Malaya Tribune, 6 March 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. [Progressive and Independent Evening Daily.] /01. I.— -No. 55. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1914 t Price 5 Cents. tlx IKalapa Cributic. FRIDAY, MARCH 6.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 257 1 HOOCLANDT Co.. SINGAPORE. ESTATES CHEMICALS. Apply for Particulars. ggjj—l <i«rW Jfll Tl >aga MM,MiJllMßlll J,llliMnißnil l ME Scotch Whisky. Soie Agents: Heng Hin Co. Tifcinttescent Oiltamps UES "Cross" Kerosene The Cheapest Refined Oil on the Market. CROSS H is specially suitable for burning in incandescent lamps and wilfgWe you MORE
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    • 61 1 HOOCLANDT 6\ Co., SINGAPORE. JENATZY TYRES Apply for Price List, THE Ceylon Tailors Co. A Man is known by the j Clothes he Wears. Neatness and Fit Attracts Attention. IF YOU DESIRE TO BE UP TO THE MARK Call at the Ceylon Tailors Co. WHERE EVERYTHING OF THE BEST IS
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    • 171 1 KIM CO. I SINGAPORE. NEW BOOKS. The New China $5-80 EachRecent Events Present Policies in China 8-80 Li Hung Chang's Scrap Book. 4.15 ft«ch. The Changing Chinese 5-50 >» The Malay Peninsula 5-80 How England Saved China 580 Changing China 1-95 A Chinese Appeal to Christcmloui 2.75 Kacb. LEE BROTHERS'
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  • 438 2 Why A Lady in The Philippines Thus Enthusiasts-ally Describes Dr. Willia n C Pink Pills. Just because she is a woman there are times when nearly every woman needs the help which is given by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People Sonora
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  • 448 2 NO REDUCTION OF OUR PROGRAMME. A EUROPEAN, NOT A BRITISH QUESTION. Sir Bdwrad Grey delivered an important speech on armaments and foreign policy to the Manchester Chamber ol Commerce. His chief points were We arc not afraid of the idea of war but we
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  • 165 2 Appointment of Registrar and Deputy Registrars of Societies under Section 3 of The Societies Enactment, 1913; M In exercise of the powers conferred on him by Section 3 of The Societies Enactment 1913," the Chief Secretary to the F. M. S. Government appoint! the following officers to be
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  • 628 2 So fur we have not seen any detailed estimate* of the plantation crop from the Middle Bast for the present year. Various figures have seen published, but tha basis on which they have been arrived at has not been disclosed. We propose to give a few
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  • 56 2 Many a fellow has made a man of himself even after some girl has made a fool of him. One way to acquire a reputation for wisdom is to have sense enough to keep your mouth shut. It takes a man with sharp wits to succeed, but even the dullard
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 35 2 Guan Chin Hong Co., GENERAL STOREKEEPERS COMMISSION AGENTS, SHIP'S PURVEYORS AND SHIP-CHANDLERS. CANTEEN CONTRACTORS To H. M. British Foreign My. Fresh and Tinned Provisions, Wines and Spirits &c, of the best quality. Orders Promptly Executed.
