Malacca Guardian, 18 March 1929

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malacca Guardian
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 513 2 —(By “Searchlight.”) VII.—PLANTATION v. JUNGLE. Do you remember when rubber couched over twelve shillings a pound? It is not so very many years ago. Rubber was then chietiy i a jungle product and there was no means ot meeting a large and sensationally growing demand. Even when plantations
    •—(By “Searchlight.”)  -  513 words
  • 619 2 SYSTEM EMPLOYED IN THE DUTCH INDIES. (Special to the “Guardian. Considerable interest has been aroused during the past year or two by the success which has attended cultivation in Malacca territory of tobacco, by Javanese settlers. Considerable encouragement has been given by the Government in a number
    (Special to the “Guardian. ’)  -  619 words
  • 45 2 Mr. Hoover, the new U. S. President, has categorically announced that, during his regime, there will be no leases or disposals of oil lands, ?jO matter by what departments such lands are controlled, except such dispositions as are made mandatory by Congress.”
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  • 509 2 THE AYER MOLEK RUBBER CO., LTD. The following is the nineteenth annual report of the Directors to Shareholders of the Ayer Molek Rubber Co., Ltd.:— Your Directors have pleasure in submitting to you their report and a duly audited statement of accounts for the year ended 31st October,
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  • 427 2 The Kopah has resumed k usual run. A thousand gallons of coco,» oil were snipped to Malacca h Penang direct during the last t months. Uv o It is stated that the wreck of twakow recently sunk i n Ken Harbour, Singapore, has now removed. The British steamer Heng
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  • 79 2 The Tampin Club has recent been very much enlarged and decorated, and a Ball will take pi* there on Saturday of this week 9.15 p.m., when Mrs. Simmons, t wife of the Resident of Negri Set bilan, has kindly promised to op the new room for dancing. The!
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 954 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. IV \f Ilf THE ATLAS ICE COMPANY, 110 1 Off «V%At SI LIMITED. A I y 4# (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). 4 4 NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING. OOICII y Notice is hereby given that the Seventeenth Ordinary General In the spare time yri will never miss- you
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    • 150 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. The Malacca Guardian. Tel. Ad. Guardian Malacca SI INSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 3 Months $l.OO i 6 2.00 i 12 4.00 For places outside Malacca Town idd 25 cts., 50 eta., and $1 respec ively for postage. For postage t' to foreign countries double tin above amounts. The
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  • 686 3 A REPLY TO THE SUNDAY MIRROR.” (By an Indian). Of aii the critics of Lala Lajpa L Hal’s books, Unhappy India,” none is more vitriolic and prejudiced than the scribe of the I Sunday Mirror.” When Miss Mayo’s book appeared, thousands of sensible Europeans attached less importance to
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  • 169 3 [The Malacca Guardian does not necessarily endorse the opinions of its correspcv.dents Proposed Formation of Cameron’s Highlands Association. fo the Editor of the Malacca Guardian.” Sir, Will everyone who is interested in procuring land on Cameron’s Highlands for the purpose of bunding a house, farming or planting, oe good
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  • 393 3 In the House of Commons, replying to a reference to the recommen- dations of the Lovat Committee on the agricultural organisation and services of non-self-governing Colonies, Mr. L. S. Amery, Secreary for the Colonies, said that Mr. Frank Stockdale, Director of Agriculture and Registrar of Co-opera-tive Societies, Ceylon,
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  • 20 3 Between Guthries’ office, Tonk Q r Street and Mata Kuching —car hood cover. Finder rewarded or bringing to Guthrie.
