Malacca Guardian, 11 March 1929

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malacca Guardian
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 533 2 aiue in dollars. (By “Search ight.”) VI.—THE GROUND FLOOR. When you take a fiat you avoid che giound floor if you can. With aii investment you are, quite rightly, keen on it. As a familiar advertising tag has it, “There’s a difference.” I can put you on to
    aiue in dollars. (By “Search ight.”)  -  533 words
  • 747 2 EXTRACTS FROM INAUGURAL ADDRESS. Mr. Herbert Hoover, in the peroration to his address on the occasion of his inauguration as President of the United States, summed up the heads of his address as follows:—He proposed to summon a special session of Congress to consider questions of
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  • 1315 2 [The Malacca Guardian does not necessarily endorse the opinions of its correspcr^ents.] Our Sikh Shylocks. To the Editor of the Malacca Guardian.” Sir, With due respect to the omniscience which you are entitled to claim by virtue of your editorial office, may I suggest it is just possible that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 916 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVERTISEMENTS. Q* f IN THE SUPREME COURT AT MUAR. ualiiy For A¥| A A ¥I. The Asiatic Petroleum Better Job «*•«*>•%: p ,n Kam Hong Bee Defendant ISJfiSVSSSi SXSPZS- P»*»»» and Conditions of Sale Half In yjar ch-»aen liua of work. Qp fost this coufon A piece of Land
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    • 92 2 ADVERTISEMENTS. DRESSERS’ EXAMINATION. An examination for estate iressers will be held at ")aun Hospital, Malacca, on Friday. 22nd March, commencing at 9 a.m. Candidates must enter then names and pay the entrance fee ot $10 before 15th March. Candidates who have not attended the current course of instruction mus‘ submit
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  • 1088 3 I lar monthly committee MEETING. regular monthly committee ng of the S. S. (Malacca) iation was held at the Malacca Malacca, on Friday, Ist i, at 5.30 p.m. *ent: —Messrs. M. Strivens dent), G. C. S. Rabjohi. President), W. H. G. Graham Zehnder, Loh Kim Swi, S.
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  • 173 3 Rev. Brother Director of St. rands’ Institution. Malacca, received a cable on Sunday informing aim of the success of the following candidates in Cambridge Exaniina tions: School Certificate: Chi Hock! Chiang, P. J. Felix. Juniors: O. C. J. Mowe, Loony J Yung Kwok, Wee Juan Lee, iv: f
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 146 3 1 1 i riDT now Irl n I 7 ltedd I I Tourer $1,590 g f 2 Sealer 1,490 I Saloon 1.850 I 8 H.P. I tP Sab I STILL ON THE UP-GRADE I AND AT BETTER PRICES j Going for a Ra mble Then do not forget you will
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    • MONDAY.
      • 291 4 LIBERALS OPPOSE WORK ON LAVAL BASE. At a luncheon to ihe Liberal election candidates in London, Mr. Lloyd George claimed that the Liberals were the oniy united Party in the State, and denounced the ineptitude of the present Government as a public danger. The speaker declared that the
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      • 101 4 Eight persons, including three prominent pioressional men in Havana, have arrested m connection With an alleged insurrectionary plot in Cuba against tne President, Senor Machado. Their arrest has provoked a retort from Senor Seigle, the founder of the Cuban Nationalist Party, that the Party was merely aiming
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      • 94 4 Flying Officer P. N. Seally-Aliin has been killed in a mid-air collision between h.s aeroplane and another at Keniey. The pilot of the other machine, Flight Sergeant Freeman, jumped clear with a parachute and landed safely on the roof of one of the hangers at the aerodrome. Mr.
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      • 53 4 The French Chamber has vote; by 570 to 12, for the ratification c the Kellogg Pact, -the minority ai' being Communists. The Second' Chamber at The Hague has adopted the Bill approving Holland’s adherence to the Kellogg Pact. It had two opponents only. The Danish Riksdag has ratified
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    • TUESDAY.
