Malaya Tribune, 25 March 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 25 1 The Malaya Tribune. Progressive and Independent Evening Daily.] Vol. No. 71. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1914 Price 5 Cents. Cbe inalapa Cribune* WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 360 1 HOOCLANDT Co,, SINGAPORE. ESTATES CHEMICALS. Apply for Particulars. f .Clai U"nT7vlu -OR Incandescent Oil Lamps I 1 1 USE "Cress \><C Kerosene The Cheapest Refined Oil on the Market. M CROSS is specially suitable for burning in incandescent lamps zni will give you MORE LIGHT at a LOWER COST than
      360 words
    • 184 1 HOOCLANDT Co.. SINGAPORE. JENATZY TYRES Apply for Price List, f Ĕ HEART I I 1 JEWESS I II N 2 PARTS IX CONJUNCTION WITH THE CASE OF THE MISSING GIRL A fine Detective Picture-Story and THREE CHOICE ,J 2nd show 9-15 to Ll-15 pjt The First Bh< w includes An
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  • 461 2 Vivid Narrative from Dr. Mawson. DISCOVERY OF NEW LANDS. Social Ccbles to The Daily Mail." Douglas Mawson, the Antarctic explorer, has conic home. The Australian expedition ship •'Aurora,* 1 under Captain Davis, second in command of the expedition, arrived at Adelaide. South Australia, mm Thursday
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  • 1280 2 Adelaide, Thursday. The following is a terse statement of the work accomplished First, the successful negotiation by the ship of the Antarctic pack ice in a fresh sphere of action, where the conditions were practically unknown. This resulted in the discovery of new lands and islands. Second,
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  • 140 2 Ottawa, Feb. '_>;;. Mr. 6. .1. Desbarates, Depot; Minister and Comptroller of the Naval Service, furnishes the Press with the gist of telegrams received from Mr. Stefansson, the explorer. from Collinson Point on February 3 by a messenger to Dowson, whence they telegraphed on the 22nd inst. Mr.
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  • 95 2 Professor Hastings Gilford, lecturing on "Infantilism" at the Royal I Col logo of Surgeons, instanced a number of remarkable cases of stereotyped childhood, one dwarf passed as a child until nearly thirty years of age, having no difficulty in travelling on the railway with halfticket Another case was that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 361 2 A Great Money=Making Oppo rtllnit FOR YOU You cannot make money without sound and 1,,,, II you desire to he sound and healthy, and to make a keen competitive time, there is no other recourse 7 Atank Nigral. Pills, which will make you sound, heahh and mind. :n body Wo
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  • 124 3 French Deputy's Suggzstion. Paris, Feb. 2<>. M.Paul BluYgen, Deputy for the French dependencies in India, intends shortly to ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs to enter into negotiations with 11 1. British Government with rt-gard to certain questions affecting Poncucherry, Karikal, and other French
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  • 311 3 The second anniversary »>■' the Hindu Reform was held al Madras where Miss Tennant. Mrs. Besant and the Hon. B. X. Sarma were the principal speakers. Miss 'Tenant the all-India hon. Secretar\ gave an account of the progress of the work. The hea lIquarters were at Simla
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  • 195 3 Bombay, March 10.—An interesting fact regarding the future education of women in Bombay was made known yesterday by Dr. Mackichan, the veteran Principal of Wilson College, when speaking at the College Day celebration presided over by Lord Willingdon. Dr. Mackichan said his college had twenty-nine woman
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  • 200 3 "The Marches of Chinese Thibet" was the iitlt* of an address given to the members of the Manchester Geographical Society recently by Mr. Thomas M. linscough, who said that the true frontier of Thibet lies some 500 niles to the east of thai which China is claiming at
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 357 3 Get The Right Machine rriumph possesses distinctiveness which removes it from oonplace and hall-marks it as a really high-grade mount. db A SEAL OF A GUARANTEE LI -"TRIUMPH "pjA EXCELLENCE. OF QUALITY. TRIUMPH Sole Agent: A. G. FLETCHER, 214, Orchard Road, Singapore. A Novelty in Jewellery is to be MOB
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    • 106 3 BOON SENG Co., SHIP-CHANDLERS, s A IL-MAKERS, AND COMMISSION AGENTS. 18 19. Robinson Road, 8 24, Gross SINGAPORE. Telephone No. 1268. K. TSUTADA. Japanese Dentist. 74, BRAS BASAH ROAD. Telephone No. 1245. L Extraction Painless. 2. Work Guaranteed. 3. Charges Moderate. 4. ('an be consulted in either English or Malay.
