Malayan Saturday Post, 15 October 1932

Total Pages: 40
1 4 Malayan Saturday Post
  • 9 1 THE Malayan Saturday Post S^TU.IDAY, f. CTGEER 15, 1932.
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  • 690 1 Personalia... here And there In Nala^a. We regret to hear that Mr. J. H. M Robson, C.H.K. of Kuala Lumpur, is unwell and confined to the bouse. Mr. 11. 15. Fmnont Hake, of Messrs. Harrisors, Marker and Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, s expected to arrive from Home by the "Corfu"
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 112 1 CONIENTS. Spcrts Notes, by "Echo" 3 "Sparkles," by "Quiz" 4 Local Shorts News and Kore Soccer 8 Sports Gleanings 9 Woman's Viewpoint 10 Motoring Notes 12 Lrndon Leiter 14 Photographic Sjpp e;nent 17-20 Talkie Tooics 21 Racio 25 Gclf, by Joyce Wethered 30 Comn ercial News 32 i I VITAL
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  • 1216 2 commonlarv on current events. l*y tHe i«litor. I üblic < pinion aid the Press «1«> seem to lmvc >.)inc putenrv in Malawi. Hut for them the Board of the Rubber Kese; n h In titllle "f Malawi would '.vrt. inly not have decided at their meeting on Friday
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  • Article, Illustration
    760 3 ESS no!<»s of Iho \vot?l\ HO Robert Craik last week-end won a new gpll honour, when he became champion of the S.G.C. He now has the Malayan, Singapore, S.G.C. and Keppel titles in his record, and no other player in this country can rival it. He was merciless
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Article, Illustration
    823 4 sda a 3 Sir Samuel VtTsoii is, I Rather, to spend Armistice Day in Klan.n. A A This need m t 1 e taken as m^ii thai a tntce will if declared in Malaya in Ilie "New Policy* 1 conflict. A Tbe ".-'ta I Vic 11" has been sent
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 158 4 REGLYROL is a great cure for DIABETES. It was shown upon chemical analysis that the quantity of sugar and acetone in the uni'e f j oi patients after a few days treatment wfch his preparation was 1 reduced to a minimum, if nut eliminated altogether, while the J various organ*
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  • 1367 5  - Literary Notes books and their writers. Charles Pilgrim (By WHAT LONDON IS READING. A Pre-Raphaelite Tragedy— Science And The Fairy Tale— England's Greatest Showman. London. Sept. 28 (by Air Mail). The book which seems, at the moment, to be attracting more press attention than anv other is 'Th Wife of
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  • 874 6 SINGAPORE EVENTS. RVGIiY FOOT HALL. The S.C.C. lost i eir firsl XV o.j itui i S.C.< v I Lhe op| o iition by th< Public Servfces R.F.i The i oi* defeat was nol I Sen fees scored I Iri i (14 \A\.) an I the S.C. three triej
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  • 1019 7 NEWS PICTURES. competition at the Island Club lasl week. BADMINTON. The Singapore championship finals will be played at the Dril Hail, Beach Road, to-morrow afternoon. The finalists are, Ladies: Miss L. M. Fennefather (holder) and Miss E. d..\ Silva; men, E. J. Vass (fielder) a::<i oee Gim Hock. The Happilads
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  • 2042 8 To-da y's Home Football. V THE ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH LEAGUES. tUk Th« Sdts Are Shaping. The Vi:iu enterta n tho Blades today al l [oing oji furm shown far, they BiiOJlfl maintain their unbuaian lecord. Hfewaua;*, one ca.i. ne%'er be too certain. The Arsaiiul will have a diffi -:lt a<k.
