Malayan Saturday Post, 29 April 1933

Total Pages: 40
1 38 Malayan Saturday Post
  • 16 1 PRICE 20 CENTS. THE MALAYAN Saturday Post VOL XI. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1933. NO. 31.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 61 2 ITHE I Malaya J Tribune I Press 1 I Limited. J 56-60, Anson Road, fj SINGAPORE. PRINTERS I OF THIS tt I PUBLICATION i The Malayan I Saturday Posi THE JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT 8 n I undertakes: j ill Book Work, j Catalogues, It Monthly Magazines, j] and General Jobbing
      61 words
    • 174 2 f^Wt^^^ e y^niF s/cuta vn ■Tue fAvouRUE Mineral Waters I REGLYKOL 1 is a great cure for DIABETES. It was shewn upon chemical analysis that the quantity of sugar and acetone in the urine j of patients after a few days treatment with his preparation was j I reduced to
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  • THE Malayan Saturday Post
    • 8 1 THE Malayan Saturday Post SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1933.
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    • 72 1 Tht MALAYAN SATURDAY POST is owntd and published by tht Malaya Tribunt M Press, Ltd., 56-60, Anson Road, Singaport. Communications rtgarding Articles and Illustrations should be addressed to THE EDITOR; regarding Subscriptions and Advertisements, to Till. MANAGER. Articles, sketches and photographs submitted for consideration should be tcctmpanied by stamped and
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    • 618 1 Personalia... here And there in Malays. Mr. W. R. Boyd has been appointed President of Penang Municipality. Mr. I. 11. Hassett, M.C.S.. is to act as Deputy Public Prosecutor, Singapore. Mr. John Cameron, -LP., the wellknown Taiping miner, is expected hack from Australia shortly. Mr. A. Wilton and Mr. 11.
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 169 1 CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE. Page. Editorials 2 "Sparkles," by "Quiz-The-Second 3 Sports Notes, by Argus 4 Short Story, Ensign Knightley's Homecoming," by A. E. W. Mason 8 Talkie Topics 13 Photographic Section 17, 18, 19 and 20 Literary Notes 22 Motoring 23 Woman's Viewpoint 25 London Letter 27 Home Soccer
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      • 15 1 ul^O'' msi warn \Tiy stiiNiific/iuy P CCIIM f CTS. LARGE ?U*l 5 r\ jr Everywhere
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    • 688 2 commentary on current events. 1* v the Editor. Little satisfaction hai been caused in any quarter bj the Wilson Report. Even officialdom, <>r that section of it which sponsor! decentralisation, is reported to be somewhat disgruntled by the sharp injunction to go slow. But there is no doubt
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    • 27 2 \Spe daily dra-un for the M.S.P." by K. G. Lee The Tin Balance is not held equitabl y, from Malaya's point of view.
      K.G. Lee  -  27 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 36 2 Mercantile Institute. 209, Queen Street and 130, Sophia Road. First in Record of Passes. Cambridge and Commercial Classes. Commercial Studies new Session commencing May Bth. Assures Success in the November L. C. C. Examination. Phone 5755.
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    • 573 3 k. 4Ja^aaai^ciaaiiiL|^^B^H What i beery Budget sai How The Presence will chortle with glee when he gets home on leave and learns the good news. see He must have known a thing or two or he wouldn't have timed it like that. see And speaking of cheaper beer, what
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    • 148 3 HAVE YOU HEARD THIS ONE? What's the tormula for water, Jones)'" asked the science master. 11-I-l-K-L-.M-N-O," >pelt out the hoy. What's that!*'" cried the master. The hoy looked at him in obvious surprise and slowly repeated the letters. hat on earth are yoa driving at f Who
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    • 34 3 (Specially drawn for the MS. P." by Yan Kee Leong One view is that Japan's real motive in her Far Eastern policy is to assume economic ascendancy— ousting Western influence.
      Yan Kee Leong  -  34 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 971 4  -  aa—r^r f sjkdgzsgsdnssdn 'gfiffr'* j^jy** The inter-State golf match between Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur Chinese at Easter was a most interesting event and proves that the time cannot be tar distant when regular matches will be played between Asiatic teain> representing the various States. Singapore might give the
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    • 25 4 irx...,n.. M .1.*., j». .< t» _>< i Yan Kee Leong The curse of the Rubber Industry is the great fluctuation of prices.
