Malaya Tribune, 6 April 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 26 1 The Malaya Tribune. Progressive and Independent Evening Daily.] vol .sd No. 81. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1914 Price 5 Cents. t\)i Iftalapa tribune- MONDAY, APRIL 6.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 359 1 tfOOGLANDT A Co.. SINGAPORE. estates chemicals. Apply for Particulars. r i ■■iwwigi i ■■■«■■II n hiiim— wmmr*f t WitMHWM iiHßfwnwim IM anßWmß*a»m»%»^ A DELIGHTFUL HOUR MAX LINDER IN HIS LONGEST AND BEST COMEDY ENTITLED Max and His Rival IM 3 PARTS AND ANOTHER HOUK WELL SPENT IN BERING P YTHE'S
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  • 1756 2 Annual General Meeting. This report «tf unavoidably held over from onr Saturday's issue owing to lack ol spaos. The fifteenth annual general meeting of the Singapore Polo Club was called to order shortly after five o'clock OB Friday afternoon, in the Exchange Building. The President, the Hon.
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  • 176 2 A Leg&l Opinion. A decision rendered in the early part of February by the Court of Common Pleas at Columbus, Ohio, I'.S.A., regarding the right of newspapers tt» news of a public nature seems likely to have c nisi ra'.»le effect throughout tin- I'liion, and. incidentally,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 347 2 Vichy Celestin $mm Best Table Water This Water known Agents* Banham Street. S. 11. WEBSTER Co. Exporters* Importers AND General Commission Agents. 22, GREAT St. HELENS, LONDON. B.C. One Pfl executed under the personal supervision of a member of (h firm, who is well acquainted with the Last and its
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    • 199 2 KIM COB SINGAPORE H :o: The Science of Wealth The Civilisation of The History of England The Problems of Philosophy The English Language Mobammedism a. Buddhism English Literature ft M Mediaeval English Literature Conservatism Liberalism Hatter Energy H ARYA DISPENSA I Dispensing Chemists ft Druggists. I HQ, NOKTU BRI] Stocked
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  • 583 3 Mr. A. P. Nicholson, resigned his position as Parliamentary correspondent of the ••Times" to join tli*- stall'of the "Daily News and Leader' 1 recently, and act for that journal as lobby correspondent in the House of Commons. In announcing this fact the Daily News" says that Mr. Nicholson,
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  • 247 3 The following is the official programme of the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of 11. 11. Sir Idris Mershid-al-Aatham Shah, <;. c., V. 0., Sultan of Perak Saturday, Ith April: 7 p. m. Special prayer and feasts at each aosque in every mukim
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 201 3 Co. M, KaSSim, C.E., Consulting Architects. hitec ts, Commlssion-Agcits Surveyors. 3, Raffles Place, SapP oro Black Beer I Citron Water I AWARDED I Hfgtoesf Prize I IT THE ANGLO-JAPANESE EXHIBITION. I Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., I SOLE AGENTS FOB I rhe Dai Nippon Brewery Co., Ltd. RETAILERS I 7AMOTO COMPANY,
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    • 168 3 NEW TREATMENT i ;Of Rheumatism, Gout, Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Arthritis, Etc. by Dubois's Collo=lode. A Concentrated Solution Of Vegetable lodine. ttttri Of* J! U aHuCH *"^^H Its applications are so numerour that we cannot enumerate them all in this limited space Singapore Depot Maynard and Co., L d. PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE
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  • 475 4 The “Wolves” Movement. Regulars Outmanoevered. It will be recalled by not a few who take an intelligent interest in what is transpiring Ul China that I about a month ago the local papers published a brief Renter's newsitem emanating from Peking to the effect that the so-called White
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  • 157 4 It is in coming more and more apparent that Sooth China is t;> have an increasing part in fnrnishing the world with tin. While nearly all the exports now come from Yunnan province, considerable quantities are slseady mined in the provinces of Kwangtung and Kwangni. There are in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 201 4 GOLD^MITH X AW AMD 377, North Bridge Road. Julian frankel furniture Co., OF ORCHARD ROAD. USEFUL NOVELTIES if they could speak, we would have no need of advertising. Julian Frankel Sells Them JULIAN FOR THE RIGHT GOODS. MALY'S ill|fi| Patent Iron Safes. lilli: Guaranteed Fire Proofs M 1 r(..UHh,.K ~r
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    • 319 4 Important Notice to Contractors Builders, The United Saw Mills, Ltd., I h»MW th.-Strait- DllUlMMltf■ AUTHORISED CAPITAL $1,000,000. BOARD OP DIRECTORS. ONG SAM LEONG Bag., Chaismax. DB LIU BOOS KENG. TAX J IHENG S ONG > TAN BIAS CHIN Ehg. LIM NEE BOOS BSQ GOH SOO KEE ESQ. ■aaagiag Wwctat: TAN
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  • 20 5 <t i i 'hnn-li. I. H \i Hcetiagt TtcOftl. 7 l 0 FrrdaV. jj H Sunday, 12.