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  • 1373 4 Housekeeping Discussed by a Lady. Shopkeepers and Cook. EL, writing in "The Queen,' 1 of February 4, has some interesting observations to make on housekeeping in Singapore, She says:— There is a story told of an American who was ordered to take an appointment in Madagascar. He
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  • 99 4 Quite recently, in a Tillage near Glasgow, a new congregation w;i> being formed. During the negotiations four clergymen or neighbour ing charges were convened to meet at the village, and from there drive to Glasgow to a Presbytery committee room, for the purpose of formally constituting a new church. When,
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  • 488 4 COLONIAL TOUB SKXT YEA R. It is possible, upon high authority, to set at rest finally the reports recently current respecting the future of the Prince of Wales", says the "Pall .Mall Gazette.' 1 These mainly hinge around two points the date of his Royal Highness*
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  • 16 4 S. YAMAMOTO, I- »0.51, Victoria Street 8' '«*Poi> Recommendations c.ft| p Dental Associate
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  • 25 4 Pain is Nature's danger *erjr often it comes too late Badly decaye d t< eth teeth, which cannot sav«i to he removed.
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  • 197 4 A child cuts its first U six months of age; and R 1 teeth should be complete after, the end of the second r« It is popularly believed tl i first teeth nerd no attention the natural course of evon« l drop out and arc rent ced
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 186 4 MEDICAL HALL, Ltd. OPTICIANS. Opposite the General Post Office.) BRANCHES MEDICAL OFFICE, Corner ol Bras Basah Road, and Horth Bridge Road. Open till 9 o'clock every evening. The Johore Medical Store, Johore Bahru. The World's Great Success. "Borhanes* Bedah Jarawat" Tliia Malaya face powder to be twice or thrice a
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    • 67 4 Chop Teck Seng, 97, SELEGIE ROAD. House of Renown for Price of their Articles Dealers in General Provisions. Fodder and Sundry Goods. Prices to Suit all Curses. Wholesalers and Retailers. A. P. Noormohamed and Company. No.2a, d'Souza St.. A: 1 d'Almeida St. j Genend Merchant* k Commission Agenta Piuvision Stun-.
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    • 107 4 S. H. WEBSTER A Ct. Exporters, Importers AM) General Commission Agsnts. 22, GREAT St. HELENS, LONDON, EX. Orders executed under th< persona] supervision of a membei of the firm, who is well acquainted with the Bast and its aianerous lines, both in Import and Export business. Bona fide Cocoanut, Rubber,
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  • 120 5 Wc:l:.esday, 25. W rtei fs€ *«m., 10-X> p.m. lion Lady Day. v:,-i :i li. E. Meeting, Dei lick's, boob. li Fan-well. St. Joseph's 4 j>.i»i. Thursday, 25. 10 81 a.m.. 1049 p.m. <, Golf Clubs Annual General FriJay, 27. \v r »3 -if Mis p.m. ConucßS-SOpj». jjarl
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  • 97 5 i .Contract Packet "Tara with mails J- I up to the evening of the tith in*t„ an nt It a.m. on Sunday, the "22nd > t may In* exjR-cted to arrive here on j 'naming, the "J.sth instant. i n u<l N. I). L. Packet Prinzes» j
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  • 35 5 1 >>•. J>i.c in London. Arrived. March 4 Mar. 1 G Mar. G I >'• 1 M. II ".I» v•• 14 N '> 1. IK J? I i.i v 3« M| l-li.l Al lU I
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  • 216 5 Si.vwa POKE, Mai{., 2ft. 5™ tm !f per picul $24.00 lUih d I I IMI < 1 ~>,... < < n '»«> I J .00 Copra Doßgi, do ~0 Copra Pulo u7O Copra Pontianak 110 l" aS :ill :i do 1020 do loBu sago rlour Singapore Ist
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  • 73 5 Devoe's Imp. Brilliant Oil |21 tins ftSUSO Sylvan Arrow Oil (2) tins Kish Brand 2 tins in case at :;.:,o Lampgiaas brand 2 tins in rase at :;.:!."> Lampglass brand 2 tins g _•>,, Dragon brand 2 tins :;.l. r j Crown brand 2 tins Rising Sun brand 2