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  • 640 9 SPORTS CLEANINGS FROM HERE AND THERE. Lord Tennyson, ihe Hampshire Cap tain, sailed for Australia at the end r>f September on private business Aftetwards he will go to New Zealand Ihe Xew Zealand Rugby Council has, at a special meeting, passed a resojutioti assuring the English Union of its loyalty
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  • 401 9 4 Bulls" Not Having Things Their Own Way. The bull I are by 11:) m: .ins havm«r thing3 all their own way in theii efforts lo push up the price of rubber, and this week's sharp setback from 3';;(1. to 2%d. per 1b. serve3 a useful
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 72 9 ASSETS EXCEED $12,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000 The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, limited. (IXCORPoK \Ti;n IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEADOFn r E: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, EX. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with
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  • 1340 10  - WOMANS VIEWPOINT. "Philine." By fashion* ai«<l fancies -tropical r*cippy Im Philinr: A MAYFAIR NOTEBOOK. Mask In London Mansions Buckingham Palace Admits The Hjuse Decorator— A Tasty Morsel For A Cocktail Party. >ndon, Sepl 27 (by Vir Mail). Witli Parliament reassemble <•.,''■■• .i 1 -:\l and prepi ."a; ions well i
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  • 1031 11  -  "Marian. (By Pot Roast Beef. Wash beef, then dry with a cloth. Put in a »aueep&n ami brown nicely •ill over, add two unions cut in dice pieces, one teaspoon or moie of salt, *j. teaspoon pepper and ha!f. Cover meat with boiling water and boii rlowly. When
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 57 11 m J i Mm T| lj" U I I r I ffl ANJEM I A te^DESCHIENS 'Syrup vßy// 7// KV\ J :L> moal o b i n vB Isi^ Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radical remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. Far better
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  • 545 12  -  "Radiator." b\ NEW FASH! FOR CAR BODIES. Eaper I nln (>."]■ i one y \i' r tiiiicrc: thai. range inciut ir j There are twelve iytvork and eli ven ha i i adult ion, for e\ 13 a cl oice <>:' eight (.<:.,.!-.! i lie puri
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  • 308 12 A I urther Addition To The A n i i newcomer to thr range of the M.G. Company's sporto s was 4 >i iced at Abingdon today. This was the Magna Sports ater, a handsome addition lo irtaU six-cylinder series produced b this firm. The now
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  • 446 13 Is Revolution On The The following comments, on the Manchurian problem, are contained in a re« e it issue of the "New Statesman and Nation": To recognise Manchukuo because Japa i is aggressive and China weak. and to turn down the Hoover proposals because they arc
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 94 13 WORLD-FAMED TENNIS RACKETS I Slazengers, /T i kes, TIT j i i oners, f I I lit jT 1 j 'ii\C=slriiniinG Onv Speciality j I fO E CO.. L"! D. i j 11, North Bridge Read, Singapore. Ih.n,- 6306. Tel.- ATHLETICS. j I ririiT»«r*«»» j■ ni■■i Npw eVEREADy I^SS^f^^A^Tp^ Greatly
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  • 2361 14 LONDON... ..LETTER. **IVS *%LD COUNTRY. London, Sept. 27 (by Air Mail; Tin >ugh snow or fog, in summei r-.iid winter, a motorvan F«ti off acroia Dartmooi at 4 a.m. each day. taking newspapers to the Mattered dwellers in that wild district. It covers !:?<> miles a day. !r driver is
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  • 288 15 P Legal (iloss To Simple Conquest. Trouble is manifestly blowing un again be' ween Japan and China, tajri "Truth."' There is fighting between Chinese Urejulars— invariably described by Lhe Japanese and eir friends h Britisn Pre-:s as "bindits"— and .J^;anese troops round Mukden. Japan lias officially
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 66 15 y^^^ To Banish Pain /IF^ <fo^r~~jj[[ Take <Bayeb's \P^c^^i /J V /fcifte^ WoycV ■.ASIMKIN V^^^klkX \y^3i^^ j^^^r Tablets give certain V\. VlW^BM\ I .^^^r and speedy relief in head\^Sk II I _^^Kf ache, toothache, earache, nn^K. \ffll 11l I rheumatism, neuralgia, influllill 111/// .^^^r^ cnza anc^ cve! iiuffißi'/ When buying,
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  • 517 16 Meditation On Golfs Mysteries. }.vi v. i meditate on the mysteries of golf. The squeak of the rabbit is heard on the links. 1 1 is handicap, his nie remaining joy, is threatened. Colo lei Bogey [9 to he pui on the re Hred Y <\
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 106 16 I Th« Vitality Food tho lovely H;y/' ur. J Cheapest I>es£ for Soups I Sandwiches, Stews, 8 I and Sauces. [n 0| Every good ccck knows that Marmite m K good for every sort of savoury dish. S Marmite adds tempting flavour and health- re In P-* giving nourishment to
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  • Article, Illustration
    83 17 The new Astana of the Sultan of Perak at Kuala Kangsar, shortly to be opened. This beautiful building was constructed by Messrs. Brossard Mopin, of Singapore, and is luxuriously furnished, at a cost of $60,000, all the furniture having been made in the workshops of Messrs. Frankel Bros., or Singapore.
