Malayan Saturday Post, 17 September 1932

Total Pages: 32
1 32 Malayan Saturday Post
  • 50 1 The Malayan saturday Post ILLUSTRATED I MALAYA'S LEADING. PICTURE PAPER -PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. Zg r -.iSss*.*sS-_*Ss***.MIIlllilll«lllii-A.I-4_'_ifeiaiiliiiisiiiii llll Ml llllllllllllll 1 1 M I II li i n 1 1 1 ill II M 1 1 nn m itt iHiiiiiiiiiiiiui 1*^7 jfOL. DI. NO. 35, SEPTEMBER 17, 1932. PRICE 20 CENTS.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 201 1 B? JSp-cUit appointment <^m_v &-*.*>• fl>. -be trtng of Slam. s jbWr<Si4— -B r _K&v_ _fl ___B-_E M WRf ti&AY MKMC NTS PHI/MA I e rr t» Not rafe feMi or a err g_rtatfl*tt the sentiment I E EXPttiSW-D THAT WILL PtJEASE HER MOST m*. f^^s&Stm E SELECT. YOUR GBPt
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  • 1497 2 London, Aug. 18. Mountains And Men. Above the clouds, in a world of wild and awful chaos, is the Top of the World. Great peaks stretch immensely to the sky and seem part of that vast space. Silence and stillness— and a man smoking his pipe. This scene
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 44 2 Jme-Orarige SQUEEZE THE FINEST OF ALL ORANGE DRINKS. j NIhI H o^ 1 I l^^^B IB a i A. I Bl H HL. J^Jw i |^\>. J iff B^^^^^^BL A^w I A^ I* 'i^^rMm^HßMß bhBI -M^P^w S&r 9R^b^b^b^b^b^b^b^bM jJBr I Popular A«riW IM l^ ud
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  • 1112 3 j £♦>•;♦♦> •>♦♦♦ ♦>♦> ♦•> ♦<♦♦♦'% No, I'm sony, 1 can't many von but 1 shall always admire your taste." "Do you think absence makes the heart grow fonder? Ves, and presents, tool" Little Leslie "May I pretend that we've got another little boy having tea with
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 214 3 Well within the reach of all in price, and conveniently put up in packets to suit all needs, "GOLD LEAF" Ceylon Tea is everywhere recognised as the symbol of Purity in Tea. Accept no substitutes. Obtainable Throughout Malaya: F. A. BARTHOLOMEIISZ, LTl> SINGAPOiE KUALA LUMPD». >.. ■■■■ii«i'» j STUDENTS' AIDS
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    • 209 3 CERTIFIED CHOICE QUALITY AUSTRALIAN BUTTER. NBA/:,*- B*RTMOCOMeVJ« I -'lsVl^ OPENING SHORTLY j LIANSVILLE I STUDENTS' HOME i For j D.E.I. School Boys. J Large compound hous<* t J modern sanitation, Oxky Rd., f J near to bus route and school*. 1 J $30 monthly. Knqtiiries and 1 nivspection invited. i
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  • 215 4 "IMPROVEMENT IN MY HEALTH WAS SOON VERY NOTICEABLE." '1 he action <>f Dr. Williams' l'ink 1 ills upon the spirits and general health <>f sufferers from anaemia, (blood impoverishment) ami nervous troubles is such that quite often in improvement is viable in t her first few days of the treatment.
