Malaya Tribune, 16 February 1914

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 26 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE. Progressive and Independent Evening Daily.] Vol I.- No. 39. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1914 Price 5 Cents. Che Iftalapa Cribune. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16.
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  • 936 1 THE CHOICE OP MANURES. The principles which guide the practical man in his choice of manures and fertilizers are simple and well known. In the first place the growing plant requires large quantities of water, if only to repair the inevitable and continuous loss of water vapour from the
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  • 173 1 The day of the ruthless pioneer is long past in the Province of Quebec, and the valuable forests which densely clothe such an enormous area are no longer regarded as an obstacle in the path of civilisation. On the contrary, they are being carefully conserved, and forestry engineers,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 257 1 HOOCLANDT Co., SINGAPORE. CHEMICALS. Apply for Particulars. just Arrived: |»)U MODELS. I with stream-line body, 10/12 H. P., two seater, 4-cylinders. BRITON car with stream-line body, 10/12 H. P., 4 seater, 4-cylinders. (ITCHELL cars with new torpedo bodies, 40 H.p.," 4-cylinders, 2 and 5 seaters. 1 InTTLE cars, 20 H.P.,
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    • 216 1 THE Ceylon Taildrs Co. A Man is known* by the Clothes he Wears. Neatness and Fit Attracts Attention. IF YOU DESIRE TO BE UP TO TfiE MARK Call at the Ceylon Tailors Co. WHERE EVERYTHING OF THE BEST IS SUPPLIED AND A THOROUGH FIT GUARANTEED. Europe Hotel Arcade, High Street.
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    • 9 1 HOOCLANDT Co.. SINGAPORE. JENATZY TYRES. Apply for Price List,
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  • 662 2 BY MEDICTS. RHEUMATIC FEVER. Although rheumatic fever usually occurs in childhood and is more frequent in cold and damp temperate regions, and in countries like Egypt with great variations in the diurnal temperature. Yet it occurs with sufficient frequency in the tropics, under the conditions,
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  • 350 2 i [We do not necessarily endorse >he opinions expressed by any of tur correspondents.] REDUNDANT INDIAN LABOUR. To the Editor of the "Malaya Tribune." Sir, —Permit me the use of a space in your valuable paper to enable me to express my views on j the subject of the.present
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  • 282 2 ROCK REMOVED FROM MANS BRAIN, j An accident case, described by the surgeon in charge as M one of the most j astounding within my experience," has recently been successfully operated upon at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. A piece of rock an inch and a quarter by one
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 483 2 Special Offer To Our Readers I vVe have m ade arrangements to furnish to our readers a limited numl er of Hj| SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE THE NEW PERFECT REFERENCE SYSTEM," NELSON'S H PERPETUAL LOOSE-LEAF ENCYCLOPAEDIA AND RESEARi BUREAU FOR SPECIAL INFORMATION, This great Reference System has taken the place of
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  • 1034 3 I t .,1-. I 00TTC8lg ifl the most B* .rework.-.: >s which I hich was only another inI iV men deI against being ,|riv«- their cars with W i not remember a doctrine of I' The authorities W lt j on in line style. t
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 202 3 INSIST ON HAVING The Imperial Dairy Co/s Best Indian BUTTER. Mr. M. HUNTER, 1. A., F. C, S., CHEMICAL EXAMINER TO THE GOVERNMENT OF- BURMA SAYS:— "The Butter Contains no Foreign fat, is of good Quality and Quite fit for use." Singapore Jigent: E. E. SOLOMON, 5, d' Jttmeida Street.