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  • Article, Illustration
    318 18 i I ■:i I rl:t- I nu n.i' I U. urilljj tit i: [11 V: Aw !>,■.:: Par's UIIK I ['ain'i lit :i :r "lwciltn Night, |-UMfHted i>. members ol tin joli u liaiiru liraiiciu-* u.< r« l< t V^Mn*iaticii at I'ahat «'ii tut occa^iuii ol the annual meeting tin
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  • Article, Illustration
    119 20 ironp photograph of the memWrs of tlu Maiayaiee Hindoo Samajam, taken on i\u occasion .t the Onam wlebration. Hanhliglii photograph taken at iln V.M.C V. P< »k-kecping class, during their examination. Near Hie centre (x] is Mr. Menon, the |»rinoipal. (ireta <»arl>a, whose ri*|><>rU'd retirement from 1 1n- -i i
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  • Article, Illustration
    1253 21  -  \lb< ■»«toH «m«l ho\%s^"^\jF FILMLAND. r<1il«l by Cinepuo "OWN YOUR OWN HOME" Slogan Wins Popularity Among (By William Penny Tlu "Own Your Own Home" fever is spreading fast in Hollywood's film colony. No more arc film players satisfied to live in hotels <>r rented homes. They want to
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  • 475 22  -  William Penny (By WALLACr". BEERYS ADVICE TO FILM ASPIRANTS. "Watch othei actors on the icreen— to karn Dot what to do, but what not i to (U>. This is the advice of Wallace Beery to those who arc beginning theii screen careers. "M<»re i lomising
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  • Article, Illustration
    102 22 Virginia Bruce, statuesque Monde, will contitme to ornament Metro-C.oldwyn-Mayer productions. She wai ftigned to a new longterm contract, according to an announcement from Hollywood. Miss Brace first gained fame as one <>i the "glorified girls" in Floretu Ziegfeld'i "Follies." When the noted Broadway producer named her as an leally beantifnl
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  • 184 22 Kiles Welch, who returned to the screen in "McKenna <»f the Mounted," after an absence of several years, has been given an important part in a Columbia football story, "That's Mv Boy, 11 with Richard Cromwell. Toshia Mori, the young Japanese actress, lias been placed
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  • 298 22 SETTINGS OF BARRYMORE FILM. sda a 3 REPRODUCTION IN A NEW Replicas of the rooms in the imperial palace of the C/ar in the St. Petersburg of before the war provided some o! the most intensive research in years. These elaborate sets were built at the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studios for "Rasputin,"
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 23 The famous widt-motttbed comedian, Joe K. JUown, who will appent in the First National comedy, "Top Speed," due f<>r release at the Capitol shortly. J<>an Crawford, who appears with many equally famous players In "Grand Hotel, the remarkable film nhuh will shortly le shewn at the Alhambra.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 118 23 ALHA M B R A t V v>f 1 Ml iB I \X/ 1 rVIL u 2E Ixcitement and thrills Galo c M PROGRESS fl Coc of the must Interesting Minis ever imckv IBogether for tfie Jirst Wime m ••Sr^ /wKJF^k rrearic iViarcn and I Sylvia Sidney mh ■'s f
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  • 87 24 LORD HAHSHAM ON OTTAWA. r.m In Calgary ited tht s m hich is E age< Empi f r ,)i not fully raise ow constitu- v. hich a good deal I when tnc- House Thin country it will not, tor u remove <>r reduce duty now imposed .1 foreign j^ooils it
    Truth  -  87 words
  • 96 24 I vaging English \Yili\nv. -of the population lote was struck in J, Burti Davy, of >unced to the for- r the future 01 r-lbd by the ravages the old English -h the finest bat* mad< and by the mg kind of willov 25 5 These trees,"
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  • 101 24 DERBY SWEEP BALANCE SHEET. SI inn Rsaorta Officially Related, I i the Herb.. ive. Of i he avail--*****0, only oneto the voluntary i D half was diviti is of £258 030, one >tati G >vernment Stai the other to the Government who he thinks fit foi v law infirm bers
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  • 1436 25 reception notes technical lip* Edil«-«J by j, 3 "Radiofan" Excelled progress is being made with the Empire station. The buildings are up and die great ring of masts have now all been erected around the central hi.uh masts of SXX. These masts, designed for the special directional
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  • 51 26 j and PU." Ho reached the RbA »tudio by the goodi lift, and danced, wing, laughed, rwpoadad to tickling, and generally put up a Ihrat-claai per formance. Reports received alter the transmission stated that it had font extremely well, and that "Pal created a great deal of