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    • 206 2 Abrams' Motor Hiring Tel. no. eoe. Transprt Co. ORCHARD ROAD. REDUCTION IN RATES. Prom January l. 1914 Single Passenger Car 2 -OOperHou Four Passenger Car S3.DO r Six Passenger Car 4.50 (MINIMUM CHARGE ONR HOUR) Above Scale will NOT be Subject to any Detention A.. We have pleasure in notifying
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  • 1706 3 WHITE WOLF'S RAID ON LIUANCHOW. A TRAGIC STORY. A tetter has been received by the French Bishop in Shanghai giving particulars of how Father Rich met his end at Liuanchow, reports the N.C.D.NY' At the time the letter was written the safety of the other
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  • 236 3 As regards the arrest of the late Albanian Deputy Basiri Bey in the Building of the Dutch Legation at Constantinople, it must be pointed out that the building and the ground* on which it stands, are not Dutch territory properly speaking. Undisputed and indisputable, Indeed is the
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  • 169 3 The Provincial Legislature of Quebec recently gave a third reading to Ihe new Hill providing for better housing for the working people of this province* The Bill aims at giving the workmen b healthy dwelling, where there will he room enough and to spare for all. and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 266 3 ADELPHI HOTEL. favorite resort of English and Continental Tourists. Families and Commercial-travellers. Ln£RS t Vflk 'Phone No. 58. v r j, j Cable Address: Kkpctatiosi HIGH LIFE iMFORT! IM THE Code: riND -iND EAST f I v A.B.C. sth Edition. 1 Vjj* Proprietor, I NN KS. J. OARAPIET. fat Arrived:
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  • 418 4 MARVELS OF SCIENCE. The theatre of the Royal Institution was thronged when Sir James Dewar gave his lecture on the "Coming of Age of the Vacuum Flask." For ten years or so many people have heen in the habit of keeping tea or coffee
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  • 281 4 Jean Part, a French naval commander of the last part of the seventeenth century was at one time ordered to convey the Prince de Conti, a candidate for the throne of Poland, to Dantzic, a voyage fraught with danger, as his vessel must pass through the waters where were cruising
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 235 4 PAUL Co., Photographic Artists, 57, Seleglm Road, Singapore. Photographs Only ol the Highest Artistic. CHILDREN'S PORTRAITURE A SPECIALITY ENLARGEMENTS MINIATURES. Artistically Finished in Black White Water Colours Pastels. GROUPS, HORSES. And every description of outdoor photography. 4.MATEURS WORK, DEVELOPING, PRINTING, ENLARGING Etc. CHARGES MODERATE. A Great Money-Making Opportunity FOR YOU
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    • 292 4 Why Some Tyres Don't Do 4000 life J Principally because no attention is paid to si I first occurred to the tyre. In these cuts. Ban I I are deposited, and by and by the dirt and B themselves into the tyre until at last big pui I When it
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  • 126 5 FRIDAY, Wat* r— s m v-« p.m. ff/i 0 it* ird "i;til due. M Choir, V.M.CA. Hall 9 l'-m- g I, meeting, 8-30 (UL s Dai meeting, Memorial a c. Donnel Cup. I vs. S. EL G. I. SATURDAY, 7. V 1-1»; a.m.. p.m. 'raplis vs. Merchants,
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  • 43 5 untitled Bombay Presidency iety was held I ions to this year'g K-..' «Jy .indents of the P '-kaidass Perekh I ntde, wife of the v -peaking said I women must only in house i >ociety. Time M ladies would have 1U m educational
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  • 609 5 Outward Bound. LATEST LISTS. The following passengers <lue in the Straits are taken from the London and China Express" P. 0. FVr P. 10. str. Delta." fine April Mr. Campbell. Per P. k O. Htr. Novara." due April 10. Mrs. Brownie and child. Misse* Davidson. Mr-. K. Dale.
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  • 113 5 Dutch Btr. tk Brower," Master Leusinck, 324-44 tons, 500 h.p.. from Pakan Barn, with general cargo, bound for Pakan Baru. British str. "Sri Muar," Master Tilburn, 02 tons, 4<S h.p., from Malacca, with general cargo, bound for Malacca and Muar, Agents.— Gaggino <& Co. Batavia; Dutch Gov. str.
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  • 114 5 Singapore, March, (*>. On London Bank 4 m/s. 2/4 11/32 Demand 2/4 3/32 Private 6 m/s. 2/4 23/32 3 m/s. 2/4 13/32 On Germany Bank d/d. 23&J Private 3 m/s. 242} On France Bank d/d. 2im Private 3 m/s. 21HH On India Bank T. T. 174 Private 30 d/s.