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    • 91 3 K!O!ICCCCXXXXXXAX!i!XXXXXiO-C:**:--:":* iC|-XXX»i-!*X-!-i-!*%**!-!**i *!**!**i-i~ !*'i*'***»*'*”‘“**'V'.' Uc> 4 > j I: Dependable Used Cars, p I VV'ATGH THIb BULLETIN g EACH WEEK g For Good Used Car Values g B 501 Fiat 10/15 -$1,050.00 g B 501 Fiat 10/15 850.00 g B 509 Fiat 8.5 950 g B 509 Fiat 8.5 (2-seater)
      91 words
    • 106 3 IriQT now I Tmiftr $1,590 JU 2 Seatcr 1,490 J Salooa 1,830 jf 8 H.P. I STILL ON THE UP-GRADE I AND J! AT BETTER PRICES iy?® I -<r\ iLi «wi, xsctX >■** <a:Cfc«2 If on your handkerchief and lightly I clabbed on wrists and temples will (^jS/ If* /I
      106 words

    • MONDAY.
      • 260 4 BURDEN CF SINGAPORE NAVAL BASE. The First Lord of tho Admiralty, Mr. W. C. Bridgeman, has issued a statement to accompany the Na\\ Estimates for the coming year. The net total of the Navy Estimates is shown to be $55,860,000, which represents a reduction of ±1,140,001 on last
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      • 200 4 The death has taken place at Liverpool of the Rev. Geoffrey Studdart Kennedy, popularly known as Woodbine Willie.” During the war he acted as temporary Chap lam to the Forces in France ana was given his famous nickname by the Tommies to whom he endeared himself by
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      • 90 4 The Baltic States are suffering heavily from an ice-blockade in Danish waters. Stocks of coal are running low, and huge quantities of goods for export have accumulated at the ports, awaiting shipment. Milder weather is reported in Germany, but the Rhine is still covered with ice-packs, which are
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      • 37 4 In a statement to the Press the Japanese Premier declares that the conversations for a complete resumption of negotiations between Dr. T. C. Wang, the Chinese Foreign Minister, and Mr. Yoshijsawa are progressing satisfactorily.
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    • TUESDAY.
      • 169 4 NEW SCHEME PROPOSED BY LEAGUE OF NATIONS. The Council of the League of Nations has adopted the report of the Financial Committee, the main icem of which detailed a scheme for providing financial assistance for States which are the victims of aggression. The draft scheme is
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      • 167 4 The Committee of Experts on Reparations has issued a communique which states that, in their opinion, a final settlement of the reparations problem requires a permanent institution, such as an international bank, to act as a trustee for receiving annuities from Germany and for distributing the money
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      • 146 4 Signor Mussolini, the Italian Premier, speaking at the Royal Opera House, said: Legislative work, the adaptation of control, and the creation of new institutions are only oart of my work. I have granted 'JO,OOO audiences; I have interested nyself in 1.887,112 questions referring to citizens that reached the
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      • 44 4 A semi-official message from Tokyo says that the United States is considering the proposal of a conference of all Powers concerned to consider the advisability of the abolition of extraterritoriality in China. Japan is said to be in ful accord with this proposal.
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      • 40 4 Four persons were killed and II seriously injured near Ada Bazar, Anatolia, when a huge boulder hurtled down the mountain side, and crashed into a passine train. The engine was smashed to smithereens and several coaches capsized.
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      • 550 4 MANY LIVES LOST IN HONG KONG BLAZE. The exact origin of the fire which broke out at the King Edward Hotel, Hong Kong, at 3 a.m. on Monday, has not been ascertained, but it is believed to have started on the ground floor of the lounge and
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      • 83 4 The British racing motorist, Major Segrave, has attained a speed of 231.***** miles an hour at Daytona Beach, Florida. The previous record was 207.5 held by the American, White, who is now trying to beat Segrave. Major Segrave’s average for a mile in both directions was 231.*****.