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  • 851 26 An Easy Road To Wireless By Owr fWLhwkm] Esp^t. i The experiment illustrated in last week's lesson showed that an electric current passed through a solution caused it to decompose, or split up into its component pans: now nine liquid in the container is water, then oxygen would
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  • 371 27 To Rescue Airmen Forced Dpwn On The Sea. A number .>f fasl powerful rescue cruisers, equipped illy for operating in tropical conditions, are now being delivered bj the British Power Boat Company to R.A.K. marine air basea abroad, including Singa] ore. Tlie new rescue cruisers are
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  • 191 27 ..THAT the latest resists tßy Our Scientific Correspondent.) Whilst paint terra its main purpose (on all nv tii 1 work, at least) of preventing rust. It is itself subject to the ravages not only of the atmosphere but also of best. That is why it If
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 77 27 —Aching Back? WHEN you led overcome by pains in the back or kidneys, apply Sloan's Liniment quickly. You will instantly feel a healthy circulation of the blood, a soothing, heating warmth that drives the pain away. Soon >ou are a c j Any kind of joint or muscle V§ pain,
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  • 288 28 20 Paffes For 5 Cents Every Saturday. WEEK-END SUPPLEMENT FOR THE HOME. Truly wonderful success has attended the innovation of giving readers their Satimlay "Tribune" a: noon. Xow we are making it a real Week-end Journal for the Home! The Saturday "Tribune" has Urn enlarged to 20 pages.
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  • 150 28 ASIATIC nETROLEUM CO. (SSI, LTD. Primps for thr Rhrii fcfotoi Bptiil niid VftliOUf br:irriJ* r»f K* j us 1 n» j iff a* follows; Shell Mntnr Sprit e\ pump p»«r British Imperial gallon $o 86 rx A b- 11( n r?rtiin per B:iti?h Impovial u;illm $('B9 P'i»n \T'.t(,
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 238 28 j "AIR SHIP BRAND MILK The ever growing popularity of '\Air Ship" Sweetened Cocden- std Wilk in Mala > a is due solely DEf\iSED M'^ to its wonderful ingredients Alh!,HiP BKAND i tim^,^^^ which keeps it pure and whcle- ws^^^'^mr^ some in any climate jj It is richiu WTAMINFS, and
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  • 59 29 The Hon. Mr. A. P. Robinson has earned the title "Sunshine Robinson" by his successful introduction of a DayUght Saving Bill in the Legislative Council. The Bill passed its first reading and comes up for second reading and cemmitte* at nex* Wednesday's meeting of Council. The Bill will
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  • 1228 30 Famous Woman Player's Tips To Tyros, j BY MISS JOYCE WETHERED, SEVERAL TIMES j Of all the i hampionships 1 have played in that at St. Andrews was the one I enjo>od the most. Perhaps one of the reasons was that 1 was able to enter after
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  • 218 30 Changes in temperature effect the digestion of many grown-ups. How much more likely then that tlv children should Buffer under these conditions. It is difficult to know sometimes jusl what is wrong with the little ones, but more often than not it is the child's stomach
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 103 31 Cork Tippsd Virginia Cigarettes S I Iq the lIU-V C Mn ?^ici Vioisturr-prcof I CEL2.OI II NE .'acker, are immuae frcm I all Moisiurc-Disturbicg influences pj Made Specially to Prefeol lorcihroais g Made in LONDON by CarreraS Limi ed. 3 D ALWAYS KEEP WITH YOU A POT OF 1 A
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  • 403 32 CURRENT QUOTATIONS. (Supplied by Messrs. Fraser and Co., Union Buildin, Singapore. specially for .he "Malayan Saturday Post.", TIIVRSIUYS PRICKS. Capita I— Divided. NAMES Ol COMPANIES. |Nal<| PP tq ml c *****2 ASAM KUMBANG 26/- 28/--ffl'S »SS AYER HITAM W- jjj. 1 '"1 f'.r year 31.12.31 BANGRIN M/- 30.6.32
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  • 509 33 pj\p UHita*. NAMKS or CuMPANIrs THURSDAY'S HUCBS. lhui-rs Seller 600,000 1 31.12.31 KUALA SIDIM 0.75 LOO 210,000 30.9.31 K.UNDONG 0.50 0.70 «0.000 1 31.10.31 LUNAS 0.50 0.00 450,000 1 31.8.31 MALAKA PINDA 0.45 0.50 376,000 1 M 31.7.31 MANDAI-TEKONG 0.05 0.10 nom. 300,000 .20 31.1.32 MENTAKAB 0.15
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  • Commercial Intelligence.
