Malacca Guardian, 9 September 1929

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malacca Guardian
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 433 2 An unusually large consignment of printing paper and stationery was exported from Singapore to Malacca, on Tuesday last. About two hundred deck passengers arrived in Malacca from Singapore direct, by the coasting steamers, on Tuesday last. A large consignment of rubber w’as shipped to Sing* pore from Malacca, on
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  • 1276 2 [The Malacca Guardian does not necessarily endorse the opinions of its correspondents .J Malay Marriages. To the Editor of the Malacca Guardian.” Sir, In going through the correspondence column of your paper dated 26th ultimo, it grieves me very much to learn the story of a Malay teacher making
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  • 44 2 Mr. Lim Bock Kee, Manager of the Ho Hong Bank, Ltd., of Singa--pore, who was arrested some time ago, apparently in error, has received $5OO from the Government as compensation. There are others who would be willing to be arrested at the same figure.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 587 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. ORDINANCE No. 44 (BANKRUPTCY). IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF MALACCA. In Bankruptcy No. 2 of 1929 RE Loh Ah Sam, Bankrupt. Receiving Order made 25th April, 1929. Date of Adjudication, 25th April, 1929. Date and place of First Meeting, 13th September, 1929, at 3
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    • 108 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. The public are hereby informed that I, the undersigned, Lee Song Kim, have no connection whatsoever with the Malacca Auto Hiring Co. (Kim Kim Co.) carrying on business at 132, Bunga Raya, Malacca. Sd. LEE SONG KIM. WANTED. Dogshooter for the District of Alor Gajah. Salary $2O per
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    • 319 2 Palm Oil Pointers 1. Prudent Investment. A man who works hard for his money doe- not m take undue risks with the little that he can sa llKe Yet it is absurd to leave it in the bank account ai a mere nominal interest—or nor .j, nt reminds one of
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    • 655 3 Kuo Min News Agency.) “Tne people of China will cert-i-niy get what we demand, onl we put our whole heart into j t jot us not get confused as to pH iestion at issue, nor cause con don in the minds of the p ()V ■>. The National
      ( Kuo Min News Agency.)  -  655 words
    • 151 3 f number of Chinese Consulates in various foreign ies will be increased at stated periods to meet the demand of o\ erseas Chinese. This decision was reached at a meeting of the F xecutive T uan in accordance with a proposal of the Minister of r oreign Affairs,
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    • 123 3 Three measures for facilitating the rigid enforcement of opiumsuppression throughout the country were recommended and adopted at a meeting of the State Council by President Tai Chi-tao of the Examination Yuan. The measures are as follows: 1. To set a date for the summoning of a National
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    • 82 3 It is learned that in compliance with a request from the Overseas Affairs Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will shortly lodge a protest with the Governments of Manama and Cuba against exclusion of Chinese from these two countries. According to reports from the overseas Chinese residing
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    • 61 3 An order instructing that drastic measures be adopted to exterminate bandits and Communists in Hupeh, as part of the programme for the rehabilitation of the province, has been received :‘rom Commander-in-Chief Chiang Kai-shek by General Ho Yingching, Inspector-General of Military Training, General Liu Chih, special representative of the
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    • 73 3 As the result of a raid on two canning factories in Amoy and Xulangsu by the local gendarmes, t ie latter in conjunction w 7 ith the Municipal Police, 12 Communist suspects were taken into custody. Voluminous correspondence seized during the search revealed connections with the notorious
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    • 63 3 In view of the fact that normal and friendly relations between China and Japan have been resumed as a result of the recent settlement of various Sino-Japan-ese issues, the Hopei Provincial authorities, pursuant to instructions from the Chief Political Official’s office, have issued an order prohibiting the
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  • 574 3 Kind lady—“ You poor nun gry man! How would you like a nice chop? Tramp (cautiously)—“ It depends, lady. Do yer mean lamb or woodshed Doesn’t that mule ever kick you? “No, sah, he ain’t yit; but he trequently kicks de place where ah recently was.” ——The correspondent
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 447 3 t« IK 1» iotroduct jos to Messrs. I I FIAT Latest Master Production, I and to invite Trial and Demonstration. VOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. 5 Seater Saloon 19 H.P. Tax $24. CONCESSIONAIRES FOR MALAYA INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS SINGAPORE. PENANG. TAIPING. IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR. MALACCA. 33, JONKER STREET,
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    • MONDAY.