      • 178 4 NATIONALISTS SOON RESTORE ORDER. The western section of Peking was panic-stricken when a regimen, jf ex-Northern troops suddenly revolted. Twenty piain-ciothed gunmen accosted Shansi guards in the vicinity of the well-known Lama Temple, disarmed them, and then fired shots into tne air, whereupon jl disaffected regiment billeted
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      • 185 4 On the occasion of the deposit of Great Britain’s ratification of the Kellogg Pact. Sir Austen Chamberlain cabled heartiest congratulations to the American Secretary of State. Mr. F. B. Kellogg. He added that Mr. Kellogg’s name would ever be associated in the minds of men with the
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      • 102 4 The Belgian newspaper, Natirn Beige,” declares that the alleged •eciet agreement between France ind Belgium, published in Utrechtsche Dagblad,” was forged by a well-known Flemish Activist, employed by the German Secret Service. The latter was unaware that it was a forgery. It is alleged that the Activist,
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      • 38 4 Mr. Coolidge has signed the resolution, which was adopted by the Senate, providing for a survey of N’Varagua Canal, and has also agreed to an examinatior iiv- question of ihe poss’bility of nlarging the Panama Canal.
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      • 24 4 His Holiness the Pope has ordered he eviction from Vatican City oi a\ who are not indispensable to the Vatican administration.
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      • 242 4 CONCERTED MOVEMENT AGAINST GOVERNMENT. The capital of Mexico is thrilled by reports that revolution has oroken out at Vera Cruz. Communications are completely interrupted. Lorry-loads of troops have passed tnreugh the city. The Mexican revolutionaries have captured the town of Nogales, supported by Federal troops under
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      • 114 4 Mr. Gandhi was arrested following a disturbance at the conclusion of a monster meeting. Four European sergeants and some constables were injured. Mr. Gandhi was en route on his tour of Burma. He addressed a meeting at Mizapur Park and stacks of British cloth were prepared for a
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      • 108 4 The Italian Commission formed to inquire imo the loss of the Polar a rship, Italia,” commanded by General Nobile, has reported that *t finds the loss of the airship was to the Commander’s faulty handling, and finds that there is no acceptable justification, except physical and moral depression,
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      • 88 4 A strike in the Sun Sun Department store at Shanghai, one of the largest in the Orient, led to a tragedy when the watchman refused to allow the entry into the Sun Sur Hotel of seven suspicious looking Chinese, who were evidently strikers. The latter drew automatics
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      • 166 4 REMARKABLE DISCOVERY BY AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. Flying at a height of 2,400 feet, men of the Royal Air Force have taken remarkable photographs of a Roman town buried underneath fields near Norwich. This Roman town was known as Caistor, and thereabouts lived 20,000 Romans in the heyday of Roman
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      • 102 4 There was a sensation in Dublin when it became known that forty young men had been arrested in their houses in various parts of the city during the night. Fifteen were later released. No information is given beyond a statement by 4 he authorities that the arrests
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      • 95 4 The Standing Committee under the Merchandise Marks Act has reported that it finds the applicants have not made out a case strong enough to require that rubber manufactures should bear an- indication of their origin at the time of importation, but that they have made out a
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      • 83 4 The Senate has confirmed Mr. Hoover's Cabinet, consisting of the following M n’sters:—Secretary of State, Mr. H. L. Stimson; Secretary o the Treasury, Mr. A. W. Mellon; Secretary of the Interior, Dr. W. L. Wilbur; Secretary of Commerce, Mr. E. P. Lament; Secretary of War, Mr. J. G.
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      • 46 4 The Secretary-General of the League of Nations has signed a $1,000,000 contract for the construction of an assembly hall and new library in Ariana Park, Geneva. Architects are submitting plans ;his month before a special committee of five members appointed by the Assembly.
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      • 54 4 Mr. Gandhi, w T ho signed a bond, has been released and has sailed for Burma. The nature of the charges against him has not been made known. The case will be heard when he returns from his tour in Burma. The Secretary of the Provincial Nationalist Congress
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    • FRIDAY.
      • 449 4 BOTH SIDES RAPIDLY MOBILISING. Chinese officials consider that the tense situation existing between the Nanking Government and the so-called Kwangsi clique is a v*ry serious shadow of war overhanging tf e country. Both sides are rapidly mobilising. General Chiang Kaijshek has massed 150,000 men at Kiangsi. where
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      • 140 4 Sensational developments in air transportation, reminding older Wall Street members of the earlv days of railway development, followed the announcement at New York of the formation of a $35,000,000 aviation holding acquire a number of large aviation concerns, promoted bv an important group of bankers
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      • 207 4 SIR AUSTEN CHAM u, Uv AGREES W ITH H< OVER, As a sequei to the pi at] American newspapers <> from Geneva wmch a Sir Austen Chambers J reflecting on the value tne K Jogg Pact, alleged to :iv e i> made by mm, while n ing t?