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  • 913 5 Prices Quoted in the Market this Morning. Singapore, Mar. 6, 1914. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations RUBBER SHARES. Mom. Value. Bayers. Sellers. tf Allagar 1/7 2/11 1 An-! > Java 3/ 4/3 1 Anglo Johura ft/- *>/:* •2/-
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  • 191 5 Nutmegs 110 S. per picul $25.50 Nutmegs so s 26.50 Copra Bali 11.474' Copra GrOrong Talo 11.50 Copra Dongaio 11.50 Copra Kavong 11.20 Copra Pulo 11.10 Copra Pontianak 10.70 Copra Siantan 11.00 Copra Singkawang 11.00 Sago Flour Spore Ist qty. 3.30* Sago Flour Spore fair 8.25* Sago
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  • 71 5 PETROLEUM. Devoe's Imp. Brilliant Oil (2) tins $3.00 Sylvan Arrow Oil (2) tins) 3.25 Fish brand 2 tins in case at 3.50 Lampglass brand 2 tins in case at 3.35 Lampglass brand 2 tins 3.20 Dragon brand 2 tins 3.15 Crown brand 2 tins 3.05 Rising Sun brand 2 tins
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  • 237 5 A largely attended Purdah meeting of the Ladi<** Branch of the above League was held recently in the Young Men's Association Hall, Berhampore, Ganjam. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. K. (ianapathi Iyer the VicePresident. A public meeting for men was held in the Town
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  • 64 5 The President of the Bombay Medical Union has been informed by the Honorary Secretary to the National Association for providing female medical aid in India that the Central Committee have derided that lady doctors possessing L. M. and S. degrees of Universities should be allowed admittance into the Women's Medical
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 280 5 PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE STUDIO Amateurs' Work, Developing, Printing and Enlarging. KONG HING CHEONG Co., ADELPHI HOTEL BUILDINGS, Singapore:— Branch at Penang. Extraordinary Announcement TO-NIGHT And Following Nights for a short season only. AT THE "GAIETY" PICTURE PALACE Corner of Albert Bencoolen Streets Great Star Attraction Direct from the Leading Continental Theatres
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 214 5 Mails Close. To-day. ffghai k .Japan Jason 2 p.m. P-nanir Hong Moh 3 p.m. hvi Pahat Aiu«» Leong 3 p.m. j fclat Pan*]jang. Bengkalis&Kagan Abbotsford 3 p.m. foa&Muar Lady Weld 3 p.m. port Sw»ttenham and j T. Anson Kinta 3 p.m. lHan Van H'dorp 3 p.m. Bangkok Dux 4 p.m.
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  • 486 6 When the Exposition wmi tiist mooted, and before the immensity of the programme was given out by the United States, the various nations of Europe were invited to co-operate by sending exhibits to San Francisco. Great Britain at the very outset refused to send exhibits, basing its
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  • 210 6 RESULT OF THE F. M. S. STRIKE. Malaya Tribune' Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, March Minor accidents occur practical!} every day in and around Kuala Lumpur a?? a result of the inexpenenced signalmen placed in the signa cabins in place of the strikers. In one instance, owing to the misplacing
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  • 337 6 Mr. A. fl appointed to represent the U> a I Turf Wnb on the Committ I Straits Racing Association I A Cteye riick*,.,.„,;.,. I iiig charged withoi I gratification of 2.*> ci>.. I Inspector Ganno. I The* Herreshoff I defend the A mci I named M
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  • 114 6 I VW regret to n Mr. Tan Tat Van yesterday afternoon :f ness. IIMr. Teck grandson ol tin- l h i* the founder the poor of Singapo „,Ij* fore related to c rB, and brothers. Mr. Tal Van v., high artistic Ril time in pho** n-ally
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 200 6 FILLIS' CIRCUS.j AND MENAGERIE WITH THE FOLLOW!NCI ALL STAR-CASTE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. Grand Opening Might, Monday 9 th. Mar. Every Ovening at 9 p.m. Doors open at 8 p* Matinee Saturday, 14th March, at 4 p.m. "III.DKKN HALF PRICE TO MATINEE ONLY. Col Frank Fillis and His Twined Horse
