Malacca Guardian, 10 June 1929

Total Pages: 14
1 14 Malacca Guardian
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 60 2 The activity of Vesuvius has decreased but the authorities will probably wait for a few days to make sure that the volcano has returned to its slumbers before authorising the villagers to return to their homes. Lava still surrounds Terzigno on three sides bu-. is now cooling rapidly
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  • 618 2 INVESTOR’ S GUIDE. by telling me of it! (By Searchlight.”) XIX.—THE ELEMENT OF SPECULATION. Malayan newspaper readers can net complain ol a lack of suggestions as to ways of investing their savings. Modestly refraining from remark on my own contributions in this important direction, I would cite as an instance
    by telling me of it! (By “ Searchlight.”)  -  618 words
  • 32 2 The Reparations proposals accepted by Dr. Schacht, President of the Reichsbank and chief German delegate, include the payment of an annuity of £102,500,000, and the cessation of the Dawes’ Plan payments.
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  • 234 2 WICKHAM” MEMORIAL. Considerable progress has been made in connection with the proposal for a marble bust of the late Sir Henry Wickham. The work has been entrusted to Mr. Allan G. Wyon, F.R.8.5., and it is gratifying to record that a letter has been received from Sir George Boughey, Bt.,
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  • 109 2 Mr J. H. Thomas, in an interview, confirmed the report that he will be the Minister in charge ot unemployment. It is understood that Lord Chelmsford is to be appointed Secretary for India. It is now definitely stated that Mr. Arthur Henderson will be I Foreign Secretary, with
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  • 56 2 It is believed that prior to his departure for Moscow, the Japanese Ambassador, Mr. T. Tanaka, was instructed by the Prime Minister to take up a more conciliatory attitude towards the Soviet. Japan will probably act in a friendly spirit regarding settlement of the fisheries dispute and
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  • 23 2 The Norwegian freighter, Marosa,” 839 tons net. Captain Jergensen, arived here on Tuesday last, with a cargo of rice and bran, from Bangkok.
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  • 812 2 WELL-MERITED HONOURS FOR PROMINENT LEADERS. (From Our Own Correspondent). Amongst those whose names have been added to the Commission cf the Peace for the Settlement of Singapore figure two prominent members of the Chinese community in the persons of Mr. Wee Swee Teow, Advocate and Solicitor, and
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  • 331 2 TOURING IND I A. REMARKABLE RECORD i. BY FIAT. From Bombay com s the of an exceptional teat perform s a private motorise Jt h h car, a strictly stand, -d Fiat. The trip is m only because it affords a con proof of the excellent auVV 11 this popular
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  • 85 2 A message from Kabul st] that a terrible explosion occur] there on May 26, whilst Habibu] was inspecting his troops, soldier was killed and several"] badly injured, whilst Habibu] himself had a narrow escape. l] bomb was discovered to havel] buried in tne earth and it is] lieved
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  • 63 2 The persistent depression in i sterling exchange during re« weeks has resulted in a resumpti of the movement of gold don to New York, and $1,000.0 (gold) is being shipped herein London, this being the fr shipment from London since Bank of England raised the i count
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  • 12 2 What's the excitement she Congressional Library.” “Seems a Congressman “‘l dered in.”
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  • 25 2 ——“What’s a polyglot?” Dad-- My boy, your father had to lea school and go to work long before he ever got as far as geomety."
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 498 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. P.W.D.M. 1/29 (28). GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received at the Resident Councillor’s Office, up to noon of the 28th June, 1929, for the following works: Construction of additional accommodation to Rest House, Malacca. A Prime Cost sum of $2,000 is to be included in the tender to cover
      498 words
    • 137 2 But Jxxr MODERN lubrication SHELL OIL •{—> »54 ;q; 1 REAL PHOTOCRAPHS I 1 ON SILK. 1 :o: rj: i BEAUTIFUL ART NOVELTIES. 8 •i~j. H 8 H Guaranteed Lasting and Washable. jy. yy. ;q; :q; I ON EXHIBITION For One Week Only at 8 y*in The Malacca Rest House.
