Malayan Saturday Post, 8 April 1933

Total Pages: 38
1 36 Malayan Saturday Post
  • 41 1 PRICE 20 CENTS. THE MALAYAN Saturday Post I n it"" "Minn in i|n ii iMiMiiiniii iHHiinnitii in nm I Proprietors: THE. "MALAYA TRIBUNE" PR E.SS.LTD IL INCQBPORATtD IWTHIT STBAIT3 StmtHINTS rVU^ U>U VOL XI. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1933. NO. 28.
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    • 109 1 Mjfes vf vk/' t^. Hr ______iiil____f________r u__ Ci___. V ____^_____l' I A' ■_____\_L&_.' tS' *__b r > ________Bc*^_^ _______________________K___B_V H____D^____r^_ __.*v'll V t ____________^___T'________L^ i ____F __K& m ___/j_________i_____, r^ J Im lli _l II ii .SHIS} _________r r ____l^___t V\_X^ j^W^r JF.'/H I '_____nß__T ____>^________!v^v. ____D^ £2 Jr J\
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    • 45 2 THE Malaya Tribune I Press j Limited. 56-60, Anson Road, SINGAPORE. PRINTERS 1 OF THIS PUBLICATION The Malayan Saturday Posi THE JOR PRINTING DEPARTMENT J undertakes:— Book Work, iii Catalogues, ;•> Monthly Magazines, :j aid General l Jobbing Orders. in Prompt Execution of all Orders. 3Xtt-iXz\z)z-lzr:—:z:z:::z:z:z\V.
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    • 180 2 JE^jr youFs/cuta<m H *'*'^H T_i 1 m^SML&Z&'Z^mm >s ß^^. iHiEi Ii JL J W^Hi^P ■Tne fAvouRUE Mineral Waters IREGLYROLI is a great cure for DIABETES, lt was shown upon chemical 1 analysis that the quantity of sugar and acetone in the urine f of patients after a few days treatment
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  • THE Malayan Saturday Post
    • 8 1 THE Malayan Saturday Post SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1933.
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    • 606 1 Personalia... here And there in Malaya The marriage of Miss Aileen Doris Cantrell anl Mr. E. M. Scpular takes pla -e at St. Andrew's Church, Kuala Lumpur, thii afternoon. Mr. W. Arthur Wilson, Editor of the Malaya Tribune ami Malayan Saturday lost, proceeds Rome on leave bv the Lalandia," sailing
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    • 15 1 fr^m historv* Militarist ambition leads inevitably Will Japan learn a lesson from h,st<s.^ste|r
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      • 137 1 Th* "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST is owned and published by the Malaya Tribunß Press, Ltd., 56-60, Anson Road, Singaporß. Communications regarding Articles and Illustrations should be addressed to THE EDITOR; regarding Subscriptions and Advertisements, lo 77//. MANaAGER. Articles t sketches and photographs submitted for consideration should be accompanied by stamped and
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    • 879 2 commentary on current events. by the Editor. At the re: ent meeting of the F.M. S.R. Thrift and Loan Society the chairman took the opportunity of bidding farewell to the Director of Co-operation. Mr. Cavendish, who i> shortly retiring from Government service. Mr. Cavendish, he Sfcid, took charge
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    • 34 2 specially drawn for the "M.S.P by K G. Us I The British Preferences are being used by the F.M.S. for the unintended and illegitimate purpose of diverting trade from the Colony,
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    • 738 3 mirth without malice bv Quiz. Union means iftuaffh except when it's a Customs Union. Dead secrecy is observed about H P/l remarks when he that Report. oee He might try again with a smaller Committee: just the Connniss oner, T. and C, F.M.S., the General Manager, F.M.S.IL, and the
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    • 36 3 (Specially <i' awn for thg MSP" by Yan Kee Leon% I According to the intention revealed a while ago, school fees in Malaya arc to be increased at the end of this year.
