Malayan Saturday Post, 21 August 1926

Total Pages: 28
1 28 Malayan Saturday Post
  • 28 1 The Malayan Saturday Post ILLUSTRATED eMS— s^anm—i MALAYA'S LEADING PICTURE PAPER. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY /OL. lU. NO. 31. SINGAPORE. AUG. 21. 1926. -—iii"— i—"» »-*-«mimm«m*mMmMi»efcmmnmm PRICE 20 UfcAMO
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 156 1 /A PATRONIZED BY ROYALTY fjk feS Silver Mounted j|j ,J. Gold Silver Challenge Shiclda |gV Time For Sports Suggests silver A K P C P Sterling Silver The Need Of PriZeS. Tankards Etc. $j con shooti-* spoo-. Kte. WISDOM SUGGESTS THEIR PURCHASE FROM Branch NoT^-op Street. B. Pa DE. SILVA
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 415 2 HENDERSON LINE. BIBBY LINE. crurrttM m r <\TT TNTS 0f faiit twin-screw mail passenger steamers between M.HLDLLE Or xMLINOS RANGOON. COLOMBO, MARSEILLES AND LONDON BY FORTNIGHTLY PASSENGER STEAMERS BETWEEN with through connection from Singapore and Penang. I RANGOON AND ENGLAND HOMEWARD SAILINGS Wii u 'Vkshire Aug. 20 Lancashire Oct. with
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  • 618 3 Repeat the words the defendant used," said counsel for the plaintiff ill a case of slander. I'd rather not," said the witness timidly they were hardly words to tell to a gentleman." "I see," said counsel, "then whisper them to the judge." American Clergyman My i>oor man!
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 162 3 BABY'S natural food DAuwoLD isnotalwaysavailable (Sj) In its absence give lljjfr'jj DARIGOLD Milk— the PBSfiPPJ closest possible food equivalent. DARIGOLD Mlk is easily digested readily assimilated. Builds up BABY'S conskitution. It is a food. See that it is DARIGOLD. OF ALL DEALERS. £oJ# Agents: F. A. BARTHOLOMEUSZ LTD. 3A Raffles
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    • 55 3 DO YOU KNOW OF a very useful book which is steadily finding its way into every Malayan household? It is ••KAMSHASIRA" a guide to Health, Wealth and Prosperity. If you have not yet perused its useful pages, get a copy. A postcard will bring it to your home ATANK NIGRAH
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    • 142 3 FOR Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumeries. Surgical Instrument and Appliances at rock-bottom prices. please order direct from Sincere Dispensary, Limited, Incorporated m Singapore) 48-2, Hill Street. Telegraphic Address "SINCERE" Branch:— ll Chulia Street. Telegrphic Address "KEWSUTONG" Wholesale and Retail Suppliers to Estates, Hospitals. Dispensaries and Mines. We assure prompt execution of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 117 4 m Clock? fl BULLE-CLOCKS Q are ELECTRICALLY driven. U H ONCE PUT IN POSITION II A large variety at all betterE Watch-dealers. Z tl /*u^l\ II !t Costs Nothing Wholesale only from the E JOsHl WEILL S MONTOR I Ebulle-clock s,ngapore a Sparkling-Refreshing jk r Eat I Cold Storage Ice
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 403 7 i^^J 1 WEAKNESS, fe- r^ 'M DEBILITY AN/EMIA DESCHIENS' of Ha-moKlohm Already 30.000 Doctors throughout the work) have agreed that this radical remedy ALWAYS CURES, and give* lu'.iith ami itrength. Far better than serums, raw meat, Medicated wines, i tc OBTAINABLE FHOM ALL LEADING DISPBNSARIBB m CARLSBERG BEER ffi THE
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  • 2245 8  -  RONALD VANE OUR SERIAL STORY A TALE OF LOVE AND INTRIGUE By Author of Butterfly Ol UIC Cabaret," "Sent the Sheik." etc. CHAPTER 28. THE MAN IN THE POST-OFFICE. Marion Scarborough crossed to the window of her room and pulled aside the blinds which
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 25 8 //*j£> DISTRIBUTORS lAsll PI W SINGAPORE HH M wr»»«_. Wh«■ n hitt t f r aut<>mo H v iff huilt. Bulk > k will hullJ thfm
