Malayan Saturday Post, 14 January 1933

Total Pages: 40
1 38 Malayan Saturday Post
  • 13 1 THE MALAYAN Saturday Post VOL XI. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1933. NO. 16.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 143 1 By Special appointment *o Ib. HD. sbe Ikino of Siam. KSTD. 1572. 'il 0 Genuine Cut Crystal Ware 1 \ff FOR THE BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED HOME. EFFECTIVE MODERN DESIGNS THAT WILL COMMAND WPSgf I;! X ATTENTION AND ADMIRATION. ■jffljf 2 *L™ LLy LARGEST SELECTION OF EVERYTHING USEFUL. Singapore, B. P. De
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 71 2 0 a a?S 8sa e sasasaHSefflsasas2Szscs2sa^ jjj !THE I Malaya Tribune I Press 1 j Limited. I ijj 56-66, Anson Road, jjj SINGAPORE. I PRINTERS I 1 OF THIS I I PUBLICATION I The Malayan Ktn I Saturday Post) aaß^^aßßßaaaßßaW" 11- fc THE JOB PRINTING 1 DEPARTMENT I undertakes:— Book
      71 words
    • 72 2 aut J Aram J A J^^\ fw'aV 1 jA_»*^* ■Hie lavourite Mineral Waters Atew Eveready i! K^l flashlights mV f fc, Tia Baaai W-\mmm\ <■*■ t' I Regular Eveready Superior j ii^^^H Quality. Workmanship j laaaaaaaaaaaaan 8 HaaaaaaaH Malefial aaaaaaaaaaaaaaKll 1 For Sale Everywhere I i^>n, trade mark Metal top
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  • THE Malayan Saturday Post
    • 8 1 THE Malayan Saturday Post SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1933.
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    • 71 1 The "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST is owned and published by the Malaya Tribune Press, Ltd., 56-60, Anson Road, Singapore. Communications regarding Articles and Illustrations should be addressed to THE EDITOR; regarding Subscriptions and Advertisements, to Till'. MANAGER. Articles, sketches and photographs submitted for consideration should be accompanied by stamped and a'ddresss'd
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    • 56 1 Page. Editorials 2 •'Sparkles,' 1 by "Quiz" 3 Sports Notes, by Echo"... 4 Malayan Sports News and Pictures 5 Golf, by Joyce Wethered 9 Home Soccer 10 Motoring II Talkie Topics 13 Photographic Section 17, 18, 19 and 20 Literary Notes 22 Woman's Viewpoint 25 London
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    • 156 1 The animals and birds who served and lost their lives in the Great War have not been forgotten, for monuments are being erected to them in many coun tries. It is not generally known that some twenty thousand pigeons were killed while saving die Allied forces alone, while
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    • 543 1 Personalia here and there in Malaya. The Hon. Col. Cecil Rae, of Ipoh, lias been renominated as Commissioner for Rotary International for the Provisional District of Malaya and Siam. Mr. J. Lee, Principal of St. Andrew's School, Singapore, and Mrs. Lee have returned from leave. Mr. Lee was rather seriously
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    • 1366 2 commentary on curreni evenis. by the Editor. His Excellency kindly complied with the request of the Penang papers for a New Year's Message. He sent them the following i "We have 8888 through severe trial in Malaya during 1932, as it was impossible for this peninsula, although sheltered
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    • 865 3 B^rafllavWaa^i '■Baal BBnTTC IH l^^ffi Baß^^^Ti^l^aß****(**fptr Js-Jm Wanted A miracle to knock the Mai out of Malaya." B B The Sin has already gone out of Singapore no-one can afford it. 0 0 9 Praised be the names of Hake ani Clementi says Mr. Ward-Jackson, as contributor to a
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    • 20 3 (Specially M for the M.S.P. by Yan Kee Leong.) The world does not value our principal commodity
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    • 836 4  -  Echo I /.iX xv .TEZmiLiTXaXaQa fIXW" I '#ffi And so Singapore are in the rugger final after all, and gallant MalaccaNegri are denied the reward of heroic entieavour! It is the luck of the game, and there is no arguing with that. All the same, the Combined XV
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    • 267 4 Jean Borotra, who is taking part in an international tournament on the covered courts of the Lawn Tennis Club de Paris, wants to give the French capital a covered Wimbledon." He has a plan for enlarging the Tennis Club de Paris^, on whose courts he won his early laurels, and
