Malaya Tribune, 11 March 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 26 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. [Progressive and Independent Evening Daily.] Vol. I. No. 59. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1914 Price 5 Cents. Che IRalapa tribune. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 237 1 HOOCLANDT A Co., SINGAPORE. JENATZY TYRES Apply for Price List, A THING YOU'LL APPRECIATE: A aried of Most Entertaining Pictures will bp: presented TO-NIGHT! 2nd Snow 9-30 to 11 p. m. HeALHAMBRA The Subjects that comprise the Programme are Pathe's Animated Gazette 182 nd Edition. Including a Topical Special Depicting
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  • 916 2 A LKSSON FHOM THE HUSSOJAPANBSH WAK. V correspondent who signs him Beif **N 0? writes lnm with reference to i statement made Sydenham ihe JndUiona in which it would be possible for a Great Power auccesafully to evade England, nothing could avail her, as the command d
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  • 173 2 great deal of work win protrea* at preaent in the field oi wireless telephony, and the experiment have yielded results sufficiently encouraging to warrant the belief that commercial installations will he available immediately. Among others, Mr. Marconi has heen giving attention to the matter and with the aid
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  • 163 2 S1H. U. WNLAY'8 PURTHKB COMMENTS. London, Fob. 2b* At the resumed hearing of the appeal ot Mr. (banning Arnold, before the I nv> Council to-day, Sir Robert Finlay, dealing with the non-employment of an advocate to conduct the case against MaCorraick, quoted a letter on the
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  • 90 2 CONVERSATION. Bombay, Feb. 26. Annual conversations of Bombay Arts Soc iety to meet «W l,nciesbord and iMj f 1 prior to the opening of the ATW Exhibition was held last night in the Town Hall when one more proof of their Excellencies great popularity among the people
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 203 2 WAH HENG Co. 5, North Bridge Road OPPOSITE ADFIPHI HOTEL ADD CAiHEDRAL. j The best and cheapest place in Singapore for Photographic Requisites. Large Stocks ot French Roofing Tiles, Ridges and Ventilators. ALWAYS IN STOCK. S. J. JUDAH Co., MERCHANTS CONTRACTORS, 29, Robinson Road. NEW TREATMENT Of Rheumatism, Gout, Asthma,
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    • 182 2 Sledgĕ Milk IS GUARANTEED TO BE genuine Swiss Milk Do not confuse this brand with other Milks of uncertain origin. If you have not tried Sledge Brand you can have do idea what a perfectly sterilised Milk really k ,OLE IMPORTERS: J. TRAVERS SONS, Ltd. Buy from the Leading Boot,
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  • 1387 3 The market for Plantation privately has heen firmer, with a fair business passing. Standard Quality Xo. 1 Civpe spot sold at 2s. 7d. (last year 4s. 2U.j, Feb.-.lune 2<. 6|„ and July-Dec. 2s. t>)d. Smoked Sheet*(ribbed) spot and near closes 2s. 7}d. value, April-June 2s. 7. 1 ,d.. and
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  • 91 3 Little is known of the personality of Mr. C. H. Roberts who succeeds Air. Montagu as Under Secretary of State for India. Be is a much older man than his predecessor, having heen horn in 1965 and unsuccessfully contested Wedneshury afl long ago as 1895 and Lincoln City in 1900.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 194 3 L. M. C. j> 2 Motor Cycle of Proved Greatest Reiliablity. AC U. GOLD MEDAL, 1913. Price; defies competition. In demand, in sales and efficiency, without a peer. Testimonials from riders in Singapore and F.M.S. Illustrated Booklet on Application. Straits Cycle Motor C° SINGAPORE. Sole Agents. just Arrived: 1914 MOBELS.