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    • 215 3 In the Forefront of The M Exclusives" of the Day The Apex Exclusive in 4 reels, length 4,800 feet. ENTITLED IN SATAN'S TOILS j A superb drama, beautifully acted and teaching a great moral. It will touch everybody's heart. TO BE PRESENTED THE ALHAMBRA R r TO-NIGHT 2nd SHOW, COMMENCING
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 675 4 Shipping AUSTRIAN LLOYD UHOER MAIL CONTRACT WITH THE AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT. New Monthly Fast Line, Trieste=Shanghai From and to Trieste and Venice, calling at Port Said, Suez, Aden, olombo Penang, Singapore, Hongkong and Shanghai. otttw ARD HOMEWARD. OUTWARD. sail on or Due to arrive on or about —j. s.,Africa 8, 840
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    • 514 4 Shipping P. A OSTEAM NAVIGATION CO. FOR CHINA. JAPAN. PENANG. CEYLON. AUSTRALIA. INDIA, ADEN EGiPT. MEDITERRANEAN PORTS. PLYMOUTH AND LONDON. Through Rills of Lading issued for China Cast. Man GWf, Continental and American Pert-. Steamers will leave Singapre on or ■boat MAIL LINES. Homeward (for Europe). 1014. J Connecting at
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    • 588 4 Shipping N. JAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. EUROPEAN LINE. A fortnightly service is maintained between Yokohama via ports to Marseilles. London and Antwerp, under mail contract with the Imperial Japanese Government. The Sew Twin-screw Steamers maintaining this service have been specially designed and constructed, and are fitted with all the
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    • 330 4 dipping I' M. M. I MEBSAGERIES v I CHINA. B BGYPT AND "I Outward. v I Aturtralien p. B "Amazorie" I Bi Atkntiqne It "Paul Lecat CardiUere" Apr. 1 I I Poljrnesien J/L "Magellan" Mn\ I "VTdeUCi tat I Cmli I I Atlanttqve I X "Auiazwne" J ily. i I
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  • 52 5 Derrick.*, 12. V 11 «lue. '~'■>:. :1 .M.. 3-16 I' 11 I UU~ *tat meeting, I |.;{7 p.m. egins (goaL i in til due. •DAY. l^ h 1 !i i ;i.n>.. M p.m. >K»a.m.. M2pJ»- var .l mail due. DAY, 2lBt r l(L4j l}'ms.,vV. 22nd. ->.]> a.m..
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  • 159 5 I inner and his wife drove :.r (lity. It had been a W <lay, and large pools of f rii:.d in the roadway te farm and town. On r >urney an old friend I how are you to-day was I parting. I v.-r> well, thank you!" I > the
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  • 186 5 Saturday's Tin Price :Local G9L7O. London £184.15. RubW-plantation fyd. Har «l Para 3*. 2d. The Bishop of Singapore, accompanied by the Rev. .J. L>. Bolton, assistant Chaplain of Selangor, made visitation of the coast district lust week. Services were to he held at Kuala Langkat, Klang,
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  • 363 5 SOME FRESH CASES. We learn that Mr. W. G. Maxwell British Adviser to the Kedah Government, whose attack of cholera was extraordinarily light, is now practically alright. Mrs. W. G. Maxwell has also had an extraordinarily mild attack, though she is still confined to her bed.
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  • 33 5 Blink M The trouble with a bore is one never knows what to do with him/ Wink M Not at all. The trouble is, one's always afraid to do it."
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  • 44 5 He was a tattered tramp and looked rather alarmed as a formidable female opened the door to his knock. 44 Did you wish to see me, my man r" -Yes. ma'am." stammered out the disreputable one timidly, but I shall never again
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  • 616 5 Prices Quoted in the Market this Morning. Singapore, Feb. 16, 1014. Messrs. Lyall and Kvatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations RUBBER SHARES. Norn. Value. Buv erB Heller*. t Ang£ Java t I J 2/- BatangMalaka W J fH I BatuCn- 140/- !•*>/-nom.