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  • 103 7 i, SOT A BED OF ROSES. Reuter's Service. Lois Ion. March o. <>f Wled and his irkal Trieste to-day for i: I by aii internadties are awaiting the jn \i evidenced by the Kpirote revolt, and the f ,f inter-tribal fighting AIbanians, while a v;; ,i
    Reuter's Service.  -  103 words
  • 68 7 ÜBOURITKS THREATEN TO COTT AFRICAN PRODUCE. Reuter's Service. London, March 5. |< gram from Capetown states in the Assembly Committee on the Indemnity Bill, the lea opposed at length the ■ifrii of the deportees in the <hment clause. When Bain's me np, tie- Labour member Andrews hinted that
    Reuter's Service.  -  68 words
  • 66 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 5. Lal>oarites have set a moveoii foot to get the Africa heard at the liar of 2 the < win >a ibey will also take such oppor- as the Colonial vote to raise ler in the hope
    Reuter's Service.  -  66 words
  • 68 7 Reuter's Service. rcXKRAL OF THE AT VICTIMS. London, March 5. ntl sen ice for the victims snnken Submarine A 7 will Hlay on hoard the parent t! at Whitsand Bay. Jellieoe and Hopwood xv l the Knchanfreas" wffl d)« Admiralty. Forth," with a convoy of Roors over
    Reuter's Service.  -  68 words
  • 26 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 5. n Paris states that tssador Iras enter1 J >incare at dinner. rgne, Cailtaux, Mil I t •■re among the
    Reuter's Service.  -  26 words
  • 57 7 THE I\i R ECONCIL*EA BLES JOIN HANDS. Reuter's Service. London, Mar. .">. Mr. Ram-ay Maedonald,addressing a labour meeting at Farringdon Street w;ts violently interrupted throughout by Suffragists and advanced Socialist-. When the latter were removed by the female stewards a two hour.-' fight ensued, in which chairs
    Reuter's Service.  -  57 words
  • 76 7 MONEY MARKET UNEASY. BBPOBT DECLARED ABSOLUTE INVENTION. Reuter's Service. London, March 5. A telegram from St. Petersburg states that the Ministry of Finance declares that the report in the "Koelnische Zeitung" of Russian war preparations on the western frontier has caused uneasiness in the Paris Bourse effecting
    Reuter's Service.  -  76 words
  • 57 7 M. IVS URGE GOVERNMENT TO PARTICIPATE. Reuter's Service. London, March 5. A memorial, signed by 358 members ot the House of Commons, has been presented to Mr. Asquith, urging the government to participate in the San Francisco exhibition. A refusal would be prejudicial to British trade anil may
    Reuter's Service.  -  57 words
  • 48 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 5. The visit of Mr. Devlin to Londondery to confer with the local Nationalists in regard to Catholic uneasiness respecting their position in Ulster on the basis of Mr. Asquith's proposals suggests the possibility of a new Ulster forming within Ulster.
    Reuter's Service.  -  48 words
  • 26 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 5. Their Majesties the King and Queen visited the headquarters of the V.M.C.A. in London, and stayed an hour.
    Reuter's Service.  -  26 words
  • 26 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 4. A telegram from New York states that vSir Lionel Carden, British Minister to Mexico, has sailed for England.
    Reuter's Service.  -  26 words
  • 26 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 5. Telegrams from Vienna report that during the manoeuvres in the Oatler Alps seventeen soldiers were killed .By an avalanche.
    Reuter's Service.  -  26 words
  • 123 7 SIGNIFICANT VISIT OF THE KING'S SECRETARY. HOME BULB AND MABOONIS. Reuter's Service. London, March .">. Hie Daily Chronicle* 1 affirms that the Government has no intention of going to the country this year. Lord Stamfordham, the King's Secretary, visited Downing Street while the cabinet was sitting and waited
    Reuter's Service.  -  123 words
  • 50 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 5. Mr. HarCOUrt, replying to a question in the House of ('ommons, said that Sir .James Wolfe Murray will shortly take over the command of the Imperial troops in South Africa. Lieut.-Genera] Sir Reginald Clare Hart, v.c, will be promoted full General.