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    • 207 3 Gaiety Theatre, Corner of Albert Bencoolen Streets COMMI.NC in<; roaSDAY, maiu'h IOtL Great Duncan Co., All American Star Artistes, ft** sts* Xin of Hypnotist* Duncan v-: 1 THE LADY IN WHITE If in doubt about any thing Ask Her. Bros Gould Marvellous Whirlwind Dancers Introducing the Human Spinning, Top. DEAN
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  • 785 4 SPMCH BY <;kxkral smuts. In a brilliant speech of five and a half hoars 1 duration General Smuts defended the action of the Booth African Government in suppressing the recent strike. Since the Onion Parliament met its proceedings nave been entirely occupied by mailers arising from
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  • 458 4 DEMAND FOR NATIONAL SECURITY. The Lord Mayor presided at the Guildhall at a meeting of the citizens of London called to assnn- the (wvernment of the support of the commercial community in any measure that might be necessary to mje effect to the recommendations of
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  • 127 4 The Russian Government has ,,.,[,,,.,-d the subsidy which has been u ,l B ince INSo to the Volunteer Fleet for iW 0,|.--: l -v\l;;liswst--k line from omnon roubles to 17« f UUU rouble* per annum, as during tne last few yeara a steady Uicrenw in the companv's revonus baa been
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 167 4 THE Ceylon Tailors Co. A Man is known by the Clothes he Wears. Neatness and Fit Attracts Attention. IF YOU DESIRE TO BE Tjp TO THE MARK Call at the Ceylon Tailors Co. WHERE EVERYTHING OF THE BEST IS SUPPLIED ANE A THOBOUOB FIT GUARANTEED. Europe Hotel Arcade, High Street.
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    • 282 4 H. S. KIRW A N, FODDER CONTRACTOR, JOBMASTER, HORSE DEALER X BREAKER TRAINER. B RESIDENCE TELEPHONE So. 25! 11 Horses and Carriages for Hire. H Smart Victoria and Palinquin Turnouts for hire, H| Carriages Renovated and Repaired: Harness rs X nd neatly executed—Estimates ler Carriage repairs sent f W >eforehana.
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  • 152 5 WEDNESDAY, 11. ffi*h Water—9-32 a.m.. 10-40 p.m. Spdmann Victoria Theatre, -Girl f r ..m Utah.* 1 THURSDAY, 12. Water —10-18 a.m., 11-5 p.m. fall Moon. r; .n (Jewish Festival.) I J homeward mail close*. Zetland Regolar, 8-30 p.m. v ndmann Victoria Theatre, M MarMarka*»"' FRIDAY. 13. Hii'h
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  • 98 5 SINGAPORE (TANK ROAD). Mail daily leaves for north at 7.9 tm. and 7.15 p.m. Other trains leave for Johore at 9.0 a.m., 10.30 im. noon, 1.30 p.m., 2.53 p.m., 4.;>0 p.m., (4..'»U p.m., Sundays). Mail arrives from north at 8.16 im. and 7.14 p.m. Trains leave from Johore
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  • 131 5 Batn Pahat Aing Hin 3 pan. I Tebing Tinggi, B'kalis and Bagan Esmeralda 4 Batavia. Cheribon and Samarang Giang Ann 4 p.m, Rhio Emilie 4 p.m. K'nian. K. Dungun T'ggenu Will o'the Wisp 4 p.m. H'gong S'ghai Deucalion ti p.m. TO-MORROW. Kerimon Mersing 0 a.m. Cnoofa Sultana a.m. Fonloe
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  • 136 5 The outward N. D. L. Packet Torek left Colombo at mid-night on Saturday, the 7th instant, and may be expected to arrive here at 10 a.m. on Friday, the 13th instant. The B. I. Contract Packet Taroba. with mails from London up to the evening of the
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  • 44 5 Left Due in Singapore. liondcm. Feb. 12 B. I. March 7 Feb. 16 M. M. 11 Feb. 19 P. ft O. 14 Feb. 2'.\ N. D. L. 18 Feb. 2G B. I. 21 Mar. 2M. M. 2o Mar. GP.& O. 30
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  • 467 5 Outward Bound. LATEST LISTS. The following passengers duein the Straits are taken from the M London and China Express" p. o. Per P. &O. str. Delta," due April ,'5. Mr. Campbell. Per P. O. str. "Koran," due April 10. Mrs. Brownie and child. Misses Davidson. Mrs. K. Dale.