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  • 101 5 I^ ue 3 Buyers. Sellers. V alue 10 Fraser A Xeave Ltd. MJB MJI 110 Howarth Erskine Ltd. 4OJOB 4. r >.«"> 100 7p. cent Pref. 90M MOJO M MavnardA Co., Ltd. 1640 17*0 lo C A. Ribeiro A- Co., Ltd.lo..*) 11.minora, 100 R. Hargreaves A Co.. Ltd. I<>o.oo
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  • 112 5 Singapore February, 16. On London Bank 4 m/s. 2/4 J Demand 2/4 3/32 Private o m/s. 2/4 11/16 3 m/s. 2/4 7/16 On Germany Bankd/d. 238) Private 3 m/s. 243 On France Bankd/d. 29*4 Private 3 m/s. 299) On India Bank T. T. 174 Private 30 d/s. On Hongkong
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  • 188 5 Nutmegs 110 S. per picul »25.00 Nutmegs SO S 20.00 Copra Bali 121;> Copra Gorong Talo 12.40 Copra Dongalo 12.40 Copra Kayong Copra Pulo I J*jaC Copra Pontianak I 121 Copra Siantan 11.SO* Copra Sin gka wang 11-75 Sago Flour Spore Ist qty. Sago Flour Spore fair
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  • 68 5 Devoe's Imp. Brilliant Oil (2) tins •JJj" Sylvan Arrow Oil (2) tins) 3J» Fish brand 2 tins in case at WU Lampglass brand 2 tins in case at Lampglass brand 2 tins JZU Dragon brand 2 tins Mj| Crown brand 2 tins Rising Sun brand 2 tins WW Cross
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  • 535 5 REPORT OF THE COUNCIL. Your Council have the honour to present to you their report for the year ended .'Ust December, 1!>1:$. FINANCE. The Financial Statement attached to this report shows that the income? from all sources amounted to 15,340.90 and that the Expenditure amounted
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  • 73 5 The steeple chaser Putteur III., winner of the Grand National Steeplechase in 19W, was for a lonK time a cripple. He was recently treated with radium, and he is now declared lo DC fit to race again. —:o: General Sir Beauchamp Duff, r;.C.8., X.C.5.1.. X.C.V.0., C.LB., the selected Commander-in-Chief in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 30 5 Chop Teck Seng, 97, SELEGIE ROAD. House of Renown for Price of their Articles Dealers in General Provisions, Fodder and Sundry Goods. Prices to Suit all Purses. Wholesalers and Retailers.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 131 5 1 Mails Close. To-day. K*rvpt and Cordillere 2 p.m. Muar Hainam 2 p.m. Aing Leong p.m. T. Perak 3 p.m. iluar 3 p.m. j eran 3 p,m [m* Madras" Tarn 4 p.m. i an<l *»oeHijah of S'wak t> p.m. Myrmidon 0 p.m. To-morrow. Sri Wongsee D a.m. S.< i Aing
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  • 486 6 We do not know if there be any syndicalists in Singapore, but if there be. we would commend to them the powerful speech of Mr. Botha on the South African strikes which is reported by Renter in this issue. He has succeeded in enunciating a great truth
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  • 694 6 AFTER HOLD OF M SINGAPOREAN FLOODED. VESSEL CUT A BAFT MAINMAST. NO LIVES LOST. Yesterday morning, at about 7.10 o'clock, a collision occurred in the Harbour about two hundred yards outside the breakwater, the "Giang Seng*' running into the "Singaporean," which was at anchor in the roadstead,
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  • 41 6 (Reuter s ServtceJ London. F«k ll The death is Mmoonced i honble Thomas Sinclair, land, d. l.. a piominent merchant and member of U* County Council. The death is announce tor Bacon, thfl cbairn in 1 Foreign Relations Conn Senate.