      Yan Kee Leong  -  25 words
    • 73 5 Mr. E A. Brodie, who won third prize in the S. S. C. diving competition at the Club recently top left). Mr. Wertman, who won second prize, is seen in the other picture. .Mrs. Ambrose Clark with Kellsboro Jack," ridden by 1). Williams,
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    • 59 6 Our Photo Contest. Excellent photography and good imagination is evidenced in many entries. SMALL REPAIR JOB.— Mr. bee Pak Yen O.P.t b, Singapore. A SHADY FOOTWAY.— Mr. Lee Pak Yen, G.P.0., Singapore. A TKANQFIL SKA— Master Cheim Chong Woo, English College. Johoie Bahru (TIONG SIX SWIMMING POOL, KUALA D'IWNG, PEPAK.-Mr.
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 770 7 Weak Teeth are usually due to a lack of Calcium in the body J^LWm\. ty\ Remember that your teeth are I I#l \oW' f^l Am*. W V I m^ m V 7 J WOmCn uving parts of your body. The Make \J mSS fei food they require is Kalzan3, your
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    • 8109 8  -  A. E. W. MASON Our Short Story. (BY Ii was eleven o'clock at night when Surge- ii -lev ol hi> Majesty's shin Bonttla. washed his hands, drew on bis coat, and walked from tha hospital ap ths Barron cobbled street of Tangiei to ths Main-Guard by the
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
      • 33 12 The "Malaya Trihne" 5 Cents Daily All the Soundest i News 1 Views Independent Progressive The Journal That Leads Public Opinion Its Sales are Continually Increasing Because It Is The People s Paper
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    • Talkie Topics
      • 1306 13  -  William Penny QUEST FOR NEW FACES. (By The quest for new lace- has recruited from the stages ot London and New York some of its brightest luminaries, and the significant tact i* that, in each case, it has launched highly successful personalities into pictures. 'The latest arrival m
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      • Article, Illustration
        25 13 Charles Laugh ton, who takes the part of Nero in the Sign of the Cross,' 1 a Paramount film to be screened in Singapore soon.
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    • Article, Illustration
      11 14 Sylvia Sidney, as she appears in "Madame Butterfly," a Paramount attraction.
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    • 3167 14  - AMAZING STORY OF HENRY GARAT. Harry T. Brundidge.) Fox Star Makes Hollywood Debut. (By No Alger tale of rags to riches can approach the true life story <>t Henry Garat, international stage and screen star, idol of the continent, and Fox Films' new star. Vet there is no magic in
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
      • 175 16 2 5 Cents I AIM itll >^^S E> crv Where^^J^^St <r^I§P^TOOTH v/ X PASTE 1 PHRITyI 1 A DISTINCmtANt) 1 KtfUStilSO Mjjjj SCllNfiflOUiy COKKICI I FOR WEAK DIGESTION AND I CONSTIPATION j USE j f OUR FAMOUS I "ATANK NIGRAH PILLS" j 32 Pills for 80 cents only. j J
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      • 46 16 WATCH |^#X 1933 LARCENY On his Conscience Every woman will want to S -PPJa. Jr Warner BAXTER Miriam JOUDAN <** Herbert MUNDIN f Si^l,hidßirm»«y,;„' &.Asm Directed by mttw Frank TuttJ^^S^ j ■P_y^ -j v v "^v .^M tLW Picture jgfTA* x^sssmsmsl asms^ PAVILION MAY Ist, 1933. ll
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    • Article, Illustration
      74 17 Our Photographic Con test Some excellent contributions by Mr. Tan Swee Hiang, of If i D L Kola bahru. Berut ferry, connecting Kelantan an I Trengganu F. M. S. Railway Launch, conveying passengers trom Kota Bahru Town to Plekbang. Tug of war. Mr. R. L. German, M.C.S., is seen holding
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    • 175 18 SIX EXCELLENT ENTRIES IN OUR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHIC CONTEST. i- i- 1 i- 1 i i i „.f i i-» i i-i -t-i-r -I-I-I--I--I--*— w~w— t--t f LIST OF WINNERS IN NEXT WEEK'S "MALAYAN: SATURDAY LOST." j I Her first pair of beach Pyjamas, and she looks very pleased with them.—
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    • 64 20 Pictures From Far Off Kelantan. Some excellent pictures by Mr, Cheah Eng Teng, State Treasury, Kota Bahru, A street scene In Kota Bahru Will this do, Mr. Photographer?" Good exercise, but it's hard work Another street scene. A view trom the river, Kota Bahru, with the new hotel building i
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    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 62 21 20 5 PAGES CENTS I Every WEDNESDAY and I SATURDAY The MALAYA TRIBUNE I is now I 20 PAGES and j INCLUDES A FULL PAGE OF PICTURES COMPETITORS in the current photographic competition will greatly enhance their chances of winning a substantial PRIZE j by using i i i >
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      • 289 21 Atew Eveready _[_&_StPK_I_H _^_^_fc j JMBttCHH Greatly Reduced i Prices. _H l^^^H Regular Eveready Quality, Workmanship I _H and Material II f 1 1 For Sale Everywhere I r^K^ri TRADB MARK j Metal Top Unit Cell. fcSSJ Patent througnont {^gj FLASHLIGHTS BATTEBIES the world. I I J -they last longer.