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    • 146 8 FOR HIGH GRADE PHOTOGRAPHS One tbat yon can show or give to yonr relatives and friends, witb a great deal of satisfaction and pride GO TO LEE BROTHERS 48-5. Hill Street, THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED. (Incorporated m the S.S.) Head Office: Singapore, Ist Floor, Banque de I'lndo Chine
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  • 1321 9 REFLECTIONS OF A EMPORARILY IDLE FELLOW. By Quit.'* I am writing from England on the -t day of the year (so tar). To me, accustomed to (and with a liking tlu- sultrier Malayan climate, it eems just pleasantly warm, with a reshness m the air that is
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 258 9 A WISE PHYSICIAN has s,,i<] that to enjoy life to the fullest one should trust m Providence and avoid constipation." As the simplest and best aid to the achievement of this simple philosophy PinketteS* linkettes are perfection. Mildly yet efricieiitly I inkettes 'keep the system clean ami wholesome, regulate the
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  • 202 10 YOUNG LADY'S FLIGHT FROM CANTON. Two Bombs Found. Recalling to mind notorious incidents of Occidental women m espionage is a stirring report from Canton of how a beautiful young lady spy barely escaped capture. In such cases, the heroine is always described as "young" and charming," no matter
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  • 340 10 MANY PROVINCES JOINING IN FRAY Important Despatches. Prom a batch of important despatches to hand, it is evident that Canton's allies are still holding Changsha, a town m a strategic position m Central China, while Wu Pei-fu's faction are yet m possession of Yochow. The messages read Governor
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  • 243 10 "Tlie root of all democracy was respect for the individual. It was the insistence, fundamentally and primarily, that everyone ought to have his or her full chance of having everything that natural endowment made possible, not only for himself, which was a small
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  • 152 10 The cry of man's anguish went up God Lord, take away pain The shadow that darkens the v. Thou hast made, The dose-coiling chain That strangles the heart, the bill that weighs On the wings that would soar Lord, take away pain from tlie WOl thou
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  • 96 10 Non-Churchgoers, though they personally above reproach, shirk part of their duty to the State and to their fellow men. Problems of morality spirituality can be solved only thro religious influences. The Church a c is organised to disseminate these fluences, and the solution of th l>roblems
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 31 10 f Presented by ♦I* 1 Their Highnesses the Sultans J of Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan Pahang -A GOLD CUP- for Inter-State Malay Football Competition 1 at The Malayan Exhibition 2 V
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  • 205 11 Comes This Grateful Father's Thanks To KABY'S OWN TABLETS. The verdict of parents is the same c ry where of all the medicines they „ye tried for their little ones Baby's >aii Tablets are the l>est. Here is what Maung Tun Pyi, a Burmese hooi
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  • 856 11 CAN WOMEN LOVE THE SUPEREFFICIENT MAN Women marry men for their virtues, but love them for their faults. Possibly this is why so many marriages are half-and-half affairs of failure and success, writes Mr. Rdward Cecil m the Sunday J'ictorial. The j^rfe-ct marriage is very rare,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 136 11 The Malayan Exhibition SECTION AUGUST HON SEC. j Poultry 27th 28th Mr. W. H. L Macdonald, Klang. Dogs 27th 28th Mr. C. Ward Jackson, Kuila Lumpur. Horses 28th Mr. F L. Harding, Kuala Lumpur. Flowers 27th to 30th Mrs. D. Butler, Kuala Lumpur. j Live Stock 28th Mr. A. E.