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    • 676 4  -  Echo notes of lhe weeK I saii Unusual interest is being taken in the Malayan (iolf Championship tournament, to be played at Hukit Timah next week-end. Probablv never before in a Malayan event BBS' there been qnite such an array of crack players, any one of whom might
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      • 56 4 *sW V SCIENTIFICALLY CCIRECT CTS. LARGE TUBE I c\ j- Everywhere I p FOOLED!^ I FLIT is the quick, sure I K/ way to kill all germ- ml fcjk\ carrying insects Jjfe SpB FH* S fcSP^ 'o:*« > mmVmJL^ ;itj{i Mo*f« /A\ lilli' RoB t*v > Iff It U not
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    • 125 5 This photograph was taken on the occasion of the 1933 annual dinner of Malay students in London. It was presided over by Che Ma'arof H. Zako riah who recently passed his Bar final. Standing from left to right: Koh Ho Leng (Perak), Che Ahmad Ramli (Perak),
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    • 139 6 Kuala Lumpur's Amusement Park. The elegant entrance and hooking offices of the Great Eastern Park, Kuala Lumpur. A group photograph ol the District Office staff (Teluk Anson) taken on the departure ol Mr. N. K-Bain, as Keiident Councillor, Malae-ca. Seated (from left to right) Messrs. Ida Sohor. R. Rassaiah hew
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    • 2683 7  -  Radiator by THREE NEW WORLD'S RECORDS. DETAILED ACCOUNTS OF THE MOST THRILLING DRIVE IN HISTORY. Many Interesting Facts And Figures. Daytona, Feh. 22. In the wildest ride he has ever taken, Sir Malcolm Campbell covered the mile to-day at 272.106 m.p.h. to set the land speed
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    • 8725 8  -  AUSTIN FREEMAN Our Short Story. (BY It happened nor uncommonly that the exigencies <>t practice committed my friend Thorndyne to investigation thai lay more properly within the province oi the police. For problems thai bad arisen as secondary oonsequencet oi a criminal act could usually not he solved
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      • 40 12 V^f DEBILITY fin AMEM IA te^^&SCHIENS 'Syrup m il lh Ks\ Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radic*'! remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and itrcngth. Far better than serums, raw meat, Medicated wines, ete
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    • 1544 13  -  Cineque vv m \y^ "ot«?* *\bu\ nm "^JF-/ rSssaßl f <liled bv DINNER FOR TWELVE. A THUMB IN THE SOUP. A seven COUTSS dinner for twelve persons served at a tastefully decorated table has been one of the important scenes filmed by Thomas Bentley toi the new 8.1.P.
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    • 1517 14  -  ARTHUR KEMPNER Directors Should Trust to Their Eyes. (BY Having graduated to directing alter long experience as a camera man, Victor Fleming believes directors should trust more to tbeir eyes than the eye oi the camera. In other words, says this Metro-Uold-wyu-Mayer megaphonist whose most
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    • 423 15 STILL GOING STRONG 44 MY WIFE'S FAMILY POPULAR. Although somewhat later in release of this film than the other Empire countries, Canada has fallen for My Wile's Family in no uncertain manner, proving that this is a comedy whot i aoe, in the film sense of the word, is no
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      • 226 15 JKK«§^ iy. J Heat and the Nervea GDnquer the nerve -weakening influence of constant heat by strengthening your nerves with SANATOGEN t Thn Trnn Tonic -Food I BENZINE AND KEROSENE PRICES. ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO. (SS.), LTD. Prices for Shell Motor Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell