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      • 171 4 In the House of Commons reply, mg to questions. Earl Wintertor.. Under Secretary for India, saidtha: Mr. Gandhi was not arrested. TV Government of Bengal had intimated that the lighting of abonfc to burn foreign cloths was lilegj. but Mr. Gandhi had rephed thatth notice was illegal.
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      • 144 4 A deputation representing every branen of tne motoring industry and tne motoring public has urgee on Mr. Winston Churchiil, Cnanceior of tne Exchequer, tne necessity for relief of tne high motoring taxation and the cost of petrol Mr. Stanley Baldwin, the P rt mier, replying to a
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      • 67 4 The British trade de p-atjert which is to leave for R a !I March 25, will represent ’>o P u> minent firms. Mr. Dougin teuton, President of the 1 adfoi Chamber of Commerce, w 1 re P r H sent the woollen industry, it unstated at a
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  • 325 6 There are money-lenders and money-lenders. We published iast week a pitiful wail against the lowest of the class—the Sikh jaga. There is no doubt that there should be a law making it impossible to make use of the Courts to codec more than a reasonable rate of in terest,
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  • 282 6 At the last meeting of the Central Healtn Board, Major Neville Stevens pointed out the lack of equity in certain orders by the Controller of Labour, which he said constituted a distinct hardship to the estates in question since the action required to be taken by them
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  • 290 6 A recent copy of the Malay Mail deals very ably with a criticism. a part of which it prints, of life in Kuala Lumpur, in which criticism it is stated that except for some of the hill stations. Kuala Lumpur is accursed with the most complete and
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  • 236 6 As surmised in an editorial in our ssue of February 18, later particulars by mail fully justify ou v ■"orccast that Edison’s discovery of the merits of the weed known in America as Golden Rod does not at all threaten the rubber industry of Malaya. It is quite
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  • 196 6 And it came to pass that there was great discontent in the land md the people said one to unto mother; “Yea. verily, our forefathers did use coconut oil to give lght unto our houses but this is a lay of electricity. Why cannot pur village fathers see
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    • 178 6 ii rp Tile Sirmts 1 mes" There are reasons ovei wn etrn economic as well as pout a, v 1: exclude the possimim fusion “> our day oi ttlP JJ? ponent parts of British u. 1% Nevertheless we differ Williams in holding lt y. Ormsby-Gore was
      ii rp’ ‘ Tile Sirmts 1 mes"  -  178 words
    • 165 6 Times of Malaya.” One point in His Excellent speech which has been pounc--upon for comment was that which he hinted that Singapore not going to be spoilt so not ably as in the past, and that of such money as may be available for pubbe works
      —“ Times of Malaya.”  -  165 words
    • 167 6 Pinang Gazette.” The fifth and last instalment ot The Sunday Mirror’s indictment of the Sultan of Johore appears*: us to be rather an indictment oil •:he British Adviser. It charges His Highness with (a) catching crimioals and sentencing them himself, (b) interfering with the work of] heads of
      “ Pinang Gazette.”  -  167 words
    • 162 6 she has won.—“ The Siam Observer.” We notice that a Hungarian iad) has been proclaimed by an international jury of artists the most beautiful woman in Europe. M e ha' e never been able to treat such thin?-' seriously. It may be that she "a* the most beautiful
      she has won.—“ The Siam Observer.”  -  162 words
    • 134 6 Straits Times.” Malaya to-day stands as an example of the good that can be achieved by a benevolent autocracy. India’s unhappy plight is the outcome of weakness in yielding to parrot cries of the agitators who demanded votes without pausing tc contemplate th? responsibility in volved in enfranchisement.
      “ Straits Times.”  -  134 words
    • 128 6 Malaya Tribune.” True, the Straits Settlements is not the United Kingdom, and nothing in the way of a universal franchise can be contemplated ior many a long year, but there is v at east a case—W’e will put it no more strongly—for permitting British subjects of a
      “ Malaya Tribune.”  -  128 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 174 6 1 Pabco I 1. Plaster Board Tor Beauty and Permanence- v 1 1 I l 1 s w 9 1 For further particulars apply tot S S!ME, DARBY S Co., Ltd. Sole Agents. j|j A I 2 H you are not yet 1| ■1 A subscriber to I The Malacca
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    • 32 6 GUTHRIE E <5iZ9 WHEN YOU ARE RUNDOWN TRY A Porter’s Bulldoj spins, (jiMKis bottling front Keng Hin Co. and other dealers or in case lots from GUTflRjE r €b Phone 85 Malacca.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 23 6 '{•^••I* !**I**t**»~'I**!**I**I‘*.“*~'»**^**«***“'**‘~'**«'*’'*.**‘*****"** i: RIALIO i i From Thursday March 14 To Sunday March 17 m The ‘Beau Geste 1 “The Flag Lieutenant" <• i
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  • 41 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Mrs. Ponnusamy and Mr. and Mrs. Govindasamy thank their friends and relatives who attended the funeral of the late Mr. Ponnusamy. the Tamil Interpreter, and those who sent in wreaths, and letters and telegrams of condolence. Penang pai>ers please copy.