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  • 1455 3 The Malacca Guardian does not neces warily endorse the opinions of its correspondents Malacca Buffaloes. o the Editor of the Malacca Guardian.” Dear Sir, May I suggest that you take up lis matter with your powerful .i n, and thereby ameliorate the ondition of these poor dumb ninials. The
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  • 443 3 Over five thousand tins of coconut oil were shipped from Penang to Malacca in the past five months. No fewer than fifty Malay returned pilgrims arrived in Malacca irom Jeddah via Singapore on Tuesday last. A large consignment of tin ore from a local mine is to be shipped
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 424 3 i# n g Jorahlcj/ic/assCarata H CONCESSIONAIRES FOR MALAYA <§X> INCORPORATED IN THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS H SINGAPORE. PENANG. TAIPING. IPOH. KUALA LUMPUR. MALACCA. tp qjj qjo CWj tyy ego uoj '-O-T Tobacco 4m -l Eudiometer Report from LEWIS JAMESON CO., LTD., Consulting Analytical Chemists, 83, QUEEN VICTORIA ST., London, E.C. The
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    • MONDAY.
      • 517 4 CONSERVATIVE VOTE HIGHER J THAN LABOUR. Reuter states that the aggregate of votes cast and counted so far is; Conservatives 8,575,000, Labour 8 337,000, Liberals 5,238,000, Com- munists 50,000, women candidates of all Parties securing 745,000 votes in the aggregate. Out of 25 Communist candidates, 21 lost their
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      • 44 4 The Soviet has signed a nine years’ contract with the Ford Motor Company, providing for the purchase of $30,000,000 (gold) worth of Ford cars and parts for the next four years and the construction of a Ford car factory in Russia.
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      • 37 4 Ex-King Amanullah, interviewed by Reuter, denied that he lef. Afghanistan owing to the defeat o i his forces. He stated that from the beginning of the rising he ordered his troops not to attack anywhere.
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    • TUESDAY.
      • 441 4 DIVERSE PRESS OPINIONS ON j THE FUTURE. The general election stalemate, with the accompanying spectre of a continuously imminent dissolution, is a problem tne successful solution of which needs a more accommo- dating spirit between ihe Parties than nas been evident up to the moment. There is a
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      • 269 4 The climax to weeks of most elaborate ceremonies, starting in Peking, came when the carefully embalmed remains of Dr. Sun Yatsen. the saviour of China,” con tained in an elaborate, Americanmade bronze coffin, were placed in their final resting place in the middle of the rotunda of
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      • 317 4 j.ABOUR-LIBERAL COALITION FORECASTED. The Government has decided to resign. This decision followed an hour’s meeting of Ministers at Downing Street. It is learned that as a consequence of the Government’s resignation, Sir Austen Chamberlain will not go to Madrid for the meeting of the Council of the League
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      • 78 4 Reports that the U. S. Government is coming to the aid of farmers with a fund of $100.000,000 (gold) to aid the marketing of the wheat surplus has caused the wildest opening of th 2 Chicago wheat market for years. There was an outburst of furious buying lifting
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      • 29 4 A Government Inspector at Kuchan, Persia, states that 3,253 people have been killed and 1.121 injured in an earthquake in Khorassan, and 88 villages have been destroyed.
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      • 33 4 Admiral Paul Coundouriotis was re-elected President of the Repub. x ol Greece at a joint meeting of uw Senate and the Chamber, receiving 259 of 309 votes. There were 4i blanks.
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      • 36 4 Over 20 deaths have occurred in New York City alone owing to the heat wave. The temperature in the shade was 90 degrees in New York and 97 in Boston and Pittsburg.
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      • 157 4 FORMAL VISIT TO KING IN BEDROOM. Mr. Baldwin has tendered his resignation to the King at Windsor. The first person to meet Mr. Baldwin on his arrived at Windsor Castle was Princess Elizabeth, in a pale green dress with white socks and a straw hat. She had just
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      • 108 4 The U. S. Tariff Biil is meeting with considerable opposition in the Senate. It is rumoured that President Hoover is dissatisfied with the Biii because it does not conform to his recommendation lor limited revision and does too little for the farmers, while attempting to do
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      • 66 4 A message from Manchuli states that the Soviet Consul-General at Mukden and the Soviet Vice-Consul at Harbin and M. Slowetts. *he Russian Director of the Chinese Eastern Railway, all of whom left Harbin for Moscow on June 1, were arrested on the night of June 2 by
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      • 50 4 A message from Chapultepee Castle states that General Enrique Goroztieta. chief of the Christeros, whose battle cry was Long live Christ the King.” has been killed in a fight with Federal troops. Seventy followers died with him. Goroztieta’s army for long caused trouble in the Jalisco district.
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      • 51 4 It is semi-officially announced that an American engineer named Brandt has signed a contract with the Automobile Trust for the reorganisation of the Moscow auto-p-.obile plant by twelve American engineers. It is estimated that after the reorganisation the plant will produce 25,000 2 vans a
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      • 47 4 After the protracted strike, the Australian timber mills have reopened and several hundreds are now working. The owners are satisfied that the response of volun teers at the reopening was not marked by any incidents, despite the presence of numerous union pickets at each mill.