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  • 35 5 1 Suemeld clergyman •wuble wedding, l>ut •warned the grooms les. I discovering i»i a bad way right, when one. of f io ihe resene by ,ni, ul. Mister, We've 10 "*J as w»- are!"
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  • 591 5 Outward Bound, The following paiwmgtfi dtae in the Strait* are taken froii the u London end China BxBTCM P. AND 0. Per P. and O. str. Sunda." due April ML Mi-. A. <'. Hooper, Miss F. L. Cruttcnden, Mr. and Mrr-. J. Watson and child, Hn. B. Ross
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  • 114 5 TANJONG PAGAR. Bast Wharf (Basin) Barque B. J. >j» >nee, Manila Wharf Section So. Sheen Whaif Taroha, Hokkai M;u a, Ton ula Main Wharf Section No. Nil ;> Melchior rreuo Selandra •J Sar.uki .Maru 5 Nil ti Koala Sew Dock No. 7 Seleu»
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  • 173 5 At a Devotional meeting of the Lpworth League held last night at the Short Street Methodist Girls' School, the following officers were installed by the Rev. L. Oechsli for the ensuing year —President Mr. J. A. Supramaniam, vice Presidents: Spiritual Department, Miss Kmma Olson. World Evangelism Department Mr. RobertDoraisamy. Social
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  • 833 5 Trices Quoted h the M:rke th s M)rr in SINGAPORE, APRIL, 6. M»-mv. L>all and Kvatt. Exchange and Share Broker-. UMM IM following Bat©! Rubier Shares. Norn. Value. Buyer*. Sellers. 2/- Allagar -/1 I Anglo Java 3/4J 4fH 1 Anglo-Johore t/8 Anglo-Malay 9/1J 9/10j 1 Aver Kuning
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  • 173 5 A.D.C. K.O.Y.L.!. Vaudeville Coming. The Programme. Booking for the Variety Enter- j ainment to be given by the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Association rod the Ist Battalien, K. O. Y. L I. >n the evenings of the loth and 18th instant, opened at the Robinson Piano Co. this morning. The letailed
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  • 73 5 EQKCJAPOBK, Aimmi. 6. feLonden ikmkin./s. |M IH Demand -7» Private 6 amf*. JH On Germany ifcmWM. »*J Private DnFr, nils Dn lad* |W* Private W ofa. Ob Hongkong Bank d/d. j Private BO «1/». Onfttnutgnai 2 Private 80 df*. O.J.V |U Private So ofe> 1 on Jap an Ban*
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  • 183 5 gISUAPOBK, Ai'i:ri. ;>< r atonl Smtou gi IM 1 '.M..*»t» Nntmegi 9U S. ,1,, nja Copra H.ili UJU Copra Gorona law Copra Dongalo l( S n Copra Kayoog iti.7" Copra Polo |<>.?a :it Copra Pootianalt o 10.00 Copra Biantan j 10.HO Copra Singkawang J3lt» in SJla S;i
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  • 38 5 Syh an Arrow Oil 1« t.n, 0 Fih rlrand*tn»>neaeeafc^. EnonanrhnwhenndtUiM 3.15 Uracil l>ran<l 1 tins o; SowTbnnadtto :;.<«. Ri.ia- 808 l r;u,,, U -'-'Hi r>oaa brand 2 tuM J.TO BolkOdiiernnJof Kgaw. |ji Turpontme per un ol I h«*
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  • 447 5 Gaiety. The advance guard of sensible melodrama." That is perhaps the most fitting thing thai ran be said <>£ the big three reel film "Wanted by the Police," which will be pal before i Gaiety audience to-night and tomorrow evening for the last timed There are thrills to
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  • 158 5 The “Mercantile Guardian” the 24th Feb. contains the following interesting piece of news :-M My Chinese mercantile friends seemte think that we Bhall soon see the establishment of a monarchy, a new regime probably called the Yuan dynasty,and it is significant that Yuan Shi Kai used the crown ami the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 279 5 I \;\;l.S CLOSE. I i.ut letUn may I ],f ]u cĕati, np t«» Urn Ciiiv Ex«Jt Sunday. I li 1 States, Malawi, I traiu) it 6 p.m. I 1' M ;i SerembeoL, Port I „1 Kuala Lumpur I T. lok Sngat a Nam I -> a.m.. H a.m.. I2-»» I
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  • 744 6 Planters and other employers of labour on a large scale will find in the Government Gazette issued last 1 Saturday information relative to alterations of the Schedule of the 1 new Labour Law that is worth no- 1 ting. It will be found on page 422,
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  • 39 6 A. Ijunrenoe, A midland. Capt. Ford, C. Hasting-, Cross, Doiiart-l, Kurtfried. Miss Tomlinson. Nurse Murphy. P. H. and Co., Vrospetto, Scbjatterond Conp, s< ngmoh, Sillarc?. Sternbro, Stewart, Tjoatjoanlan. Tnnggwan.