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  • 146 4 WHAT DOES THE GENERAL PUBLIC UNDERSTAND UNDER ASPIRIN? Mostly any kind of remedy lor the relief of headache, be it in the form of o powder or tablets. This conception is erroneous as only the Aspirin tablets with the Bayer Cross trade mark are the genuine product which displays its
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 1043 5 Malayan Saturday Post. V Renter's Special To The •> Freezing The Atom. The atom has been split. Now it is to be frozen. A scientific refrigerator with a temperature of 100 degrees farenheit below zero is to <>e set up at Princeton univer>ity for the purpose. Within
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 179 5 Coming SoonTHE PICTURE UNUSUAL THE MOST AMAZINO THE MOST THRILLING P THE MOST EXCITING PICTURE EVER FILMED I CCC the terrific battle JelA W" between an Eskimo JT m and a ferocious polar bear which is about to devour the girl he loves I ClSllthe hunger-mad- M^ SEEdened Eskimos' wild
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    • 155 6 yiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii!!!<iiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiinii| V I /I If ZT %Sr^ r rt: 41 i t,nPl^' 1 SCREENING On fe^; l >|r 4lThe i I s-S fe^i an**"" 101 i/\U!Jv^4cu|! cARt ;>^ 1 p Jp% THIiAFKE.| X.-» 'tS"I k co u^ vt Ic(%1 c(%i c *l att rnKm^Kk^ PARAMOUNT 1 o.
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    • 98 6 j THE MALAYAN SATURDAY POST. J I PREPAID SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Single Copy 20 cents. j Within British Outside British Malaya. Malaya. 3 months i $2.50 3 months 3.16 6 inonthe 4.75 6 months 6.05 1 .12 months 9.00 12 months 11.60 j NOTE.: Please add 26 cents to cover ba/ik
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  • 125 7 His Excellency Sir Cecil Clementi on the 4th instant visited Durian Tipus Coffee Plantation in Negri Sembilan, the property of Mr. W. Ancutt (who is away on holiday in England). His Excellency was conducted through the plantation by the Manager, Mr. B. W. Sillem, and
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  • 48 7 Photo by Ipft in ri*hr Mr J S Jenkins, Mr. H. J. Rae, Mr. R. E. Willgress (Bridegroom), Miss Margaret Anne EgertonWarburton (Bride), Miss Kathleen Lundon, Miss Patricia La Nauze, Mrs. Jenkins and The Bishop of Singapore (standing at the back). H. N. Buck eridge.
    H. N. Buckeridge  -  48 words

  • 107 8 The Malays beat the R.A.F. in the Cup Final last Friday in the best and cleanest match of the season. For the second year in success' the Malays have deservedly won the dcuble honour of winning the Cup and Shield. The Malays. SNAPS OF THE SPECTATORS.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 119 9 H ■> STUDY WORLD'S BEST. MRS. COOPER- A BBS, 2, Victoria Street. SUBJECTS TAUGHT: ♦> Shorthand, Typewriting, and Piano. i •> j Slump Charges. 1 Typewriting of all description! i undertaken and promptly ex#- X 1 ruted. Y Charges most moderate. 11 Specific For Diabetes J Dr. Winkler's I ''DIABETONIT.'
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    • 149 9 n X^^ weakness; Vj debilit.t §Q ANEMIA WV//y 111 W^ Haemoglobin Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the world have agreed that this radical remedy ALWAYS CURES, and gives health and strength. Far better than serums, raw meat, Medicated wines, etcw Cocry man Cutty too/nan fMfltfy tfccfe o^Wfity for affection, tfcdr ijpyr,
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  • 544 10 Reutcr's Special Letter For V The Malayan Saturday Post. iF*vv%*vvvvv%*% vynm L BRITISH DEFEATS IN GERMAN HARD COURT CHAMPIONSHIPS. MRS. PITTMAN AND MISS RIDLEY IN U.S.A. REPETITION OF LAST YEAR'S GAME— WITH A DIFFERENCE. BRITISH PROFESSIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. London, Aug. iS. Great Britain's tennis hopes of winning the German