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      • 254 4 NECESSITY FOR AIR STATION IN MALAYA. In the House of Commons the Air Estimates were discussed in Committee. Regarding the expenditure of £576,000 on an air station at Singapore, of w’hich amount £lOO,OOO is to be spent this year, Sir Samuel Hoare, Secretary for Air, said that it
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      • 213 4 “We Can Conquer Unemployment.” the booklet detailing the Liberal Party’s scheme mentioned by Mr. Lloyd George, proposes to employ 350,000 men on roads, including the completion of the national system of trunk roads and reconstruction of bridges, 60,000 on housing, 60.000 on telephone development, 62,000 on electrical development,
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      • 68 4 Major Harrison, who was charged with culpable neglect and conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline (in connection with the bombing accident to the Poona Horse recently) has been acquitted on the first charge, the court-martiai reserving judgment on the second. Major Harrison, who was
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      • 26 4 The Board of Trade returns for February show Imports: £91.349,000; Exports: £55,665,000. These are decreases of £24,714,000 and £11,214,000 compared with the January figure.
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    • FRIDAY.
      • 202 4 ABSOLUTELY VITAL TO PRESERVE BRITISH CONTROL. A meeting of the General Electric Company was heid in London to consider special resolutions for increasing the capital by the creation of 1,600,000 new British Ordinary shares not transferable to loreigners. Sir Hugo Hirst, presiding, regretted that the resolution
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      • 170 4 Asked to state the present position in China, Sir Austen Chamberlain in the House of Commons said that Sir Miles Lampson, the British Minister, had reported that the situation is at present nebulous. In Shantung, General Chang Tsung-chang had been reinforcec by the revolt of several thousand ex-Xorthern
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      • 130 4 Mr. Lee Bible, piloting Mr. White’s car Triplex, crashed into the sand dunes at Daytona Beach whilst travelling at 202 miles per hour, and was killed. The car hit a cinematograph operator, who was also killed. The Triplex 36-cylinder car was completely wrecked. The machine spun round
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      • 76 4 The U. S. Government has I acceded to the Mexican Government’s request for surplus American war material to fight the revolutionaries. It would seem that the rebels are meeting with more success than the Mexican Government is prepared to admit. The Post Office at Washington is informed that
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      • 673 4 BRITAIN’S NOTABLE SHARE IN DISARMAMENT. Introducing the Navy Estimates in the House of Commons, Mr. W C. Bridgeman, First Lord of the Admiralty, said that they showed a reduction of £1,435,000 over j a $t year’s estimates. If one compared them with those of 1914 there was apparently
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 648 6 The value, yes, the necessity, of public markets in every wellordered community is no longer a matter for argument. That Malacca with its forty thousand or more people should have only one is extraordinary and discreditable. There are several thickly settled districts which have no market facilities whatever
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  • 492 6 One of the complaints often made in Malacca is that our young people are so prone to leave the settlement for larger places, as soon as they become of age. There are several reasons for this, one undoubtedly being that they find Malacca dull owing to the dearth
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  • 437 6 The meeting called to consider uie formation of a mercantile employees’ co-operative society was a success, and the addresses oi the Hon’ble Mr. Tan Cheng Lock and Captain Gammans were inspiring and of untold benefit prowded the lessons they teach are absorbed and carried into effect by the auditors.
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  • 375 6 The Chairman of the Malacca Planters’ Association, at their meeting a week ago, voiced very strongly his opinion of the value of restriction, which he described as helpfui during the first two years by allowing breathing space ■o recover from the effects of overtapping and wrong methods of horticulture.”
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  • 316 6 A correspondent whose letter we printed last week strongly and rightly complains of the noise made at the car stand near the Kampong Hulu Mosque. Some weeks ago we called attention to the noise which very greatly interferes with won ship in some of the Christian churches
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    • 55 6 The Malay Mail.” Democratic government as it is traditionally envisioned is essentially a Western conception. That it can be applied with success to Eastern peoples has still to be proved. That it has failed dismally in certain European countries is arguable, and that it should be thrust upon us
      —“ The Malay Mail.”  -  55 words
    • 33 6 —“Pinang Gazette,” The Pinang Gazette has said that European teachers in this country are under-worked and overpaid. It adheres to that statement until concrete proof to the contrary is forthcoming*.-
      —“Pinang Gazette,”  -  33 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 162 6 i 1 Pabco I I Piaster Board g yor Reauty and Permanence jj Iv. I For further particulars apply tot f SIME, DARBY 8 Co., Ltd. Sole Agents. z f li you are not yet II A subscriber j| TO «I The Malacca Guardian x* sign the form below and
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    • 30 6 fiUTHRIE s @llP If you have not tried Strong Ale DO SO NOW FROM ALL DEALERS at $2O per case of 5 doz. nips. GuTnwE r 6b Phone 85 Malacca.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

    • 1714 7 IMPORTANT MATTERS CONSIDERED BY COMMISSIONERS. The regular monthly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held on Friday afternoon. All were present excepting Mr. W. F. Zehnder. The minutes of the previous meeting w’ere confirmed and bills amounting to $121,083.58 were passed for payment. The Hon. Mr. B. W.