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    • 161 16 GLOVES TO BE WORN WITH BEACH PYJAMAS. Paris. Gloves t<> accompany beach pyjamas and made of the same material will he fashionable during the coming summer. The fashion experts hart state thai glOves tlii» year must not Wily match the hat ami -cart hut must also be in
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      • 182 16 WATCH S^#S 1933 B vv ?> 5 <ft- K .^BRs^^ w ■> '-v^V "Tess of the Storm Country' is the first Fox picture in several months to have Janet Gaynor and Charles Fcrrell in the stellar roles. COMING ALHAMBRA SHORTLY. •fc^^^^^^^^^^^^^t^s^sss Mint $$33^$&$3^$s3£g£3-i- r:: ii tj ih fj m impudent
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    • 93 17 A Kuala Lumpur Millionaire's Residence Flood-Lighted BY FLOOD-LIGHT .—A Kuala Lumpur millionaire's $100,000 bungabw— the property of Mr. Loke Yung Hong, n grandson of the late multi-millionaire, Towkay Loke Yew. Mr. Fan Choy Weng and Miss Lee Peck Chye, who were recently married at Kuala Lumpur. The Lunar Athletic Musical
      FLOOD-LIGHT  -  93 words
    • 94 18 Heavy Rain Causes A Swollen River at Kuala Lumpur. Th2S2 Singapore school children, like all others, enjoy sweets at play-time. Laying bags in the river bed at Kuala Lumpur, to prevent damage by food. The peanut seller it's an easy job! IN ICE-BOUND HOLLAND.— HoIIand in common with most parts
      Central News  -  94 words
    • Page 19 Advertisements
      • 66 19 20 5 j PAGES CENTS? Every WEDNESDAY jj SATURDAY MALAYA TRIBUNE is now 20 pages' and INCLUDES A FULL PAGE OF PICTURES I 1 COMPETITORS in the current photographic competition will greatly enhance their chances of winning a substantial PRIZE by using IKOfNH Cameras. Zeiss Ikon cameras j are obtainable
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      • 317 19 V*^^«*^M»^M_»^M V B M^ kM^ M New Eveready I &Hf^B flashlights j Greatly Reduced Prices. j f Regular Evererdy Superior Quality, Workmanship j and Material j For Sale Everywhere mm-i I iiiS*it* I TRADB MARK 2 j Metal Top Unit Cell. I_SSJ Paten- throughout fc^j FLASHLIGHTS BATTERIES the world. I
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    • 1217 20  -  Charles Pilgrim re sFm\ wnlers Lfy_ WHAT LONDON IS READING. LADY CXFORD AND LADY RHCNDDA: WHO KILLED THE COLLECTOR TH E EPIC OF AN INN. vßy London, Mai. 14. Some lime ego, Lady Uxfortl wrote and published her "Autobiography. n u;i> a lively book, containing a large a
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    • 236 20 ALICE ON THE STAGE. ["Alice's Adventures in U'ondc tiand"and Through the Looking Glass," by Lewii Carroll" dramatised by W A. learn and Henry typhus Maemillan and Co., Lid., with paper covers gd. each, limp cloth is. each.] These dramatisations ot the immortal "Alice" stories were prepared specially for the Centenary
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    • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 309 21 A GIRL WHO WANTED LIFE." L" Kept Man,' 1 by Rosalind Wade. Chapman and Hall, Ltd., ~s. 6d.\ There was abundant excuse for Frankie. Aged 20, healthy <>[ body, alert an.l inquisitive of nnnd, and immured in a dial) household in the deadliest of small towns, ihe
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    • 320 21 THRILLER BY A NEW AUTHOR. I" The Death Pack," by Ray Sonin.' The Tenland Press, js. dd.] Malaya has a special interest in this first novel, since the author is hditor ot British Malaya," the monthly journal published in London. And it II an exceptionally
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    • 154 21 Urn a I Price. N»w THE STORY OF THE WORLD'S LITERATURE" By John Macy (Fully Illustrated) 510 pages. $7-50 5-00 'THE LAST CRUISE OF THE SHANGHAI" By DeWitt Wells (Illustrated) 244 pages. $9-00 6-Ov) ''BURMA AS I SAW IT" (1889-1917) 234 pages. By R. Grant