    Reuter's Service.  -  50 words
  • 74 7 RIO DE JANEIRO UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Reuter's Service. London, March, 5. A telegram from Rio de Janeiro states that a revolutionary outbreak in the Brazilian state of Ceara has been causing anxiety. Eventually the Federal Government sent a force to Ceara, but the sudden proclamation
    Reuter's Service.  -  74 words
  • 42 7 Reuter's Service. London, March .">. A telegram from Marseilles states that fifteen steamers running to Egypt and the Black Sea, Madagascar and the Far East, are held up by a strike of officers and mechanics of the Messageries Maritimes.
    Reuter's Service.  -  42 words
  • 37 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 5. Telegrams from Nogsief state that the Government gunboats -Morales.'" and "Guerrero*'attacked the rebel gunboat "Tampico" in the harbour ol Topolobcanpo. Tinresult was ineffective and the Federal gunboats withdrew undamaged.
    Reuter's Service.  -  37 words
  • 69 7 INTENSE SUFFERING AMONG THE DESTITUTE. CHURCHES AND OTHER BUILDINGS INVADED. Reuter's Service. London, March .">. A telegram from New York states that one hundred ami ninety men have been invading churches and other bnildingH demanding to be housed and fed. They invaded yesterday a Catholic Church
    Reuter's Service.  -  69 words
  • 36 7 Reuter's Service. London, March .">. A telegram from New York states that the Davis Cup matches will take place on the 13th, 1 Ith and 15th August. The place has not yet been chosen.
    Reuter's Service.  -  36 words
  • 287 7 WHY ARE RUBBER AND TOBACCO ESTATE ASSISTANTS MURDERED A correspondent writes —I was travelling by rail between Medan and the port of Belawan, Deli, recently ami a few uproarious Hollanders and Germans were also in the compartment. Their conversation was not exactly carried on in whispers so
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  • 73 7 A meeting is to be held at the Mansion House on May 6, at which Lord Cromer, Lord Curzon ami a Member of the Cabinet will speak to inaugurate a campaign for obtaining an endowment fund by grants and subscriptions for an Oriental language school, Government
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  • 52 7 In Mexico all COUvietS and jailbirds are sent to the army and are Ha-.-'-d as volunteers. In a small town a petty officer gathered up a bunch of these and sent them in to his superior with this note "1 lend you herewith fifty volunteers. Please send back
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  • 219 7 TOKYO IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY. DR. MIYAJIMA HONOURED CUEHT THIS EVENINC. This veiling Mr. Yonei's restaurant on Beach Road will be the scene of a merry gathering of local graduates and "also rans" of the Tokyo Imperial University. The "sanaem" feed is </w en in honour of Dr. M. Miyajima,
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  • 308 7 This evening the Singapore Juvenile ('hoir will make its first public appearance, when a Grand Concert will he given in the V.M.C.A. Hall. The Hon. Mr. R. J. Wilkinson, C.M.G., will preside, and Mrs. Wilkinson will present the prizes to those* most successful in the examination, of
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  • 80 7 FRESH OUTBREAKS. Our enquiries show that 147 eases ol cholera occurred at Kuala. Muda since the outbreak of the disease at this place, of which Ktfr eases proved fatal. The remaining cases are still under treatment. Two fatal cases are reported from Pengkahui Bemiling and a fresh
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  • 587 8 S.C.C. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. All matches booked for yesterday afternoon had to be postponed on account of the rain. Providing the courts are dry the ties down for Thursday will be played this afternoon the play previously arranged for to-day taking place on Monday. TO-DAY'S TIES. (With handicaps shown.) CHAMPIONSHIPS.
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  • 26 8 Results of yesterday's play. Wishart—3o, beat Oliver plus 20 250 to 238. Lucie Smith, scratch, beat Miles plus 75 250 to 225.
