Malaya Tribune, 7 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. r Progressive and independent Evening DaHyJ Vol. 1 No. 82. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1914 Price 5 Cents. Che IRalapa tribune. TUESDAY, APRIL 7.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 359 1 Co.. n SINGAPORE. r TAT!; s c-hSocals. I>, ir ticn!ars. r -n~~~K.uJMIU.un> 'V^--' JMWWWI WWII I'^f o l**£^f| 3 I'm mimchant». r IB Positively The Last Night With MAX UNDER IN HIS LONGEST AND BEST COMEDY ENTITLED Max and His Rival IN 3 PARTS A DELIGHTFUL HOUR PATHE'S ANIMATED GAZETTE
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  • 884 2 Steady Market Probable. Another Boom Unlikely. thrum Oi'i SftCtmi I'nri'xpo-iil'H'J. London, March 13. "We regard rubber as healthy said one of the most successful operators in the market to me yesterday 4 'but we do not look for any strong fluctuations either way, at any rate for a
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  • 534 2 A resolution dealing avi111 tin amendment of the British law of hills of exchange will he moved at the annual meeting of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of tho United Kingdom this month, and it may consequently be useful to I explain
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 523 2 "What shall I do with my Uf c" I ia question often put forth by the invalids who are long suffering from stubborn diseases and consequently who are quite depressed and dejected by their lives by taking bitter doses of medicines. Hope for life i« )> jrond their horizon. Life
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    • 180 2 Chop Teck Sen J 97, ROAD 1 House of Renown for Price of their Articles' I Dealers in General Fodder and Sundry Goods. I Prices to Suit ail Purys, Wholesalers and Retailers Shimoda Dental Halt I Ho. 492, NORTH BRIDGE BOU I Up-to-date Dentin CHARGES MODERATE. CONSULTATION FREE. KIM CO.
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  • 252 3 Rubber at 2s. 6d. better business than when it is at 3s. (From the J,irestart' Chronicle./ A general impression pre-: vails that the commodity is pomp better This feeling is evidenced by big manufacturing concerns making overtures direct to leading companies for their produce at prices above
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  • 301 3 The oil palm I 8U»ia (rUiuOen* the source of puh>elto-otl and palm-oil. The forme- is lirfOd in the preparation tf vegetable Unite* for Which then- is an eve:--iucr- •>• ing demand. The latfT U 111 quest by Kuap-nMnufiiHureis. h tbe meal stable fa* to* I purpose. The
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  • 338 3 With effect from the 31st March, HM4, the officer from time to time officiating as Protector id" Chinese, Selangor and Negri Sembilan, is appointed to be Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Federated Malay States. There has just arrived at the London Zoological Gardens a lizard with a poisonous bite. No other
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 211 3 Co. r P Consulting Architects. W commission=Agents Surveyors. r chii eCtS 3 Ra ##fes Placs. I BEER Sapporo Black Beer Cffron Water I AWARDED I Highest Prize I AT THE AXGLOJAPAKEBE EXHIBITION. I Mitsui Bussan Raistia, Ltd., I SOLE AGENTS FOB j I The Dai Nippon Brewery Co., Ltd. I
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    • 166 3 NEW TREATMENT Of Rheumatism, Gout, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Arthritis, Etc. by Dubois's Collo4ode. A Concentrated Solution Of Vegetable lodine. Its applications are so numerous that we cannot enumerate them all in Ibis limited space Singapore DepM Maynard and Co., L d. PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO Amateurs' Work, Developing, Printing and Enlarging.