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  • 929 5 Prices Quoted in the Market this Morning. Singapore, Mar. 11, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations Rubber Shares. Norn. Value. Buyers. Sellers. 2/- Allacar 1/7 2/H 1 Aagb Java 3/;< 4/6 1 Anglo-Johore ft/- 6/:< 2/- Anglo-M-day 0/6
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  • 120 5 Singapore, March, 11. On London Bank 4 m/s. 2/1 5/16 Demand 2/1 3/32 Private 6 m/s. 2/4 11/16 3 m/s. 2/4 13/32 On Germany Bank d/d. 238.*, Private 3 m/s. 243 On France Bank d/d. 20 tt Private 3 m/s. 2901 On India Bank T. T. 174 3 Private
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  • 192 5 Nutmegs 110 S. per picul $25.62!,* Nutmegs 80 S. 26.62^* Copra Bali 10.41) Copra Gorong Talo 11.00 Copra Dongalo 11.00 Copra Kayong 10.85* Copra Pulo 10.75* Copra Pontianak 10.35* Copra Siantan 11.05* Copra Singkawang 10.70 Sago Flour S'pore 1st qty. 3.35 Sago Flour S'pore fair 3.30* Sago
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  • 118 5 Devoe's Imp. Brilliant Oil (2) tins $3.60 Sylvan Arrow Oil (2) tins) 3.25 Fish brand 2 tins in case at 3.50 Lampglass brand 2 tins in case at 3.35 Lampglass brand 2 tins 3.20 Dragon brand 2 tins 3.15 Crown brand 2 tins 3.05 Rising Sun brand 2 tins
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  • 193 5 ANOTHER COMPLAINT ABOUT SERANGOON ROAD. Residents of Serangoon district, complain of the condition of Lower Serangoon Road, just above the Kmdang Kerhau Police Station. The Tramway Company have recently heen making excavations for the purpose of raising their permanent way: the road as a result thereof was also
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  • 85 5 British str. Islander" Master J. H. Hainsworth, 481 tons, 281 h.p, fram Xnias Island, with general cargo, hound for Xnias Island, Agents: Boustead k Co. British str. "Shinon" Master J. M. Bell, 1403 tons. 980 h. p., from Sunderland, with pitch cargo, hound for Hongai. Dutoh str. M
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  • 132 5 The decision of the Norddeutscher Lloyd to withdraw its mail Bhipß from the Australian service synchronizes with the withdrawal of the mail steamships of the Messageries Maritimes from ihe same route. These companies are the leading German and French lines at present engaged in the trade.
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  • 206 5 The commission formed for the preparation of thr Rubber Exhibition to be held at Batavia in September next held a meeting recently at which it was resolved to have a M Slametan M for the natives on January 16th in the Exhibition grounds, on which day a
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 290 5 MAILS CLOSE. I Registration, otherI wise st;tted, closes half-an-hour I «trlier. but letters may be registered i I villi a late fee of 10 cents, up to' I ten minutes before the Ordinary I niail close. I (Except Sunday. I Federated Malay states, M'cca, I Mcar<£- Penang (By Train) 6
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  • 504 6 Jack-in-the-box politicians like; Mr. Tim Healy are Supposed to surprise us and Tim bus certainly succeeded in doing it (if Renter is correct) by bis question to the Government on the point of British concessions in China. Mr. Aeland replied to him and succeeded in writing
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  • 122 6 The ease was heard yesterday afternoon, before Mr Tabmu t second Magistrate, in which aptmn Snow, of the Singapore Mean Launch Company charged hw Chineae partner in the concern, named Choon Gnan with criminal Eeach of trust in respect o varmas sums of money amounting
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  • 58 6 Ah Sen*, a CM,,,,-. <*arged befoct. Mr. Talma, the Ma K istrate with .1.51.0...M y property of lieaurs. n» £I<H) <»r two monui s ng prominent, brought op Omar, a Ma a> 8 mor before Mr. Magistrate, on a charge o tarilyeau inggnevuu>lm t Toh, a Chinese. Ihe
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  • 392 6 Mr. Eric Marfa ken. Ii Chairman of the i». a. h i tamed from England. Imprisonment for debt kail abolished in Ceylon for ikeT coolie. He can be cannot be pat into jail. Mr. .J. H. Tyte, office ttanajv*Carey Island Limited viA ~h-L Lands, returned from
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  • 66 6 KITH 3IAB*'H' 130 th miction, 1« 191 1 Ofcfed for Sal-i-x) ')<»; lbs. PRICES -115 l *!■>■; Sheet taoked J Sheet No. I l» l()( k I'- 1 Crepe No. 1 ii-' Crepe No. 2 nki Crepe No. 3 S Crepe No. Scrap Virgin
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 174 6 "Raneegungo Glazed Stoneware Ail Sizes Stocked. Sliarpe, Ross ft Co., Ltd. ADELPHI HOTEL. The favorite resort of English and Continental Tourists. Families and Commercial-travellers. MODERN ny 'Phone No. 58. ACCOMMODATION fy* I Cable Address: WORLD-WIDE FF REPUTATION! HIGH Lilt -ADELPHI, Singapore, HOME COMFORT! |fl THE Code: STYU ,an.> ixxuky: EAST!
