Malacca Guardian, 25 March 1929

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malacca Guardian
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  • 516 2 n «t you on to it. (By Search]ight VIII.—“ LISTEN TO LANGTON.” You who have followed me so far m these cameo lectures, may like to hear what someone else says about the Oil Palm. Well, just tune up and listen-in to Langton. H. M. Langton, M.A., B.Sc.,—a
    n«t you on to it. (By “ Search]ight ”).  -  516 words
  • 482 2 HUGE HANGAR TO BE BUILT IN AMERICA. GOODYEAR CONSTRUCTING GIANT AIRSHIPS FOR U. S. NAVY. Work is now under way at the Goodyear Akron Airport in the United States, preliminary to construction of the huge Goodyear hanger—to be the biggest building in the worid—which when
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  • 133 2 Heavy influenza mortality among French troops m tne Rhineland has resulted in 175 deaths for February alcne. iho question was critically debated in tne Chamber ail night long on a Socialist motion tantamount to a vote of censure against the Government. M. Paul Painleve, Minister of War,
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  • 52 2 The Duke ami Duchess of York have been spending a day in Berlin on their way to Oslo to attend the wedding of Crown Prince Olaf to Princess Martha of Sweden. Their visit, which is. of course, unofficial, s the first British Royal visit to he German capital
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  • 29 2 Rebel headquarters announce that sanguinary battle occurred at San Pedro, a total of 200 Federal and j rebel troops being killed and 300 Federal troops capture'4.
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  • 139 2 General Nadir Khan. ex-Genera-lissimo of Afghanistan, who has been living in retirement in the south of France for some years, has arrived at Peshawar from Nice and proceeded to Khost from Peshawar a week ago. He was last heard of at Kohat where, replying to a deputation j
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  • 73 2 i. Mr Herbert Hoover, the President of the United States, stated that he has no intention of introducmg any drastic prohibition drive as a means of bringing about the enforcement of the law to which he referred in his inaugural address. Contrary to Press i eports, no orders
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  • 61 2 Field-Marshal F; ch lias c* expectedly from syncope. "I was almost desuair* d of lastl but he rallied miraculously* was even hoped that he ’.v* eover when he suddenly colla* The Cabinet has decided* Marshal Foch a national n* This will be only tne six* 1 that
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  • 39 2 In the House of Corning question time, Earl Under Secretary for Indian* ing a statement, said Gandhi was techmrady arrftg his residence in on rtoenat* to give his recognisance* would be prosecuted unauthorised bom. v in piace.
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  • 26 2 Major Harrison lias iy reprimanded in (second charge against (neglecting to take prope r > tions to ensure the said'H Squadron of Poona < was bombed. <
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 744 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. MANAGER WANTED. JL I Applications are invited, from t T-. a t-. w, t planters with opening-up experiLfc/ARN ence, for the post f mana^er of the Experiment Station (estate) of A nnnSUITA ynu The Rubber Research Institute of A U ll Ll (I fl I AnuT Malaya at
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    • 148 2 'Jhe Malacca Guardian. Tel. Ad. Guardian Malacca SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE 1\ ADVANCE. 3 Months $l.OO 6 2.00 12 4.00 For places outside Malacca Town add 25 cts., 50 cts., and $1 respectively for postage. For postage to foreign countries double the «hove amounts. The Malacca Guardian is on sale at:—
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    • MONDAY.
      • 194 4 HAPPY I AMILY SPIRIT IN AUSTRALIAN CRICKET. Mr. A. P. Chapman. Vne Captain of the English t 'an-. nUiviewed at Melbourne oy Route 00-d ihat t.fcp wonderfully liupi. ,puit was largely responsible for me success el <he There had been no quarrels, paid tribute to ihe ta-t 0.
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      • 135 4 The arrival at Nanking of Li ChaFsum, one of the most .important leaders of the so-cailed Kvafigsi clique, has largely dissipated dis- uieting rumours of possible war Mid the tensity of the situation, which is now generally admitted to 1 ave existed at the time Li Chaisum
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      • 100 4 A new anaesthetic, which is net yet cn the commercial market, is described in the current issue of “The Lancet” by two distinguished anaesthetists, one of whom is Dr. Shipway, who acted as anaesthetist to the King in his operation. It is called avert 1 n and is
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      • 58 4 The Italian Government has jus', paid the Government the sum of £2.125.000. being the seventh instalment navablc under the I alian War Debt Fund ng Agreement of 1926. The French Government at the same time paid the sum of £4,000,000 to the British Government rs the s'xth
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      • 64 4 It is staled that Mr. Kaye Don the racing motorist, will next year try to break the worid motor speed record of 231. CG miles an hour set up by Major Seerave at Daytona last week. He is having a car built which he hopes will reach
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      • 36 4 The Be’gian steamer S rt heldenas from An'werp, bound for Shanghai with a general cargo, struck a submerged wreck near Vesta Rock. Plane Island, and sank in ‘JO fathoms. The crew were saved.