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  • 115 5 Singapore, March, 26. On London Bank 4 m/s. 2/1 i/i Demand 2/4 l/:<2 Private li m/s. '2/4 bU m/s. 2/41 11/32 On Germany Bank d/d. 238J Private m/«s. '2\2~ On France Bank d/d. 294| Private m/s. 2iWM On India Bank T. T. 174^ Private M> djs. 17."»^ On Hongkong
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  • 111 5 TAN JONG PAGAR. BlMt Wharf I Basin Nil Wharf Section No. 1 -Edavana, Teeeta Santhia Sheen Wharf Nil Main Wharf Section No. 2 G. Apcar. Van Bwoll Persia 4 Nil 5 Myrmidon i> -DarveL Buhwm New Dock No. 7 i Under construction Nil
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  • 175 5 The other day a youth, who is rather too fond of practical joking, suddenly accosted a perfect stranger in the street, saying M Excuse me, sir, but did you drop a sovereign and he held out the coin mentioned between his thumb and finger. The man whom he addressed looked
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  • 804 5 Prices Quoted in the Market this Morning. BIXOAFOBK, .Mai:.. 25. Messrs. LyaU Hid Biaft. B-mhnngri aw] Brokers, issue tIM followinglist of quotations: Rubber Shares. Mem Value. Buyers. B*%rt 2/- Al'a-ar I/O 2/1 I AngM) Java 3/3 4M 1 Anglo-Jo hon* ,>[- >, 2/- Anglo-Malay 9/3 10/ l
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 513 5 Important Notice to Contractors Builders. 1 iiiii———" The United Saw Mills, Ltd., Irion) >r»;e i in the Straits Settlements. I I AUTHORISED CAPITAL $1,000,000. ROAR!) OF IH IIKCTORS. ONG SAM LBONG Chairman. DR. LIM BOON KBNG. TAN CHBNG SIONG BSQ. TAN SIAN CHIN KSQ. KHOO KOK WHA ESQ LIM SHE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 387 5 MAILS CLOSE. I, r i. except where otherwise» stated. ,;t ,ai dioiir «arlier. hut letters may be 'i a late fee of 10 ccats. tip to ten I., ;he Ordinary mail closes. Dilly Except Sunday. K it .a i' l Malay States, Malacca, >id IVnang i by train at G
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  • 448 6 The general trend of modern education is being gradually evolved from the purely academical to the practical, and nowhere is this better understood than in the United States. The Americans are a thoroughly practical people, and except for those who take a dilettante interest in the classics the majority
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  • 352 6 The genus "Goidbug" seems to flourish here as happily as it does at Home. It is a fine thing to be a goidbug." You have your name on company reports and have so much set apart tor you as Directors 1 fees —which, by the way,are always
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  • 463 6 The Times of M;ihv ;i to hear that the condi Ln m** W. Norman Haigh isiserious :o: The output for the Tongbt I pound dredge for the r f#ri ending Itith inst. was -i;;-> pieuls o;— Mr. R. 0. X. Anderson Sti Engineer Gerak, will act
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 287 6 m gg gg| 33 Egg sH3~lg TINERTOL^ PAINT 1 y &>« m §b Mnticorrosswe Exhaustive trials have proved it to be the best protection for iron constructional work against rust. Sea water has no effect whatever on iron and steel coated with Inertol. Waterproof Concrete and cement surfaces are rendered
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  • 1131 7 ris h Problem Involves Both Parties in Verbal Conundrums. General Gough In Excelsis. Unarmed Troops May Be Sent To Ulster. Ths W:irdest Situation in History. Reuter's Service. London, March 24. Collar Law read a statement j. (General Paget to officers that were to commence Ister and the
    Reuter's Service.  -  1,131 words
  • 56 7 Labour Leader Intends Nothing Beliicose. Reuter's Service. London. March 25. Cape Town telegrams report that the Labour leader Mann has landed there. No attempt was made to restrict his entry. He was quietly welcomed. Interviewed by Renter he said he intended nothing bellicose. He said he had
    Reuter's Service.  -  56 words
  • 29 7 (Re uter London, March 24. The death is announced of General Sir Thomas Edward Gordon, who served in the Mutiny and in several Indian frontier campaigns. Reuter's Service.