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  • 291 4 Removal of American Embargo. Satisfaction of Rebels. President Wilson has raised the embargo placed by his predecessor oil the exportation of arms from the United States to Mexico. Our Washington Correspondent announces that a proclamation to this effect was issued at the White House on Tuesday. The
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  • 287 4 Poisons More Dangerous When Diluted. Paris, Feb. 1(5. Some extremely curious and hitherto unsuspected facts connected with the action of various toxic substances when diluted with water in intravenous injections were revealed in a paper read by Dr. Roux tliis afternoon at the Academy of Sciences in the names
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 191 4 GOLD SMITH KAWANO 377, North Bridge Road. JULIAN FRANKEL FURNITURE Co., OF ORCHARD ROAD. USEFUL NOVELTIES if they could speak, we would have no need of advertising. Julian Frankel Sells Them JULIAN FOR THE RIGHT GOODS. Notice of Removal. Our clients are kindly notified that on and after the sth
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    • 353 4 important Notice to Contractors \> >u The United Saw Mills, [v (In(X>n>orateU in the St raits St v Iwneit; AOTBORISED CAPITAL $1,000,000. HOARD OF DIRECTORS. ONG SAM LEONG fog., Chairman. DR. LIM BOON KENG. TAN HEN'; BIOXG R* TAN SI AN CHIN ESQ. KHOO KOK WBA Ks LIM NEE SOON
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  • 119 5 p, a ,,,1T Cm.lM.fc. Fr.„„ Arrh.-1 K,.r\\h,,, .I.LM.S. mm B-fa« M R.I.M s. 5 •«<■"«" g" S H„,n<i„.M Han Ken* <;•'..', ™S E tt£ok I 1 BtaSnk, 4-4 J. S. Cban Baw£»k, Dot V.'" am P tfaid 8.A,0a P. Loan Bn Rkaiarang, 2-i H. Bng Mob
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  • 89 5 Gtentwre» Brit *W5 Jow. H' |l,„:., „k Chri»tU.« S.« S» toAm .|:,„-„.1.1 Deli ss s|f. s% aar- i r., •>';•»"> Keil Adelaide, a-H Malto Brit SW*i CX- nn:i i* •i"ti P U. Uncertain Anamba Bril I» ftf B**>** Qnorni grit *9 Campbell {J^ w ,Uocirtaiii Bameralda BrH Ofl
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  • 257 5 SlNiiAPOKB, Al'Ull. v ii,|< i»er picul S2:i..><> Nutmeg> Ht> S. lo Nutmeg* W*. (lo Copra ljali II.W* Copra «Son.ns Uli* n ;W Copra Dongalo J0 so Copra Kavong do )o 7u '°pra J ul«» 4I Copra Pontianak |0 HU Copra Slant an jo.SO Copra Smgkawang Sago Flour
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  • 37 5 XiSi.M'o'O Ai-uli T. u„... p l.-mW/'l. gj*! p he i Ml/*. R nk.l/.l. v.. Mi p,,..... '.»i.»/-. Oil Hmtukuug Bwin'JH; !S Private w t\f». Pre;ib:M> 'IK anJ«i*M i*teHc«fflL iMl HoVCrwJgni l»n>"m-4 ral.- ||L ll.'lo.Wli. ii ,HT,,.lt.
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  • 43 5 Mohammed Moideen was ordered by the third magistrate, Mr. J^ m **2 to pay $10 to one Mohammed Sarin as compensation, or in default to undergo 10 days' rigorous imprisonment, for bringing a false charge against the latter vis, theft of a watch.
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  • 791 5 Directors Considering Increase in Capital. PROFIT FOR YEAR $144,600. Ordinary General Meeting. Tribute to the hte Mr. Hins Becker. The seventeenth ordinary general meeting of Fraser and Neave. Ltd., was held in the registered othces, in the Arcade. Building, at 12 noon tester*lav, Mr. W. H.
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  • 193 5 The rooms of the Strait* Merchant Service Guild, now at the corner of Colman St., will be more centrally situated ma week or so in the oldlndo-China Bank building, Raffles Square, The bs. Cachar, once a regular visitor to this port while on the Saicon mail run, has
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  • 49 5 Li Kai-hsien, the Civil Governor of Kwangtung. reported to the Peking Government that he has restored to Kang Yu-wei all property confiscated by the order of R—T* the great coup d'etat of I«**. InP restored property includes Kang Yn-weTs houses, land, furniture books, drawings, and the ancestral grave yard.