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    • 45 10 Hiiiii!i.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii>iiiii>iuiii»iiiiiiiniuinJ I WORLD-FAMED I TENNIS RACKETS! Slazengers I OV JXtJo BWrTMT^-^T 9 Spaldings I^^^ 1 I Procers R I Bancroft I I Austins I I J{e-Stringing Our Spjciality\ Rose Co., Ltd. I i 86, North Bridge Road, Singapore. I Phone 6398. Tel. -ATHLETIC^ I fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^
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  • 1037 11 THE WEEK'S MOTORING. *>♦>«*. •> •> Renter's Special Letter For *> v The Malayan Saturday Post. •> «j» «J» c)| FRESH ATTEMPT ON WORLD SPEED RECORD. MALCOLM CAMPBELL AND NINETY MILE BEACH. MOTOR RACING AGAIN IN ISLE OF MAN? MOTORIST v. PEDESTRIAN. London, Aug. 18. Sir Malcolm Campbell Not To
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 91 11 T 1 i m» n > ii-» i, f ALWAYS KEEP WITH YOU A POT OF AMRUTANJAN I j A SOVEREIGN REMEDY I —For— JSfc, HEADACHE (m&M RHEUMATISM Jmtv/ NEURALGIA f J^l TOOTHACHE /*Ajv7w CUTS, BRUISES I |fl^fi^€^ COUGH, COLD I I iX^A^^^r^^ ar>c a otner acnes anc P a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 140 12 New EVEREADY I l^^gß fl as hlights 111 fill ill ij it PHUvllPn| f TR,VDI MARK Metal Top Unit Cell I&3 FLASHLIGHTS BATTERIES Patented throughout N^g^in fhr r/or/(f. t/ifj/ last longer Sole Agents L. E. TELS 8l CO., SINGAPORE. I "AIR SHIP BRAND MILK" j-jg^g-g The ever growing C^ jv
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  • 58 13 St. Andrew's School repeated last year's performance in carrying off the handsome shield presented by Mr. Aw Boon Haw for competition in Boxing among the local schools. The contests in progress. The Boxers of St. Andrew's School with the Acting Principal Rev. R.K.S. Adams in the centre. The
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  • 1794 15 1 Malayan Saturday Past. KcN/«r's S/>«cial To The i^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ THE IVIAN-EATING TREE. RESCUES ON THE SWISS ALPS. AFRICA'S JUNGLE INFESTED WITH— CAMERAS. A HOME-MADE BOAT ON THE HIGH SEAS. London, Aug. 11. X Man-Eating Tree. i»n the Island of Stated the Milor tree is a man-eating tree
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 184 15 I t Wt^Mm^A r^S*dm peued to your husvJßqlJ Mt^ 1 I'. uid would you Wkm^^^^^w out means? Win I.oc talk i» over with him bow Do pw Hunk he cdllld eai the thought of vour bdng left dependent on ch.r.t 3 H« CO«M prnyde !>otl for von and'vour children and
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  • 272 16 The malayan Saturday Post September 17, 1932. MALAYS AND MALAYANS. Hard times have rather marred the inter-racial harmony which has happily been traditional in this country. The growth of ambition amoiiK the Malays, leading to special piefereiices for them (very justifiable and even essential, within reason) bas also tended to
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  • 299 16 The experience of the past two years lias once again stressed .Malaya's peril in having all its ecus in two baskets that is, being so exclusively reliant on rubber and tin. They have brought years of wonderful prosperity, but also two tragic slumps. Far-seein.u men have long SOUghi
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  • 451 16  -  Quiz BEING SMILES OF THE WEEK. *l* <**%<-*' »J» By iK******************* There has been a lull in the "10 per cent.' campaign th s week. This is clue, I gather, to the local supply of axes being exhausted. My idea of a sate bet That Mr. Ward-Jackson won't Ik-
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 47 16 BE PHOTOGRAPHED BY H.N. BUCKERIDGE The European Artist-Photographer. DISTINCTIVE AND BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTIONS AT PRICES ADJUSTED TO THE TIMES. LAIDLAW BUILDING 'PHONE 7898. Sore Throat FORMAMINT The Germ-killing Throat tablet conquers Sore Throat and prevents Infectious diseases, such as Influenza, Diphtheria, etc I At all Chemiatß and 3tons.