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  • 25 6 Will all seat holders not vet applied to Arch for seats for Sunday V. a Church parade)**' so before Wednesday n< N
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  • 31 6 Mr. H.A. Low, of untitled been elected aon-res of the Royal Colonial r Mr. K. LMigdon-Wlut Lu,n l r Bungah on Friday w decease leaves a widoj children to mourn a*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 240 6 Motor-Car Repairs. WE are in a position to repair any make of cars, having a competent' staff of European and Chinese experts, and most modern machinery. 1914 Overland Cars expected in a few days. Humber and Humberette cars in stock. Second—hand cars for sale. APPLY TO: THE STRAITS RICKSHAW and
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  • 185 7 i{ r.VSOCTH A V. AR ON «'OMEN- Reuter's Service. L) :i .Feb. 14. that Genera]. .of a powerI n the Govern- j v and January, reak on July aornen and children s ttack upon the i. fiannesburg was p revolution from i tragedies in i situation at
    Reuter's Service.  -  185 words
  • 58 7 Hindu Revolution P--AT BY PROFESSOR TO REPRESENTATIVES. Reuter's Service. I. reports that Sads"- a Professor in Iowa appeared before the Committee of the seutatives, and op«wn of Hindus on area kindred entitled to the rights observed that were excluding Hie Imperial n' t yet endorsed Ir it did it won
    Reuter's Service.  -  58 words
  • 21 7 Reuter's Service. i J 1-u.Feb. U. L state that '«'-.l the quesin the French quoted show- a million January,and
    Reuter's Service.  -  21 words
  • 72 7 HEAVY WKATHKK CAUSES GREAT SUFFERING. Reuter's Service. London. Feb. 15. Telegrams from New York state that the city is suffering from very heavy weather. In the Eastern districts of the city extreme distress prevails and the clergymen are arranging to open the chnrchesas shelters. Three hundred
    Reuter's Service.  -  72 words
  • 86 7 SERIOUS CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS. Reuter's Service. London. Feb. 14. Telegrams from Stockholm state that Baron de Geer has been unable to form a Liberal Ministry. The King of Sweden has directed Baron de Hammarskjold, a member of the Hague Court of Arbitration, to form a Cabinet. The constitutional
    Reuter's Service.  -  86 words
  • 59 7 MONEY' WANTED FOR SCHOOLS. Reuter's Service. London. Feb. 1 1. The Bishop of Uganda has issued an apnea] for £2,000 to start a theological college to train native clergy, and £3,000 for training schools for teachers for church schools. The Bishop emphasises the keenness of the struggle between
    Reuter's Service.  -  59 words
  • 108 7 Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 13. Mr. McCallum Scott's amendment to the Address deploring the condition of Indian subjects in South Africa has not yet been reach eel and it is now possible that it will not be discussed at all. The United Irish League of America has sent
    Reuter's Service.  -  108 words
  • 53 7 Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 14. The Hamburg Amerika steamer "AJmeira" is aground near Lamu. East Africa. The cruiser "Pegasus" made a futile attempt to tow her off, but the cargo must be discharged. Two coasting steamers have been lost in a gale on the South coast, and nineteen
    Reuter's Service.  -  53 words
  • 105 7 REPORTED REACTIONARY METHODS SAID TO BE IN vocn:. RESIGNATION OF THE PBKMIKB. Maliya Tribune" Corr.) Shanghai. Feb. 14. Th«- Premier has tendered his resignation and Mr. Sun Pao-chi succeeds him. while other resignations are probable. It is expected that reactionary influences will control the government in the future.
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  • 66 7 Reuter's Service. Ottawa, Feb 1 L The Royal Commission which is investigating the construction of the transcontinental railway from Moncton in New Brunswick to Winnipeg has reported that economy was neither practised nor encouraged. Forty million dollars at least were needlessly Spent upon the construction of the
    Reuter's Service.  -  66 words
  • 99 7 Reuter's Service. Athens, Feb. 14. The representatives of the Powers have presented a Note giving to Greece the Aegean Islands occupied by her with the exception of Tenedos, Embros and Oasileoryzo, and requiring guarantees that the Islands, shall not be used for naval or military purposes,
    Reuter's Service.  -  99 words
  • 37 7 THEIR MAJESTIES' VISIT TO PARIS. Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 17. Their Majesties the King and Queen's visit to Paris begins on the 21st and ends on the 24th inst., a period of four days.
    Reuter's Service.  -  37 words
  • 65 7 Reuter's Service. London, reb. 14. Mr. Bemis, vice-president of the Standard Oil Co. announces that the Company and Chinese have entered into an agreement with the Chines to develop oil fields in certain provinces. It is proposed to organise a China-American Company which will be in
    Reuter's Service.  -  65 words
  • 48 7 Corruption must Cease FIVE NAVAL OFFICERS TO BE COURT MARTIALLED. REAR-ADMIRAL UNDER ARRE>T. Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 16. A telegram from Tokyo states that five Naval olficers. including a Rear-admiral, are under detention by the Navy Department pending the organization of a court martial in t'.ie corruption ease.