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  • 661 5 Prices QaoteJ ia the Market this Morniii* BOCOAPOBE, ktWKL, 3. |Mt LrraQ and Evntt. Exchange Mid Brokers, mmc the following lim of ipoww" Rubber Shares. Num. Value. Buyer-. Sell, 1 Anglo Java &H! 1 Anglo-Johore >/ »f» •J/- Anglo-Malay W 1 1 A v.-r Kuning H 2/~
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 392 5 Tuesday, 7- n v-4 I» ul H. Wednesday. H :,.in. it- 10 v." M K. t, 1 .I i' tt SitffrJay. 11i,, ;,*> n.m. W II »li«Uv V M--' i Minii'ii-hM''"- k u <• Sunday 12. II MlK H Mjndiy. 15. h K"v H V A V Ur V/
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  • 1217 6 The untitled of Yoshida, the Japanese clerk am: THE NAVAL ployed by Messrs. scandal. Siemens ami Schukert in Tokyo, has removed one of the principal characters from the dramatis persona* in the grave Scandals which have been recently brought to light and wrecked the reputations of men whose probity was
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  • 378 6 All the latest local sp I is published on pagetli >-day. I H A very interesting rep< her prospects generally, I ceived from our Special Lond< I j Correspondent, will be found I page ,"2 of this issue. I Mr. Stanley Woo hi was fined I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 122 6 ASBESTO Sheets Slates FOR WALLS CEILINGS PARTITIONS ROOFS, Etc. Strong Durable Light and Cheap. Sharpe, Ross Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE. I MOTOR CYCLISTS j I Should use only g I Continental I I Motor Cycle lyres E ———a FOR Kerosene Oil Engines THE IDEAL FUEL IS "Cross" Kerosene The Cheapest Refined
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  • 612 7 I r the N tionilists. m Words ,he Reuter's Service. Commons H *1,.. I:, dwt'lt II1 >€>11 ,..-4 of the Ctrtl- [:>- u;» I u me for i: when there r r vinir p >j»or-iIi«>ii l f 1 a'-fiee t<> a f Vtclnflon of I»* ,,r J
    Reuter's Service.  -  612 words
  • 202 7 Various interpretations of Mr. Asquith's Speech. Reuter's Service. London, April f>. Mr. Balfonr unexpectedly appeared at a Unionist demonstration in Hyde Park and in his speech said We are on the edge of a great National crime ami if it ia perpetrated it will be followed by a
    Reuter's Service.  -  202 words
  • 46 7 Reuter's Service. London, April 6. Tho stockbroker Fenner.who had charge of the Liberal party fund investments, has been extradited and appears at the Mansion House to-day. Later. Former appeared at the Mansion House police court under the Larceny Act. There are altogether seventy-eight charges.
    Reuter's Service.  -  46 words
  • 67 7 Another Firebrand in the Principalities. Reuter's Service. Lwinlmi. April telegram i'i<"» ftuwe-e Kteie* ih:n in eonnetpw a teC il»«* erUift] -it'i.Hu.n in All.Mtiin llir <;..-.••!-itiiii'iit kstf •.i .l»M'.l a IM of tit»- [bree* far Hie eVerttttd formation «>l mililii. I'nn-iainjtt'iOii- have been pwtfswd thr..uL;!iniit iln- coiinlry «.nlt-rim; Q
    Reuter's Service.  -  67 words
  • 38 7 Reuter's Service. London. April 6. A boinh was t-xpi< 1 At midnight at St. Martins, Trafalgar Square, and two stained glass windows were shattered. It is to bare tx en the work or snifta--1 gettes.
    Reuter's Service.  -  38 words
  • 49 7 Now Mrs. G:or£e Cwawallb-Wcst. Reuter's Service. London, April 7. Mrs. Patrick Ca ►ell w v ma> ried this afternoon al the Registry Office to Mr. (i ►rge Oornwalli West, who was di force A '•»> his wife, Lady Randolph Clmrchiit, the decree being made ateolnte to-day.
    Reuter's Service.  -  49 words
  • 336 7 Writing on the 1.1 March our special London Correspondent reports on tin prospects as follows When 1 proceeded, at your command, to interview the principal manipulators of metals on the London metal market. 1 was not prepared to meet such a complexity of opinion as 1 encountered. But,
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  • 55 7 Special revival meetings will be held in the Short Street school todiv at 5-30 p.m., and subsequently on Wednesday and Thursday at the same hour. Rev. L. Oeehsh and Mr .1 J. Kovilpillai will preach. Another service will be held on Good Friday at 10 a.m. All he meetings wiU
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  • 1270 7 The Latest London Impressions. Views of China's Special Delegate. < from ••>!!■ rper'ntl eorrtrfo*t\e»i I London, March L>. Though there are signs of a more optimistic public opinion in Europe us to the outlook in China, an.l the recognition is more general that the resources of the
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  • 124 7 News has reached Singapore of the success of young Bertie Van Cuylumberg, son of the senior Government Surveyor in the Dindings, who has passed the Medical Preliminary Examination in Colombo with honours in the "first class, coining fourth in the order of merit. There were, it
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  • 22 7 The annual general meeting °f the Tangiin Club will M held on Saturday evening, the 18th instant, in the club-house, Stevens' Road.