    Reuter's Service.  -  29 words
  • 31 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 25. Barings have issued a per cent. Belgian Loan of three millions sterling, the balance of the six million 5 per cent, at NO.
    Reuter's Service.  -  31 words
  • 17 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 25. Telegrams from Tokio report that the Government has resigned.
    Reuter's Service.  -  17 words
  • 290 7 Lord Murray's Explanation of His "Goings On." Ex-Chief Whip Apologetic. Reuter's Service. London, March 24. Lord Murray baa given evidence in regard to the Marconi scandal before the Committee appointed by the House of Lords. He said that he had sole control of the investment of Party
    Reuter's Service.  -  290 words
  • 52 7 Report cf British Consul. Reuter's Service. London, March 24. Mr. Perceval, the British Consul at Galveston who was sent to enquire regarding the death ol Mr. Benton, reports that no pistol- were fired in the fight which ended in in the death of Benton, who went unarmed to
    Reuter's Service.  -  52 words
  • 46 7 Parliament Suddenly Prorogued. Reuter's Service. London, March 24. An Imperial edict has been suddenly issued proroguing the Japanese Parliament which is debating the naval scandals. The prorogation means the loss «,f 61 millions sterling to the Navy, as the former budget is now operative.
    Reuter's Service.  -  46 words
  • 52 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 24. Fifty two Albanians, including 25 gensdarmeS have been killed and many wounded and seventeen Epirotes were wounded in a four hours'battle at Andritsaina, ending in the rer.t of the Albanians Many bands of Epirotes are marching to Korytsa, which the Albanian gendarmes
    Reuter's Service.  -  52 words
  • 140 7 Japanese Legation and the Foreign Office. President's Iwritary Disappears. Malti/a Tribune" Correspondent.) Shanghai, March 24. The v Shuntien Jibpao,*' of Peking, has been suspended in consequence of the publication of certain articles, and the police took possession of the premises. The Japanese legation having protested the police
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  • 225 7 The Lincolnshire Handicap. Probable Starters, Riders and the Betting. Reuter's Service. London, March 24. Probables and Riders. The probable starters for the Lincolnshire Handicap t<> berun at Lincoln to-d-.iy and their riders arc: Maiden Erlegh,WalterGriggs; Spanish Prince, Saxby; Cigar,Clark; Eton Boy, Randall Jarnac II, Trigg Bonbon Rose, F.
    Reuter's Service.  -  225 words
  • 56 7 Reuter's Service. London. Marc!) 25. Messages from Victoria. Vancouver, state that the miners who were concerned in the August disturbances have been sentenced. The leader. Joe Angelo, was given four years, eight others a year each and forty-six were hound over to keep the peace because they had
    Reuter's Service.  -  56 words

  • 294 8 CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND AT CRICKET CLUB. Denn-Kleinir.ann-Moding-Threlfall. STRAIGHT TALK BY M DAJAVENE." (Special to the "Malaya Tribune") The tennifl tournament is now rapidly coming to a close, with J. A. Dean, D. H. Kleinmann. F. Moding and W. IT. Threlfall still left to fight it out for the right to
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  • 164 8 LAST NIGHTS RESULTS. CHAMPIONSHIP. E. E. Ryan heat A. M. Ford. 2—u\ o—o, 6— i. CLASS A SINGLES. C. V. Oliveiro, 40, K. E. Webb, scr. Unfinished. CLASS M B SINGLES. M. Aviet,—30, beat C. B.Leicester, scr. o—4, (j—2. MIXED DOUBLES. T. Leijssios ami fl. S.