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  • 516 7 (ii,VKKN*MKXT l'UOl'OsA|,s IX BRIEF. ~N ACTING LIKE THB INFLATED fBOG. Reuter's Service. Lonaon, March 10. j ,,jof ('(millions Mr. I thai a poll should v n of Parliamentary electors in lU ft f Ulster county behair Hill became w hether there should be -tors would be
    Reuter's Service.  -  516 words
  • 134 7 English Clergyman Praises Africa's Premier. SIMPLE, SYMPATHETIC AND STRONG. PROMISES TO DO HIS IJEST FOR INDIANS IN THE UNION. Reuter's Service. London, March 10. The Rev. Mr. Andrews has arrived in London from South Africa. He was welcomed by a number of Indians and garlands were placed
    Reuter's Service.  -  134 words
  • 118 7 SLIGHT MODIFICATION DESIRED. Reuter's Service. London, March 10. A telegram from Athens states that the Triplice has notified that it is prepared to approve of slight modi- i fication of the Epirus frontier in favour of Greece and use its influence to secure equality in religion and
    Reuter's Service.  -  118 words
  • 76 7 FAMISHED MEN CAUSE TROUBLE. Reuter's Service. London, March 10. A telegram from Sacramento states that three hundred deputy sheriffs, armed with pickaxe handles, fought six hundred unemployed as the result of the arrest of M General" Kelly and eighteen followers. Many heads were broken. The unemployed,
    Reuter's Service.  -  76 words
  • 287 7 Velasquez's Famous "Venus" Destroyed. LUNACY LAW WANTED. M WAR" DBCLAMD OX CARSON. Reuter's Service. London, March 10. The Suffragettes have declared war on Sir Edward Carson, considering unsatisfactory the interview accorded yesterday to the women who waited at the door of his house in London since Thursday. WICKED
    Reuter's Service.  -  287 words
  • 36 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. A telegram from Newlands states that the match between the M. C. C. and the Western Province was drawn. This was the final match of the tour.
    Reuter's Service.  -  36 words
  • 37 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. M The Times announces that in view of the grave importance of the political situation it will reduce its price from the 16th of March to One Penny.
    Reuter's Service.  -  37 words
  • 232 7 Reuter's Service. Reuter's Service. Loudon, March 10. In the House of Commons the second reading of the bill prohibiting the importation of plumage was passed by 2'M votes to 1.3. London, March 10. Telegrams from Berlin state tliat it is alleged the Russian danger Which was
    Reuter's Service.  -  232 words
  • 1167 7 BOURBON CLAIMANT TO FRENCH THRONE IN SINGAPORE. Due de Montpensier, Big Game Hunter. THE MARVELLOUS YACHT MEKONG.* 1 H. R. HL le Doc de Montpensier arrived in Singapore shortly before eleven-thirty this morning on the Straits Steam Ship Co.'s "Kinta." from Port Swettenham. Immediately the*"Kinta"
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  • 22 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. Sir Edward (irey announces thai Mr. Bowskill has been released on parole pending inquiry.
    Reuter's Service.  -  22 words
  • 23 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. A telegram from ISeriin states that the Xorddeutsche Lloyd doclarag a dividend of S per cent.
    Reuter's Service.  -  23 words
  • 77 7 The deposits in the French savings hanks have grown during the last year at the rate of Isd. for every inhabitant of France. In the year 20 new branches were opened, and on December 31 there were *,oi>!.*2'S bank-books in use, rente •anting a sum of £lftM9H£B2^ which makes an
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  • 30 8 Reuter's Service. lon, March 10. A telegram from Sydney states that a ballot of iron strikers have decided upon resumption of work on the old conditions.
    Reuter's Service.  -  30 words
  • 31 8 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. fi telegram from Sofia states that the Hamburg-Amerika line will on the 15th April start a direct service from Levant ports to America.
    Reuter's Service.  -  31 words
  • 31 8 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. The insurance at Lloyds against an election before the 30th of June, has risen from fifteen to thirty guineas within the week.
    Reuter's Service.  -  31 words
  • 31 8 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. Telegrams from Capo Town state that tho indemnity bill has been read for the third time and passed by 70 votes to 12.