      • 156 4 RUSSIA READY TO SIGN SETTLEMENT. With some modifications, the Soviet Government has agreed to the Chinese Government’s proposal to sign a joint declaration settling the Sino-Russian dispute. M. Litvinoff, in advising the German Ambassador of the Soviet s willingness to sign the declaration, stated that the Soviet saw
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      • 124 4 Lord Balfour has written to Dr. Weizmann, President of the Jewish Agency, saying: Events in I alesitne move my indignation and disgust but do not shake my confidence in the general policy which you and your colleagues are pursuing successfully in Palestine. lnder the mandated system,
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      • 100 4 A tumultuous, official welcome accompanied by showers of confetti and paper streamers was accorded to Dr. Eckener when he rode in triumph down Lower Broadway New York. He was cheered by a crowd of 500.000 people while the airship Los Angeles circled overhead. Dr. Eckener is remaining in
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      • 78 4 The coastal passenger steamei San Juan,” from San Francisco t< l.os Angeles, with 55 passengerand a crew of 45, sank as the resuh of a collision with the Standard Oi tanker “Scott Dodd,” off Ptgeon Point on the California coa<t The Scott Dodd and other vessels picked up
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      • 62 4 I; is learned on the highest au thority that owing to the disarmament discussions in London th formal announcement of Japan’s prospective auxiliary replacement programme was withheld lest it should hinder the negotiations. It was also wished to avoid giving rise to the suspicion that it was
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      • 16 4 Lady Heath, the British airwoman, is reported to be recovering from her crash,
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    • TUESDAY.
      • 347 4 STRONG PROTEST AGAINST PALESTINE CONDITIONS. Ten thousand Jews from all oyer London attended a protest meeting at the Albert Hail, presided over by Lord Melchett to voice a leeling of horror and indignation at the massacre of Jews in Palestine.’ Three thousand were unable to gain admission
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      • 139 4 A storm of cheering greeted the •-rrival of Mr. Snowden and tho members of the British delegation from The Hague at Liverpool Street. Mr. Snowden, in an interview with Reuter, said: The Conference realised our best hopes. We succeeded in all the essential ooints of our claims. The
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      • 77 4 According to the present arrangements for his projected visit the United States of America the British Prime Minister will leave England on Sept. 28, arriving at Washington on Oct. 4. It is understood he will spend six days in the Federal Capital. For the first
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      • 49 4 The Post Office announces lhat correspondence for destinations beyond India, for example Ceylon, Straits Settlements, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand, cor. now be sent by India air mail to connect at Colombo with the mail that left London by the ordinary route on the previous Thursday.
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      • 357 4 NOT PROBLEM FOR BRITAIN AND U. S. ALONE. Addressing a gathering of journaiists at Geneva after the opening session of the League of Nations Assembly, Mr. MacDonald, th.; British Premier, said he hoped to go to America this autumn but he could not say yet definitely whether it
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      • 104 4 An official communique states that the German Consul at Harbin, accompanied by four American journalists on arriving in Manchuli on Aug. 30. witnessed the bombardment of the Chinese lines by Russian artillery and a Russian armoured train entering Chinese territory. Reuter’s Mukden correspondent, seys an official communique, states
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      • 59 4 The Herald Tribune’s Washington correspondent states that the question of American adherence to the World Court is likely to he postponed until late in 1930 as President Hoover is anxious to give right of way to naval questions and Jo avoid the serious controversy which
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      • 32 4 H.H. the Aga Khan, as President of the British Red Crescent Society, has issued an appeal to Moslems for funds for the relief of destitute Moslems in Palestine.
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      • 31 4 Lady Heath, who was recently seriously injured in an air crash, is much improved but her doctors state that she will never be able to fly again.