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    • 18 4 (Specially drawn for the M.S.P." by Yan Kee Leong.) Is China worshipping false gods
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    • 3968 5  -  RIMAU (BY A thoroughly interesting series of matches, which produced a number of very unexpected results, reaches its climax at Kuala Lumpur to-day, when Singapore and Selangor meet in the twelfth Malaya Cup final. Singapore have as unexpectedly emerged champions of the South as have Selangor
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    • 1587 9 XIX.— THE ART OF PUTTING. Too much trouble cannot be taken in learning the putting stroke. Good putting is far and away the most effective form of attack in the golfer's game. Unless a certain amount of success is to depended on when we reach the green, our previous efforts
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    • 1786 10 &Jhe rni)(i§h Aud ScoHis.. l^u£f| T flaw -ill the First Division teams JftfSSS ini %2 rf the Enilish F.A. Cup competition JJ I fnterSrt for the time b«n« _.n „„„,„.< wil be suspended. Th< P^aKsitionsintheFi«tD.vj«oo r h e English Lew* show at the Arsenal arc by no
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    • 7 11  -  Radiator r,*& i*<M-iM»O QO*Sllisrp **^3 »>
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    • 424 11 E)WER YG CHASSIS SPACE FOR PASSENGERS. Recent developments in the commercial vehicle field inspire speculation as to the rather attractive possibilities of .shifting the engine of a private car from its present location in front to a position ■midships, under the floor. For some time it has been
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    • 182 11 A gradient of i in 3 is an angle of us degrees ;6 minutes. Lithium is the lightest metal and has a specific gravity of .543. A one-ton car climbing 1 in 10 at ?p ni.h.p. reouires 18 b.h.p. for the gradient alone. Braking at a
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    • 1390 11 harm done to cylinders and Pistons. < >ne should never chive Straight aw iy Irom cold, relying upon a rich mixture induced by the liberal use ot Uie Strangle! to make the engine pull. This is definitely harintui lo the cylinder walls and pistons, as the oil
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    • Page 11 Advertisements
      • 113 11 I KEEPS JUL 1 Exposure to tropical heat wJuSJt Jfr g M or to sudden temperature B?i 5% I changes quickly exhausts |-lf^-^ 3 Iv^Sl bodih energ) and -tain- IfeP^ *T A^laV% ina. aterbury's Com- rS^S A"-' t^[/^OaW pound is unexcelled in fe^^f; combating these run- down conditions, in re-
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    • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • Article, Illustration
      1091 13 fjr m%**m\f% And ne\vs^^^Jrj ritMl AND. Edited by tme que. "SLEEPLESS NIGHTS" RETAINED. The brilliant and sparkling "musical' "Sleepless Nights," which went into the programme of the Regal, Marble Arch, for a premiere West End run, has proved such an unqualified success that despite prior eitragements it has
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    • 131 13 casi enters the cast upon completion of his part in A Fax e well to Arms." Janney has appeared before the cameras in u Two Seconds," A Successful Calamity and The Crooner." RICARDO CORTEZ. Ricardo Cortez, who gained his first screen recognition with Paramount, returns to that
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    • 1286 14 Are Women Dressing to Please Men? AT THE PAVILION. "Why be monotonous in your hair modes? Change them as you change your dresses," is the advice of Edith Hubner, chief hairdresser at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios. Miss Hubner is "Edie" to practically all the feminine
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    • 1054 15 AND THE STARS DRINK MILK! An exciting and realistic scene that introduces both a cabaret star and a surprise police raid in a fashionable night club has been filmed bv Harry Hughes for his 8.1.P. film, His Night Out." It is indeed a night out for
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    • 453 15 THE REASON THEY ARE HAPPY. Young actors of to-day are lucky, according to Charlie Ruggles, featured in Parainount's Night of June 13." In the days when he began his acting career, young men were not allowed to play youthful or sympathetic roles. Instead they worked their