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  • 528 6 Owing to pressure on < we are obliged to hold ov< deal of interesting sport in j o: A meeting of the F.M.S. I of Mines is fixed on Satin inst, to disease the Machii Electricity Enactments. o: Tlx* output of the [Tin p for the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 190 6 IDINE A TESTED and approved fast colour Adheres to every kind of surface, especially Cement. Lime, Plaster, Brick Facades Wood and Glass, also to Iron and other Metals. Can be painted on Fresh. Air-dried Walls and Rough Castings. Dries Stonehard and does not rub off, therefore is washable. Sharpe, Ross
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  • 1327 7 Triumphal ProgreTs Northward. -Jf Reuter's Service. ipril I. I i<K. ,1 sinnili ft, a V XX oil Id _lil that 1 II i- <li I h u. r Iff i I n 11 and ii i mi Mr. l.C. b\ I. iI I I v.'-''' ail w*h
    Reuter's Service.  -  1,327 words
  • 87 7 Interference of Financiers Condemned. Reuter's Service. London. April I A telegram from Paris states that! in the Chamber there was a protracted debate on the report of the Rochette Commission. The Deputies unanimously adopted a resolution condemning the interference of financiers with politics, and of the executive
    Reuter's Service.  -  87 words
  • 73 7 England Badly Defeated. Reuter's Service. London, April 5. Scotland beat England at soccer by three goals to one at Glasgow. The weather was duli and the ground soft, and the game was played in Hie presence of 1.)0,0<K) spectators. A most sensational start was made, the Scotsman Thompson
    Reuter's Service.  -  73 words
  • 71 7 Reuter's Service. London, April .*>. Sir Charles Douglas has been appointed to succeed Sir John French. Sir Charles has been ins-pector-general of the home forces since I'.U 1, and is <U years of age. He served in the Gordon Highlanders in the Afghan War was present
    Reuter's Service.  -  71 words
  • 29 7 Reuter's Service. London, April 5. The death is announced of Sir Hubert Jerningham. A telegram from Pasadenas, Colannounces the death of the lumber king and multi-millionaire Frederick Weyerhaeuser.
    Reuter's Service.  -  29 words
  • 36 7 Reuter's Service. London. April L Gould, tiie man arreted on charge of espionage, with his wife at Charing Cross, has been sentenced to six years' penal servitude. The charge against the wife was withdrawn.
    Reuter's Service.  -  36 words
  • 328 7 Present Conditions Denounced. Reuter's Service. London, April 4. The Hon'ble Charles Hob house, «peaking at Bristol, said that the crisis had proved Mr. Asquitli to be i statesman of unequalled power, and discipline would be required in nil ranks of the army for the repression of
    Reuter's Service.  -  328 words
  • 74 7 Sentimental School Girl's Essay. Reuter's Service. London, April .">. A telegram from Berlin states that two editors have heen sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment in a fortress for libelling the Crown Prince. The libel consisted of a letter supposed to have been written by a sentimental
    Reuter's Service.  -  74 words
  • 44 7 Reuter's Service. London, April 4. A telegram from Perth, W. A., states it is reported that th** blacks have destroyed the Drysdale River Mission and murdered two fathers and six lay brethren, with a number of half castes. The police are investigating.