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      • 18 4 The state of the Parties now is;— Labour 288 Conservatives 255 Liberals 58 Others 8
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      • 20 4 The total number of unemployed on May 27 was 1.132,300. This was 27,638 more than on May 13.
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    • FRIDAY.
      • 356 4 MEMBERS OF CABINET NOT YET ANNOUNCED. Mr. MacDonald has accepted the Premiership. The King was able to sit in a chair when he received Mr. MacDonald at Windsor Castle, and perused the list of nominees for the new Government, which Mr. MacDonald submitted. The audience lasted for 15
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      • 144 4 After a lull, Vesuvius has erupted with undiminished intensity and is beiching forth millions of cubic feet of lava, which is flow ing down the Valley of Hell, crumniing up villages as with the twist c. an iron wrist. The hamiet of Pagano and the village of Lavini
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      • 39 4 It is announced that President Hoover does not contemplate a modification ot the American cruiser building programme, at least no until agreement has been rea died by the principal Powers for actual sea power reduction.
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      • 21 4 A message from Afghanistan states that Habibullah’s forces have occupied Kandahar, ex-King Amanullah’s late headquarters, without opposition or bloodshed.
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      • 337 4 LEADERS OF INTERN .TIOX\i SYNDICATE ARRES D L A French Count, giving he narrof Count Maxane de P(.. /nac 19 other alleged princi s 0 f J International Liquor yndicat* 1 with a capital of millions ,f dollar were arrested in a series dram'’ tic raids by
        337 words
      • 114 4 The Foreign Minister, Dr. C. T. W ang, has informed Pressmen that at present Chinese relations with Russia are extremely grave, and the position was being considered by the Government. Indicating that the National Government may be compelled to take very drastic action, the Foreign Minister pointed
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      • 107 4 Mr. Ramsay MacDonald interviewed by a lady correspondent of the Petit Parisien,” fores kCov.M discussions with President ’hoover m regard to inter-Allied dt :> and disarmament, on a new bas s. Separations should not be c nfused with debts. His Government would go straight ahead with a
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      • 23 4 In an Association footba rnatc ot the Olympic Stadium. vnis^ e lam, Scotland beat Holla There were 20,000 spectators present.
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  • 1007 6 We have just received from the Government Printing Office. Singapore, the annual S. S. report on education for the year 1928. On the whole the report is very en--11 couraging. showing real progress, i though there is still much room for improvement. For example, the first page contains the
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  • 401 6 One of the things which impressed us most with regard to our celebration of the birthday of His Majesty the King, last week, was the apparent shallowness of our patriotism, which failed to express itself either in attendance at the Birthday Parade, which was well worth seeing, or
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  • 130 6 The Guardian wishes to unite with the rest of the community in extending to Major A. A. Lermit our sincere congratulations upon the merited honour which he received in connection with the King’s Birthday. Certain of the Straits papers are condemning the awards, not on personal grounds but
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  • 98 6 A personal letter from our old friend, Major R. J. Sidney, Editor ot the Straits Echo,” informs us that the advertising programme in Penang will be carried out despite the thunders of the “Guardian” We are sorry for those residents of Penang who have an aesthetic sense, but we
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    • 237 6 unneard ot, in Malaya.—The Eastern Courier.” Though we hear of s» )ora( i. bursts of enthusiasm, f, m ties here and elsewhere reJfT' the desirability of es; iblifhT. f university for Malaya a Sin 2 1 yet assuredly it will be J? I ceded by a large
      unneard ot, in Malaya.—The Eastern Courier.”  -  237 words
    • 162 6 contentment nowhere.—“ The Malayan Saturday Post.” The man who really won the Great War was no politician or military genius of high rank, but just plain Tommy Atkins and his comrades of the rank and file of other nationalities. The ablest of officers can do little without dependable
      contentment nowhere.—“ The Malayan Saturday Post.”  -  162 words