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    • 65 11 FRESH STOCK OF F. H. Ayrcs Championship Tennis Balls. Obtainable at THE EUREKA COY., 10-B De Souza Street, Tel: 1347. OTHER MAKES IN STOCK W. H- JAMES 9 JOHN WISDEN'S JOHN JACQUES 9 MUSIC TEACHER MRS. H. KBERT, Inquiries and full particulars may be obtained from Messrs. Tlie Robinson Piano
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  • 98 12 The Malayan Saturday Post. August 21, 1926. SIR LAURENCE GUILLEMARD. The news of the illness of Sir Laurence Ckullernard came as a shock to most people, and the sympathy < tlu- whole of Malaya i> with him am: Lady Guilleinard at this trying time. |It is indicative of the* kindly
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  • 226 12 Very considerable satisfaction was felt throughout the cricketing world when it was decided to play the last Test Match to a finish. The Australian tour would otherwise have been something of a farce. As we pointed out at the commencement of this series, it is practically impossible
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  • 147 12 A few weeks ago we- called ettenti n to this m<*t huportant subject an. make no apology for again rcfcrrn tlie matter. During last week a U1 nearly lo>t his life at the- IV Swimming Club owing to the hi, knowledge on the part <>f the p around.
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  • 388 12 'i lie number of anried gang robl which have recently taken pla< Singapore have called forth protests m the press, and these pi have drawn a statement from Chief Police Officer, Singapore, statement, which is a lengthy makes comparisons of crime m c. years, and the main object
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 131 12 Adelphi Hotel SINGAPORE. TEA DANCES EVERY TUESDAY 5-30-7-30. AFTER DINNER DANCES EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Telephone: 937 938. Telegrams: "Adelphi." HARRY H. WILLIES, Managing Director. ADELPHI HOTEL, LTD. Reduced Prices COLUMBIA PORTABLES i ARE NOW FOR SALE AT SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES o: Amazing Volume and Tone Quality. Write for Illustrated
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    • 60 12 Only One Week Before The Grand Military Pageant The finest spectacle oi the year. August 28th. and 31st.. September Ist. 3rd. 4th. At the STADIUM 9 p.m. each night. Bands, Massed Drums, Massed Physical Drill, Lantern Marching, Dancing, Raid on the Desert Mail, The Pageant of Empire. RESERVED SEATS $3j&
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    • 53 12 Radiant Health and Vigour by taking SANATOGEN Tha Trua Tonic Food. Sanatogen will rmke you wonderfu'ly fresh and keen, because it contains the source of ner\e-energv -albumin and phosphorus. Mr. Coimo Hamilton, the famous playwright. *ay«: **SurmiUfm%ivet m tnein rg% todotn iceas much. irvue a$ mttt. It is to the
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  • 47 13 I asd fr) dectri« Lclvci-tisi the servic< an illuminated cai was run. It had a photoRrapfi of H. I-:. Sir Lam i;rH;;il Ccmmissicncrs mi t!u i>thcr. '1 he vvhoh car was brightly Soccer: Selangor vs. The Dukes. Lim Thian Fo VltU Eastern Studio
    Lim Thian Po; Eastern Studio  -  47 words
  • 14 13 Photon by O. Y. Kuk pudu Nakajima Co,
    O.Y. Kok; Nakajima & Co.  -  14 words

  • 35 14 pi Mrs. Davies and Mrs Taj i Winners Of the Ladies I)i ul Doul les sei fina Mrs Ttnnent and K\ laying m the to Mrs, Wise and i Mrs. Stennitt
    Mrs. Stennitt  -  35 words
  • 181 14 The Sultan .....1 Sultan, ot Troiganu and suite arrived m Malacca by the noon train from Penang on Tuesday tost week The party called at the BungaloWof vLTtZ Kocn Hong and Haji 8.1 b. Moonsingh. Their Highnesses stayed at Mr. I..:: Koon Hong*.