    Reuter's Service.  -  44 words

  • 329 8 Enthusiastic Unionist Meeting. Reuter's Service. London. April .">. There was a great Unionist demonstration in Hyd. Park this afternoon to protest against coercion of Lister. There were 22 imposing procesrions, representing 76 constituencies 0 f Greater London, and fourteen platforms. There were hand., union jacks and
    Reuter's Service.  -  329 words
  • 211 8 Welcome by the Bar. Members of the Bar assembled at the Supreme Court this morning to <S\w welcome to the Acting Chief Justice, Mr. Bucknill, K. C. who as is well-known, has come here from Hongkong to act for Sir William Henry Hyndman-Jones now on leave.
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  • 399 8 Story ot the Disaster Horrible Sufferings of the Unfortunate Men. Reuter's Service. London, April 5. A telegram from St. John's states thai the "Bellaventure" arrived A ith 50 survivors and »'>'.» dead of th,- Newfoundland's" crew aboard. They informed Renter that on Tuesday morning they
    Reuter's Service.  -  399 words
  • 49 8 To-day's Tie. CLASS A SINGLES. F. Salzmann, —15.1, v. I). II. 1 I\leinui&nn, scr. Tie for To-morrow. class a singles.—Final. Hill, nor., v. F. Salzmann, —40, or I), ii. Kleinmann, —15.3. Wednesday, T<>rRNAMENT CM>SKS. challenge round. F. Salzmann hoMer of <jauiU Cuji) v. D. II. Kleinmann.
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  • 354 8 Squash Racquets. The return match between Officers of the K.O.Y.L. Land the Tanglin dub waa played en the club court on Sunday morning. The result of the tirst encoiinter-a decisive win for the K. (>. Y. LI. team by four to love-has already been notified in these columns.
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  • 115 8 ihsult cf Thtimay Night's Match. H. Noon, scr., beat E. V. Hurt, plus GO. 2. r >0 —2'J 1 Saturday's Result. F. U. Stevens, —CO, beat F. K. Marsh, plus 20. 250—224. There are only four now left in the tournament, out of the ,V> names
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  • 96 8 The April medal competition, bogey play, toot place <>n Saturday and Sunday, and was own by Mr. EL Winter. The sweep <»n Saturday was won hy Mr. Valon, and on Sunday hy Mr. Dyne. Thirty-six members competed. The following cards were returned: <\ E. Winter, plus '2
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 52 8 Great Clearance NOW PROCEEDING FOR TWO ViEEKS—ONCE A YEAR Splendid Bargains I IN ALL DEPARTMENTS 9 I ThB War Office Tbe Admiralty Tiie Indii Office M| S MILKMAID CONDENSED W TB The Summit o! Peiieci on BJ |1 PUREST BEST J B Nestle Anglo=S\\iss BJ Condensed Milk Co., (London.) 9H
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  • 1303 9 Thos. A. Edison's ideas. "Thomas A. Edison, who is now nearing sixty-seven years of age, was not long ago voted ffrsl among the Ton Most Useful Americans*. He might also be termed the Most Busy American," says the New York "Independent." "He lias particularly ceased
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  • 77 9 Mr. John Haffenden, whose death al the age of 80 i> reported from Bangkok, must have been the oldest of Far Easterners. He had 62 rears in the Bast, beginning at Singapore, passing to Manila, where he was with Russell and Bturgess, ami eventually becoming agent to the British and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 426 9 I do with my Life" c rth 1)V the invalids who are long suffering j consequently who are quite depressed and king i.itter doses of medicines. Hope for l ife is a burden to them and they shrink But, Hear! Have courage and I many thousands of invalid*, who had
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    • 266 9 I J. GOLDBERG. Well-known Optician of Sourabaya May be consulted daily at THE UNITED PHARMACY 305, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Hours from 9 to 12 Noon 3 to 5 p.m. CONSULTATION FREE. BUN BEE Co., GOLD STORAGE RETAILERS. If, Rochore Road. (Adjacent to Clyde Terrace Market) SPECIALITY Cooked 9 AM BONELESS,
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  • 166 10 Address by Mr. Asqtnth. Mr. Asqnith and a brilliant compuny were present at the MansionHouse. London, at a meeting in rapport of the British Peace Centenary Fund. Letters were read from Sir Edward Grey, Mr. Balfour, Mr. Bonar Law, and many others, wishing iuccess to the undertaking,
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  • 168 10 Abdullah Mart, Abdulmajid, Adima, A. [smalisa, Amehoo, Ana Mohd. Shaiff, Atkins North. Beccasbeslos, Bogage, Chaechiwlee rime. Charles, Cheong Huat. Chop Hensonge, Cook Son. Customs. Kng Seng Hin, Fenner, Fookhunglnn. Fook Sang, Preear, Gray, Gilder, Haji Mohanied, •Hamp, Heng Soon Hong. Husan,