    • 149 6 demoralisation.—“ T Siam Observer.” Reports from London leave no room for doubt that the “talkies' are hitting the ordinary theatre very hard, and it is quite within the bounds of possibility that several of the genuine theatrical productions will have to be withdrawn in order that increasing loss
      demoralisation.—“ T Siam Observer.”  -  149 words
    • 103 6 The Eastern Courier," If Feng Yu-hsiang retires an goes abroad, —as the cable- state--we may be quite certain bat the move will not be di. to a l5 solicitude for the welfi. of h’ s countrymen. Seltish, and an r' tious as he is unscrupulou he ha> never
      “ The Eastern Courier,"  -  103 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 190 6 I Pabco 1 1 Plaster Board |j Parry i'n' /’trail."'*" g I I 1 I» Fur /urthcr particulars apply Id i SIME, DARBY S Co., Ltd. 1 <-1% c|a ft 3F Sole Agents. <§ i 1 8 1 I u you are not yd I A subscriber m TO 1
      190 words
    • 19 6 fiumME r C?b I 9 New and Secondhand ELECTRIC lighting SETS FOR salt: Apply GimfPjr/CSil? PHONE 85 MALACCA. «■■MHMflw-^NwriatfOHnnuDisaKtv
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

    • 1119 8 ANNUAL EVENT ON MALACCA CLUB PADANG. The annual King’s Birthday Sports were held on Monday last on tne Malacca Club Padang. King Sol w as in one of his most genial moods. The Sports commenced with the running of 120 yards hurdles which J. M. Lee of the
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    • 880 8 A SUCCESSFUL EVENT AT SEKEMBAN. (From Our Own Correspondent). Seremban, June 4. The Eighth Annual Athletic Sports of the F.M.S. Medical Department were held on the Negri Sembilan Club Padang, on the Ist inst. before a very large crowd. The Club premises and the grounds were very
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    • 2743 10 Teachers Win Government InterDepartmental Game. On Tuesday last, in the Government Inter-Departmental Football Competition, tne Post Office met a depleted Teachers’ team, three of whose regular players were eithei on the sick or injured list. The iearns were:— P’ost Office: Wee Eng Suan, Mohamed bin Zuki, Tan Peng Leong,
      2,743 words
    • 280 12 On Saturday last an interesting cricket match was played between the High School and the Indo-Cey-lonese Association on the Banda Hilir English School ground. The Indo-Ceylonese batted first and were all out for a paltry 47, Dr. Maniam alone entering double figures (22). Bhari took 6 wickets for 16.
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    • 73 12 Mr. Kh>,<> ij>Wl Malayan i ,mj s in Sereml),:,,. on ing. In the aC® tennis with m e „C* Sembilan Altogethe, ep X| after anotner, anri W members who J'W Negri Sembilan M Tournamen the 12th inn got J the former hamrJ l modest gath-ring siasts on th. court
      73 words
    • 43 12 On Saturday at 4 pul can Tennis Tournament! on the Club Christ Church. The entry must be J Holden. Partners will be drsj there will be prizes for J The entrance fee of 3 tea, can be paid through
      43 words
    • 56 12 On Saturday a dance M at the Malacca Club f rM 10.30 p.m. The tickets,* include refreshments, are! and $5 for two tickets. 1 All proceeds are [M Funds. The Nightingales Banc! attendance. ln Sunday school»! was asked: Why shoiil hide your light under akl For fear of
      56 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 152 8 4te Batter^ is of your A I Flashlight. BBf\ I Insist upon |jfl_4L I evEßEady Trade Mark Unit Cells I the world’s finest flashlight bat- I tery* Beware of imitations* II WL Obtainable from all first class dealers JM VA Facto rv Representatives /M KtCtLER PHIPPS (MALAYA), LTD. *O4l /y
      152 words
    • 289 8 LIME JUICE CORDAIH Soda Water Lemonade H Ifl i—Li Ginger Beer Ginger Ale !^iiH t c/d 3$ Lemon Squash Orangella 9 fl| Jls I Cherry Cider Lime Juice Seda > s a Champagne Cider Cream Soda 0 111 1 c/3 Pin 1 Sarsaparilla Ginger Stout WM jS 7 Tonic Kola
      289 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 84 10 SAFELY. Ride GOODYEARS! Suddenly- —any time, any place—you are Old, smooth, worn-out tyres will s.ip and slide. But new Goodyear Tyres will give you extra fflXj AJy breaks. They grip the road— fast, hard, Choose the tyre that means safety. IfcS/j fy.-.! Choose the tyre with the safe, skidless, slip-
      84 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 97 12 iiugigijiiir I Announcing 1 1 The I Outstanding Truck Si W 4 ||j| j; ;f f§| of Ilf g |i Chevrolet History B a six in the price range of four 8 m Sa g 8 gj 32% More Power I 20% More Speed if gg p: II 4 Wheel
      97 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 304 12 pry> sOn cLrt cOn cOn rOn cQ» rjki -fr? rto nil rfo <<fr tft-> <p-. (Oi fO» fOi rP-> rO» rli-t (fa rQn eOn eOn cOn cQn rO-> rO-> t<>i r&i rOn rt h c{t -0- T\ VV TT TT TY •'TT xTT: 1 fxTY JI g *7Tp; •’■cTX v
      304 words