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    • 747 7 OFFICERS ELECTED AT ANNUAL I GENERAL MEETING. I The annual general meeting of ■tne E. S. A. M., Malacca branch, ■was held at the M.V.I. headquarters ■at 6.30 p.m. on Monday. Those ■present were Major A. A. Lermit, ■Messrs. W. Giliiam, H. W. Esson, L.
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    • 380 7 PASSING OF EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT OFFICER. Mr. P. Ponnusamy, Tamil interpreter at the local Courts, died early on Thursday morning at his residence, 397, Tranquerah Road, of ohthisis, from which he had been suffering for years. The body was cremated the same evening at the Indian Cemetery at
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    • 183 7 The people of Malacca are not fond of art.” was tne conclusion drawn by Miss Elizabeth Keith from the discouraging attendance at her splendid art exhibit in the Library on Wednesday and Thursday last. While a few students displayed great interest in her work, those who were in
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    • 225 7 Mr. Darby, Peoples’ Warden, goes home on leave this month. We shall greatly miss him while he is away, and look forward to his return. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Rigby and Mrs. Holgate have also eft for home. Ail of them have uways been ready to
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    • 168 7 The Malay fasting month commenced on Monday, Feb. 11. This is the ninth month of the Mohamedan year and true followers of Mobamed nave been fasting during the day from dawn, when there is light enough to distinguish between a white and black thread, till sunset. Certain
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    • 137 7 Universal Cars, Ltd., the local representatives of the Ford interests, are staging a big demonstration of the various types of Ford cars and trucks from 10 a.m. daily up to and including Saturday of tnis week. As a feature of the demonstration there will be shown free at
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    • 93 7 The P. O. mail steamer 4 Naldera,” en route from Penang to Singapore, stopped at Malacca on Saturday, at about 7.30 a.m.. to drop Sir Eric Geddes, Chairman of the Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd. She lay about 3to 3 V-> miles off the port and the Government launch
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    • 205 7 :ESI LTS OF EXAMINATIONS COME BY CABLE. The following results of the 1928 December Cambridge Locals for the pupils of the Malacca High School have arrived by .able: 1, Ling Ah Choon (first), School Certificate; 2, S. P. S. Samv Pillay, Malayan Certificate; 3, Tan Kim Bock, Malayan
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    • 172 7 One of the Circus Moth seaplanes of the Singapore Flying Club, piloted by Mr. W. I. L. Legg, Captain of the Club, with Mr. R. W. Stringer, the Singapore Manager for tne Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., s passenger, left Singapore at 6.30 i.m., on Saturday and arrived
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    • 223 7 To-night’s attraction at the! Rialto Theatre is Peter B. Kyne’t sensational story, Freedom of the Press,” start ing Lewis Stone, Marceiine Day, Henry B. Walthall and Malcolm McGregor. On Thursday the management will present Britain’s greatest achievement, The Flag Lieutenant (The Naval Beau Geste v: rongly supported by
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    • 163 7 On Thursday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson invited some of cheir Malacca friends to the'ir flat in Tranquerah to see the beautifu flower of the Keng Hua plant, oi night-blooming cereus. There were five blooms of this exquisite flower of purest white which resembles in
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    • 78 7 Guardian readers are re minded of the meeting of clerica staffs of firms and estates in Malac ca and the surrounding district, which is to be heid in the Cninese Volunteer Clubhouse, Bona Vistr Road, at 5.30 p.m. to-day, to con sider the formation of a Mercantile Co-operative
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    • 374 7 On Saturday. March 2, a “pick up cricket match was played on ihe Club Padang. Major Griffin, who was acting as L T mpire, received a severe blow on the leg from the cricket bail which fortunately has not incapacitated him. After the match a Grama phone Dance
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    • 112 7 All music lovers of Malacca will oe delighted to hear that we aie again to be favoured with a return visit from Mr. William Heughan, aie famous dramatic singer, who will be accompanied by Miss Gladys Sayer, who is a pianist of considerable merit. Miss Maud Beli,
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    • 84 7 The engagement is announced of Tr. H. S. Pereira, of the P.W.D., Malacca, eldest son of Mr. G. D. Pereira, Bill Collector of tne Malacca Electric Lighting, Ltd., and Mrs. Lucretia Pereira of Tranquerah, to Miss Patricia Carvalho, daughter of .he late Mr. J. L. Carvalho and Mrs. Lizarda
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    • 53 7 At a Coroner’s inquest hold on Wednesday a verdict of death by misadventure was returned in the case of Ah Seng, of 11 Kampong •Java, w’ho was a lorry cleaner and fell from the top of a load on February 17. No blame was attached to .he driver
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    • 318 7 The body of a child about ten days old was found wrapped up in an old coat at the 3*4. milestone, Bachang Road, on the 19th of last nonth. The cause of death is beieved to have been broncho-pneu-monia. A Coroner’s inquest was held by Mr. J. H.