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  • 44 8 Tennis enthusiasts should not forget the match this evening on at Dunman's Green (Straits Chinese Recreation Cluh.) in which Capt. F Day and Mr. Chong Kee will "PPose Messrs. C. V. Miles and G. h. K. MngliBton. Play will commence at 4-30 sharp.
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  • 253 8 Yesterday's Results. class 14 A SINGLES. P. Rnchwaldy, plus 2, v. YV. H. Threlfall —15.3. Unfinished. Threlfall won Ist sot, o—4. Rnchwaldy won 2nd set, S—6, No games played in 3rd set. CLASS "B SINGLES. E. S. Nathan, scr., heat P. Gold, —2. 6— 2; 4—6, 6—.
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  • 144 8 CHAMPIONSHIP. 1>. H. Kleinmann v. A. Dean. CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS. Fulcher ami Marsh v. Hon. Darbi1 sl*ire and Mikling. CLASS "A." SINGLES. (J. G. Hill, scr., v. R. L. L. Braddell, —2. F. Salzmann, —15.3. v. A. K. a R. Terrell, scr. CLASS "B" SINGLES. G, tie lloghton,— 2,
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  • 95 8 CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS. Miles and Perkins v. Fulcher and Marsh. If latter win on Wednesday. CLASS A SINGLES. I). H. Kleinmann v. V. Moding G, G. Hill v. Threlfall or Ruchwalday. If Hill wins to-day. CLASS 1$ BINGLiSS. J. Utermark v. Teale or Oliver F. Diehl v. Donnell or
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  • 256 8 LAST NIGHT'S RESULTS. E. .1. Hallifax, plus 20, beat M Sulil, —IK). 250—187. E. Walker, plus 20, beat Capt Chancellor, plus 50. 250 —209. E. G. Stevens, —tiO, beat N. E Bath,—130. 250—213. to-night's play. E. E. Marsh, plus 20, v. F Thorougood,—1 50 J. A.
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  • 72 8 Haigh Challenge Shield. The second match between St. Josephs and Rallies which was to have taken place next Thursday afternoon 011 St Joseph's Ground, has been postponed until Saturday owing to the departure of the Rev. Bro. Michael, Director of St. Joseph's Institution on Thursday. Saturday's match will take
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  • 108 8 Calcutta, March 11. At the Brahmin Conference iji Calcutta yesterday there was a three hours' debate 011 the place in Hindu society of those who had crossed the seas. A jury arrived at the unanimous deeision which was proclaimed to the meeting that persons returning from foreign
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  • 80 8 There was a circumstantial report current in Penang on Monday morning, says the Straits Echo," jto effect that a large number of coolies left A lor Star in sampans last week, and came to Penang Island. It is stated that they landed near Hatu Feringhi and that
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  • 63 8 Mr. Samuel Cocking, one of the oldest residents in Japan, died recently at Yokohama. He was a most energetic man and was identified with a great many of the modern improvements which were introduced into Japan from time to time. He was of a reticent disposition hut would talk of
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  • 146 8 132nd AUCTION, 24TH MARCH 1914. Offered for sale 1,462.49 piculs 194,999 lbs. i Sold for sale 1,241.50 piculs or 105,533 lbs. Prices realized Sheet Smoked Fine Ribbed J1.J2 to #136 Sheet Smoked Good Ribbed 122 to 131 j Sheet Smoked Fine Main 12»
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  • 217 8 Thz Assizes. Before Sir W. H. Hyndman-Jones Chief Justice, the Assises were com mertced yesterday. Two Chinese, Liong Alt Chain and Tan Eng Heng, were sentence.l to penal servitude for life for unlawfully returning from banishment. Wong Kon Liong was sentenced to live years" rigorous imprisonment for having
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  • 93 8 In Ins parish magazine the vicar of Clewer St. Stephen, near Windsor (the Rev. (i. I). Nicholas), says M FACT. At some golf links not far from Brighton two gentlemen, both keen sportsmen, called one day at the refreshment bar for two glasses of milk. Two
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  • 102 8 Invitations have been issued for the marriage' of Mr. Tan Khiam Hock, j. p., our worthy Municipal Commissioner. The wedding will take place at Steven Road to-day. We wish Mr. Tan Khiam Hok a happy and prosperous future. The statement of the Hank of I Tin wan as at Dec.