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    • 118 7 ADDITIONS TO THE MALACCA LIBRARY. Benn, E. J. P., Confessions of a Capitalist D. 699. Cartland, 8., If The Tree Is Saved A. 4122. Mannin, E., Crescendo A. 4123. Osbourne, L., Peril A. 3124. Zweig, A., The Case of Sergeant Grischa A. 4125. Bennett, A., Accident A. 4126.
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    • 127 7 There w r as a fatal accident near the Batu Berendam Police Station at 2.40 p.m., on Thursday, when a Malacca lorry driven by a Chinese turned a complete somersault. The driver was the most fortunate, though he has been arrested. He sustained severe bruises and a btfd
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    • 285 7 i Mr. G. C. Dodd, the District Judge, united in marriage on Thursday morning, Mr. Ching Hoon Hin and Miss Ng Pak Tiau. Miss Pak Tiau is a nurse at the Medical: Mission and Mr. Hoon Hin is a salesman w’ith Messrs. Whiteaw’ay, Laidlaw Co., Ltd. The engagement
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    • 204 7 Mr. Wm. Heughan, the worldfamous actor and bass singer, with Miss Maud Bell, the distinguished ’cellist, and Miss Gladys Sayer (Mrs. Heughan), the talented pianist and accompanist, paid a return visit to Malacca with another of their delightful musical programmes at the Malacca Club on Tuesday night last.
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    • 352 7 On Monday evening last, Mr. Tan Soo Hock entertained some guests at his house in Heeren Street to dinner, those who were invited being Major and Mrs. Griffin, the Rev. M. and Mrs. Dodsw'orth, Mrs. Ingram Moody with her sons, Master Tim and Master Pat Moody, Miss Pugh
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    • 2332 7 MERCANTILE EMPLOYEES MEET TO FORM SOCIETY. About sixty mercantile employees of Malacca met at the Chinese Volunteer Clubhouse on Monday afternoon to consider the formation of a Mercantile Cooperative Society. The Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock presided and an eloquent address explanatory of the work of such societies was
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    • 208 8 As mentioned in the last issue of the Guardian,” the Malacca Golf Club is shortly losing some very valuable members. Mr. C. Roberts is going on transfer to Taiping, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Holmes Smith are removing to Penang and Mr. M. Strivens is going home
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    • 549 8 TEACHERS LOSE. On Saturday, the 16th instant the Malacca Club met the Malacca Teachers at cricket and won easily. The Teachers batted first and compiled 64 runs of which R. A. de Vries and C. de Vries and Aeria contributed the only double figure innings. The Club on going
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    • 315 8 Slow ROW’S XI vs. A. C. S. A friendly game was played on Thursday, the 14th instant, at the Kubu Ground and the AngioChinese School were defeated by 3-0 after a goaless first half. Ali the regular Malay players were absent due to the Hari Raya. During this half,
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    • 220 8 TAN TAN PARTY’S TOURNAMENT. The finals of the open singles and handicap singles competitions were oiaved off on the Tan Tan courts >n Wednesday last, before a large number of enthusiasts. Results—Open Singles. Chan Wee Lievv beat M. Ponnu>amy, 21-13, 21-12. Handicap Singles. M. Ponnusamy beat Chan Wee Liew,
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    • 123 3 M.V.C. B.R.A. OPEN THE SEASON. The M.V.C. B.R.A. opened their season with a shoot at Sebukor Range on Saturday, March 16th. The scores were:— a Name. Z Z C c. X H N w et Khoo Kim Lian 31 39 35 1 105 VV. Sta. Maria 25 39 14
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 237 8 I Penang to Singapore I 13 hours 45 minutes E Mr. J. Robson’s achievement on a Motor Cycle. V j Shell Motor Spirit and 1 Shell Lubricating Oil I j USED THROUGHOUT. E TWYFORDS LIMITED, M \NLhY, UXiLAND. SANITARY FITTINGS AND Bath-Room Accessories. Lavatory Basins, Baths, Towel Rails, Shelves. W.