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    • 465 8 On Friday and Saturday of this week a cricket match is planned between the Malacca Club and the Teachers’ Association and a week hence the Club plans to play against the lndo-Ceylonese team. A cricket match was played on Saturday between the High School and the lndo-Ceylonese Association. The
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    • 154 8 Owing to the Hari Raya Puasa the Malacca Golf Club ladies’ monthly medal for March will be played to-morrow instead of on the second Wednesday of the month as usual. The result of the monthly meda’ (men’s) played on Saturday and Sunday, the second and third instant, was: 1,
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    • 481 8 RESULT OF MALACCA CLUB TOURNAMENT TO SATURDAY. Men’s Open Singles. Anderson beat M. Clark, 10-8, 6-0; Davies beat Sanderson, 6-2, 6-3. Men’s Handicap Singles. Fisher and Beatty beat Steely and Hill (w. 0.). Allen and Everson beat Lambert and Johnstone, 3-6, 7-5, 715. Men’s Open Doubles. Sanderson and Nankivell
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 219 8 I Penang to Singapore 1 13 hours 45 minutes i I Mr. J. Robson’s achievement on g a Motor Cycle. I Shell Motor Spirit and Shell Lubricating Oil USED THROUGHOUT. i MOTOR CYCLES H*VE OUrSTANDLG MERITS. MODELS FROM 2.77 TO 5.49 H. P. Prices from $365 up. STOCKED BY SOLE
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    • 196 8 FRASER 8 NEAYE LTD. 2 CAN GIVE DELIVERY OP THEIR FAMOUS 0 1 1 Aerated Waters jj IN ALL PARTS OF MALACCA TERRITORY. £f P Enquire for Prices and Date fi U of Delivery in your istrict. h: fi xx ty fi SODA WATER LEMONADE fi XX fi GINGER ALE
      196 words

    • 658 9 Jm hanged to deceive POLICE. t'anni coolie named Singalan JM .-lore Mr. l)odd in the Dismrt on Tuesday on a charge gH sinjr grievous hurt to his wife i-nmau Estate on January 2. fvm -tor Spinks prosecuted. J. F. Woodford, Supt. of C MB an of the Estate,
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    • 418 9 Twenty-eight sheets of rubber which he said he picked up in the road were the cause of the downfail of an aged Chinese named Tan Ah Keng who was tried in the District Court, on Monday. About midnight on January 20 a bangsal at Nyalas in which
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    • 229 9 Chandar Singh, an unusually powerful looking Sikh, was tried before Mr. Dodd in the Police Court on Monday on a charge of assaulting Sikh Constable 3267. The complainant said that on February 23 he was on traffic duty at the junction of First Cross Street and Jonker Street.