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  • 155 8 Tanglin Club Billiard Tournament. Cups on Display To-day. The prizes for the winner and runner-up in the Tanglin CJnb Billiard Tournament were put on display in the silverware department of John Little's this morning. The Championship Cup is a beautiful solid silver two-handled affair about nine inches in height,
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  • 93 8 The monthly medal competition for March resulted as follows H. J.. Philips Id.* 100 7JI! A. E. T. Jones 564 120 nS4 J. Waddell :>*;> 90 G7"> I). McLeodCraik 602 70 072 A. H. Brereton 427 240 f>67 11. Karsten 4 W 18U 62U [ibThe open howling
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  • 362 8 RAFFLES vs. ST. JOSEPH'S. A Goalless Draw. REPLAY OS 14TH INST. Tho final match of this competition took place on the S.R.C. ground last evening, when a large crowd assembled with the expectation of seeing gome interesting football. Unfortunately the rains in the afternoon had made
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  • 88 8 lioding not Going Up-Cosntry. i F. Moding. who was to be one of the S. C. C. rei>resentatives, in both singles and doubles, at the tournament with Selangor Club which takes place in Kuala Lumpur next Friday and Saturday, announced yesterday that he would be unable to go.
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  • 428 8 Cricket Leagues. Th« 2nd (Junior) League started 1 on the 19th instant. The results of the matches up to kind including are as follow? First Time. TOTAL POIKTS. j Company A BCD A 2 1 0 1 2 b 3 3 o o <; 0 2 0 0
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  • 86 8 V.M.C.A. Challenge Cup Billiard Tournaraeot. 'I'll** semi-final played hist evening between 6. van (Juylenburg,— «'■<> and A. K. Coveney, plus 2t>. resulted in win for the former by the score of 250 to 212. The game was quite interesting, several 20 breaks l*dng made by the winner. Van Cu\
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  • 92 8 To-day's Tie. LASS A SINGLES. F. Salzmann,—15.1, v. D. HKleinmann, scr. Wednesday, TOURNAMENT CLOSES. CHALLENGE ROUND. F. Salzmann (present holder of j Gaunt Cup) v. I). 11. Kleinmann. Tuesday, April 14. Hill, scr., v. F. Salzmann,—40, or D. H. Kleinmann.—15.3. Wednesday's Ties. CLASS A SINGLES. T. Leijssius,—
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  • 80 8 Yesterday's Tie* were postponed on account of the wet condition of the courts. To-day's Ties. CHAMPIONSHIP. T. Leijssius v. W. A. Aeria. T. de Silva v. K. E. Ryan. CLASS M B SINGLES. G. E. Boswell,—3o, v. F. de Mornay, scr. DOUBLE HANDICAP. Xi
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  • 54 8 LAST WIGHT'S RESULT. L. J. Wisbart—3o, beat F. J. Hallifax, plus 20. 2. r >o—223. TO-NIGHT'S FLAT. 11. Noon, scr. v. F. G. Stevens, 60. The Final for the Cup will take place to-morrow evening. L. J. Wisbart, —30, will oppose either H. Noon, scr. or
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  • 251 8 Two Chinese named Swee Seng Watt and Lim Tiau Sa were arrested by the Police this morning for trying to dispose of a dead body. It appears the suspicions of a detective constable was aroused through seeing the two men travelling in a covered rickshaw at 7 o'clock this morning
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 46 8 John LittieJ Great Clearance SALE NOW FOR TWO WEEKS —ONCE A HEAR Splendid Bargains IN ALL DEPARTMENTS that gsni w* lt 1 *****11 1 jP Pure Thiol; j IN NOg* AKCLO-SWISSa&'DtHSED Mfl>: C? 1 cham.switzerla;. d LONDON j NESTLE ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO., (LONDON.) SINGAPORE. it
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  • 414 9 Weekly Sports Letter. Sport at Tanglin during last S .ck WHS somevthat !:..mpcre<J, for ,,n Monday ami Tuesday all had u > ht camelled tfWSng -.,tho h--a\; rains. l!..w.-\.-r. "Tommy" was no! to i„ disippoiu.ed. as the HoxiiiL/ r..nniaMi.'n» which t->ok place on an l We*ln*s l > i
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  • 414 9 It is very iut crest in;,' 1«» note that there one more regular match i.. he ]>layeil in this tournament, the Ktreteraa and C S. and l.uvvs th.- nprKWinB elevens. If tlic Etcetera*) lose this match l heir chance* in I In- tournament are ;,'om\ (or even
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  • 192 9 S. C. F. A. Lcafcuz. The match between the Straits Evergreen K. and the Straits United Football Team, played on the Association's ground on last Saturday afternoon, resulted in a victory for the latter, 2 goals to none. "Both scores were made in the 1st half of the game.