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  • 127 17 AGAINST INTESTINAL TROUBLES. Anyone who has lived in the Bast for any length of time knows how prevalent are bowel troubles in the hotter months This makes an occasional cleansing of the food tract highly essential during the danger period. A weekly dose of linkettes is a precaution, countless
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  • 739 18  - SPORT OF THE WEEK. Argus «S» A MALAYAN REVIEW. By A v *li The Malays have put up a very fine performance in achieving the Singapore soccer double by winnlnig both League and Cup comI>etitions for the second year in succession This indicates consistency as well as skill, and determination
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 82 18 ASSETS EXCEED $12,000,000. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Company, Limited. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 201 21 Throbbing Pain yv N^ iHH acute pains I produced by sprains quickly X^ v X yield toSloan's Liniment. When /^3VS-y *i\ a P plicd to the achin^ P art h i I VJ' stimulates circulation instantly; II \7 produces a swift action by the A x ykA'jr blood stream that
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    • 202 21 pREGLYROL] I is a great cure for DIABETES. It was shown upon chemical I analysis that the quantity of sugar and acetone in the urire f j of patients after a few days treatment wi:h his preparation was 1 reduced to a minimum, if not elimina ed altogether, while the
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  • 1831 22 By THE LOOKER-ON. 2 1 WHEN THE KING TRAVELS. ROMANCE— BY A CHOIRGIRL AND A COUNTESS. RUDOLLPH VALENTINO AGAIN. London, Aug. 25. Royal Flowers. Now that the King and Queen have gone to the Highlands, they will miss the tine floral display which there is just now
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 43 22 ELLISON S. EZEKIEL Manufacturing and Consulting Optician. 17, CHAPEL ROAD, KATONG, SINGAPORE. THE CHEAPEST OPTICIAN IN MALAYA. Sight Tested. Glasses Supplied. Prices Moderate From $4— Upwards. Will Call At Any Address. Repairs Spectacles, Binoculars, Watches, Telescopes. ORDERS RECEIVED BY POST. Attended to Immediately.
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    • 121 22 J •> fIBHP^SMHm Just on P ac^ e^ new shi p x !> ment of these Wonderful ;j; !R1 "All-in one" Meters-Tests Kll Everything. B^W^ Common e? t WfwT The only instrament <>t Ul^ mBB 'Mm radio P r °l>l e nis. Nothing I> H»^- LPIFCQjy.^M can evade l° w
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 58 23 I iP^ When Women Suffer, /Jj *f th e Y ta ce E 7 rr ®ayci s ASPI RI N. ilf' itwl^'r^ the pains KS^ \j( JP'/^kJ^ disappear. The Original i^\ J^r<Baye»'s ASPIRIN Tablets I^J^T^Wr W'^LL^^^ are sold onl v in the onginal W/^^^^^l'lwMlf^fjl^r P acka^ e bearin s the
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 84 24 »<^« »<^.«*-^»« r^« •-^**f j A Few Copies Only Left! j f i Picture j j Show 1 m ANNUAL I f 1933 THE YEAR'S BEST IN PICTURES j j OBTAINABLE AT I M. MOHAMED i J DULFAKIR C0 M SINGVPORE AND Kil\L\ LUMPUB. THE MOST COMPLETE ESTABLISHMEVT OP ITS
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    • 234 24 All of Parker's exchi- give features are found I j» in the nr>> midget D»m>- J^r fold with pencil to WKU^M f match. Both lit compact- A^ff^^Stm lv into purse or pocket. For sale at the better stores, jj pr /^JfjS I JL/iarrhcea I 1 will be stopped by I
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 171 27 Marmite Jm I The Vitality Food with the lively flavour, j M Iheapest Best for Soaps I Sandwiches, Stews, I and Sauces. I Every good cook knows that Marmite is I good for every sort of savoury dish. I Marmite adds tempting flavour and healthI giving nourishment to the plainest