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    • 247 16 Gary Cooper has just returned from rf New York vacation, following the completion of A Farewell to Anns at the Paramount studi<.>. He flew both w a vs. Elista Landi, who plays the Christian virgin in Cecil li. DeMille's Paramount spectacle, The Sign of the Cross," i>
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    • Page 16 Advertisements
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    • 95 17 BUTTERFLY DANCERS POSE FOR THE CAMERA. These little girls on the right are pupils attending the Chinese Girls' School, Kuala Lumpur. During the holidays tlvy took part in a school concert, and rive a very excellent butterfly dance exhibition. A groin of revellers taken at the New Year's ball at
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    • 49 18 An excellent photograph taken at the opeihg ceremony, on Christmas Eve, ot the New Malacca City Park. The Hon. Mr. Tan O.'M at the opening and there was a large crowd present at the ceremony, MINISTERIAL CRISIS IN FRANCE. -M. Chautemos being CHINA'S LEADERS MfET
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    • 30 19 .oik. C.B.E., officiated Photograph taken on the occasion o: the Third Plenary Session or the Central Executive Committee ol the Kuomintang held recently at Nanking.
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    • 79 20 HOLLYWOOD AMUSEMENT PARK FOR KUALA LUMFUR. The above oictu e shows the progress on the new Hollywood Amusement Park which is being built tor Kuala Lumpur and will be ope led shortly. On thc left is a 20-fi. oython which has been in captivity at Tanjon Pa«nr lor t number
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    • Article, Illustration
      138 21 Hairdresser: What do you think of the political situation, sir?" Customer M The same as you do." Hairdresser Dot how do you know what my views are?" Customer: I don't, but you've got the razor." What started the Grand Canyon?" A Scotsman lost a penny in a Wife: Jack, I
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    • 149 21 A mansion house was sold by auction in Glasgow for 5 shillings. It was the "wedding house" of the late Mr. \V. H. Coats, millionaire thread magnate. It contains a hall, a cloakroom, two public-rooms, a kitchen, four bedrooms, bathrooms, nursery, bathroom, and a large storeroom.
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    • Page 21 Advertisements
      • 222 21 I REGLYROL I is a great cure for DIAPETES. It was shown upon chemical i analysis that the quantity of sugar and acetone in the urmo j of patients after a few days treatment with his preparation was j i reduced to a minimum, if not eliminated altogether, while the
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      • 103 21 j FOR WEAK DIGESTION AND CONSTIPATION USE j OUR FAMOUS "ATANK NIGRAH PILLS" 32 Pills for 80 cents only. j The Pills are a sure cure for urinary diseases, for all diseases re- j j suiting from youthful indulgence, I i imparting wonderful strength and vigour, aiding digestion and there-
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    • Article, Illustration
      1772 22  -  Charles Pilgrim WHAT LONDON IS READING, BEDROOMS OR WAGONS LITS: MR. PRIESTLEY SUPPLIES THE PLOT: THE DANCING SWAN. (By Just now, there is a fasjiion for novels which contain a group of plots dealing with several groups of characters confined in a small space. It may be that
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    • Page 23 Advertisements
      • 172 23 THE MALAYAN SATURDAY POST (Illustrated) 56-60, Anson Road, Singapore. ADVERTISING RATES: Per month. On cover (Front and Back, Full Page $100.00 half Page W-W 1/3 Page 34.00 On Inside Cover. Pages II and 111. Full Page «U.OO Half Page 46.00 1/3 Page 31.00 Contracts for positions on cover minimum period
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    • 642 24 SOME HINTS FOR YOUNG CRICKETERS. Run the first run as fast as you can. Turn quickly the moment you have grounded your bat, aud go, il it is safe, a yard or two up the wicket. Vou are both then ready for another run, especially if
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    • Page 24 Advertisements
      • 190 24 THE MOST COMPLETE ESTABLISHMENT OF ITS I KIND I!* THE WHOLE OF MALAYA. i Singapore Casket Co., UNDERTAKERS, I Monumental Masons j Marble Meredants Telephone No. 6075 Nos. 1 3, PENHAS ROAD, AFTER OFFICE HOU RS Telephone No. 6072. I I THE MALAYAN SATURDAY POST. (ILLUSTRATED) 56-60, Anson Road, Singapore.