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    • Literary Notes
      • 1219 22  -  Charles Pilgrim A PROFESSOR AMONG THE GIPSIES: NOTHING ABOVE TWO SHILLINGS: ONE OF LAMB'S SUCCESSORS. ;b v London, April 4. Those who arc looking for an unusual b<*>k will turn with pleasurable excitemtn i to Raggle-Taggk by w. Walter Starkie (Murray). A- the title implies, thia
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    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 128 22 Y^y^ Rheumatism V ■W( uKvollen joints, A v Wi) aching muscles, a stiffening of /^^tK^S ArM/ die limbs, usuall) mean an v attack of rheumatism. AV V^ When the pains are acute \p Jp and persistent, apply a little If s]^J Sloan's Liniment;gently, withIf M m it out ruDmn g-
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    • 625 23  -  Radiator Motoring Notes. (BYafahfahfjah It is said that Japan is acquiring thousands of tons of discarded motorcars and other scrap metal from Los Angeles. The one-way traffic experiment, which has now had a fair trial at Maidenhead, is regarded by the authorities as a success and is to
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    • 1181 23 PERFECT SIGHT ESSENTIAL. Margaret Montague Johnstone Writes In Thc "Motor." Xc> factor is more contributive to good driving than perfect eyesight. Too many people take their eyesight for granted, and do not realise the immense toll of trouble levied in this direction by the modern
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    • 826 24  -  Albert L. Clough COMPRESSION ESSENTIAL FOR SATISFACTION. By Compression of the entire cylinder full of petrol vapour and air into the small space between the piston head and cylinder head, just before the spark ignites it, is the essential condition for obtaining full engine power, fuel economy
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    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 171 24 25 Cents lUGI lUI rf^TY^ Everv Where c^S^ TOOTH \N7 X PASTE I cisiiNcnvt AM 1 jRJj RESMNfr" PASTE StIENTIEICALEy CORRECT BENZINE AND KEROSENE PRICES. ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO. (SS.), LTD. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Motor Spirit ex pump per British
        171 words
      • 1091 25  -  Philine APRIL SUNSHINE AND AN IMPORTANT BIRTHDAY: NEW BRITISH FABRICS ON SHOW: A NEEDLEWORK DESIGN TO COMMEMORATE A GREAT FLIGHT. (By London, April 4. A\ lien a tire is cleared from its borne grate and replaced by guy spring Mowers, and sun-blinda are drawn, for the first
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      • 949 25  -  Marian (By ALMOND PUDDING. (Baked). Butter a piedish and line the bottom with thin buttered slices of bread. Mix two ounces of ground almonds, the grated rind of one lemon and a good pinch of cinnamon powder together ami sprinkle half in the dish. Cover with thin slices
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    • Page 25 Advertisements
    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 85 26 ALWAYS KEEP WITH YOU A POT OF I AMRUTANJAN j A SOVEREIGN REMEDY For {mmmm HEADACHE (SnRS RHEUMATISM mW.'*r NEURALGIA _s«^ TOOTHACHE I /*w*m*2. CUTS, BRUISES 1 Y^A^Q^W COUGH COLD TQJ\j^r\Z*mr ar, d all other aches and pains. I I \*df'jl\ f FULL FCRTY YEARS I jTf *f tjkw\ FAMt.
        85 words
      • 140 26 Tooth Paste is essentia II ij an article of confidence. ijoii m:tij tmxt Q r EAROE TUBE CO CTS. Everywhere THE MALAYAN SATURDAY POST (Illustrated) StrSO, Anson Rcail, Singapore ADVERTISING RATES: Per month. On tcver (Front and Back). Full Page $100.00 Halt Pa?e 50 00 1/3 Page MOO On Inside
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    • Article, Illustration
      2445 27 LONDON LETTER P\IS OID COUNTRY i London, April 1. THE RAILWAY'S AIRWAY. I be drone oi bighipowered aeroplanes will be beard each day over tbe beautiful English West Country M this Hummer, lor an important new air service ie being started this month. The Great Western Railway ia inaugurating a
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    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 44 28 i \o*~\w WEAKNESS.. yA DEBILITT. hD AN/EM I A fer^OESCHIENS 'Syrup ymvlj 'jl. kv\ of Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radic&i remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. Far better than scrums, raw meat, Medicated wines, etc
        44 words
      • 111 28 1 Tooth Paste JP is essentially Inn article of conf Silence. iioii mail tmxt *j *j [ijßSlggt)!] Q T IAGGI Itßf CO CIS. Everywhere s la__t_JlW4f^__S^_w a^_^_L _^_^_^_B_*_r I Great Reduction! Good Opportunity! ANNUALS AT HALF PRICE. PICTURE SHOW ANNUALS FOR 1933. LITTLEFOLKS ANNUAL. COLLINS AIR CRAFT ANNUAL. PUCK ANNUAL.