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  • 193 9 Thursday's Results. CHAMPIONSHIP. T. Leijessius, beat II. S. van Cuylenburg. t> r >, r > —(">, t> CLASS A SINGLES. E.E. ile Souza, —40, beat G. (4. James, hit. (> —J. b T. de Silva, —40, v. A.M. Fonl, Her. (James stand 2 —t», >. MIXED
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  • 196 9 WARREN SHIELD TOG O-WAR. This competition commenced on the 13th of March and ends on the last day of this month. There are twelve teams entered, including the 78th Company, R.G.A., the KOth Company, R.G.A., the 41st Company, R.E., and eight teams of two Platoons each. Platoons 1
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  • 428 9 White Wolves Rampant. Hwaikianfu, N. Honan, Mar. \K Honan province is said to be under martial law just now. but it !o«>ks more like a reign of terror than anything else. People artafraid not only to discuss political matters, or affairs of the Government* they
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 241 9 i GOLDBERG. J* Optician of Sourabaya TS c UNITED PHARMACY p r> T !f ffilWiKROAD- a t0 12 Noon 3 to 5 p.m. jjjjN SEE 0,k 9 iB > :i:ta kks f Roc nore Road. to Clyd' T-rr**- Market) SPECIALITY Cooked 9 MM > I) KK-'iDY t'<" '1>'' TABU: pi,
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    • 311 9 K. TSUTADA. Japanese Dentist. 74, BRAS BASAH ROAD. Telephone No. 1245. 1. Extraction Painless. 2. Work Guaranteed. 3. Charges Moderate. 4. Can be consulted in either English or Malay. Office Hours: FROM X to :> WEEK DAYS. FROM 8 to NOON SUNDAYS. EXCEPT URGENT CASES. A. P. Noormohamed and Company.
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  • 212 10 Silfer Cups for Esttte SsMrintenientt or Assistants. L In connection with the Rubber Growers' Association Competition No. 1 three cups are offered as under for the exhibits that are placed highest by the Judges. Mr. John McEwan's Cup for the best exhibit, wherever produced. Mr. Thos. North
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  • 191 10 The White Fly" Pest. In virtue of tlie powers conveyed by the Destructive Pests Ordinance 11*08, with a view to preventing the introduction into the Colony of any insect, fungus or other pest destructive to agricultural or horticultural crops or to trees or plants as well as
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  • 233 10 Warnin* to Prospective Victims. Sir Arthur Hardinge, British Ambassador at Madrid, has issued a warning to the Press regarding j what is known as 44 the Spanish Swindle*', reading as follows I should be grateful if you would allow me to call attention in your columns to
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  • 142 10 Some interesting particulars as to the progress of the rubber industry in Uganda are contained in a Blue Book recently issued. It is stated that the areas under the more important products are being greatly extended, and the number of European plantations is steadily increasing. The price of
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  • 42 10 A Microscopic vegetable growth haft ranged great trouble with water pipes in Leeds*England, The flow in large mains has been reduced fort; per cent, and four-inch pipes have been nearly closed. A mechanical screw cleaner, partially successful. damages the lining of pipes.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 178 10 BOOKS. Sun YatSen Kidnapped in London $0.55 Sun Vat Sen the Awakening of China 3.25 Recent Events 6c Present Policies in China 8.80 Annals Memoirs of the Court of Peking 8.00 Parley's Universal History 1.25 Maoriland Fairy Talcs 2.00 Bible Steps, Stories from the Old New Testaments 1.40 Todd's Student's
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    • 303 10 FOR PRIVATE SALE. I Pure bred English Pigeons, Fowls, Dog» I etc., etc. H Imported from England. H PIGEONS. Carrier, Mottle, Flying and Ground Tup, J Oriental Frills, Turbit, Turbitien Croppers, Pouter<, Fa K Magpie. Jacobin, Homers, etc., etc. 1 DOGS. Clumber and Cockers, Spaniels, thorough )rc j 1 thoroughly