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  • 70 8 Weather permitting, the match between Miss Feindel and Mrs. Hartnell for final honours ill the Ladies' Singles will be finished this afternoon. On Monday afternoon when the Tennis Tournament officially ended, each won a set lack of time" preventing the completion of the match. The play
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  • 61 8 SATURDAY, MARCH 7. From Johnston's Pier, 2-15 and 3-15 p.m. From Club, 2-45 and .>-.'i0 p.m. High tide at 4-10 a.m. and 5-3* p.m. SUNDAY. MARCH 8. From Johnston's Pier, 7,1> and 10 am., 2-30 and 3-30 p.m. From Club, 8-30 and 9-30 a.m., 12-15, I*
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  • 88 8 The result of the match last evening between T. Carruthers,— 150, and G. van Cuylenburg— GO, was rather surprising, the latter winning easily by the score of 250 to 115, in spite of Carruther s break of 29 The game between A. E. Late,—so, and
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  • 451 8 THE TUTORING OF ALIEN RACES. MR. TAFT'S ELOQUENT TRIBUTE. Mr. Tuft, the former President of the United States, speaking on Thursday last week at a luncheon given at Toronto by the Toronto Empire Club, bore eloquent tribute to the sacrifice and enterprise of the British
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  • 182 8 The Sight Revd. C. J. FergusonDavie, D.D. Bishop of Singapore, gave a most interesting lecture on Islam in V.M.C.A. Hall last evenin" The attendance was very good and the speaker held the undivided attention of all present throughout his lecture, which lasted three quarters of an hour.
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  • 280 8 Singapore, March 4. Sterling Rubber Shares have been most uncertain this week occasional being quoted a little better but generally the tendency is easier. Our local Rubbers are suffering from lack of support and it is only possible to place very small parcels at the quoted buyers'
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  • 44 8 Mr. Curmalli Hussan. late Manager of the Calcutta Branch of Messrs. Cnirimbhoy Abrahim and Co., has endowed fifty-five thousand rupees towards the Kh o jaCommunde Charities out of which fifty-two thousand will he spent in establishing a fund for helping the destitute Khoja families
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 280 8 Cbe Continental Stamp Co. NO. D. HOTEL D EUROPE ARCADE. Stationers, Bookbinders, Rubber Stamp Makers, Post Card Stamp Dealers Prices Moderate. Orders Promptly Executed. Inspection Cordially Invited. P| Ti> not in mortals to command nooets. but I j well do more well DESERVE IT. fj\ H The Most Modern and
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    • 43 8 KI4N TAi Co,, I 'PWh- n.». isii. Tth*, nun mm GcMtal St-ir«»- k.--]»- V < Shij»V Purveyor*, ar.-l >>. p Contractor* to H.M British H Tin provisions. Fr.- h I' r ;> etc.. of thf lw.-t <lU.t!j|v. PRICES MODERATE I I Manager:- TAV WOO SEX I
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  • 1413 9 NEW RAILWAYS TO OPEN TP SIZEHAIN STATES. The continued prosperity of the Federated Malay States is reflected in the estimates laid before a recent meeting of the Federal Council. For the revenue was estimated at 32 million! of dollars and the expenditure at &>J millions. The
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 293 9 The Straits F.M.S. Motor Car Co., Motor and Cycle Repairers, Dealers In motor Accessories, €tc. Jiead Office:- 50-2, VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. Telephone No. IAI7. "Overlands," the Favourite Cars of the present day, can E ow be obtained from us on Hire at any time of the Day or Night. For
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    • 198 9 International Rubber Congress and j Exhibition, BATAVIA, 1914. Congress: September 7« 12, 1914 Exhibition: September 8 to October 10, 1914. i Lectures by Renowned Scientists and Experts. 1 Interesting Excursions in Java arranged. Reduced Steamship, Railway and Tramway fares for Holders of Congress Tickets. For Particulars Apply to W. E.