    • 129 34 The Empire Mark sting just issued a rspoj in# in Jamaica and Trini< by John Hamnw id of the Agriculture at Ca I (H. Iff. Stationery Offi< >„• 1 Hammond v to study the i milk yield, fat p< character i of co the Indian Zebu. I cribea experimc al
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    • 492 34 HOPE FOR COCONUTS? "NEW USES" IN THE PHILIPPINES. The economic value of the coconut is very considerable, but, as with other primary produce, prices have fallen of late, causing serious, in some cases disastrous, shrinkage of revenue. Seeing how widely spread is the eoeoa nucifera in tropical and sub-tropical lands,
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    • 279 34 EMPIRE PALM OIL. MALAYA'S INCREASING PRODUCTION. The Empire Marketing Board is preparing a "Survey of Vegetable Oilseeds anil Oils," Volume I of which, "Oil Palm Products" (H.M. Stationery Office, Is. net) was recently issued. It presents the salient facts and figures of world production and trade in palm kernels, palm
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    • 115 34 Scotland Yard advises those who have advertised a car for sale not to part with it on the payment of a deposit to anj person whose bona fides have not been carefully checked. In order to combat the motor bandit menace, Mr. Stenson Cooke, secretary of the Automobile Association, states
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  • 837 35 PROSPECT OF CLOSE STRUGGLES. Possibility Of Bradman Not Playing. The English team, now en route to Australia, has an excellent chance of regaining the "Ashes," which Woodfull's team took away from the Old Country two seasons ago. There does not appear to be much to choose between
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  • Page 35 Advertisements
    • 231 35 A preparation for decreasing o^3 j t v The quickest and safest way for fa^rcdurtjon. Highly recommended by pjv^sicia n s Maiafactured by Dr. Gcorg Hranio| Bcrfia Ag«tuti Naliia Mohm:icd C Som, StngApore And Kunia Lumpur. PHOTO OF NERVE-C ELLS SEEN THROI'Gh MICROSCOPE j "I will take Sanatogen till my
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  • Page 36 Advertisements
    • 143 36 ii iii i j THE *IST OHPLETB ESf VBLISUMSNF OF US K'ND IN TBF WHOLE OF tt\L\YA. I Singapore usket to., *M hi 'NLerefiants AFTER OFFICE HOVRB T«Uplion« xo. 0072 ILLUSTRATED) 56-60, Anson Road, Singapore. Advertising Rates. (Effective from October Ist, 1932). On cover (FRONT AND BACK) (Pa*es I and
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    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 157 1 3 *p Special appointment Co Ib. fiD. Sbc iking of Siam. '-^sr I Genuine Cut Crystal Ware I Wy FOR THE BEAUTIFULLY APPOINTED HOME. K I EFFECTIVE MODERN DESIGNS THAT WILL COMMAND -Jf^GOO<?r I If ATTENTION AND ADMIRATION. IySM B r^ A ii/\^ if i £r^ pQ^? J{] Ikw LARGEST
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 93 2 1 Malaya l I Tribune 1 Press 1 I Limited, j 56-60, Anson Road, Ln I PRINTERS E I OF THIS I PUBLICATION I I The Malayan I Saturday Post! 1 nJ u nJ S a THE JOB PRINTING j DEPARTMENT I undertakes:- I Book Work, S I Catalogues, I
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      • 99 2 f^f^B^^^3^ y<7ur stand vn ■Tue fAvouRUE Mineral Waters y t± lo EAsrtb apply 4> B 1 1 M v Ilk Sg&^. I \j^^ u b Stacomb on gently with the fingers, then brush your hair. Stacomb will keep it neatly parted and in place all day long. No grease no
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 278 3 j STUDENTS' AIDS FOR CAMBRIDGE I EXAMINATIONS. I Junior Cambridge Ten Years' I i Series (^estion Papers, each I subject $0.41 J I Benior Cambridge Ten Years' I Series Question Papers, each J subject 0.54 I 1 (juestion and Answers on British Hmpire History, First series 1.00 f f (juestion
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    • Page 4 Advertisements
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