    Reuter's Service.  -  48 words
  • 145 7 VEDRINES WANTS TO WIPE OUT HIS OPPONENT. FIERCE 1)1"EL DESIRED. Reuter's Service. London, Feb 1 ">. Vedrines, the air-man, who travelled to Egypt has returned to Paris where he has been interviewed. He Stated that he would immediately send a second to If. Quinton, the President of
    Reuter's Service.  -  145 words
  • 147 7 Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 1 .'>. New York report that the Mexican rebels dynamited a train near Cardenas an 1 killed the Federal escort of fifty men and a number of passengers. Trouble is feared in Mexico City whore rifles and machine guns have been
    Reuter's Service.  -  147 words
  • 40 7 Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 14. The United States Senate has passed a Bill creating six ViceAd niraLs. It was explained that owing to a lack of Vice-Admirals the British commander could outrank the American commander in Mexico.
    Reuter's Service.  -  40 words
  • 24 7 Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 14. Underwriters have been Maid led with 80 per cent, of the Sonth African loan.
    Reuter's Service.  -  24 words
  • 208 7 THE KING PRESENT AT CLOSE GAME. Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 14. In the Rugby match, England vs. Ireland, at Twickenham. England won by 17 points to 12. There was an immense crowd who repeatedly and ronaingly cheered his Majesty who was present at the match. Mr. Asqnhh
    Reuter's Service.  -  208 words
  • 94 7 MEAT FAMINE THREATENED OWING TO STRIKE. Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 14. A meat famine is threatens 1 owing to the hatchers' employees] at Sydney striking, demanding shorter hours an I ten shillings weekly above the award of the wages board. The employer-; of all branches of the industry
    Reuter's Service.  -  94 words
  • 40 7 WARSHIPS ESCORTING HIM TO DURAZZO. Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 17. The Italian warship Quartto n is expected in Venice to-day. She escorts the Austrian warship M Taunus," which is conveying the Prince of Wied to Durazzo.
    Reuter's Service.  -  40 words
  • 38 7 Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 14. The post mortem at Kiefif on the boy suspected of having been done to death by ritual murder shows clearly that he was a Jew. The father has been arrested.
    Reuter's Service.  -  38 words
  • 26 7 Reuter's Service. London, Feb. IS. In the match M. C. C. versus South Africa at Durban the latter has scored 1C2 for eight wickets.
    Reuter's Service.  -  26 words

  • 1589 8 UnTOAL MKKTINO OF SHAREHOLDERS. \t twelve noon on Saturday the first annual general of the shareholders in the liti linCo., Ltd., was opened in the Exchange B The Hon. Dr. D. J. Galloway was the chairman, and others present included directors Tan Kheam Hock, R Scoular, A.
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  • 122 8 GOONETILEKE —PEREIRA. Dr. F. W. Goonetileke was married to Miss Maud Pereira on Saturday afternoon last at the Methodist Weslevan Church in Fort Canning Road. Although no invitations were sent out, there was a large gathering of friends, which included the principal Straits Chinese residents. Dr. Goonetileke
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  • 87 8 The wedding of Miss Rose Evelyn Oliveiro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Alexander Oliveiro, the well known sail maker, with Mr. Alexander Raymond Kodrigues of the Nestle and Anglo Swiss Milk Coy., son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rodrigues, will take place on Saturday, I the 21st mat.,
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  • 186 8 At their third and last appearance in Victoria Theatre, on Saturday evening, the Great Winson Company put on a change of programme. Those fortunate enough to witness the performance roundly applauded this clever troupe of Chinese ladies and gentlemen. Their ability as conjurors, jugglers and acrobats cannot be
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  • 72 8 Mr. H. C. Bathurst, Mr. T. P. Coe, Mr. M. Rex, Mr. T. W. Patton, Mr. F. T. Tree. Mr. G. W. Bryant, Mr. G. E. Cardew, Mr. W. J. K. Stark, having passed the prescribed examinations in Law and Language and having completed three years service
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  • 318 8 Ensign R. Wilson and his wife are still endeavouring to put the Salvation Army firmly on its feet in Singapore. But the task has proved to he very hard. Although they have both been here since the 9th of December, no suitable centrally located bungalow, or
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  • 87 8 In the Second Police Court, < Mr. Talma, Haji Wan A Malay was charged with misappropriation. I; that the accused \wn; !n# money order branch »> Office in order to cash a order value*! $40.75. The order clerk. Tan Kini T mindedly handed overs2l<Lft j little
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 194 8 I "'Tis not in mortals to command success, but P we'll do more—we'll DESERVE IT." J 1 THE MOST MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE THEATRE A J AND PICTURE PALACE IN THE EAST Jj j THE HIT OF THE SEASON f PATHE'S CARTOON, r I SUPPORTED BY JOAN OF ARC, f A
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  • 685 9 THE SEEING EYE. There are two kinds of foolish mothers. There is the mother who makes mistakes simply because she ■does not know. My whole idea is to help her by my chat* and pictures as much as I can. The other foolish mother is
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  • 31 9 My dear, I see you are haying Borne clothes made for your poodle. m e ii i give yon warning, that I won't button any dogs down the Lack."