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 14 I Eastern Studio A GROUP PHO < kA W
    Eastern Studio  -  9 words

  • 301 17 l'he re are many ways of gaining ety, but one of the most BUB appears to le to start rumours coning the life or character of some us man or woman. We have had itanCC of that recently when an made certain statements shout character ol the late
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  • 379 17 si>cctivs exhibit©!* arc reminded trw closing date si entries In all ns is drawing near after the end i;' this wvek entries can only be jived on payment of s late tee. This ia rendered necessary In order that rg&nisers can estimate tlie area of builtliags which
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 277 17 Why Ha ven t You Cut Out This Coupon It t.iktv hut a monunt to mark the carter oi your choice, sijjn \our name, cut out and DOtt the coupon. Vet >imple act ha>< started nearly three million men and women toward success. YOU, too. can have the position
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    • 228 17 Start the Day With Instant Postum IMAGINE a man about to run a race first purposely getting himself out of breath! Yet the person who starts the day by drinking coffee does something equally foolish he stimulates the action of his heart and puts his nerves on edge. Correct this
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  • 770 18  -  Condor llv A REVIEW AND COMMENTARY. There has occurred a regular deback m tlu- northern section of the Malays Cup competition by the defeat oi Selangor by Penang last Saturday by 2 goals to 1. It was SS unexpected as it was dramatic and no one
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  • 318 18 Former Malaria Sufferer In Ceylon Gives Graceful Thanks To DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. One reason lot the immense popularity of I>r. Williams' Pink Pills m the Par Ivast is the enthusiastic i>ersonal recommendation given them by men and women who formerly suffered from
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 576 18 l! Koninklyke Paketvaart Maatschappi (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO OF BATAVIA) (Incorporated m Holland* DKDBI CONTRACT WITH THB NETHERLANDS INDIA GOVERNMENT 1 Telephone No. 3640 with sub-connections to:— Manager's Desk, Asst. Manager's Desk, Marine Supt., General Freight Dept., Claims Dept., Accountant, Providing Dept. and Passage Dept. REPRESENTATIVE for Singapore and Straits
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  • 789 19 A law has been passed m Turkey mder which all j^sons who Wish to must submit to a medical examination. To prevent substitution of A person for one who is well, the mining physician must stamp the firearm of the marriage candidate. Tins :->erves as a distinguishing
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 189 19 ASSETS OVER $6,500,000 S.C. ASSURANCE IN FORCE OVER $22,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN STRAITS SETTLEMENTS). HEAD OFFICE: Winchester House, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The Company has deposited with the Supreme Court of England and complies with the British Life Assurance Companies Act
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  • 1134 20 MUD STAINS. A little giri had watched lur mother cleaning the front oi the house,. Slu had taken gnat interest m the- prOCCSS of polishing the door-knocker and whitening the- door-step. On the next occasion when the front of the house needed cleaning, she asked permission to perform
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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  • 994 21 What has happened, darling?" he asked. What took place after you were carried away from Venice?" "Sit down, Harvey," said Marion, motioning him to the comfortable settee which stood m the room. "I am so glad you came, for 1 need your advice more than any girl
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 84 21 DOn-t j Don't rub a stain or mark By— rubbing it gets worse. Don't attempt cleaning yonrsell —The colour, il any, will "run" Don't be careless abont your clothing —Lest you should worry as a result. And Don't forget our address KANZAKI CO.. I -A ORCHARD ROAD, Phone 3516. SINGAPORE