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    • 1305 25  - WOMAN'S .VIEWPOINT. Philine fashions And fancies -tropical recipes.! by Thilioe. I A MAYFAIR NOTEBOOK. THE PALACE ORGANISES FOR BRITAIN'S UNEMPLOYED: BEWARD OF 'SLIMMING': SPRINGTIME MILLINERY. (By London, Dec. 20. While the last few days of the old year are slipping by, the world on the whole becomes unusually thoughtful. There
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    • 1259 26 (By Marian.") APPLE AND BROWN BREAD Mix two cups brown bread crumbs, 2 cti; i hopped apples, three quarter pped suet, ball a nip brown sugar, one cup raisins, tablespoon! flour and half a teas.ocn salt in a basin Add <ne cup miik i\ith one egu beaten together
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    • Page 26 Advertisements
      • 99 26 Muscle strains /&sAi Violent exercise W strains muscles; often K^ causes aches or pains. (gfg /yv\ v But Sloan's Liniment \___Z dtmttm^ mWm. brings quick relief. Just apply it gently, without rubbing. Instantly, you feel their equipment. a soothing warmth, a vigorous You, too, should V*^ circulation of the blood.
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    • Article, Illustration
      2258 27 LONDON LETTER MANY NEW FIGHTING SHIPS. London, Dec. JO. Naval men are discussing the ne\> secrets revealed by the 1932 edition ot that admirable work, Jane's Fighting Ships," which has just been published The new volume, which disclose details of the hush hush ships ol the !>ast year, makes it
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    • Page 28 Advertisements
      • 128 28 m':'-''<__\: __^r •■••'•'^.'••'•''bß I A__ _9^ Lbb^^LbV m^K> tai /blood SUCKING ijXjM (poisoner \lY] (fl I "tl A W •'■■•'•'''^W bbbbbTl bbbbbTJ 3 .\yL >VIWW'. Tlie mosquito stabs you without warn- I ing, sucks \oiir life blood, and leaves gT^"" in it^ place (lead l) poison! Thousands Lta^ die year
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    • 345 29 reception notes JM technical tips. r Edited by,^^ Radiof™ r HOW MUSIC IS BROADCAST. DIFFICULTIES OF THE 8.8.C. ENGINEERS. aniouut of information on every possible point iu the great broadcasting chain. Dr. Adrian Boult, Director of Musi: at tlie 8.U.C., gave the secoud ot Ins series of
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    • 176 29 The 1933 Year Book of the 8.8.C. (price -25., published by the British .broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, Loudonj is a revealing document—a mirror of the corporate mind responsible lor the enormous machine winch provides over live million homes with entertaiumeut aud instruction. We see in
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    • 141 29 LINKING UP AERODROMES. The shortest wave-length of any wireless service in the world is to be used between Lympue (Kent) and St. In^leVert (France; aerodromes for the crossChannel trallic of aircraft not equipped with radio sets. The wave-length will be 15 centimetres (six inches). The distance
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    • 152 29 A SIMPLE TEST FOR MAINS SETS. Without carrying out an eliminative test, it is always difficult to determine whether an excessively loud background of mains hum is due to an A.C. receiver itself or to the field supply of the moving-coil loud speaker. The
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    • 80 29 NEWSPAPER MEN VISIT DAVENTRY. The Empire Broadcasting station oi the 8.8.C. at Daventry was revealed to the public gaze for the first time in mail week, when a small party of home and Empire Press representatives was enabled to view the new transmitters and inspect the directional aerial
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    • 134 29 There are a lot of rumours about the affairs of the 8.8.C. Dance Orchestra. These are due in part at least to the secrecy in which certain important changes were nude recently. Mr. Gerald Cock, the enterprising Outside Broadcast Director of the 8.8.C, is m general
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    • 231 29 LIMITATION OF DISTANCE LAI t_Ml !\LU. jilk'ii iUiiji-UiM.aiiLe l'aaio transmiteasuiig puipoacs, taivvs piacv; oa .uavcIfcUglUa vcitocen about i- alia ou ilieiies. specuii. service* aim certam amount oi experimental wui'K ua& laKea piace on waveieugtns in the region y io xj metier, which can ue received over lung