    Reuter's Service.  -  31 words
  • 43 8 Reuter's Service. London, March 10. A telegram from Washington tiUtes that in the Senate the Republican, Mr. Fall, read a list of $M outrages on Americans in Mexico, iiud urged the use of the American forces to protect foreigners.
    Reuter's Service.  -  43 words
  • 203 8 BRITISH POLICY IN CHINA AND MR. TIM HEALY. COMPENSATION, OR THE TANGTSZE VALLEY AGAIN DRAGGED IN. Reuter's Service. London, March 10. In the House of Commons, Mr. Tim Healy put a long question regarding concessions in China. Mr. Acland replied that his Majesty's Legation at Peking
    Reuter's Service.  -  203 words
  • 399 8 S.C.C. Tennis Tournament. TO-DAY'S TIKS. CHAMPIONSHIP PAIRS. Capt. M. F. Day and G. EL K. Mugliston v. ft Hansford and EL C. Stout. PROFESSION PAIRS. Mer. 7, F. Mfiding and D. H. Kleinmann. v. Law 1. C. V. Miles and D. Y. Perkins. CLASS M A" SINOLES. G. G.
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  • 316 8 Keen competition is being manifested in the billard matches being pbtyed these days by the European units of the S. V. C. The tournament opened on the second of February, as stated in a late issue of the 14 Malaya Tribune with a total of thirty-three
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  • 135 8 A fast game last evening between \V. F. Chopard,---150, and N. Castle, —.'JO resulted in a victory for the latter by a score of 250 to 245. Chopard was not up to his usual form, as be can generally be depended on to make good
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  • 24 8 The monthly medal competition* during March, will l>e held as follows :—Ladies medal, March 1:2: Men's medal, March 14 ft 15.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 300 8 PI "'Tis not in mortals t<> comroad moot j we'll «lo more -we'll DESERVE IT I T The Most Modern and l>To=Date Theatre I j and Picture Palace in The East. Sister Love (2 Parts) H LI A Powerful Drama containing the elements of tran j played against the background
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  • 873 9 OPENING ()F THE NEW LONDON PREMISES. The handsome and commodious new London premises of the Mercantile Bank of India were opened for business on Itith Ft'')., tin-formal opening ceremony having taken place (in the l'Jth. They are sltU•■•trd in (iraceehui'eh Street, next to the new
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  • 292 9 The Bans rate remains unchanged at 3 per cent. The Open market rate for short loans is 1 to I] per cent., and discount of four months* Hank hills Lj to 2 per cent. The Silver Market has heen quiet, I hut prices have been steady,
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  • 98 9 WOMBS WHO REFUSE TO TELL THEIR AGES. A Chicago judge's ruling that women voters registering under the Illinois equal suffrage law must give their exact ages has brought hundreds of protests from *romen lectors, who fear that their IgeS will appear in the lists displayed outside
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  • 96 9 The M Bengalee is informed on what claims to be credible authority that Dr. Deva Prasad Sarbadhicarry has been ottered ami accepted the Vice-Chancellorship of the Calcutta University. The Double Dr. Deva Prasad Sar bhadhikari who is repotted to have been offered the Vice-Chan-cellorship of the Calcutta
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 326 9 fkj Some Tyres Don't Do 4000 Miles? because no attention is paid to small cuts when irr ed to the tyre. In those cuts, sand and small stones sited, and by and by the dirt and small stones work ves into the tyre until at last big punctures are made,
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    • 272 9 KIM CO. SINGAPORE. J o: The Science of Wealth QO cts. each. The Civilisation of China N The History of England The Problems of Philosophy N The English Language Mohammedism Buddhism M English Literature Medieval English Literatnre Modern Conservatism U Liberalism Matter A Energy S. H. WEBSTER Co. Exporters, Importers
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  • 618 10 Trade returns for January show a continuance of the conditions which have recently characterised these statistics. A falling-otV in the imports is indicative of reduced manufacturing activity while exports are still maintained above last year's level, in fulfilment of existing orders The decrease in the
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  • 138 10 "The cultivation of better relations with the foreign Press through the large means with which it will probably work" is stated, says a Berlin correspondent, to he one of the principal objects of the new German Association for World Trade, to be founded in Berlin