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      • 233 4 BRITISH PREMIER DISCUSSES CURRENT PROBLEMS. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, the British Premier, the Assembly of the League of Nations, that during the last five years many changes' had taken place, nearly all of which had been for the advancement of peace and the strengthening of the League’s
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      • 203 4 In a communique the Colonial Office says instructions were issued some days ago by the Palestine Government for the collection of evidence before it disappeared as to whether the disorders which commenced on A up. 23 were spontaneous or preconcerted. In the meantime while British forces are actively
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      • 50 4 After a conference with Pres dent Hoover at the White House, Senator Hale, Chairman of the Senate Naval Committee, predicted that all 15 cruisers authorised by Congress would be constructed. He said that the President believed that course necessary regardless of what Anglo-American agreement was reached.
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      • 43 4 Although the influence of the Tndus Punjab currents has not vet been felt, tremendous damage due to local floods is reported from the Hyderabad region, the overflow from floods in Khaipur State breaching canals and inundating hundreds of square miles.
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      • 45 4 The Trade Union Congress at Belfast rejected the motion of Mr. Cook, the Miners’ Secretary, in favour of the appointment of a committee to deal with the organisation of the principal industries on 'he basis of a single Union for each industry.
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    • FRIDAY.
      • 380 4 BRITAIN REFUSES TO SURRENDER PRIVILEGE. The British Government through the Minister in Peking have transmitted to the Nationalist Government of China a reply to the latter’s desire for the removal of the restrictions imposed on the jurisdictional sovereignty of China by the system of extraterritoriality. The British Government say
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      • 122 4 The Arab Executive of Palestine, in reply to the Chancellor’s proclamation, say that they have >*ead the proclamation with astonish ment and regret, pointing out that most Jews are armed and that the Government armed many Jews No Jews were mutilated, even ir Hebron; on the contrary
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      • 64 4 The Graf Zeppelin has landed at Friedrichshafen. Thousands, unable to get accommodation in hotels, waited up all night and there were deafening cheers when the dirigible entered the hanger, which was smothered with flowers and foliage and adorned with the flags of all the nations visited. The
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      • 13 4 The Tin Producers’ Association has been registered as a Company.
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      • 205 4 ACCORD BETVi Ex Br AND UNIT, STATES^ The seventeen >i n ß hy Mr. Mae Donal. n whS American agree ■„t reached include: The whole act < d shall u finitely linked v r h M Pact and assume val co-oJ? not antagonism. Parity shall appli every class
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      • 132 4 It is officially announced tin 1 114 Red Communists, includii, 71 women, are detained in an fc ternment camp north of Sun? River. Each prisoner is given ti pounds of bread, some vegetable oUgar and tea daily. A hospital; attached to the camp and ait; gether the prisoners
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      • 55 4 The Hong Kong Colonial Sectary has made a statement to ta Legislative Council to the efff’ that information had been receives that the Air Ministry are co-opert ng in building the hangar at M Tack aerodrome. The contrite tions from the Imperial Gov© "rent for the construction
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      • 42 4 The most serious drought in years shows no sign of breaks and New Yorkers arc roasting b temperature of 94 which is capi# by Lancaster, Pennsylvania, ia 103. It has caused many milW dollars’ worth of damage to crops
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      • 33 4 The City of San Francisco,"» American trans-i inental iiner, has been four wrecked‘m Gallup, New Mexic All ab° were dead, the nm nine W apparently been st ak by Ring.
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      • 25 4 The Nationalist < crnmY. issued an order to General of Customs bidding^ importation of gi hounds China. Greyhounds ported from England 1 dAus “1
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      • 26 4 Mr. R. Boulter. C.’-’-p-ffSi cial Secretary at Y A nfc i appointed Trade Singapore to reopen t P 0 1 was closed in 1922.
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  • 983 6 Thanks chiefly to Malacca’s Unofficial Member of the Legislative Council, Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, th;t body at its meeting last week devoted unusual attention to affairs of this settlement, though many matters of general interest to all residents of the Colony were discussed. Mr. Cheng Lock asked whether
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  • 339 6 The Chinese Chamber of Commerce is to be congratulated upon its initiative in the matter of the exhorbitant rates charged for electricity in Malacca. Grumbling has been continuous for about eleven years but grumbling seldom accomplishes anything and it is only in the past few months, despite repeated
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  • 137 6 In a case which was brought up in the Police Court by the Monopolies Department last week a Malay gave evidence to the effect that on request of that department he visited a Japanese lodging and eating house and bought and drank a bottle of stout on the
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    • 290 6 Scholarship involves.—“ The Straits Times.” It is very easy to ex;i ggerata popularity of the Q LU s f h th ships. Dr. Winstem wards them is shared, f e to can gather, bv aimos of the teaching prof, v,™ laya, and it is based VPr la grounds.