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    • 135 29 The ultra-short-wave transmitter of the 8.8.C. at Broadcasting House is now being used lor television by the Baird System. These special transmissions are sent out on a wavelength of 7.3 metres on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3 to 5 p.m. Images with ninety lines up to
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    • 306 30 WIRELESS STATIONS RECEIVED IN MALAYA. Wave. Station. Time. (Singapore) 80 Rome (Italy) :R0 Daily frora 10 p.m. 70.2 Khabarovsk (U.S.S. R.) Daily from 5 p.m. 62.5 Long Island, W2XV Friday, 8 to 10 p.m. 58 Pi ague Tues. and Pit 3.30 a.m. 50 Kuala Lumpur (M.A.R.S.) lues, and Tri. 6.30
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    • 333 30 MR. WARNER ON BARRACKING. A Melbourne message to The Brisbane Courier," says: 11 Do you think it is dignified that a match between the two greatest cricketing countries in the world should be interrupted by a certain amount of noise?" asked the co-manager of the English team (Mr.
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    • Page 30 Advertisements
      • 249 30 "MALAYA TRIBUNE." 20 Pages For 5 Cents Every Saturday. WEEK-END SUPPLEMENT FOR THE HOME. The Saturday •'Tribune" has *w Extra Supplement of Tour Pages. 1 his Supplement contains SXCtuStvS Air Mail artieles, thc Toys' Comer, the Girls' Comer, Notes for Women, Took Comments, Motoring Notes and a section under the
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    • Page 30 Miscellaneous
      • 233 30 |j PHONE 4198. LjtfJSi^ PHONE 4198 MB )t \*ADIo!b!sOUK»# ftflQH We are Iviaiaya's Leading Stockists of the most Comprehensive I Range of RADIO AND MA INS COMPONENTS etc., Just unpacked the latest from Olympia Show. Marconiphone Pick-ups W T earite Screened H. F. Chokes L Wearite O.ti Oscillators and 0.T.1
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    • 1120 31  -  K.O. The Rivers-Brady Encounter: Graham's Professional Debut. (By The Rivers-Brady fight at the New World on Friday last week has caused much comment in lx>xing circles. A lot of blame has been laid on the American for not making a fight ol it. In
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    • 42 32 DEATH SENTENCE ON AFGHAN VILLAGER. For abusing God, the Holy Prophet and the Quoran during an alteration with a fellow-villager, one Mulla Jamadin, has been sentenced to death by the "Court for the Administration of Religious Justice" at Kabul.
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    • 143 32 BRITAIN. SEPARATE COLONY ON SOUTH COAST. London, Dec. 17. A colony for Britons from India is now being developed at Hastings-on-the-sea. The fall in the value of the sterling has driven scores of retired Indianers from the Riveira resorts nnd many are now migrating to the south coast
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    • 53 32 A remarkable flight over the Himalayas has been perforate 1 by aircraft of No. ll and No. 39 Squadrons, Hart machines with Kestrel engines. In the flight of hundreds of miles over mountains, tlie 'planes rose to a height of Ave miles when passingover Mount
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    • 107 32 "Do you happen to be going far, sir!" said the inquisitive traveller to the man in the corner seat, after having reduced everyone else in the compartment to silent frenzy. "Oh, no only to Scotland," replied the other, sarcastically. Tm a commercial traveller. My age is fortysix. I'm married, and
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    • 346 32 FIRST MOTION PICTURE DIRECTOR. The distinction of being Hollywood's first motion picture director is claimed by Tom Ricketts, now playing a character role in Paramount's He Learned About Women,'' featuring Stuart Erwin, Alison Skipworth and Susan Fleming. When Ricketts, a director for the old Nestor Company, brought his
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    • Page 32 Advertisements
      • 67 32 To Banish Pain /jTjf I^T^L Take ©oj^'s (BAYErJ /fl VS, lcit Original Ll >I^Y\l^s£- a^ss^r G^'sASPIRIN V/ jl/k\ ir^S^ Tablets give certain \V Vw ___wm I ____\^r and speedy relief in headvV VW ill I ache, toothache, earache, \\\^W mWlii 111 1 ---\m^r rheumatism, neuralgia, influVv^k ljjju f||i(| enza and
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    • Commercial Intelligence.