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    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 102 21 Throbbing Pain y„g. N^ IHE acute pains l o\\ produced by sprains quickly 'Jl yield toSloan's Liniment. When tr{\ applied to the aching part it ''^WjL "tf V JT stimulates circulation instantly; I t| v II yr produces a swift action by the m \-*l'3 blood stream that soon drives
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      • 83 21 FOR WEAK DIGESTION AND i CONSTIPATION USE i OUR FAMOUS "ATANK NIGRAH PILLS" 32 Pills for 80 cents only. The Pills are a sure euro for urinary diseases, for all diseases rej suiting from youthful indulgence, I imparting wonderful strength and I vigour, aiding digestion and there- by increasing and
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    • 367 22 DID YOU KNOW THAT a ray make the air seem stuffy? (By Our Scientific Correspondent.) Why do rooms heated by radiators, warm air, gas fires, and electric fires so often get stuffy, even though the ventilation seems to be adequate? As a result of investigating this problem. Sir Leonard Hill,
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    • Page 22 Advertisements
      • 26 22 Toolh Paste is esseiitialltj an article tii confidence. ijoh mat] friext i?m ■■■mm :pnv U iiUBMPFJMI SSSmW* w. O Q r IAROf TUBf CO CIS. Everywhere
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    • 1152 23  - ..WOMAN'S VIEWPOINT. Philine I.4&CM i/r-H b» n y XVmnr^Zl* A MAYFAIR NOTEBOOK. YOUNG MAYFAIR WILL NOT GO VICTORIAN: THE QUEEN'S GIFTS SOLD IN A LONDON MARKET: FASHION FEATURES. (By London, Siar. 14. The Portrait Exhibition ol Edwardian Beauties, now being aeld in town, lias stiired tender memories in the winds
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    • 965 23  -  Marian (By STUFFED BRINJALS. (Egg Plant.) Wash a good sized e*rir plant, cover with boiling water with a little salt added and boil till half done. Cut into half lengthwise and carefully remove the inside leaving a little flesh round the shell. Mix the pulp with a little
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      • 113 24 BfV UJw™ „b\e v° u WE9 I s be S^ c ov r o^' xSeS J&A*** 1 q^ 0 0 dS tfv.** \e* be 1 ■>^iLi^^ ~*mm&m>mr-^mm-r- irJL- -Ll ll V E W m m Y ALWAYS KEEP WITH YOU A POT OF J AMRUTANJAN A SOVEREIGN REMEDY For j
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    • 2883 25 LONDON... LETTER. s OLD COUNTRY. London, March 14. THE EMIGRATION PUZZLE. When those great waves uf emigration Iron the old countries of Kurope to the nrw eonntriei of North America, Australia, Se%\ Zealand and Smith Africa slowed down and then virtually stopped, economists were >orelv puzzled. Emigration bad long seemed
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    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 120 26 THE MALAYAN SATURDAY POST (Illustrated) 56-60. Ansoa Koad. Singapore. ADVERTISING RATES: Per month. On (Front and Bak). Full Page $100.00 Halt Page 50 00 1/3 Page 14.00 On Inside Cover. Pages II and 111. Full Page SKJ.OO Half Page 45.00 1/3 Page 11.00 Contracts for positions sn cover minimum period
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    • 295 27 ENGLAND v. NEW ZEALAND. The Second Test between England and New Zealand, like the first, had to be abandoned on Monday Thc scores were: Scores NEW ZEALAND, lst Innings. Mills b Bowes 0 Whitelaw b Bowes 12. Weir h Bowes 0 Dempster not out 83 Kerr lbw. b Voce
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    • 741 27  -  K.O. Rivers and Ellis Leave The Colony. SULLIVAN ANXIOUS TO FIGHT GRAHAM AGAIN. (tii It is not always the boxen in the heavier divisions who provide the thrills. Aircraftsman Graham nnd Niekv Sullivan have staged two of tbe besi tights that have been promoted