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    • TUESDAY.
      • 148 4 SPANISH DISORDERS GROWING WORSE. The Spanish disorders are growing worse, disturbances having broken out in Granada. An effigy of General Primo de Rivera has been torn to pieces in Madrid. Students broke a shop window behind which was displayed a phoograph of General Primo de Rivera, the
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      • 148 4 A sensation has been caused in City circles by the last minute announcement that the General Electic Company’s issue for March 18 has been postponed. The proposed terms of the issue aroused considerable feeling not only among American shareholders, but in London Stock Exchange circles, one
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      • 108 4 Marshal Feng Yu-siang. who is at present resting at a health resort in North Honan, telegraphed to Nanking on March 12 that he was resigning the post of Minister of War on the grounds of ill health. The message was suppressed, whereupon Marshal Feng Yu-siang on March 16
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      • 83 4 In order to enable him to become acquainted with affairs from a diplomatic angle, Prince George will take up on Monday a short, temporary duty at the Foreign Office, after which it is expected he will join a squadron stationed either in the Pacific or in
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      • 78 4 The Minister of Public Health was recently sent to Honan, Shensi, and Kansu to report on actual famine conditions and to give the Central Government a definite i lea of the funds reauired and the steps to take in the matter of relief work. He reports that
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      • 247 4 PRESENT REGIME IN SPAIN THREATENED. The students’ outbreaks have brought swift retribution. General Primo de Rivera has dismissed the Chancellor and Chapter of Madrid University, which will be closed for 18 months. The university is attended by most of the future civil servants and aspirants to the professions,
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      • 238 4 Mr. W. G. A. Ormsby-Gore, Under Secretary for the Colonie.s, in the House of Commons to-day. announced that the Colonial Office had received a reply from the Transjordanian Government respecting questions of the Dead Sea concessions. Both they and the Government of Palestine had now authorised the
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      • 177 4 A unanimous report by the Royal Commission on Police powers and procedure has been presented to Sir William Joyneon-Hicks, Home Secretary. It is understood that it lends to reassure the public in regard to the integrity of the police generally, and that a proper balance has been kept
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      • 113 4 LABOUR MEMBERS RENEW THEIR ATTACK. Labour members renewed their periodical attack on the Singapore Base in the House of Commons during a motion for the reduction of the Navy vote. It was asserted that the Base had aroused the suspicions of other nations, notably of the Japanese.
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      • 119 4 A joint statement by the AngloAmerican and Anglo-Persian, Shell and Mexican Companies, justifying the increased price in petroleum products, supports with statistics the contention that the price of motor spirit and kerosene in Great Britain has for a long time been much below the world prices, due
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      • 55 4 The by-election held in the East Toxteth Division of Liverpool, owing to the death of the Conservative member, Mr. A. E. Jacob, resulted as follows: Mr. H. Mond (Cons.) 9.692. Mr. J. J. Cleary (Lab.) 6,563. Mr. A. I. Roberts (Lib.) 6,206. This is a decline of 6.500
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      • 57 4 The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Reichstag has adopted a Bill to give effect to the Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use of poison gas in wartime. Herr Von Schubert, the Under-Secretary, emphasized that a Protocol was the best means of dispelling any erroneous belief that Germany had anything
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      • 48 4 Simultaneous y with the feverish activity on the London Metal Exchange, it is stated that half the stocks of copper in Great Britain have changed hands at prices which are the highest recorded for nw years, electrolytic jumping £3 to £99, while Standard realise J £95.13.9.
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      • 39 4 The latest unemployment returns show a striking improvement. On March 11 the total number workless was 1,268,800, which was 118.532 less than that for the previous week. Compared with a year ago. there was an increase of 197,065.
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    • FRIDAY.