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    • 340 29 BOUTS AT THE CITY PARK. A packed house at the City Park, Malacca, attended a aeries ol boutfl there last Sunday. ICr. NV. .1. CurranShaij) and Mr. Et. Scholes acted as referees while Mr. Nan Kee Leong and Mi-. W Foi assisted as judge and timekeeper respectively.
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    • 648 29 A MID -EASTERN WIMBLEDON. OF GREAT INTEREST TO MALAYA. Calcutta, March 31. Not India alone, but Ceylon and Burma, and perhaps Siam and British Malaya a- well, will he keenly interested to hear that the All-India Lawn Tennis Association is considering certain developments which might bring to the All-India Championships
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    • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 750 30 Ensli§h aiul Scottish I endues j g^- How the title* are shaping A To-day** K.A. Cup final will overshadow interest ia the Leagues. The finali-ts are Rvertoa and Manchester City, both Lancashire team-. Kach have won the Cap on e. Rvefton in VM* (when they heat Newca-th
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    • 47 31 Snaps By Our Readers. A GAME <>F MARBLES.- Mr. A. Retnam, Victoria Bridge School, Singapore. ]f THF BIHCII MEMORIAL, IPOH.- Mr. Chan Feng Sung, 132, Brewster Boad, Ipoh SEEN FROM THE NEW HONGKONG BANK BUILDING TOWER, IPOH. Mr. W. A. Rode, 36, Lau Fk Ching Street, Ipoh.
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    • 40 32 The founders of the Unison Badmin ton Party, who celebrated the first anniversary of the Party recently. Cruisers In Harbour. 1. I. S. "Curacoa" (above), H. M. S. "Vindictive" (left), and H. I S. "Cumberland" (bottom left).
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    • 722 33  -  RIMAU (BY The failure ot the Airmen this year to maintain the form ot the team* fielded by the R.A.F. last year and tbe year before that, when ihey came so near to winning League and Cup honours, is one of the chief
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    • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 1042 34 THIRD DIVISION. March 15 -Monopolies boat S.Il.Ji. 1—0. 15- -Abattoirs beat Med. Service* 2— U. 17— P.S. beat i.M.C.A. 3-0. 22- Marine beat S.R.b. 4- U. I,, 23 —P.S. beat Monopolies 4-0. 24 Chinese beat I.M.C.A. 2-1. 29 8.H.B. beat Med. Services 2
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    • Page 34 Advertisements
    • 64 35 The Two Selangor Bowlers Who Routed The S. C. C. At Easter. The Tamilian-' Physical Culture Association (Kuala Lumpur) and the Ceylon Sports Club (Singapore) teams who took part in the annual match between these Clubs, at Kuala Lumpur during Easter. I, S. (iill I Lad Singh's brother) C. 0.
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    • 762 36 While their tir-t tram wa- winning al Hong Lllll tueen. the .N oii.les.-i ipt-Ke-ervo- wore finding St. An hew boys quite a handful. After dismissing the home side for 16 run-, Pergusini iwno look seven wicket- for 12 rune) went in and knocked
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    • 139 36 A certain firm had the following ndvice printed on it- salary receipt forms: Your salary is your personal business, and should not he disclosed to anyone." The new employee, on signing the receipt, added: ''I won't mention it to I am just as much ashamed of it as you
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    • Page 36 Advertisements
      • 133 36 r^ Sfl ■r SQ Si _K===S^=: _l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_l_Hi i r w t i .u-i mwm mx^^^^^Z. -A\ _H Om*\m R=^^^ km.- v- fl Off '^f*y^yA tm _fl Is. 'A^ /rf km n km\\\\\\\\\\\^^^*\m\ j^m^m^m^m^m^mw^^ I _v lX^^ y^_^-^-^-^-^_v A fl sviofe BBli> L l V A. t/ >^?" -a_-__. T»'W.:,./?Z-7(7:^^*^^^'»r k
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    • Page 37 Advertisements
      • 262 37 ASSETS EXCEED $12,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $36,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE. Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, £.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British
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      • 81 37 New Exclusive Stories And Articles Are Appearing In The MALAYAN SATURDAY POST AND THE MALAYA TRIBUNE They are contributed by such famous writers as H. G. WELLS SAPPER JOHN BUCHAN AUSTIN FREEMAN A. E. W. MASON BARONESS ORCZY SABATINI ETHEL M. DELL BERTHA RUCK, ETC These names include some of
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    • Page 38 Advertisements
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