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 287 22 |i,„i„i,m„, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii mm*e*»* nmm ,lll llllll, ,l, Roll Films Wm Film Pack s I lorthochromalic-Non Curling IflKB Mc,al Cased-Non Curhn y^^^^^Sp^l^3k^^ SOLE AGENTS SUB-AGENTS P-r>nl^ ry f I f> ■f J Y. EE BAT A CO. Vi^J^^^" incorporated m Switzerland I WAH HENG CO. Unrivalled m Speed and
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  • 124 23 sdruttr dyiyt The Chinese Company m I.m.w Cam;, on the 24th and 25tl July. 1926. The Machine Gun Section m co-operation. Sitting Capt. Tan Soo Hock, <>. C. Chinese Company. On his right: L1 II W. Rsson, M.C. i( > C. Machine Gun Section):' 1- X Conn
    Tanaka; Raub Pahang  -  124 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 132 25 TWENTY-TWO YEARS I OF LEADERSHIP. the fast word m Low-cost Tran sportation. WEARNE BROS., LTD. telepbone joso. LET YOUR NEXT ORDER FOR MINERALS BE WT/MmW I^s r^ ¥m\W m BBkx B* ¥Mm m Bft BmWX ¥Mm I ft\ ¥MU I Bft ¥MU I Bm\ ¥Mm I' 1 i mi I
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    • 161 25 j LAWSON'S| LIQUEUR SCOTCH j p REDSEALj pp| WHISKY WS^^XmmT^ OLD A!. D Ver.Y MELLOW I SOLE AGENTS I j JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD., j j (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). SINGAPORE, PENANG KUALA LUMPUR. j I I r^,«r^«r^.«a^fcaa^«»-^.«a-^.«a-^.a»-^.«»«^o^..^,a»^fc« r^,«»^o-^.«a'^«a-^.»»-^.«a^fc,«a^»»«^,«,% ♦**»^a»^fc«»^.»^fc«»'^fc«»-^«a'^«a'^«a^fc,«»^«a'^a,^ fc t^^a t^^ tt^ fc < fc t^^,a^^,»^ fc «a^ M^
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  • 743 26 PROBATION SYSTEM EXTENDED. It is no small thing that from the beginning ot July tlu probation system has been extended to the whole ol Britain, and that iii future mi OOttti <<f summary jurisdiction and no court <f quarter session, and, indeed, no court of a^i /L> will
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  • 224 26 NEW VIGOUR FOR INVALIDS. ImiH>rtant experiment! are being conducted at the present moment by eminent lung socialists, whereby the; practice of transmitting vital energy of healthy and fit person into an invalid by means of the human breath shall be perfected. A case occurred a few
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  • 86 26  -  Archdeacon Splash Denounced By A protest against the unreality and hypocrisy of the marriage ceremony when it was simply m;»de the occasion for a fashionable "splash," was made by Canon Derry, Archdeacon of Auckland, addressing the Mothers' Union m Durham Cathedral. To use the Church for marriages simply
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 286 26 INew Books Just Receive* i MYTHS AND LEGENDS OK CHINA. By E T VTernei v th thirty two illustrations m eolonra by Chinees artist*. 3 MYTH! AND LEGENDS OF JAPAN By W. Hadland David with thirty two fnll page illnstrsboni by Evelyn Pan 3 MYTHS OF THE HINDUS AND BUDDHISTS
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  • 631 27 ARE WE BECOMING TOO SERIOUS WHY WE SHOULD HOLD ON TO THE GIFT OF LAUGHTER. Are we losing the art of laughter? Pother day Londoners were accused l>eing too solemn, and a wellaniug gentleman started a campaign induce City people to sing at .their „k, writes Clifford K. Wright, m
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  • 277 27 Origin of the Hat Trick." Listening to pavilion conversation one is surprised to find how many followers of cricket do not know the origin of the term "hat trick,", writes an expert m the, Daily, Moa^Actually it dates bisk to the early days, when it was the
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  • 68 27 The Championship Titles. The Champions this year are as follows itMen's Singles: Khoo Hooi Hye (Singapore). Men's Doubles t E. N. W. Oliver and E. Baget (Selangor). Mixed Doubles: E. N. W. Oliver and Mrs. Wise (Selsngor and Negri Sembilan). Ladies' Singles: Mrs. Toft. (Negri Sembilan). Ladies* Doubles:
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 528 27 DON'T TIE YOUR WIRING JOB TO A DERBY HAT! You've heard of the so-called Contractor who keeps his office m his hat. Better not tie up to a man like that If you want an Electrical job done— and done right. Quality wiring materials, installed with > quality workmanship, pay
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
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