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    • 478 9 HYLAM CLUB USED AS COMMON GAMING HOUSE. The Keng Tai Kee Society of No. 4, Kee Ann Road was raided by a police party under Mr. W. E. Rigby, Assistant Registrar of Societies, at 3.50 p.m. on Friday. Nineteen Chinese, mostly apparently Hylam house servants, were arrested. Some
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    • 110 9 Two strong appearing Chinese cooiie women were before Mr. Dodo on Tuesday on a charge of begging, ;to which they pleaded guiity, saying they were strangers here, having recently arrived from Honan, Their husbands were present n Court and said that they sold artificial flowers, but their wives
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 227 9 1 “ASPRO” IS WHAT YOU WANT ill T 'ASPRO"Toes Wot Harm The Heart "ASPRO" Does Not Harm The~Heart. jj 18 “ASPRO" will relieve:- ĔBBj&tSĔm Vou can take ••JSPIO" anywhere at SI Ii JS? n.,a,rt„ r„„ cm, MB--- £i\ Wk J,< Bls n#l if g|g Headaches, fever, Colds, Rheumaiism, a j(g
      227 words

  • 2762 10 MR. NIXON S REVIEW. MR. ALEC MCKENZIE ELECTED CHAIRMAN. The annual general meeting oi w the Malacca Planters’ Association was held yesterday at the Malacca L Club, the non. Mr. H. E. Nixon the chairman presiding, there was a 1 large attendance among those present being: The
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  • 494 10 OFFICIAL OPENING OF NEW ELECTRIC PLANT. There was a very pleasing official function at Jasin, on Monday evening, under tne auspices of the Rural Board, when tne new electric lighting plant installed by tne Central Engine Works of Singapore was opened for business. Those present included the Hon.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 249 10 RIALTO THEATRE. U PROGRAMMES Trom Mon llth to Wed 13th March 1929. j From lhurs Uth to Sun. 17th March 1929. j? At 9 15 p.m. I At 9.15 p.m. *H* fell It To The Judge” Monsieur Don’t Care ICon-edv) [comedv] The Latest Paths G. zstte Peter t>. Kyne’s Ths
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    • 378 11 HkTI KE OF SULTAN AM) G.O.C. departure of an English mail Ht Irom the wharf at SingaHiiways j)resents a lively scene 9}, i-e was much more animaHjian usual when the P. and O. ■> ‘donia sailed for Europe H the East Wharf on Friday Rng, the reason
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    • 182 11 BRITISH SOLDIERS AT SINGAPORE ACCUSED. Both the police and the military authorities are thoroughly investigating the murder of an aged Chinese squatter who is alleged to have been brutally asaulted by a number of soldiers, says The Malaya Tribune.” A report has been made to the Police to
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    • 195 11 Some months ago the Daily Express announced that the Government had granted to Mr. A. B. Milne, the well-known planter, a fairly large concession in the neighbourhood of Cameron’s Highlands for the planting of tea. The Daily Express is now able to announce on the best possible
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    • 54 11 J. BIRCH PLEADS GUILTY TO ASSAULT. A sensational Pahang case in which the O.C.P.D. and native officers were charged with most offensive assaults on two Malay prostitutes ended in the European official entering a plea of guilty and the charge against the others being withdrawn.
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    • 129 11 A Batu Pahat correspondent writes to the Malaya Tribune tiiat on the Ist inst., at about 11 T.m., during the course of his task, a Tamil tapper was attacked by a tiger. After a search of more than three hours, the body was found in the blukar
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    • 457 11 During the last week end Inspector Smith of the Alor Gajah Police produced a Chinese Hylam named Lee Ah Heng, of Paya Datoh, before the Alor Gajah Police Court on a charge of screening an offender from legal punishment for an offence of theft, and alternatively with
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    • 757 11 REPORT OF PLANTERS’ ASSN. SUBCOMMITTEE. The report of The Maiacca Planters’ Association sub-committee appointed to enquire into the constitution and working of the Malacca Agricultural Medical Board is as follows: Tne sub-committee consisted of the foiiowing members: Messrs. A. McKenzie, Chairman; A. Gould, Secretary; C. Milne, A. Simpson
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 78 11 I <4> I u >.v *H* j Q* *H* 1 Dependable Used Cars, g WATCH THIS BULLETIN gj g K\CH WEEK H; For G 3cd Used Car Values x j 501 Fiat 10/15 -$1,050.00 U 501 Fiat 10/15 850.00 x I ;id* 509 Fiat 8.5 050.00 -x ;H: 509 Fiat
      78 words
    • 175 11 t V>6 be t .A U V t \4’s sttUC Vie vVOt Av Vs 1 t c V* sS c> c a\v ftaS VA^ W v,\e f to^ bta 0 j im»t atiol S TRADE MARK FLASHLIGHTS BATTERIES —they last longer Factory Representatives MULLER PHIFPS (MALAYA), LTD. L nion Bldg.,
      175 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 53 12 I jjl! (T®> hi iii V i v wLi fl I is it tQat gives f j! P* M tfie Hall Mark of excellence i dm to a cigarette Surely it I j /j/'W' is tbs pre-eminent quality J proved bu time and trialj at least that is 0)e experience
      53 words