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  • 398 10 The Daily Citizen's Experience. The news that the Labour Party newspaper, the M Daily Citizen, though drawing heavy subsidies from the trade unions, is running at a loss of a year, practically on every day's issue, opened the eyes of the working man to the heavy outlay
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  • 26 10 The South Manchurian Railway Company is credited with an inbention to put up a new hotel of .">oo rooms at Dairen to accommodate tourists and others.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 191 10 BOOKS. Sun Vat Sen Kidnapped in London $0.55 Sun Vat Sen the Awakening of China 3.25 Recent Events Present Policies in China 8.80 Annals Memoirs of the Court of Peking 8.00 Parley's Universal History 1.25 Maoriland Fairy Tales 2.00 Bible Steps, Stories from the Old New Testaments 1.40 Todd's Student's
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    • 293 10 FOR PRIVATE SALE. Pure bred English Pigeons, Fowls, D OgB H etc., etc. H Imported from England. pi PIGEONS. Carrier, Mottle, Flying and Ground 1 Oriental Frills, Turbit, Turbitien Croppers, Pouter 1 Magpie, Jacobin, Homers, etc., etc. DOGS. Clumber and Cockers. Spaniels, thor i I thoroughly broken to gun and
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  • 647 11 Representative Mansion House Meeting. The British Celebrations. The plans for the celebration in England of the hundred years of peace between the United Stated and England, and their permanent commemoration, were explained recently at a meeting held at the Mansion House. The meeting was notable for its representative
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  • 581 11 lt is the hope Ol those who speak the English tongue, on either side of the Atlantic, that this language. BO flexible, so adaptable, so tolerant of hybrids, and so ready to take good words when it finds them from any source will someday bo the universal Esperanto.
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  • 98 11 The steamer “Indeadeo.” arrived at Port Swettenham on Sunday, took on board over 100 tons of rubber, and left for New York. She is the tirst of the New York Conference vessels to call at Port Swettenham to carry rubber direct to New York, and, we understand, gays the 44
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  • 142 11 Round the World in Ninety Days. A round-the-world air rare is being promoted by the authorities of the San Francisco Exhibition in May of next year. The first prize will be £20,000. The race will be open to any type of motor-driven aircraft, and will be under
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 89 11 PERFECT QH FILING SYSTEMS. business, whether large Letters found or filed in a !me inexpensive, simple, 0( ted at the Roneo show- iv re on Filing, Gratis. f 4a. Collyer Qasy. ADELPHI HOTEL. rt of Englisn and Continental Tourists, commercial-travellers. v> 'Phone No. 58. m CaUe Address: HIGH LIFE -ADELPHI,"
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    • 128 11 KIRIN BEER j Best fjk Beverage i9l f FOR The Tropics, is of© Agents: JGAHARA Co., No. 322, Mortli Erit&e Road, SINGAPORE. .mil mr-r— r— International Rubber Congress and Exhibition, BATAVIA, 1914, Congress: September 7=12, 1914 Exhibition: September 8 to October 10, 1914. Lectures by Renowned Scientists and Experts. Interesting
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 402 12 Banking THE SZE HAI TUNC BANKING AND INSURANCE for the y*** IW4s— COURT OF DIRECTORS. r2 lin Esq. Teo Hoo Lye, S-q. 7 lnt W Esq Him Seng, En. IS PS SS IS On, Chow Keng. Esq. f Low Peng Soy, ejected by the shareholders. AUDITORS Tim Cheng Jn»? Btq.,
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    • 845 12 Shipping ĕ AUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT. New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste-Shanghai From and to Trieste and Venice, calling at Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai. OUTWARD. HOMEWARD. Due to arrive on or about Due on or about s., Bohemia 7,935 tons
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    • 460 12 Shipping P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA. JAPAN. PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN. EGYPT, MEDITERRANEANPC HITS. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Throu-h Rills of Ladincr bwsktd tf China Ooatt, Persian Gulf. C«thwwtal and American Porta. Steamers will leave Singapre on or abont MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe). 1914, Connecting at From
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    • 346 12 To Let TO LET. CONVENIENT FLO HEART OF S[\ This Valuable 8] r Godown, Vault Concrete. 4 Entrance from bol and Collyer Quay. Apply to 4k A. \V." j MALAYA THJBUN OoUyeT Quay. The Malaya Triba Can be had at the pots: Singapore. Hotel van Wijk, Stamfi R Messrs. Koh
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