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  • 327 8 "eccratcd by K aiser apd Third CtooTrfc Chi^ho. I» connection with h received in Singapore on nv of the conferment npoVl?*> Salomon of the Dec r hr > Fourth Class of thTn!r ~f Red Bagte, son,., inlensr was given to a "Malay t? ,h v< representative at
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  • 217 8 Singapore, March 21. We are indebted for the following to the courtesy of Messrs. Guthrie and Company, Ltd. The quantity oil offer at the Auction held tiiis morning sliowwl a considerable increase on recent sales, 87 tons being catalogue*!. There was a steady demand for most grades
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  • 794 9 Orders by Major J. A. P. Glennie, Acting Commandant. S. V. Singapore, March, ri.'i. s. v. C. Balestier Rifle Range I.—The Range is allotted as under Saturday March 28tb, 1914, at 2.30 a.m.—S.P.A. Monthly Shoot. 300, 500 A: COO yards. Sunday March 2'.»th, 1914, at I 8.30 a.m.—Maxim
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 202 9 The Anglo-Indian Stores, 84 BS, Serangoon Road. Electroplating Dept. take to plate articles in Gold, Silver, Nickel, Brass and Copper, ALSO B and Lacquering of Brass and Copper fittings. CHARGES MODERATE. L. M. C. lotor Cycle of Proved Greatest Reiliablity. A. CU- GOLD MEDAL, 1913. Price defies competition. In demand,
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    • 100 9 Tin; CROWN DRAPERY. No. 29, Selegie Road. Just unpacked a new shipment of Ladies and Children's Sola Topees A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF EMBROIDERIES. WASHING BRAIDS AND LACES. DAINTY HANDKERCHIEFS AND TOILET REQUISITES AS WELL AS Everything for the Little Ones. Guan Chin Hong Co., GENERAL BTOREKE BPE RS
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    • 267 9 LIM KUEE CHIONG. HOTEL D'EUROPE ARCADE. Leading Rattan Furniture Makers. Artistic Novelties in Rattan Latest Designs a Speciality. Orders promptly executed Charges Moderate. Inspection Cordially Invited Shimoda Dental Hall »0. 492, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Up-to-date Dentistry. CHARGES MODERATE. CONSULTATION Fit BE. L J. GOLDBERG. Well-known Optician of Sourabaya May be
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  • 278 10 The AusLo-Hungarian a .id Russian Armies. Vienna, Feb. Communications to the Press, which apparently COme from wellinformed sources, state that it is "most probable" that in future in both Germany and Austria-Hung-ary the portion Of reservists who are annually called to the colours will do their training in
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  • 159 10 With reference to the stor\ narrated by "Boa" in our Monday's issue, regarding the Malax youth and the M [lean Todak" or swordfish, we are told thai this story is quite well-known amongst the local Malays, hut the youth's end was not in the thick forest,
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  • 127 10 "How's That. Umpire?" "Oar Flag" gives the following humorous cricket score LATEST CRICKET. MR. ASQUITH'S M v. THE REST OF ENGLAND. (Johnny Redmond's Benefit.) EL 11. Asquith, played out, l> Law (I K.L. George, c. and nearly st. Marconi o R. Isaacs, c Marconi, b R. < Jecil I)
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  • 242 10 The Government of India have for some time had under their consideration the measures necessary to provide the <-iiy of Madras with a hospital, the location, construction and equipment of which shall satisfy all the requirements of modern in«''lical treaiment. Tt was at one time