      237 words
    • 210 8 FRASER 8 NEAVE LTD. f CAN GIVE DELIVERY OF THEIR FAMOUS ff il 8 Aerated Waters H IN ALL PARTS OF MALACCA TERRITORY. f? ft :g: Enquire for Prices and Date fi ft fe: of Delivery in your istrict. 8 i SODA WATER LEMONADE 2 u GINGER ALE GINGER BEER
      210 words

    • 290 9 Arsat bin Nudin was three and a half years at liberty after having been arrested by Mr. Macßride, of the Government launch Lelat,” while trying with three companions to export rubber without the necessary documents. He appeared before the District Court on Monday to explain why he
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    • 367 9 Jet Singh, a well-known figure on prominent corners as a traffic officer, was before Mr. Dodd on Thursday on a charge of being drunk while on duty on February 12. Mr. Mallick appeared for the defence. Inspector Higgins testified that he saw accused swaying at his post,
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    • 155 9 Wee Ah Peow has a patented reversible shirt. He took it off in the witness box on Monday, to show Mr. Dodd that he had a pocket which then happened to be inside. He was arrested for stealing a coat belonging to the clerk of a rubber store
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    • 84 9 An intelligent-looking youth giving the name of Lew Ah Lin. who described himself as a newspaper seller, was before Mr. Dodd on Monday to answer charges of the possession of seditious documents and being a member of an unlawful society. He denied both charges and the hearing was
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    • 157 9 After nearly two months’ delay, owing to the sending of faulty papers from India, Pooniah, a Christian Tamil who was a branch Postmaster of Ramnad District, Southern India, has been ordered by Mr. Dodd sent back to India and has been turned over to Veerasamy, Constable 510, sent here
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    • 143 9 A Malay who had previously pleaded guilty to the theft of two planks belonging to a Tamil, thought better of it before the case was heard and engaged Mr. Goho to defend him, telling the Court on Monday that he made a mistake when the case was first
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    • 159 9 On Friday afternoon a Chinese coolie was waving his arms in Jonker Street in a peculiar manner. He accosted Inspector Spinks in Malay, asking to be arrested, saying that he wanted five years’ free board and then to be allowed to go to see Tuhan Allah. He was
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    • 118 9 A Malay motor-car driver was complainant in the Police Court on Monday against Mustafa bin Wahab, a Police Constable whom he accused of bringing a fraudulent charge against him of soliciting passengers away from a car stand. The complainant gave evidence and the further hearing was adjourned
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    • 118 9 A young Malay who wept as he denied his guilt was prosecuted before Mr. Dodd on Monday on a charge of theft of three tins of milk from the shop of Mr. Jee Seek Chuan at 22, Egerton Road, on Sunday afternoon. He emphatically denied the offence, saying that
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    • 78 9 Two women, giving the names of Lee Kwee and Lee Chow and surrounded by small children, were before Mr. Dodd on Thursday on a charge of begging in Riverside. They denied the charge saying that they were selling artificial flowers. A Malay Constable said that they were begging
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    • 63 9 Lord Kylsant, Chairman of the White Star Line, has given out an interesting statement regarding the new 60,000-ton White Star Liner now being built at .Belfast. When completed the vessel, which will have a length of 1,000 feet, will be larger and longer than any other afloat
