The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser, 21 July 1888

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser
  • 16 1 The Malacca Weekly Chronicle and Mercantile Advertiser. Voi. I Malacca, Saturday, July 21st, ISBB No. 20.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1373 1 r OVBENMENT NOTIFICATIONS. Further particulars, especially as rcg r rd3 I permission to planters in these Districts to irn- "*W T>OWELL CO., AUCTIONEERS t-N P°rt and cook their own chandn, and to buy 11 n 1! ;,t r prices, will be supplied f£~ o t”p t pnnn <3». 0,1 n
      1,373 words

  • 385 2 SATURDAY, JULY, 2 1ST 1888. In the Amministration report, of Malacca for last year, a reference was made to the various steam launches that have be en sent here, and we think the manner in which we have been treated with regard to them deserves severe condemnation. Some years ago,
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  • 398 2 Those who have visited the cemetery sit Bukit Serindit will surely have been forcible struck by the foct that very limited space is now left for fresh burrials in the portions alloted to the French and Portuguese Roman Catholic Missions for the interment of their dead, while plenty of
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  • 469 2 His Excellency the Governor has been pleased, subject to confirmation by the Right Hou’ble the Secretary of State for the Colonies, to appoiut Mr. F. Fox to be an Assistant Protector of Emigrants, Singapore, and a Registering Officer, under Ordinances Nos. 11l of 1877 and IY
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  • 608 2 On Saturday the l4tli inst. n TT I lam named Chan Seong Tav charged with giving false evuu’B The Magistrate toe k a serious T'M of the case and sent it up for I xiiig the bail at one thousand q^’B On Monday, for bein- in,*,l of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 250 2 NOTICE. ■STRAIT3 AGENCY OP THE CCMPANIA GENERAL DE TABACOS DE FILIPINAS. (COMPANIA TABACALERA.) 3, Battlry Road, Telephone No. 61. Every Ha l from Manila brings fresh supplies of Cigars of the following brands: Cjjba or Lav aka Brands. —Culebras, (twisted Cigars cfJin a bundle), Imperi ile3, Vegueros, Brevas, Escepscionales, Incom*
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  • 508 3 This is essentially a pessimistic e Grumblers are more numerous n ovv than they have been at any time ,luring the history of the world. In the Old country a desponding view is laker, of the state of trade, but its volume goes on increasing, mid the sirns
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  • 1551 3 Complaints continue to reach us about the removal of the bell' from the top of St. Paul’s Hill. Some of the grumblers can endure not hearing the call to church, but the sound of the town clock striking the hour does not travel far beyond the classic
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  • 314 3 Silt, In reply to lhe letter of July 1411), while it must be admitted that rcme of tbe uitmbi rs of Christ’s Church do not attend the services as often as they would if they were inspired with fee lings of true j)iety, and sincore desire
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  • 739 4 William li s passed. bowing his silver crest, Like an ol Sea King gain 1 i; r^i k. Frederick, in iuUe.jt prime, V ‘tli failing breath, But as heroic heart, has 'decked io death: Here, at their tomb, another Emperor keeps His vigd, whilot C-em:ania bov 3 a’ld iveeps.
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  • 388 4 In an interesting paper read the other day before the National Academy of Sciences. New York. Prof. W. P. Trowbridge gave an account of a discovery which had lately been made by his son. This discovery is that lirds of prey and some others
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  • 245 4 Arrivals Departures. o j Flag -pv cs Vessel s rums Captain l and Tons j From I— r UI L- Consi"n°es a 1 Rig I lLate f For ~j" July 13 jPvah Pekhet I Angus Brt.s.s 135 Singapore 15 Klang Kim Guan Co. l Aid 0 tiie isp
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  • 150 4 The following quotations are extracted from the Singapore Free Press of the 19ih July. PRODUCE. Tin 32.50 Gambicr .•> 7.25 do- Cube No. 1 10.2 i) do. do. No. 2 9A”i Pepper, Black »> do. White, Dry Rhio 4d. Nutmegs 110 s 95 Cloves Amboina 34. Balli Coffee, -M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 376 4 NOTICE. I Mr. ARJIOGAM VALOOPILLAI I Land Surveyor. H No. 8, Church Street I Surveys promptly executed, and p l ans r>V 1 on moderate terms. h H or particulars apply personally orbvW, I ,0 iiio above address. FOR SALE. I I—lce making Machine in good order. ypH make 200
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 191 4 RESULTS OF THE METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS TAKEN AT THE GENERAL HOSPITAL OBSERVATORY FROM 13th TO 19th July. i Temperature. Hygrometry. 3 Month o Sj: ■j? J; p W and t Es 3 =5 5= u§| ;g c Remarks §_<m 5“ g to .5 A■“ E,’® I'S j'Ĕ Date. P .5 S
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