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  • 40 9 Snooks -He's a financial genius. Whv, he spilt a cup of cott Wf a perfect .stranger 8 grey trousers am l_"Brooks:''Gotout ol it without paying for 'em. than that. He talked tin-other chap into paying for the coffee.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 184 9 7|Moveity in Jewellery jv [.i ba seen in the collection of Ifif OrOGRAPH SIGNET RINGS I i miniature phoiaypbl of those near and dear to you— l placed. The-*? rings may be had with signets in I pLA!ii GOLD OR BLOODSTONE. 1 \V displaying a choice a.-,.-•rtment <-f Bracelets e££»
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    • 245 9 Green Island Cement Co., Ltd. PORTLAND CEMENT. In Casks of 375 lbs. net. Drain Pipes, any shape In Bags of 250 lbs. net. Gutter-ways Cement Tiles, any pattern. Firebricks, pressed Glased Paving Tiles Paving Bricks Prices, samples and full particulars will be forwarded on application toXgent: W. A. STOPANI, 25-1,
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  • 480 10 DUTCH INITIATIVE AND THE GREAT CANAL. What will be the effect of the opening of the Panama Canal on the trade of the Netherlands Holland has great interests at stake. For a country of its size it has a mercantile marine of unusual dimensions. Moreover it has
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  • 53 10 Lady (to applicant) 44 Yes, I advertised for a maid-of-all-work. Are you an early riser Applicant: 44 Indade, an' Oi am, mum. At me last place I was up an' had breakfast ready an' all the beds in the house made afore anybody else in the house
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  • 155 10 It was while on manoeuvres, and a soldier was being tried for the shooting of a chicken on prohibited ground. M Look here, my man," said the commanding officer to the farmer who brought the accusation, "are you quite certain this is the man who shot your bird
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  • 522 10 In Holland—just as in England and Germany and France—the armament question is one of the most important political problems of the day. It is a subject of which much is likely t<> Ik- heard in the immediate future, f<»r Holland controls the destinies of forty millions of people
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  • 79 10 A gentleman who had married his cook was giving a dinner party, and between the courses the good lady sat with her hands spread on the tablecloth. Suddenly the burr of conversation ceased, and in the silence that followed a young man on the right of his hostess
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  • 93 10 His face was decorated with patches of court plaster until it resembled a masterpiece of cubist art. "What in the world happened to you r" asked his wife. M You know how a talkative barber always bores me I have often heard you speak of it." Well, this
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 349 10 NOTICES. NOTICE. Take Dotk* that the Power of Attorney dated the 28th day ofFehruary, 1912, given by pie to una Ahmed Mariean, has this day ben revoked and the said Ona Ahmed Mariean, has retired from the Management of the Money Changer business carried on by me at No. 20.