      • 292 4 ATTEMPT TO DEPRIVE KING OF SOVEREIGNTY. Dhundi Raj Thegadi, a Socialist leader, ex-President of the Trade Union Congress, and a member of the committee of the All-India Congress, has been arres'.ed at Poona on a charge of waging war against the King. The police here raided the offices
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      • 260 4 The Official Nationalist News Agency states that Hu Tsung-tu, the Garrison Commander at Hankow. wired to Nanking on March 18, asking whether the Central Government intended to despatch 1 troops against the Wuhan forces on the Upper Yangtze. Chiang Kaijshek replied that he was greatlv surprised at
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      • 36 4 An important revulsion of feeling in favour of ex-King Amanuliah is reported in South-East Afghanistan. In consequence, discontent and disorder are prevalent. There is a growing belief Amanullah has repente orthodox measures of 1
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      • 169 4 GOVERNMENT \\ILI PRESERVE PEacel It is believed that war 5 abie. General Chiang Kai l issued an unofficial cieclJ! 5 viewing the Hunan severely condemning oJ 1 Tsung-tu and General Yehrl other Wuhan leaders. Chiang Kai-shek points 1 the National Government voiutionary Government not hesitate to solve
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      • 147 4 Crown Prince Oiaf of X and Princess Martha of were married at noon on If in the Church of the Sat Oslo, with the Duke of York man, while Oslo kept high, and the bells of all the chia Norway pealed rejoicing?. Sixteen hundred people sent in the
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      • 135 4 Major Segra ve’s correct I the preliminary race forth] boat championship was 9% sec. In the second and finalrI mod ore Gar Wood’s boaj America, brat Major Segral England by one and three-1 laps. Commodore Gar Wood' the 12 mile course was 45.05 sec. Major Segra was 16
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      • 34 4 In the House of Home Secretary. Sir son Hicks, confirmed that the general meet ion J'B place at the end of means a dissolution on the fixing of Nominauc 1 May 20.
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  • 405 6 As pointed out in the Guardian last week, there is here a real lack of high-class entertainments. When we do get one, it is greatly appreciated. We have one good cinema and several second or third rate halls in which second or third rate performances are given,
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  • 369 6 The Chairman’s speech at the recent annual general meeting of Malacca Electric Lighting, Ltd., contains many interesting revelations. From it we ascertain that the dividends for the first year of the new Company totalled 12per cent, which is satisfactory, but they might have been much larger, had not
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  • 384 6 Despite our bragging that we are he worlds gieaiest and bes. colonizers, il wo wane a Holiday m i hiii station we go to mo Dutcr viands and if we want to learn how o make a mu we go to Baguio to see how it has
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  • 279 6 The editorial viewpoint of the Guardian,” relative to the agricultural methods employed in Malaya, was strongly supported in an interview given to a Straits Times reporter by Mr. H. Stuart Hotchkiss, described as one of the leading rubber authorities of the world,” in that journal. Mr. Hotchkiss is
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  • 286 6 A correspondent complains to the Malayan Daily Express because ail the rooms at the Malacca Rest House are sometimes booked considerably in advance, saying that it is a rotten system which allows j the lessee to dispose of all the rooms so long in advance. What happens
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    • 194 6 esses to represent.—“Sf/i Times.” While the difficulties are m however, overseas settlement remains the only remedy f S: 1 overcrowded Britain. Co?? between the Imperial a^ atlo t| Dominions Governments h l: 1 tend to smooth away tde oh!* 'I and lack of admittedly exist and ensure flow
      : esses to represent.—“Sf/i Times.”  -  194 words
    • 150 6 Singapore Free Press.” It is a well-established fact he* that nothing serves to aroused irritation between the Europea and Chinese communities than vl apparently simple incident of era ker firing. Back through the yjij the complaint crops up again a I again and each time there is sho'
      “ Singapore Free Press.”  -  150 words
    • 120 6 jMalay Mail.” The announcement, by the nj Chinese Minister to Berlin, that: .Nationalist Government is contd plating comprehensive meas::j tor the industrialisation of CrJ is a somewhat alarming stateir.-l tor the great manufacturing i-l Cons of the world. Alarmid that is, if Mr. Chiang Tau P:: speech
      —“ jMalay Mail.”  -  120 words
    • 112 6 J 11 OXJ 111 vL 11 U 1 w v hone to remove it.—“Matof Saturday Post.’’ I f is not a pleasant reflection tr> •*e are working our Civil Servar. o the last ounce of their energ -hid then thrusting them forth face early death, but that
      * J 11 OXJ 111 vL 11 U 1 w v hone to remove it.—“Matof Saturday Post.’’  -  112 words
    • 82 6 a first-class air port.—“ Straits Echo/’ Why cannot Penang assume 1 old importance; why does not* 0 Penang citizen or bod}' of citUj put Penang on the Map again? have excellent facilities for planes, and if we began now, in a f ew years there would
      a first-class air port.—“ Straits Echo/’  -  82 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 182 6 n l I Pabco 1 I Plaster Board 1 f or Dzauiy and Permanence ft I j»* i Pur further particulars apply to! jt SIME, DARBY 8 Co., Ltd. S Sole Agents. 4:5 f l you are not yet A subscriber 1 I ts I The Malacca Guardian «y, sign
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    • 19 6 J GUTtSPJE e 6fcP BUY BRIIISH pi i^CL BUY BEST STOCKS JUhT ARRIVED GimmiE r (gb Phone 85 Malacca.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 24 6 ’-v**v*-i***-*i* RIALTO From Thur. 28th to Sun. 31st Mtrch. t WILLIAM BOYD in “dress parade” HAROLD LLOYD II in I “FROM HAND TO MOUTH”..
