T. Thiselton-Dyer writes from Witcombe under date July 14 to The Times That the mode of transaction of ordinary routine business at the India Office is out of date was obvious to me at Kew, and apparently it is still unaltered. Perhaps 1
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  • 503 15 A Field Ollicer writes the following special article in the Calcutta Englishman 14 If the facta regarding Belgium turn out to be as they have reached as, it hi quite clear that there is an obligation on this country to do its utmost to prevent the consequences
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 195 15 ill IB I II 111 > 111 11l I 11 M HIWWW^Mi^^WIM The Only Japanese Hotel for Foreigners MIYAKO HOTEL. BEACH ROAD, SINGAPORE, (Next to Raffles Hotel). Sea breeze and good view. ELECTRIC LIGHT and BELL THROUGHOUT with or without board. 0 ANY MATION. TERMS MODERATE. J CIU AJJres. "MIYAKO.*
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    • 81 15 TAN BENG CHIANG NURSERIES Orchard Road, Singapore. Telephone 1258 Special attention to orders for:— Cut Flowers, Wreaths, Bouquets &c, All flowers grown and picked in our Pacrcl Post or Rail orders can be sent in Hot Weather to arrive perfectly fresh? Floral decorations for Balls, Dinner Tables, and all occasions.
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    • 496 15 Shipping P. AO. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. For China, Japan, Penang, Ceylon, Australia, India, Aden, Egypt, Mediterranean Ports, Plymouth and London. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapore on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe) From Singapore, connecting at
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 719 16 Shipping Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij Royal Packet Navigation Co., of Batavia. 2—5. Collyer fay. Under Contract with the Netherlands India Government. Aftits it Kuala Lumpur. Port Swettenbai and Klaig, Messrs. A.C. Harper Ci. The undermentioned dates of departure are only approximate. fIINGABADJA Muntok, Pladjoe and Palembang Aug. 28 BBOUWEB Belawan-Deli Aug.
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    • 428 16 Notice GUAN KlaY&lo^ 37, Phillip Street Ship-Chandlers, Government and Municipal Contractors, General Importers and Exporters and Commission Agents, Estate, Rice-Mill and Saw-Mill Suppliers. SOLE AGENTS FOE "CLOBE" BOILER FLUID. THE IDEAL FLUID FOR CLEANING AND PRESERVING BOILERS. Tel. Address: GUANKIAT," Singapore. Cooes csEn: A.B.C. sth Eoition Axn Al. Telephone Nos.
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    • 318 16 Notice Tiam kiat co^ 108 109, Market Street, Telephone No. 421. Shipchandlers, Government and Municipal.Contractors, Estate Suppliers and Commission Agents. Sole Agents: The Mulcott Belting Co., Ltd. Best Multiplar Brand Hair Beltings. 18-7 HIN WATT CO., 102, MARKET STREET. telephone no. 428. ship chandlers. Engineers, Estate Contractors Stores, Commission Agents,
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    • 301 16 tribune, Advertisement Rates Short Period Insertions VIZ: WANTED." 10 10, t ©NE CENT PER Wor PER oay (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE) Minimum charge P. P. c. Cards, etc., not exceeding Une| Each Insertion 50 cent; SPeeiHL RATES, For 1 inch of 8 lines of 7 t or a s Per insertion
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