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    • 181 27 3 J BBjßbbl t *^rf BB^^^ ITUQ fAVOURITE MINtRALWATWS f LATEST! I CHE NORLIA and other HIS MASTER'S VOICE MALAY RECORDS. Titles. Sung by P;6074 Ayam Kokok Che Norli Sereh Wangi Che Dara P***** Blimbing Masam Che Nprlia Sereh Itam Miss Chik P***** Bintang Pagi Miss Chik Tanjong Timor Miss
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  • 681 28  -  Lt. Gen. Lord Baden-Powell I THE SCOUTS PROMISE AND LAW. |l <*_ of Gilwell). I I have sometimes been asked why the Scout Promise and Law were chosen for Scouts, and what they mean. Well, in the old days the Greeks had laws for their young
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  • 262 28 RELIEF FROM CONVULSIONS. Tliis distressing result of infantile J ndigesfion needs prompt measures. In homes where there are yOQBg Ixibies the remedy for convulsions, Baby's Own Tablets, should always be kept handy. This is especially important during the teething period when a baby's digestion is often deranged a'nd convulsions more
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 173 28 I KIWI THE QUALITY BOOT POLISH. The most lasting j most brilliant of shoe polishes. i I Kiwi in Brown or 1 n I and you will always e I satisfied—it's a wat r* I proof polish you knc I BROWN, T.\\ AND K LACK So easy to apply— simply
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  • 1775 29 SHOULD WE CALL OURSELVES MISERABLE SINNERS? following sermon was td iH St. Paul's Cathedral e Rev. Sptncer H. Klliott, ol BoHoa and Honorary I>a of Manchester Cathedral. God be merciful to me a .inner. --St. Luke xviii, 13. .1111 ;.fraid this is not a very gplllar text. People often ask,
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  • 726 30  - WORDS OF COMFORT. Mathetes By SEEKING HAPPINESS. Moralists are in the habit of warning us that the direct quest for happiness is sure to l>e frustrated. Happiness is like the crock of gold at the foot of the rainbow in vain do we try to locate it the vision recedes
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  • 686 30 THE CHRISTIAN ATTITIIbE. The good king Hezekiah lay sick upon his bed; in pain, and in sorrow of heart, for the prophet had bidden him set his house in order and prepare for death. In his extremity he made his prayer to the God of Israel, and prevailed. The
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  • 263 30 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES. A Real Necessity. Spiritual obedience b most needful for a Christian, [gnore, therefore, the groundless suspicior that you sin by obeying, and walk confidently in this path exempt from danger. You sometimes fear," says St. Bonaventure, "that in obeying you act against the dictates of your conscience,
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  • 117 31 NOVEL OFFENCE IN WIFE MAINTENANCE CASE. A novel defence was pot forward by Uriah Beaton, of Chalk Farmroad, St. Pancras, when be wf^ summoned at Hampstead for fell iag. to comply with an order to coft- tribute towards his wife's m&» V
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  • 16 31 *.y without wamiig, eb& scrfetn fojr htrihSir.' 1 I What tol fba dot J^f *'I watnedfie*^
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    • 101 31 '^§91' 1\ /^4 "Tl v F Notbfe* <k*rtcti to much from j\ wT W ckiWi •pptmnec ufHkf/, T*o_ Sucomb kttpt flit Mk nt«l fH Aj I daylong— M Mtb« comb f^vti I f if H. h imports 4 ii4iHr«l hi^rt tnd Hf htlpi, too, to Utp «citp frtt H^ TT
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 181 32 BEST QFAJ4TTFRA3I s AND ITfTIN€© v SlOffttfiSTlWO BT QOAUJrIfcD OPTICIANS |j! DIPtpKAS OF BRITIBH tamtAk L Aa&H. PRECISION INSTRUMENTS Yhkodolites dumpy levels staves prismatic compasses hoad-tracers reflecting levels clinometers measuring tapes ipd chains drawing instruments boxwood scales metal sude RULES LATEXOMETERS METROLAC& 1 THERMOMBtKRS I ships clocks BmNActJ^jaai^saits I SEXTANTO
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