      Scholarship involves.—“ The Straits Times.”  -  290 words
    • 230 6 high up on it. The Siam Observer.” British travellers, to a man. are once again behind the further attempt now being made by Sir Martin Conway and other members of Parliament to secure the abolition of the passport visa nuisance. In a succession of Parliaments members have
      high up on it.—“ The Siam Observer.”  -  230 words
    • 107 6 viv/iicii ci iicrciii ui rum would yield!—“The Malay Saturday Post.” After all, taxation is the method of raising money fV P l purposes, for it distribute the mu* den over the whole cThose who never subscr e to ait voluntary fund have their share as well as e
      viv/iicii ci iicrciii ui * – rum would yield!—“The Malay Saturday Post.”  -  107 words
    • 82 6 of his ability.—“ The Times of Malaya.” iil. We cannot quite sympat i se the complaint that is made apathy amongst the rank and of the public whose eontri mu towards the College have appaw lv been negligible or non-existent hitherto. Any blame for that should be placed
      of his ability.—“ The Times of Malaya.”  -  82 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 324 6 UNION THE II OF THE jl LUBRICANT WORLD Jl f| Insist on Arista Red Line Lnbrica*icg Oil if you wish to be trouble free It is the oil which lubricates but does not car- 5 banize. In tins fitted with patent Antiwaste Pourers. i) 2 Once tried always used, jj
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    • 17 6 (iirmßiE r b New Stocks Just Arrived Buy BRITISH riUTHRIE^IIP Phone 85 Malacca. ——OHHUnai. r-i ■ma M—
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 27 6 I RIAL TO X From Thursday 12th to Sunday !j.* X 15th September. X LON CHANEY i: “TELL IT to the MARINES” :i m <M-:*4 *xx*x**x**x**x~x**x-*x--}**i*+*s §~s*-.*
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  • 79 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Messrs. T. C. Pillay, T. S. Pillay and brothers beg to tender their grateful thanks to those relatives and friends who rendered valuable help to them, also those who sent wreaths and letters of condolence in their recent bereavement and attended the funeral of their beloved father. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Mr.
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    • 260 8 The September monthly medal —stroke competition—was beintc played yesterday and the day before. The results will be announced next week. Arrangements are being made to jnstal an extra showcase in the clubhouse for the display of clubs and other golfing requisites. The watering system which has been
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    • 107 8 Banda Hilir Badminton Party Beat Bukit China Badminton Partv. The Banda Hilir Badminton Party, captained by Yan Kee Leong. played a match with the Bukit China Badminton Party, captained by Ng Ai Loy, on September 1 at the former’s court. It was proposed to have a return match yesterday.
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    • 67 8 A friendly match of badminton, consisting of 6 singles, will be played between the fan Tan Badminton Party and The AngioChinese School on the former's court on Saturday, the 14th instant, at 4 p.m. The following will represent the T.T.B.P.:— Chan Wee Liew, M.
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    • 69 8 AMERICAN TOURNAMENT AT MALACCA CLUB. On Saturday, August 31, an American Tennis Tournament was held on the Club Padang, which was well attended, there being over thirty entries. In the final a full set was played. Miss Elies presented two silver cups and two spoons to the prizewinners and
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    • 49 8 In the Jasin Club tournament on Saturday, Mr. Davies defeated Mr Wallace, 1-6, 6-2, 6-4, thus ending the tournament. After the match Mrs, McKerrow, wife of the President of the Club! pa\e away the prizes to the winners. An informal dance was held in the evening.