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  • 155 10 The M Java Bode" communicates a few particulars about the attempts made by Mr. Jasper to improve native industry and consequently the condition of those who exercise it especially the improvement ot the plaiting industry at Singaparna. In all particulars Mr. Jasper places the imtive workman
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 236 10 LIM KUEE CHEONG. J* I HOTEL D'EUROPE ARCADE. AIUA DIoPEHSARY I Leadiag MtaMni Makers. I Artistic Novelties in Rattan Latest Designs a Speciality. I Orders promptly executed Stocked Drugs, Patent 1 Charges Moderate. I roilet Requisites, Surjriral T I Inspection Cordially Invite Beal PebU, < I COMPLETE WITH WIRE SPOKED
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  • 118 11 AMERICAS GRATITUDE Washington. Feb. The more hopeless the Mexican muddle seems to gfOW the more grateful is responsible political journalistic opinion for the forbearance shown by Great Britain. It is fell that, In the circumstances, Great Britain has every right to make embarrrassing inquiries about the
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  • 182 11 The Direc tor of Agriculture writes as follows I should be greatly obliged if you will again draw the attention of Managers to the advisability of lotting me know as soon as possible whether they will contribute to the Malayan Stand at the London Rubber
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  • 241 11 Cheviot. —Issue announced of 100,000 shares, bringing issued capital np to £90,000. NlRMALA (.JAVA).— An issue is announced of the balance <>t" the capital, namely, seven per cent Part Cum. Pref. shares. Working for past season shows estimated profit £8,500. BATAVIA PLANTATION.— Crop for 191 was 383,141. Cost
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  • 51 11 The "Madras Mail" learns that Mr V P. Matihava Rao C. L Km <x Dewan of Mysore and Travaneore, has been appointed Dexvan of Raroda He is the third South Indian administrator to be chosen for this appointment, his predecessorshaving been Sir T. Mahdava Rao and Dewan Bahadur S. Sreenivasa
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 136 11 LjIEE ENG SONS, r ESTABLISHED 1859. 71, North Bridge Road. MILITARY, AND SPORTING TAILORS. oßt Our representative will j eail^ at any address if so "j i .jwßLpr' |j i-;> \IuI)KK.\TK. I B< st Meteriahi and Work- oi manship guaranteed. 1 ii used) Orders promptly executed i Klannel, \Wmja %S&£f*
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    • 271 11 MOW SHOWING AT THE Harima Hall Cinematograph, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. An EXCLUSIVE FIVE REEL stirring naval-Battle drama, enacted by the UNITED STATES ATLANTIC FLEET, AERIAL CORPS and MARINES, entitled VICTORY Made with the aid and permission of—and officially endorsed !>y THE UNITED STATES NAVY produced with a cast which includes
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 459 12 Banking THE SZE HAI TONC J3ANKINC AND INSURANCE CO., L T D. Mm Annual Gem] Meeting of the above C Mn,,u,v,h, hl;,t the Registered .Offices of the Nos. U «dM, Kling Street, Singajjore on the 30th November, 191 ft, the following gentlemen were elected Directors and Officers for the mm
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    • 579 12 To Let TO LET. CONVENIENT FLOOR SPACE IN HEART OF SINGAPORE. This Valuable Space Comprises Godown, Vault of Reinforced Concrete. Entrance from both Battery Road and Collyer Quay. Apply to "A. W." c/o. "THE MALAYA TRIBUNE" 20a-20c, Collyer Quay. The Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Limited. HEAD OFFICE —Singapore. UfOOBPOKATBO IN
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    • 200 12 Notice NOTICE. The Power of Attorney granted to Chua Keng Seng has on the 19th February, 1914, been revoked by me, and I now appoint Mr. Chua Boon Tiong to conduct my business known as 44 IMPERIAL BAR" and am not responsible for his debts without my signature. Mark.of x
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    • 489 12 Shipping P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION GO. FOR CHINA. JAPAN. PENANG. CEYLON. AUSTRALIA. INDIA. ADEN, EGYPT, MEDITERRANEANPORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading issued for China Coast, Persian Gulf, Continental and American Ports. Steamers will leave Singapre on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Efiuope). 191 L Connecting at From
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    • 307 12 Wanted I Teacher Wanted f or I Andrew's S choo| Teaoli.T reqoitH th— I Al>l>ly Rev. p I Singapor I ■Bj WANpD, good composito and other printing. r M petent men. App|, to 4 the Straits Albion pi t r WflB 20C, Collyer Quay. The Offices and Printing r of
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