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    • 132 8 There has been great activity at the Golf Links recently and every evening last week the course was crowded. The mixed foursomes competition was held on Thursday and was won by Mrs. Colman and Paterson —9%) 33%, who were first and Mrs. Rabjohn and Boyd —14%) second at
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    • 164 8 iue annuai general meeting ol ihe Malacca Golf Club was held at the Malacca Club on Friday evening with an attendance of fourteen. The President, the Hon. Mr. B. W. Elies, presided. After the usual routine business had been transacted, the revised I rules
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    • 631 8 HIGH SCHOOL vs. EURASIAN VOLUNTEER CLUB. An interesting cricket match was played on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons between the High School and the Eurasian Volunteer Ciub. On Wednesday the E.V.C. had their knock and were all out for 70 runs. 1 hey played only ten men. F. Rodrigues, by
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    • 138 8 Malacca has more than a passing interest in this year’s battle of the blues rowed on Saturday last, inasmuch as R. J. Elies, rowing number 2 in the Cambridge boat is the son of our |>opular Resident Councillor, the Hon. Mr. B. W. Elies. Secretary of the
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    • 405 8 TAN SOO SIM’S PARTY vs. JASIN CLUB. Mr. Tan Soo Sim’s party met the lasin Club in a return match at Klebang on Sunday, the 17th inst.. j and defeated the Club by 68 games to 42. The names mentioned first belong to Tan Soo Sim’s party and the
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    • 734 10 INTER-HOUSE SPORT FIRST TERM 1929. Volley Ball. The following are detailed reuhs:— Ist Division. Dcsithens beat Claude. Augustus beat Barnitus. Barnitus beat Dosithens. Augustus beat Edward. Barnitus beat Ciauae. Dosithens beat Edward. Augustus beet Claude. Barnitus beat Edward. Augustus beat Dosithens. Edward beat Claude. Table of League
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 221 8 1 Penang to Singapore 1 13 hours 45 minutes i 1 Mr. J. Robson’s achievement on I a Motor Cycle. I Shell Motor Spirit and I Shell Lubricating Oil I Us. D THROUGHOUT. i PHILIPS’ ELECTRIC LAMPS fl lIIWI II Ml I FOE ALL PURPOSES. Types Stocked:** Gas Half Watt,
      221 words
    • 243 8 I FRASER 8 NEAVE LTD. I S CAN GIVE DELIVERY OF THEIR FAMOUS I Aerated Waters :|4: in all parts of Malacca territory. 1 TT H Enquire for Prices and Date XX fi g of Delivery in your istrict. vv M SODA WATER LEMONADE JJL V* aX GINGER ALE GINGER
      243 words

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    • 156 11 f U se '»<^r«^ VeS sUt e «*^£r <■«** “*Sw*'““ IS ct cV^ sS fl» sVvVl6 a b\e V Oj*£ j lillit ttU oIXS TRADE MARK FLASHLIGHTS BATTERIES —they last longer Factory Representative MULLER PHIPPS (MALAYA), LTD. 4q£4 L’nion Bldg., Collycr Quay, Singapore ;8: The best is the kind we
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 170 11 RIALTO THEATRE. To-night’s attraction at the Rialto Theatre is How To Handle Women,” starring Glenn Tryon. Audiences who remember him in Painting The Town know his gifted personality, while those who haven’t seen him yet have a new and pleasurable treat in store for them. The part of the peanut-eat-ing
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