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 196 9 i i AK |IL* ,i ,/m. Cl tv ,n B p ip m 1 INSTANT RELIEF FROM PAIN. QUICK ACTION MEDICINE. 1 fpi y —HU iH gm f, p*p 18 10 Tablets Asp'O Relieves:- EEE&EIS All pains peculiar 25 Tablets jgj iS 9Rptc 6O RTS US! P ZJbl5, Headaches, Neu-
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  • 511 10 PLAY AT THE MUAR CIVIL SERVICE CLUB. On Saturday, March 9, at 9.30 p.m., a very good play was presented at the Muar Civil Service Club, by The Muar Players.” The title of the play was The Crickleham Mystery,” and the plot revolved round the effort to discover
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  • 474 10 REMARKABLE TALE OF LIFE IN A WHALE. The suggestion that the repudia--1 ion of the story of Jonah and the i whale, in A New Commentary on Holy Scripture,” edited by Bishop (Gore, which was recently published, was based upon insufficient know--1 -edge of the whale, is made
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 57 10 1 de With comfort on: Goodyear Balloon Tyres Goodyear Balloon Inner Tubes are not just tubes—they’re really PILLOWS OF AIR. Relaxing comfoit—freedom from jerks and jolts—luxurious ease, all belong to the motorist who insists upon Goodyear Balloon Inner Tubes. They cushion better and wear longer— Exact fitting and dependable. GOODYEAR
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 198 10 RIALTO THEATRE. u PROGRAMMES S tY From Mon. 18th to Wed. 20th March 1929. From Thurs. 21st to Sun. 24th March 1929. *H At 9 15 p.m. At 9.1 b p.m. !Q! YY *tt* w- “Newlyweds Lose Snookums The Latest Paths G; Z3tte *X pC STERN BROS. COLiEDY n r..,
      198 words

    • 637 11 half-yearly meeting of GOVERNMENT SOCIETY. (Special to the “Guardian") The postponed half-yearly general neeting of the Negri Sembilan government Servants’ Co-operative 'hrift and Loan Society, Ltd., was ield in the State Council Chamber, >eremban, on Thursday, March 7, mder the Chairmanship of Mr. F. f. Frodsham,
      (Special to the “Guardian")  -  637 words
    • 610 11 (Special to the “Guardian”) A very pretty European wedding took place at St. Mark’s Church, Seremban, on Saturday, the 9th inst., at 4.45 p.m. The contracting parties were Mr. Duncan Edward Lander, Assistant Manager, Senawang Estate, Sungei Gadut, Seremban, and Miss Eileen Marjorie Leach of Liverpool, London. The
      (Special to the “Guardian”)  -  610 words
    • 591 11 (Special to the “Guardian”) Looking through the N. S. results, the writer is inclined to remark that the results were in no way good—for the simple reason that the Seremban students have a set of model teachers whose one devotion is educating the pupiis.” They are ever
      (Special to the “Guardian”)  -  591 words
    • 841 11 HAPPY SEREMBAN BIRTHDAY FUNCTION. (Special to the Guardian.”) Towkay Goh Eng Thye, the popular Proprietor of the Negri Sembilan Aerated Water Co., of Seremban, celebrated his 40th birthday on Thursday, March 7. Over 200 European and Asiatic men and women sat to dinner in the Towkay’s Aerated Water
      (Special to the “ Guardian.”)  -  841 words
    • 116 11 At a committee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association, held on Monday last, it was announced that the result of the (balloting for a nominee to fill the p ace of Mr. S. Cullen on the Municipal Commission was as follows: Mr. O. P. Griffith-Jones,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 179 11 t Put New 1j LIFE long, give as brilliant light, or I are as economical as Eveready Always insist upon I Eveready—the world’s finest flashlight battery. Obtainable from all first class dealers. Beware of imitations. I eveßHadt Trade Mark H UNIT CELLS I —they last longer I I Factory Reprewentatives
      179 words