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    • 252 10 TO-NIGHT! at THE TO-NIGHT., tiarima Hall Cinematograph I NORTH BRIDGE ROAD H THE TOWN-TALKED DETECTIVE FILMS I Zigomar v Nick Carter I Zigomar, The Eel's Skin I LENGTH I Dsncrrnra the host bxcitikg. thrilling am, I SENSATIONAL SCENES FliOM START TO PIXLSR I will be screened from the middle of
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  • 113 11 I \M> PRIVATE I^S-kkphi^- L. p Indies, ■l- teresting tacts B J in all deWL:- The it expedient E monstration I smaller farms I districts B yes ni< >* lern ions plants. s olts have I [ing tie* I I from the I to B iiiiB the
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  • 107 11 I*,» i, every evidence that f. -'n:»] iiuj well in regard to t f. Exhibition which is to I?. N.aaraug this year. In thn Dutch East Indies r>.- xhihits are being pretak. ml ♦•very efl'ort is being kr-. in a comprehensive Ler:..- various activities of the I;
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  • 82 11 ■"•iiurular proposal of the Ger-L-'ittnant Graetz to explore is still the subject of v *>m«' circles. Prof. H. declares that the cost of marks would he shar*^rrn (ireat Britain and Ger- many. The expedition would consist of Geographers, Geologists and other scientists, and by means of
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  • 105 11 We are informed that all over Be=oeki the tobacco crop is not very avourable this year. Both in quaity and quantity this crop is inferior > last vear's. On most of the planitions tobacco has suffered a great leal from drought, especially in Southern Djember.
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  • 80 11 At Batavia a visit is expected from Mr. W. Laurie, of Port-Darwin. Australia, the» well-known dealer in Australian horses. Mr. Laurie is aking with liim six horses of which nuch is hoped, Mr. Laurie believes hat there in no doubt that the horses ,vill soon
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  • 109 11 Karly tliis year a beginning will k) mtuie with the laying out of the ;he new goods yard and new station iear the harbour at Soerabaja. The new arrangements have been planned on extensive lines. Mr. F. J. Gentis, head of the inn <>f Kooy at Soerabaja
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  • 84 11 The schoolmaster had set this sentence on the blackboard to parse the day after a—(to him)— painful visit from the inspector 44 This teacher says the inspector is a fool.' 1 What was his horror to see the inspector enter the school for something forgotten yesterday In- an instant
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  • 253 11 Large areas in Australia hitherto regarded as of Utile value, possibly on account of the scanty rainfall in those pans, or of the absence of any comprehensive and effectve means of water conservation, are now being mad- highly productive, and consequently very valuable by the irrigation scheme-
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  • 172 11 She was a black-haired maiden oJ ■ax. and he was two years older. There was a bulging rotundity iibout one of her cheeks which betokened the possession of sweet stuff —fragrant peppermint bulls-eyes, it might be, or luscious brandy-balls. He noticed it, and in a moment was in
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 118 11 COMPLETE WITH WIRE SPOKED WHEELS AND DUNLOP Pneumatic Tyres OR WIRE WHEELS AND DUNLOP Pneumatic Tyres FITTED TO YOUR PRESENT RICKSHA The Dunlop Rubber Co. (Far East) LTD. 43, ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. LIFE ASSURANCE IS A NECESSITY TO ALL In selecting a company in which to insure, you must consider
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  • 1999 12 [Consul General Sheldon L. Crosby, Bangkok.] The total value of the foreign trade of Siam for the fiscal year ended March, 31, 1913, was #58,532,478 gold, an increase of $156,618 over the previous year. This train was due to the greater imports. The exports decreased in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 144 12 Made in Dublin. FOR DIRECT EXPORTATION By READ BROTHERS, Limited. Dog's Head Guinness with the Dog's Head Label on every bottle. The Dog's Head Bottling Is superior to any stout because it is brewed from the only stout water in the world: the DUBLIN WATER. Keeps in all climates. Always
      144 words
    • 361 12 S.H.WEBSIEfjI /m po General Agents. 1 I Orders x I persona] bnpenl of the firm, who I with tie- j' jnes, lK)th in business. M and Mining i i -I considered. Correspondence nviw I The Malaya TribiJß Can be had at the I wfĔ pots BK Singapore. H Messrs. Kelly
      361 words