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    • 2015 28 The English And Scottish I cogues aT^"- m m How the side* are shaping m The Arsenal, *ho an risiting Mi Idlesbiough to-day, bave only six games more lu roinplete their beauge pro- Shefl I Wednesday i in band and the Magpies and the Villa two more
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    • 54 29 FROM THE CHINA WAR ZONE One of the pilaces I i at Jehol which have now fallen into Japan- j ese hands. I a I Chinese infantrymen checking a Japanese advance In the hills of Jehol. i-rKAAAI ine inumpnani National-Socialists S. A. THK SA/A L Kh'tK <&■£ '^ore the Brandenburg
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    • 144 30 THE QUEEN VISITS B A B IES' HOSTEL.— Some i)\ the staff of the in w hostel ot the Natio.ial Children Adoption Assoi iation, which the Queen opened at Sydenham Hill. S.F.. urtseying to her Majesty during her tour <!' inspection. Central News I NOTABLE INDIANS IX I LONDON. Sheik
      Central News  -  144 words
    • 727 31  -  RIMAU (BY Saturday's mutch at Jalan lie. sur, bei ween me Malay- and Chinese proved that tliese two Bides are going lo have a big say in tbe hnal issue in both tlie League and (Singapore Cup competitions this year, w ith the il ish
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    • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 1049 32 THIRD DIVISION. March 16— Monopolies beat 5.11.8. 15- -Abattoirs beat Med. Services 2— U. 17— P.S. beat V.M. C.A. 3-0. 22 Marine beat'i. 40. 23-i-P.S. beat Monopolies 4-0. 24— Chinese beat Y.M.C.A. 2 1. o<>— S.H.B. beat Muni. Services 2—o. COMMERCIAL CUP Results of matches
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      • 44 32 %Jk "M _fIW fll Jm MmT —m*——. mm vK^zSiL -£$n. >I^_^ (~m U m\ Pa /re C Thai' keeps I'eefh 'BrilllanTwilh LusFie, and ir e e fr d m De c ay. m i Oofs in* bit Ei/e/yk/herc t !CmZl P^ In^e rube. j^p^u!
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    • 1088 33 repeated itself for, after dismissing their Visitors for only 7!) runs, th" Ceylonese tailed to perform what to them in ordinary circumstances would ha\e been a comparatively easy ta^k. They were all out for li2, the S.K.C. thus winning by 17 runs. m T. Leijssius, who
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    • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 857 34 day by 44 runs oa the Club Pa lang. lairing first lease ol the wickets, the mo compiled score ol 96, Anderson who opened lhe batting I sing top-SCOTST with '-'2. Stouter (formerlj ol Singa•pore) wa« the most sue «ssful visiting I owler, claiming foui wicket,
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    • 221 34 Following are the M.C.C. averages for all matches played in Austra'ia: X net out Also batted; Hobbs 1-44-44-0; P. F. Warner 1-1-1-0. Also bow.ed: Wyatt 18-2-74-1; Leyland 17-2-1-77-2; Ames 16-1-51-1; Jardine 13--3-42-0; Sutcliffe 4-0-21-0; Nawab of Pataudi 1-0-12-1. Innings. Runs. Highest Not Average Score. Out. Sutcliffe 22 1.436
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      • 236 35 ASSETS EXCEED $12,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. [INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SBTTLBMBNTS). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, £.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court ot England and complies with the British
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      • 97 35 New Exclusive Stories J And Articles Are Appearing In The I MALAYAN j SATURDAY i^HHMH______MMiMll^BM<«B__.i_...^MHHM^ »POST I AND THE MALAYA I TRIBUNE They are contributed by such famous writers as I H. G. WELLS I 1 SAPPER JOHN BUCHAN AUSTIN FREEMAN A. E. W. MASON BARONESS ORCZY 1 SABATINI ETHEL
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