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 247 10 CHEE ENG SONS, ESTABLISHED 1859. 71, North Bridge Road. CIVIL. NAVAL. MILITARY, AND SPORTING TAILORS. lt 1$ White Suits A Speciality. The Managing I roprie- A\»Hi w i i W1I1 ;..,„1 j lnt' Sat mi .L.m MM. tor, who has mmcd Ins /j j iWf*mMKm »1 nn < -u- i'
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    • 159 10 KIAN TAI j Phoac No. |3| i ,p r i! K, AXT.\|Gkaanl Stan beenen C Ships Purvey,,-, tad Ship-eSS" Gonftaetoa to If M British !nd¥- <aat Tin |»rovi>i«»ns. Prwh ProviM,*, X *vy. «-t«-.. of the qaatity «linT Onlct s |ii<m:i];: v v pricks moderate Manager:-TAY WOO SENG International Rubber Congress
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  • 639 11 James Bryce has been reduced t<> the peerage.— **Columbia State."' If silence were golden John Lind could start a mint. Washington t Herald." Mexico is still a live issue, hut a lot of Mexicans aren't.- Columbia SUite.'' The northern boundary of Mexico i- now indicated by
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 308 11 MALY'S Patent Iron Safes. Guaranteed Fire Proofs II" -ll Awar(l(, d sold medals for excel--V jMStfrii lenc <' of quality at leading m exhibitions. t. Prices from $3Q f S d i•. T i. Rr" riC3 Llsts on Application ■el. A. FRANKEL Co, I; Victoria Street. (ESTABLISHED 1887.)A Natural Remedy.
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    • 172 11 ASAHI Sapporo Black Beer AND Citron Water AWARDED Highest Prize AT THE ANGLO-JAPANESE EXHIBITION. Mitsui Bussan Kaisha, Ltd., SOLI] AGENTS FOB The Dai Nippon Brewery Co., Ltd. RETAILERS TAMOTG COMPANY, Telephone No. 412. 351, victoria STREET. And AH Lis§is®r dealers. The Straffs F.M.S. Motor Car Co. 9 Motor and Cycle
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 507 12 Banking a— s. THE SZE HAI TQNC BANKING ANP INSURANCE CO., L r D. I At an Animal GcjMtal Meeting of tin- abort Company, held at the Registered Offioei r>f the Company, Nos.Rod 68, Kttng Street, Singapore, on t!u> 80th November, I!) 18, the following gentleßMO were elected Direoton ami
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    • 608 12 <Sr Shipping AUSTRIAN LLOYD UNDER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT. New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste=Shanghai From and to Trieste and Venice, calling at Tort Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai. OUTWARD. 1914 I HOMRWART). Due to arrive on or about 1 hie to sail on or
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    • 257 12 The Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Limited. HEAD OFFlCE.—Singapore. IBCOBPOBATBD 1 X THE ST HA ITS BETTLBMBKTB) Authorised Capital-$5,000,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan CRAY YaN. Esq. (Chairman) LIM PBBO BIAXG, Bag. (Vk» Chairman) The Hon. Mb. Tab Jiak Kirn. Lee Choon Chum, Beg., Ong Boon Tee. Km N. B. (Mian.
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    • 493 12 Shipping P- Sl O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOB CHINA. JAPAN, PEN AUG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA, INDIA, ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND London. Tlironjrh Hills of Lading issued for China Const, Persian Golf, Continental and American Potts. Steamers will leave Singapre on or about MAIL LINKS. Homeward (for Europe). 191 L
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    • 411 12 To Let T LET. CONVEX lENT* FUX)p R pa, HEART OF smr J* AC Una Valuable Snae. Gtodown, Vault f 1 Concrete. Entrance from both Eat* and Collyer Quay. Apply to "A. W." e 0 T MALAYA TRIBUNE" 2 qJ Collyer Quay. The Malaya Trihuii Can be had at the
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