      • 376 33 NO IMPROVEMENT IN STATISTICAL "POSITION. Rubber shareholders can find little about which 1 to become enthusiastic in the latest figures. It has been pointed out that the reduction in shipments so lar this year (up to the end of November exj>orts from Malaya have declined from 484,000 tons to
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      • 270 33 Lumut possesses a proud record in having continuously paid annual dividends throughout t)ie slump which followed the post-war inflation period in 1920 and so far through the current period of depression. The directors now reconuneiid a dividend of 2_ per cent, in respect of the year to
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      • 21 33 (Specially dt awn for the M.S.T." by Yaw Kee Leong) IV rhaps the stock might be. changed
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      • 499 33 A nation launching into the uncharted sea of Protection, whether it be Protection by tariffs or Protection by quotas, may have something to learn trom experience painfully garnered elsewhere. Prom that point of view an article in The Times, from the pen of its Pan* correspondent, has
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      • 215 33 P. O. PROSPECTS. Over i5,ooo,oo«o tons of world shipping was laid up in 1932, as compared with 10,500,000 tons in 1931 and 5,000,000 tons in 1930. Twenty per cent, of sea-carrying capacity of all tke nations is idle for lack of trade. The Hon. Alexander Shaw, the chairman, stated at
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    • 278 34 SHIPS AND SUBSIDIES. Mr. Baldwin drew attention the other day to the menace to the British mercantile marine of subsidised foreign competition, and it is becoming evident that unless remedies of some kind are adopted a large part of our great shipping industry will be
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    • Article, Illustration
      28 34 IN' THF ROW.-A tno of vouthful riders attracting much, interest ,n Hvde Park, ait he three sons of Mr. Sawada, Counsellor of the Japanese *rta», London (Central News.)
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    • 352 34 The necessity for organised action to improve tiie position of tea producers is borne out by the omission of interim dividends by several of the most important North Indian companies. The Doom Dooma group (consisting of Doom Dooma, Pabbojan, Deamoolie, Tara and Rupai) announce that owing to
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    • 520 34 "ECONOMIST'S" COMMENTS. "The Economist" writes: The Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Procedure, which was issued last week as a White Paper, contains some important recommendations for improving the wholly ineffective means of controlling public expenditure at present enjoyed by the
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    • 1301 35 I .Current Quotations. Jm (Supplied bv Messrs. Fraser and Co., Union Building, Singapore, specially for the Malayan Saturday Post-") ,00,000 i 10% a/c. ji.ia.3l ASAM KUMBANG >■■ »j/6 2 5/6 5/. 10% for year 30. 6.32 AVER HITAM »/6 11/6 300,000 1 nil for year 31.12.31 HANGRIN
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    • Page 37 Advertisements
      • 399 37 ASSETS EXCEED $12,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British
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    • Page 38 Advertisements
      • 126 38 I WATCHES EYE GLASSES g A*• -.*.-\CPT LEVEL: TAVANXES CYMA OOLMILLKI xmUMD LET* -r^EMSSmS. '"^S^SST 30U L0 im itATiaiw Aim ieai t f il ZX£L r*ZT '< TORTOIfIESHELL I t nBSI QVALffI LDSES t Zi-sr i *rar *-mf WHITK AND CBOOKEI GLASS ac'-s X iobt mruie bi t s*^t -t*
        126 words