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    • 69 8 The semi-final of Men’s Doubles: —C. F. Gomes and H. M. de Souza, Sr. vs. A. Simpson and J. A. C. Stewart will be played to-morrow. It has been decided to hold the final matches of the tournament on Saturday, 21st inst. when Men’s Singles and Mixed Doubles
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    • 364 8 S. F. I. BOARDERS’ FOOTBALL TEAM AT SEREMBAN. On Friday last under the charge of Mr. P. G. Mahindasa, Hon. Sports Master of the St. Francis’ Institution, a team of footballers drawn from the school Boarders, motored to Seremban in cars kindly lent by Messrs. Ong Soo Bin and
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    • 843 8 M.R.A. Fine Win. On Satui day last the Yeow Kim Swce Shield Competition was brought to a successful conclusion by the meeting of the Banda Kaba Football Team and the Malacca Recreation Association in the final. By virtue of their more convincing performances earlier in
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    • 92 9 The draw for the Centenary Cup Competition (First Round) was made on Saturday and resulted as follows: St. Francis Association I bye on Wednesday, Sept. 11th. Chinese Football Association 11 bye on Wednesday, Sept. 16th. Banda Kaba F.T. II vs. St. Francis Association II Sept. 18th. Starlight
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 230 8 (^'l *<****y* v oB e S° U lW' ct l b6 B u» e °\>^ W ea A w. c t‘ S-O* w»b' IVUS ta' V I jVlft v f"' eSI Bo^ebt^’U'^ e b t^’ U t Wc ot "t ct c^ U l6tSt cU* S EVEREWI j (t o^
      230 words
    • 261 8 Puttirig the Sti ig ill I r^l -i. Fc-N Sodc Water |g|| does the trick FRASER NEAVE L TD MAKE SODA WATER DELUXE! Cigarette Card Collectors! Please Note the following Sets can be had:- WILLS:— 1 Allied Army Leaders, Arms of the British Empire, Companies, Foreign Cities, Schools, Bishoprics, Aviation,
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  • 652 10 NEGRI SEMBILAN ALL BLUES RUGBY ASSOCIATION. (From Our Own Correspondent). Seremban, Sept. 3. The third annual general meeting of the Negri Sembilan All Blues Rugby Association was held this evening at the Persidangan Blia Club with Tuan Sheikh Ahmad, President of the Association, in the Chair. The attendance,
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  • 39 10 Lee Kee Co., Ltd., Seremban, left the district on Tuesday night by the night mail to Singapore on business and expects to ke away for a week,
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  • 483 10 Further Charge Against BaughThe case in which William Baugh was charged for criminal breach of trust, which was postponed to the 4th inst., came up again in the Jasin Court beloie iii. S. L. Freer, when the case was further postponed. The accused "as further charged with criminal
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  • 146 10 News has just been received from Java that Mr. Arnoldi, who was the champion trick cyclist with isako’s circus, was killed in front of the audience by one of the Malay boys attached to the circus, says ihe Malaya Tribune.” It appears hat Arnoldi had occasion to
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  • 31 10 DONATIONS RECEIVED UP TO NOON SEPTEMBER 3rd. Already acknowledged $9,083 Teachers Malay Girls’ School, Kampong Baharu, Kuala Lumpur g Leow Chia Heng gqo Annamalay Chettyar, Malacca io $9,399
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  • 832 10 P Convicted. T e Mr. G. C. Dodd, sitting as District Judge at Alor Gajah Court, five Malays, two women and three men, were charged with the following offences: —(1) Jainah bint l Yunus was charged that on the 24th January, 1929, at the District Office, Alor
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  • 323 10 Routine Orders hy Major H. W. Essen, M.C., Commanding. Captain F. W. B. Sergeant returned from leave on 26.8.29. Revolver Classification for B (Chinese) Company and D” (Eurasian) Company will be fired at Tanjong Bruas, on Sunday, loth September, 1929. Times of firing n re as follows:—8.80 a.m.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 63 10 in AH Weather The All Weather Tread is aptly named. It gives full traction in all weather. Through wet and slush, the stout, sharp-edged diamond blocks grip the j road. Cars fitted with All Weather Tread Tyres start, run, and stop —easily, surely. j and safely. Have Ail Weather Treads
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 261 10 1 RIALTO THEATRE, $f PROGRAMME tt I From Monday, 9th, to Wednesday, llth Sept. From Thursday,l2th to Sunday, I Sth Sept I At 9_Js_p.m. At 9 I 5 P m p “THE CHAPERONES [Comedy] Latest Pathe Gaze,te LON CHANEY ft THE The Man of a Thousand Faces in'“ 2® eHBRLHTfIN
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