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  • 704 10 BY G. L. JESSOP. Although scarcely arousing so much interest as the match, the 'Varsity "soccer fixture is not without its attraction Jot the public. -Even in these days of highlyskilled professional football there is still a following to be found for the doings of amateur teams of
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  • 247 10 Before any set of people take to blows, it is" we}l that everybody should know why the blows, are exchanged. Sir Edward Carson summed up the danger of which Ulster was afraid as a danger which can be eliminated without breaking up Ireland or the Home Rule
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  • 11 10 Disappointment comes oftenest to the people who depend entirely upon luck.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 120 10 COMPLETE WITH WIRE SPOKED WHEELS AND DUNLOP Pneumatic Tyres $85 OR WIRE WHEELS AND DUNLOP Pneumatic Tyres FITTED TO YOUR PRESENT RICKSHA $40 The Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East) LTD. 13, ROBINSON' ROAD, SINGAPORE. LIFE ASSURANCE IS A NECESSITY TO ALL In selecting a company in which to insure, you
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    • 175 10 Yong Hoa Seng Co. I 28, RUNG STREET I BUBAL [HPOHTEftj I KXPORTKRs. < OMXlftqo* i*, I MANl'KA("!'riiK> AGEST* I Provision?. Wines. (%are, I Tobaccos, Toilet Requisites, P• I medicines, &c. kc, &C, I known houses of th. \V I j 'Phone No. 423. I All orders receive prompt and
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  • 14 11 We do not necessarily endorse the (/pinions expressed by any of our correspondents.
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  • 1189 11 To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune.** Sir, [n reply to v Fair Play I have now < nly to refer him to my reply which appeared in your issue of February 21 <t last which contained all the essential elucidations, it is really beyond the
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  • 232 11 At a public dance, a man was there who was noted as the ladies' man. He was paying marked attention to a young lady who was both rich and weddable. During one of the intervals they were seated on the stairs leading to the gallery, j There was not a
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 207 11 STEEL K**Z-—— OFF,CE FURNITURE Occupies less space than wood, lasts or looks neater. It will not v/arp. It is Fireproof, Rustproof and Vermin Steel desks, filing cabinets, card ts, etc., in a variety of styles may at The Roneo showrooms. ItispßCiion Unviied. 14a, Collyer Quay. MOW SHOWING AT THE Harima
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    • 169 11 MEDICAL HALL, Ltd. OPTICIANS. Opposite the General Post Office.) BRANCHES: MEDICAL OFFICE, corner of Bras Basah Road and North Bridge Road. Open till 9 o'clock every evening. The Johore Medical Store, Johore Bahru. Made in Dublin. FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION By READ BROTHERS, Limited. Dog's Head Guinness with the Dog's Head
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 356 12 Banking THE SZE HAI TONC BANKING AND INSURANCE CO., L T D. At an Annual I Meeting of the above the C I any, N.,. t >?lir- A-* 4 uiMtor9 for the year l»M:— COURT OF DIRECTORS. ru. H..» Esq Cheniw Qoee Tte-e. Ew T cow IB** Esq i L.
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    • 415 12 I To Let TO LET. CONVENIENT FLOOR SPACE IN HEART OF SINGAPORE. This Valuable Space Comprises Godown, Vault of Reinforced Concrete. Entrance frorirboth Battery Road and Collyer Quay. Apply to "A. W- co. "THE MALAYA TRIBUNE" 20a-20e. Collyer Quay. Heap Eng Moh Steamship Co. Ld. SAIL TWICE A WEEK. latatai
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    • 144 12 Insurance The Eastern United j Assurance Corporation, Limited. HEAD OFFICE.— Singapore. \uthorised Capital $5,000,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: TAN CHAY YA!>\ BBQ- (Chairman) Lr Pft»Q BIAIO, WC™* Chairman) THI Hon. Mk. Tan Jiak Kirn, c.m.g. LeeCH d Gtaaa, Esq., Ong 800- Tec Fan Khiam Hock. Esq.. Ur«o Hock Ho,. E,,., Bja
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    • 453 12 Shipping P. O. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA. JAPAN, PENANG, CEYLON, AUSTRALIA. INDIA. ADEN, EGYPT. MEDITERRANEAN PORTS, PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Bills of Lading tamed fee Chia i Coast, Persian Gidf, Continental and American Porto. Steamers will leave Singanre on or about MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe). 1014. OMUMettaf at
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    • 312 12 Wanted I WANTED. I A good experienced fy Apply per; < 1 I Good Compositors Watfej I WANTED, good com, H .and other peter.l men. A: the Straits Albion Pre *l I2oc, Collyer Quay. **~H| ril li ll ■l 11 H i The Offices md Priatn H of THE
      312 words