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    • 28 10 LIM KUEE CHKON6. HOTEL PKUROPE ARCADB, Leading Rattan Furaiture lata Artistic Novelties in Rati ia Latest Designs s Speciality. Orders promptly executed Charges Moderate Inspection Cordially Invit I
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  • 448 11 The increased use of copra for oi! production which lias been witnessed in the la>t few years and which has led to the development of copra export ami the planting of an immense acreage of coconut groves all over the Far Kast and
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  • 292 11 In view of tlie resolution of th*' I last Congress of Chambers of Commerce of the British Empire in favour of an all-red cable route, with terminals entirely on British territory, and of the inquiry no* being made into this and allied questions by the Dominions Royal I
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  • 785 11 Present Prices end Future Prospects. It is of great interest to note the rapid advance in the price of copra during recent years. Lens than ten years ago, the market was over-sup-plied, yet to-day there is a shortage and prices are very high. Average copra used to
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 101 11 f fog \_\%_mg m PERFECT topfe*f FILING SYSTEMS. F business, whether large SUlta Letters found or filed in a i ti m e. Inexpensive, simple, )seted at the Roneo showl, i ce on Failing. Gratis. j4a, Collyer Quay. ADELPH I HOTEL! reso rt of and Continental Tourists, V nnd commercial-travellers.
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    • 139 11 ■———c «aw lf iKIRiN BEER Sole Agents: SUGAHARA Co., j Na. 332, North Bridge Road. SINGAPORE. I i t* n xr* S. H. WEBSTER Co. Exporters, importers AND General Commission Agents. 22, GREAT ST. HELENS, LONDON, ex. Orders executed under the i personal supervision of a member of the firm,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 386 12 Banking THE SZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE CO L'J:I D V m Annual OfMl M«-tin« of the 1*0»» OMMty.hddsl the of the <CSnV No,. »nd 6S, KH.c S;n-,t S.n-a-; th- SOth yoTembjar,lSlS,thejb Uow&g ySinnw mw fleeted Directors aad Often tm He ISM:— COURT OP DIRECTORS. i '"fva He"" E*
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    • 591 12 Shipping AUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT. New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste=Shanghai From and to Trieste and Venice, calling at Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. IQI4 1914 Due to arrive on or about Due to sail on or about anr
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    • 254 12 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Limited. HEAD OFFlCE.—Singapore. (UOOBPOBATED IN THE STK AI TS SKTT LEX BNTS Authorised Capital-$5,000,009. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: T\N CIIAY VaN, Ksq. (Chairman) LI.M Pkng SIAXO, Lsu. (Vice Chairman) Thk Hun. Mi:. Tan JIAK Kirn. cm.o Lee Choon Gnan, Beg., Ong Boon Tee, Beg., B.Chan, Beg.,
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    • 476 12 Shipping P. o. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA. JAPAN. PENAJFG, CEYLON. AUSTRALIA. INDIA. ADEN. EGYPT, MEDITEPRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Rills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Porta. Steamers will leave Singapre on or abont— MAIL LINES. Homeward, (for Evope lii i. f Connecting
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    • 414 12 To Let TO LET. I CONVENIENT FU I HEART OF Si\ j This Valuable 9 I Godown, Vault 1 Concrete. I Entrance from both Batter I and Collyer Quay. I Apply to 14 A. *V.7 M MALAYA TRIBUNE" I Collyer Quay. j The Malaya TribJ Can be had at the
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